[APP][2.3+] GMD Smart Rotate - Android Apps and Games

Everyone knows how annoying default Android rotation algorithm can be. So we tried to come up with better solution and this is how GMD Smart Rotate was created. It is co-developed by me and Vitalij (developer of Touch Screen Tune).
Smart screen rotation using front facing camera.
Smart keeping screen on using front facing camera.
This application replaces default Android screen rotation and add smart features:
- Use front facing camera to evaluate your face position and decide if device screen needs to be rotated.
- Automatically keep screen turned on while you are looking at it (Full version only).
- Lock rotation in landscape or portrait.
- Force rotate applications that does not allow rotation by default.
- Set per application rotation preferences (Full version only).
- Easy rotation preference access by pressing default Android lock rotation toggle.
- Rotation preferences widget and launcher shortcuts.
- Clockwise and Counterclockwise rotation shortcuts.
- Integrates with GMD GestureControl and GMD SPen Control using shortcuts.
Development version - may contain bugs!
Tested and working on:
- Samsung Galaxy S
- Samsung Galaxy S2
- Samsung Galaxy S3
- Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1
- Samsung Tab 7.7
- Samsung Note1
- Samsung Note2
- Nexus 7
- Xoom
- HTC One X
- Motorola Atrix
- Nexus S
- Galaxy Nexus, Verizon Galaxy Nexus
- Droid Incredible 2
- Sony Xperia
- Sony Xperia Mini Pro


Tried it on a P7500 tab and it doesn't work correctly. I get the correct toast message from the accelerometer (0, 90, 180, 270) but the screen doesn't turn, or, if it rotates, it remains on that position.

ungureanuc said:
Tried it on a P7500 tab and it doesn't work correctly. I get the correct toast message from the accelerometer (0, 90, 180, 270) but the screen doesn't turn, or, if it rotates, it remains on that position.
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Is it in launcher? By default Smart Rotate does not force rotation in applications that do not support rotation (same way like Android default rotation). If you want to force it you have to check 'Force rotate'.

StupidIdea said:
Is it in launcher? By default Smart Rotate does not force rotation in applications that do not support rotation (same way like Android default rotation). If you want to force it you have to check 'Force rotate'.
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No, is not in an app, I just installed the apk and I've found that "issue" on the default screen, using Apex Pro. But I have started Maxthon browser and had same issue. As I aid, toast indicates correct rotation message, but it doesn't rotate accordingly.
Thanks for quick reply and if there's anything else, I'd be glad to be considered a "tester".. :good:

I cannot install the app on my N7. But somehow the key to unlock it
But all I can say. Nice app. Keep on developing i like your other apps as well.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium

greivel2 said:
I cannot install the app on my N7. But somehow the key to unlock it
But all I can say. Nice app. Keep on developing i like your other apps as well.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
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Thats strange, I developed in on N7 but havent tried to download from market yet. I will upload apk to XDA when I'm home.
Same key will work, if anything.
ungureanuc said:
No, is not in an app, I just installed the apk and I've found that "issue" on the default screen, using Apex Pro. But I have started Maxthon browser and had same issue. As I aid, toast indicates correct rotation message, but it doesn't rotate accordingly.
Thanks for quick reply and if there's anything else, I'd be glad to be considered a "tester".. :good:
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Could you try unchecking 'Smart Rotate use camera". I'm wondering if camera fails to get image. There are some technical difficulties acquiring image without keeping camera locked, but we solved it on every device we had available for testing. I will try to get my hands on P7500 and check what is going on. What ROM you use?

StupidIdea said:
Thats strange, I developed in on N7 but havent tried to download from market yet. I will upload apk to XDA when I'm home.
Same key will work, if anything.
Could you try unchecking 'Smart Rotate use camera". I'm wondering if camera fails to get image. There are some technical difficulties acquiring image without keeping camera locked, but we solved it on every device we had available for testing. I will try to get my hands on P7500 and check what is going on. What ROM you use?
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Using Toldo's v7. (ICS). I'll try your suggestion and report back.
LE With "smart rotate using camera" off, it rotates normally, except the position 180° (upside down); here it turns to normal position (0*°). As said, the toast message display correct position of the rotation.
The same in maxthon browser.
L. L. E.g. forgot to mention, with "smart rotate using camera" enabled, the tab freezes and had to reset by button.

I too am using a galaxy tab 10.1 (P7500) on the CM10 nightlies
and the screen sticks when Smart rotate using camera is checked
can you add an auto landscape/portrait(only landscape or only portrait)
and it doesn't rotate 180

DHM47 said:
I too am using a galaxy tan 10.1 (P7500) on the CM10 nightlies
and the screen sticks when Smart rotate using camera is checked
can you add an auto landscape/portrait(only landscape or only portrait)
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Click notification to open rotation dialog.
You can choose auto rotate, portrait or landscape. If you check 'Force" it will rotate even apps that do not support rotation.
If you check 'Default for this app" it will remember this setting for current application only.
Is this what you were looking for?
I have an idea what might be wrong with camera I will upload test version when I'm home.

Nice, really appreciate you porting the few (only?) Samsung features I actually like: do you need a hand with app translation (Italian over here)? Maybe you opened a getlocalization.org project already?

teorouge said:
Nice, really appreciate you porting the few (only?) Samsung features I actually like: do you need a hand with app translation (Italian over here)? Maybe you opened a getlocalization.org project already?
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Great idea, I will open a project there and post it here. Thanks.

ungureanuc said:
Tried it on a P7500 tab and it doesn't work correctly. I get the correct toast message from the accelerometer (0, 90, 180, 270) but the screen doesn't turn, or, if it rotates, it remains on that position.
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I have the same problem. When smart rotate using camera is on apps don't rotate. Or if they do, they remain in the same position.
When smart rotate using camera is switched off apps rotate. But it also rotates the home, while force rotate is unchecked in options. And I have not set defaults for any app yet.
One more question: when you open default settings a small dialog appears with 4 buttons. What's the last one on the right for?
Thanks for another smart idea!
Sent from my EndeavorU using xda premium

tiho5 said:
I have the same problem. When smart rotate using camera is on apps don't rotate. Or if they do, they remain in the same position.
When smart rotate using camera is switched off apps rotate. But it also rotates the home, while force rotate is unchecked in options. And I have not set defaults for any app yet.
One more question: when you open default settings a small dialog appears with 4 buttons. What's the last one on the right for?
Thanks for another smart idea!
Sent from my EndeavorU using xda premium
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If your launcher supports rotation then it does rotate even without "force". You can still set per app setting for launcher. Last button opens application preferences. This is mostly useful if you want to manage per app settings for all apps.

StupidIdea said:
If your launcher supports rotation then it does rotate even without "force". You can still set per app setting for launcher. Last button opens application preferences. This is mostly useful if you want to manage per app settings for all apps.
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No, my launcher is not supporting rotation but is rotated.
Sent from my EndeavorU using xda premium

tiho5 said:
No, my launcher is not supporting rotation but is rotated.
Sent from my EndeavorU using xda premium
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Thank I already know why it is happening. Will fix it later today

StupidIdea said:
Click notification to open rotation dialog.
You can choose auto rotate, portrait or landscape. If you check 'Force" it will rotate even apps that do not support rotation.
If you check 'Default for this app" it will remember this setting for current application only.
Is this what you were looking for?
I have an idea what might be wrong with camera I will upload test version when I'm home.
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Sorry what i meant was the 180 rotation (reverse landscape )

DHM47 said:
Sorry what i meant was the 180 rotation (reverse landscape )
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If you set for example Portrait then application will automatically rotate by 180 degree to inverse Portrait and back according to accelerometer. However if your device does not support inverse or application does not support rotation you have to check 'Force'. Same for Landscape.
Is that what you were looking for?

Update to 1.1
- Fixed: camera detection was not working on some devices.
- Do not rotate Home screen if it does not support rotation and "force" is not checked.
Uploaded APK in first post. Suspended market application till issues are solved.

StupidIdea said:
- Fixed: camera detection was not working on some devices.
- Do not rotate Home screen if it does not support rotation and "force" is not checked.
Updated Play Store and attached APK in first post.
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Now it works with "smart rotate use camera", except for 180°, it stays on 0° (accelerometer and camera toast messages shows 180°).
L.E. Found something else... When I want to type something, even it is a mail, in browser or sms the tab is freezing with swype and the SmartRotate shuts down. Switched to default Samsung keyboard, the app doesn't freeze the tab, but now i cannot switch to other input method (from the status bar quick icon).
I also tried to force rotate the app "Awesome On Off" which is by default in portrait mode, the app is not switching to landscape and the SmartRotate app is shutting down...


How to setup/lock gNote to landscape mode?

So how can I lock gNote to landscape mode?
With Dell Streak I was used Orientation Lock Widget, with gNote it not work... :
(I use LauncherPro)
Also it would be nice to have the lock screen also in landscape mode...
Ok, I answer to myself. The Widget Locker solve the lock screen"problem".
I also calibrate the screen "upside down" so now the gNote stays landscape easily.
And yes, it´s not the best solution but it works...
I wanted to do some web browsing in landscape the other day while laying in bed and I decided to lock it in landscape, only to discover that it's impossible. I held the phone sideways, waited for the screen to rotate, pulled down the notification bar, and unticked the auto-rotate button. The screen quickly rotated back to portrait just before turning off auto-rotate! So I had to be careful of my orientation while I browsed the web.
I guess this is because they were too lazy to develop landscape homescreen functionality, so they tied up all loose ends that would lead to it.
I use orientation control. It works pretty well. You can also set it to go back to auto when you are done reading and the screen shuts off.
maxh said:
I wanted to do some web browsing in landscape the other day while laying in bed and I decided to lock it in landscape, only to discover that it's impossible. I held the phone sideways, waited for the screen to rotate, pulled down the notification bar, and unticked the auto-rotate button. The screen quickly rotated back to portrait just before turning off auto-rotate! So I had to be careful of my orientation while I browsed the web.
I guess this is because they were too lazy to develop landscape homescreen functionality, so they tied up all loose ends that would lead to it.
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Use maxthon browser.. its fast and smooth.. u can also lock it on landscape or portrait mode.. it asks u if u want to lock whenever the browser screen rotates..
mircury said:
I use orientation control. It works pretty well. You can also set it to go back to auto when you are done reading and the screen shuts off.
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Thank you very much! orientation control seems to work great! wohoo!
Does orientation control also let you put the homescreen into landscape?
I'm currently using dell streak and having landscape for a device this big is one of the best things about it.
I use nova launcher and it has an option in the settings
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
Rotation Locker works well, you can force "service" mode so it runs in the background and forces everything to landscape, and its free.
clarkk said:
Rotation Locker works well, you can force "service" mode so it runs in the background and forces everything to landscape, and its free.
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Even forces home screen to be landscape??
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA
I use this app called ROTATE.... works fine with G Note
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium

How to lock portrait mode?

I have an HOX AT&T. When I turn off Auto-Rotate while in portrait mode, it always switches to landscape mode. Is there a way to lock it into portrait mode?
Sent from my HTC One X using XDA
When I turn auto rotate off in landscape mode it forces portrait mode on everything and when I lock it in portrait it locks it in portrait. I am on the AT&T RUU_Evita_UL_Cingular_US-1.82.502 right now. Which version are you running right now?
Just to be clear landscape is wider than taller and portrait is taller than wider.
There's an app called "Rotation Locker" which could solve your issues
stnguyen09 said:
There's an app called "Rotation Locker" which could solve your issues
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+1. This app is awesome. You can also use it to force your home screen into landscape if you so desire.
Sent from my HTC One X using xda premium
_MetalHead_ said:
+1. This app is awesome. You can also use it to force your home screen into landscape if you so desire.
Sent from my HTC One X using xda premium
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Right. If you long press "Auto" it will run a background service that will force rotation based on the sensor (forcing meaning it will force any apps that don't want to rotate to do so anyway).
Flippyflop said:
When I turn auto rotate off in landscape mode it forces portrait mode on everything and when I lock it in portrait it locks it in portrait. I am on the AT&T RUU_Evita_UL_Cingular_US-1.82.502 right now. Which version are you running right now?
Just to be clear landscape is wider than taller and portrait is taller than wider.
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The way you describe is how I hoped my phone would work. This is how my Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus works, and I love it. But unfortunately, my HTC behaves oddly.
As for my version number, i couldnt find any version number like yours. Mine is just a plain old AT&T HTC One X, straight out of the box and unmodified.
Sent from my HTC One X using XDA
stnguyen09 said:
There's an app called "Rotation Locker" which could solve your issues
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Thanks for the suggestion. I've tried this app, and it's not helping. It's just a shortcut for the "Auto-rotate screen" setting, which seems to be defective.
The problem I'm seeing is that whenever I turn OFF auto-rotate, the screen switches to landscape mode and stays in landscape no matter what the screen orientation is. When auto-rotate is ON, there are no issues -- the screen orientation adjusts based on which way I hold the phone as expected.
I've run G-Sensor Calibration in Settings, but to no avail.
I wonder if anyone else is having this issue.
Sent from my HTC One X using XDA
Ahhhh, mystery solved!! It looks like there's an additional "Auto rotate screen" option under the Accessibility menu in Settings. Somehow I had that turned on. And this was screwing with the auto rotate setting under the Display & Gestures menu.
Once I turned it off under the Accessibility menu, all works perfectly now, including the Rotate Locker app.
Sent from my HTC One X using XDA

[Q] Portrait Mode

Hello.I have a device that in normal mode with screen rotation disabled is in landscape and when i enable screen rotation i can use this device in portrait;how i can change standart screen to be portrait( a system file,line of code,etc..)?
what device?
what rom?
anyways try enabling screen rotation, then rotate screen to portrait, then disable screen rotation while its portrait... at least that's how i do in my n5100.
alinpha said:
what device?
what rom?
anyways try enabling screen rotation, then rotate screen to portrait, then disable screen rotation while its portrait... at least that's how i do in my n5100.
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My device "it's exoticaly" and can't be buyed from any place.And i have android 4.0.4 official rom(without mods and all other like this)is rooted.
If i rotate my device to portrait when i have enabled screen rotation it go on portrait and when i disable that option screen goes back in landscape.
Does is any line of code that make a device to be standard in landscape or portrait?
then maybe you should install app that controls screen orientation..
there are many of a kind at google play.
alinpha said:
then maybe you should install app that controls screen orientation..
there are many of a kind at google play.
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Thanks alot men.Can you help me with this big problem http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2532049.:confused::rolleyes::crying:

Always on Display Landscape Mode

I decided to open this thread due to the fact that the Galaxy s7 Edge Always on Display does not recognize/rotate in landscape mode when the screen is off.
For some it may not matter. For others it will. For me it matters.
Now I was able to achieve landscape mode on my Lockscreen
Adding these two lines to build.prop:
Also I achieved Landscape on my launcher with Nova Launcher, then in settings, look and feel I enabled auto rotate.
As for the always on Display I have not been able to find any information.
If anyone has any information on the subject it would be greatly appreciated.
Demonstration video below (YouTube):
Leonidas87 said:
I decided to open this thread due to the fact that the Galaxy s7 Edge Always on Display does not recognize/rotate in landscape mode when the screen is off.
For some it may not matter. For others it will. For me it matters.
Now I was able to achieve landscape mode on my Lockscreen
Adding these two lines to build.prop:
Also I achieved Landscape on my launcher with Nova Launcher, then in settings, look and feel I enabled auto rotate.
As for the always on Display I have not been able to find any information.
If anyone has any information on the subject it would be greatly appreciated.
Demonstration video below (YouTube):
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How can i activate auto rotation to landscape mode in touchwiz? Not only in a app
Skickat från min SM-G935F via Tapatalk
hasek82 said:
How can i activate auto rotation to landscape mode in touchwiz? Not only in a app
Skickat från min SM-G935F via Tapatalk
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Not sure just yet. This method does not work with touchwiz unfortunately.
At one point I could rotate my display in any direction (even upside down) and always on display, as well as touchwiz, would rotate. For some reason that no longer works. I guess a bug gave me what I wanted for a bit. The camera app can be used upside down and you can temporarily use the phone upside down after closing the camera app but it doesn't seem to effect Always On Diaplay. I want to use my phone as an alarm clock on a stand, preferably in landscape so this is a disappointment.
gdude2307 said:
At one point I could rotate my display in any direction (even upside down) and always on display, as well as touchwiz, would rotate. For some reason that no longer works. I guess a bug gave me what I wanted for a bit. The camera app can be used upside down and you can temporarily use the phone upside down after closing the camera app but it doesn't seem to effect Always On Diaplay. I want to use my phone as an alarm clock on a stand, preferably in landscape so this is a disappointment.
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I'm sure all in due time and if we all spread the word and gain interest we can make this happen. Just have to figure out the proper resources and direction to take to remedy the issue.
Would be nice if samsung just enabled rotation support for always on display and Lockscreen.
I'm using
For autorotate. Works for touchwiz and lockscreen.
Unfortunately not for Always on screen
kingchris said:
I'm using
For autorotate. Works for touchwiz and lockscreen.
Unfortunately not for Always on screen
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Haha I use to use that a long time ago. Really brings me back to see that app.
Leonidas87 said:
Haha I use to use that a long time ago. Really brings me back to see that app.
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Me too. Used this app in the past with my s3/s4 and my first mirrorlink radio
Under display turn Always on off and try turning on night clock I like it better than always on
the night clock is to dark at daylight
I've developed an android app for bringing Always On to all android devices with AMOLED screens. It's called "Always On: Ambient Clock" . And it does support landscape mode.
I can't post a link now since I have only 5 posts but you can search for it on Play Store.
Needs the ability for everything being displayed to move random after about a minute. For it to stay stationary is not good for the display.
Also it prevents the wave to wake feature from working on samsung devices.
Needs some work.
Leonidas87 said:
Needs the ability for everything being displayed to move random after about a minute. For it to stay stationary is not good for the display.
Also it prevents the wave to wake feature from working on samsung devices.
Needs some work.
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Hi, I just pushed an update for fixing burn-in issue.
I don't think it's possible to add the wave to unlock feature as the proximity sensor is used to detect if the device is in pocket or flipped.
Sent from my SM-N920C using XDA-Developers mobile app
Turki Alkhateeb said:
Hi, I just pushed an update for fixing burn-in issue.
I don't think it's possible to add the wave to unlock feature as the proximity sensor is used to detect if the device is in pocket or flipped.
Sent from my SM-N920C using XDA-Developers mobile app
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I think if you set a slight delay for in pocket detection may help. Or make it less sensitive, it goes black if I just hover my hand over the screen. Should be a delay or less chance of accidently enabling it.
Samsung has it on the s7 edge that you can have pocket detection and wave to wake.
Must be a way around it.
What is the font of the Samsung default clock?
Thanks in advance
Figured out a workaround.
I realize this post is almost a year old but I have discovered a workaround, at least for the Photo Frame option of the Always On Display. If you make a separate album in your photo gallery with your pictures ROTATED to landscape orientation, and then assign that specific album, it will work.
nice app - just installed it -anyone know if the battery usage / screen burnin issues on this are better / worse than the s8 always-on?
I really appreciate the landscape - hate in the middle of the night the night to see it sideways
Found a way if your rooted
Leonidas87 said:
I decided to open this thread due to the fact that the Galaxy s7 Edge Always on Display does not recognize/rotate in landscape mode when the screen is off.
For some it may not matter. For others it will. For me it matters.
Now I was able to achieve landscape mode on my Lockscreen
Adding these two lines to build.prop:
Also I achieved Landscape on my launcher with Nova Launcher, then in settings, look and feel I enabled auto rotate.
As for the always on Display I have not been able to find any information.
If anyone has any information on the subject it would be greatly appreciated.
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If you are rooted and have Xposed installer go ahead and get gravity box and enable lock screen rotation it should work it worked for me on my Galaxy S6

Screen Rotation Bug? / EMUI 4.0 / NXT-L09C636B170 / Android 6.0

Just got a new Mate 8 this week, and after not having a smart phone to use since 2010, I'm really liking what I'm seeing so far with my limited exposure . . . even fine with the stock EMUI interface too.
One thing I noticed right away was the phone's inability to rotate a full 360°. Left and right horizontal rotation is fine, as well as the normal vertical, but try to go inverted, and the screen did not rotate at all for the home screen or for any app I tried. Funny, because I actually had a Chinese phone back in 2008 called an i9, which had the same rotation issue for only the inverted position.
I tried turning auto rotation On and Off, rebooting, etc., but no help. I did not try any hard reset on the phone, but I did go to Google Play and installed a rotation app called Set Orientation. When running, using the app's Automatic (full) rotation setting, the phone now rotates properly to the inverted position on the home screen as well as the few apps I tried so far. This made me happy that the hardware doesn't seem to be the issue with it not rotating inverted.
I did a forum search for rotation issues, and did not see any threads for this specific issue.
So has anyone else had this partial rotation issue and maybe an easy fix for it?
Also, I was wondering if there might be any downsides to having to always rely on an app like this, as maybe it won't always be compatible with other apps which may need to have the screen rotate to the inverted position?
~ Craig ~
If I seem to remember correctly, even the 6p didn't rotate a full 360 degrees. I actually think it is app dependant. I use this rotation control.. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pranavpandey.rotation
Sent from my HUAWEI NXT-L29 using Tapatalk
tdamocles said:
If I seem to remember correctly, even the 6p didn't rotate a full 360 degrees. I actually think it is app dependant. I use this rotation control.. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pranavpandey.rotation
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Yes, I'm already using a rotation control app that has worked to allow inverted vertical rotation too, but I'm wondering why you believe it's not a bug, but possibly only about app dependency if it does full 360° rotation ?
I have to admit I haven't been too well up to date on Android devices and apps for at least 4 years now, and I know some apps want to prevent certain screen orientation settings, forcing the view in certain modes. However, it seems like some software setting is out of kilter, or even a bug to me for this particular partial rotation issue, not just about app dependency.
For instance, why would the home screen, with auto rotation turned on in the settings, allow for rotation to both horizontal positions, the normal portrait position, but not allow for an inverted portrait rotation?
Also, for even the internet browser apps, which from what I recall for several other Android tablets I owned years ago, they would all allow rotation to all screen positions for 360° when rotation was turned on, with this phone it wouldn't allow inverted portrait rotation, that is, not until I installed the Set Orientation app and used it. Do Chrome and Firefox for Android typically not allow for inverted portrait viewing unless forced by an orientation app or rooting the device to change system settings?
I did find that using the Set Orientation app it interferes with the factory installed camera app display when using the phone in either horizontal position, so I need to disable it when using the camera to take landscape images.
It isn't a huge issue, just a minor inconvenience (along with a couple others) which I came across but can certainly live with, because I'm really enjoying the phone so far for the most part.
~ Craig ~
Look at the phone/dialer App. I don't even think that allows any horizontal rotation or full rotation. Almost all lock screens on different phones don't allow rotation either unless you have a custom ROM installed. I just don't think it's a bug . I think it's done like that for a reason, good or bad. I think it may be a phone restriction because I think my Nexus 9 allows full rotation on some apps. You just might have to live with it.
I think the home screen doesn't rotate 360 degrees because who views phone stuff upside down?
For example, I had 360 rotation turned on for my phone/dialer app and if your laying down the App will go inverted . If the proximity sensor isn't quick enough and doesn't turn off your screen, you might hit the hangup button like I did one time.
Look, Netflix is landscape only.
Sent from my HUAWEI NXT-L29 using Tapatalk
tdamocles said:
I think the home screen doesn't rotate 360 degrees because who views phone stuff upside down?
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On a device with small and relatively symmetrical bevels on the top and bottom like the Mate 8, or my previous LG G4, it's very handy to just pick up the phone and use it, irrelevant of the orientation.
I never use the power button and/or fingerprint scanner so a simple double (or on the Mate 8 usually triple) tap wakes up the device and hey presto, use it as it is. Is it the "right way round"? Great. Was it upside down? Does not matter, use it like this for now as well.
So for that reason I would also like to have an upside down possibility (haven't installed xposed yet as I find the need for it not great enough, for now). Other than that I find not a lot of real disadvantages of having the possibility anyway.
Note: not all apps worked as planned upside down but the dialer, homescreen, browsing, etc. made no difference regarding holding the phone

