How to setup/lock gNote to landscape mode? - Galaxy Note GT-N7000 Themes and Apps

So how can I lock gNote to landscape mode?
With Dell Streak I was used Orientation Lock Widget, with gNote it not work... :
(I use LauncherPro)
Also it would be nice to have the lock screen also in landscape mode...

Ok, I answer to myself. The Widget Locker solve the lock screen"problem".
I also calibrate the screen "upside down" so now the gNote stays landscape easily.
And yes, it´s not the best solution but it works...

I wanted to do some web browsing in landscape the other day while laying in bed and I decided to lock it in landscape, only to discover that it's impossible. I held the phone sideways, waited for the screen to rotate, pulled down the notification bar, and unticked the auto-rotate button. The screen quickly rotated back to portrait just before turning off auto-rotate! So I had to be careful of my orientation while I browsed the web.
I guess this is because they were too lazy to develop landscape homescreen functionality, so they tied up all loose ends that would lead to it.

I use orientation control. It works pretty well. You can also set it to go back to auto when you are done reading and the screen shuts off.

maxh said:
I wanted to do some web browsing in landscape the other day while laying in bed and I decided to lock it in landscape, only to discover that it's impossible. I held the phone sideways, waited for the screen to rotate, pulled down the notification bar, and unticked the auto-rotate button. The screen quickly rotated back to portrait just before turning off auto-rotate! So I had to be careful of my orientation while I browsed the web.
I guess this is because they were too lazy to develop landscape homescreen functionality, so they tied up all loose ends that would lead to it.
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Use maxthon browser.. its fast and smooth.. u can also lock it on landscape or portrait mode.. it asks u if u want to lock whenever the browser screen rotates..

mircury said:
I use orientation control. It works pretty well. You can also set it to go back to auto when you are done reading and the screen shuts off.
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Thank you very much! orientation control seems to work great! wohoo!

Does orientation control also let you put the homescreen into landscape?
I'm currently using dell streak and having landscape for a device this big is one of the best things about it.

I use nova launcher and it has an option in the settings
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Rotation Locker works well, you can force "service" mode so it runs in the background and forces everything to landscape, and its free.

clarkk said:
Rotation Locker works well, you can force "service" mode so it runs in the background and forces everything to landscape, and its free.
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Even forces home screen to be landscape??
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA

I use this app called ROTATE.... works fine with G Note
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium


Is there a way to lock the the MyTouch in landscape mode?

Home screen and dialer etc I don't mind staying in portrait but for everything else than can be displayed in landscape I'd like it if it can be displayed and locked in landscape. Preferably with out having to gain root.
I like landscape and I also like reading (sideways) in bed, which makes auto rotate a nuisance.
Can anybody help?
pure241 said:
Home screen and dialer etc I don't mind staying in portrait but for everything else than can be displayed in landscape I'd like it if it can be displayed and locked in landscape. Preferably with out having to gain root.
I like landscape and I also like reading (sideways) in bed, which makes auto rotate a nuisance.
Can anybody help?
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That would be awesome
+1 at least in the browser and home screen. maybe after we get root (fingers crossed).
Use Auto Rotate On/Off Widgets in Market.
linhnd said:
Use Auto Rotate On/Off Widgets in Market.
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Click to collapse or PORTRAIT mode. maybe a nonoob reply would be helpful.
fit333 said: or PORTRAIT mode. maybe a nonoob reply would be helpful.
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It does the opposite of what you want, locks everything portrait. Very handy IMO.
ClintonH said:
It does the opposite of what you want, locks everything portrait. Very handy IMO.
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how about landscape mode lock. this would be great its one of the reasons i miss my g1. searched allover for a hack and it seems iphone/behold.. users are wishing for the same. ive noticed it stays in landscape when rotated to the left (counter clockwise) but 45 degrees to the right and it goes to portrait (very annoying for bedtime surfing) not to mention the glitchy laggy transition back to landscape. we know there is an orientation check box under display setting, but thanx for the widget tip 'linhnd'..not
Been available for jailbroken iphones for over a year now. This would be great app to have and I would love to see developers and modders make more fixes like this , things that improve the functionality of Android.
is this dead or maybe this guy can do it
Cyanogen 4.0.1 rom has landscape mode at the home screen.
k well at least we have landscape lock in the browser tx to loccy and cyan..happy surfing

[Q] Portrait screen lock possible?

Hi everyone I got a question here and this might be solved but I searched for a while with no answer
I really like to hold the g tab in bed and do some reading before going to sleep but you know how the auto rotation works and it keeps getting me the wrong orientation when lie in bed holding it at side. If I turn off the auto rotation, it only gives landscape. I understand this won't be a prob for a phone since it's portrait by default. But here for the tablet it's landscape Is there a widget or application can do the trick to lock the screen to portrait?
I am using VEGAn-Tab Beta3 and LaunderPro.
Thanks for everyone's hard working here and I love this place so much!
Look under Settings->display, there should be a setting to ignore the accelerometer. It says auto rotate, I believe.
He's looking for a solution that will make the default orientation Portrait, not landscape. Turning off auto-rotate locks the device to landscape orientation only.
bigwh00p said:
He's looking for a solution that will make the default orientation Portrait, not landscape. Turning off auto-rotate locks the device to landscape orientation only.
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That's right. This has bugging me for days!
bigwh00p said:
He's looking for a solution that will make the default orientation Portrait, not landscape. Turning off auto-rotate locks the device to landscape orientation only.
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I missed that and strange that they don't have an option to allow one of four orientations to be selected
The contacts app appears to be landscape, no matter what.
Am I missing a setting for portrait phone & contact apps?

[Q] auto rotation issue

My ts should arrive tomorrow. But I went to BB to check them out and the first thing I checked was how this thing handles rotation. I love to sleep and read on my side and I noticed that the reader will not lock vertically so while on my side I can read in potrait mode. When u do lock rotation it defaults to landscape. Is there a work around?
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Moon+Reader locks the orientation you choose (It defaults to portrait).
Just lock the screen while you're in portrait, and it will stay there.
If u lock screen it defaults to landscape. I did download moon+ pro but i need big titles. Is there a way to buy kindle books a view them in moon?
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using XDA Premium App
I guess we're talking about two different things. If I'm in portrait and lock the screen using the Settings in the right hand corner, it stays in portrait (vice versa in landscape) . I'm running Prime 1.5 and Netformer, so maybe there's a setting fix in there. I can turn it on and off (not reboot) and it stays in portrait.

New and with a problem already...I think.

Hello, I'm new to this forum. I left the Blackberry (Bold 9900) world and jumped on board here. So far I LOVE my Mytouch 4g Slide!
I could have sworn that my "home" screen and "all apps" screen would rotate when I turned it sideways without having to slide my phone open. Now it doesn't. I first noticed it when I opened up my Netflix app. I turned the phone sideways to search for a movie and the screen would not rotate. It only rotated when the movie played.
Do your phones rotate on the home screen/all apps screen without sliding it open?
Please help, it's bugging the heck out of me.
Whoops I thanked you lol.
Some apps allow landscape mode, and some don't.
In addition, auto rotate allows your sensor to make the screen turn when it's on its side. Check the settings. (Settings > Display, I think). Hope this helps.
mine actually rotates when the keyboard is closed and doesn't when the keyboard is open, which is quite logical and the correct behaviour i think
Does your MT4GS do this too???
verne2k said:
mine actually rotates when the keyboard is closed and doesn't when the keyboard is open, which is quite logical and the correct behaviour i think
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That's strange. I wonder why that is. So yours rotates the home screen and "all apps" screen when turned sideways?
I am sure that my auto-rotate feature works because when I open certain apps, say, the Gallery where I have all my pictures stored, I can turn it sideways to the left or right and it will rotate accordingly.
It is only when I try to rotate the Home screen and All Apps screen that I could have sworn would rotate too.
Any help on getting this back the way it should would be greatly appreciated.
Doo Wop Mario
ekoee said:
Whoops I thanked you lol.
Some apps allow landscape mode, and some don't.
In addition, auto rotate allows your sensor to make the screen turn when it's on its side. Check the settings. (Settings > Display, I think). Hope this helps.
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I checked my Auto Rotate settings and they've always been on. I unchecked it and then rebooted and then checked it again and it still didn't work. Not sure why.
Nope, if you're on the stock ROM (As far as I remember, considering I haven't been on stock since the first ROM came out and I've refused to use the stock launcher anyways) orientation won't change on the "Home" screen unless you slide the keyboard open. Correct me if I'm wrong. Personally, I turn rotation off because it sometimes gets annoying. You could always try a different launcher though, I'm pretty sure ADW and Go Launcher rotate on any keyboard condition.
The app Orientation Control works well if you want your display to stay in a particular orientation all the time. Costs a buck or two in the market, and the main thing it messes up is the camera when you want to take a picture, but you can always switch it back to 'auto rotate' in those cases.
overhauling said:
Nope, if you're on the stock ROM (As far as I remember, considering I haven't been on stock since the first ROM came out and I've refused to use the stock launcher anyways) orientation won't change on the "Home" screen unless you slide the keyboard open. Correct me if I'm wrong. Personally, I turn rotation off because it sometimes gets annoying. You could always try a different launcher though, I'm pretty sure ADW and Go Launcher rotate on any keyboard condition.
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Yeah, I'm on stock ROM. I like the rotation feature for now, and was just wondering why it would work on some screens and not on others. I thought that was a default feature.
At least I know I'm not losing my mind. I really did believe it used to rotate the Home screen and All Apps screen without sliding it open.
I guess one thing I can try is going into a T-Mobile store and testing out their phone there to see if it rotates.
Thanks everyone!
doowopmario said:
Yeah, I'm on stock ROM. I like the rotation feature for now, and was just wondering why it would work on some screens and not on others. I thought that was a default feature.
At least I know I'm not losing my mind. I really did believe it used to rotate the Home screen and All Apps screen without sliding it open.
I guess one thing I can try is going into a T-Mobile store and testing out their phone there to see if it rotates.
Thanks everyone!
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Never did for me in the stock Sense launcher on the app drawer or home screens, unless sliding out the keyboard. I made a reference to that in the tv-out thread back when I first got the phone in august.
It works everywhere else, and you could just use another launcher to have it happen on those two screens.
I'd like to enable that functionality in Rosie - i'm not sure why it's like that and it's puzzled me for months.
I dunno, personally, I turn off auto rotation all the time. If I want to view anything in landscape, I just slide the keyboard open. Just my preference, though.
I really like a free app called auto rotate switch. It gives you a button in the status bar that you can click to turn on and off auto rotation. I've used it since my first android phone, but have never used it with this one.
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[Q] Phone not going into landscape in dock

Hey guys, I bought the One X Hyperion dock for $19 on amazon, and every time i put my phone in it it stays in portrait and will not go into landscape mode. Has anyone else had this issue with this dock, or any other dock for that matter? Any ideas?
Thank you in advance.
punkydudey101 said:
Hey guys, I bought the One X Hyperion dock for $19 on amazon, and every time i put my phone in it it stays in portrait and will not go into landscape mode. Has anyone else had this issue with this dock, or any other dock for that matter? Any ideas?
Thank you in advance.
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Sense doesn't auto rotate your home screen unless you force it with an app like this
When you launch it, long press "Auto" and it will run a background service that forces things (everything) to auto rotate even if they REALLY don't want to.
stnguyen09 said:
Sense doesn't auto rotate your home screen unless you force it with an app like this
When you launch it, long press "Auto" and it will run a background service that forces things (everything) to auto rotate even if they REALLY don't want to.
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Stnguyen09 thank you for this, it seems to sorta work, I can get everything to go into landscape now in the dock except for the lockscreen. The lockscreen still stays in portrait view which sucks because that is the default screen my device goes to after it has been idle. Any ideas? Have you been able to force the lockscreen into landscape view while in a dock?
Thanks again

