Open Source Language App - Android Software/Hacking General [Developers Only]

There are plenty of foreign language learning applications in Google Play.
As my first application I would like to create one more.
However, I am a lazy Java developer and I would rather fork an existing one and refactor it than write it from scratch
I had a search on GitHub but couldn't find anything that I could use as a template.
Does anyone know of anything that I could use to get myself going?


[Q] Compiler Project Ideas

I'm currently studying to become a software engineer.
Each semester we have a some courses and a project we must complete, next semester the overall project theme is "Languages and Translation", in other words: code your own compiler.
A typical project suggestion is translating language "X" to language "Y" (just a subset of the language).
So I've been wondering how to make the project a bit more exciting, since programming, testing, debugging etc. all taking place in an IDE can get a little monotonous.
Some of the things I've been pondering (along with my study group) include:
1. Implementing a Compiler on Android - Compile one language to another. We are not talking about compiling code that would then run on android, most likely we won't even be generating executable files, just translating. It is quite pointless, but this is just a school project after all so don't worry too much about that.
2. A distributed compiler - like "distcc", a port of gcc that is distributed across multiple systems, but ours would be for a language other than C. I think this one might be biting off more than we can chew at the moment since it's two projects in one, but it does sound like a fun challenge.
3. Adding functional programming to an imperative language - if we made a pre-compiler of sorts we figure it's possible to support functional chunks of code in a normally imperative language.
4. Compiler for Arduino (a microcontroller platform) - Since we have prior experience with the arduino platform, we are trying to come up with a compiler relevant project that uses the arduino in some way. Could be translating another language to the C/C++ based arduino language.
Yes, only one of our suggestions so far relates to android.
If anybody has suggestions for interesting projects I would love to hear them, only important thing is that the project includes some sort of compiler, it doesn't have to relate to Android in any way.
Thanks for your time.

Looking for simple, modify-able open-source wallpaper app

I would like to make a little app that basically packages my company's artwork (from TRPG books) into an apk, distribute it on the Market for free, and allows the user to set the artwork as a wallpaper.
I downloaded and used APK Manager the other day (while looking at a thread about modifying the "framework" file to adjust the auto-brightness settings on my SGS2). I noticed that this program can just take the apks apart and then re-compile. My question is, is it possible to use something like this to take apart a free open-source simple wallpaper setting app, then insert the art I need to insert, then recompile and publish? I need to go through the whole shabang and make a new simple app from scratch?
BTW, Yes I'm lazy to learn programing, and i'm not making enough money to hire someone to do this. And my PC at home has some USB problems. And I live in China where it seems that downloading the java SDK, android SDK, Eclipse, and the other things I need takes for ever. And I don't really know any programming. If I have to, I can learn. But that means less sleep for me, which I already don't get enough of.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

Open Source Android App Question

I am starting android dev soon.
I want to use open source apps and modify them than publish them to google play for commercial use?
Does open source really mean I am able to use the open source code from f-droid and modify and use for commercial?
Is this how developers are efficiently coding these days? Is writing a program from scratch obsolete if it is available in open source?
Does anyone know any successful google play store apps that are purely based off open source? It would be helpful to see examples.
Muzei and Dashclock are both open source and good examples of how android apps should be.
But be aware that just because an app is open source that doesn't mean you can modify it and distribute is as your own

[APP][4.0+]Way GPS OSF

My name's Yan and i'm an amateur android dev.
What's Way ?
Way is an Android app for GPS navigation which difference between it and other GPS app, is that Way is based on simplicity and wants to be user friendly. You can create some routes, by drawing them on the map. You can put intermediary points by which you want to pass.
You can be not very precise when you put your points. When you click on Draw, Way will automatically place your points on the nearest street.
You can look for places you know, with an autocompletion places feature which will make the map zoom on the place you want.
You can save your route, reuse it, delete it...
Why talking about Way here ?
I'm here to talk about Way, because Way is an opensource project. The sources are on github, under the Apache 2 license. There's a lot of comments in my code.
What I want to do with way, is to create a community around this project, a group of developers which will work on the app, fork it, improve it etc...
Feel free to use and modify the code, if want more informations you can send me a mail : [email protected]
The app is on the PlayStore too :
Github repo :
Don't hesitate if you any questions.

I'm Creating A Free And Open Source Android Assistant

I've been working on my own assistant application framework for some time now, and I am coming up to a point where it is functional for an alpha release. There aren't really any other FOSS assistants on the market other than Mycroft, and I noticed that there is no development happening on Saiy/Utter!.
I've been developing it heavily using a Unix mentality which is meant to reduce the mental overhead when it comes to creating skills or new/replacement modules. I paid a lot of attention to the development of the framework so that individual components can be developed or replaced independently, allowing it to be more of a platform than a standalone application. This should also allow it to be easier to dive into individual parts of the application.
There is still a lot to go in terms of making it useful out of the box, but it's almost all there in back end, and I think I'm finishing up the concrete features and flags that it needs to operate with skills and modules that other users develop.
As it is right now, it does offline speech recognition using Vosk STT, and intent matching/entity extraction using the Stanford Core NLP library. I have it set up with a mock Calendar Skill to test its matching and finalize how I want it to interface with complex tasks. Currently it *WILL NOT COMPILE OR WORK* since I am still working out bugs on the alpha. When I am ready to release an actual alpha I'll branch the code, and I'll post/host nightlys somewhere (maybe also put it on F-Droid and Google Play).
I intend to interface it with Termux/Tasker, Google Assistant, Alexa, and Mycroft, as well as at a chatbot feature, but those are all secondary to the task of a stable working assistant/platform. I encourage feedback and questions about how it works and how it could be hacked on to do other things, so that I can write documentation that is as transparent and understandable as possible. Hopefully the code is a bit self documenting as well. I strive for readability over cunning.
Here's the link:
Let me know what you think

