This is how i fix my TF300TG stuck on recovery. I hope the steps descried below will help.
Long story, short:
For some reasons, seems like the WIPE command from TWRP and CWM recovery screw the partitions.
No partitions or microSD card can be mounted.
The tablet is now booting only in recovery mode or in fastboot mode (the screen with three icons - RTK, Android and WIPE) instead of Android.
If your tablet reboot in fastboot mode DONT WIPE IT AGAIN! Just skip step 4.
Recharge your tablet for at least two hours.During the flashing process the tablet doesn`t charge.
Use the original Asus USB cable that came with the tablet or a high quality replacement cable. Cheap cables can and will cause problems.
Use a laptop or desktop with known good USB ports. If you have problems, try a diferent computer, some USB chips can cause troubles.
Disable the antivirus or screensaver, sleep etc...
1.Download these files:
from ASUS website:
Drivers&Tools, on the OS tab select Android
click on Utilities and download latest version of ASUS PC Sync (you will need this for drivers)
click on Firmware and download the lastest available (you will need this for BLOB file)
Minimal ADB and Fastboot:
install ASUS PC Sync and Minimal ADB and Fastboot (on fastboot installer check the box that make a shortcut to desktop)
unzip the firmware file downloaded from ASUS site
you will get a second zip file, unzip this one too
the folder unzipped from the second one contain a file called blob
copy or move the folder to the root of your drive C: or D: or whatever drive letter you have
2.Installing drivers:
connect your tablet to PC
you will get a message about Windows couldnt find driver bla...bla, ignore it and keep your tablet plugged
IMPORTANT: even if you previously installed ASUS PC Sync or other drivers and Windows recognize your tablet, you still need to change the driver.
right-click on My Computer-Properties and click Device Manager
find the Asus Android device - should be with an exclamation mark on it (the driver is not installed sign)
right-click on it and choose:
Update Driver Software..., Browse my computer for driver software, Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer, Have disk, Browse
go to C:\Program Files or Program Files (x86), ASUS, ASUS Android USB Drivers, Android and select android_winusb.inf
Asus Android Composite ADB interface will appear in the list of device drivers - don`t hit next yet!
uncheck Show Compatible Hardware and select Asus Android Bootloader Interface from the list, now hit next
3.ADB mode:
open Minimal ADB and Fastboot from desktop - from this point, keep it open
type: adb devices - and you should see some numbers under the List of device attached - thats your tablet
if you can`t see the tablet, try this command: adb start-server
4.Booting to "fastboot":
there are two ways to do this:
a) from adb window type: adb reboot bootloader
b) reset and hold vol-down (didn`t work for me, but maybe will work for someone else)
the three icons will appear on screen - NOW YOU ARE IN FASTBOOT MODE
if none of the above work try this:
in adb window type: adb reboot
wait until the tablet enter in recovery menu and type in adb window:
adb shell dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p3
adb reboot bootloader
5. Flasing the blob
the credits for this part goes to buster99. He is the one who figured out the right commands for formatting partitions and flashing back the OS
here is his post:
here we go, one at the time in adb window:
fastboot erase system
fastboot erase recovery
fastboot erase userdata
fastboot erase boot
fastboot erase misc
fastboot erase cache
fastboot -i 0x0B05 flash system x:\your blob folder\blob (here you enter the path to your blob file, must end with blob, to point at the file)
fastboot -i 0x0B05 reboot
be pacient and wait until the progress bar is 100% full on the tablet and you get the command prompt back in the adb window.
After reboot, the Android is back on.
Cheers and good luck!!
A big thank you alexhosu,
several months ago that my tablet was blocked, but I still kept hope
a solution would be found. I'm really happy for you and thank you again for sharing.
Long live XDA
me too
Thanks from me too; was enjoying 5.0 (timduru) on my TF300 when I went to upgrade and idiotically managed to get into a TWRP bootloop(interrupted a format of \data and then used 'wipe' from the boot screen by mistake...)
Your solution has saved my tablet
Am now carefully reinstalling Katkiss
This saved my (veggie) bacon too, something went wrong when flashing new ROM (most likely user error - e.g. my fault). Tablet woud go into an eternal boot wouldn't finish booting, nandroid recovery did the same. Used this technique and have a working stock ROM from which I intend to reinstall TimDuru's Lollipop.
Thanks again
Followed the instructions.. Worked well, but getting error 963 when installing/updating anything in Play Store. Seems to be related to storage permissions. Some users are suggesting using format instead of erase. What's the difference? Could that help.
I did factory reset, reflashed and used fix permissions in TWRP but no luck...
alexhosu said:
This is how i fix my TF300TG stuck on recovery. I hope the steps descried below will help.
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Big thanks from me.
I killed my tablet with an accidental restore to factory defaults while in cm12, an got stuck in an endless bootloader boot loop.
my tablet came back too life at the end of section 4 after adb shell dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p3.
although getting adb to talk to the tablet was a fluke.
I just kept trying to send "adb shell dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p3" while the tablet was loading (boot looping)
6 months of believing my tablet was dead, after letting CM12 do its own update thing, and now, thanks to the above instructions, I'm back online and its working with the stock rom.
Thank you so much for this. No idea why I couldn't find these instructions before, then I just gave up, back in business now!
Thanks a lot for your guide, this is what helped me fortunately unbrick my device, i was stuck in a boot loop with a broken recovery
Another tablet saved. Know your work is appreciated.
i have the same problem, the system doesn't pass the ASUS logo, i tired to log into fastboot (reset + volume down) and i was able to see the three icons but adb doesn't recognize my device. i see the drivers are correctly installed but no working adb. Any help is highly appreciated.
ajeevlal said:
i have the same problem, the system doesn't pass the ASUS logo, i tired to log into fastboot (reset + volume down) and i was able to see the three icons but adb doesn't recognize my device. i see the drivers are correctly installed but no working adb. Any help is highly appreciated.
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Did you try entering "fastboot devices" or just "adb devices"? adb wont find your device in the bootloader, but using fastboot commands should unless it truly is not connecting for some reason.
Act32.97 said:
Did you try entering "fastboot devices" or just "adb devices"? adb wont find your device in the bootloader, but using fastboot commands should unless it truly is not connecting for some reason.
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yeah Fastboot devices worked but it was not letting me flashing the rom, when i push the blob file it says 'sending' and stays in the same state for days.
ajeevlal said:
yeah Fastboot devices worked but it was not letting me flashing the rom, when i push the blob file it says 'sending' and stays in the same state for days.
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I would try moving the blob to the root of the C drive and try the 7th command "fastboot -i 0x0B05 flash system C:\blob" just to make sure sometime of file permission type issue isn't happening on the pc side. Other than that the only kind of issue I think it could be would have to be the connection with the drivers, although if erasing the partition's works fine, I don't really see what could be going on.
I followed all the steps and delete, but when loading the file update.blob I get this error:
C: \ Users \ mikel> C: \ Users \ mikel \ Android \ android-sdk \ platform-tools \ fastboot flash system update.blob
error: can not load 'update.blob'
Can someone help me out?
TF300T KissKat
Theziggy said:
This saved my (veggie) bacon too, something went wrong when flashing new ROM (most likely user error - e.g. my fault). Tablet woud go into an eternal boot wouldn't finish booting, nandroid recovery did the same. Used this technique and have a working stock ROM from which I intend to reinstall TimDuru's Lollipop.
Thanks again
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Hey, I know that I'm a couple years late on this. But, I was just given a Asus Transformer TF300T, and attempted to install the Kisskat custom rom. I unlocked the device with little issues. Rooted with little issues. But when it came to flashing the rom. I get his error saying that "no MD5 file found" and holds it there for a couple of minutes. Then gives me the failed install. My only option is to boot into recovery and restore the stock JB 4.2. If you could point me in the right direction, I would greatly appreciate it. I've searched the forum for someone with a similar issue, and couldn't find it. I hope that I'm not alone on this one. It would kill me to be stuck with the stock rom.
Hi i made a format data from TWRP recovery, and now i am in a recovery loop and got error of mount partitions, i can access to recovery and the screen with 3 icons, but when i plug to my pc it shows as uknown usb, i install the drivers but dosent reconose as a fastboot device, in minimal adb when i write fastboot devices the result is empty pleace help me.
Muito obrigado!
I know this must seem odd, being such an old thread and all but, after several years adding apps and changing ROMs on my wife's TF300T (my gift!) only these past weeks I had the need to search for help, after installing nougatella 7.1, which I did with success, only to stumble on endless logo loops and loading processes without conclusion. Don't get me wrong, the ROM looks great and it wasn't that hard to install but, after two weeks or so, gave me this problem and after correcting it and installing again the ROM, I got in trouble again...
After some five hours googling and trying different stuff, I finally found this thread and twenty minutes ago (around 2:AM) my ASUS returned to its (Jellybean) life!
Alexhosu, thank you so very much for such a detailed, yet easy to follow guide and, if you happen to come to Portugal on vacation and visit Setúbal, I'll have a bottle of Moscatel waiting for you!
Many thanks to Droidbound (who got me off the hook the first time the tablet went nuts!), and also Kevinthefixer, Gtanner00 and some other very inteligent, patient and thoughtful people, and all the guys who shared their difficulties and in a way helped me find the people with the fix.
For anyone interested in trying this method, I would say that it's paramount that you should stick exactly with what is asked and should pay real atention to what is the correct ROM update to download and use. If anyone needs help with translation to Portuguese, just say so.
Again, thank you so much for this!
alexhosu said:
This is how i fix my TF300TG stuck on recovery. I hope the steps descried below will help.
if none of the above work try this:
in adb window type: adb reboot
wait until the tablet enter in recovery menu and type in adb window:
adb shell dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p3
adb reboot bootloader
5. Flasing the blob
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Thanks for your help :good: and I'm sorry for my basic English, but here is another tablet saved. Your instructions were clear and my tablet is working.
I hope this information helps, based in the next link (user sszyman):
in which he recommends using the following commands too:
adb shell dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p2
adb shell dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p8
adb shell dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p1
With these commands and "adb shell dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p3" I was able to solve my Bootloop problem.
Honestly I don't know which of the commands worked, I used all several times.
Update: When you flash the recovery and supersu files make sure to have the remove encryption file on sd card aswell and add it to the list and flash and if you hang at boot screen.. boot into recovery and wipe cache.. reboot.
Make sure you have the proper drivers and make sure you have a real good usb cable... This rar has the usb drivers and the files already in the folder just drop onto desktop and run cmd.exe
Files Needed:
Make sure you are in bootloader or this will not work..
Key combo to get into bootloader or recovery via hard keys.
power off
volume up + power = recovery
volume down + power = bootloader
from bootloader you have several choices to boot, just pres volume down to choose, power to select.
1. To make sure you are connected run command (adb devices) enter
2. Once you see your device run command (adb reboot bootloader) Then..
3. Run command (fastboot boot boot.img) wait for downloading dialog...
4. Then run command (fastboot flash recovery twrp_recovery.img) and make sure you have the proper files on sd card.. i put all files in the folder on my sd card to make sure...
5. once the screen says okay on tablet.. push the vol down button until you see recovery mode and then push power to start twrp recovery..
6. Once in twrp flash and then reboot... you should have root on reboot:good:
I think I understand your instructions but I have a few questions.
Am I typing all of the commands on my pc? (- SuperSU)
Step 3 has “Run command “(fastboot boot boot.img)” I see 2 files and so those are two separate commands to run correct?
Step 4 Then run command (fastboot flash recovery twrp_recovery.img) and make sure you have the proper files on sd card.. i put all files in the folder on my sd card to make sure... Again is this 2 commands to run? I see the twrp_recovery.img file but no fastboot flash recovery file?
In step 4 should I be using theses 2 commannds;
fastboot flash boot boot.img
fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
ahunter said:
I think I understand your instructions but I have a few questions.
Am I typing all of the commands on my pc? (- SuperSU)
Step 3 has “Run command “(fastboot boot boot.img)” I see 2 files and so those are two separate commands to run correct?
Step 4 Then run command (fastboot flash recovery twrp_recovery.img) and make sure you have the proper files on sd card.. i put all files in the folder on my sd card to make sure... Again is this 2 commands to run? I see the twrp_recovery.img file but no fastboot flash recovery file?
In step 4 should I be using theses 2 commannds;
fastboot flash boot boot.img
fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
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run them just as there posted make sure all files on the sd card and you should be fine..
Thanks for your reply. Those commands are run on the PC in the cmd window right? and I copied the files in the directory to my SD card I installed on the nextbook should that be a problem. Shoul this be the SD card or internal memory? I didn't run the commands the way they were written last night & didn't have success. I am getting hung up on 3. Run command (fastboot boot boot.img) wait for downloading dialog...
My pc and tablet are seeing eachother but they both say waiting, I don't think my files are being seen.
ahunter said:
Thanks for your reply. Those commands are run on the PC in the cmd window right? and I copied the files in the directory to my SD card I installed on the nextbook should that be a problem. Shoul this be the SD card or internal memory? I didn't run the commands the way they were written last night & didn't have success. I am getting hung up on 3. Run command (fastboot boot boot.img) wait for downloading dialog...
My pc and tablet are seeing eachother but they both say waiting, I don't think my files are being seen.
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Make sure you uninstall and reinstall the usb drivers in the folder and run the cmd from the folder and if still nothing try a new cable and usb port... when you run command adb devices do you see your listed as numbers and some letters?
After the adv devices command it gives me; listed devices YFGV0815002950 device. That should be the tablet, it’s the only thing attached w/usb & it also shows up in explorer.
After the adb reboot bootloader cmd the tablet reboots into bootloader with “Fastboot CMD WAITING “ at the bottom of the screen.
After the fastboot boot boot.img cmd my pc cmd rompt says <waiting for device> and my tablet stillhas the Fastboot screen mode & FASTBOOT CMD WAITING at the bottom of the screen
That is as far as I get. I copied all of the files in your download link in the .rar format and to a directory on my internal tablet storage. It seems like the tablet is waiting for a file but I don't understand why.
ahunter said:
After the adv devices command it gives me; listed devices YFGV0815002950 device. That should be the tablet, it’s the only thing attached w/usb & it also shows up in explorer.
After the adb reboot bootloader cmd the tablet reboots into bootloader with “Fastboot CMD WAITING “ at the bottom of the screen.
After the fastboot boot boot.img cmd my pc cmd rompt says <waiting for device> and my tablet stillhas the Fastboot screen mode & FASTBOOT CMD WAITING at the bottom of the screen
That is as far as I get. I copied all of the files in your download link in the .rar format and to a directory on my internal tablet storage. It seems like the tablet is waiting for a file but I don't understand why.
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there is a problem after you boot into bootloader i had the same problem for days.. i just played with cables and drivers use the ones inside the folder they worked for me...
I'll keep trying. It has be the drivers.
I followed these directions to a T, but for some reason the device can not read the SD card while in recovery. Any clues as to why this is happening?
So I was online shopping for my first tablet when I came across this thread. . . It led me down to the local WALMART and I picked one up. I successfully completed the process, or so I thought. I went to reboot after flashing everything, and twrp says " no OS installed! Are you sure you want to reboot?"
What did I do wrong?
I have tried several times to download the remove encryption file must be a bad link or something. Is there another download site or can someone send to me plz
Nvm I ran it over with my car because I couldn't get the download link to work. If anyone wants it for parts send me a message. Its brand new only been used maybe 2 weeks. The most wear and tear on it was my Buick regal hitting it at about 45 mph in a pissed off rage. don't think all the insides are smashed tho. Possibly a good fixer upper
Is this fastboot and adb custom versions?
I have adb and fastboot in my path (runable from anywhere)..
ADB says the version release is the same number.
do I need to use your versions for the tablet?
does not work, link changes to
and asks me to upload a file?
Link working sorry...
TWRP 3.0
C:\Users\Fuzzy\Desktop\root_twrp_remove_encryption>fastboot flash recovery twrp_
target reported max download size of 536870912 bytes
sending 'recovery' (15558 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.510s]
writing 'recovery'...
OKAY [ 0.320s]
finished. total time: 0.830s
Copied the two zip files to both a 4gb fat32 formatted microsdhc
and internal storage via MTP to the device then ran ADB 1.0.32
and rebooted to bootloader. (adb finds device fine)
fastboot devices reported device number fastboot.
flashed TWRP in package you uploaded yesterday.
it says both internal and external cards are empty?
internal card has files that the manufacturer put there,
but TWRP can't see them?
What am I doing wrong?
Any ideas how to fix?
log says 'unable to find crypto file'
and it couldn't mount /data or /storage filesystems
installed TWRP3 that allowed the installs although it still
could not open /data. It did find the external card installed
from there.
I am guessing the forced encryption made /data unreadable.
hopefully now with the encryption removed the /data
partition will be readable.
I reran recovery to check and log now has no failures!!!
I'm guessing the changed boot.img fixed the issues it was having.
cant get files. takes me to a site to sign up. can you dropbox link them please?
I just won this tablet in a contest. Anyone have the file? I managed to find all of the other required files but none of the links in this thread work anymore.
whats the problem with the links? site says free but wants me to pay. losing my head here, and it seems im not the only one
Bad filedropper links
Filedroper no links available, asks us to register and pay for stuff that's not there anymore
can you like put them on Google drive, SendSpace, DropBox, and/or ZippyShare
Hi Team,
I was able to unlock the bootloader on motg3 and do a twrp img. However when I ran the command
adb reboot recovery it doesn't boot into the recovery img and it just says no command on the phone screen. Please help.
'No Command' means you've still got the stock recovery. Flash TWRP again by:
fastboot flash recovery twrp.img
(Where twrp.img is the filename of the custom recovery).
Do *not* reboot the phone into system, instead scroll down to select 'recovery' and press power button to load TWRP.
TWRP should load now, swipe to confirm modification (important). Now go to reboot>recovery. Allow the phone to reboot back to TWRP. Now you can select reboot>system and TWRP shall stick permanently.
Broadcasted from Zeta Reticuli
Volume buttons aren't working on the mobile. So I tried adb reboot recovery. But still it didn't boot into recovery. Here is what I had tried.
TWRP will be overwritten by stock recovery if the system is booted up before booting TWRP once.
If the volume buttons are broken, then I'd suggest you first copy twrp.img into phone memory, boot the recovery by :
fastboot boot recovery.img
Allow modifications, then go to Install>Select Image (img), browse twrp.img on phone>select 'recovery' and swipe to flash.
Now reboot>recovery and then reboot>system. Now it should stick.
I'd recommend being extra careful if your volume button, especially volume down button is broken. If you somehow end up with a non-booting phone, you'd have no way (that I know of) to get to the bootloader mode.
Broadcasted from Zeta Reticuli
I tried fastboot boot recovery.img but it says waiting for device and nothing happens.
Make sure your phone is in the bootloader mode and is being recognized by the pc. Run:
fastboot devices
and make sure it returns with 1 entry of the device along with the text 'fastboot'. Then the command should work.
Broadcasted from Zeta Reticuli
arunkumar413 said:
Hi Team,
I was able to unlock the bootloader on motg3 and do a twrp img. However when I ran the command
adb reboot recovery it doesn't boot into the recovery img and it just says no command on the phone screen. Please help.
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Make sure you have installed proper Motorola drivers & Fastboot on you're PC / laptop,
You can get those files from this thread
After installing proper drivers goto this thread download & flash latest twrp by given instructions by OP..
I just checked the usb drivers page but there aren't any usb drivers for Linux.
I tried the command sudo fastboot boot recovery.img and it returned there is no such file or directory. Should recovery file be on phone or on the laptop. Also should all these commands be run from a specific folder either on phone or system?
[email protected] ~ $ sudo fastboot boot recovery.img
cannot load 'recovery.img': No such file or directory
[email protected] ~ $
arunkumar413 said:
I just checked the usb drivers page but there aren't any usb drivers for Linux.
I tried the command sudo fastboot boot recovery.img and it returned there is no such file or directory. Should recovery file be on phone or on the laptop. Also should all these commands be run from a specific folder either on phone or system?
[email protected] ~ $ sudo fastboot boot recovery.img
cannot load 'recovery.img': No such file or directory
[email protected] ~ $
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Yes, the terminal should be open to the directory containing the recovery.img file. For simplicity, place twrp into your home folder. The default location for most terminals is home, so no worries about directory now.
Just to be sure, type in :
(LS lowercase)
Your file should be in the list. You are ready to flash now.
Try the fastboot boot command again.
As you're using GNU/Linux (guessed it early from your screenshots), drivers should not be a problem, at least for this device; unless you are running a minimal or highly customised distro like Gentoo or Arch.
Note: And yes, you'll need another copy of TWRP inside phone storage to actually flash into the device, the PC one is just used to boot temporarily into TWRP.
Broadcasted from Zeta Reticuli
To add more clarity. There are two files here:
1) recovery.img
I was able to get the twrp.img file but where do I get the recovery.img file?
Hi All,
Thanks for all the help. I'm now able to root into the device.
arunkumar413 said:
To add more clarity. There are two files here:
1) recovery.img
I was able to get the twrp.img file but where do I get the recovery.img file?
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I apologize for confusing you. They are the one and same. Just rename the downloaded TWRP img file to twrp.img and copy it over to both home folder in pc and into phone.
Use fastboot boot command on pc to temporarily boot up twrp in phone, allow modifications by swiping, go to Install>Install Image (img) option on the bottom>select the twrp.img inside the phone and flash it to 'recovery' partition.
Now reboot>recovery. This time the twrp should be permanently flashed and working properly. You are done.
Edit: Didn't see your last post, glad that you worked it out
Broadcasted from Zeta Reticuli
arunkumar413 said:
To add more clarity. There are two files here:
1) recovery.img
I was able to get the twrp.img file but where do I get the recovery.img file?
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There can be only one either recovery.img file or you are trying to replace your stock recovery by TWRP... And you need .img file for this.... Just check the name there should be just one if you have TWRP.img then there is no need for recovery.img file
Hi All,
After I was able to flash twrp and root into the phone I switched off the phone and turned on after couple of days. But now the display isn't turning on. However adb is able to detect the device and also I was able to access the file system through usb. Could you please help me troubleshoot the display issue?
arunkumar413 said:
Hi All,
After I was able to flash twrp and root into the phone I switched off the phone and turned on after couple of days. But now the display isn't turning on. However adb is able to detect the device and also I was able to access the file system through usb. Could you please help me troubleshoot the display issue?
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Try rebooting into the recovery mode by:
adb reboot recovery
And doing a Cache/ART cleanup.
If the phone boots up (it should vibrate) but the screen doesn't light up (not even a blank dark grey screen), then I'm afraid the display is at fault.
How to root moto g3
I try to root my motor but network has gone
Then how I root
My Android phone (Motorola Edge) can no longer start properly after a failed system update. The message I get is: "Cannot load Android system. Your data may be corrupt. If you continue to get this message, you may need to perform a factory data reset and erase all user data stored on this device."
I've tried restarting it in recovery mode which didn't work. I've read that I may be able to install some software via USB and rescue the system but I have no idea how that's done. I've looked at some different rescue software such as Rescue and Smart Assistant (which would only let me rescue the phone which will erase all data) and Dr.Fone but the reviews aren't convincing and the unofficial software programs generally don't support Motorola phones. Does anyone know how to fix my phone without losing my data?? Any help is much appreciated.
Also; I'm in no way a developer so I need everything explained to me like I'm 12 years old.
hi, kid welcome to xda.
now about your problem, it is very simple.
1) download latest firmware according to your country.
2) boot the phone into recovery mode.
3) if you have windows on pc then install minimal adb and fast boot from this Link
4) connect your phone to pc using adb cable ( the cable in charger )
5)open command prompt type adb devices
6) if you see any thing like 213547448882 recovery ( recovery should be displayed)
7) type adb reboot bootloader
secondly unzip the downloaded firmware you will see many files with .img extension
8) type fastboot erase system
9) type fastboot flash system <----- here don't type system rather drag and drop file in cmd for location of file
10) if result is success then you must boot normally without data lose.
[email protected] said:
hi, kid welcome to xda.
now about your problem, it is very simple.
1) download latest firmware according to your country.
2) boot the phone into recovery mode.
3) if you have windows on pc then install minimal adb and fast boot from this Link
4) connect your phone to pc using adb cable ( the cable in charger )
5)open command prompt type adb devices
6) if you see any thing like 213547448882 recovery ( recovery should be displayed)
7) type adb reboot bootloader
secondly unzip the downloaded firmware you will see many files with .img extension
8) type fastboot erase system
9) type fastboot flash system <----- here don't type system rather drag and drop file in cmd for location of file
10) if result is success then you must boot normally without data lose.
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Thank you so much for your input. Unfortunately I can't make it work. When I type 'adb devices', I get this text:
List of devices attached
ZY227HQ2BX sideload
I've attached more info. Not sure if this has something to do with "USB debugging"?
all things right,
that sideload appears because you have stock recovery {no need to worry}
you don't need to erase system, (it is like optional)
and the error ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT....... is because as i said earlier you have to copy the path of the file not file name.
how to copy path of the file ?
well, simple on windows, open the folder in which system file is present. and again open command prompt type (remember to be in fastboot mode in mobile phone)
fastboot flash {drag and drop system file from folder to command prompt}.
it should look like (but not the same, it is an example)
fastboot flash E:/newfolder/nexus/files/system.img
tell me if you face any problem (also include screenshots like you did, great right?)
What file is the system file in this folder?
[email protected] said:
all things right,
that sideload appears because you have stock recovery {no need to worry}
you don't need to erase system, (it is like optional)
and the error ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT....... is because as i said earlier you have to copy the path of the file not file name.
how to copy path of the file ?
well, simple on windows, open the folder in which system file is present. and again open command prompt type (remember to be in fastboot mode in mobile phone)
fastboot flash {drag and drop system file from folder to command prompt}.
it should look like (but not the same, it is an example)
fastboot flash E:/newfolder/nexus/files/system.img
tell me if you face any problem (also include screenshots like you did, great right?)
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Hi again, I've spent all weekend trying to figure it out but so far no luck.
I don't know where to find the system file in the folder I downloader (see attached photo in my reply above this). I also tried making a service-batfile with guidance from YouTube but it seems my phone is locked so it doesn't work.
well sorry i was quite busy so i was not able to reply.
first thing first do you need your data
if so boot into twrp. find twrp image for your phone then use command in fastbootmode
fastboot boot and drag and drop twrp file.
after successfully booting into twrp use option to backup and backup your data in any external storage like sd card.
after that run flash all.bat inside your downloaded folder.
i will completely wipe and reinstall your firmware.
then after it again in fastboot mode boot into twrp and restore your backup that's it.
[email protected] said:
well sorry i was quite busy so i was not able to reply.
first thing first do you need your data
if so boot into twrp. find twrp image for your phone then use command in fastbootmode
fastboot boot and drag and drop twrp file.
after successfully booting into twrp use option to backup and backup your data in any external storage like sd card.
after that run flash all.bat inside your downloaded folder.
i will completely wipe and reinstall your firmware.
then after it again in fastboot mode boot into twrp and restore your backup that's it.
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I tried doing it but no success (I really want to keep my data). See attached photo
bro first try fastboot oem unlock then try this command
note. if some pop up ask to click ok in phone click to conform unlocking phone to flash other files (twrp)
[email protected] said:
bro first try fastboot oem unlock then try this command
note. if some pop up ask to click ok in phone click to conform unlocking phone to flash other files (twrp)
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I get this message:
(bootloader) usage: fastboot oem unlock < unlock code >
FAILED (remote failure)
finished. total time: 0.061s
Will unlocking the device delete my data?
SirOinksalot said:
I get this message:
(bootloader) usage: fastboot oem unlock < unlock code >
FAILED (remote failure)
finished. total time: 0.061s
Will unlocking the device delete my data?
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try some windows app to recover it.
sorry unocking will delete data
[email protected] said:
try some windows app to recover it.
sorry unocking will delete data
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What about your original suggestions - will they not work on a locked device? Fx this:
now about your problem, it is very simple.
1) download latest firmware according to your country.
2) boot the phone into recovery mode.
3) if you have windows on pc then install minimal adb and fast boot from this Link
4) connect your phone to pc using adb cable ( the cable in charger )
5)open command prompt type adb devices
6) if you see any thing like 213547448882 recovery ( recovery should be displayed)
7) type adb reboot bootloader
secondly unzip the downloaded firmware you will see many files with .img extension
8) type fastboot erase system
9) type fastboot flash system <----- here don't type system rather drag and drop file in cmd for location of file
10) if result is success then you must boot normally without data lose.
SirOinksalot said:
What about your original suggestions - will they not work on a locked device? Fx this:
now about your problem, it is very simple.
1) download latest firmware according to your country.
2) boot the phone into recovery mode.
3) if you have windows on pc then install minimal adb and fast boot from this Link
4) connect your phone to pc using adb cable ( the cable in charger )
5)open command prompt type adb devices
6) if you see any thing like 213547448882 recovery ( recovery should be displayed)
7) type adb reboot bootloader
secondly unzip the downloaded firmware you will see many files with .img extension
8) type fastboot erase system
9) type fastboot flash system <----- here don't type system rather drag and drop file in cmd for location of file
10) if result is success then you must boot normally without data lose.
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it will work but need to be modified as your frimware is different i mean hybrid which does not contain system image.
try to clear caches using fastboot : fastboot clear cache
and try to reboot hope it will work. acctuly i have exams so i am a quite busy now a days sorry
SirOinksalot said:
What about your original suggestions - will they not work on a locked device? Fx this:
now about your problem, it is very simple.
1) download latest firmware according to your country.
2) boot the phone into recovery mode.
3) if you have windows on pc then install minimal adb and fast boot from this Link
4) connect your phone to pc using adb cable ( the cable in charger )
5)open command prompt type adb devices
6) if you see any thing like 213547448882 recovery ( recovery should be displayed)
7) type adb reboot bootloader
secondly unzip the downloaded firmware you will see many files with .img extension
8) type fastboot erase system
9) type fastboot flash system <----- here don't type system rather drag and drop file in cmd for location of file
10) if result is success then you must boot normally without data lose.
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How did you resolve your issue ?
[email protected] said:
it will work but need to be modified as your frimware is different i mean hybrid which does not contain system image.
try to clear caches using fastboot : fastboot clear cache
and try to reboot hope it will work. acctuly i have exams so i am a quite busy now a days sorry
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Hello buddy,hope your exams are over and you passed them all with wonderful grades!
I am facving the similar problem and unable to find a solution.Would you mind having a look at this ? Thank you!
during the update the phone got stuck, daughter restarted couple of times but it always got to the 76%, hang there and then restarted itself in the endless loop.
I've tried the the hard reset (Power+VolUP) and it got to the screen saying "No Command". Then I pressed the same combo again to get to the bootloader and tried the wipe / reset. During that process I got the error message "E: Can't send SPI message. Try again" and then it said it was successful, but rebooting did nothing, got stuck in the restart loop.
So I've done the research and wanted to to upload the OTA update, have done that but that didn't do anything.
So I've found some articles on how to upload the stock rom/image but I'm unable to do so as sending adb commands is disabled due to the phone being LOCKED. I've learned that the USB debugging needs to be enabled, however I'm unable to get into the OS to set it up, so found this article:
How to enable USB Debugging in Android using recovery mode?
One million questions, Is it possible to Enable USB Debugging in Android Using Recovery Mode or any other technique? Well, the answer is Yes! It is now
which outlines the following steps (in summary):
Download the Stock ROM for your device- Google it, I am dam sure you can find it. [DONE]
Download SuperSU from [DONE][looks pretty old though]
Steps to Enable USB Debugging Using Recovery Mode
Unzip the stock ROM. [DONE]
Within the extracted folder, you will find the system.img well extract it too using Ext4 Unpacker [DONE but plenty of folder are empty, but eventually plentu of APK along]
Also, extract the file. [DONE, again, looks pretty old]
Now open the folder where you have extracted the system.img files [DONE]
Grab any .apk file from this folder and change the extension from .apk to .zip [PROBLEM: the apks are all over the shop. Which APK shall I pick up?]
And Copy the RSA Certificated to the Update-SuperSU.v1.65 folder (delete previous files if exist) [PROBLEM: unable to find any "RSA Certificated" like files once I open ANY apk]
Also, copy the build.prop to the system folder located within Update-SuperSU.v1.65 folder [BLOCKED by previous step]
Locate the update-script file within this folder and edit it using Notepad++ [BLOCKED by previous step]
You need to update the build.prop file after adding the following line at the bottom [BLOCKED by previous step]
Next step is updating SQLite Database [WHERE would I do this step?]
Which can be done by adding the following code to the update-script file
sqlite3 /data/data/ "UPDATE global SET value=1 WHERE name='adb_enabled'"
What would I do then? How to actually apply the changes back to the phone?
Does anyone know of better / latest step by step process of enabling / unlocking the device or is my device now completely and unrepairably bricked?
Thank you.
Android - Enable ADB from recovery
Android - Enable ADB from recovery. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.
jwoegerbauer said:
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For a while (since when, I don't know) persistent properties are not shared as individual files in /data/property.
They are all packed inside /data/property/persistent_properties.
Try setprop instead.
jwoegerbauer said:
Android - Enable ADB from recovery
Android - Enable ADB from recovery. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.
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will give it a go. thank you.
jwoegerbauer said:
Android - Enable ADB from recovery
Android - Enable ADB from recovery. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.
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I've tried the steps but I'm crashing on sending any commands to the device. While I'm in the recovery, I see the following details and options:
Android Recovery
Use volume up/down and power
Warning: Previous installation has failed. Your device may fail to boot if you reboot or power off now
- Reboot system now
- Reboot to bootloader
- Enter Fastboot
- Apply Update from ADB
- Apply update from SD card
- Wipe data/factory reset
- Mount /system
- View recovery logs
- Run Graphics Test
- Run Locale Test
- Power Off
where I run the adb command:
`adb shell mount data` I get the `adb.exe: no devices/emulators found`.
when I go to the `Apply update from ADB` and run the command above I get `error: closed`.
Basically I'm unable to run any adb commands as of the first message, and the only place I can it's from within the update. I've noticed that while in the 'Update via ADB', then in the Win Device Manager I can see that the driver is changed to `Android Composite ADB Interface` and only now it's accepting very limited commands. `adb devices` command generates: `<device id number>: sideload`.
When in the fastboot, it switches to `Android Bootloader Interface` in the DEvice manager.
When in recovery, the device is disconnected from the computer. (is not listed in the device manager)
any thoughts. thanks
Note: that phone was never rooted.
Bootloader looks like this at the moment:
Fastboot Mode
Product revision: blueline MP1.0(ROW)
Bootloader version: b1c1-0.4-7617406
serial number:
secure booth: PRODUCTION
NOS Production: yes
Device State: Locked
Boot slot: a
vajnorcan said:
I've tried the steps but I'm crashing on sending any commands to the device. While I'm in the recovery, I see the following details and options:
Android Recovery
Use volume up/down and power
Warning: Previous installation has failed. Your device may fail to boot if you reboot or power off now
- Reboot system now
- Reboot to bootloader
- Enter Fastboot
- Apply Update from ADB
- Apply update from SD card
- Wipe data/factory reset
- Mount /system
- View recovery logs
- Run Graphics Test
- Run Locale Test
- Power Off
where I run the adb command:
`adb shell mount data` I get the `adb.exe: no devices/emulators found`.
when I go to the `Apply update from ADB` and run the command above I get `error: closed`.
Basically I'm unable to run any adb commands as of the first message, and the only place I can it's from within the update. I've noticed that while in the 'Update via ADB', then in the Win Device Manager I can see that the driver is changed to `Android Composite ADB Interface` and only now it's accepting very limited commands. `adb devices` command generates: `<device id number>: sideload`.
When in the fastboot, it switches to `Android Bootloader Interface` in the DEvice manager.
When in recovery, the device is disconnected from the computer. (is not listed in the device manager)
any thoughts. thanks
Note: that phone was never rooted.
Bootloader looks like this at the moment:
Fastboot Mode
Product revision: blueline MP1.0(ROW)
Bootloader version: b1c1-0.4-7617406
serial number:
secure booth: PRODUCTION
NOS Production: yes
Device State: Locked
Boot slot: a
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On my pixel3, /dev/block/dm-4 is mounted to /data. Try "adb shell mount /dev/block/dm-4 /data".
The instructions you are following are very old, and likely obsolete. SuperSu is also obsolete. Try to find a newer method.
dcarvil said:
On my pixel3, /dev/block/dm-4 is mounted to /data. Try "adb shell mount /dev/block/dm-4 /data".
The instructions you are following are very old, and likely obsolete. SuperSu is also obsolete. Try to find a newer method.
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the issue is I'm unable to run that command `adb shell mount...` with the `no devices/emulator found` message. I believe it's because the device is not even listed in the device manager (windows) when in recovery mode. When in the update mode, then it's listed in the DM. See my post above, I've updated it few times. Thanks
Btw on that link if you check the posts there are newer ones (1.5y back) claiming it works so might actually work
If you're unable to sideload the OTA via PC, I don't think there's any other option besides paying for a repair, or replacing the device. A locked bootloader definitely makes recovery a lot harder.
V0latyle said:
If you're unable to sideload the OTA via PC, I don't think there's any other option besides paying for a repair, or replacing the device. A locked bootloader definitely makes recovery a lot harder.
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I'm able to sideload the OTA, but restart goes into start being stuck and back and forth but never gets any further than the first google load screen
vajnorcan said:
I'm able to sideload the OTA, but restart goes into start being stuck and back and forth but never gets any further than the first google load screen
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Were you using adb/fastboot before this happened? Was the device recognised then? If not, are you sure you have the right drivers?
AlexKarimov said:
Were you using adb/fastboot before this happened? Was the device recognised then? If not, are you sure you have the right drivers?
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I've used the adb to upload the ota and that went, according the message ok, but the system won't start up. Device is recognized only when I choose the "Apply update from ADB" option in recovery mode. The moment I choose it, it shows up as a device in device manager and "adb devices" lists it ok. In fastboot mode it does list it in device manager, but "adb devices" doesn't list it.
It's the latest driver
vajnorcan said:
I've used the adb to upload the ota and that went, according the message ok, but the system won't start up. Device is recognized only when I choose the "Apply update from ADB" option in recovery mode. The moment I choose it, it shows up as a device in device manager and "adb devices" lists it ok. In fastboot mode it does list it in device manager, but "adb devices" doesn't list it.
It's the latest driver
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If I understand correctly, you're using "adb devices" when in fastboot mode? You need to use "fastboot devices". If that works and lists the phone then you may be able to use the flash tool on the Google website
AlexKarimov said:
If I understand correctly, you're using "adb devices" when in fastboot mode? You need to use "fastboot devices". If that works and lists the phone then you may be able to use the flash tool on the Google website
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This requires OEM Unlocking to be enabled so it won't be much help here.
Rescue Mode might work though.
@vajnorcan try this:
Boot to bootloader and select Rescue Mode using the volume buttons, then press Power to enter it.
On your PC, go to and connect the USB cable to your device. Select your carrier or select "Other" if device is unlocked.
I don't know whether this will actually work...I haven't heard of anyone using this tool to successfully recover.
AlexKarimov said:
If I understand correctly, you're using "adb devices" when in fastboot mode? You need to use "fastboot devices". If that works and lists the phone then you may be able to use the flash tool on the Google website
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'fastboot devices' is reading the device, which is good. but trying the online flash tool fails due to the device being locked. :/
V0latyle said:
This requires OEM Unlocking to be enabled so it won't be much help here.
Rescue Mode might work though.
@vajnorcan try this:
Boot to bootloader and select Rescue Mode using the volume buttons, then press Power to enter it.
On your PC, go to and connect the USB cable to your device. Select your carrier or select "Other" if device is unlocked.
I don't know whether this will actually work...I haven't heard of anyone using this tool to successfully recover.
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The google tool has found and connected to the device, but it ends up in an error (on the device) and saying "disconnected", looked promising, but not for long. thanks.