[Q] Samsung galaxy s2 HD lte unlocked canada restarts all of sudden - General Questions and Answers

HI all,
I am new to this forum.
i got factory unlocked samsung galaxy s2 hd lte i757m with android v4.1.1 from canada.
I am using this cell in INDIA.
I am experiencing some freeze and sometimes restarts almost daily in my first week of usage.
battery drains fast with just 1hour of wifi usage.
Also cell phone heatsup while charging
Samsung support says officialy jellybean is not been released to hd lte yet , so u might be facing the problem.
Guys does anyone has faced same issues?? please help

There is no official JB for the i757m yet - Samsung are right. The issues definitely sound ROM related, I would recommend rolling back to ICS as it's very stable for me, with good battery life. Also worth noting - your phone will always heat up while charging
Here is a thread relating to installing CWM on the i757m. Ignore that, under the 'Download' section (expand the hide tag) there's a Dev.host link to some files. Go into the Bell SGS2 HD LTE folder, grab Odin3_1.85.zip and in the Factory Images folder, grab 'Unzip Me Stock ICS'. Don't forget to click 'thanks' for dsixda in his thread.
Once you have both those files down, unzip the ROM to get a tar.md5 image, and use ODIN to flash. There are many ODIN tutorials on this site, I suggest reading a couple BEFORE doing anything, as this has the potential to brick your phone completely.
If you need further help after reading, I will be here. I have this phone, and have done this a few times
Good luck!

thanks Justin,
I am newbie to android and samsung
Could you let me know where shall i get started ???
also the important thing i will have to rollback to ICS from INDIA and not Canada this time.
Is it possible from India?? if yes how?? any specific version of kies software required??

dhiren4ever said:
thanks Justin,
I am newbie to android and samsung
Could you let me know where shall i get started ???
also the important thing i will have to rollback to ICS from INDIA and not Canada this time.
Is it possible from India?? if yes how?? any specific version of kies software required??
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That's no problems, we don't actually use Kies to do anything, plus we are downloading the ROM ourselves. I have done the same thing from Australia, so I don't think that India should be a worry
If you follow that link above, and grab the two files that I mentioned, that's the first step. Once you have them on your computer, I'll send you some USB drivers, and then help you with the next steps to get it working

juzz86 said:
That's no problems, we don't actually use Kies to do anything, plus we are downloading the ROM ourselves. I have done the same thing from Australia, so I don't think that India should be a worry
If you follow that link above, and grab the two files that I mentioned, that's the first step. Once you have them on your computer, I'll send you some USB drivers, and then help you with the next steps to get it working
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Though I am quite afraid to do so...I will monitor first my cell phone for a week or two and if its really getting into my head then i will flash it to ICS.
I will definitely need your help then.
really thanks a ton for replying...atleast i will have some directions now who already has done it !!!!

No worries mate, happy to help


juzz86 said:
No worries mate, happy to help
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Could you please send me USB driver required for the above process.
I am planning to roll back to Official ICH
Any idea when would be Jelly bean released for SGH-i757M?


Vibrant 4G Gingerbread update query

I accidentally posted this query in the standard Vibrant forum and they re-directed me here. So here's my initial query:
So I finally found out that the Galaxy Vibrant 4G (SGH-T959V) from T-Mobile now has an official update for Gingerbread. So since my mobile has been on Bionix Frost Custom ROM for long enough, I think I'll just update the phone. I'm aware that I'll loose the "root" feature, but my query is will I loose my network unlock? Also, will the contacts on the phone memory be wiped off too?
This is the first time I'm updating the phone. Since it was rooted before, should I bear some precaution before updating or is there a specific manner in which I should update?
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I was planning on updating it via Kies. Kindly let me know if there is anything I need to keep in mind before proceeding with the update. I'm planning to update as per the method listed on T-Mobile website. Unfortunately, since I'm new to this forum, I can't seem to post it's direct link.
lordofthething said:
I accidentally posted this query in the standard Vibrant forum and they re-directed me here. So here's my initial query:
I was planning on updating it via Kies. Kindly let me know if there is anything I need to keep in mind before proceeding with the update. I'm planning to update as per the method listed on T-Mobile website. Unfortunately, since I'm new to this forum, I can't seem to post it's direct link.
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I don't recall losing anything when I updated with Kies. However, I would suggest making a backup of your data just in case. I sync my contacts with T-Mobile so even after I flash something that wipes the phone, the contacts sync back on their own.
I'm not sure if you can go from Bionix to KJ6 (2.3.6) using Kies Mini. Keis is picky about what ROM you're on with regard to updating. If it tells you that your phone's not registered, I'd suggest using ODIN to flash RaverX3X's ROM-ODIN-2.3.6-Gingerbread Offical. It's 100% based on the Kies Mini download but repackaged for ODIN for those having issues with Kies.
Thanks for the prompt reply Steve. Let's assume Kies DOES pick up my phone and confirms the Gingerbread update for it? Should I go ahead with it?
I don't see why not. You have nothing to lose by trying out the official kj6
Sent from my GT-P7510 using xda premium
I'm with Jager. Wifi signal strength is a little decreased, some people have had issues sending large text messages, but the phone is much more responsive.
Absolutely! My current ROM seems to be really buggy in places, thus depicting a rather poor picture of Android. So I was planning to try the stock ROM to see if it helped. So just to confirm, I won't loose my network unlock, correct?
lordofthething said:
Absolutely! My current ROM seems to be really buggy in places, thus depicting a rather poor picture of Android. So I was planning to try the stock ROM to see if it helped. So just to confirm, I won't loose my network unlock, correct?
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I don't know about network unlock as I've not done that. However, this shouldn't mess with the /efs mount or it's contents, which is where I think the unlocks occur.
Someone else feel free to chime in on this one as I'm not sure.
You shouldn't lose your network unlock since that partition doesn't get touched by any updates.
I say you go for the upgrade but since you're already on a custom ROM, why not just use a custom KJ6 rom instead of the Kies version, you'll like it a lot more.
If you do wind up wanting a custom ROM, I recommend you click on the SGS4G Starter Pack link in my signature. Good guide.
Happy flashing!
That's what I thought but I wasn't sure. Thanks for clarifying FB!
Cheers folks! I'll first flash to the stock ROM and if I feel the need to enhance it, I'll definitely move onto one of the custom ROM's. Thank you for all your help, much appreciated.
lordofthething said:
Cheers folks! I'll first flash to the stock ROM and if I feel the need to enhance it, I'll definitely move onto one of the custom ROM's. Thank you for all your help, much appreciated.
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No worries. Best of luck & Happy New Year!

[Q] Samsung GT-I5800D Stock ROM Telus Canada

First post here
So a few days ago I flashed my phone to CM7 there were a bunch of problems such as no data would work no camera etc, none of the fixes I found worked. After following a few tutorials on how to uninstall root it still remained (albeit superuser is now gone). I was hoping someone has or knows where to find the stock rom for this phone (GT-I5800D region Canada/North America) so I could just flash it back. Sammobile doesn't have it nor does any forum I've found they all have roms for other regions. Theres a plethora of Roms for Europe so Im wondering if maybe that would work with mine? Again many thanks to anyone who can assist me.
Happy Canada Day :laugh:
taino001 said:
First post here
So a few days ago I flashed my phone to CM7 there were a bunch of problems such as no data would work no camera etc, none of the fixes I found worked. After following a few tutorials on how to uninstall root it still remained (albeit superuser is now gone). I was hoping someone has or knows where to find the stock rom for this phone (GT-I5800D region Canada/North America) so I could just flash it back. Sammobile doesn't have it nor does any forum I've found they all have roms for other regions. Theres a plethora of Roms for Europe so Im wondering if maybe that would work with mine? Again many thanks to anyone who can assist me.
Happy Canada Day :laugh:
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I had come across this before the thing I was wondering was if any of these would work in Canada? Thanks again though
taino001 said:
I had come across this before the thing I was wondering was if any of these would work in Canada? Thanks again though
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If Cyanogenmod worked in your phone, then those stock roms will work as well
Still no answer a year and a half later?
\m/ BUMP \m/
My GT-I5800D and my wife's GT-I5510M recently started popping up the same error message randomly
The process com.android.
phone has stopped
unexpectedly. Please try
I am suspecting a recent Play Store update but the only solution I have found that works was flashing my wife's 551 back to stock. I had no problem finding her firmware. I guess the Callisto was a lot more popular than the Apollo. I have been Googling for days and it looks like I need I5800DTLKDA but I've had the same luck as OP finding a working link.
Here you go.
I found this old thread as I was searching for the same answers. I kept hammering away at Google and found it myself. Since this was one of the stops on my quest I thought I'd drop a link to the files I found. Here is the ROM I am now using along with Odin, the OPS file.
Stock rom for gt-i5801
HI .... GUYS​Here I have Stock ROM for galaxy 3 .....
Go to This link ........
Go to :
⊗ Froyo ⊗
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Download The File and FLASH

[Q] Sgh-t959/ galaxy s 4g

Hi i currently bought the SGH-T959W form mobilicity and I m wondering if anyone can help me with gaining the stock rom from it and also for installing coustom rom and stuff? I had tried rooted it with T959v instructions and it worked but right now i just getting it bak from Service centre so i m it will have the brand new phone.
victor536angle said:
Hi i currently bought the SGH-T959W form mobilicity and I m wondering if anyone can help me with gaining the stock rom from it and also for installing coustom rom and stuff? I had tried rooted it with T959v instructions and it worked but right now i just getting it bak from Service centre so i m it will have the brand new phone.
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the next day or two I will have a "W" package available. don't do anything till then.
getochkn said:
the next day or two I will have a "W" package available. don't do anything till then.
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Hi Getochkn,
I have the same issues as Victor.
Please let us know how to get the thing working back.
kamalakarm said:
Hi Getochkn,
I have the same issues as Victor.
Please let us know how to get the thing working back.
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Thanks lumin30
Both of you, bug Mobilicity for a stock image to restore your phone. lol. Wind won't give me one but maybe Mobilicity will.
I can get it to about 90% stock right now and I'm sure I'll get it almost there. The problem is this. To dump the stock phone, we need it rooted to gain access but the only way to get root on 2.3.6 with the latest patches, is to flash a rooted kernel, which is great but then prevents us from dumping the stock kernel. It's a catch 22. Need a hacked kernel to dump the kernel but flashing the hacked kernel erases the stock kernel. lol.
The package linked by lumin30 will get you rooted, and all the options from there are explained.
I will check with mobilicity and see what i can do to get the files from there. I really doubt if they would do it for us.
Meanwhile i am trying to get the files from someone who has a official unlocked phone purchased which is carrier free.
He hasn't tampered with it yet.
let me see what he can do for us.

HTC One S updates

So recently i bought an HTC One S with an S3 processor which its country is of Asia. I am currently at europe. I still am on Android 4.0.3 and there doesnt seem to be an update for my phone. Now i know that 4.0.4 and also JB are rolling out, but not for my device. Is there anything I can do to solve this ?
Thanks :laugh:
I live in a country where HTC sell the S3 processor only. I had my cousin sent me HOS from US, big difference.
You might want to trade for an S4 though.
In the meantime you can search the development forum and look for an S3 ROM.
Not many but there are some.
Sent from my HTC One S using xda app-developers app
Thanks for your fast reply !
Kindly note that i am noob in this. Kindly tell me what is HOS and ROM. Also if i root the phone will i be able to get some updates ?
Thanks alot and Happy new year !
TRRusty said:
Thanks for your fast reply !
Kindly note that i am noob in this. Kindly tell me what is HOS and ROM. Also if i root the phone will i be able to get some updates ?
Thanks alot and Happy new year !
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HOS stands for Htc One S and a Rom is basically an operating system for your device that is nothing like stock, has tweaks here and there things that stock doesnt, and if you root you will.still be able to receive updates but you have to relock the phone and some other things I can't remember then you can apply the update, basically you can't apply update to a rooted phone its just gonna give you and installation error then reboot your phone I think but that's basically it for your questions, hopefully it was helpful to you
T-Mobile HTC one s
Htc one S
Thanks for the information !
A friend told me that if i root the phone i can change my firmware from Asia to Europe where i live so that i can recieve updates accordingly to my phone. Is this true ?
Also is there a detailed noob instructions for me to follow and learn more about rooting the phone and installing customs ROMS etc. ?
TRRusty said:
Thanks for the information !
A friend told me that if i root the phone i can change my firmware from Asia to Europe where i live so that i can recieve updates accordingly to my phone. Is this true ?
Also is there a detailed noob instructions for me to follow and learn more about rooting the phone and installing customs ROMS etc. ?
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If you root, you can manually install all sorts of fun stuff. I think if you want to remain as close to stock and receive "official" updates, super cid is something you might wanna read about. There's a thread in the Dev Section by Torxx that I used to root my S4 you might wanna look over and see if that's for you. Make sure everything you decide to do is compatible with your S3 first though.
Edit: there's also another guide in the general section
echo en Android
Evil-Monkey said:
If you root, you can manually install all sorts of fun stuff. I think if you want to remain as close to stock and receive "official" updates, super cid is something you might wanna read about. There's a thread in the Dev Section by Torxx that I used to root my S4 you might wanna look over and see if that's for you. Make sure everything you decide to do is compatible with your S3 first though.
Edit: there's also another guide in the general section
echo en Android
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Thanks friend. I will search in the forums and take a look about what to do and how to change my firmware. I still need to learn stuff about android and root.
Still am on everything stock on 4.0.3 and looking to change my Firmware from Asia to Europe. Further assistence would be AWESOME

[Q] Advice plz Re flashed ROM on S4 (baseband problem)

I'd like some advice please on what to do next. I rooted then flashed my Samsung S4 with a new ROM named Imperium v16.1. Everything is fine except the classic issue of having little to no data connectivity. Wireless is fine and when people try to ring me it's fine. I try to ring out though I have to go into and exit airplane mode.
This is the first time I've flashing an android handset so I definitely put myself in the n00b category.
I'm at the stage that I just don't care what ROM I have I just need data connectivity to work again. Yes I was probably stupid it try it but you know what it's like. We all want to experiment!
I guess I have two questions. If I install another ROM will I just have the same problem? Also, from my research, I get the impression that the problem is that my handset's modem drivers/baseband(?) don't match the ROM. Is that accurate/likely?
Any advice or simple background into what's going on would be grand!!
Thanks community!
Model Samsung S4 GT-i9505 LTE
Android v4.4.2
Baseband vI9505XXUDMH6
UK EE/T-Mobile
benrich said:
I'd like some advice please on what to do next. I rooted then flashed my Samsung S4 with a new ROM named Imperium v16.1. Everything is fine except the classic issue of having little to no data connectivity. Wireless is fine and when people try to ring me it's fine. I try to ring out though I have to go into and exit airplane mode.
This is the first time I've flashing an android handset so I definitely put myself in the n00b category.
I'm at the stage that I just don't care what ROM I have I just need data connectivity to work again. Yes I was probably stupid it try it but you know what it's like. We all want to experiment!
I guess I have two questions. If I install another ROM will I just have the same problem? Also, from my research, I get the impression that the problem is that my handset's modem drivers/baseband(?) don't match the ROM. Is that accurate/likely?
Any advice or simple background into what's going on would be grand!!
Thanks community!
Model Samsung S4 GT-i9505 LTE
Android v4.4.2
Baseband vI9505XXUDMH6
UK EE/T-Mobile
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Your stock firmware was the outdated Jellybean 4.2.2. Flash latest stock firmware from HERE and you'll be able to use newer custom roms. And free user can cload with 300kb/s, don't be scared by the 15kb/s.
Thank you. I've got the download.. I'll give it a go this evening after work.
(wow the copy of Odin I picked up is full of bloatware.. Wonder if the source I got it from was a bit dodge)
That has worked beautifully! Thank you very much.
Gosh, I had forgotten how bloaty and boring the stock ROM is.

