Welcome to the forum! (A message from the moderators) - General Topics

We would like to take this opportunity to introduce the team of moderators assigned to this forum:
Team Leaders & Senior Moderators - Badger50 & Oswald Boelcke
Forum Moderators: andybones -- apophis9283-- jackeagle -- Logix -- mrjuniork -- simplepinoi177
​ Please read and follow the Rules and Policies set forth by the administrators of this site. For any forum related questions, problems or other maintenance tasks, the best way to notify one of the moderators is through the use of the Report Post system (here if app is used). Alternatively, please feel free to contact any one of us via PM with any issues or questions regarding the forum. Links to each of the moderator's profiles are available in this post and at the top of all of our assigned forums.
We are all here to help our fellow members and to help continue development on many different devices. This is a development community made up of developers, so we encourage you to work together, help one another and learn together. As a community, we also have guidelines on conduct and general expectations of behavior on the forums. When posting, please treat other members with courtesy and respect. No personal attacks of any kind are allowed and participating in arguments is highly discouraged. If you find a questionable post in a thread you have visited, report it to the moderators and avoid the temptation to police it yourself. Getting involved in the bickering or piling onto a fight only adds to the problems.
Finally, if you have problems, comments, or complaints regarding a moderating decision, send a PM to the moderator. There's an appeal process for any decision and the first step is to inform the moderator of your views in a private setting. Hashing these types of issues out on the public forum is counterproductive and will be seen in a negative light.
Enjoy your stay!​


How To Become A "q&a Team Member" [not recruiting currently]

So you want to be a Q&A Team Member? You want to help your fellow XDA members? Well this is how to start down that road.
WHAT IS THE "Q&A TEAM":The Q&A Team is here to offer help to any and all XDA members. We provide services in many varieties, from answering questions about devices and software, to moderating the Question & Answer Section and Development & Hacking.
WILL I HAVE SPECIAL PRIVILEGES AS A TEAM MEMBER?:No. The Q&A TEAM does not give any one or any member any special privileges on XDA. Joining the Q&A TEAM is not about receiving anything in any from, but instead offering help to other members.
IS THE JOB HARD?:Yes. As with any task, it can become hard. Each member spends hours online working on updates and changes to the Q&A Section to provide members with a better experience and faster help, as well as searching for answers to questions posted in this section.
So, if your still interested in becoming a "Q&A TEAM" member, just follow the instructions below:
Send an email to: [email protected]
In Your Message Please Include:
*CONTACT INFORMATION (Email/Messenger/Etc./The Easiest Way To Reach You)
*WHY YOU WANT TO BECOME A "Q&A TEAM" MEMBER (Let us Know why you want to join)
*TITLE YOUR EMAIL "NEW TEAM MEMBER": Do not put anything other than that title in the header of you email. This helps us to know what emails are regarding.
And thats it. When you submit your information, the Q&A TEAM will then review several different things to make a decision. At the current time, there is not specific date set that we wil choose a new team member, but keep watching this thread, and we'll post the date as soon as we know. You will also be sent an email letting you know of our decision either way. All emails will be kept on file unless you request them to be removed. So if you are not the first new member chosen, it doesn't mean you have to give up.
Thanks for your interest in the Q&A TEAM, and please feel free to ask if you have any questions. Please submit any questions to the specified email address above. (If your email is asking a question, and not a reqeust to join, please title your email, "QUESTION" and nothing else.
DO NOT SEND YOUR INFORMATION MORE THAN ONE TIME. (If you send your information to join the team more than once, your emails will be deleted. We only need your information one time. Repeated Emails will not improve your chance, but instead stop your from joining.)
DO NOT CONTACT ANY TEAM MEMBER REGARDING JOINING THE TEAM BY ANY OTHER WAY THAN THESE INSTRUCTION: (Any Message or email sent to any team member using any other way than the instructions listed here will be deleted immediately. We set this up to let you know what to do to join. If you have questions or need help with this, use the email listed above. It will be checked daily.)


Hello and Welcome to the Forums.
Due to the recent Moderator restructuring, the Moderators assigned to your Device forums are;
Senior Moderator
Forum Moderators
Shreyas Jani
Moscow Desire
Rules of Behavior (Just to be clear)
1. Posting in the Development Forum. Creating new threads in the Dev Forum is restricted to development work. Roms, Hacks, Roots, etc. This IS NOT a place to ask questions. There is a Q&A Forum for that.
Exception: If you have a problem with a specific Custom Rom, Hack, Root, etc, then you may post it in the related thread where it originated from. Example; you installed a custom rom from the Dev Forum, and it has issues rom related. You may post your issue in the ROM THREAD ONLY. Do NOT create a new thread.
2. Arguments and Flaming. We shouldn't have to go over this, but it seems some people love to participate in such behavior. Calling a user a "n00b" is not tolerated, and such posts will be deleted, and the poster warned/infracted/banned. Giving a user a hard time because their english is bad, is also not tolerated. XDA is not a Grammar School.
If an argument starts, DO NOT participate in it. You have a "Report Post" button. Use it. Let the Mod's take care of it. You are not moderators, so please don't act like it.
3. RD's, RT's, RC's. As given such title, you are expected to behave in a manner reflecting the best of XDA. Participating in arguments is not what is expected. You also have an "RP" button. Use it. This also applies to Senior Users who have been around.
4. Arguing with a Moderator is pointless, and as such, can result in warnings/infractions/ban. So don't go that route. If you feel a Moderator is out of line, or made a mistake, you may argue your point via PM. Publicly posting is not a good way to go.
We are all here to help the users, and to mainly help continue the development of the devices. This is a Development site, not Facebook or other social networking sites.
If you have any issues or questions, please feel free to contact us via PM. You will find the moderator links at the top of each main forum.
Thank You.

Samsung Moderation Team

Here you will find a list of all Moderators for the Samsung International forums. For a list of all Forum Admins and Moderators, please click HERE.
Please feel free to contact any of us for any assistance you may require but things requiring immediate attention should be reported.
Our Team Leaders are:
The Forum-Specific Moderators assigned to your forum are below (listed in alphabetical order):
Should you encounter any issues that require moderation then don't hesitate to use the Report Post feature.
Oh yeah, here's a little reminder of the Forum Rules....... FORUM RULES​
1. Search before posting.
Use one of our search functions before posting, whether you have a question or something new to share, it's very likely someone already asked that question or shared that news.
2. Member conduct.
2.1 Language: XDA is a worldwide community. As a result what is ‘ok’ to say in your part of the world may not be ok in someone else’s part of the world. Please think about who is reading what you write. Keep in mind that what you think of as acceptable use of language may not be acceptable to others. Conversely, while reading member posts, remember that word you find offensive may not be to the writer. Tolerance is a two way street.
2.2 Nudity: XDA is used by people of all ages, including minors. It's not acceptable to post nude/pornographic imagery, which includes exposure of the male or female genitalia or of female breasts.
2.3 Flaming: XDA was founded as a group of people sharing information about certain mobile phones. Sharing does not involve virtual yelling (flaming) it does involve working together to solve problems in an environment of mutual respect and understanding. Losing your temper and flaming another member, or group of members, is not acceptable behavior.
2.4 Personal attacks, racial, political and/or religious discussions: XDA is a discussion forum about certain mobile phones. Mobile phones are not racial, political, religious or personally offensive, therefore none of these types of discussions are permitted on XDA.
2.5 Courtesy towards other Members: Treat new members the way you would like to have been treated when you were a new member. When dealing with any member, provide them with guidance, advice and instruction when you can and always with respect and courtesy. Never post in a demanding, argumentative, disrespectful or self-righteous manner.
2.6 All members are expected to read and adhere to the XDA rules.
3. Post only using a clear subject and message.
You're most likely to receive a helpful answer to your question if you use a short subject title that describes your problem and a message that explains in detail what your problem is and what you've tried to solve it.
4. Use the English language.
We understand that with all the different nationalities not everyone speaks English well, but please try. If you're really unable to post in English use an online translator, You're free to include your original message in your own language below the English translation.
5. Post a message only once.
As a large forum we don't need unnecessary clutter, You're free to edit your message as you like, so if you do not receive an answer revisit your message and see if you can describe your problem better. Not everyone is online at the same time, it might take a while before you receive an answer.
6. Do not post warez.
If a piece of software requires you to pay to use it, then pay for it. We do not accept warez nor do we permit any member to promote or describe ways in which Warez, cracks, serial codes or other means of avoiding payment, can be obtained. This is a site of developers, i.e. the sort of people who create such software. When you cheat a software developer, you cheat us as a community
7. Do not spam, sell or trade on the forums.
If you wish to advertise a product, contact us we provide ads. But do not post it in the forums, it will be removed and you're likely to receive a ban.
From Nov 30 2012 the Marketplace will close. No new Wanting to Buy or Sell threads should be made after 19 Nov 2012. From Nov 30 2012 selling, buying, trading and exchanging devices or any item will no longer be permitted in any forum or via Private Messages.
8. Donations.
We appreciate all donations to xda-developers.com, it keeps our forum online and well maintained. As a user you're allowed to ask for donations in your signature as a thank you for your hard work. However donations up front are not allowed, this forum is about sharing, not about getting paid to do something, that's what your job is for.
9. Don't get us in trouble.
Don't post copyrighted materials or do other things that will obviously lead to legal trouble. If you wouldn't do it on your own homepage, you probably don't want to do it here either. This does not mean we agree with everything the software piracy lobby try to impose on us, it simply means you cannot break any laws here, since we'll end up dealing with legal hassle caused by you. Please use common sense: respect the forum, its users, and those that write great code.
10. Help others if you can.
If you see posts from others where you can help out, please do. This place exists because people are helping each other, and even if you are relatively new to the matter, there's probably already quite a few people newer than you that would benefit from what you've learned. Don't be shy.
11. Don’t post with the intention of selling something.
Don’t use XDA to advertise your product or service. Proprietors of for-pay products or services, may use XDA to get feedback, provide beta access, or a free version of their product for XDA users and offer support, but not to post with the intention of selling. This includes promoting sites similar/substantially similar to XDA-Developers.com.
Do not post press releases, announcements, links to trial software, or commercial services. unless you’re posting an exclusive release for XDA-Developers.com.
Encouraging members to participate in forum activities on other phone related sites is prohibited.
Off-site downloads are permitted if the site is non-commercial and does not require registration.
Off-site downloads from sites requiring registration are NOT encouraged but may be permitted if the following conditions are met:
A) The site belongs to a member of XDA-Developers with at least 1500 posts and 2 years membership who actively maintains XDA-Developers' support thread(s) / posts, related to the download,
B) The site is a relatively small personal website without commercial advertising/links (i.e. not a competitor forum-based site with purposes and aims similar to those of XDA-Developers.com.)
12. Using the work of others.
If you are developing something that is based on the work of another Member, you MUST first seek their permission, and you must give credit to the member whose work you used. If a dispute occurs about who developed / created a piece of work, first try to settle the matter by private message and NOT in open forum. If this fails then you may contact a moderator with clear evidence that the work was created by you.
Convincing evidence will result in copied work being removed. If there is no clear evidence you created the work then in the spirit of sharing all work will remain posted on the forums.
As an addition, developers have the right to hold exclusivity over their work for as long as it is deemed necessary by the dev or freely share it. However, if the work is claimed as exclusive, it must remain as such. No selective sharing will be allowed (ie allowing certain people to use it and not others). Should the dev decide to start sharing the work with others, the work automatically becomes fair game for all to use.
In regards to permissions, same rules remain for this but if permission was already given, unless there is a very valid reason, it cannot be revoked (same applies to major updates on the work). Under that same premise, permissions cannot be denied unless the work is exclusive or under severe circumstances.
In plain English: If you want to keep your work exclusive, go for it. However, if you are going to share your work, do it fairly.
These rules apply to all software posted on XDA (including but not limited to ROMs, RUUs, apps, games, kernels, themes, icons, etc) unless that software comes with a license that waives these rules.
13. Advertising and Income Generation
Commercial advertising, advertising referral links, pay per click links and other income generating methods are forbidden. Do not use xda-developers as a means to make money.
14. Create only one User Account
You are allowed one User Account at xda-developers. If you create additional accounts, Moderators will disable them and your original account may also be disabled or infracted.
15. Keep posts/threads on-topic
Whilst a minor amount of off-topic posting may be overlooked, the general rule is your posts / threads must be relevant to the Forum / thread in which you are posting.
General Forums - For news and announcements relating to your device.
Q&A Forums - For all question threads / posts. If there is no Q&A forum use the device General Forum
Accessories subforum - For posts related to accessories relevant to the phone model
Development Forums (ones with the word development in the title) - For developers to post release threads e.g. ROMs and Kernels including modifications to Kernels, Bootloaders, ROMs, etc.
Themes and Apps Forums - For themers to post Themes and App. announcements & discussions including modifications made to Apps and Themes.
16. Bumping Threads (posting simply to force a thread to the top of the thread queue)
Do not "bump" a thread more than once per 24 hours.
In addition to the forum rules, please keep the following points in mind:
-- If you notice a post that is abusive, inappropriate or off-topic, please just report it WITHOUT adding a comment in the thread -- no need to add to the spam.
-- Only work that you created goes in the Development sections. If you did not create it, it goes in General, not Development.
-- Reference, tutorials and how-to's belong in the General Section.
-- All questions belong in the Q&A Section, not in General or Development.
-- Do not create placeholder threads (including placeholder threads for ROMs, radios, guides, updates, tweaks, etc.).
-- Do not create a "What is the Best ROM/Kernel for my phone" thread.​
Additional helpful links​
Forum Rules
GPL Rules
Forum Search
Searching XDA using Google
XDA-Developers Wiki
Search the Wiki with Google
XDA "Mantra"

Samsung International Moderation Team

Here you will find a list of all Moderators for the Samsung International forums. For a list of all Forum Admins and Moderators, please click HERE.
Please feel free to contact any of us for any assistance you may require but things requiring immediate attention should be reported.
Our Team Leaders are:
The Merovingian
The Forum-Specific Moderators assigned to your forum are below (listed in alphabetical order):
mark manning
Should you encounter any issues that require moderation then don't hesitate to use the Report Post feature.
Oh yeah, here's a little reminder of the Forum Rules....... FORUM RULES​
1. Search before posting.
Use one of our search functions before posting, whether you have a question or something new to share, it's very likely someone already asked that question or shared that news.
2. Member conduct.
2.1 Language: XDA is a worldwide community. As a result what is ‘ok’ to say in your part of the world may not be ok in someone else’s part of the world. Please think about who is reading what you write. Keep in mind that what you think of as acceptable use of language may not be acceptable to others. Conversely, while reading member posts, remember that word you find offensive may not be to the writer. Tolerance is a two way street.
2.2 Nudity: XDA is used by people of all ages, including minors. It's not acceptable to post nude/pornographic imagery, which includes exposure of the male or female genitalia or of female breasts.
2.3 Flaming: XDA was founded as a group of people sharing information about certain mobile phones. Sharing does not involve virtual yelling (flaming) it does involve working together to solve problems in an environment of mutual respect and understanding. Losing your temper and flaming another member, or group of members, is not acceptable behavior.
2.4 Personal attacks, racial, political and/or religious discussions: XDA is a discussion forum about certain mobile phones. Mobile phones are not racial, political, religious or personally offensive, therefore none of these types of discussions are permitted on XDA.
2.5 Courtesy towards other Members: Treat new members the way you would like to have been treated when you were a new member. When dealing with any member, provide them with guidance, advice and instruction when you can and always with respect and courtesy. Never post in a demanding, argumentative, disrespectful or self-righteous manner.
2.6 All members are expected to read and adhere to the XDA rules.
3. Post only using a clear subject and message.
You're most likely to receive a helpful answer to your question if you use a short subject title that describes your problem and a message that explains in detail what your problem is and what you've tried to solve it.
4. Use the English language.
We understand that with all the different nationalities not everyone speaks English well, but please try. If you're really unable to post in English use an online translator, You're free to include your original message in your own language below the English translation.
5. Post a message only once.
As a large forum we don't need unnecessary clutter, You're free to edit your message as you like, so if you do not receive an answer revisit your message and see if you can describe your problem better. Not everyone is online at the same time, it might take a while before you receive an answer.
6. Do not post warez.
If a piece of software requires you to pay to use it, then pay for it. We do not accept warez nor do we permit any member to promote or describe ways in which Warez, cracks, serial codes or other means of avoiding payment, can be obtained. This is a site of developers, i.e. the sort of people who create such software. When you cheat a software developer, you cheat us as a community
7. Do not spam, sell or trade on the forums.
If you wish to advertise a product, contact us we provide ads. But do not post it in the forums, it will be removed and you're likely to receive a ban.
From Nov 30 2012 the Marketplace will close. No new Wanting to Buy or Sell threads should be made after 19 Nov 2012. From Nov 30 2012 selling, buying, trading and exchanging devices or any item will no longer be permitted in any forum or via Private Messages.
8. Donations.
We appreciate all donations to xda-developers.com, it keeps our forum online and well maintained. As a user you're allowed to ask for donations in your signature as a thank you for your hard work. However donations up front are not allowed, this forum is about sharing, not about getting paid to do something, that's what your job is for.
9. Don't get us in trouble.
Don't post copyrighted materials or do other things that will obviously lead to legal trouble. If you wouldn't do it on your own homepage, you probably don't want to do it here either. This does not mean we agree with everything the software piracy lobby try to impose on us, it simply means you cannot break any laws here, since we'll end up dealing with legal hassle caused by you. Please use common sense: respect the forum, its users, and those that write great code.
10. Help others if you can.
If you see posts from others where you can help out, please do. This place exists because people are helping each other, and even if you are relatively new to the matter, there's probably already quite a few people newer than you that would benefit from what you've learned. Don't be shy.
11. Don’t post with the intention of selling something.
Don’t use XDA to advertise your product or service. Proprietors of for-pay products or services, may use XDA to get feedback, provide beta access, or a free version of their product for XDA users and offer support, but not to post with the intention of selling. This includes promoting sites similar/substantially similar to XDA-Developers.com.
Do not post press releases, announcements, links to trial software, or commercial services. unless you’re posting an exclusive release for XDA-Developers.com.
Encouraging members to participate in forum activities on other phone related sites is prohibited.
Off-site downloads are permitted if the site is non-commercial and does not require registration.
Off-site downloads from sites requiring registration are NOT encouraged but may be permitted if the following conditions are met:
A) The site belongs to a member of XDA-Developers with at least 1500 posts and 2 years membership who actively maintains XDA-Developers' support thread(s) / posts, related to the download,
B) The site is a relatively small personal website without commercial advertising/links (i.e. not a competitor forum-based site with purposes and aims similar to those of XDA-Developers.com.)
12. Using the work of others.
If you are developing something that is based on the work of another Member, you MUST first seek their permission, and you must give credit to the member whose work you used. If a dispute occurs about who developed / created a piece of work, first try to settle the matter by private message and NOT in open forum. If this fails then you may contact a moderator with clear evidence that the work was created by you.
Convincing evidence will result in copied work being removed. If there is no clear evidence you created the work then in the spirit of sharing all work will remain posted on the forums.
As an addition, developers have the right to hold exclusivity over their work for as long as it is deemed necessary by the dev or freely share it. However, if the work is claimed as exclusive, it must remain as such. No selective sharing will be allowed (ie allowing certain people to use it and not others). Should the dev decide to start sharing the work with others, the work automatically becomes fair game for all to use.
In regards to permissions, same rules remain for this but if permission was already given, unless there is a very valid reason, it cannot be revoked (same applies to major updates on the work). Under that same premise, permissions cannot be denied unless the work is exclusive or under severe circumstances.
In plain English: If you want to keep your work exclusive, go for it. However, if you are going to share your work, do it fairly.
These rules apply to all software posted on XDA (including but not limited to ROMs, RUUs, apps, games, kernels, themes, icons, etc) unless that software comes with a license that waives these rules.
13. Advertising and Income Generation
Commercial advertising, advertising referral links, pay per click links and other income generating methods are forbidden. Do not use xda-developers as a means to make money.
14. Create only one User Account
You are allowed one User Account at xda-developers. If you create additional accounts, Moderators will disable them and your original account may also be disabled or infracted.
15. Keep posts/threads on-topic
Whilst a minor amount of off-topic posting may be overlooked, the general rule is your posts / threads must be relevant to the Forum / thread in which you are posting.
General Forums - For news and announcements relating to your device.
Q&A Forums - For all question threads / posts. If there is no Q&A forum use the device General Forum
Accessories subforum - For posts related to accessories relevant to the phone model
Development Forums (ones with the word development in the title) - For developers to post release threads e.g. ROMs and Kernels including modifications to Kernels, Bootloaders, ROMs, etc.
Themes and Apps Forums - For themers to post Themes and App. announcements & discussions including modifications made to Apps and Themes.
16. Bumping Threads (posting simply to force a thread to the top of the thread queue)
Do not "bump" a thread more than once per 24 hours.
In addition to the forum rules, please keep the following points in mind:
-- If you notice a post that is abusive, inappropriate or off-topic, please just report it WITHOUT adding a comment in the thread -- no need to add to the spam.
-- Only work that you created goes in the Development sections. If you did not create it, it goes in General, not Development.
-- Reference, tutorials and how-to's belong in the General Section.
-- All questions belong in the Q&A Section, not in General or Development.
-- Do not create placeholder threads (including placeholder threads for ROMs, radios, guides, updates, tweaks, etc.).
-- Do not create a "What is the Best ROM/Kernel for my phone" thread.​
Additional helpful links​
Forum Rules
GPL Rules
Forum Search
Searching XDA using Google
XDA-Developers Wiki
Search the Wiki with Google
XDA "Mantra"

what is ai chat boat

A chatbot is a PC program that mimics human discussion through voice orders or text visits or both. Chatbot, short for chatterbot, is a man-made consciousness (AI) include that can be inserted and utilized through any significant informing application.
[email protected] said:
A chatbot is a PC program that mimics human discussion through voice orders or text visits or both. Chatbot, short for chatterbot, is a man-made consciousness (AI) include that can be inserted and utilized through any significant informing application.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Hello and good morning, @[email protected]
Welcome to XDA! I hope you'll always find and get the support you require.
However. prior to your next posting please read the guidances that are stuck on top of every forum like
Note: Questions go in Q&A Forum
If you are posting a Question Thread post it in the Q&A forum. Technical discussion of Android development and hacking. No noobs, please. Device-specific releases should go under the appropriate device forum...
and the others. I've moved the thread to General Topics.
Thanks for your cooperation!
Oswald Boelcke
Senior Moderator

