It's really annoying. The Hero's got it, and it was invaluable to me. saved my phone many a time.
I've been reading many reviews online re this lacking on the Nexus One as well, and users as well as editors citing Apple as starting the dumb trend to eliminate a strap connecting point as I am sure it would ruin steve's aesthetics. So why did HTC have to go follow this dumb new trend?
Does anyone know if any of the silicon cases set to come out will have at least the option for a carrying strap?
You know this was brought up at HoFo. We were talking about creating some sort of lanyard port on the iPhone itself. Maybe if case-mate got the hint and started producing cases....
Anywho, what could be done is get a thick gelli/silicone case and use a small tipped screw driver or even a safety pin to create 2 holes anywhere on the case.
That eBay seller (e-story) that I keep talking about, has Nexus One cases that have a built-in lanyard port. Unfortunately he hasn't started selling silicone cases yet for the Desire. Hopefully sometime in the next few weeks.
I posted a link earlier with a guy in Hong Kong who has started to sell a silicone case that can possibly be modified with the holes for a lanyard.
thanks for the reply. I already have "ruinified" my back cover by placing those self adhesive gripper strips on it so the phone doesn't slip out of my hands. It's way more slippery than the Hero -- which is funny, because so many review spoke of how the phone's materials had more of a grip feel to them... not so. Yes, some resistance vs slipperyness of polished plastic or aluminum, but not enough to be safe.
So that was "be safe not sorry" measure #1.
Measure 2 is: I ordered already a silicon gel case for the Desire. It starts shipping in 5 days. I have no idea the quality. But to me it's insurance at this point, since who knows how long til the market is developed withj accessories. quite amazing how unprepared the accessory market was. Not like this phone was a secret.
I ordered from here, since i am usa:
but found it here initially, a uk vendor for them:
I am sure i must have seen it on one of these threads.
I will for sure be fashioning a carry strap one way or another, and how dumb for HTC to "delete" this usability design element... especially when the European Hero (NOT the ones you would have seen in the USA) has the most elegant design including its carry strap hole and method of securing. Just beautiful. I wonder if the Legend has a carry strap or did they abandon it there too...
redrazr7791 said:
You know this was brought up at HoFo. We were talking about creating some sort of lanyard port on the iPhone itself. Maybe if case-mate got the hint and started producing cases....
Anywho, what could be done is get a thick gelli/silicone case and use a small tipped screw driver or even a safety pin to create 2 holes anywhere on the case.
That eBay seller (e-story) that I keep talking about, has Nexus One cases that have a built-in lanyard port. Unfortunately he hasn't started selling silicone cases yet for the Desire. Hopefully sometime in the next few weeks.
I posted a link earlier with a guy in Hong Kong who has started to sell a silicone case that can possibly be modified with the holes for a lanyard.
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I do agree that it was sort of retarded to leave out the lanyard port. Even the MyTouch 3G had it
What you could do is also drill 2 little holes into the back-cover of the phone, line them up with the silicone skin and place 2 holes through the skin also. This way you have added security with the strap being through the back-cover and the skin.
I just did some searching on eBay and it seems that more sellers are starting to push out cases for the Desire. They look pretty good, especially since they cover the whole phone (buttons and trackpad), not just running around the border of the phone -
Thing is...they are all located in Hong Kong
redrazr7791 said:
I do agree that it was sort of retarded to leave out the lanyard port. Even the MyTouch 3G had it
What you could do is also drill 2 little holes into the back-coveri of the phone, line them up with the silicone skin and place 2 holes through the skin also. This way you have added security with the strap being through the back-cover and the skin.
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That's an idea worth considering but of course 2 problems ... backs snap is itself not secure enough for holding weight of hand ... and the warranty void. I did buy 3rd party insurance from square trade which covers accidental damage incl dropping...
Still I would seek some more secure anchor method... If I had some spare time, I swear I would do this: I'd work my way through the corporate maze at HTC until I burrowed into someone in actual product design... and then I would pose the challenge to them from a purely hypothetical point of view about where and how this fish-line could be anchored.
redrazr7791 said:
I do agree that it was sort of retarded to leave out the lanyard port. Even the MyTouch 3G had it
What you could do is also drill 2 little holes into the back-cover of the phone, line them up with the silicone skin and place 2 holes through the skin also. This way you have added security with the strap being through the back-cover and the skin.
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The skin would have the advantage of keeping some extra pressure keeping the back on, with out this I would also be worried about the back pulling off. I would make the holes nearer the bottom because this edge is opposite the edge which is designed to be opened.
I've gone the Zag InvisibleSHIELD route, so I have no plans to fit a silicon skin, so I've had to find a different solution.
I found that I can loop the lanyard fixing chord around the sim in the phone, between the silver sim socket and the 'runner' about 5mm away on the left hand side of the sim. It makes it tight work to get the sim back in place, but it does seem to work. I was considering making a small hole on the right hand edge of the back panel to allow the mounting chord to pass through but now I don't think this is necessary as the back does clip into place with only the slightest bump.
The sim socket, which will now be taking the strain from the lanyard, is fixed very securely. When I first tried to insert the sim into the phone I didn't even realize the 'runner' was there and tried to slide the sim in over the runner and didn't manage to get the socket to pop out.
Spud, congratulations on a GREAT "Post #1" to XDA ---- one of the best examples of a "Post #1" I have seen here in years. I am really thankful you posted this, as I find this to be an essential accessory... One which to me reduces stress far more than any case or screen shield... Knowing I have the phone strapped to my wrist has always given me primary peace of mind for a device that is so precisely put together where one drop could dislodge any number of things, even if a case prevents a knick or scratch.
REQUEST: Could you get a camera that has macro-close-up focus, and take a few extreme close up pictures of your assembly? I have a good sense for what you mean, but nothing speaks like a picture. I was thinking of exploring this kind of route myself, trying to figure out a way similar to how the HERO's anchor point was designed so brilliantly.
I think new members have some restrictions on posting links, and I am guessing no file attachments either, so, would you consider please taking a full series of photos, cover on, cover off, the whole process... and then email me the pics? and then i can post them here, and this could help a lot of people.
You can email me at my user name here @ gmail dot com. Thank you for posting! And welcome to XDA-developers. How do you like your desire? Have you had a touchscreen phone before? If so, which one?
SpudULike said:
The skin would have the advantage of keeping some extra pressure keeping the back on, with out this I would also be worried about the back pulling off. I would make the holes nearer the bottom because this edge is opposite the edge which is designed to be opened.
I've gone the Zag InvisibleSHIELD route, so I have no plans to fit a silicon skin, so I've had to find a different solution.
I found that I can loop the lanyard fixing chord around the sim in the phone, between the silver sim socket and the 'runner' about 5mm away on the left hand side of the sim. It makes it tight work to get the sim back in place, but it does seem to work. I was considering making a small hole on the right hand edge of the back panel to allow the mounting chord to pass through but now I don't think this is necessary as the back does clip into place with only the slightest bump.
The sim socket, which will now be taking the strain from the lanyard, is fixed very securely. When I first tried to insert the sim into the phone I didn't even realize the 'runner' was there and tried to slide the sim in over the runner and didn't manage to get the socket to pop out.
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Not recommending it, but have you thought about threading through the two holes for the front top "speaker"?
quicksite said:
REQUEST: Could you get a camera that has macro-close-up focus, and take a few extreme close up pictures of your assembly? I have a good sense for what you mean, but nothing speaks like a picture. I was thinking of exploring this kind of route myself, trying to figure out a way similar to how the HERO's anchor point was designed so brilliantly.
I think new members have some restrictions on posting links, and I am guessing no file attachments either, so, would you consider please taking a full series of photos, cover on, cover off, the whole process... and then email me the pics? and then i can post them here, and this could help a lot of people.
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Sorry, I can't run to a full set of photographs, but I hope the following will suffice.
Hmm. Don't really like that. Looks risky and deforms the case.
SpudULike said:
Sorry, I can't run to a full set of photographs, but I hope the following will suffice.
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That's pretty impressive.... I didn't check the inside of mine initially when you described it, and so before the pictures I was imagining that carry strap feeding down through the bottom of the cover, and I was wondering how that would work. So I actually didn't realize til I took the back of my Desire off that it's coming off the left side when looking at the screen, which is good placement ergonomically.
As for the engineering tensions and torques, I have no idea... I was trying to just imagine it in my head, and i applied force to the plastic sim card in the downward direction if the device were to slip from my hand... I can't evaluate but one thing's for sure, as you said, with your scenario of no case, this is, to me, a much better solution that praying no accidental dropping.
HTC really should have handled this (pun intended). Nice job! And thanks for the pics. I didn't know new registrants could post pics until x number of posts, but I guess you've shown otherwise, and that's a good thing.
al89nut said:
Not recommending it, but have you thought about threading through the two holes for the front top "speaker"?
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Well do you mean anchoring it at the top and draping over the back and hanging down that way?
I'm going to simulate what MAYBE you mean, and photograph it.. then post again and ask...
al89nut said:
Not recommending it, but have you thought about threading through the two holes for the front top "speaker"?
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Is this what you had in mind? This is just a "fictional dramatization".. Do not try this without adult supervision. But now that I see it, I wouldn't mind at all seeing 2 black threads at the top...
I guess when I get a silicon gel casing I won't need this solution, but i think it's also pretty good. Now if only someone can determine how & if the black-thread fishing line can be fished through the opening.... Oh, and if this wasn't what you had in mind, what WAS your idea?
That was it, though as I said, I would not be sure that it would not deform the two holes or interfere with the sound quality.
There is another better option - if you take the back off there are two torx screws in the top left and the top right (from the back) locations. I should imagine that if loosened, something could be looped around the top right one and then it could be tightened back up. Whether that loop would be the lanyard or a connecting piece of strong nylon I don't know. If you really want to go to town, you could probably try to cut a tiny tiny nick so it could come through the back cover where the notch is already cut to let you pry the back off. That's my best suggestion.
Attaching a strap
I have threaded fishing line through 4 of the holes in the speaker thingy on the top back and made a small loop. I have attached my lanyard strap to that and it has worked ok so far.
tirc83 said:
I have threaded fishing line through 4 of the holes in the speaker thingy on the top back and made a small loop. I have attached my lanyard strap to that and it has worked ok so far.
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Oh, i would LOVE to see a photo! so cool.
Meanwhile, I have created a lanyard carry strap using a silicon case, punched a needle sized hole through and attached to a small smooth edged thin "plate" about the dimensions of an SD card.
I have been meaning to post my video on this. It is awesome.
But I and OTHERS would love to see your solution in pictures. Could you take some please? and if possible take close up macro shots right at the speaker grill with good lighting shining right in there, maybe a flashlight, so that we can see what IS or is not being obstructed..... the big worry was that fishing a line thru there would puncture the speaker itself.
So could you describe what you discovered?
thank you! great job!
Pics of fishing line method
quicksite said:
Oh, i would LOVE to see a photo! so cool.
thank you! great job!
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OK here are three pics of the finished article. I just removed the back cover, threaded through some fishing line and tied a small loop. I was then able to use this loop as an anchor for the strap.
Nice, but I would really, really worry that the back cover will come off. Better if you can secure it to some of the screws inside the Desire.
tirc83 said:
OK here are three pics of the finished article. I just removed the back cover, threaded through some fishing line and tied a small loop. I was then able to use this loop as an anchor for the strap.
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Oh, I see now, I hadn't noticed -- you fed thru the BACK cover speaker grill.... When i first read i thought you had created the solution i made the video simulation about, which was afixing the lanyard fishing line around and behind the FRONT speaker grill -- which is why i mentioned there was fear about tearing into the speaker.
Well you saw the other person's solution, right, where he attached the lanyard to the micro SD card cage inside and send the line out the side. Some people liked that conceot, some didn't.
Okay, i have to post my pics. I have a 50-photo sequence of very detailed extreme close-ups of creating a lanyard strap for use with a silicon casing. It's practically foolproof. I say practically, because there are always ways to be so reckless beyond what any guardrails on a mountain roadway will ever do to protect you and your car from tumbling over the edge and over the mountain
I'd say the concerns in this case are correct... With the attchment point being just the back cover; I'm afraid that is not reliable enough to risk a $550 device's safety on.
I have not reviewing this thread, so not sure if it was on this one or another one where someone talked about using one of thecasing screws of the internal phone device.... though i think these void your warranty.
(time for me to say again: why oh why oh why HTC, why did you blindly follow Apple's iPhone BAD DESIGN PHILOSOPHY and do away with this small little item that protects a $500-$550 device? The design of the HERO *had* the carry strap hook, and it was brilliant and elegantly designed... sheesh !)
Can they tell if you loosen a screw a little?
Not sure if this belongs in general or not, but just wanted to give everyone a heads up.
Last night I torn my phone apart to try and be the first one to do the palm inductive charger hack on a sensation, but once I got to the lower circuit board I noticed that the usb pins are way too close to the chip set and are permanently shielded with a metal shroud. I also noticed that there are no + or - terminals like on the EVO so it looks like a no-go for us so far.
Just a warning so you don't waste money on buying the palm stuff and tearing your phone apart.
Hmm, I just did a mod on my Galaxy Nexus (easy due to the pogo pins) and am pretty determined to do it on the wifes Sensation. I work with micro-miniature solder technicians so I'm not worried about that, guess I'll have to cut the shroud away to expose the USB connector though. That might get a little messy. I'll post pics if I can get it to work! Honestly, with the popularity of this phone, I'm surprised nobody has gotten the high WAF mod to work yet.
This guy made it work with a Sensation.
Daiskei said:
This guy made it work with a Sensation.
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Yep, and I commented in that thread as well lol.
kpjimmy said:
Yep, and I commented in that thread as well lol.
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Oh... Hah... Ooops!
farfromovin said:
Hmm, I just did a mod on my Galaxy Nexus (easy due to the pogo pins) and am pretty determined to do it on the wifes Sensation. I work with micro-miniature solder technicians so I'm not worried about that, guess I'll have to cut the shroud away to expose the USB connector though. That might get a little messy. I'll post pics if I can get it to work! Honestly, with the popularity of this phone, I'm surprised nobody has gotten the high WAF mod to work yet.
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I think the biggest issue is the unibody case. Even if you get the soldering, or conductive glue down the inductive current won't make it through the stock case. I tried. You'll have to sandwich the inductive circuit between the phone and case.
I have since removed the inductive circuit because the tiny (prob around 32 gauge) wire broke and I didn't feel like rebuilding it. Assuming you could get the circuitry down using the positive resistor you might be able to solder a larger coil that may pick up through the case. If you figure it out I would be thrilled to know how you did it.
The only real reason I wanted to do it was because no one had done it on our phones yet. Good luck!
Nice find on that old thread. I've been wanting to do the same with my Sensation. Any idea about the fatty Mugen case? Just picked one up for $20. Seems a lot cheaper. Is the problem with the OEM case metal in the housing? Maybe this Mugen is all plastic.
There's a ton of space between the sim/sdcard and the housing (for the housing to be able to accommodate the double battery) and may be the perfect spot.
My idea is to hide a dozen rechargeable AA's or so inside a leather belt and have a holster (or pocket powermat). Seems like an actual reasonable use for inductive charging. Of course, it's just conceptual at this point. I need to determine if AA's are actually feasible (comfort and style wise) and whatever the inefficiencies are with inductive charging.
Looking to be able to go a week or so without having to recharge the phone/belt (figure I'm running through 1500mah every 10 hours or so, less when sleeping).
ziddey said:
Nice find on that old thread. I've been wanting to do the same with my Sensation. Any idea about the fatty Mugen case? Just picked one up for $20. Seems a lot cheaper. Is the problem with the OEM case metal in the housing? Maybe this Mugen is all plastic.
There's a ton of space between the sim/sdcard and the housing (for the housing to be able to accommodate the double battery) and may be the perfect spot.
My idea is to hide a dozen rechargeable AA's or so inside a leather belt and have a holster (or pocket powermat). Seems like an actual reasonable use for inductive charging. Of course, it's just conceptual at this point. I need to determine if AA's are actually feasible (comfort and style wise) and whatever the inefficiencies are with inductive charging.
Looking to be able to go a week or so without having to recharge the phone/belt (figure I'm running through 1500mah every 10 hours or so, less when sleeping).
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That sounds good, but with the weight of the rechargeables may pose a issue when it comes to portability when you are talking about a dozen of them. Why not just carry along a power bank? I have a 10000mAh one that charges two devices at once and is no bigger than a phone.
I mean I love the idea of inductive charging. I mean the GSIII has the option to do so.
I got one of these recently for my vacation. It takes AA batteries which is easily available or you can use rechargeables.
I think I'll try this one out but I do have one question. Is having 1 pin (assuming it is 5v) enough to complete the circuit? Doesn't it need a ground lead somewhere?
The pic is from
I don't understand your picture. Yes, you need a ground to complete the circuit. And without manipulating the data pins, you will be limited to a charge rate of 100mA.
ladys and gentlemen. assuming you are happy with only the 100ma cap then could you not logically just connect the wires to the battery terminals and allow that to charge it. leaving the usb port free?? i have had to do this once or twice in emergency situations when i didnt have the correct charging cable but had a damaged usb + laptop.
Yes, you will need to ground to any metal point to complete the circuit. I just sandwiched the wire between the sim and metal sim holder.
I'm in the process of doing the same thing to my Sensation. I wanted to make sure that the Touchstone charger would support the weight of my phone in it's case, so I took the short cut of using parts from a microUSB charger to route from the induction coil terminals to the charge port. I'm halfway through routing all the necessary connections to go through the board instead of the charge port. In the attached picture, I've highlighted 2 test points that will let you route your +5v line into the board. I'll use the metal housing of the sim card reader to attach the ground.
Since the back of the phone is metal and its always going to be in a case I'm going to have to use pogo plugs or some other form of metal contacts to go through the back housing to allow me to pull off the case/back whenever I need. I'll have my charge port free to use over USB as well
Did you get it working?
orias said:
I'm in the process of doing the same thing to my Sensation. I wanted to make sure that the Touchstone charger would support the weight of my phone in it's case, so I took the short cut of using parts from a microUSB charger to route from the induction coil terminals to the charge port. I'm halfway through routing all the necessary connections to go through the board instead of the charge port. In the attached picture, I've highlighted 2 test points that will let you route your +5v line into the board. I'll use the metal housing of the sim card reader to attach the ground.
Since the back of the phone is metal and its always going to be in a case I'm going to have to use pogo plugs or some other form of metal contacts to go through the back housing to allow me to pull off the case/back whenever I need. I'll have my charge port free to use over USB as well
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Hi there, I have a htc sensation with a broken usb port and want to use it for inductive charging instead. So im wondering if you managed to ever get it working?
Regards Shaun.
I did!, but not with pogo plugs for an elegant solution. I ended up just running the wires from the inductive charger through a hole drilled into the metal back and than routed to the pad shown in the picture and the sim card metal housing.
orias said:
I did!, but not with pogo plugs for an elegant solution. I ended up just running the wires from the inductive charger through a hole drilled into the metal back and than routed to the pad shown in the picture and the sim card metal housing.
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Did you have difficulty with the metal backing interfering with the induction charger?
I've purchased the Nexus 4 and was looking to buy a wireless charger. The TYLT Vu wireless charger seemed like a worthy contender but there were a few things I wanted to find out so I made contact with TYLT and asked the following questions:
Do you or will you be supporting shipment to UK?
Does the back end adjust to allow a custom incline for the phone?
How many charging coils does the stand have?
Do you have a diagram of how and where the charging coils are distributed across the face of the stand?
Does the charger stand plug into the mains via MicroUSB cable?
Is the mains cable included? If so, will the mains cable have different ends for USA and UK or will it just be a USA plug?
Credit to TYLT because they answered extremely quickly with the following answers:
Unfortunately this product will only be available in the US for now.
No, it is inclined at a set angle and it is not adjustable
It has 3 charging coils
There are 3 coils lined up vertically from the base of the charger to the top (no diagram)
The end that goes in the VU is a pin connector, the other end goes into a wall outlet.
The cable is included and for now it’s just a USA plug and that is the reason it will only be available in the US for now.
The fact it is not available for UK is not a massive deal breaker as I could always get a friend who is visiting the states to get it for me. However, there's a few things that do put me off:
It only has 3 charging coils arranged in a vertical line. This means that the device's charging coil will need to be lined up in the centre. The Nexus 4's charging coil is not in the centre and is more at the bottom end of the phone. Therefore, if you place it on this stand in the landscape orientation then it would have to be slightly hanging off one end more than the other. It should still be well supported but could be a little annoying.
I was expecting the charging cable to be a MicroUSB charger as then this would mean you could use a cable that has a mains adapter suited for the region you are from. It also means you could move the Vu around without having to move the cable as most people have spare MicroUSB chargers.
Not such a major issue but the fact the stand can't be adjusted means that the 45degree angle of incline is fixed. Can be worked around by propping the back end of the stand on a book so no big deal.
It will be released at $70 which is a lot more than the other wireless chargers. While it initially seemed like an excellent charging stand, it's appeal for me is no longer so great and thus I can't justify spending so much on the stand.
Everyone's preferences are different so the above negative points may not apply to you. However, I thought I'd share to give everyone else some info. For me, the list of wireless chargers left on my short list are the official Nexus one and the Maxell one. I do hope the Nexus one is priced reasonably.
Thanks for sharing the info
There is already a thread on this accessory. As a reply to your first point, AP did an actual hands on test with the VU and the N4 and it worked in every way possible, landscape, portrait, etc... did not need to be specifically hanging on one edge or whatever fashion to line up the coils. That is the benefit of having multiple coils.
facetubespam said:
There is already a thread on this accessory. As a reply to your first point, AP did an actual hands on test with the VU and the N4 and it worked in every way possible, landscape, portrait, etc... did not need to be specifically hanging on one edge or whatever fashion to line up the coils. That is the benefit of having multiple coils.
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Read the answer to question 4. There are only 3 coils which are lined up vertically. This means that the benefit of having multiple coils is only really true for the vertical alignment of the phone. The horizontal alignment of the phone is no different to that of a single coil charger.
Because the N4's coil is off centre on the phone when you hold it in the horizontal plane, this means that in order to align it with the Vu stand, you must place the phone in a non-symmetrical way (i.e. one side of the phone will hang off the stand more than the other).
My initial thought was that the entire face of the stand was covered with coils such that the phone could literally charge in any location on the stand but with only 3 coils lined up in the vertical plane, then I don't think this would be true.
Having more coils on the charger is better but with this being a stand, you lose the ability to move around the phone to exactly line up the coils because the mobile has to rest on the stand. The charging pads at least allow you to move around the phone in all directions to achieve a decent line up. So in some ways, the extra coils in this stand are needed because it does not allow you to fully position the in all directions.
Another point is that while the N4 might line up exactly with one of the coils when it is placed on the stand. What happens if you use a phone with a slightly different positioned coil such that it does not line up to one of the coils? What if it is smack bang in the middle of two coils? It still has to rest on the stand so you can't position it higher unless you put something on the stand to allow the phone to sit higher. May be having alignment between two coils still gives you charging but at reduced efficiency?
I'm really not sure of the answers to these questions but I'd imagine they would certainly be interesting to anyone who was looking to buy the Vu.
I think your way over thinking this. His point was that Android Police did, in fact, test this dock with an N4 and they found NO issue with it's ability to charge whether in Vertical or Horizontal position. They also tested Vertically upside down just to show that the different coils do work.
Techno79 said:
Read the answer to question 4. There are only 3 coils which are lined up vertically. This means that the benefit of having multiple coils is only really true for the vertical alignment of the phone. The horizontal alignment of the phone is no different to that of a single coil charger.
Because the N4's coil is off centre on the phone when you hold it in the horizontal plane, this means that in order to align it with the Vu stand, you must place the phone in a non-symmetrical way (i.e. one side of the phone will hang off the stand more than the other).
My initial thought was that the entire face of the stand was covered with coils such that the phone could literally charge in any location on the stand but with only 3 coils lined up in the vertical plane, then I don't think this would be true.
Having more coils on the charger is better but with this being a stand, you lose the ability to move around the phone to exactly line up the coils because the mobile has to rest on the stand. The charging pads at least allow you to move around the phone in all directions to achieve a decent line up. So in some ways, the extra coils in this stand are needed because it does not allow you to fully position the in all directions.
Another point is that while the N4 might line up exactly with one of the coils when it is placed on the stand. What happens if you use a phone with a slightly different positioned coil such that it does not line up to one of the coils? What if it is smack bang in the middle of two coils? It still has to rest on the stand so you can't position it higher unless you put something on the stand to allow the phone to sit higher. May be having alignment between two coils still gives you charging but at reduced efficiency?
I'm really not sure of the answers to these questions but I'd imagine they would certainly be interesting to anyone who was looking to buy the Vu.
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Hi All,
I got my SW2 today. I was wondering if anyone knew how to remove 1-2 elements from the metal wrist band?
There are 5 links that can be shortened from the "top" side of the bracelet. There are small points, the pins that hold them, that you have to take out.
If you want my advice, go to your local watch shop and have them do it for a few bucks. Without proper tools you're about 100% sure to damage your watch...
Sent from my GT-N7100 using xda app-developers app
I will do that. Thanks for the advice.
markdudier said:
Hi All,
I got my SW2 today. I was wondering if anyone knew how to remove 1-2 elements from the metal wrist band?
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It is fully detachable, as per manual, which you'll find here, in case you don't have it already (it's nicer to download, possibly even print, than having to go to some website over and over again.
It might be easier to remove the pins with the strap taken off the watch. You can remove 10 pieces, 5 on either side of the lock.
I removed 4 and I got a girly 17 cm circumference wrist. It had been so long since last time, that I didn't remember how to take metal straps of this type apart, so I used below video. I find her voice quite annoying, but it's some solid instructions. It's really, really easy. I used a blunt big needle, as I don't have screwdrivers quite that small. If you're good with your hands, no need to waste money on having other people do it for you. Just make sure the needle or whatever is not super pointy and sharp, as that might scratch the black paint, but it's the same tool essentially that a watch shop dude would use. :victory:
Adso3000 said:
It is fully detachable, as per manual, which you'll find here, in case you don't have it already (it's nicer to download, possibly even print, than having to go to some website over and over again.
It might be easier to remove the pins with the strap taken off the watch. You can remove 10 pieces, 5 on either side of the lock.
I removed 4 and I got a girly 17 cm circumference wrist. It had been so long since last time, that I didn't remember how to take metal straps of this type apart, so I used below video. I find her voice quite annoying, but it's some solid instructions. It's really, really easy. I used a blunt big needle, as I don't have screwdrivers quite that small. If you're good with your hands, no need to waste money on having other people do it for you. Just make sure the needle or whatever is not super pointy and sharp, as that might scratch the black paint, but it's the same tool essentially that a watch shop dude would use. :victory:
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Thanks, this worked.
I took a screwdriver with a somewhat pointy tip and hammered the pin with another soft-plastic handle screwdriver just to loosen it; not much, 1-2mm were enough.
Then I took a needle as you suggested and fastened it on a plier and hammered the pin out until I could grab and pull it out with my fingers.
Putting down a towel also helps a lot, so as to keep a distance for the pin to work itself out the link.
Could any of you guys help me out? I actually need 1-2 links to make my watch fit properly. I have big hands and thick wrists and my watch is snug. PM me for my address if you can mail 2 links to help me out!
Extra Links for Sony SW2 Metal Strap
Hi Guys anyone got any extra links they want to get rid of
Let me know thanks :good:
No, i did not get any extra link to remove element 1-2. If any one get let me
Hi All ... I thought I would do a little observation / synopsis of the Glass back on the Note 5.
1st Thing I want to Thank Cory Thackery who posted the fix of the phone stylus here :
It was on another video that Cory was showing how to remove the back and he cracked this one ..... So I asked him to possibly send me the damaged one to make a replacement
He agreed and sent me this So I could Mic. it and make a cast in order to possibly fab a metal or Carbon back...... Thanks for the generosity !
Ok ... I up loaded 10 pictures showing various points of view and showing the mic'ed thickness or actual size...
1. I noticed the actual thickness of the glass back is .5 mm +/- Just 1/10 of a mm thicker than the average glass screen protector
2. There no electronics or antennas or anything on the back cover.... this is good ......otherwise making a new cover would be harder.
3. In actuality, this Glass back is quite fragile being coated with an oleophobic resin coating on the inside and out. The same as a glass screen protector. I added a crack to it by barely flexing it when I was measuring. My guess is when installed on the phone, they engineered this to has collective increased strength once attached to the phone.
4. Basic Measurements are the Following:
• The wall thickness is .53 mm ...
• The Length is roughly just shy of 150 mm
• The width is just shy of 74 mm
• The Camera opening is about 15 mm
• The flash/light is about 12.5 mm
• The Tangent radius 2.85 mm which makes it just shy of a true 90 degree radius ......
• The variances are probably a result of the cleaning/deburring process after casting.
The Double stick tape this used is nothing really special I did not show it but, the adhesive is basically the same as other high grade double stick tape.. The one thing about it is they used a type strong plastic as the body medium.
Looking forward to making a custom back poses a couple of issues ........ If made with Carbon Fiber........ not sure I can really get it that thin so that would mean the back would be slightly thicker somewhere between .75-1mm
If made with Metal I would think the Aluminum 7000 alloy would do it and this could be milled to the tolerances pretty close to the original spec. So, That may be the way to go. The issues with metal the shape can deform over time with abuse so, Need to make sure the metal chosen has excellent shape memory properties
Either way, as I get further into this project I will update as I go. Bear in mind this will be a bit of a slow process, remember most of us are not rich , therefore, we have day jobs, family ......... you know A Life
Thanks for reading, ~~~ oka1
Pretty awesome! Looking forward to following the process of this modification! :good: :highfive:
oka1 said:
Hi All ... I thought I would do a little observation / synopsis of the Glass back on the Note 5.
1st Thing I want to Thank Cory Thackery who posted the fix of the phone stylus here :
It was on another video that Cory was showing how to remove the back and he cracked this one ..... So I asked him to possibly send me the damaged one to make a replacement
He agreed and sent me this So I could Mic. it and make a cast in order to possibly fab a metal or Carbon back...... Thanks for the generosity !
Ok ... I up loaded 10 pictures showing various points of view and showing the mic'ed thickness or actual size...
1. I noticed the actual thickness of the glass back is .5 mm +/- Just 1/10 of a mm thicker than the average glass screen protector
2. There no electronics or antennas or anything on the back cover.... this is good ......otherwise making a new cover would be harder.
3. In actuality, this Glass back is quite fragile being coated with an oleophobic resin coating on the inside and out. The same as a glass screen protector. I added a crack to it by barely flexing it when I was measuring. My guess is when installed on the phone, they engineered this to has collective increased strength once attached to the phone.
4. Basic Measurements are the Following:
• The wall thickness is .53 mm ...
• The Length is roughly just shy of 150 mm
• The width is just shy of 74 mm
• The Camera opening is about 15 mm
• The flash/light is about 12.5 mm
• The Tangent radius 2.85 mm which makes it just shy of a true 90 degree radius ......
• The variances are probably a result of the cleaning/deburring process after casting.
The Double stick tape this used is nothing really special I did not show it but, the adhesive is basically the same as other high grade double stick tape.. The one thing about it is they used a type strong plastic as the body medium.
Looking forward to making a custom back poses a couple of issues ........ If made with Carbon Fiber........ not sure I can really get it that thin so that would mean the back would be slightly thicker somewhere between .75-1mm
If made with Metal I would think the Aluminum 7000 alloy would do it and this could be milled to the tolerances pretty close to the original spec. So, That may be the way to go. The issues with metal the shape can deform over time with abuse so, Need to make sure the metal chosen has excellent shape memory properties
Either way, as I get further into this project I will update as I go. Bear in mind this will be a bit of a slow process, remember most of us are not rich , therefore, we have day jobs, family ......... you know A Life
Thanks for reading, ~~~ oka1
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ooh! i would love an aluminum back plate.
Be sure the metal you choose doesn't interfere with NFC and MST!
I like this. I would jump all over more durable back... What about Titanium?
I know it would cost more but i wouldn't mind.
Ill keep an eye out for this
Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Mayonesa said:
I like this. I would jump all over more durable back... What about Titanium?
I know it would cost more but i wouldn't mind.
Ill keep an eye out for this
Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
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I actually thought the same thing 10x the cost and I am not sure there is any real benefit to using it since the back is so small
FYI I did make a mold to see if I can do the carbon Fiber, it looks doable ........ So I am going to try that 1st. Mostly, because I am a bit worried if the back is metal it may interfere with phone reception
oka1 said:
I actually thought the same thing 10x the cost and I am not sure there is any real benefit to using it since the back is so small
FYI I did make a mold to see if I can do the carbon Fiber, it looks doable ........ So I am going to try that 1st. Mostly, because I am a bit worried if the back is metal it may interfere with phone reception
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I would buy a carbon fibre back most likely, that would be epic! xD
I think carbon fiber might interfere with the reception as well since it is conductive.
ratindahat said:
I think carbon fiber might interfere with the reception as well since it is conductive.
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It would have to be grounded to have any shielding qualities, wouldn't it? I wouldn't think carbon fiber alone would block reception, it's a mesh so it's not like radio waves can't get through...
except you can make a Faraday cage out of copper mesh. I do know that a few people were playing with carbon fiber cases on the original asus transformer and they had to cut holes to allow the wifi signal to work properly.
I can't find any real info saying carbon fiber makes a particularly good Faraday cage.
The holes in a carbon fiber mesh also should be wide enough for frequency to go through, or so I'd think.
I don't think a carbon fiber cover would halt any signals.
All of my information is anecdotal from other builders. No idea if it will have a negative effect.
im totally support for this guy..
I will buy a back should it become available, in whatever material, mine cracked from a drop smh
Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk
Mine cracked also from a drop. 18 inches high dropped it cracked right across the back.
john21511 said:
Mine cracked also from a drop. 18 inches high dropped it cracked right across the back.
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Yeah i just picked up a $8 Heat gun, now i gotta source a new back somewhere....i guess it'll have to be a sammy replacement part :/
Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk
They are vailable here.... Probably not oem but might be as good
Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk
Is the back easy to replace?
My N5 is naked all the way. My N4 naked too and just sold it after having it for 1.3 yrs. Never dropped.