How To Become A "q&a Team Member" [not recruiting currently] - General Questions and Answers

So you want to be a Q&A Team Member? You want to help your fellow XDA members? Well this is how to start down that road.
WHAT IS THE "Q&A TEAM":The Q&A Team is here to offer help to any and all XDA members. We provide services in many varieties, from answering questions about devices and software, to moderating the Question & Answer Section and Development & Hacking.
WILL I HAVE SPECIAL PRIVILEGES AS A TEAM MEMBER?:No. The Q&A TEAM does not give any one or any member any special privileges on XDA. Joining the Q&A TEAM is not about receiving anything in any from, but instead offering help to other members.
IS THE JOB HARD?:Yes. As with any task, it can become hard. Each member spends hours online working on updates and changes to the Q&A Section to provide members with a better experience and faster help, as well as searching for answers to questions posted in this section.
So, if your still interested in becoming a "Q&A TEAM" member, just follow the instructions below:
Send an email to: [email protected]
In Your Message Please Include:
*CONTACT INFORMATION (Email/Messenger/Etc./The Easiest Way To Reach You)
*WHY YOU WANT TO BECOME A "Q&A TEAM" MEMBER (Let us Know why you want to join)
*TITLE YOUR EMAIL "NEW TEAM MEMBER": Do not put anything other than that title in the header of you email. This helps us to know what emails are regarding.
And thats it. When you submit your information, the Q&A TEAM will then review several different things to make a decision. At the current time, there is not specific date set that we wil choose a new team member, but keep watching this thread, and we'll post the date as soon as we know. You will also be sent an email letting you know of our decision either way. All emails will be kept on file unless you request them to be removed. So if you are not the first new member chosen, it doesn't mean you have to give up.
Thanks for your interest in the Q&A TEAM, and please feel free to ask if you have any questions. Please submit any questions to the specified email address above. (If your email is asking a question, and not a reqeust to join, please title your email, "QUESTION" and nothing else.
DO NOT SEND YOUR INFORMATION MORE THAN ONE TIME. (If you send your information to join the team more than once, your emails will be deleted. We only need your information one time. Repeated Emails will not improve your chance, but instead stop your from joining.)
DO NOT CONTACT ANY TEAM MEMBER REGARDING JOINING THE TEAM BY ANY OTHER WAY THAN THESE INSTRUCTION: (Any Message or email sent to any team member using any other way than the instructions listed here will be deleted immediately. We set this up to let you know what to do to join. If you have questions or need help with this, use the email listed above. It will be checked daily.)


[REQ] Text message tones for different people?

Hello all. I posted this in my phone's thread didn't get any responses and I searched for programs for this, but no luck. Anyone developing or know of any program where you can set different text message alert/tones for different people?
Thanks in advance.
The Development & Hacking Section is available for Users to post there contributions to the XDA Community, such as programs, applications, and themes. Any & All Questions, Comments, or Requests, must be posted in the Question & Answer Section, or the section specified for you Device.
Any Questions or Comments posted in the Development & Hacking Section will be removed Immediatley. Repeated Posts of this of Threads which do not contribute to the XDA Community will result in Disciplinary Action. Please read the rules before opening any new threads. The rules are located on the top of every page in the Development And Hacking Section.
And please feel free to post any question or request you might have in the Question & Answer Section. You will receive the help you need there, and no question will be turned away.
If you have any questions, or need any help what so ever, please feel free to contact any member of the "Q&A TEAM". Contact information for the "Q&A TEAM" can be found on the first page of the Question & Answer Section, or by simply replying to this message.
We appreciate your help with these changes in the Development & Hacking Section.
Thank You,
lol well that the laywers have hunted you down!
i've seen a few of these apps over the years. many of which i cannot remember. but take a look here.....
it maybe over kill for what you're asking...but your request is most def a small part of this programs feature set.
Yea it is lol but thanks

Is there a HTC Album that plays videos?

Hi guys I couldn't find a HTC Album working that plays videos. I've searched but no luck. Can somebody help me please? I'm on a tytn II
Thanks I appreciate it!
The Development & Hacking Section is available for Users to post there contributions to the XDA Community, such as programs, applications, and themes. Any & All Questions, Comments, or Requests, must be posted in the Question & Answer Section, or the section specified for you Device.
Any Questions or Comments posted in the Development & Hacking Section will be removed Immediatley. Repeated Posts of this of Threads which do not contribute to the XDA Community will result in Disciplinary Action. Please read the rules before opening any new threads. The rules are located on the top of every page in the Development And Hacking Section.
And please feel free to post any question or request you might have in the Question & Answer Section. You will receive the help you need there, and no question will be turned away.
If you have any questions, or need any help what so ever, please feel free to contact any member of the "Q&A TEAM". Contact information for the "Q&A TEAM" can be found on the first page of the Question & Answer Section, or by simply replying to this message.
We appreciate your help with these changes in the Development & Hacking Section.
Thank You,

google weather?any chance?

any chance theres a weather forcast that uses google weather.I daily check yahoo and google weather and it seems that google is more precised then yahoo.
Or is there a way i can tweak spb shell weather or Weather Watcher to use Google weather? totaly appreciate any help
THX GUYS, This forum is the best
Not to be mean but u have done 2 things wrong:
1. You didn't search and 2. You posted in the WRONG SECTION post it in the Q&A.
1-I did search my friend and it led me to no where( only found this one and it says not ready to release a version as the configuring where i live does not work ).
2-OUPSS, sorry. You're right my friend. Please mod, move this thread to Q&As
Hello and welcome to the forum! We noticed that you have posted in the wrong section so we thought we would direct your attention to a couple things before you get yourself in trouble.
The Development & Hacking Section is available for Users to post their contributions to the XDA Community (such as programs, applications, and themes.) Any & All Questions, Problems or Requests, must be posted in the Questions & Answers Section. If you prefer, you may also post in the section dedicated to your Device.
Any Questions, Problems, or Requests posted in the Development & Hacking Section will be removed Immediatley. Repeated Posting of "improper" Threads in the Development & Hacking section will result in Disciplinary Action. Please read the rules before opening any new threads. The rules are located on the top of every page in the Development And Hacking Section.
Feel free to post any questions or requests you might have in the Questions & Answers Section. You will receive the help you need there, and no question will be turned away.
If you have any questions, or need any help what so ever, please feel free to contact any member of the "Q&A TEAM". Contact information for the "Q&A TEAM" can be found on the first page of the Questions & Answers Section, or by simply replying to this message.
We appreciate your help with these changes in the Development & Hacking Section.
Thank You for your cooperation,
this is just for protocol now.

Windows (Vista) Contacts/Calendar and WM6?

Hi there,
is there any possibility to sync Windows Mobile 6 with "Windows Contacts" and "Windows Calendar" which is included in WinVista? I know, ActiveSync isn't able to do that (it needs Outlook), but I hope, that there is any programmar, who wanted this too and has coded a tool. I mean, there are some sync-tools for Mozilla & Co...
Any idea?
Post Scriptum: Sorry for my baaad english.
Hello and welcome to the forum! We noticed that you have posted in the wrong section so we thought we would direct your attention to a couple things before you get yourself in trouble.
The Development & Hacking Section is available for Users to post their contributions to the XDA Community (such as programs, applications, and themes.) Any & All Questions, Problems or Requests, must be posted in the Questions & Answers Section. If you prefer, you may also post in the section dedicated to your Device.
Any Questions, Problems, or Requests posted in the Development & Hacking Section will be removed Immediatley. Repeated Posting of "improper" Threads in the Development & Hacking section will result in Disciplinary Action. Please read the rules before opening any new threads. The rules are located on the top of every page in the Development And Hacking Section.
Feel free to post any questions or requests you might have in the Questions & Answers Section. You will receive the help you need there, and no question will be turned away.
If you have any questions, or need any help what so ever, please feel free to contact any member of the "Q&A TEAM". Contact information for the "Q&A TEAM" can be found on the first page of the Questions & Answers Section, or by simply replying to this message.
We appreciate your help with these changes in the Development & Hacking Section.
Thank You for your cooperation,
Okay, sorry. Please close/delete thread.

Welcome to the forum! (A message from the moderators)

We would like to take this opportunity to introduce the team of moderators assigned to this forum:
Team Leaders & Senior Moderators - Badger50 & Oswald Boelcke
Forum Moderators: andybones -- apophis9283-- jackeagle -- Logix -- mrjuniork -- simplepinoi177
​ Please read and follow the Rules and Policies set forth by the administrators of this site. For any forum related questions, problems or other maintenance tasks, the best way to notify one of the moderators is through the use of the Report Post system (here if app is used). Alternatively, please feel free to contact any one of us via PM with any issues or questions regarding the forum. Links to each of the moderator's profiles are available in this post and at the top of all of our assigned forums.
We are all here to help our fellow members and to help continue development on many different devices. This is a development community made up of developers, so we encourage you to work together, help one another and learn together. As a community, we also have guidelines on conduct and general expectations of behavior on the forums. When posting, please treat other members with courtesy and respect. No personal attacks of any kind are allowed and participating in arguments is highly discouraged. If you find a questionable post in a thread you have visited, report it to the moderators and avoid the temptation to police it yourself. Getting involved in the bickering or piling onto a fight only adds to the problems.
Finally, if you have problems, comments, or complaints regarding a moderating decision, send a PM to the moderator. There's an appeal process for any decision and the first step is to inform the moderator of your views in a private setting. Hashing these types of issues out on the public forum is counterproductive and will be seen in a negative light.
Enjoy your stay!​

