I've noticed that the profile for my home wifi network keeps getting disabled. Usually, I'll leave for a bit, then come back and about half the time it never reconnects. When I go into the wifi list, it's marked as disabled. I enable it and it works fine from that point unless I leave again. It's my understanding a profile will get disabled when it cannot connect to a network for some reason, but clearly it can. My G2 and SGS never have this problem. Is this a setting somewhere? Thanks...
I am having this same issue. I dont know how to fix it
This is more serious than I realized! I just got disconnected randomly even while staying in perfect coverage. Not only does it disconnect, but it DISABLES the connection and won't reconnect again unless I manually tell it to. I rely 100% on WiFi calling while home and now I'm missing all kinds of calls and texts because WiFi is disconnected...
I'm hoping this is just is a software issue that can be resolved pretty quickly, officially or unofficially...
This phone has like 10 legit problems already. Tmobile needs to hurry up with the updates or the refunds will kill them.
It might help if you talk about the router you're using. I have a Netgear N600 and haven't had any Wi-Fi issues either connecting, staying connected, or automatically reconnecting. Bluetooth on the other hand...
BarryH_GEG said:
It might help if you talk about the router you're using. I have a Netgear N600 and haven't had any Wi-Fi issues either connecting, staying connected, or automatically reconnecting. Bluetooth on the other hand...
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It's a Linksys WRT610N. Very modern and very stable router. There's no reason this phone should have any problem with it. I literally have a G2 and SGS sitting side-by-side with the G2x and only the G2x has this problem. The SGS is Froyo and the G2 is Gingerbread. I also have a slew of other wireless (on both 2.4ghz and 5.8ghz bands) and wired clients connected that all have zero issues. I don't know why it would work on one router and not the next...
Are you using WPA2-AES encryption or something else?
zaventh said:
Are you using WPA2-AES encryption
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Yes. And you're right, the phone is very temperamental across a number of areas.
Did you set up your wifi to never go to sleep? Cause if you havent - it disconnects every time you turn off the screen.
In order to do that, go to Settings=>Wireless & Networks=>Wi-Fi Settings=> click on the "menu" button on your phone=> Advanced=> Wi-Fi sleep policy=> and choose Never.
I did that, and my wifi calling is flawless ... and I rely on it pretty much all the time that I am at home (thanks for that stupid t-mobile signal)
I have the same issue and the setting I have by default to Never go to sleep... Also, has nothing to do with router as any of my other phones have this issue including Nexus One.
Did by any chance any of you with this issue restore some Titanium Back-ups? Because when I restored mine from a back-up of my 1st G2x (exchanged) I also restored the previous wi-fi settings and after that the wi-fi wouldn't work correctly. I did a factory reset and it fixed the problem.
Edit: If all else fails, then try a factory reset. I know it sucks, but it could fix everything.
Sent from my LG-P999 using XDA App
I'm having issues with this as well. Wifi set to never sleep, I haven't restored any apps. I constantly lose connection. I've tried the factory reset thing etc. and it doesn't help.
I can connect to my wireless g Linksys access point but not my airport extreme ... my Linksys is open my ape is not(I realize I wrote ape LOL)
Sent from my LG-P999 using Tapatalk
WiFi seems to be losing dns services
I have the same WiFi problems and while a factory reset clears the problem
temporarily and changing the WiFi sleep setting to never is an immense help
once it's gone off-line I can't get it to come back.
I have noticed that if it has a cached dns lookup to an ip address that that
ip address is still accessible. So if you can get OTA data live, look up google.
Switch to wifi, google is still accessible and you can do queries but you can't
click through on the links because the dns lookup fails.
I've fiddled with killing myaccount, suggested elsewhere, without success.
Unless there is some robust configuration change that pops up soon I suppose
I'll have to return it...
boylan said:
I have the same WiFi problems and while a factory reset clears the problem
temporarily and changing the WiFi sleep setting to never is an immense help
once it's gone off-line I can't get it to come back.
I have noticed that if it has a cached dns lookup to an ip address that that
ip address is still accessible. So if you can get OTA data live, look up google.
Switch to wifi, google is still accessible and you can do queries but you can't
click through on the links because the dns lookup fails.
I've fiddled with killing myaccount, suggested elsewhere, without success.
Unless there is some robust configuration change that pops up soon I suppose
I'll have to return it...
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Did you also uninstall market updates and freeze the market updater?
It got mine working again without any problems. Sucks that this has to be done to get wifi to work properly.
I've frozen MyAccount and WiFi calling and it's working at the moment.
Truely I was a little tired and forgot about the market updates until I got
back here.
Insane that one has to do something like this for such a basic feature.
I mean who is going to use the OTA networking when wifi is available?
Let alone the cost issues. I went from 880kbps to 10100kbps going from
OTA to wifi.
This device must have rushed out the door.
Useless at any speed
So I've uninstalled the updates to and FROZEN:
My Account
Market Updater
WiFi Calling
and the phone is still trippy. I've discovered also (via the engineering menu)
that the networking ping test fails - "network unreachable". The wifi
data looks good but it doesn't show the current gateway or dns configuration
I'm at a loss for what to try next. Anyone got any suggestions?
Is there something like a netstat android app?
I am having the SAME issue as well as the OP..... =/
wifi recovery
Too soon to say that this is a consistent work-around but I'm
having some short term luck with
rebooting the phone (remove battery) in Airplane mode
enabling wifi
turning airplane mode off
Not sure if the battery pop is necessary. I suspect it's not.
I also suspect that freezing/deinstalling the various updates
is pointless.
Probably the whole work-around is to change the
Wi-Fi sleep policy to never:
settings->wireless & network settings->Wi-Fi settings->advanced
and use the airplane/wifi enable reboot sequence.
If someone has a permanent work-around based on precise setup
sequence and freezing applications I'd like to hear it - I think I've
followed the several posts on this topic and that path is unreliable but
it never hurts to be wrong.
dj75728 said:
Did by any chance any of you with this issue restore some Titanium Back-ups? Because when I restored mine from a back-up of my 1st G2x (exchanged) I also restored the previous wi-fi settings and after that the wi-fi wouldn't work correctly. I did a factory reset and it fixed the problem.
Edit: If all else fails, then try a factory reset. I know it sucks, but it could fix everything.
Sent from my LG-P999 using XDA App
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Mine does this and I never restored any system data. I only restored apps.
I use WiFi calling at work with no problems. It is a Netgear router. I haven't had problems at home with my Linksys router either.
Hi anyone with previous experience on vodafone
Im reasonably down with how android works (after owning,rooting and flashing etc for 18 months with Desire)
but why the hell cant i conect via wifi!!
i can connect to networks ok but phone refuses to pull in any data be that mail, facebook, market or internet
Seriously, i cant figure this out at all, anyone have an idea ?
First evening with a new phone ruined!!
InspectorFrost said:
i can connect to networks ok but phone refuses to pull in any data be that mail, facebook, market or internet
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So you can connect your phone to a wireless connection, it just doesn't download anything? In that case, have you checked the same wireless connection with another device?
sjgore said:
So you can connect your phone to a wireless connection, it just doesn't download anything? In that case, have you checked the same wireless connection with another device?
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Yes and seriously stumped !
the only thing i can think is that theres some sort of wifi radio issue on my phone , but id have thought that would manifest by not connecting to the network rather than not pulling in data .
ive factory reset phone a couple of times and reset my router, no issues on other devices
think ill go back to the store for exchange as im not really prepared and shouldnt have to piss around with a brand new device
its a weird one
Have you tried changing the channel of your router? Try a lower number, like 11. Or temporarily removing any encryption and/or changing encryption type?
Did u try resetting your router? I had the same problem last night. Taught it was my phone. Ended up being my router. Go figure ;-p
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA Premium App
kfgtboypsp said:
Did u try resetting your router? I had the same problem last night. Taught it was my phone. Ended up being my router. Go figure ;-p
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA Premium App
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Tried at work and connects fine to the network, deffo must be an issue with my home network
Problem for me is that networks and the like aren't really my bag , ive had a look at the admin page on the router and can see its connected and theres nothing immediatly obvious that i could say "that looks suspect"
so im not sure what the answer is
all my other devices mac, pc ipod/phone and previous htc work well and have never had an issue
getting on my tits a little
ill have another fiddle later and see what i can do
cheers for the comments tho
otherwise, i do like the form factor of the phone and ill even give sense a good go befor i probably switch over to ADW or maybe launcherpro
Set up static IP address on phone ..... Worked like a charm
I find the same, except I think it has to do with encryption. I have tried with wep and wpa and I get an IP address but cannot browse. On unsecured it works just fine.
Like you found a static IP works, but I think it is the static DNS that is actually the issue here.
This is a cumbersome workaround if you use wifi all over the place, so I downloaded Static Wifi which says it will store settings per connection.
The only issue with this is that I think the device has to be rooted for this to work
Have you tried using the opendns settings
wifi reconnect
Hi all
Perhaps we all have the same issue
I have the HTC Sensation with almost 2 weeks now and i am having one continuous issue.
I have wifi set up at home the phone connects ok,however i also have a TV/Video sender,when i need to use the TV/Video sender i have to turn off the wifi(not ideal).The problem occurs when i turn off the TV/Video sender and turn the wifi back on,the phone will connect with the modem but not to the internet,Facebook,Twitter,emails will not sync,while testing i have discovered that if i "kill" facebook and Twitter and restart the apps all is ok again i.e facebook,Twitter and emails all sync.
Does anybody have an idea what is causing this ?
I seem to have managed to resolve this by setting the security to wpa2 and i also altered the dhcp scope to force a new range of ip addtrsses higher up. Since I did that I've had no problems.
Currently on stock ROM, not rooted. My wifi seems to stop connecting intermittently. The Network appears to be present when checking but it won't connect to it for 5 minutes at a time. The wifi sleep policy is also set to never
ryandoubleu said:
Currently on stock ROM, not rooted. My wifi seems to stop connecting intermittently. The Network appears to be present when checking but it won't connect to it for 5 minutes at a time. The wifi sleep policy is also set to never
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try to remove the battery for a few minutes...if it doesn't work try to access another wifi because your router might be the problem.
battery pull definitely didnt help. I went ahead and adjusted my network router for dual band to see if that helps at all
Also have WiFi issues
I run into that as well. It says I am connected, even gives me an IP, but all my data still seems to go over the cellular network..
Very frustrating at home.
SeanMVent said:
I run into that as well. It says I am connected, even gives me an IP, but all my data still seems to go over the cellular network..
Very frustrating at home.
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You can use Juice Defender to automatically disconnect data when you're on WiFi... I've been using it for months and it has worked flawlessly. You can also go into Menu... Settings... Wireless and network....Mobile networks... and manually uncheck "Use packet data" (this is what allows mobile data to connect).
I had these problems also I talk to one of the geek squad guys at best buy he told me that samsung products have problems with some routers because samsung products like to keep the same ip address which my conflict with other wifi products. So I bought a new router that was stronger and assigned my phone an ip address and that solve my problem.
Sent from my Xoom using xda premium
Since day 1 I've noticed that quite often while accessing bookmarks via the stock browser my S3 will lock up. I can fix the issue 1 of 2 ways. I can let the phone sit on the blank screen that it froze on and eventually it gives me the option to force close or wait, force closing fixes it. The other way is by holding the home button, choosing "remove all" and I also have to hold home again, click "task manager" and "clear memory". If I just remove all it doesn't fix it, if I just clear memory it doesn't fix it, I have to do both.
My S3 is rooted, but still running the stock rom. I have downloaded Opera and I'm pretty sure I've had the same issue with it as well, but since I mainly use the stock browser I can't say for sure.
I would like to find a solution to the problem, not a workaround. Opera or another browser is a workaround, if at all possible I would like to use the stock browser and just fix this annoying issue.
Does anyone else have this issue? Is there a fix?
Bookmarks work fine on my Verizon Galaxy S III for both the stock browser and Opera, actually.
I'm running stock, not rooted. FYI.
- ooofest
Taking a guess here, but try opening your bookmark while on wifi and see if it happens.
Also try opening the bookmark via some sort of widget/shortcut and see if it happens then too.
I would just back up and restore my phone as a last resort.
dunderball said:
Taking a guess here, but try opening your bookmark while on wifi and see if it happens.
Also try opening the bookmark via some sort of widget/shortcut and see if it happens then too.
I would just back up and restore my phone as a last resort.
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I have wondered if the wifi issue my phone has, is causing my bookmark problem. My phone has the issue where wifi keeps shutting off, many times a minute. I've tried the "secret" number and changing power saving mode, but that doesn't seem to help.
vetteguy112233 said:
I have wondered if the wifi issue my phone has, is causing my bookmark problem. My phone has the issue where wifi keeps shutting off, many times a minute. I've tried the "secret" number and changing power saving mode, but that doesn't seem to help.
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Shuts off several times a minute? Why didn't you get a replacement? That would agitate the heck out of me. Have you tried setting your Wi-Fi to a static ip address? Awhile back I saw reports that this was a solution for HTC One X users whom had Wi-Fi connection issues.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda app-developers app
SlimSnoopOS said:
Shuts off several times a minute? Why didn't you get a replacement? That would agitate the heck out of me. Have you tried setting your Wi-Fi to a static ip address? Awhile back I saw reports that this was a solution for HTC One X users whom had Wi-Fi connection issues.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda app-developers app
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I called Verizon about it and was told that there is an update coming out this month that fixes it. Plus when Verizon replaces the phone I'll get a refub and I don't feel very good about that.
vetteguy112233 said:
I have wondered if the wifi issue my phone has, is causing my bookmark problem. My phone has the issue where wifi keeps shutting off, many times a minute. I've tried the "secret" number and changing power saving mode, but that doesn't seem to help.
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Is that for any WiFi or just a specific router? If this is a specific router and if it uses dual band, you might try staying at 2.4GHz because 5GHz seems related to disconnect issues.
- ooofest
ooofest said:
Is that for any WiFi or just a specific router? If this is a specific router and if it uses dual band, you might try staying at 2.4GHz because 5GHz seems related to disconnect issues.
- ooofest
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I just received a WRT160N and my old router was a WRT120N and no more than 10 minutes ago I finished swapping it out in hopes the issue would go away, but it didn't
I've also noticed this issue at work where we also have a Linksys/Cisco router. Not sure of the model number, but it's neither of the ones I mentioned.
vetteguy112233 said:
I just received a WRT160N and my old router was a WRT120N and no more than 10 minutes ago I finished swapping it out in hopes the issue would go away, but it didn't
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Assuming you're using WPA2, did you connect the phone with a hardcoded passphrase or using the WPS button? I've actually had more luck with the button, oddly enough.
I have a WNDR3700 and found that the WiFi disconnection bug report I submitted early on to Verizon was solved by switching to the 2.4GHz band instead of 5.0GHz, plus it was solidly retaining the credentials using WPS vs typing in my passphrase.
vetteguy112233 said:
I've also noticed this issue at work where we also have a Linksys/Cisco router. Not sure of the model number, but it's neither of the ones I mentioned.
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Sorry to hear. I connect fine to open WiFi networks, and only had issues with the encrypted one mentioned above.
- ooofest
ooofest said:
Assuming you're using WPA2, did you connect the phone with a hardcoded passphrase or using the WPS button? I've actually had more luck with the button, oddly enough.
I have a WNDR3700 and found that the WiFi disconnection bug report I submitted early on to Verizon was solved by switching to the 2.4GHz band instead of 5.0GHz, plus it was solidly retaining the credentials using WPS vs typing in my passphrase.
Sorry to hear. I connect fine to open WiFi networks, and only had issues with the encrypted one mentioned above.
- ooofest
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Yes, WPA2, I have it set to use my specific password because I have about 10 devices and when they need to reconnect, it's a lot easier to use the password that I know and remember.
I'll google how to change it to 2.4GHz instead of 5 and see if that helps, would that hurt my range? Range is the whole reason I switched to this 160N and I got it for free
vetteguy112233 said:
Yes, WPA2, I have it set to use my specific password because I have about 10 devices and when they need to reconnect, it's a lot easier to use the password that I know and remember.
I'll google how to change it to 2.4GHz instead of 5 and see if that helps, would that hurt my range? Range is the whole reason I switched to this 160N and I got it for free
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In my experience, 2.4GHz tends to have a better range.
EDIT: I just looked and your router only operates on 2.4GHz, so that's not the issue. Hmm.
Just for laughs, maybe consider using the WPS method #1 on page 12 of this manual to connect your phone with the router and see if that makes a difference? First "Forget" your router's network in the phone and then go through a WPS hookup from the phone's side first, as it states in the manual.
- ooofest
ooofest said:
In my experience, 2.4GHz tends to have a better range.
EDIT: I just looked and your router only operates on 2.4GHz, so that's not the issue. Hmm.
Just for laughs, maybe consider using the WPS method #1 on page 12 of this manual to connect your phone with the router and see if that makes a difference? First "Forget" your router's network in the phone and then go through a WPS hookup from the phone's side first, as it states in the manual.
- ooofest
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For some reason that doesn't work. I press the button on my router and then press the button on the screen and after it goes from 0%-100% it says that it didn't detect the client device. I tried it 3 times without success.
Hey guys. This is my first thread here. So, I hope you can help me.
When I upgraded my GT+ to ICS then now to JB, I already had problems with the WiFi. I thought I would find the problem in the forums, but mine I think is different. There are two arrows in the WiFi indicator, the orange and the green ones. When these two arrows are both lighted up, it means that it is transferring data to the Tab or whatsoever so that I could connect to the Internet. Well, this is based on my understanding, hope you could still help me about this.
So, the problem is, whenever I open the internet and enter an URL, the green arrow stops blinking leaving the orange ones lighted up until both of them are already not blinking and then the browser says, "Webpage not available" (like the attachment below). It happens all the time and whenever I update my Apps in the Google Play, after, example: 23% of downloading the app, it stops and the same scenario happens again. What I do is, I will turn off the WiFi toggle and turn it on again and after, maybe 30 minutes, it happens again.
What do you think guys is the problem? Is it the router or modem's problem too? Or it is a software issue? Thank You guys! ))
Pictures of the Issue
cedric14 said:
Hey guys. This is my first thread here. So, I hope you can help me.
When I upgraded my GT+ to ICS then now to JB, I already had problems with the WiFi. I thought I would find the problem in the forums, but mine I think is different. There are two arrows in the WiFi indicator, the orange and the green ones. When these two arrows are both lighted up, it means that it is transferring data to the Tab or whatsoever so that I could connect to the Internet. Well, this is based on my understanding, hope you could still help me about this.
So, the problem is, whenever I open the internet and enter an URL, the green arrow stops blinking leaving the orange ones lighted up until both of them are already not blinking and then the browser says, "Webpage not available" (like the attachment below). It happens all the time and whenever I update my Apps in the Google Play, after, example: 23% of downloading the app, it stops and the same scenario happens again. What I do is, I will turn off the WiFi toggle and turn it on again and after, maybe 30 minutes, it happens again.
What do you think guys is the problem? Is it the router or modem's problem too? Or it is a software issue? Thank You guys! ))
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By the way, these are the pictures. Thanks!
Dont have problem with wifi.. maybe your internet connection.. have you tried it with other devices?
Sent from my GT-P6200 using XDA Premium HD app
So do i..dont have any problem..
Sent from my GT-P6200 using xda premium
Yes. I have tried it on my sister's S3 Mini. I never experienced that scenario when my GT+ was still Honeycomb. It just happened when I updated it to ICS.
These are also some happenings:
- When I will refresh the Accuweather widget, it will happen again. Both of the arrows will stop blinking.
- When I am updating 15 Apps (for example), again, Both of the arrows will stop blinking then it will stop downloading.
- When I am using Google Now then I said something, it will just show "Recognizing" then it sill show "No connection."
- When I am surfing the web and then I searched something, again the arrows will stop blinking, then the browser says, "Webpage is not available"
- When I am uploading photos to Facebook, same scenario again and then it will show, "No connection"
The WiFi is not disconnecting actually. It stays connected but it stops giving data. I'm suffering from this problem since ICS. I don't know what's really the source of this problem. That's why I'm seeking for help here in XDA. Thank youuuu.
Most likely your router is dlink? Change the router, use a tplink one
Sent from my GT-P6800 using xda app-developers app
long6688 said:
Most likely your router is dlink? Change the router, use a tplink one
Sent from my GT-P6800 using xda app-developers app
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Okay okay. I'll try. Thanks!
My router actually is Tenda and I think it's already old. So, I'll try other routers. )
Make sure you have the correct wifi frequency band set on your tab for your region/or router. I'm not sure if the stock Samsung roms let you configure it. In aosp builds it's in wifi and advanced menu.
kaijura said:
Make sure you have the correct wifi frequency band set on your tab for your region/or router. I'm not sure if the stock Samsung roms let you configure it. In aosp builds it's in wifi and advanced menu.
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In the Advanced menu, it only shows the IP and MAC Address. How can I know the correct frequency band? I posted an attachment for the picture of the Advanced Settings. )
It seems the problem come from your modem.
I had similar problem like this. My wifi router connect to modem and sometimes this modem does not allocate IP for router.
This problem is most likely related to IP configuration issues. Let try to use some apps to list down all configurations and check
I only experience this every after flashing roms coz my apn settings always gets edited, what I did before if i dont want problems with wifi every after flashing roms using odin was I copied my apn settinngs and edit the wrong apn settings after flashing, or I remove sim card before flashing but I made a copy of apn just to be sure
Sent from my GT-P6200 using xda app-developers app
Arcia2012 said:
I only experience this every after flashing roms coz my apn settings always gets edited, what I did before if i dont want problems with wifi every after flashing roms using odin was I copied my apn settinngs and edit the wrong apn settings after flashing, or I remove sim card before flashing but I made a copy of apn just to be sure
Sent from my GT-P6200 using xda app-developers app
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APN has nothing to do with wifi. APN applies to your cell data connection. 3g, LTE, etc. not to wifi.
DigitalMD said:
APN has nothing to do with wifi. APN applies to your cell data connection. 3g, LTE, etc. not to wifi.
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I know but after editing it I can connect to wifi, I dont understand that much though, but it works on mine, in my other device like gt i9000 I only experience wifi issue due to imei got changed but that happened once usually its my apn settings got change everytime, I also search in the net and others also experience the same, I just followed their steps and it worked, i didnt say im right but maybe it helps..
Sent from my GT-P6200 using xda app-developers app