Android memory optimizers [Dispelling the Myths] - Android General

Hey guys... I have read so many statements and questions from members saying they only have 50.. or 100mb of RAM left. That their custom ROM takes up too much RAM or that their system is slow because of the lack of RAM...
So I created a video thats addresses this issue and hopefully will help new and old users alike....
The fact is that Android does an awesome job of managing applications and services that are running. Feel free to uninstall applications from your device that you don't use (like bloatware) but killing tasks all the time actually slows down your device. Android wants to fill its memory with applications that it think you will use. So clearing the RAM will only use more CPU power to full the RAM again​


Spot on ! What can I say apart from this thread is bookmarked and the link will be posted next time we get another "Help ! wheres my RAM gone arrrrgggghhhh" thread. I can never see why people complain about RAM being used , You have it so use it !!!1!!!1
Most RAM killers give a placebo effect and to be honest they do slow your device down. Thanks for making the vid as it will be easier than typing out the same stuff again and again. A start up manager strategically used would be much more effective.
Off Topic : OH so thats what Orcs sound like ( The OP will get the joke , being a kiwi .....I hope lol )

Epic - that is all i can say ! Not a word un true

hamdogg said:
Hey guys... I have read so many statements and questions from members saying they only have 50.. or 100mb of RAM left. That their custom ROM takes up too much RAM or that their system is slow because of the lack of RAM...
So I created a video thats addresses this issue and hopefully will help new and old users alike....
The fact is that Android does an awesome job of managing applications and services that are running. Feel free to uninstall applications from your device that you don't use (like bloatware) but killing tasks all the time actually slows down your device. Android wants to fill its memory with applications that it think you will use. So clearing the RAM will only use more CPU power to full the RAM again​
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i see, but if it's like you said, what's the main point of making clearing RAM function available on android? Don't they make that for some purpose? If clearing the RAM / killing task slows down the android, then it shouldn't be there... should it?

According to Google IO's 2012 Android learns what applications you use more often and 'should' load them up. However if you believe its not doing that then the 'clear memory' function could be used. Also if you have a series of apps in there that you believe shouldn't be, thats also when you could use it.
I never touch the clear memory funciton..
I think that if google hadn't put that function in android, then its users would demand it so we have 'control' over our devices.
Which is whats missing from iOS right?
ASIDE: Yeah.. Perhaps I should change my location to Hobbion? or Isengard ... :b

cool stuff



Any way to limit 'recent apps' in list? Noobish Honeycomb question.

I guess this is my honeycomb ignorance (still getting used to the features) but when pulling up recent apps with the softkey I really only want apps that are currently running.
Are some of these apps are already "closed" and by choosing a thumbnail from the list I'm re-opening these?
Is there a setting anywhere to "limit" the history I see? Like <5 apps or something?
I have Task Killer pro intalled now to manage the real running apps but the Softkey is handier, if I can just be sure of what its supposed to indicate.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using XDA Premium App
I was wondering this as well. I haven't found any way to do it yet.
I don't know of any way except to manage apps in the settings and then kill "running" apps....but remember; these are apps "in memory" like you'd think in Windows.....they are not sucking resources...
I think that there is an article here somewhere about this list and why you shouldn't use an app killer in Honeycomb....
I'm more interested in changing it to a grid layout, like a speed dial.
yeah I know theyre not in memory but they are wasting screen space. I finished playing chess yesterday, I dont think the game should stay in the recent apps list. Froyo & Gingerbread are much better at managing this.
moo99 said:
yeah I know theyre not in memory but they are wasting screen space. I finished playing chess yesterday, I dont think the game should stay in the recent apps list. Froyo & Gingerbread are much better at managing this.
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I agree. I just want a cleaner recent apps list. Sometimes it's hard to find what you're looking for.
I guess a workaround would be to longpress the home screen, put a widget there that is linked directly to "manage applications" and then it would only be one press and then zap the offending apps.
You do realize the Recent Apps button on the homescreen is just that, a Recent Apps button. It's not exactly a "running in the background" button.
"I finished playing chess yesterday, I dont think the game should stay in the recent apps list."
Why not? It is a recently played app isn't it? LOL.
And yeah, agree with the other reply, if you want a list of running apps.... don't touch the Recent Apps list button lol.
Stop worrying about what's running in the background. Just enjoy the damn Android.
Im not near my TF now but I use Multitasking Pro on my Galaxy S for that. you can choose to open it by double clicking the home button and see only running apps or recent apps - its configurable in the application settings. i does cost about 2$ i think but it was the best 2$ I've spent
this is called a 'Recent apps' list for a's 'Recent'..not current running...
Well you could always downgrade to 3.0 if it really bothers you. That only showed 5 apps!
LOL. Its a nuisance, not so much a grievance; but I'm glad I'm not the only one annoyed, perhaps this will get looked at ;-)
Possibly once Honeycomb is more prevalent there will come market apps or enough reportage to have an updte with a setting for it, or a utility that tweaks it. Regardless, I appreciate the feedback. At least now I know its sort of "normal".
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using XDA Premium App
My number one wish is for Google to improve multitasking (and give back control to the user as to which programs are running).
As is, the implementation just isn't very usable if you consider it to be a multitasking device -- it's really closer to single-tasking with a memory of what it did recently and the ability to reopen with a similar state to what it last had.
For example, I use my tab during F1 races for timing and scoring. I have's timing and scoring app, and I have access to a (non-public) website which provides further real-time info through Adobe Flash in a web browser.
If I switch from the web browser to's timing and scoring app for more than say 10-15 seconds, then back again, the flash app has to reconnect to the server because the web browser ceased running, even though the browser and the app were the only programs running and had ample memory / CPU power / a mains power supply connected, ie. no reason to halt the browser.
This isn't the only time I hit this issue, it's just one easy-to-explain example.
I'd much rather I had the ability to exit programs / apps myself when I'm done with them, and to keep programs / apps running in the background when I want them to. It'd make the whole experience much more coherent and logical.
The Flash plugin was designed to suspend when you switched apps. It's not an android issue.
Adding "close programs" to the current implementation would not make it more logical, it would make it more convoluted. It doesn't need it.
knoxploration said:
.I'd much rather I had the ability to exit programs / apps myself when I'm done with them, and to keep programs / apps running in the background when I want them to. It'd make the whole experience much more coherent and logical.
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The problem is that the vast majority of users won't want to handle this themselves, and would expect the OS to do if for them.
Personally, I'm in favour of having some sort of mechanism whereby you can tell the OS not to kill specific tasks if you so choose, but otherwise task management performs as is.
With specific regard to your example, I think that the OS believes it is always OK to kill the browser, which is why it can be killed so quickly after switching away. For other apps, this doesn't seem to happen - for example, yesterday I was connected to a remote server using Wyse PocketCloud, and I frequently switched away to do something else for 30-60 minutes at a time, yet my remote desktop connection was never dropped or killed.
Me personally don't need and don't like this "recent" app button. Or I need it to have an option either to clear it or not. You know we sometimes need privacy over such things
JCopernicus said:
The Flash plugin was designed to suspend when you switched apps. It's not an android issue.
Adding "close programs" to the current implementation would not make it more logical, it would make it more convoluted. It doesn't need it.
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Agreed, if flash is left to run in the background it will drain the battery like hell..and other system resources as well.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using XDA Premium App
...and it should be *my* choice whether that happens. That is where this argument totaly falls on its face. *I* know whether it is vital to me that an app remain open, or can safely be closed. The tablet doesn't.
As long as it remains in the tablet's hands, it will continue to annoy me by leving open apps that I no longer need running, while closing apps that I strongly do need running.
magicpork said:
Agreed, if flash is left to run in the background it will drain the battery like hell..and other system resources as well.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using XDA Premium App
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that's just doesn't.
Revisiting Android Task Killers and Why You Still Don’t Need One
from another forum.
We almost hate to approach the topic of Task Killers on Android after all this time, but with so many new faces here at Droid Life and in Android in general, it’s something that needs to be done. In fact, after seeing the Amazon app of the day and reading through the Twitter conversations we just had with many of you, this thing needs to be posted immediately.
Let’s see if we can’t get you all some better battery life!
First off, please ignore the image up at the top of the post. If this was 2009 and we were all running something less than Android 2.2, that statement plastered on that red banner might be somewhat correct. But since it is 2011 and the majority of people on the planet are running Android 2.2, we need to get you away from the mindset that killing off tasks on your phone is a good thing.
So rather than me blabbering about the inner-workings of Android and how it manages RAM for the 10,000th time, I’m going to just pull from some posts that friends of ours have done that explain this in the plainest of ways.
First up is our boy @cvpcs who you may know from CM and his Sapphire ROM days. He knows Android inside-and-out, so when he goes into memory management which is done by the OS itself, you should listen up:
…What people don’t seem to realize is that android is designed to have a large number of tasks stored in memory at all times. Why? Well basically we are talking about a mobile device. On a mobile device things tend to be slower. The hardware isn’t as robust as say a desktop or a laptop, so in order to get that same “snappy” feeling, there have to be workarounds.
One of these is how android deals with memory. Android will load up your apps and then keep them running until they absolutely HAVE to kill them. This is because that way, if you want to re-open an app, the system already has it loaded and can then just resume it instead of reloading it. This provides a significant performance increase.
What a lot of people don’t realize as well is that android kernels have their own task manager. This means that:
it will be more efficient than any app-based task manager as it is run at the kernel level, and
it should be left up to that task killer to decide when to free up memory
There is only one case where having a task killer is a good idea, and that is when you want to kill ONE SPECIFIC APP. Killing all apps is never a good idea. You don’t know what operations they are performing or if they are necessary.
Whitson Gordon of Lifehacker suggests that you should be more worried about CPU usage than what’s going on with your RAM. We agree:
This set-up implies that the goal of killing these apps is to free up memory. Nowhere on the list does it mention the number of CPU cycles each app is consuming, only the memory you’ll free by killing it. As we’ve learned, full memory is not a bad thing—we want to watch out for the CPU, the resource that actually slows down your phone and drains your battery life.
Thus, killing all but the essential apps (or telling Android to kill apps more aggressively with the “autokill” feature) is generally unnecessary. Furthermore, it’s actually possible that this will worsen your phone’s performance and battery life. Whether you’re manually killing apps all the time or telling the task killer to aggressively remove apps from your memory, you’re actually using CPU cycles when you otherwise wouldn’t—killing apps that aren’t doing anything in the first place.
In fact, some of the processes related to those apps will actually start right back up, further draining your CPU. If they don’t, killing those processes can cause other sorts of problems—alarms don’t go off, you don’t receive text messages, or other related apps may force close without warning. All in all, you’re usually better off letting your phone work as intended—especially if you’re more of a casual user. In these instances, a task killer causes more problems than it solves.
More on how Android has a built-in memory-management system, but also on how killing all tasks is not a good thing (via: NextApp):
Android was designed from the ground up as an operating system (OS) for mobile devices. Its built-in application and memory-management systems were engineered with battery life as one of the most critical concerns.
The Android OS does not work like a desktop operating system. On a desktop OS, like Windows, Mac OS X, or Ubuntu Linux, the user is responsible for closing programs in order to keep a reasonable amount of memory available. On Android, this is not the case. The OS itself automatically removes programs from memory as memory is needed. The OS may also preload applications into memory which it thinks might soon be needed.
Having lots of available empty memory is not a good thing. It takes the same amount of power to hold “nothing” in memory as it does to hold actual data. So, like every other operating system in use today, Android does its best to keep as much important/likely-to-be-used information in memory as possible.
As such, using the task manager feature of SystemPanel to constantly clear memory by killing all apps is strongly NOT RECOMMENDED. This also applies to any other task killer / management program. Generally speaking, you should only “End” applications if you see one which is not working correctly. The “End All” feature can be used if your phone/device is performing poorly and you are uncertain of the cause.
And we could go on for hours with source after source on why task killers do nothing but work against Android, but you probably get the point now don’t you? Ready for a quick recap? OK.
Basically, Android keeps tasks handy because it thinks you’ll want to perform them again in a very short amount of time. If you don’t, it will clear them out for you. It also likes to keep as many things handy as possible so that the overall performance of your device is top notch. If Android were to completely kill off everything that your phone is doing, then it would require more resources to restart all of them and you would likely run into slowness and battery drains. By keeping certain things available to you, your phone is actually running better than it would without. So please, stop killing off tasks and let Android do the work for you.
Your goal for the week is wash your brain of the idea that having little RAM available is a bad thing. The more RAM available, the more Android will find ways to use it up which means your battery will be dead in hours. Instead, let it manage itself, so that you can spend more time playing Angry Birds or reading Droid Life.
All good now?
A simple reboot clears the list of recent apps. And as others have stated, it's not about running apps but something like the "recent documents" list in Windows 7

Android managing ram

I've ready many posts stating that the Android system does a good job managing RAM.. Over the past couple of weeks.. once every 2 days or so.. my phone starts bogging down something fierce.. almost locked up. I run advanced task manager and my available ram is around 20-25. I kill a few apps, and the phone works fine for a bit. Eventually, I just reboot it.
From my experience, it's not doing such a great job managing ram on its own.. If the phone is crawling to a stand still.. you would think the OS would manage it.. it's not.
I don't get it..
schmit said:
I've ready many posts stating that the Android system does a good job managing RAM.. Over the past couple of weeks.. once every 2 days or so.. my phone starts bogging down something fierce.. almost locked up. I run advanced task manager and my available ram is around 20-25. I kill a few apps, and the phone works fine for a bit. Eventually, I just reboot it.
From my experience, it's not doing such a great job managing ram on its own.. If the phone is crawling to a stand still.. you would think the OS would manage it.. it's not.
I don't get it..
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Uninstall advanced task killer. Problem solved
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haha, then I have to reboot when it slows down.. I just downloaded autostarts.. just shut down a crap load of items from starting up.. I think that will do.
Linux (and android) have the mentality "unused ram is wasted ram" so having lots of free ram is only good if launching memory intensive apps/programs.
tahahawa said:
Linux (and android) have the mentality "unused ram is wasted ram" so having lots of free ram is only good if launching memory intensive apps/programs.
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The problem being, as soon as I drop to around 30-50 available.. the phone is extremely sluggish. I wait, wait, wait for the OS to shut down some apps, it never does. It just gets worse to where the phone is not usable. So a reboot or closing apps has to take place. It's not managing the ram at all..
schmit said:
The problem being, as soon as I drop to around 30-50 available.. the phone is extremely sluggish. I wait, wait, wait for the OS to shut down some apps, it never does. It just gets worse to where the phone is not usable. So a reboot or closing apps has to take place. It's not managing the ram at all..
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Sorry to hear that your phone is buggy but task killers are a nuisance. You kill them visually but they sprung up in a few secs or mins hence taking the freed space you just created.
Next time when your phone is lagging so much, go to manage applications > running applications and check what is using your Ram so much. Most of the time, rogue apps come into RAM and due to lack of a good ram management in those apps, they tend to stay there hence eating away your ram.
cricketAC said:
Sorry to hear that your phone is buggy but task killers are a nuisance. You kill them visually but they sprung up in a few secs or mins hence taking the freed space you just created.
Next time when your phone is lagging so much, go to manage applications > running applications and check what is using your Ram so much. Most of the time, rogue apps come into RAM and due to lack of a good ram management in those apps, they tend to stay there hence eating away your ram.
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Thanks.. I'm not using the task killer to kill any apps.. you're right, they pop right back up. I found if I long press, I can do it through the system, which keeps it closed.
Autostarts seems to be working very well.. None of the typical apps are starting up.. but 2 are annoying me.. they start up every time.. Google Drive and Gallery
schmit said:
Thanks.. I'm not using the task killer to kill any apps.. you're right, they pop right back up. I found if I long press, I can do it through the system, which keeps it closed.
Autostarts seems to be working very well.. None of the typical apps are starting up.. but 2 are annoying me.. they start up every time.. Google Drive and Gallery
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I always uninstall/freeze my gallery because it's known to eat ram.
Try turning off Google Drive in accounts sync and try using QuickPic instead of gallery
Sent from my LG-P999 using Tapatalk 2
schmit said:
I've ready many posts stating that the Android system does a good job managing RAM.. Over the past couple of weeks.. once every 2 days or so.. my phone starts bogging down something fierce.. almost locked up. I run advanced task manager and my available ram is around 20-25. I kill a few apps, and the phone works fine for a bit. Eventually, I just reboot it.
From my experience, it's not doing such a great job managing ram on its own.. If the phone is crawling to a stand still.. you would think the OS would manage it.. it's not.
I don't get it..
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I understand your frustrating. Living and working in a windows world. I was uncomfortable with removing my task master of choice. Android works better now. If you have questions please pm me.
Android will try to do its job when cleaning RAM, but if a lot of badly written apps are running and all hogging resources, Android itself will still try to respect those wishes. Apps have priorities when they need to be killed, but if all apps say they're number 1 in priority, then there's no room to negotiate.
The best solution is to find and uninstall the rogue applications. Period.
Sent from my LG-P999 using xda premium
Well if its happening recently, uninstall your most recent apps. Also Google voice gives me problems, try uninstalling that
Sent from my Handheld Portal Device
zoppp said:
Well if its happening recently, uninstall your most recent apps. Also Google voice gives me problems, try uninstalling that
Sent from my Handheld Portal Device
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Uninstalling most recently installed apps is a good start. I use Google Voice all the time without problems and any extra battery drains. It's a memory hog (35+ MB sometimes, with a Google Update service being redundant since there's the Play Market already).
Supercharger v6
If your rooted, try using the supercharger v6 script.
Anthony1596 said:
If your rooted, try using the supercharger v6 script.
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I think running clean apps and having good oom settings key to a good running phone. The v6 supercharger is a great however running the script manager causes excessive partial wakelocks therefore draining alot of battery at idle and in comparison to the performance gain I don't feel its beneficial. Our phones have sufficient ram if used properly. However if you are running dirty apps that are constantly syncing or updating or whatever dirty things they do that is what causes "bog down"
Anyways back to my point just change your oom groupings and forget running scripts... just my opinion tho
Pin it to Win it.
I find ICS on the G2X have a really hard time managing ram. I keep running out of memory. In Gingerbread, I don't get this problem.
I.R.Chevy said:
I think running clean apps and having good oom settings key to a good running phone. The v6 supercharger is a great however running the script manager causes excessive partial wakelocks therefore draining alot of battery at idle and in comparison to the performance gain I don't feel its beneficial. Our phones have sufficient ram if used properly. However if you are running dirty apps that are constantly syncing or updating or whatever dirty things they do that is what causes "bog down"
Anyways back to my point just change your oom groupings and forget running scripts... just my opinion tho
Pin it to Win it.
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Why would you need to have script manager running?
If you don't have init.d support, you can use it to just launch on boot.
You don't leave SManager running in the background or anything.
Of course, if you have init.d support, it's just becomes ingrained into the OS and with zeor overhead.
nitrogen618 said:
I find ICS on the G2X have a really hard time managing ram. I keep running out of memory. In Gingerbread, I don't get this problem.
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The enforced HW-acceleration feature of ICS costs RAM, as well as the extra eye-candy. I read a recent article that speculated JellyBean will likely optimize ICS like 2.2 optimized 2.1. Hopefully they'll bring in some of Linaro's optimizations.
zeppelinrox said:
Why would you need to have script manager running?
If you don't have init.d support, you can use it to just launch on boot.
You don't leave SManager running in the background or anything.
Of course, if you have init.d support, it's just becomes ingrained into the OS and with zeor overhead.
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So you would use script manager to setup all your presets and then remove it leaving the supercharger settings intact?
I used your scripts for a long time and found the kernelizer and bulletproof launcher/apps were sweet but I thought I needed to have a script manager to run them.
Perhaps I am ignorant as to the other shenanigans?
Pin it to Win it.

[TUTORIAL] Management and optimization of RAM

What is Android exactly?
Android is a multitasking operating system, and has been designed from the outset as a system where there was the need of having to close applications. Yes, Google engineers have deliberately made sure that the applications did not need to be closed, and that was the system itself decides when and why close them.
If you look at all applications developed for Android by Google, none of them has a key "exit" to exit, this is because Android is a system designed thinking of the many activities that a normal user plays with the smartphone every day and based on This was done so that the system can efficiently manage the switch from one application to another, from one service to another, without burdening the user decide when, how and why close an application, Imagine what you would normally do , call a friend, send a text message, reply to an e-mail, take a peek at Facebook, news, or give an eye to the weather. There districhiamo between myriads of applications, and the system makes sure as far as possible, to keep in memory all the applications that use repeatedly, either because they will be much faster ripescarle from RAM, rather than from the external memory, either because ripescarle from RAM and not reopen them from scratch, you consume less battery power and processor clock cycles.
This means that Android, inside, has his task killer (yes) and that has precisely the task of managing the best processes and applications, to understand when it's time to close those less useful. But ... the question arises, there is a difference between process and application?
The answer is obviously yes, and now let's see what they are and what they do.
What is the process?
A process is an activity that can be performed by one or more applications. When you think of an application you think of something, such as listening to music, send a Facebook message or synchronize your rss feed,
these processes are rather
Because they are the actions that the application triggers to perform its task. However, it is important to note that just because there is a process in memory, with no known function, does not mean that this process is redundant or not doing anything. In fact, the processes can be in a state of inactivity or active.
What is an application?
An application is something that makes use of many different processes to provide some functionality. For example, applications for Facebook and Twitter, or GPS navigators, or even games etc.. etc. ..
An application can be active or inactive, depending on whether it has all the active processes or not currently associated with it.
When we ship an application, the system allows him to keep his job running in the background (true multitasking), allowing it to continue to do its job.
For example, continue to download emails or listen to music, or download a web page. However, just because the applications leave processes "running" in the background, does not mean that these are not really doing anything or are unnecessary. They are kept in memory if you plan to reuse them again soon. Many people think that this generates an unnecessary battery consumption, but this is not true.
The footprint of an application "inactive" at a given time in memory uses exactly the same amount of battery as it would be if that portion of memory would be free.
What happens if the memory is too low?
We said that Android has its own internal task killer and is smart enough to recognize when you are running out of available memory, in the case will start to close all applications that are low priority for him.
The way it determines the priority we shall see shortly, but in a nutshell means that applications that use less or that are not critical for the phone will be closed first. The latest to be closed, but will be applications that are currently in the foreground, and are therefore critical applications, such as the alarm.
When Android closes applications to free memory, as I said before, he does so very clever because the next time you reopen an application closed, causes to be restored, as if it had never been closed (this is what IOS currently called multitasking, but in reality is only a freezare the application).
So this means that the application of "killing tasks" that are springing up in the market, they only interfere substantially throughout this administration, also creates potential problems of instability and poor performance of the terminal.
So let's see, before continuing to debunk the stereotypes that affect Task Killer
1) The Task Killer make my terminal faster -
In contrast, task killer makes the system potentially unstable and jerky. Processes kill indiscriminately is harmful, because maybe you can kill processes shared among multiple applications, and this means that the system is forced to re-open applications constantly, to reopen the process shared, and groped to restore the kill maybe just brutal while the task was doing an activity. And this can generate crash or lag that we think will result from the applications themselves, and instead we create all this ...
2) The Task Killer lengthen battery life -
The Task Killer when they do exactly the opposite ... reduce the battery life!
When an application is freed killa that window of memory occupied, but almost certainly immediately after the re-open, or when the re-open, it will happen that instead of fetch it out again from the RAM, will reopen from zero and this generates more work to the system and to the terminal that it will use up more energy. Since I uninstalled Automatic Task Killer, I have to admit a longer battery life, because before ATK was always pretty nice to them to kill everything in memory and Android reopened shortly after 80% of what moments before had been closed ... This is just the beat and Ribatti antibatteria for excellence ...
3) Using a Task Killer because I do not have the exit button in the application -
There is no exit button, because Android is designed to prevent the user from the need to close applications. If an application needs to be closed, the Android will be when the time comes.
4) But then the Task Killer does not need to own anything? -
The applications developed for Android does not have any programming model, poorly developed some applications may generate system instability and prevent proper operation of the terminal. In this case it may be useful to kill one such application that generates problems to recover the situation and uninstall. In this case, use the Task Killer manual, which allow you to decide when and why kill such an application or process.
Thanks for this tutorial :good:
DarkJohn said:
Thanks for this tutorial :good:
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thanks .. I hope that clarifies some ideas
Thanks for sharing.
SO what is your recommended solutions to use the memory efficiently.
Leaves it as it is ? Or..............
jbctiong said:
Thanks for sharing.
SO what is your recommended solutions to use the memory efficiently.
Leaves it as it is ? Or..............
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I can not answer, because to judge even approximate because it depends what kind of applications you have installed in your phone, however I think the tutorial explains well why and how to act on the applications in use
When I go to the home screeen, it takes some time to reload my application icons and I thought it was related to a bunch of applications running background.. so I was always stopping services that I mostly not used, but according to what you said, I'm causing the system instability, yes?
Sent from my HTC ChaCha A810e using xda premium
pakdaman said:
When I go to the home screeen, it takes some time to reload my application icons and I thought it was related to a bunch of applications running background.. so I was always stopping services that I mostly not used, but according to what you said, I'm causing the system instability, yes?
Sent from my HTC ChaCha A810e using xda premium
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is very likely
stempox said:
I can not answer, because to judge even approximate because it depends what kind of applications you have installed in your phone, however I think the tutorial explains well why and how to act on the applications in use
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Thank you I understood.
This explains why V6SuperCharger does not work the same on everyone's phone, right?
This is a great thread for all new Android users!!
Well done! :good:
jbctiong said:
Thank you I understood.
This explains why V6SuperCharger does not work the same on everyone's phone, right?
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can be a friend : Bene:
The most simplest option is to remove all bloatware. Those are really a mess which keeps restarting and eating up RAM even after they are killed.
Or just add ".bak" extension to the apk using RootExplorer incase if u will ever need it again. I did the same.
Sent from my GT-i9100 equipped with Grenade Launcher and ZN6 Prototype
Thanks forma this tutorial
blonde90 said:
Thanks forma this tutorial
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thank you
thanks for the tuto
Always glad it's useful for the community
blonde90 said:
Thanks forma this tutorial
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thanks, not translated perfectly, but I understand
Good read. Some grammatical errors but all around nice.
Sent from my MB865 using Tapatalk 2
Yeah, Sony kept saying this for a while to all people asking for a way to force close applications.
Still I wonder if the camera app consumes battery or can take photos when parked out/idle.
since I have galaxy s2 I have no ram issues

[Q]Ram issues Nexus S Jelly Bean!

This is my first post on XDA and although i'm not new to the android scene having owned a lot of devices in previous years but I never came down to post queries of my own cause everything used to go real smooth!
I recently got a Nexus S i9020t from a friend and tried flashing a Jelly Bean rom on my device.
No issues so far with everything working with every rom that i've tried...
The only thing that bugs me is the ram.
I've tried several kernels on top of different roms (Matrix, Air (Big-Mem version), Marmite etc.) designed for Jelly Bean but I never to seem get any greater ram than about 150-170 mb even on first boot with no applications installed and when I restore about 50 of my apps through titanium it goes down to 120-150 at max.
I have tried rebooting my device every now and then but the ram leak doesn't get any better.
That way most apps that I run crash my device (im a big fan of chrome on android but the lack of availability of free ram degrades performance)
I've been looking into using different free task managers on the play store but of no use.
Simply put, my question relates to the free ram this device can generate!
Can anyone give me an explanation as to the lack of free ram and what kernel, tips and tricks I could follow to improve it?
You can try flashing a kernel that supports BIGMEM(check the development section). Since you're new you won't be able to post any question regarding said mod. Basically gives you 50mb of extra RAM which, IIRC, takes away from the HD recording portion of the phone or something of that nature. The 512MB RAM sucks, but I never had an issue with it on mine. Then again, I never really ran a lot of applications. Android can handle the tasks on its own and free up memory when needed. But you may face a few launcher redraws now and then.
chronophase1 said:
You can try flashing a kernel that supports BIGMEM(check the development section). Since you're new you won't be able to post any question regarding said mod. Basically gives you 50mb of extra RAM which, IIRC, takes away from the HD recording portion of the phone or something of that nature. The 512MB RAM sucks, but I never had an issue with it on mine. Then again, I never really ran a lot of applications. Android can handle the tasks on its own and free up memory when needed. But you may face a few launcher redraws now and then.
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Yeah so like you said I did try the Big Mem versions of Air Kernel and Matrix but it was never really of much use. Matrix gives me about 180 mb of ram when the device has no foreground apps running (except the system processes of course) and Air goes to about 140-160 not more.
The thing that I don't get is that this other friend runs Jelly Bean on his Galaxy S with Devil Kernel or something and his free ram is above 190-ish.
Technically both sport the same hardware with a few extras on Nexus S (led flash, lack of gorila glass, NFC etc.) but it really doesn't make sense.
And about those Launcher redraws. Yeah, they've been going really frequent now that I installed and use chrome as my daily browser.
Overall, in my experience I'd say Matrix Kernel would be perfect if it weren't for that Voodoo Colour Mod. It gives a weird hue to my display orangy in nature but Air comes around well in that department.
We all understand what you're experiencing. Basically, our Nexus S devices just are not able to keep up with the ever increasing size of electronic files. Even though it's nice to be able to run JB, it really stretches the Nexus to it's limits. I too am torn, because I love the smoothness of 4.1.1, but to be honest, the phone can handle GB much easier. One other thing, Chrome is a huge consumer of ram ... really too much for the NS. As much as I love my Nexus, the handwriting is on the wall, if I really want to continue to enjoy all the new stuff coming our way.
The colors can be adjusted to your liking. Some kernels have a setting that's not the factory norm(ie Trinity). You also have to keep in mind some of that RAM has to be dedicated to the OS itself. You're gonna have to deal with the fact the phone has a memory limitation on 4.1. Sucks, but there's really not much else you can really do about it.
I could never get above 125MB on GB even with a custom kernel. With only 512MB ram, more than half of that is already used by Android itself, there's not much left for apps. That said, I would remove unnecessary widgets on home screens, install Autostarts, or ROM Toolbox, or Gemini App Manager or other autostart management app and turn off autorun triggers on apps. The less background apps the more rams you can free up. I'm currently running with about 75MB and it's smooth. I set auto free rams to start killing apps if it's below 45MB.
Sent from my Nexus S using xda premium
[email protected] said:
I could never get above 125MB on GB even with a custom kernel. With only 512MB ram, more than half of that is already used by Android itself, there's not much left for apps. That said, I would remove unnecessary widgets on home screens, install Autostarts, or ROM Toolbox, or Gemini App Manager or other autostart management app and turn off autorun triggers on apps. The less background apps the more rams you can free up. I'm currently running with about 75MB and it's smooth. I set auto free rams to start killing apps if it's below 45MB.
Sent from my Nexus S using xda premium
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Those auto triggers you talk of what software do you use to counter those cause I just looked at the cached processes inside the stock Application Manager and it showed a few that always show up when my phone boots. Of those that I usually encounter is Titanium, Maps, Google Search and a two or three more. Killing them doesn't make much of a difference though. Either the ram display at the bottom is screwed or the ram just doesn't go up when I abort any one of them and after a while they again show up. How do I deal with them?
Some general points.
Yes we want more ram. But we want it to use it. Free ram is wasted ram.
Task managers suck. All of them.
Low ram should not crash your device.
Stop worrying about how me free ram you have
Chrome sucks. It sucks on all devices. Sucks on n7. AOSP just runs better.
Want to keep a little more free ram because your device lags when its low on ram. Go to developer options and limit background processes
I'm with al. No point in over-obsessing about it. Cached processes aren't doing anything. They're there for when you want to switch apps for quicker access, which part of the way Android operates. You can limit what starts on startup to increase boot time(probably not even worth it), which I do even though I just said it probably doesn't help much, with a startup manager.
I to am no fan of task killers. I've heard that they can sometimes consume more ram since some of the killed apps will try to start again.
I found the autostarts app very useful. I have disabled around 50% of all auto starts. Mainly for installed apps but also a bunch of system apps. Another useful tool is Auto Memory Manager which sets the ram level where the system kills apps according to their category (e.g. Foregroud, visible, hidden etc). I use the "mild" manager with the level for empty apps raised. I manage to get around 80 MB free when running nothing. However I have a performance ROM which might affect that number.
My Nexus S has been retired a long time now.. I'm currently using the GS3 with lots of rams so it's not an issue for me anymore dealing with low rams... However, same symptoms on the GS3 or any Android phone, the less available rams means more processes are running which can cause slow app responsiveness. Also, some app even runs in the background hogging load of cpu usage, that definitely slows down your phone. I use task manager to kill off those high cpu apps when they go wild. OS Monitor is a good app for monitoring cpu usage... GO SMS Pro is an example app that sometimes persistently consumes 30% - 50% cpu, killling it off makes the phone smooth again.
S-beamed from my GSIII via xda premium

About RAM use, development and priorities

Hello peepz,
This is sort of a development thing but since I am neither a developer or very adept at codes (I'd call myself a sorta competent end-user) I thought I'd just post in the general forum.
We hear a lot about ram use and how we do not have to worry about it and android handles it. I understand how android handles memory but I have a problem with the ram use regardless. Operating an older device with just 1 gig of ram I am frequently dealing with lag and redraws because android has to make room for a new or old app I'm launching. The cause is usually found in apps that have absolutely no business keeping themselves in memory. I just deleted a simple website reader that hogged 30 MB persistently. Before that I deleted the Facebook app and messenger that together claimed 100 MB, even though I use greenify.
I am rooted, on cm 11 never used app killers. Why is my android using different priorities than me?
I just wondered.... Could there be a function in android where we could manually assign priority levels load apps? Personally, I could not care less if I have to wait a bit for Facebook to load but I get really aggressive if I have to wait for my app drawer, home screen or phone book.
Or is it purely a development thing where apps are told by there developers they are the king of the droid and the most important thing ever and behave as such? Why does my ram manager still think it is cool to kick out my launcher in favor of a social media app?
Manually assigning priorities could really make a device behave the way the user wants.
Or maybe I completely get it wrong...
Anyway, please discuss and have a glorious day!

