Keyboard dock no longer locks - Asus Transformer TF700


Shortest legal thread I've seen.
OP must be locked outside.


Captivate with JH7 GPS testing

Just loaded the official JH7 release and took my scooter for a ride. Captivate in my left front pants pocket, so it sits face down on my thigh, back (battery) side facing up toward the sky. Actually, it looks very good. Before the ride, lock was very good, lots of satellites and all locked very quickly. And the track looks excellent. I'll be curious how this works in a week... whether it degrades as the other one appeared to. But at the moment I am tentatively happy. Note the scooter ride averaged 20.82 mph, max speed of 38. So this was not a slow walking track. And yes I went up and down those blocks making a pattern to test the GPS. ;-)
Please post your test results of JH7 in this thread so we can compare.
I am in no way trying to be disrespectful, or an a$$ even though the following may seem like I am:
Did you search the forums before posting this? I started a thread similar to this not 20 minutes ago. I personally do not care to be the OP but I am posting here to explain that this is the reason we 2312 different threads about the same dang thing (today's update). It is impossible to search for information because everyone seems to feel the need to post their own thread.
Again no disrespect, I am not trying to dampen your enthusiasm for this but just would like some organization so that people (me ) won't have to read 30 different threads to get some information. I will ask the XDA gods to merge our threads maybe???
ptc62 said:
I am in no way trying to be disrespectful, or an a$$ even though the following may seem like I am:
Did you search the forums before posting this? I started a thread similar to this not 20 minutes ago. I personally do not care to be the OP but I am posting here to explain that this is the reason we 2312 different threads about the same dang thing (today's update). It is impossible to search for information because everyone seems to feel the need to post their own thread.
Again no disrespect, I am not trying to dampen your enthusiasm for this but just would like some organization so that people (me ) won't have to read 30 different threads to get some information. I will ask the XDA gods to merge our threads maybe???
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I was looking for a thread like this not 15 minutes ago. Finding it in this cluster of posts isn't easy.
ptc62, Maybe if you had named your original post usefully, or had actually posted some test data yourself, I would have noticed it. Was I supposed to search for "million dollar question"? I understand your frustration as I HAVE kept up with the other threads and its a lot of work. But it's true I don't read the ones with ambiguous titles. As it is, your comment only disrupts an otherwise useful thread. Oh well. Sorry for any angst I have caused you.
ptc62 said:
I am in no way trying to be disrespectful, or an a$$ even though the following may seem like I am:
Did you search the forums before posting this? I started a thread similar to this not 20 minutes ago. I personally do not care to be the OP but I am posting here to explain that this is the reason we 2312 different threads about the same dang thing (today's update). It is impossible to search for information because everyone seems to feel the need to post their own thread.
Again no disrespect, I am not trying to dampen your enthusiasm for this but just would like some organization so that people (me ) won't have to read 30 different threads to get some information. I will ask the XDA gods to merge our threads maybe???
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Your "Million Dollar Question" topic tittle is very misleading. I wouldn't blame Vintage for not being able to find it and starting a new thread. You should have been more specific. "Today's update" can mean anything in the title.
Vintagephone, thank you for making a thread with a proper title. Thank you for your test results. Now I can stock you because I know your scooter route , lol jk. I use to live in Irvine, kinda close by. I'm glad the GPS looks like it's working kind of well in CA.
This is a useful thread. Don't worry. It's very specific to JH7 -and- GPS. Plus, the thread TITLE is perfect. Great post.
My test... using the GPS Test app, it took about 45sec to lock on the first try. After it locked, I rebooted the phone. The next time it locked, it took only about 15sec.
On a sidenote, I'm still having problems with the Use Wireless Networks triangulate my location. I have that checked and Use GPS unchecked. I had Google Maps (the latest version) try to use the wireless networks to get My Location but it says "Your current location is temporarily unavailable." Something is up.
On a much side(r) note, PC Connection (for tethering) is gone. Accessing GPS settings via phone dialer is gone. YouTube widget has rotating feature videos, and the screen brightness settings that used to be the dimmest possible became much dimmer.
I did a track using My Tracks for my ride home from work and it was pretty bad, actually. It was an 8 mile ride, and it completely lost my location (stopped recording on default settings) 3 times. There were times when it worked flawlessly, but other times when it just connected the dots taking me off the road... So far, I am not very impressed. However, it is functional enough to use location-based apps and do some navigation (but I wouldn't rely on it completely, you'll end up in a ditch).
Here's a track I recorded this afternoon. 7.52 mi, 31.62 mph average speed, 61.04 mph max speed. Blame afternoon traffic. There is one inexplicable gap, and one spot where the track veers off to the center of the freeway. The latter was while driving next to/under a raised expressway, so perhaps it's sort of excusable? I dunno.
Overall, though, the GPS worked GREAT on this drive. It's not perfect, but it's about 500 times better than it ever was before this patch. Previously, it would show me going completely off the road, and making loops at intersections. Not usable at all. But for now, I am tentatively impressed with this fix. Only time will tell if performance will degrade as in the past, but right now it's working so well it's astonishing.
The only distressing part is that the GPS got a 10 meter, 7 satellite lock on me... in the bathroom with no windows... on the... toilet.
OK, here are my real world GPS test results after installing the new update:
Just drove home from work, about 24 miles. I drive through residential, heavily wooded, congested business and open highway areas. The GPS locked on within seconds of me starting up Google Navigation. It was spot on for almost the whole trip. Only when I was stopped for a period of time (i.e. at a traffic light) would it cause a hiccup when locating me. For example, at one stop light, it located me about 30-50 yards to my right on the road perpendicular to me. But as soon as I started moving, it picked me up correctly. Overall, it appears that the GPS issues have been improved. Probably not completely fixed, but it was a good experience compared to before the update.
Thanks everyone with your test results! May I ask you to add where you had your GPS? Direct view of the sky? Through windshield? Hidden under under your dash? Locked in your trunk? ;-)
I was holding it for a little while, but then placed it in my cup holder by my shifter, then on the passenger seat. Either spot, it didn't lose its GPS lock.
Has anyone with the knowhow attempted to see what it is exactly that was changed?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
vintagephone said:
Thanks everyone with your test results! May I ask you to add where you had your GPS? Direct view of the sky? Through windshield? Hidden under under your dash? Locked in your trunk? ;-)
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It was sitting on the passenger seat during my drive. I don't have a car mount for it yet.
Tested mine today on my drive home after flashing JH7. It worked great (though mine worked decent on JF6). It found 8 satellites instantly after opening my gps test app, and locked on to 6 in under a minute. I drove home on the freeway for about 30 minutes with the phone in a car dock doodad and it never lost a single satellite lock.
I had flashed the vibrant files onto my captivate before and GPS worked amazing. I updated and yes it could find me indoors and outside, but the actual GPS lock was pretty much a street away from my actual location. It also lost lock multiple times. I am restoring my phone back to the way it was before the update. My GPS could get a lock indoors with no circle around me and it was 10x more accurate than it is after the update.
I tried to do the update earlier today, and it said it failed. I didn't think much of it. I went for a walk in the park later, and turned on My Tracks, thinking it would be a good 'control' to see how much better the new update would be once I got it working.
It took <10 seconds to lock, but I was outside in a park. After it got a lock, I hit record, put the phone in my pocket, and walked around the park.
It's pretty much dead on, off by no more than a couple of meters anywhere.
When I got home, I checked back at the forums, where it was pointed out to me that for some people, the update claimed to fail, but actually updated. I checked my About screen, and sure enough, it updated.
So, while I don't recall it being particularly "bad" outside before, with the new update, it worked just fine in my pocket.
If your GPS seems fixed, please post your GPS settings. My update didn't complete successfully and GPS now is worse than before.
Here are some examples of errors from my track. It got me thinking: could the Body Glove case be getting in the way? I'll test it naked this afternoon.
alkiter If your GPS seems fixed, please post your GPS settings. My update didn't complete successfully and GPS now is worse than before.
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won't let me link to another thread because I'm new but....
Session Type - Tracking
Test Mode - S/W Test
Operation Mode - MS Based
Start Mode - Hot Start
GPS Plus - On
Dynamic Accuracy - ON
Accuracy - 50 (Able to alter/update)
Use Skyhook - OFF
Use PC Tool - OFF
Server FQDN Type - Auto Confi
Server - (Which is now locked down and unable to overwrite)
Server Port - 7275
SUPL Secure Socket - ON
I have not updated after seeing the problems everyone is dealing with. I DID change my gps settings to this and have noticed a significant improvement. Thanks!
Of course I had to change "Server FQDN Type" from auto to custom in order to keep the new server.
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This was a quick walk from my car to work this morning using My Tracks. It should show straight lines along the aisles but apparently the GPS still thinks I jump back and forth 30 feet at a time. The phone was in my front pants pocket, battery side out. JH7 was applied successfully yesterday. I'd say GPS isn't fixed.
I have to add I haven't had many problems with Runkeeper and GPS. The paths it records are almost perfect. Why My Tracks and most other GPS programs have such a big problem I have no idea.

CORRECT Hardware GPS Fix - For Captivate?

Hey guys,
Wanted to know if anyone has tried this:
I was trying to do the same thing on the Captivate realizing that the connector is readily accessible just by opening the battery door. Mine is a 1008 (number below S/N) telling its an August 2010 build so I tried. I am not sure about the results (improvements) and this may be because I am missing something. Want to know if anyone who has 1010 or earlier tried this successfully?!
Also, if that is a true fix which we are hoping, then does that mean the GPS antennae is on the battery door? Is that solid chip looking thing pasted a gps receiver? Experts please comment. And if that is a real antennae on the door, then without the battery cover the GPS should not work at all (with network thing off), but mine did. And if that is NOT the antennae, is it below the screwed down panel below the battery (like the vibrant)?
Just trying help myself and possibly others. Maybe I am going in completely wrong path, but it never hurts trying .
Feedback and comments please.
This would be awesome if it worked but I wanna make one comment. My GPS before the latest Dary 7 roms (The Darky 7/7.5/7.6 and now 7.7 ROMs) has been complete and utter crap. It never could maintain a lock if it ever got one in the first place, but now it is WAY better and even gets a lock when I'm under cover sometimes. Even when I'm driving it is totally usable and feels almost as good as my Nexus One did. I know my phone was manufactured before oct, but try out one of those ROMs before you go modifying your phone physically.
A thread for this fix is located here.
I have done both, bending the contact up a bit and scraping the film of the other contact off. It definately made an improvement. Now, will that improvement sustain throughout ROM's is a different story. But I definately got locks in 2 different places within 30 seconds. Very accurate locks I might add.
I think that the GPS problem is a hardware issue and not software. Sure, software can make it a little better. I had to replace my phone due to shutdown problem and the GPS on the new phone is absolutely perfect, no matter what ROM I use. That's my 2 cents though.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
just wanted to add this to the GPS saga-
my Father In-law has the Sprint Intercept - this just got the 2.2.1 update - I know this is a different phone than the Captivate and the hardware is probably not laid out the same, but I wanted to compare GPS side by side.. before the 2.2.1 update the phone took FOREVER to get a lock and accurate reading.
So his Intercept in my right hand, and my Captivate with JPY ROM (and with the Google GPS files floating around here as well) in the left hand.
Tapped on Google Maps at the same time, and the Intercept phone got to 2meter Accuracy before the Captivate got to 10M accuracy.
This has already been covered 3 or 4 times on this forum. search before posting please.
You guys should try Doc's 6.2.1 Rom. I am getting instant gps lock and it follows quite well.
Thread moved to General.

[Q] Dock Reaction Question

Wasn't sure what to title this thread. But its a pretty simple question.
Can the Xoom be programmed to react to being put in either dock?
I don't mean necessarily when charging begins because I can probably use Tasker for that. But specifically if the device is put into either dock, go into a bed side mode or something?
First off, your thread title was completely accurate and descriptive. Thank you for that.
Regarding your actual issue, THEORETICALLY this should work. However, I have been unable to get Tasker to recognize my Motorola Standard Dock on my WiFi-only XOOM. I am trying to make mine set the media volume to maximum when docked, roughly half-way when undocked, and a third of the way up when on headphones.
Has Tasker's dock detection worked for anyone else?
Sadly tasker doesn't seem to get me where I want to be with it. Is it too much to ask for the clock to come up when I drop it on? Meh guess so, only one of 2 complaints about the device in a month ain't bad I guess
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App

GPS hack?

I am on the search for a decent GPS hack, I have used several others posted on this forum and they seem to do the job but I am still having problem of it not locking on at all or taking a long time. Does anyone have any suggestions on what they would consider as the best?
So far I have used these;
Try this....
I don't think love would be a strong enough word at the moment.
As soon as I opened up my GPS app it immediately locked on to 7 satellites and full lock time was five seconds!

Android Feature Request

First off, this is my first post, so if I've made some grave noobie breach of etiquette by posting this here, my apologies in advance. I did try a search and didn't immediately locate a section for this type of post or a duplicate idea. However, given the vast quantity of excellent posts on this forum, I wouldn't be surprised if I'm not the first herald of this concept.
I woke up this morning with an idea in my head for future Android development that I believe is so universal that all versions should have this baked in. It is pretty simple--smart screen orientation control. I was reading an portrait version of a website article in bed lying on my back. I rolled to me side, but held the phone the same way and the screen went landscape, losing my position in the article. For the most part, I hate accelerometer screen switching. It often triggers when I don't want it to work, particularly in this type of scenario. I often turn it off, but do end up needing it every now and then.
Why not make it so that Android scans your eye position relative to the face of the phone, so if you are holding the phone in portrait, but happen to lay down on your side on a couch or bed, the phone knows not to switch to landscape. Vice versa for when you are watching a Youtube video in bed, and roll over to your side and the phone's orientation is technically vertical (portrait). The one constant will always be your eye's position relative to the screen, no matter what physical position of the phone in 3 dimensions.
Just lock the rotation.
Sent from my Desire HD using xda premium
yumm91 said:
Just lock the rotation.
Sent from my Desire HD using xda premium
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Locking the screen only solves one half of the problem. If I wanted to manually change the orientation lock all the time, why have an accelerometer in the first place? What I'm talking about is smart switching that will use the accelerometer and double check with eye position tracking.

