I have a bit of a disclaimer to start things off:
This isn't college or your mom's kitchen. No one will help you make your project. So don't ask to get help with your project.
This is more of a "Teach a person to fish, and they will eat for a lifetime" kind of thing.
Please read and understand before posting/responding.
Please stay on topic.
I'm actually expecting a focused, constructive conversation.
Hello SGS4G Users,
I'm starting a conversation with other Recognized Developers about a mentoring project. I'm still waiting on comments, but I figured I could set the stage and get user feedback in parallel.
I know a lot of people want to dev, but let me be frank, it's not for everyone.
This conversation is for Senior Members that are interested in learning to develop roms and/or kernels. Preferably, you've already done a bit of rom development or kernel building, but just need to be thrown into the lake. Then keep reading. If this works, you can come over to my house, and I will litterally throw you in the lake! Then you can throw me in! LOL
We now have a really great resource called XDA-University. So this mentoring project is a short term bridge to gap the learning curve between new developers, and a member that could apply for RD - based on the education that can be provided by XDA-University.
One of the goals is to mentor you to be self sufficient in learning how to dev and find resources for yourself. It's easy for someone to say "Just google it" (s/google/do/ lol), but it's harder to show where I look for help and to show a development workflow, when the resources are not found on XDA-University.
The other goal is to take these learning lessons and update XDA-University. When users are able to go to XDA-University and learn everything they need to come at this from scratch or from different skill levels, then this mentoring project should go away, unless it just becomes embedded in the community and... well.. that would be fantastic!
What I am looking for from you
I would like to know what you think about a project like this?
For those interested, tell me what languages or tools you know: c, c++, java, objective-c, perl, python, gnu/make, apache ant, etc...
Learning to use linux is prefered, but you can dev on windows or mac os x, too. It's just easier on linux. Do you know linux (like you can type commands into the shell and have some basic shell understanding)
What do you currently think of XDA-University? If you have any changes, what would it be?
Interesting idea Brian. I used to be huge in coding and could write in any language, but it's been a long while since I had to do that, but I understand programming, which is the key part. Syntax is syntax, but understanding and tracing code and knowing what is happening in the code is, to me anyways, the base of all programming.
I've been playing with that BBQLinux you mentioned in another thread and seems to have all the java, Android SDK, adb, etc, all installed already, which is the half the battle of getting everything setup properly, especially with Ubuntu going with a different java now and to get a better java for android and not get all kinds of warning, you have to jump through hoops.
For myself, I'd be interested once I have BBQ compiling something (not there yet, but learning in my spare time), I'd like to get into porting ROMS, and knowing what usually needs to be either fixed, replaced, copied over, etc, from the SGS4G to another ROM to get it to work with our devices would be one of my goals.
Hi Bryan
Brilliant idea. I practice windows .NET QA at work today, but it's been like 10 years since I last developed anything on C language.
I do however relate to what getochkn said about understanding coding and architecture as a way of thinking.
I own an Ubuntu VM (with Netbeans) and an OSX VM (with Xcode) and I did practiced some sudo, get-apt sheet in the last few months, so I assume I will get along with that stuff.
I have been mastering the decompiling, theming, translating, re-compiling methods, as well as customizing updater scripts and Aroma installations for the last 18 months.
Actually today I start a a course for a Diploma in Android and Iphone development. During this class I will study Java, Android SDK and objective C and have a final project making an industrial application.
It should take 13 months to finish.
So definitely I will be more equipped at that point.
So yes, I am very much into it, but not sure if I should start right away or blend into with time.
2 more things I would like to add :
1) I want to thank you for your never-stopping effort and support (I know it's not easy having life, work and family in the background). and I bless you for this initiative.
2) I have absolutely no intention to replace the SGS4G in the future as long as it 's still working (and I have 2 devices).
sent from me
+1 on itz's thoughts/thanks...
i so like this idea... Im down to help or learn on whatever possible.
I'm up for it. I currently study computer engineering. I have some knowledge in C++, but mostly code on Java, did a simple Android app a few months ago and I know how to compile and decompile them, I'm familiarized with Ubuntu since it's what I use in the computer science class, but just to use Eclipse. I haven't coded too much Linux.
Recently, I started ROM zipping and although I will soon get another phone, I would like to learn and understand a bit of what you guys do in here.
Ok.I think this looks amazing, for even a beginner(with basic understanding). I have not done much since back in DOS LOL. Being in my mid forties with no schooling for coding or programing, I am still interested in the idea of being able to learn more than running simple scripts, (if only to end up borking my own phone). Looking forward to using these provided resources,and maybe getting out of some devs hair lol.
Sent from my SGH-T959W using xda premium
sooo bryan whats next
dsexton702 said:
sooo bryan whats next
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Well, this is the beginning.
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I want people to go to http://xda-university.com/ and start learning.
Also check out the XDA-University subforum in the general forum.
If you get hung up on something or have questions. Post here.
I'm tired of theorizing this crap. Lets make it happen!
OK, finished the "As A User" part, starting the "As A Developer"...
Themers and compilers might find these helpful :
1. How to localize a ROM - by me... (basis for theming/translating). Tip : use the latest APKTOOL.
2. Permissions Lexicon by exynoss - important for zip installers.
3. Bootanimation is simply a set of sequenced images. The most important thing is that it should be in STORAGE zip mode.
4. Download an Aroma installation ROM and explore the updater-script and aroma-config files and you'll get the hang of it... (on HebMIUI you can even see multiple language installation).
This seems awesome thanks
Sent from my SGH-T959V using Tapatalk 2
I just got it and it works !!!
get it here : http://get.skyfire.com/
Screenshot :
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not working yet for OMNIA
unfortunately not working on OMNIA screen
only supporting 240,320,480,640
Working well in the UK on my hermes. No need for fake American phone numbers.
No sound on videos. Anyone else have this issue, or is it just me?
I am sure it is a good browser. The thing that just bothers me, is, that everything is rendered at the SKYFIRE servers - now, for getting the web content including flash, jave and multimedia on my phone ... well, excellent job! However, I have some security concerns regarding online banking and other stuff I do in the web, so, I most likely won't use it because of the rendering / generating of code at the Skyfire server!
Sure, the developers will tell me "It is 100% save" but then, ... I guess you got my point?
<Just my personal opinion - I am sure lots of users will be happy with Skyfire!>
which version is it? is it different from the beta versions like 0.8xxx (i guess it is something like that)
Its still a beta, version Seems about the same, but there's no need to log in.
jez83uk said:
Working well in the UK on my hermes. No need for fake American phone numbers.
No sound on videos. Anyone else have this issue, or is it just me?
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Yep, sound is also not working for me
Still no multi-tab pages?
No Good for WVGA.
no mulitab but you can download stuff now
Works well on MDA Compact 4, nice to have full video etc when on wifi. Might be able to finally uninstall Opera mini (though it has been a good browser!!).
Works awesome on my HTC Wizard
Two nights ago I got bored with my htc wizard, had only wm5. I googled htc tweaks and found xda... my personal heaven now. two days later I have a phone I'm actually interested in.. with Wm6, SKYFIRE ( totally cool ) and a bunch of other apps I never knew existed. I didnt find a thread to say thanks to xda developers... but thanks... really.
btw, can anyone tell me what direction to step in if I want to learn about programming and writing software like the cool stuff I found on xda please?
Skyfire's sound problem
There are no sound on athena x7501.
Just used it again, and the sound is now working. I didn't change anything, so it must have been a server issue.
2ndhandcowboy said:
... can anyone tell me what direction to step in if I want to learn about programming and writing software like the cool stuff I found on xda please?
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The easiest way to get started is VS2008 but it is also commercial!
The good: It has a very nice user interface, excellent editor for writing code (with VISUAL Editor, so, not only script based) and finally as well a WINDOWS MOBILE EMULATOR integrated, so, you won't mess up your real device in case you make a mistake!
Besides that, VS2008 features different programming languages: Basic, C#, C++, Java - if you really want to program professionally, the only way to go would be C++. Other than that, I would recommend get started with Visual Basic - the language is easier to learn.
My recommendation:
Download one of the VS2008 EXPRESS Editions - it is freeware! Make some simple Windows desktop programming to get familiar with the interface and the programming language you have chosen. Join as well the MSDN Forums, hang out at www.codeproject.com - a great place snd source for programming techniques and code samples - and if you're finally still interested in programming, get the commercial version of VS2008 and start programming as well for PDA and Smartphone - it is really fun, trust me!
Sure, some people might come up now with the good old "It is .NET!" arguement, well, sure it is .NET! .NET is part of Windows since Windows XP SP1 and now also fully integrated in WM6.1, so, no big deal! For older platforms, the .NET distributables are available for free download.
Try out cool stuff like this, go through the code to understand what it does, program your own little helpers and once you master it, you will have an easier intro to non-.NET C++ programming (which then will provide you with the full power of programming. The reason why I recommend VS2008 at first, it is very easy for non-Programmers to do stuff in there. You will in addition find millions of places / forums with how-to's.
If you make a quick jump to C++ directly (non-VS) then you most likely will get frustrated very soon since documentation and everything else is mostly written for people who know C++ inside out - VS takes you into the programming world slightly and there is much more help and lots of beginner guides available - this is why I recommend it to beginners, not to promote .NET.
By request (and since my other half runs a HTC Magic, hehe), following on from my Hero, Pulse and Nexus One kitchens and most importantly with the permission of the legend himself that is cyanogen, i'm pleased to present a 'MoDaCo online kitchen' version of Cyanogen's v4.2.15.1 ROM.
Note: As with all of the kitchens, this online kitchen is currently only available to my MoDaCo premium members (those who have signed up to MoDaCo Ad Free or MoDaCo Plus) as it is not yet running on an infrastructure that can support a huge number of users. I don't collect donations - signing up for a MoDaCo premium membership supports future development in many areas and gives you access to great services now and exciting developments in the future!
This is the first CyanogenMod kitchen - if there's something else you'd like configurable in the kitchen, post here or in the kitchen topic and due to the nature of the system, changes can be deployed very rapidly! Of course, let me know if there are any issues too, this is v1 after all.
Click here to view the Online Kitchen at MoDaCo.
Update: a prebaked ROM for Dream / 32B Sapphire and one for 32A Sapphire are now available for ANYONE to download! Sample the kitchen's delights for yourself!
Base configuration (standard CyanogenMod with HTC IME) - download MD5: f1e923f8992911e0c5e8fcaae64ff069
Base configuration (standard CyanogenMod with HTC IME) for 32A devices- download MD5: c65de4774d9b4b704d928cf7f189927d
Update: the online kitchen is now running on new dedicated hardware. Please bear with us as we tune performance and configuration and report any issues via PM!
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So kitchen is basically creating an update.zip with custom system apps?
Sounds interesting
Yeah, exactly...
By request, added bcrook's EBI1/32A patch as an option - please provide feedback!
very nice
Looks pretty cool =)
this is pretty cool.
Noobs PayUp
While I appreciate the effort - you basically used Cyanogens ROM to make a kitchen so you can profit off it. This is all just a way to sell your subscriptions.
I like a lot of the stuff you do, but this is kind of not cool.
vr24 said:
While I appreciate the effort - you basically used Cyanogens ROM to make a kitchen so you can profit off it. This is all just a way to sell your subscriptions.
I like a lot of the stuff you do, but this is kind of not cool.
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Hence my comment above u ....
Its essentially for the newbies who keep creating threads on how to add this and that.
Daneshm90 said:
Hence my comment above u ....
Its essentially for the newbies who keep creating threads on how to add this and that.
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Why not make it FREE?
BTW, you cant add this or that... just remove apps that you don't want.
Double Post.
It appared at the horizon at last !
I always thinking something like this, but the first architecture I imaged is something like YUM.
mckoy1 said:
Why not make it FREE?
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Because this requires special infrastructure on the host to glue the pieces together and sign the package, requiring nontrivial amounts of processor time, then must serve the custom file, requiring nontrivial disk space. Neither of those is FREE.
Though a potentially useful variant would be to cache every ROM it produces for up to, say, 48 hours, with the countdown reset each time that configuration is requested (and served immediately from the cache). Classic time/space tradeoff, there, but if certain configurations are popular, probably worth it. Though, for all I know, Paul does this.
This is quite cool and similar to something a couple of us proposed on the TheOfficial AOSP/ADP/TMO thread. We ended up with theme profiles, which are heavier (larger download) but don't require the infrastructure. Always love to see alternate solutions, though!
I think you guys are misunderstanding..
modaco is not charging for CM Roms, he is charging for a service he provides. In this case, it is making it easy for people to 1) stop clogging this forum with repeat posts.. over... and over......... and over again, and 2) customize their ROMS to their liking without having to invest a lot of time figuring out how to themselves.
By saying he should be giving this away for free, you are essentially saying that someone like Red Hat should GIVE it's support away for free. I mean, how can a company make a profit off of open source software that other people have helped write??!?!?
This is no different. That is how companies like Red Hat make their money, it's their bread and butter. Not to mention, they provide Certification avenues, this is just one other way they are "making money off other peoples hard work", according to the outraged ones in this thread.
i personally think this is pretty neat, considering I have been through the learning curve of rooting my phone and trying to customize a ROM; It worked but it took me a bit before I got it right and actually was able to use my update.zip. Thanks Modaco
Listen, I'm saying anything about what he has done or how much time was put into the project.
But before I start my argument let's give it a couple days to see how it does; assuming the stats are correct on his site.
If you don't wanna use it, don't.
All the kitchens to date have been for my ROMs, I put Cynoagen's ROM into a kitchen - with his permission - because a) people asked and b) I find it useful.
mckoy1 said:
Why not make it FREE?
BTW, you cant add this or that... just remove apps that you don't want.
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'add' functionality is coming...
olearyp said:
Because this requires special infrastructure on the host to glue the pieces together and sign the package, requiring nontrivial amounts of processor time, then must serve the custom file, requiring nontrivial disk space. Neither of those is FREE.
Though a potentially useful variant would be to cache every ROM it produces for up to, say, 48 hours, with the countdown reset each time that configuration is requested (and served immediately from the cache). Classic time/space tradeoff, there, but if certain configurations are popular, probably worth it. Though, for all I know, Paul does this.
This is quite cool and similar to something a couple of us proposed on the TheOfficial AOSP/ADP/TMO thread. We ended up with theme profiles, which are heavier (larger download) but don't require the infrastructure. Always love to see alternate solutions, though!
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Yeah, i'm caching each ROM produced, but the number of variants is HUGE and takes a LOT of disk space, so caching isn't actually as valuable as you think. With my Hero ROM IIRC I generated about 500 ROMs before I started to see any real benefit from caching. Crazy!
modaco said:
If you don't wanna use it, don't.
All the kitchens to date have been for my ROMs, I put Cynoagen's ROM into a kitchen - with his permission - because a) people asked and b) I find it useful.
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Ok... So I have chosen not to use it.
modaco said:
'add' functionality is coming...
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Now, this is something I might be interested in, depending of course on the type of functionality it will have.
By the way, I don't want to rain on your parade but I just think your current version of the project should be free; that's all.
I remember someone in the the XDA WM forums created a kitchen for roms and cabs and it was pretty cool.
I like your project but will it only work for a specific Cyan rom?
UbuntuChroot + LXDE for WebOS
Travis Antonio Projects
Hello my friends!.
The July 17 I was testing Ubuntu Chroot, then I was testing some APPs like "Synergy-Foss", "Chromium-Browser", "VNC" and some others, then I just got a idea to put a GUI in the XServer, first I tried to put XFCE4 but it was a big fail because of the graphics then I tried twice but any ways was fail "not a big ".
The July 20 I tried to install LXDE but after install only was shown the Wallpaper desktop screen, nothing else, I though I was doing something bad but when I saw the log there was not xorg.conf, then I made one for generic drivers and I did put it on /etc/X11/xorg.conf, and the Desktop UI was fully functionally, then I tried Synergy through my Windows 7 and was like I dunno but was awesome!. =D
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There was some bugs after install LXDE:
-Chromium after started the XServer resets.
-LXDE Terminal does not work.
-Monitor settings does not work.
-Install Preware.
-Put testing feeds on Preware:
PLEASE READ THIS RULES BEFORE USE TESTING FEEDS: http://www.webos-internals.org/wiki/Testing_Feeds
Name: webos-testing-all
URL: http://ipkg.preware.org/feeds/webos-internals/testing/all
Name: webos-testing-armv7
URL: http://ipkg.preware.org/feeds/webos-internals/testing/armv7
-On Preware install next:
*Install Xecutah
-Open SDLTerminal
-In SDLTerminal do the next:
cd /media/internal
dd if=/dev/zero of=ubuntu.img bs=1024 count=1048576
mkfs.ext3 -F -b 1024 ubuntu.img 1048576
mkdir /media/ext3fs
The next image will be 1GB(1048576) if you need more just multiply (1048576)*2= 2097152(2GB)
-mount -o loop /media/internal/ubuntu.img /media/ext3fs
-Open Preware again
-Install Ubuntu Chroot
-Start Xecutah
-Open XServer
-Open Ubuntu
Shift = Mayus
Alt = SubKeys
CTRL= Gesture Area
\ "Sym+Q"
Home "Sym+E"
Up "Sym+R"
Left "Sym+D"
Right "Sym+G"
[ "Sym+Y"
] "Sym+U"
< "Sym+I"
> "Sym+O"
| "Sym+P"
~ "Sym+S"
` "Sym+L"
(") "Sym+Mayus+L"
Escape "Shift+Space"
Tab "Control+I"
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Now you can install whatever you want, just using "apt-get
Adding a Desktop:
*This is your own selection but if you want to install other you will need to do a little of hacking*
Instead of putting direct links to the testing feeds in your post, please point people to the Testing Feeds wiki page (http://webos-internals.org/wiki/Testing_Feeds) so that they can read the rules that they need to agree to before using the testing feeds.
You should also mention that it is WebOS Internals that has developed all this software, and perhaps even put a link to the WebOS Internals donation page, so that people who benefit from this free open source software can contribute towards the costs of keeping the Preware homebrew ecosystem running.
-- Rod
rwhitby said:
Instead of putting direct links to the testing feeds in your post, please point people to the Testing Feeds wiki page (http://webos-internals.org/wiki/Testing_Feeds) so that they can read the rules that they need to agree to before using the testing feeds.
You should also mention that it is WebOS Internals that has developed all this software, and perhaps even put a link to the WebOS Internals donation page, so that people who benefit from this free open source software can contribute towards the costs of keeping the Preware homebrew ecosystem running.
-- Rod
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Well it says incomplete , Don't worry about it.
HP veer
How can i do to install it on my Veer?
TravisAntonio said:
Well it says incomplete , Don't worry about it.
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Maybe my English is not good enough to comprehend that line.. but you read the rules @ Internals, right?
Other than that.. I think you're presenting yourself and your work kinda..well.. let's just say: To me, it seems like you're actively developing for WebOS, but as far as my knowledge goes you're "just" using the tools, already provided by others, use them as intended and present the results as your work.. (refering to your "Windows-build" for WebOS..?)
I'm not saying what you're doing is bad.. but pls respect intellectual property of others, and if you're building your projects on top of others, give them proper credits for what they have done.. and respect their rules regarding distribution and such.
Other than that: Good work so far, keep it up
Oh.. and maybe you've already seen the Ubuntu-Chroot-thread in the HP Touchpad section for further referance?
Puenos said:
Maybe my English is not good enough to comprehend that line.. but you read the rules @ Internals, right?
Other than that.. I think you're presenting yourself and your work kinda..well.. let's just say: To me, it seems like you're actively developing for WebOS, but as far as my knowledge goes you're "just" using the tools, already provided by others, use them as intended and present the results as your work.. (refering to your "Windows-build" for WebOS..?)
I'm not saying what you're doing is bad.. but pls respect intellectual property of others, and if you're building your projects on top of others, give them proper credits for what they have done.. and respect their rules regarding distribution and such.
Other than that: Good work so far, keep it up
Oh.. and maybe you've already seen the Ubuntu-Chroot-thread in the HP Touchpad section for further referance?
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Worse than all that is the act of copying information from official sources (instead of linking to them) and then not having the decency to keep that copy updated as the procedure changes.
For example, the testing feeds are no longer needed for this, and the instructions in this thread for the testing feeds are obsolete and intentionally no longer work due to the actions of posters like this.
-- Rod
that would be something I would do simply out of lazyness.. copying everything while you could just link to the informations needed.. well..
But in this particular case..
7) "They will never post the raw testing feed URLs or instructions anywhere, but will always refer others directly to this page using only the URL "http://testing.preware.org/""
That was the first line I jumped onto when I went to Internals after getting my TP, and yeah.. rules are rules..
I have by far not enough knowledge to get why testing feed procedures changed or whatsover, I simply believe contribution should be held as simple as possible, giving anyone the same chance to help and of course giving anyone proper credits.
Sticking to rules should be taken for granted I think
Yes, everything is my bad, so don't worry, everything can be fixed. (=
And sorry to all the people this thread caused troubles.
TravisAntonio said:
Yes, everything is my bad, so don't worry, everything can be fixed. (=
And sorry to all the people this thread caused troubles.
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plz help me i am using now hp pre 3 there is 2 problems appcatalog not open and palm profile not creat plz tel me any solution
ravitejaravi745 said:
plz help me i am using now hp pre 3 there is 2 problems appcatalog not open and palm profile not creat plz tel me any solution
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I think palm profiles do not work anymore, all you can do is go to open webos and use their temporal solutions but it will die too in some manner.
I would want to have Palm Pre OS on Fluo M.
I received this Samsung Fascinate from RootzWiki.com at the Big Android BBQ. I don't need it.
This device has UnBrickable Mod applied to it. It can handle any firmware which you apply to the device. It cannot be bricked under any circumstances. You can always resurrect it with software. The device has a cracked screen, it is an asthetic problem only. The device is fully operational and ready to be used as a development device for any purpose.
Here is a link to the device http://www.samsung.com/us/mobile/cell-phones/SCH-I500RKAVZW
So, here's the contest rules:
1. Simply post up what you would do with this device and if you have the best project, you get the device.
2. There are no other rules. Just state what you would develop on this device and it could be yours.
This contest will end on 31 October 2011.
I've received PMs about the judging. Here's how it will work: I will narrow it down to a few projects, and then I will ask XDA Recognized Developers in our chat room to pick from the final few. I just want this device to go to someone who will develop something useful for the community.
Further the Glitch kernel on that device by:
Eliminating bluetooth echo
Work on keyboard pop-up in low signal areas
Further improve in-call audio tweaks that we have already starte
Further tweak voltages to allow more devices to overclock.
Have it open for whatever wierd stuff people want to try (like booting WP7 or Nexus S Bootloaders)
1.I would test my apps on it, that I have developed.
2. I would also get back into the ROM business and put out the best AOSP ROM I possibly could!
3. I would test anyone's ROMs that need tested (but the dev doesnt have the phone)
4. I would replace the screen
5. Release more themes for Fascinate ROMs
Only Developers please, any other post will be deleted
I've received a few PMs about how I will pick the winner. Well, I put some thought into it. I'm going to let Developers pick the winner. I will narrow down some of the better projects and then let the XDA-RDs pick the best of the best. This way it's fair and it's not just me saying a single project is the best.
I'd probably build a kernel for it.
I'd love to take on writing a new bootloader, maybe true dual rom support, etc..
But I doubt I truly have the skills needed to pull off such a thing.
This is what i will do, as a dev:
1) Build my own u-boot (and try to make it running)
2) Update the whole kernel source of SGS/Fascinate to the newest 3.1 (still in RC)
3) Build Debian + 3.1 Linux kernel to run natively under our devices (sgs/fascinate)
4) Do some experiments about debugging with Arduino as output processing system
I have just bought a new arduino, so i think is time to start real development!!
Thanks in advance Adam!
orb3000 said:
Only Developers please, any other post will be deleted
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When you mean only developers, do you mean only those with "Recognized Developer" in their profile, or anybody who develops?
ikingblack said:
When you mean only developers, do you mean only those with "Recognized Developer" in their profile, or anybody who develops?
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I think means only Recogised Developers...
simone201 said:
I think means only Recogised Developers...
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No. You do not have to be recognized to be a developer. It helps. Its easy to see who's a developer and who isn't. Just look at threads started... If the topics are mainly asking for help on remedial tasks, that's not a developer. If the topics are mainly releases or advanced subjects, that's a developer. I wont exclude people for their membership status. I'm looking at who can use a development device and who's going to actually use it as a development device to help the community.
It was given to me for development... I developed it and made it better with UnBrickable Mod and I added a battery cover. My project is done. I want someone else to use it as a development device. I'm hoping to give someone an opportunity which will benefeit the rest of the SGS community in some way, shape, or form. I wont judge based on anything except the project and likelihood of followthrough. Finally other developers will decide who gets it.
Noobs to XDA can be more skillful then Recognized Developers... I'm not concerned with titles.
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What he said.
ikingblack said:
When you mean only developers, do you mean only those with "Recognized Developer" in their profile, or anybody who develops?
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simone201 said:
I think means only Recogised Developers...
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orb3000 said:
What he said.
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Wow! Big Arrow eh?
Why me ? Simple.
1. I would develop the **** out of roms for the Fascinate
2. I am working on a dualboot linux environment and android (let the user choose in the beginning)
3. Rethinking and remaking a recovery (first steps taken)
4. Because I think I can pull all this previous **** off.
alright , hes probably not aware of this , and I will pm him a link , he already owns a fascinate and hes my favorite dev in the SGS community . his XDA name is sbrissen
from TSM , thats who my vote goes for ...
if i got it i would port roms over and get xboardermod up and running and mybe evena aosp hybrid rom i have on g2x, g2, and sensation
I would work on porting linux kernel 3.0 to it, mainly because the device apparently cannot be bricked and this would greatly benefit the portable open-source community, I would also use it as a testbed for having a tablet without Dalvik VM or the google android OS, which I so dispair at, instead I think I'd use UClibC to port a minimal x-server or if I am feeling adventurous an SVGAlib frontend. I think thats about all I could do with it but I think it's quite impressive for a n00b. Also I suppose I would have to adda blog to my website to update you all on my progress ;~)
Edit: (additional infos)
I do already have an advent vega with vegacomb and have made some trivial apps for that to display my previous web-dev work but I just remembered I am playing with psx4droid and aDosBox source to make it work & more usable on vegacomb, maybe I could also update & test it on this device and release it on here (I will never post anything to the market, sorry I hate google)
AdamOutler said:
No. You do not have to be recognized to be a developer. It helps. Its easy to see who's a developer and who isn't. Just look at threads started... If the topics are mainly asking for help on remedial tasks, that's not a developer. If the topics are mainly releases or advanced subjects, that's a developer. I wont exclude people for their membership status. I'm looking at who can use a development device and who's going to actually use it as a development device to help the community.
It was given to me for development... I developed it and made it better with UnBrickable Mod and I added a battery cover. My project is done. I want someone else to use it as a development device. I'm hoping to give someone an opportunity which will benefeit the rest of the SGS community in some way, shape, or form. I wont judge based on anything except the project and likelihood of followthrough. Finally other developers will decide who gets it.
Noobs to XDA can be more skillful then Recognized Developers... I'm not concerned with titles.
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Do I count if I use the device as my first android based smartphone to take my android development to further levels?
Hey Adam,
If i get the device i will make a SGS II port like on the Samsung Galaxy S I also alot of Fascinate users have PM'ed me to port my rom onto their device. So now its all upto you.
I'm not a "Recognized Developer" on this board, but I do work on embedded systems (arm, powerpc, x86, etc...)
port u-boot to fascinate and enable fastboot. (See: [U-Boot] Fastboot gadget, v2)
investigate ubi/ubifs to replace yaffs2 (faster, and dynamic partitioning) without xsr/fsr/tfsr, you have to use raw mtd. See: Raw Flash vs. FTL)
performance improvements
port to other Galaxy S, S2, and others.
newer recovery supporting all of the previous items.
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These tools require varying levels of experience and if you've never touched code before, you might want to check out guides about java(needed for android development) here. First However if you're ready to move from theory and syntax to actual development, here's what you'll need.
The Android Software Development Kit (or SDK)
The Android Software Development Kit (SDK) is actually a collection of tools that will help you make Android apps. There's more outside the SDK that we'll discuss, but here are some of the most helpful tools in the SDK:
Eclipse/Android Studio
There are two primary integrated development environments (IDE) for Android. An IDE is the main program where you'll write code and put your app together. It can help you organize and edit the various files in your app, manage the packages and supporting libraries you app will need, and test it out on real devices or emulators.
The default IDE for Android is Eclipse. Eclipse allows you to modify Java and XML files and organize the various pieces of your application, among many other tasks. The version you get from Google also includes a package manager that allows you to update to the latest version of Android tools as soon as Google releases them.
The main alternative is Android Studio, which is currently being made directly by Google. Like many Google projects, Android Studio is part of a prolonged beta. The long-term intention is for Android Studio to replace Eclipse as the primary IDE for Android development. That doesn't necessarily mean it's for everyone. For example, if you need to make use of the Native Development Kit for apps like games (hint: if you need it, you probably already know you need it), Eclipse is mandatory. However, Android Studio is a good option if you want to get a jump start on the future, and you're willing to tolerate some possible bugs.
No matter which IDE you choose, using it is a bit like Photoshop: it can do a ton of cool things, but you'll probably only learn the individual tools as you need them. However, this is also a good place to get started on some of the basics of Android development. Here are some great tutorials and resources to get you started:
Udacity - Developing Android Apps: This 8-week online class has a good amount of free elements, taught directly by Google engineers. The course won't just copy-paste code, but it will help you learn some of the core concepts and features you'll need.
Android Developer Training: Part of Google's documentation includes training tutorials on how to use its tools. These documents will walk you through basic features of the IDE. If you don't have much experience developing applications, this might not turn you into a master dev, but it will help you learn the tools.
Vogella: It's worth mentioning Vogella tutorials in just about every section here. This massive set of tutorials covers just about everything you could cover. If you have a basic question not covered above, check Vogella.
ADB, this tool's primary purpose is actually to aid in development. As such, it's included in the Android SDK. You can use this to load software or make changes to your devices when it's plugged into your computer. Here are some of the basic tools you can use with ADB, but if you want to learn more as a developer, check these out:
[*]ADB Documentation: This is the primary resource from Google on what ADB is and how it works. You can find most of what ADB is capable of here.
[*]Vogella - Using the Android Debug Bridge: Another Vogella tutorial, this one covers the basics of how ADB works and some of the common things you can do with it. If you don't want to dig through Google's documentation for the one command you need, this might be a good place to start.[/LIST]
Android Developer Guidelines
We've already linked to a couple of resources from the official Android Developer Guidelines so far, which only proves how useful they are. Google maintains a vast, extensive collection of documentation and resources for how to program your apps that you can reference or search through.
If you're brand new to Android development, it can't hurt to browse through some of the tutorials and guides here. They're laid out in such a way that one lends into another (see the Android Developer Training above). Here are some sections that are worth brushing up on if you're getting started:
Google Services : Google offers a wide variety of features that you might otherwise have to build out yourself like map and location features, cloud backups, sign-in services and more. You can check them all out here.
API Guides: Google services are set apart from the regular APIs, which you can also read about here. These range from code to create basic animations, to reading sensors and connecting to the internet. There's tons of info here to add functionality to your app.
Sample Code: Sometimes it helps to see how someone else did it before you. This section shows you samples of code for various functions. This can help you see how something works, or just use it in your app so you don't have to reinvent the wheel.
Android Design Guidelines
The counterpart to the developer guidelines is the Design Guidelines. Google is focusing increasingly on teaching its developers how to make apps that not only work well but look good. As such, that means a lot of the work has been done for you to cover the basics like buttons, simple animations, and whatnot.
The place to go to get more info on this is the Android Design Guidelines, which are a second major subsection of Google's official documentation. Keep in mind that these are here for people who may not have a great grasp on visual design as it relates to creating application interfaces. In other words, if you already know what your app is going to look like, you might not need this. If you already know what you're app looks like but you're not good at making apps look good, check this out.
Here are a list of some the helpful areas to start:
Devices: Android targets more than just phones. This section will help you learn how phones, tablets, TVs, and watches all relate and how you can design an interface that adapts to all of them.
Patterns: Android is built on structured interfaces. This section teaches the building blocks of how apps work so you can design the framework that you'll be building your design on top of.
Material Design Documentation: This is technically a separate section for now, but Google's newest version of Android will introduce a new type of design language called Material Design. Here you can peruse what that means and how to think about designing apps that fit these guidelines. It's also helpful if you're not experienced with thinking about how users interact with apps, even if you don't follow the specific recommendations.
While you're developing an app, there are a lot of files to manage and you'll need a way to track changes. Git is one of the most commonly used protocols to manage new versions or changes to existing software. Necessarily, it's a little more complicated than a basic backup tool. It's flexible enough to allow you to manage multiple different branches of your app as well as pull from older versions if something goes wrong.
Two of the most common services for managing projects with Git are Github and Bitbucket. Both use the same underlying protocol and can be integrated directly into either Eclipse or Android Studio. BitBucket allows you to have some private repositories (read: storage for projects) without paying money, while GitHub's free offerings require them to be publicly listed unless you pay a little extra. Here are some resources that can help you get started with Git:
BitBucket Tutorials: Atlassian, the maker of BitBucket, have a series of guides on how to get started with BitBucket and import your projects here. In my personal experience setting up both BitBucket and GitHub, this service and these guides were much easier for the uninitiated to get started with.
GitHub Guides: GitHub similarly has some tutorials on how to set up its service that you can find here. Some of the guides refer to older versions of the software in some cases, but generally you should be able to get up and running with these.
Vogella Git Tutoriall: Vogella has yet another great tutorial here explaining what Git itself is and how it can help you manage your entire project. While version management is Git's primary function, there's a lot more here that Vogella can walk you through.
Developing for Android is far more than just putting Java in a text editor. If you have a little bit of experience with writing code but haven't dived head first into actual app development yet, there's a lot you may not be aware you need to know just yet. The good news is, you're not the first person to go down this road. These are just some of the tools you need and hopefully these guides will put you on the right path.
If I Helped You,Press Thnx Insted Of Commenting...
and what about NDK?
fast toggles said:
and what about NDK?
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Thnx for rply
I thought that it was for new peoples,once they will familiar with basic,will go to such level.
But you can provide me some links to add them here.
fast toggles said:
and what about NDK?
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What is the point of using NDK?? I think it is important only if you want make games with c++ on Android??
Otherwise is there any point of using it ??
Thanks in advance
I think you might also added some links to learn Java programming first because who want to learn android must learn java first and have a good background with it as android is written by Java.
I think this free series on youtube will be useful for beginners to learn java: