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adavantages of iphone developers over android developers



ARM Developer Survey Open to all software engineers but Android developers are under

ARM Developer Survey Open to all software engineers but Android developers are under represented! Answering will benefit the Android community.
By sharing your opinion and preferences, you will help us shape the future of the ARM online communities, tools and products. If you have any concern or question, please feel encouraged to ask us as we want to improve.

[CLOSED] Mobile App Development Information

I am a novice and am interested in Mobile App Development for Android and would like to know what programming languages and computing concepts are required for becoming proficient with App Development ?
I skimmed through a few college websites in the field of Mobile App Development and saw that Java was a core requirement for developing apps for Android. Since I don't know Java, and programming concepts, what do you recommend for me to get started with first and then what other things I should know ?
Any help would be appreciated.
{Mod edit: Thread closed as inactive for 8 years. Most likely only attracting spam - Oswald Boelcke}

The Developer Promotion Project, we help you to become an Android developer

Hello guys here is PDesire
My Development team (Team Project Desire) and me want to begin a special Project today, it's no mod, it's for the guys who want to become a developer
We want to find your passion in Android Development to improve Android alot, only with us developers, Android can be the best system ever!!!
I begun with development last year, and I have sworn that our team will someday promoting other devs too that they find their passion in Android like I did.
Today I am known for my Soundmods Project Yume and Project Jinhua, and I want that you can get the same like I have now
You are interested in Android Development? You want to change the system Android? You have fun in coding?
Then join us, we are developers who want to help newcomers in their way to become a developer, this way is hard but one time finished, it's easy to keep it
There's just 2 things required to join our group:
Fun in Android Development
Telegram Messenger
To join is very easy, you just have to follow this link and you are in:
We hope for massive joining and for a improvement of the Android system together
One person can change something, many people can change the world!
Your PDesire

TOR Enabled Android Platform

Would any developers be interested in putting this into development for the Nexus 5?

What’s new with iOS 11?

I just want to know the new fetures of IOS 11 and what does it mean for developers and testers around the world?
Moderator Information,
Thread closed, IOS is not currently supported on this site.

