[Q] Dropped calls with good service - Optimus One, P500, V Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi guys. Feel free to flame me if this is addressed somewhere, I used search and couldn't find anything. My coworker has an LG Vortex. In our shop, we had bad cell service so our boss had a signal repeater put in. Now at&t (all the rest of us are on) works great, full service. This guys LG Vortex on Verizon network shows good service (3-4 bars, I don't have the technical signal strength) and texting and internet work fine, However, for some reason when ever he receives or makes a call it's crackly and usually get dropped. He noticed it to start right after the signal repeater got set up. Any ideas on what to try to fix it, or at least what might be the problem?


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cell signal issues with vzn tp2

Is anyone having cell signal issues? I moved from a moto q9 napoleon and never had any signal issues; i.e.alway getting evdo signal while in my home, but now with the tp2, i spend most of my time with a 1x signal. And this (1x signal) negatively impacts my battery life.
The better question - is there a fix or solution?
I have noticed the same thing with my phone. Only had it for 2 days. It gets 3G until I turn into my drive and then it goes to 1x. I had a Treo 700WX on Alltel and always got EVDO. Verizon and Alltel are sharing the same tower. The TP2 has been getting 3G at a lot of other locations that I have tried. I did notice that I was getting no signal lines at home, but when I made a call, it went to 2 lines. I wonder if it is a power saving thing, but I guess the 1x isn't helping the power.
Terrible problems with 1st TP2
The first one Verizon sent me had terrible problems with the radio. Iffy to connect to a call and even though it said 3G could hardly ever connect to broadband. Kept getting irritating popup telling me it could not connect to #777. The replacement they sent is working great here in Ft Wayne. I will update when I get back out on the road and see how it does roaming. I suspect a few may have just been defective since everything about this new unit is better.
As a side note, if anyone knows which registry key can get rid of those stupid popups, I would be grateful since I can't seem to find directions anywhere. I really don't need constant reminders after I hit dismiss the 1st time.
i've been having horrible battery life as well - and received the #777 problem as well yesterday. i thought it was a network issue or some software that caused the problem. i guess it isn't, though it seems to be working fine now? anybody else see this error?
i'm coming from AT&T so it's hard to get worse reception than that.. will see if it is as good as my last verizon phone however.

[Q] Great signal but terrible performance

I work in a midtown Manhattan hi-rise near Rockefeller Center and get full signal bars on any phone in and around the office.
The problem is I get terrible performance. Voice calls are garbled and drop, and sometimes callers go straight to voice mail. E-mail, data and web work sporadically and load slowly if at all. The phone will actually get hot just sitting on the desk as if its CPU or transmitter is locked at 100%, and the battery drains quickly.
It's the same whether it's an iPhone, Android or Symbian smart phone or just simple dumb phone, and other people in my office have the same issues. I even notice the same kinds of things happening out on the street up to maybe a block away, but it seems to be at its worst when I'm in the building. But two blocks away, walking through Times Square or other busy places, everything is OK.
Any idea what could be going on and if there's any way to get around it? This is on AT&T.
Change baseband?
I think it's the fault of AT & T
AT&T is a terrible company
+1 on the AT&T being crap
I tried changing baseband but it didn't help, plus like I said it happens on all different kinds of phones. I've also tried manually switching from 850MHz over to 1900MHz band but that didn't help.
Updating my kernel might have actually helped a bit. It's hard to tell though, because the problem comes and goes.
I'm wondering if the signals are too strong and overloading the phone. Or maybe I'm exactly halfway between two strong towers in this building and they're interfering with each other, is that plausible? This is in the heart of NYC after all, AT&T must have a lot of towers in a very concentrated area around here.
Samsung Captivate i897
Serendipity 6.4
Baseband I9000UGKC1
Speedmod Kernel i897-13E-500MHz
I had a similar problem in my area once, it was rectified by the Network Provider.
Its due the GSM inter cell inheritence. Are you located very near to a Mobile Antenna tower.
It would be worth checking your own office building terrace for same
watt9493 said:
+1 on the AT&T being crap
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
i've had nothing but trouble with them in the past
Heres how you fix the issue. I had a friend with the same issue. 1. open the window of your skyrise 2. take phone are throw it out the window 3. take elevator down to lower level. 4. Find nearest Verizon or Tmobile or sprint store and port your number. 5. take new phone from new network to your skyrise. 6. Congrats your problem has been solved. ANYONE WHO HAS AT&T NEEDS TO GIVE THEM THE FINGER AND MOVE TO ANOTHER CARRIER.
Thanks but if I wanted to hear people say AT&T sucks I would have posted this to Yahoo or something. I get a much better rate with AT&T through my company's FAN account, and I'd rather not pay double to another carrier if this is a technical issue that can be addressed.
For now I can use wifi around the office and put up with the spotty voice coverage, but I was hoping I might find some helpful technical advice here since this is supposed to be a developers forum with presumably mature users.
rathore4u - I'll see if I can find someone at my provider's tech support who understands the GSM inter cell inheritence issue you suggested. Thanks.

Verizon - Data vs Talk Question

So in my house i have anywhere between 2-4 bars of service (using a 6 signal bar meter) on my HTC Thunderbolt (same thing happened on my Samsung Fascinate, and my HTC Incredible). I use my phone as my primary source of internet via wireless teather or klink. (no DSL/Cable available). I get data speeds between 50k-120k, and never have any issues with data interruptions. I play world of warcraft for many hours straight without ever having an issue.
I can't hold a conversation on my phone in my house....anywhere. My calls consistently break up, and unless i go outside it will likely even drop. Outside where i get 3-5 bars of service it's still not great. The person on the other end constantly is asking me to repeat myself because of the breakups. I don't understand how data can be so good, and phone service can be so bad. Does anyone know why this would be the case?

How much can different phones affect signal strength?

So we've been testing a Verizon and T Mobile phone (currently have Sprint) as Sprint has been pretty poor in our area as of late. The T Mobile phone is a Galaxy Blaze, and with it we get amazing 4G signal in the street outside our house. However, we can move literally 3 feet closer to the house, and the signal will drop to absolutely nothing. Inside the house it just frequently switches between very low 4G and very low Edge signal. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Is there any chance that a different phone (we want Nexus 4's) would have stronger reception and not have this problem, or is our house pretty much screwed?
Different internal radios will be different, yes.
However, I get absolutely no signal in my house with my T-Mobile S3. I don't find this to be a problem since T-Mobile has native calling over WIFI. Whole house is covered by strong WIFI signal and the call quality has been pretty great when used that way. I don't know if you can get WIFI calling onto the Nexus 4, I would guess probably not but who knows (maybe someone has found a way) - I'd have to research that.
I don't know how well a signal repeater would work, but it seems like it could since you could place it outside the home where it would have access to a great signal and repeat it inside.
If your Sprint phone can roam on Verizon, I'd question how much of a difference it would make to switch to Verizon itself. I have had both and the signal in my home was basically the same - the Sprint phone was connected to the same Verizon towers the Verizon phone was. I'm sure there might be some technical reasons there would be differences at some point (radios, how roaming is dictated), but I never noticed them in practical use.
Depends on the plans you're looking at and where you're willing to compromise.
For whatever reason, roaming doesn't seem to fix the problem on Sprint here. Verizon gets great signal, but 4 days in the 2gb plan is clearly not going to work. This pretty much leaves T-Mobile our only choice. T-Mobile also seems to just get better and faster service everywhere we go, so it would still be better than Sprint, as we're used to not having service at home anyway. It would just be unfortunate to have to continue like that.

[Q] No signal in my home.....fine anywhere else

Alright, first some general info:
Phone: Nexus 5 T-Mobile Branded
Software: Android L
Plan: Unlimited Data 30$/month
Location: Urbandale, IA
Troubleshooting Steps: Just about everything, called customer care talked to them and walked through all their steps, checked APN settings, restored phone, tried a lower OS on the phone, tried a different radio, tried new SIM, disabled common house hold possible interference (Wifi, Microwaves, ect.), tried other phone (Blackberry Torch, Samsung Galaxy SI(Vibrant) and SII), I do have WIFI calling on those phones, but it's a pain in the rear to have to changed phones every time I get home, and I'm not going to use those as all of them are outdated, don't tell me to get a new phone as this one is not even four months old. I'm an IT Cyber Security Specialist, so I have the background knowledge of how to fix many tech issues. So save the BS and give it to me straight please.
As you most likely can tell from the title, I don't have service in my home. I sometimes do, but it's gone and I haven't even touched/moved the phone. I've always had terrible coverage in my home, but never this bad. I can walk ten feet out of my garage or front door and have three to four bars. If i go down a few houses into my neighbors home I have perfect signal (That also rules out the possibility of the house's building material causing problems as the house is the same material and finish as mine, it's not more then four years old.) I don't understand what is happening here...it's beyond a lot of things I've seen. I can receive a text, pick up my phone to respond and then my service is instantly gone before I hit send. It's like its purposely being dropped (That's just a stupid idea though). So I honestly have no clue what is going on according to the pre-paid coverage map I should have "Good" service where my house is located yet I continually drop signal. I get great service in most other area's and do not have the signal dropping in and out anywhere else, so I'm really confused as to what is happening here. The Nexus 5 doesn't currently support WiFi calling as Nexus devices are pure Google devices and can't be modified by the carrier with things such as bloatware, custom OS, ect, hence no WiFi calling. Any help would be appreciated.
Hmm strange. Have you tried different modems/radios? Is your house like literally right next to the tower? Is it just T-Mobile that this happens to? I have a friend with a metal roof and signals for cell phones get weakened badly in their house.
I have the exact same thing and I can say in my case it is not the phone(and most likely the same for you).We have 3 different providers(Tmob,Orange and 3 as im in the UK) and between us access to 8 different phones- N5,N4,HTC Desire,HTC One M7,ZTE Blade,LG O3D,Iphone 4s an8 5s.
All with different radios,modems etc and they all exhibit the same issues with the only same factors being my house and whats in it and its geography.
It`s one of those things that we have got used to since moving into the house-god knows what the neighbours think of us leaning out the windows and doors to make calls:laugh:

