First, sorry for the eyestrain but please bear with me...also think I originally posted this in the wrong forum! I have new stock TF300T (came with ICS v9.4.3.17 US SKU) and will be rooting it. Had wanted to keep it locked for warranty purposes, but same time want TWRP for nandroid backups, etc. After reading about NVFlash I'm thinking of going ahead, unlocking and running NVFlash. Seems this will keep me safe in case I did brick it later (having the NVFlash backups would "counter" my voiding the ASUS warranty). The bricksafe.img will bring it back to my current version/state but just with the bootloader still unlocked, right? Please correct me right away if I'm misinterpeting anything here!
I've read lots of posts over the last week before doing anything on it so it's essentially still straight out of the box. I do have an OTA waiting for install but not sure whether it's for ICS .30 or JB and have left it alone. I've read/watched lots of how to's and follow-up questions/problems/answers, think I've figured out any "side effects", and been formulating a game plan/order of steps. As far as I understand, with my ICS version I can root using Debugfs, unlock and run NVFlash and create my master backups, and then install TWRP pretty easily.
Does this seem like the right idea and is there a preferred order for these (other than requisite unlock before NVFlash and TWRP installs)? And I may need to post this under the NVFlash instructions post, but it says I'll be flashing the bootloader v9.4.3.30r01 - this will work with my ICS right (just noting possible difference in versions)?
I read that one can do the OTA's after rooting (and restore root after), but figure best not to install any OTA's so I can run NVFlash (hate to accidentally run an OTA and find it was for JB). Unlocking will prevent future OTA's but if I stay with stock ROM's, I can either flash an update dl'd from Asus or use Goo Manager, right (or try other ROMs)?
Lastly (for now), in preparation I've installed the Universal Naked Drivers v0.72 and running adb shows my device while connected to Windows 7. Is there any other prep work I should do (other than downloading and unzipping,, (for Windows), and TWRP?
I've been delaying to understand everything as best as possible but now want to get moving forward! Not a newbie and don't want to ask stupid questions, but also don't want to make my life more difficult (or brick my new "joy"). Thanks!!
wha2do said:
First, sorry for the eyestrain but please bear with me...also think I originally posted this in the wrong forum! I have new stock TF300T (came with ICS v9.4.3.17 US SKU) and will be rooting it. Had wanted to keep it locked for warranty purposes, but same time want TWRP for nandroid backups, etc. After reading about NVFlash I'm thinking of going ahead, unlocking and running NVFlash. Seems this will keep me safe in case I did brick it later (having the NVFlash backups would "counter" my voiding the ASUS warranty). The bricksafe.img will bring it back to my current version/state but just with the bootloader still unlocked, right? Please correct me right away if I'm misinterpeting anything here!
I've read lots of posts over the last week before doing anything on it so it's essentially still straight out of the box. I do have an OTA waiting for install but not sure whether it's for ICS .30 or JB and have left it alone. I've read/watched lots of how to's and follow-up questions/problems/answers, think I've figured out any "side effects", and been formulating a game plan/order of steps. As far as I understand, with my ICS version I can root using Debugfs, unlock and run NVFlash and create my master backups, and then install TWRP pretty easily.
Does this seem like the right idea and is there a preferred order for these (other than requisite unlock before NVFlash and TWRP installs)? And I may need to post this under the NVFlash instructions post, but it says I'll be flashing the bootloader v9.4.3.30r01 - this will work with my ICS right (just noting possible difference in versions)?
I read that one can do the OTA's after rooting (and restore root after), but figure best not to install any OTA's so I can run NVFlash (hate to accidentally run an OTA and find it was for JB). Unlocking will prevent future OTA's but if I stay with stock ROM's, I can either flash an update dl'd from Asus or use Goo Manager, right (or try other ROMs)?
Lastly (for now), in preparation I've installed the Universal Naked Drivers v0.72 and running adb shows my device while connected to Windows 7. Is there any other prep work I should do (other than downloading and unzipping,, (for Windows), and TWRP?
I've been delaying to understand everything as best as possible but now want to get moving forward! Not a newbie and don't want to ask stupid questions, but also don't want to make my life more difficult (or brick my new "joy"). Thanks!!
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Verify adb access and fastboot access before you do anything else.
Until recently I would recommend nvflash. Go to the guide site for nvflash and see the support ( none I can find ). Go to the nvflash thread and see the support ( none I can find ). Find where anyone truly versed with nvflash has bothered to provide instructions for recovery when bricked ( none I can find ).
At this time it is a highly guarded secret. I don't understand why but if you can't figure it out yourself you don't deserve to know. Even with all of the bricks with nvflash very few get unbricked and many get hard bricked trying to recover.
At this time I'd stay on ICS and wait until there is truly a proper restoral and help thread. A huge percent of the bricks being reported daily are related to nvflash.
tobdaryl said:
Verify adb access and fastboot access before you do anything else.
Until recently I would recommend nvflash. Go to the guide site for nvflash and see the support ( none I can find ). Go to the nvflash thread and see the support ( none I can find ). Find where anyone truly versed with nvflash has bothered to provide instructions for recovery when bricked ( none I can find ).
At this time it is a highly guarded secret. I don't understand why but if you can't figure it out yourself you don't deserve to know. Even with all of the bricks with nvflash very few get unbricked and many get hard bricked trying to recover.
At this time I'd stay on ICS and wait until there is truly a proper restoral and help thread. A huge percent of the bricks being reported daily are related to nvflash.
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Thanks for the quick answer! I'd noticed that regarding the guide and original thead. I did find (NVFlash - Recovery - Trouble - Guide - WIP) and seems to have a bit more info. Still not a formal guide but some steps/command and would think if careful (or ask first), should be able to recover if ever needed. Main thing for me is looking to have a solid backup before installing TWRP, rooting, and installing the latest stock update. Not really into all the various custom ROMs, etc.
I am curious - when you mention many of the bricks are caused by NVFlash. That's from folks trying to use it to recover and not during the initial install and backup, right? If it's the former, I'd be comfortable installing it knowing I'd have them for a rainy day but hopefully never need to touch them. And again, when the time comes hopefully a guide is available or confirm the commands first! Anyone experienced in using NVFlash that can comment on their experience with it? One concern/clarification - what exactly gets backed up? Read the comment by tobdaryl that folks using NVFlash commonly make the mistake of mixing and matching JB and ICS versions of bootloader, rom recovery, etc. But doesn't NVFlash back up everything while in ICS so restore should be all ICS versions, right??
In terms of once I've unlocked, installed NVFlash, made backups and rooted, can I run Goo Manager to install TWRP and stock JB update? Not sure which version of TWRP is installed but thinking its v2.3 and is this compatible, or do I want to use v2.2 instead? Or should I just use Flashboot/ADB instead?
Oh and as far as testing, I uninstalled the old driver had initially used for my TF300T (didn't uninstall & remove the HTC driver for my EVO3D but that should cause a conflict, I think) and installed the Universal Naked Driver for ADB. I can see my TF300T via ADB but is there any way to test Flashboot? At the moment if I hold the Power & Down volume buttons, I just get the tipped over Android w/the red exclamation mark. I take it once I unlock the bootloader, I can get into Flashboot USB mode this way and test/use fastboot?
wha2do said:
Thanks for the quick answer! I'd noticed that regarding the guide and original thead. I did find (NVFlash - Recovery - Trouble - Guide - WIP) and seems to have a bit more info. Still not a formal guide but some steps/command and would think if careful (or ask first), should be able to recover if ever needed. Main thing for me is looking to have a solid backup before installing TWRP, rooting, and installing the latest stock update. Not really into all the various custom ROMs, etc.
I am curious - when you mention many of the bricks are caused by NVFlash. That's from folks trying to use it to recover and not during the initial install and backup, right? If it's the former, I'd be comfortable installing it knowing I'd have them for a rainy day but hopefully never need to touch them. And again, when the time comes hopefully a guide is available or confirm the commands first! Anyone experienced in using NVFlash that can comment on their experience with it? One concern/clarification - what exactly gets backed up? Read the comment by tobdaryl that folks using NVFlash commonly make the mistake of mixing and matching JB and ICS versions of bootloader, rom recovery, etc. But doesn't NVFlash back up everything while in ICS so restore should be all ICS versions, right??
In terms of once I've unlocked, installed NVFlash, made backups and rooted, can I run Goo Manager to install TWRP and stock JB update? Not sure which version of TWRP is installed but thinking its v2.3 and is this compatible, or do I want to use v2.2 instead? Or should I just use Flashboot/ADB instead?
Oh and as far as testing, I uninstalled the old driver had initially used for my TF300T (didn't uninstall & remove the HTC driver for my EVO3D but that should cause a conflict, I think) and installed the Universal Naked Driver for ADB. I can see my TF300T via ADB but is there any way to test Flashboot? At the moment if I hold the Power & Down volume buttons, I just get the tipped over Android w/the red exclamation mark. I take it once I unlock the bootloader, I can get into Flashboot USB mode this way and test/use fastboot?
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Did you notice the op for that thread?
I wrote it because no one else would. As stated there I was on jb when nvflash made its entry so I don't have nvflash
As you may have seen people use it and refer to it but no help with info for betterment of the thread. No one rates thread and no one posts in thread hence it is on page 5 of General. This means it is soon to wither away as if page 5 is accessed except by search. I could use some help from others making this thread more useful. Yesterday I searched through all Q&A and General posts and read everyone that mentions nvflash. I read the all the new posts in the nvflash thread as well. Then I added my thoughts from all copied info. I know the info is not organized but I can't prove any and as stated I need help so I can state as facts.
Rant over, sorry!
The bricks are both installing and trying to recover. Look through the first one or two pages in Q&A and General and you will get the idea.
Use twrp 2.3, install with fastboot not Goo Manager.
On some devices your method is good not this one. CWM has issues at this time. Don't use rom manager to install anything on this unit as it installs for tf201 only and will brick your unit.
Before you do anything to your unit get adb and fastboot working; except unlock which is required to use fastboot so you can flash twrp.
Access to fasbtoot is only available after you unlock. To get there power on while holding down volume you will get a menu, move with volume down until you are at the usb symbol and press volume up to select. Both adb and fastboot can be tested with devices. ( adb devices ) ( fastboot devices ); if they are working completely correctly your serial number will be returned. I don't have windows so can't speak to drivers etc.
Sorry I missed one. Mix and match ICS, JB. With nvflash restore there is a point in time when there is a mix and match but if you follow through you should be ok. If you reboot with that situation I can't be sure because that is one of the two highest rated bricks. Number two is mix and match and then use the bootloader menu to wipe data and then reboot. Most of either don't get recovered even with nvflash as with either it is likely you can't get back into nvflash to recover.
I believe that's it. I'll try to answer what I can and no more rants.:good:
what happens next
I have a TF300T on .29, well it was on that FW before I blew it up. Luckily for me, I have created my NvFlash files before that, I also created a backup with TWRP. I am in the process of recovering the tablet. I accidentally flashed a "system" partition into a "boot" partition.
I am guessing that, I screwed up the partitions. I have been working for two days, trying to recover my tablet. I ran the bricksafe and I was at least able to boot the tablet, but anytime I tried to load anything into system, it never actually will boot into the Android system.
I took this time to learn everything I can about NVflash. It seems that, if you purchased a TF100, TF101 and TF201, you would be an expert enough to be able to NVflash a TF300T with your eyes closed. Here lies my problem, this is my first time flashing and I dont have the prior NVflash knowledge. After painstaking and constant research to restore my $333 investment, I am using NVflash to backup ALL of my partition. Once they are all backed up, I am going to use my recovery to try repartition my device.
Once you unlock, the things that work without much difficulty are:
loading TWRP2.3
Just dont look for a quick and dirty guide, read, read and re-read everything you can, or else you will be quickly bricked
usbrelic said:
I have a TF300T on .29, well it was on that FW before I blew it up. Luckily for me, I have created my NvFlash files before that, I also created a backup with TWRP. I am in the process of recovering the tablet. I accidentally flashed a "system" partition into a "boot" partition.
I am guessing that, I screwed up the partitions. I have been working for two days, trying to recover my tablet. I ran the bricksafe and I was at least able to boot the tablet, but anytime I tried to load anything into system, it never actually will boot into the Android system.
I took this time to learn everything I can about NVflash. It seems that, if you purchased a TF100, TF101 and TF201, you would be an expert enough to be able to NVflash a TF300T with your eyes closed. Here lies my problem, this is my first time flashing and I dont have the prior NVflash knowledge. After painstaking and constant research to restore my $333 investment, I am using NVflash to backup ALL of my partition. Once they are all backed up, I am going to use my recovery to try repartition my device.
Once you unlock, the things that work without much difficulty are:
loading TWRP2.3
Just dont look for a quick and dirty guide, read, read and re-read everything you can, or else you will be quickly bricked
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Hey G p!:laugh:
I see you got beyond the black screen.
I am confused about your post.
You tell of your problems and then tell that nvflash works without much difficulty. So are you unbricked?:good:
By the way I had two more success stories for the paperclip since we last talked, both nvflash customers.
my issue - tf300t unlocked with unbrickable files
tobdaryl said:
Hey G p!:laugh:
I see you got beyond the black screen.
I am confused about your post.
You tell of your problems and then tell that nvflash works without much difficulty. So are you unbricked?:good:
By the way I had two more success stories for the paperclip since we last talked, both nvflash customers.
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First let me say, I didn't mean any offense when I lol'd. I am happy just to have received a response. Also, you can add me as the third person who tried the paperclip and had success.
Its true, I am still having a problem with my tablet. Its a problem that I created. I backed up all my files fine with nvflash. I was able to get TWRP2.3 installed fine as well. The problem started when I flashed "system" onto "boot" instead of "system" onto system. If I have success with my last step, I will write the complete restore guide for TF300T devices, using nvflash. I have it already written, just need to be cleaned up and I need to find out from someone if the syntax on this line is correct:
"nvflash --bct create.bct --setbct --bl blob.bin --configfile factory-config.img --create --verifypart -1 –go"
Will that reinitialize my partitions and allow me to flash data onto the partitions that I can boot with?
tobdaryl said:
Did you notice the op for that thread?
I wrote it because no one else would. As stated there I was on jb when nvflash made its entry so I don't have nvflash
As you may have seen people use it and refer to it but no help with info for betterment of the thread. No one rates thread and no one posts in thread hence it is on page 5 of General. This means it is soon to wither away as if page 5 is accessed except by search. I could use some help from others making this thread more useful. Yesterday I searched through all Q&A and General posts and read everyone that mentions nvflash. I read the all the new posts in the nvflash thread as well. Then I added my thoughts from all copied info. I know the info is not organized but I can't prove any and as stated I need help so I can state as facts.
Rant over, sorry!
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First off, no apologies required as your rant is well deserved :good:.
I was a space-case - it didn't register that you'd authored the Guide/compilation post, written the response I "quoted" from the same thread, and both responses here! But somehow it just didn't all click - I think because at the moment I have about 12 tabs open with various NVFlash, Debugfs, and related info!
I thoroughly agree on the need for a stickied guide that is kept current along with question, problem, and support posts. I'm finding it to be an extremely daunting task reading multiple posts, some with pages upon pages of questions and responses. And responses sometimes seem to conflict with other information though perhaps just not detailed enough; leaving room for misinterpretation (or specific to one person's issue)? There's a serious need for one all encompassing Guide including: 1) Original steps/links to requisite files to install NVFlash and create all backups (ie. link to's Tegra 3 guide as long as their info is kept current), 2) The procedure fully detailed to restore these backups, and 3) Question/response posts for specific issues and/or clarifications.
On #2, I'm still going back and forth on posts/replies trying to understand what needs to be restored via wheelie - the blob files, the bricksafe.img file, or both? As an example situation:Think many that have used NVFlash, made backups, and then flashed to JB. Now understanding is the firmware and software is JB but the backups are for ICS. To prevent a mix-match of ICS and JB firmware/software, what needs to be restored? I have not found a description of what the blob files vs bricksafe.img file contains, so does one restore all blobs, all blobs & bricksafe.img, or just bricksafe.img to come back from a brick and be at the state when backup was made?I don't have a ton of time, but will do my best to provide suggestions, findings, and promote your Guide. And I see that usbrelic joined the topic. Very glad in that had many views with only you'd responded initially. Only downside is have to go back and find your thread to see what details/steps are described there (and I only meant this as an observation of where NVFlash info currently stands: lots of reading and digging from multiple sources; hence the need for one main "clearinghouse")!
usbrelic said:
If I have success with my last step, I will write the complete restore guide for TF300T devices, using nvflash. I have it already written, just need to be cleaned up and I need to find out from someone if the syntax on this line is correct:
"nvflash --bct create.bct --setbct --bl blob.bin --configfile factory-config.img --create --verifypart -1 –go"
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I'm eagerly awaiting the restore guide you've written and will gladly assist you too on providing points that may need rewording or more detail. Won't provide recommendations that over "dumbify it", but have found some procedures/guides leave out what seems obvious to the OP and could use some additional clarity.
tobdaryl said:
The bricks are both installing and trying to recover. Look through the first one or two pages in Q&A and General and you will get the idea.
Use twrp 2.3, install with fastboot not Goo Manager.
On some devices your method is good not this one. CWM has issues at this time. Don't use rom manager to install anything on this unit as it installs for tf201 only and will brick your unit.
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Ok, thought using a 3rd party app/tool could be problematic. I much prefer going step by step so if a problem occurs, can stop, read, and ask questions before moving into a point of no return!
tobdaryl said:
Before you do anything to your unit get adb and fastboot working; except unlock which is required to use fastboot so you can flash twrp.
Access to fasbtoot is only available after you unlock. To get there power on while holding down volume you will get a menu, move with volume down until you are at the usb symbol and press volume up to select. Both adb and fastboot can be tested with devices. ( adb devices ) ( fastboot devices ); if they are working completely correctly your serial number will be returned. I don't have windows so can't speak to drivers etc.
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I'll unlock first and test adb and fastboot (and think I mistyped earlier and said "flashboot", lol) to make sure both recognize my device. Currently Adb does show my sn. Presumably issuing a devices command to see my sn and the reboot command functioning from each is a sufficient test? Hmm...seeing there's a windows nvflash download along with the tf300t_nvflashpack, this all can be accomplished from Win 7 x64? I saw mention if getting the nvflash binary from Nvidia, make sure it's the ICS version. The version must be the ICS version since their process only works on ICS, right?
tobdaryl said:
Sorry I missed one. Mix and match ICS, JB. With nvflash restore there is a point in time when there is a mix and match but if you follow through you should be ok. If you reboot with that situation I can't be sure because that is one of the two highest rated bricks. Number two is mix and match and then use the bootloader menu to wipe data and then reboot. Most of either don't get recovered even with nvflash as with either it is likely you can't get back into nvflash to recover.
I believe that's it. I'll try to answer what I can and no more rants.
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I take it the mix and match occurs if one doesn't complete the full restore from NVFlash and reboot before finishing? Could definitely see this creating a serious issue. And the other brick potential is along same lines of not completing, wiping data from bootloader, and rebooting? Presumably completing the full restore, rebooting, and then going back into bootloader to wipe data would be the correct order (though in my case I really have no data or apps installed yet so I'm essentially out of the box at the moment and not sure would need to wipe data)?
Ok, sorry this is extremely long but want to address all, and add my new 2 cents + offers of assistance. And of course, ask for clarification on my questions/responses. Oh and one thing should be obvious, but never could find where to click on "thanks"!
No one owes me an apology of any kind, I didn't take anything personal as nothing was presented in that manner.
I just want to get someone or multiple persons that have nvflash involved so we can get a thread up that presents facts.
Anyone who would like is more than welcome to post such a thread and use any info from my post if it can be of use. I'll try to help anyone with a new thread ( research, etc ) or try to clean my thread once we have known facts. It would probably be best if someone with nvflash did create such a thread, I'd be happy to help and remove mine.
In my rant I mention the way threads work here. My thread has gone from page 5 ( to be found only by search ) to page one of general where it is now very visable. That is from one new post and a reply to that post. So any thread you you wish to succeed rate it and keep it alive by posting new info here and there or asking a question until it is noticed by more people.
My rant was not aimed at anyone and was just frustration from the fact that after this long there is not a guide that present facts for use by people in trouble. Such a thread would stop many, many bricks. I'm sorry for not properly stating that in my rant and for offending anyone. I didn't mean for anything to be taken on a personal level.
I'll try to reread the above posts and reply later. I have required things to handle till later today.
usbrelic said:
First let me say, I didn't mean any offense when I lol'd. I am happy just to have received a response. Also, you can add me as the third person who tried the paperclip and had success.
Its true, I am still having a problem with my tablet. Its a problem that I created. I backed up all my files fine with nvflash. I was able to get TWRP2.3 installed fine as well. The problem started when I flashed "system" onto "boot" instead of "system" onto system. If I have success with my last step, I will write the complete restore guide for TF300T devices, using nvflash. I have it already written, just need to be cleaned up and I need to find out from someone if the syntax on this line is correct:
"nvflash --bct create.bct --setbct --bl blob.bin --configfile factory-config.img --create --verifypart -1 –go"
Will that reinitialize my partitions and allow me to flash data onto the partitions that I can boot with?
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I took what was said in fun as I thought it was meant. It was not a direct personal attack so can't be taken wrong. I thought funny.
Now to your command.
"nvflash --bct create.bct --setbct --bl blob.bin --configfile factory-config.img --create --verifypart -1 –go"
Your command string appears correct. I am bothered by one part and I suspect it may be lack of proper help strings in nvflash.
[email protected]:~$ nvflash --cmdhelp --setbct
Nvflash v1.5.66719 started
--setbct command usage ->
as in full fledged nvflash command
used to download bct to IRAM, must be used with --sync command to update
it in mass storage.
If we assume the above is correct we should use --sync with --setbct but
[email protected]:~$ nvflash --cmdhelp --sync
Nvflash v1.5.66719 started
Unknown command --sync
next try
[email protected]:~$ nvflash --cmdhelp --setbct --sync
Nvflash v1.5.66719 started
Permission Denied
Help dosen't work with --sync command even says unknown command and yet the last try shows an attempt to use --sync when I was asking for cmd help. ( confusing ) In some circumstances --sync is obviously recognized.
This does not give me a warm and fuzzy feeling.
You'll probably have to read this several times to understand and if you do understand you have me beat.
I did notice –setbct is the only time –sync is addressed.
NvFlash, the missing manual v1
The following is a rough guide, this is where I am at, in regards to recovering my device. Please, anyone that has experience with NvFlash, can you please reply to the problem at the end. tobdaryl, thank you for helping, I appreciate the fact that you put this useful tread up. I am going to add myTF300T Nvflash instructions. I am looking at two possible ways to proceed, install Linux and run NvFlash from there, also, I need to check the syntax for --sync and add it into my command.
================================================== ================================================== =========
How to recover a TF300T with Nvflash
These directions will assume you have backed up your files before you bricked your device. It will explain the switches and what changes does this do to your system.
1. your before-brick, blob and recovery files
2. a TF300T that was bricked after these files were created
If you have your Nvflash files, then you know how to get into APX. Getting the device into APX mode is necessary to perform any of the Nvflash commands. As a reminder, I will put the directions:
1. Plug your device in
2. Boot in APX
3. run wheelie --blob blob.bin (this will “bootstrap” into nvflash)
4. The screen should read:
Entering NvFlash recovery mode / Nv3p Server
!!!!!device update success!!!!!
When you created your backup files, you ran a command in NvFlash. Lets examine what this command did:
“nvflash --resume --rawdeviceread 0 2944 bricksafe.img”
--resume or -r send the following commands to an already-running bootloader
--rawdeviceread S N filename reads back N sectors starting from sector S into filename
So we are reading 2944 sectors, starting from sector 0. This alone doesn't make any sense so I decided to run this command:
--getpartitiontable filename reads back the partition table into filename, I chose “partition_table.txt”
Opening “partition_table.txt,” revealed a bunch of partition information such as:
Notice “StartSector=0” for Partition Id=2 and StartSector=2944 for Partition Id=5. This correlates with the same sectors from rawdeviceread. Those sectors are named: BCT, PT, EBT and SOS respectively. So based on the information I gathered, the bricksafe.img” file includes the information from those original partitions.
By looking at the table named: “Typical Partition Layout” from, I was able to find out information about some typical partitions. Some typical partitions that you should be worried about are: recovery, boot, system and userdata. There are other partitions, but I don't know what they do or if we even need to worry about them.
Here is more information about the partitions:
header is info used to pack the blob and is not seen in the partitions
PT is the partition table
kernel is EBT/bootloader
recovery is SOS
system is APP (everything in /system)
10_CAC I think is /cache
12_USP is userspace or everything in /data
15_UDA I think is the internal sdcard
Taken from:
Post#30 gee one
OK GREAT, now I can brick or play with my tablet, right??!?!!!??? WRONG
While its safe to load images, if you do not know exactly what the command is doing, do not try to modify the command to try and “make” it work. Ex:
Before I bricked it, just like everyone else, my tablet worked perfectly. I unlocked the bootloader, created the NvFlash files and installed TWRP 2.3. I was able to boot into TWRP and create a complete backup of my tablet. After that was done, I restarted the tablet in Fastboot and performed this command:
fastboot flash boot boot.img
But instead of flashing a boot image onto the boot partition, I flashed a system partition onto the boot partition. Now every time I boot my device, it does not give me the RCK option and it does not boot into android. When I start the tablet with vol down + power, it only has two options: wipe data and the USB icon (fastboot).
I assume I screwed up the partitions. Now I cant boot the tablet into android anymore. I can get it into both fastboot and APX mode, I am going to assume it is softbricked. What do to???? KEEP READING
Here is how I solved it:
bootstrap into NvFlash
APX mode
wheelie --blob blob.bin
Flash your bricked device with bricksafe.img
nvflash --rawdevicewrite 0 2944 bricksafe.img
Whoa, what did that command do? It writes back 2944 sectors from bricksafe.img to device starting from sector 0
OK GREAT, now I can brick or play with my tablet, right??!?!!!??? WRONG
The previous commands could have accidentally flashed over some other partitions, unintentionally. I am guessing, if I tried to flash a 700mb system blob, into an 8mb root partition, something is not going to function properly. You have the ability to restore partitions 2-5 with bricksafe.img, how about partitions 6-18? How do you know that those partitions are working perfectly? Well, I don't know. What I do know is the tablet boots as it used to, except for the first few sectors. Here is a command from:
I did some searching and came to this page:
Which had this command:
nvflash --bct orginal.bct --setbct --bl fastboot.bin --configfile altered.cfg --create --verifypart -1 –go
will restore the partitions on a Toshiba AC100
I also found this page:
With this command:
nvflash --bct gtablet.bct --setbct --bl bootloader.bin --configfile gtablet.cfg --create --go
will restore the partitions on a gtablet
Another one here:
With this command:
nvflash --bct transformer.bct --setbct --configfile flash.cfg --bl bootloader.bin --odmdata 0x300d8011 --sbk 0x1682CCD8 0x8A1A43EA 0xA532EEB6 0xECFE1D98 --sync
Yet another page:
With these commands:
./nvflash --bct transformer.bct --setbct --configfile flash.cfg --bl bootloader.bin --odmdata 0x300d8011 --sbk 0x1682CCD8 0x8A1A43EA 0xA532EEB6 0xECFE1D98 --sync
./nvflash --resume --download 5 <path-to-your-backup-dir>/05_SOS_raw.img
./nvflash --resume --download 16 <path-to-your-backup-dir>/16_GPT_raw.img
./nvflash --resume --sync
Found another one here:
With this command:
nvflash --bct flash.bct --setbct --odmdata 0x100c0105 --configfile flash.cfg --create --bl bootloader.bin --sbk 0xXXXXXXXX 0xXXXXXXXX 0xXXXXXXXX 0xXXXXXXXX --go
Last but not least, this page:
had this command:
nvflash --bl bootloader.bin --download X partX.img
To Restore individual partitions for the gtab. X is the partition number you wish to flash and this will not work for partition below 4
Ok, well that is nice and all, but as we learn with flashing and rooting, each device is different. We can't very well use this command on our TF300T, so I have to alter it to work with my restore files. Here is the command I will use:
nvflash --bct create.bct --setbct --bl blob.bin --configfile factory-config.img --create --verifypart -1 –go
before I go bricking/flashing my device, let me dig around nvflash for some more help:
nvflash –cmdhelp --create
Shows this:
C:\Android\platform-tools>nvflash --cmdhelp --create
Nvflash started
--create command usage
description:full initialization of the target device using the config file
usage: nvflash --bct ./<filename>.bct --setbct --configfile ./<configname> --create
--bl ./<bootloader> --odmdata <data> --go
note: failed to create the partition (code: 10) may be expected even for
sec. storage device improper connection/not present at all
Notice the description: “full initialization of the target device using the config file???” So which is the bct config file: “Recovery.bct” or “create.bct”?
================================================== ================================================== =========
END instructions
NvFlash, the missing manual v1
Thanks great info. It's good I'm a speed reader.
Actually I copied and pasted into openoffice as I do when collecting other Nvflash I'll digest later.
Once again thanks!:good:
More partition info:
10. APP - system.img
6. LNX - boot.img
5. SOS - recovery.img (e.g. regular boot.img)
4. EBT - bootloader.bin
I would like very much to have the sizes for the named files that were created with nvflash.
Ok, I'm putting the cart ahead of the horse still looking to unlock and run NVFlash. Still wanted to comment (while the post was fresh) on a few spots that at least raised a flag for me - and also ask a few questions, go figure! Hope this helps rather than adds to your workload.
usbrelic said:
When you created your backup files, you ran a command in NvFlash. Lets examine what this command did:
“nvflash --resume --rawdeviceread 0 2944 bricksafe.img”
--resume or -r send the following commands to an already-running bootloader
--rawdeviceread S N filename reads back N sectors starting from sector S into filename
So we are reading 2944 sectors, starting from sector 0. This alone doesn't make any sense so I decided to run this command:
--getpartitiontable filename reads back the partition table into filename, I chose “partition_table.txt”
Opening “partition_table.txt,” revealed a bunch of partition information such as:
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Maybe I'm misinterpreting, but if bricksafe.img is 2944 sectors (0-2933), wouldn't it include only partitions 2-4?
usbrelic said:
Taken from:
Post#30 gee one
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Again I may not be reading it correctly & realize this was posted in the TF101 section, but the OP has instructions on backing up all partitions. Then it was found that partition 2 (BCT) and partition 4 (EBT) are encrypted and states NVFlash does not handle encryption so 2 & 4 should not be restored. I'm curious with the TF300T how if these are restored correctly if they're contained in the bricksafe.img (realize different model, but same partitions and using NVFlash)... Or does the rawdeviceread address this (sorry, asking without having done very much digging on my own!). Also gets me wondering - does it make any sense backing up all 18 partitions for later recovery or am I oversimplifying a more complex concept (and see my comment/question at the end)?
usbrelic said:
Before I bricked it, just like everyone else, my tablet worked perfectly. I unlocked the bootloader, created the NvFlash files and installed TWRP 2.3. I was able to boot into TWRP and create a complete backup of my tablet. After that was done, I restarted the tablet in Fastboot and performed this command:
fastboot flash boot boot.img
But instead of flashing a boot image onto the boot partition, I flashed a system partition onto the boot partition. Now everytime I boot my device, it does not give me the RCK option and it does not boot into android. When I start the tablet with vol down + power, it only has two options: wipe data and the USB icon (fastboot).
I assume I screwed up the partitions. Now I cant boot the tablet into android anymore. I can get it into both fastboot and APX mode, I am going to assume it is softbricked. What do to????
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Being mostly experienced with flashing on my EVO3D and a TF300T newbie, the command messed up despite directing the boot.img be flashed to the boot partition? Any ideas how it picked up a system partition to flash onto the boot partition instead? Asking because concerns me running a fastboot flash command if it doesn't do what one expects!
usbrelic said:
The prevois commands could have accidentally flashed over some other partitions, unintentionally. I am guessing, if I tried to flash a 700mb system blob, into an 8mb root partition, something is not going to function properly. You have the ability to restore partitions 2-5 with bricksafe.img, how about partitions 6-18? How do you know that those partitions are working perfectly? Well, I don't know.
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I take it this is due to the wrong size partition (700mb system partition) extending past and overwriting other existing partititions. Right now has me wondering if the general thought having the 8 backup files making recovery possible from a brick holds true. If the partitions are still intact, but "corrupted" is a brick recoverable via the steps culled by tobdaryl and included in his guide? Not all bricks fit one mold, but am I being overly optimistic thinking recovery is possible in many cases using the bricksafe.img and then restoring TWRP and an ICS nandroid?
I would like to have the size and name of each file you made with nvflash. I know the names I just need them related to sizes.
We could be talking about partition size vs actual data size in a partition. Partitions in general are not completely filled with data. Even things like boot allow slack for later expansion to make updates possible.
To see what is used for partition sizes, names, etc in nvflash look at the cfg file in the nvfalsh directory (open as text). It contains the config info for nvflash to use.
---------- Post added at 11:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:29 PM ----------
Let me know when you post your new thread. I'll change mine from [WIP] to [RIP], remove all info and link to your thread.
If I can be of any help let me know.
tobdaryl said:
I would like to have the size and name of each file you made with nvflash. I know the names I just need them related to sizes.
We could be talking about partition size vs actual data size in a partition. Partitions in general are not completely filled with data. Even things like boot allow slack for later expansion to make updates possible.
To see what is used for partition sizes, names, etc in nvflash look at the cfg file in the nvfalsh directory (open as text). It contains the config info for nvflash to use.
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I've been cautious and still reading and rereading on each of the steps. I'm about set to run each and will get these posted for you asap. Makes sense about the partition sizes (figure akin to other pc/device partitions), so sizing shouldn't change between ICS versions - only the amount used will vary, I assume?
Am curious about responses to my earlier comments/questions on both yours' and usbrelic's earlier posts though maybe we're beyond some of these questions. Still interested so as not to either I don't repeat or to just have a full understanding of what previously was written.
In terms of usbrelic's partition breakdown & bricksafe.img contents, am I just misinterpreting/misunderstanding? And figure my comments about encryption concerns were TF101 specific and from their method of individual partition backups?
tobdaryl said:
Let me know when you post your new thread. I'll change mine from [WIP] to [RIP], remove all info and link to your thread.
If I can be of any help let me know.
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With more reading and going back to old posts, do you need to remove all info? While I had some questions and though order/description could be modified, doesn't this still apply for at least some folks? Seeing other posts, such as orion42's post: (thread 1 & 3) who unbricked by just using nvflash of imgsafe.img and reinstalling TWRP. Not saying this should be included as-is, but it's at least a template to be consider for inclusion for a basic unbrick? Plus that post is not 100% clear on reinstalling ICS TWRP nor there's no mention of reinstalling an ICS nandroid (which I'd thought was needed).
usbrelic's info is great and especially like the inclusion of thoughts and command descriptions! Truly like this because it helps explain what each step is doing rather than just typing a set of commands blindly. Like I'd said before, seems there's no singular type of brick and resolution. But in this case, the partitions got overwritten by an img file being written to the wrong partition. Correct me if I'm wrong, but this needs more extensive recovery steps than some (many?) others such as Orion, etc? What I'm getting at is both yours/orion42 and usbrelic's have useful info that seem pertinent for a complete guide. And no negativity towards your post usbrelic - just trying ask/make suggestions for a complete guide.
And yes, figure I'm a step or two behind you all on my comprehension/knowledge (though do have a very solid tech backround). So do correct me if I'm off base and/or hurting more than helping!
wha2do said:
I've been cautious and still reading and rereading on each of the steps. I'm about set to run each and will get these posted for you asap. Makes sense about the partition sizes (figure akin to other pc/device partitions), so sizing shouldn't change between ICS versions - only the amount used will vary, I assume?
Yes that is as I see the situation at this moment.
Am curious about responses to my earlier comments/questions on both yours' and usbrelic's earlier posts though maybe we're beyond some of these questions. Still interested so as not to either I don't repeat or to just have a full understanding of what previously was written.
In terms of usbrelic's partition breakdown & bricksafe.img contents, am I just misinterpreting/misunderstanding? And figure my comments about encryption concerns were TF101 specific and from their method of individual partition backups?
I have not been able to absolutely confirm this situation as correct or incorrect. It may be possible with a bricksafe file to prove what's included. That is one reason for the file size requests. BTW don't rush to nvflash on that basis do it if and when you are ready.
With more reading and going back to old posts, do you need to remove all info? While I had some questions and though order/description could be modified, doesn't this still apply for at least some folks? Seeing other posts, such as orion42's post: (thread 1 & 3) who unbricked by just using nvflash of imgsafe.img and reinstalling TWRP. Not saying this should be included as-is, but it's at least a template to be consider for inclusion for a basic unbrick? Plus that post is not 100% clear on reinstalling ICS TWRP nor there's no mention of reinstalling an ICS nandroid (which I'd thought was needed).
I'll keep the thread open for now and investigate the link you post for inclusion. The thoughts on my thread are as follows. Getting one thread stickied and people providing info is much more likely than with two threads. If I were trying to unbrick my choice would probably be for the thread posted by the person who had experience and used nvflash. Any and everything in my thread can be used in the new thread. I don't feel right posting as fact when no on is confirming my info.
usbrelic's info is great and especially like the inclusion of thoughts and command descriptions! Truly like this because it helps explain what each step is doing rather than just typing a set of commands blindly. Like I'd said before, seems there's no singular type of brick and resolution. But in this case, the partitions got overwritten by an img file being written to the wrong partition. Correct me if I'm wrong, but this needs more extensive recovery steps than some (many?) others such as Orion, etc? What I'm getting at is both yours/orion42 and usbrelic's have useful info that seem pertinent for a complete guide. And no negativity towards your post usbrelic - just trying ask/make suggestions for a complete guide.
I believe the best of all worlds is to merge into one thread and get that thread rated and a sticky. Then going forward information from anyone can be added or modified and everyone has one thread with everything needed to recover. My thread is just a presentation of information I have gathered while searching for facts.
And yes, figure I'm a step or two behind you all on my comprehension/knowledge (though do have a very solid tech backround). So do correct me if I'm off base and/or hurting more than helping!
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OK! You made me do this! I have a theory that keeps me grounded, and now you will hear it.
It is possible I may have more exposure to one subject but on another subject you rule. My experience is that more opinions are a huge plus. The difference in the way we look at things can and does play a major role in most large projects that succeed.
Don't stop contributing and voicing your opinions as they are more important than you have realized. :laugh::good:.
I have only given my opinion on these subjects as have you. I hope we can all meld our thoughts and decide how to proceed.
Here's one for you to think about as I can't come to a conclusion on this one either.
Why do we need eight nvflash files if we only need two to recover? Obviously there are different circumstances that would dictate which files are needed. I'll try to refine my search to include circumstances of brick vs files and commands needed. I think I may need to expand beyond tf300 for this to be meaningful.
ton of replies
tobdaryl, here you go, the partition file sizes *WARNING* since I improperly flashed, these file sizes may not be accurate if the flash allowed me to write outside of the partitions boundaries.
12/03/2012 06:52 PM <DIR> .
12/03/2012 06:52 PM <DIR> ..
12/02/2012 12:21 AM 805,306,368 part-10.img
12/02/2012 12:39 AM 448,790,528 part-11.img
12/02/2012 12:40 AM 2,097,152 part-12.img
12/02/2012 12:49 AM 855,638,016 part-13.img
12/02/2012 12:49 AM 5,242,880 part-14.img
12/02/2012 12:49 AM 524,288 part-15.img
12/02/2012 12:50 AM 5,242,880 part-16.img
12/02/2012 05:33 AM 13,730,578,432 part-17.img
12/02/2012 04:09 AM 524,288 part-18.img
12/02/2012 12:10 AM 3,145,728 part-2.img
12/02/2012 12:11 AM 524,288 part-3.img
12/02/2012 12:11 AM 8,388,592 part-4.img
12/02/2012 12:11 AM 8,388,608 part-5.img
12/02/2012 12:11 AM 8,388,608 part-6.img
12/02/2012 12:11 AM 8,388,608 part-7.img
12/02/2012 12:12 AM 8,388,608 part-8.img
12/02/2012 12:12 AM 1,048,576 part-9.img
18 File(s) 15,900,606,448 bytes
tobdaryl said:
NvFlash, the missing manual v1
Thanks great info. It's good I'm a speed reader.
Actually I copied and pasted into openoffice as I do when collecting other Nvflash I'll digest later.
Once again thanks!:good:
More partition info:
10. APP - system.img
6. LNX - boot.img
5. SOS - recovery.img (e.g. regular boot.img)
4. EBT - bootloader.bin
I would like very much to have the sizes for the named files that were created with nvflash.
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wha2do, you are correct, the bricksafe image will only have partitions 2-4. Also you wrote: "Any ideas how it picked up a system partition to flash onto the boot partition instead?" This is what happened, I flashed the blob file that came with "cm-10-20121129-NIGHTLY-tf300t" onto system. Correct me if im wrong, I think I was supposed to "fastboot flash boot boot.img" ONLY. After I flashed it, it didn’t do anything after a reboot, then I ran: "fastboot flash system boot.img." I don’t know if it is recoverable, but at that point, after both of those commands, I was bricked.
wha2do said:
Ok, I'm putting the cart ahead of the horse still looking to unlock and run NVFlash. Still wanted to comment (while the post was fresh) on a few spots that at least raised a flag for me - and also ask a few questions, go figure! Hope this helps rather than adds to your workload.
Maybe I'm misinterpreting, but if bricksafe.img is 2944 sectors (0-2933), wouldn't it include only partitions 2-4?
Again I may not be reading it correctly & realize this was posted in the TF101 section, but the OP has instructions on backing up all partitions. Then it was found that partition 2 (BCT) and partition 4 (EBT) are encrypted and states NVFlash does not handle encryption so 2 & 4 should not be restored. I'm curious with the TF300T how if these are restored correctly if they're contained in the bricksafe.img (realize different model, but same partitions and using NVFlash)... Or does the rawdeviceread address this (sorry, asking without having done very much digging on my own!). Also gets me wondering - does it make any sense backing up all 18 partitions for later recovery or am I oversimplifying a more complex concept (and see my comment/question at the end)?
Being mostly experienced with flashing on my EVO3D and a TF300T newbie, the command messed up despite directing the boot.img be flashed to the boot partition? Any ideas how it picked up a system partition to flash onto the boot partition instead? Asking because concerns me running a fastboot flash command if it doesn't do what one expects!
I take it this is due to the wrong size partition (700mb system partition) extending past and overwriting other existing partitions. Right now has me wondering if the general thought having the 8 backup files making recovery possible from a brick holds true. If the partitions are still intact, but "corrupted" is a brick recoverable via the steps culled by tobdaryl and included in his guide? Not all bricks fit one mold, but am I being overly optimistic thinking recovery is possible in many cases using the bricksafe.img and then restoring TWRP and an ICS nandroid?
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tobdaryl, after a little thinking, since you started the original guide, instead of making a separate one, use my information and combine it into yours. Just include my name somewhere and I would appreciate that. I was excited about making it, but I realized, its taking more time then I had originally planned.
tobdaryl said:
I would like to have the size and name of each file you made with nvflash. I know the names I just need them related to sizes.
We could be talking about partition size vs actual data size in a partition. Partitions in general are not completely filled with data. Even things like boot allow slack for later expansion to make updates possible.
To see what is used for partition sizes, names, etc in nvflash look at the cfg file in the nvfalsh directory (open as text). It contains the config info for nvflash to use.
---------- Post added at 11:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:29 PM ----------
Let me know when you post your new thread. I'll change mine from [WIP] to [RIP], remove all info and link to your thread.
If I can be of any help let me know.
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wha2do, a guide for NvFlash guide did not exist before I ran the command. Since I was going to be the first to run this specific string, on a TF300T, I wanted to compare my command to others that worked for other people, in the past. While their systems were different, the one consistency was, NvFlash. Granted, it may be different between systems, somethings must be similar. The command could have been perfect, but I don’t know as the system still did not boot afterward. I think I needed to initialize my partition first, then I could flash.
Also, in regards to wha2do's comment about removing all posts, you make a good point here. tobdaryl, if possible, you can take out the commentary and include the objective parts, that’s fine with me. Include it in your original post on top. I will leave my original comment intact, except for some typos!
wha2do said:
I've been cautious and still reading and rereading on each of the steps. I'm about set to run each and will get these posted for you asap. Makes sense about the partition sizes (figure akin to other pc/device partitions), so sizing shouldn't change between ICS versions - only the amount used will vary, I assume?
Am curious about responses to my earlier comments/questions on both yours' and usbrelic's earlier posts though maybe we're beyond some of these questions. Still interested so as not to either I don't repeat or to just have a full understanding of what previously was written.
In terms of usbrelic's partition breakdown & bricksafe.img contents, am I just misinterpreting/misunderstanding? And figure my comments about encryption concerns were TF101 specific and from their method of individual partition backups?
With more reading and going back to old posts, do you need to remove all info? While I had some questions and though order/description could be modified, doesn't this still apply for at least some folks? Seeing other posts, such as orion42's post: (thread 1 & 3) who unbricked by just using nvflash of imgsafe.img and reinstalling TWRP. Not saying this should be included as-is, but it's at least a template to be consider for inclusion for a basic unbrick? Plus that post is not 100% clear on reinstalling ICS TWRP nor there's no mention of reinstalling an ICS nandroid (which I'd thought was needed).
usbrelic's info is great and especially like the inclusion of thoughts and command descriptions! Truly like this because it helps explain what each step is doing rather than just typing a set of commands blindly. Like I'd said before, seems there's no singular type of brick and resolution. But in this case, the partitions got overwritten by an img file being written to the wrong partition. Correct me if I'm wrong, but this needs more extensive recovery steps than some (many?) others such as Orion, etc? What I'm getting at is both yours/orion42 and usbrelic's have useful info that seem pertinent for a complete guide. And no negativity towards your post usbrelic - just trying ask/make suggestions for a complete guide.
And yes, figure I'm a step or two behind you all on my comprehension/knowledge (though do have a very solid tech backround). So do correct me if I'm off base and/or hurting more than helping!
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tobdaryl, I like your comment that it takes a community to raise a successful
TF300T NvFlash project. I am subscribed to that thought. Now, about needing two nvflash files vs 8. I would not take any chances. According to the directions, this is your only way to get back. The space that these files takes up is miniscule, compared to the backup of all the partitions that I created.
tobdaryl said:
OK! You made me do this! I have a theory that keeps me grounded, and now you will hear it.
It is possible I may have more exposure to one subject but on another subject you rule. My experience is that more opinions are a huge plus. The difference in the way we look at things can and does play a major role in most large projects that succeed.
Don't stop contributing and voicing your opinions as they are more important than you have realized. :laugh::good:.
I have only given my opinion on these subjects as have you. I hope we can all meld our thoughts and decide how to proceed.
Here's one for you to think about as I can't come to a conclusion on this one either.
Why do we need eight nvflash files if we only need two to recover? Obviously there are different circumstances that would dictate which files are needed. I'll try to refine my search to include circumstances of brick vs files and commands needed. I think I may need to expand beyond tf300 for this to be meaningful.
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usbrelic said:
tobdaryl, here you go, the partition file sizes *WARNING* since I improperly flashed, these file sizes may not be accurate if the flash allowed me to write outside of the partitions boundaries.
12/03/2012 06:52 PM <DIR> .
12/03/2012 06:52 PM <DIR> ..
12/02/2012 12:21 AM 805,306,368 part-10.img
12/02/2012 12:39 AM 448,790,528 part-11.img
12/02/2012 12:40 AM 2,097,152 part-12.img
12/02/2012 12:49 AM 855,638,016 part-13.img
12/02/2012 12:49 AM 5,242,880 part-14.img
12/02/2012 12:49 AM 524,288 part-15.img
12/02/2012 12:50 AM 5,242,880 part-16.img
12/02/2012 05:33 AM 13,730,578,432 part-17.img
12/02/2012 04:09 AM 524,288 part-18.img
12/02/2012 12:10 AM 3,145,728 part-2.img
12/02/2012 12:11 AM 524,288 part-3.img
12/02/2012 12:11 AM 8,388,592 part-4.img
12/02/2012 12:11 AM 8,388,608 part-5.img
12/02/2012 12:11 AM 8,388,608 part-6.img
12/02/2012 12:11 AM 8,388,608 part-7.img
12/02/2012 12:12 AM 8,388,608 part-8.img
12/02/2012 12:12 AM 1,048,576 part-9.img
18 File(s) 15,900,606,448 bytes
Thanks for these I'm sure I'll need this info also. What I was trying to ask for was the sizes of the eight files made with nvflash for restore. Have you considered how to disassemble the bricksafe image to absolutely find which partitions are included?
wha2do, you are correct, the bricksafe image will only have partitions 2-4. Also you wrote: "Any ideas how it picked up a system partition to flash onto the boot partition instead?" This is what happened, I flashed the blob file that came with "cm-10-20121129-NIGHTLY-tf300t" onto system. Correct me if im wrong, I think I was supposed to "fastboot flash boot boot.img" ONLY. After I flashed it, it didn’t do anything after a reboot, then I ran: "fastboot flash system boot.img." I don’t know if it is recoverable, but at that point, after both of those commands, I was bricked.
tobdaryl, after a little thinking, since you started the original guide, instead of making a separate one, use my information and combine it into yours. Just include my name somewhere and I would appreciate that. I was excited about making it, but I realized, its taking more time then I had originally planned.
If I do this I would like the option of using both of your xda names and linking to your directions, thoughts, etc. ( obviously giving credit ).
I'll try to create at least two files that will comprise the revised thread and pm each of you with a download link for review before posting.
You can then give opinions, suggestions, etc.
wha2do, a guide for NvFlash guide did not exist before I ran the command. Since I was going to be the first to run this specific string, on a TF300T, I wanted to compare my command to others that worked for other people, in the past. While their systems were different, the one consistency was, NvFlash. Granted, it may be different between systems, somethings must be similar. The command could have been perfect, but I don’t know as the system still did not boot afterward. I think I needed to initialize my partition first, then I could flash.
Also, in regards to wha2do's comment about removing all posts, you make a good point here. tobdaryl, if possible, you can take out the commentary and include the objective parts, that’s fine with me. Include it in your original post on top. I will leave my original comment intact, except for some typos!
tobdaryl, I like your comment that it takes a community to raise a successful
TF300T NvFlash project. I am subscribed to that thought. Now, about needing two nvflash files vs 8. I would not take any chances. According to the directions, this is your only way to get back. The space that these files takes up is miniscule, compared to the backup of all the partitions that I created.
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I'm not suggesting not making and saving the files per the guide page.
I am bothered by having eight files and only finding the need for two. I wish to find the uses for the others. Different methods of bricking require different files and methods for restoring?? I can't leave this stone unturned and this information can be added to the thread as found.
---------- Post added at 08:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:26 PM ----------
I forgot to respond to the thought about what is required after bricksafe image and twrp are restored.
I believe when you have restored with nvflash you still need to flash a rom with twrp before you boot.
The following info has been provided several times within the tf300 threads. No info provided either of the times I found it.
hold volume down after the --go command to boot into recovery ---
enter TWRP and restore the rest.
I can only think this means flash rom or restore backup.
I believe at this point the rom or restore should be ICS!
---------- Post added at 09:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:54 PM ----------
Also, in regards to wha2do's comment about removing all posts, you make a good point here. tobdaryl, if possible, you can take out the commentary and include the objective parts, that’s fine with me. Include it in your original post on top. I will leave my original comment intact, except for some typos!
Once you have made your corrections let me know.
In the meantime I'll try to organize some of the other info we have available.
After I replied, I cleaned up the spelling for both of my posts. Also, you are correct about the next steps. I couldnt get to the next steps, I flashed my recovery, I received success, I rebooted, and got nothing. I rebooted with volume down, and I got the options to, fastboot, wipe data (which doesnt do anything anymore) and android (which also doesnt do anything).
I am assuming, it didnt work for me because I screwed up the original flashing. In theory, the final process you described, should be enough to get going with installing other ROMs or even your original backup. Wha2do, if you are able to flash TWRP, I strongly I suggest that you boot into that, create a full backup and copy that backup off of the tablet. Keep that original factory image with your other NvFlash files, in the event you want to make the device look, almost stock, again. I say almost stock becuase, you can't get rid of the small text during boot, on the top left of your screen, "AndroidRoot."
tobdaryl said:
I'm not suggesting not making and saving the files per the guide page.
I am bothered by having eight files and only finding the need for two. I wish to find the uses for the others. Different methods of bricking require different files and methods for restoring?? I can't leave this stone unturned and this information can be added to the thread as found.
---------- Post added at 08:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:26 PM ----------
I forgot to respond to the thought about what is required after bricksafe image and twrp are restored.
I believe when you have restored with nvflash you still need to flash a rom with twrp before you boot.
The following info has been provided several times within the tf300 threads. No info provided either of the times I found it.
hold volume down after the --go command to boot into recovery ---
enter TWRP and restore the rest.
I can only think this means flash rom or restore backup.
I believe at this point the rom or restore should be ICS!
---------- Post added at 09:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:54 PM ----------
Also, in regards to wha2do's comment about removing all posts, you make a good point here. tobdaryl, if possible, you can take out the commentary and include the objective parts, that’s fine with me. Include it in your original post on top. I will leave my original comment intact, except for some typos!
Once you have made your corrections let me know.
In the meantime I'll try to organize some of the other info we have available.
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Have to see there's a good bit to read through and digest now! Worked about 17 hours yesterday and likely only an hour here and there until the weekend. I'm bypassing quoting since only have a few minutes, lol but a few quick thoughts/comments.
I agree a community effort is ideal and will only make the guide/information better. Each person reads posts with different perspectives and can provide added info, corrections, and ideas for improved wording for clarify. Often I think I've written something clearly and later find I needed more detail so my exact point or idea is understood (I know what I mean so obviously everyone else does too, right? lol).
Case in point - I commented on tobdaryl saying "I'll change mine from [WIP] to [RIP], remove all info and link to your thread". What I'd meant was I hope you (tobdaryl) don't mean removing all your original steps/info for running NVFlash to recover?! As I see it you still have good info on getting into APX and step by step for recovering with bricksafe.img. I'd provided the link to orion42's post because he'd used those same steps to recover successfully (he ran into one problem with a missing -r switch but ultimately was back in business). Do have a few recommendations such as putting "Enter APX" first, possibly remove "Unbrick" since that's included in the "Enter APX" section (or break APX into two to cover "Unbrick"), etc. I'll write that up in more detail later when I have more time if you'd like.
As for usbrelic's writeup, again I really liked the command explanation and detail. Might pull out the partition specific info as a separate viewable section to keep the steps closer together (or refer to it as being at the bottom?). Have to look at it more later. Also, are you making corrections to this thread or another? I noticed it still says bricksafe.img is partitions 2-5...
I think we're getting there - one suggestion depending on time available is to set up a shared doc (dropbox or ?) for review and edits. Guess early alzheimers, but starting to get lost in the posts. Plus would then end up with a completed guide that could then be put up for sticky or similar. Only issue is how to recommend edits before actually applying them...perhaps a changelog type doc in addition? Ok, maybe this will take more time than you all (and I) have?
Ok, outta time here - and haven't gone back to my initial intent of my post - getting mine set up with root, unlocked, TWRP, NVFlash, and their associated backups!!
One last (big) question. With having my free time split, am worried will overlook/forget something in completing my steps. And with being very cautious, am thinking best to build my own "guide" with links to the pertainent files for each step. I know it's rehashing things, but if I posted it would you all review it before I leap (and take a mistep)? It'd be greatly appreciated - and who knows, while specific for ICS and most are rolling out with JB now, it may be of use to others!
Due to build issues (gaps in glass) i replaced my B5 into B7.
Now NVFLASH attempt closing the APX mode
Any mathod root and install CWM on the B7? Any ETA for this?
When Asus released the B70 revision of the Transformer, they changed the Secure Boot Key.
As I can not post outside links, I'll just include this info (obtained from
The inner workings of Secure Boot key and Nvflash
What is Secure Boot Key and how does it work?
I’ve been getting lots of questions about this, so here is some simple background:
The secure boot key is an AES128 encryption key that can used to encrypt various data on the flash memory. It’s a generic nvidia tegra2 thing, that the manufacturer can optionally use to make their device more “secure”.
When the SBK is set, it’s stored in a one-time-programmable “fuse”. This also means that now that the key is out, they can’t change it on already released devices, only new devices.
When the tegra2 starts up, the AES key is available to the hardware AES engine only. E.g. not even the bootloader can read it back! However, the bootloader can *use* the key to encrypt whatever data it wants through the hardware AES engine. And here is the explanation why the blob flashing method actually works! The bootloader checks for the blob in the staging partition and encrypts and flashes it as needed.
Once the bootloader is done, it clear the key from the AES engine which makes it impossible to encrypt or decrypt things from within the OS.
So what happens when it boots into APX/Nvflash mode?
The basic APX mode is stored in the BootROM and hence can never be changed. It appears to accept only a very limited range of commands, and each command needs to be encrypted using the SBK to be accepted. If it receives a command that’s not properly encrypted, it disconnects the USB and appears to be off. This is the dreaded “0×4″ error that people have been getting when attempting to get nvflash working.
It should be noted, that even with the SBK inputted into nvflash, most regular nvflash commands won’t be available. I’m still not entirely sure why (and I can’t rule out it will change).
What *is* available, is the nvflash –create command. What this command does is repartition and format all partitions, set bct and odmdata and send over all needed partitions to the device (and encrypt them as needed). This means a full recovery is possible, but regular ability to flash e.g. just boot.img or read partitions off of the device is not possible at this point.
So what do we need for nvflash?
In order to get a working (e.g. –create) nvflash, we need a few bits of information as well as some files:
Secure Boot Key
BCT file (boot device setup, ram configuration and a bit more)
ODM data (board-specific bit-field specifying various board settings. *Needs* to be correct
flash.cfg (e.g. list of settings and names/identifiers of partitions.
On top of these files, we also need all the partitions, e.g. bootloader.bin, boot.img, recovery.img and system.img. Luckily, these partition files are available in official ASUS updates and can be extracted from the blob file using my blob tools
The first four peices aren’t readily available, but through lots of effort and a good deal of luck, we have managed to recreate the needed files. Secure Boot Key has already been released (note that this was by far the hardest!) and the rest will most likely follow over the weekend. Keep in mind that we want to keep this legal, so don’t expect us to release any ready-made packs for unbricking! We will however make the recreated files available. Since these are recreated and not actual ASUS files, there should be no problems with them.
I hope this helps give a better understanding of how and what secure boot key is and what it gives us.
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The previous SBK was leaked on the internet, and allowed us to flash a custom recovery and thus custom roms. AES128 is almost impossible to brute force so I would not count on it getting out soon. They might find a weakness on how the key is stored and extract it like that somehow.
Not all B70's have a new SBK. The first batch produced still had the old one and the old root method still works. My Transformer is an example of this.
You don't appear to be so lucky. You'll have to wait on a new method.
Sorry man
Helaas said:
When Asus released the B70 revision of the Transformer, they changed the Secure Boot Key.
As I can not post outside links, I'll just include this info (obtained from
The previous SBK was leaked on the internet, and allowed us to flash a custom recovery and thus custom roms. AES128 is almost impossible to brute force so I would not count on it getting out soon. They might find a weakness on how the key is stored and extract it like that somehow.
Not all B70's have a new SBK. The first batch produced still had the old one and the old root method still works. My Transformer is an example of this.
You don't appear to be so lucky. You'll have to wait on a new method.
Sorry man
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I guess this might be the first proof of a new SBK. I've been waiting to see if it did actually change.
Rommark: A bit more info would be nice, script output, etc.
Here is my question: will trying to issue nvflash commands under the wrong encryption brick my device? I want to try to root but I don't want to brick my tab!
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msticninja said:
I guess this might be the first proof of a new SBK. I've been waiting to see if it did actually change.
Rommark: A bit more info would be nice, script output, etc.
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For what i know the output of nvflash on the new B70 is:
Nvflash started
[resume mode]
connection failed NvError 0x8
The same error if you try an incorrect sbk with the "old" revision of tablet.
P.S. in my naivety i was thinking on some massive brute force: build a script that will brute force a modest number of keys (i.e. ~1000) and distrubute it among all the owners of the new b70 so any device would try a reasonable number of keys. Soon I discovered that the SBK permutations are 16^32 = 3,4028236692093846346337460743177e+38 = 3402823669209384634633746074317700000000000000000000000000000000000000
CinderWild said:
Here is my question: will trying to issue nvflash commands under the wrong encryption brick my device? I want to try to root but I don't want to brick my tab!
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
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No, it exit with an error and does absolutely nothing on your device.
Ok thanks for the response, I'll try a simple backup tonight and see what happens.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
and I thought that ASUS is an "open minded" company :/
rommark said:
and I thought that ASUS is an "open minded" company :/
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If you have experience with their routers, you'd think that too. This stance really has me confused. Hell, they even flaunt how much they "love the DIY community" here:
rebound821 said:
For what i know the output of nvflash on the new B70 is:
Nvflash started
[resume mode]
connection failed NvError 0x8
The same error if you try an incorrect sbk with the "old" revision of tablet.
P.S. in my naivety i was thinking on some massive brute force: build a script that will brute force a modest number of keys (i.e. ~1000) and distrubute it among all the owners of the new b70 so any device would try a reasonable number of keys. Soon I discovered that the SBK permutations are 16^32 = 3,4028236692093846346337460743177e+38 = 3402823669209384634633746074317700000000000000000000000000000000000000
No, it exit with an error and does absolutely nothing on your device.
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Many of the B70s have used NVFlash correctly. Some people that thought it wasn't working were actually using the --resume command before establishing a connection to resume, so they thought it wasn't working.
That's why I'd like to know the OPs script and error output to see if it's a new SBK, or an incorrect script. I already know what the output will be if it's truly a new SBK.
msticninja said:
Many of the B70s have used NVFlash correctly. Some people that thought it wasn't working were actually using the --resume command before establishing a connection to resume, so they thought it wasn't working.
That's why I'd like to know the OPs script and error output to see if it's a new SBK, or an incorrect script. I already know what the output will be if it's truly a new SBK.
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Well, in my thread in the dev section i have got 2 B70 who can't nvflash :
plus one user who PM me saying he owns a chinese (original) model and got the same error (but here i don't know if it's some china-only restriction).
and one who can:
My script is correct; if the tablet weren't connected or weren't in apx mode the error should be different (i can remember 0x3 or something).
So the new B70s are among us
msticninja said:
Many of the B70s have used NVFlash correctly. Some people that thought it wasn't working were actually using the --resume command before establishing a connection to resume, so they thought it wasn't working.
That's why I'd like to know the OPs script and error output to see if it's a new SBK, or an incorrect script. I already know what the output will be if it's truly a new SBK.
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This same folder and files worked on tf b5 b4 replacement....
rommark said:
This same folder and files worked on tf b5 b4 replacement....
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Thank you. That's what I needed to know.
rebound821: I wasn't saying anything about your script. Once again, I was asking the OP, because he didn't say whether he was using a script, using the backup method, etc., and he didn't say whether is was the 0x4 error.
I understand being defensive about your scripts, and I know there are B70s with new SBKs, but I was trying to help the OP make sure his problem was due to the SBK, and not something in his methodology.
I'm not trying to flame, believe me, but if I ask the OP for information about his methodology, please don't reply with guesses about what he's actually doing. From his post, for all we knew, he wasn't necessarily using your script.
just got my replacement b70 through the post, I had a b60 that I had to return because the charger packed up
i an in the UK, so the tablet has the WW firmware tried the Nvflash method and it didn't work for me either
I also got my b60 replaced with a b70 and now I can't nvflash
It's a WW from Portugal...
Brand new TF bought in Norway, ofc a B70 & completely locked...
Which annoys me to no end....
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Bought a new TF in Belgium also of the B70 series and it's locked + the SKU starts with TB.
The instructions for installing ubuntu are not that clear. so what is the ROOTFS and whad do i do with it. also i am trying to make it dual boot with android as the default opearating system. So what kernel do i need and what else do i need to get the touchpad working and wifi working
I'm trying to figure this out myself. I really don't have much time on my hands to figure out all the 1337 lingo surrounding the installation process of the dual boot ability. For once, I'd like someone who's technically literate enough to write down all these instructions in a dummies language... much like my gtab for dummies website in my siggy.
Just remember. If you're going to ask questions here. Make sure you apologize a lot of times. 1337s don't like questions.
goodintentions said:
1337 lingo
1337s don't like questions.
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What lingo? an example would be good.
And what "1337"?
"Before using this pack back up any data that you may have on your device, this method is destructive to data, and will wipe everything. If you plan on dual-booting with android you will need to download a full system like prime and put the images (system.img boot.img recovery.img) in images/
This package does not include the ubuntu rootfs. You should have already downloaded this from the link located on this forum post located or you haven't downloaded it yet it is 950MB so start it downloading and grab a coffee. Decompress the gzipped tar to images/
With that taken care of, here are the instructions for use:
1) select whether you want to dual boot, and which OS you want as your default.
2) make absolutely sure that you have backed up your data, everything past this point is going to destroy your data.
3) run the appropriate sh for the choice you have made in step 1 for a pure ubuntu setup, this is no android recovery is ubuntu single user mode. for installing android and linux dual boot with android as the default OS. To boot into linux hold power+vol-down until prompted on screen to press vol-up. for installing android and linux in dual boot with android and linux, linux is the default OS, to boot into android hold power+vol-down until prompted on screen to press vol-up"
From the ubuntu thread's OP, instructions for doing this. Says put rootfs in the /images folder of the flash kit along with the nvflash imgs from the android rom you want to dualboot with. Even shows you the options for which dualboot method you want and how to use it. If you consider this l33tspeak, I'm wondering what you consider basic English. If you can't even understand basic instructions, then don't use it. Too many people come into somewhat advanced technical methods for enhancing tech products and expect people to hold their hands through the methods. Of you want to understand these things, start googling and take some college courses. Xda isn't the place for learning technology.
Sent from my creaky Thunderbolt
i tried to download the rootfs and when i unzip the file all that comes out is ubuntu.img is this normal and if i want to dualboot with android where do i put the files and what kernel is required
yalkowni said:
i tried to download the rootfs and when i unzip the file all that comes out is ubuntu.img is this normal and if i want to dualboot with android where do i put the files and what kernel is required
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Yes that's normal. And gosh, is reading that hard? "If you plan on dual-booting with android you will need to download a full system like prime and put the images (system.img boot.img recovery.img) in images/"
Gibeon said:
Yes that's normal. And gosh, is reading that hard? "If you plan on dual-booting with android you will need to download a full system like prime and put the images (system.img boot.img recovery.img) in images/"
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i thought you couldnt load recovery with the ubuntu dual boot, can you now? thats pretty much all ive been waiting for to dual load ubuntu. i want to use revolver 3.2 and clemy's kernel with theme x, but without recovery, or at least the revolver 3.2 nvflash files, it wasnt worth it for me to switch over.
You still cant dual boot in the manner in which you are thinking
thebadfrog said:
You still cant dual boot in the manner in which you are thinking
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word, thats what i thought, thanks. guess il have to hunt down the revolver nvflash files or bite the bullet and use prime (not that prime is a bad rom at all, im just used to revolver). im sick of decompiline and editing xml's in windows, i get errors all the time., and id rather not use my laptop at all, it shuts off randomly all the time. dual booting ubuntu onto my tf would eliminate my need to use my laptop or windows all together.
well when i tried to start it it said failed didnt find bootloader
I used cuckoopt's windows kit's dual boot option, and it seems to have worked, but it then just booted into android.
How to get ubuntu to boot?
Flash the
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Is there anywhere a detailed guide on how to install Ubuntu beside Android I haven't found yet?
What I did:
- I downloaded Ubuntu (950MB) and the linux-flashkit.tar.gz on my PC (my PC is already running Ubuntu)
- Data-backup
- ?
How to move on? Boot Transformer into APX-mode and execute the
Thx for the APX-tip in the other thread!
---------- Post added at 08:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:11 PM ----------
So, I executed the *.sh-file, but after some seconds, in termial there is this:
file not found: ./images/system.img
failed executing command 2147483647 NvError 0x4
command failure: create failed
Where do I get this file from?
---------- Post added at 09:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:40 PM ----------
Ok, I've found the system.img, but where do I get the boot.img? In the first post of the Ubuntu-thread I only find 'abootimg'. Is this the right file?
Lunchbox115 said:
Ok, I've found the system.img, but where do I get the boot.img? In the first post of the Ubuntu-thread I only find 'abootimg'. Is this the right file?
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The system.img, boot.img, and recovery.img are all from the Android ROM you want to dual-boot Ubuntu with, so either you download them (some ROMs aren't released in nvflash img format, so you'd need to install it and back it up with nvflash first) or you use the images you generated from running your backup.
Before using this pack back up any data that you may have on your
device, this method is destructive to data, and will wipe
everything. If you plan on dual-booting with android you will need
to download a full system like prime and put the images (system.img
boot.img recovery.img) in images/
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Sh*t, I read the first post three times and I didn't see that. Time for me to go to bed!
Thank you very much! Now it MUST work.
Another question: is there any chance to hard-brick the TF so that it can't be 'rescued'? Once I read that it's nearly unbrickable cause of NVFLASH. Is that true?
If you have an nvflash-able TF (which you do, or else you wouldn't have been able to perform the backup), you can't brick it. Even if you wipe the entire internal flash, you can still boot into APX mode, which has complete write access to the internal flash.
That's good to hear! I just asked cause the Galaxy S is brickable if you flash a wrong kernel or something like that. So it's nice to have a unbrickable tab.
It comes down to what hardware the phone has and what the community has figured out how to access. Most phones and devices have a hardware-based development interface (like APX mode for the Transformer or whatever RSDLite uses on older Motorola phones). These interfaces are generally burned onto read-only ROMs for the sole purpose of making the device un-brickable.
If the device doesn't have one of these interfaces, or the community hasn't figured out how to access it, you run the risk of bricking.
---------- Post added at 04:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:11 PM ----------
I just made a thread explaining the Transformer boot process:
I'll expend further on it, but this should help everyone understand where custom ROMs and Ubuntu fit into it.
Thanks a lot! I finally got the dualboot working. Android boots without any problems, in Ubuntu I have to configure the keyboard layout and nothing goes on, so I have to wait...
Thank you for helping me!
Lunchbox115 said:
Thanks a lot! I finally got the dualboot working. Android boots without any problems, in Ubuntu I have to configure the keyboard layout and nothing goes on, so I have to wait...
Thank you for helping me!
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Excellent news! What do you mean about the keyboard? Do you mean that you type and nothing appears on the screen?
I am trying to install the Jellybean 4.1.1 ROM on my rooted Nexus S.
The history of my attempts so far are here: Rooted Nexus S OTA Upgrade to 4.1
I have downloaded the "" form the Android open source website, and used the Nexus Root Toolkit to install it.
This failed, and I attempted to install the image using ROM Manager.
This also failed, and produced a lengthy Recovery Log.
I have read through it and it seems to be telling me that certain files or folders are missing from the download.
e.g can't open /dev/tty0: No such file or directory
W:Unable to get recovery.fstab info for /datadata during fstab generation!
W:Unable to get recovery.fstab info for /emmc during fstab generation!
W:Unable to get recovery.fstab info for /sd-ext during fstab generation!
can't find /sd-ext in /etc/fstab
Is that what this means?
How can I correct it?
The full log is here:
Help with recovery log
Can anyone help me to understand this recovery log?
Should I direct my question to the "ROM Manager" people?
I have tried without success to install JB 4.1.1 from the Google Android Images page, and I think it must because something is missing from the file structure of my current ROM.
Am I on the right track?
First of all, what variant of the Nexus S do you have? If you turn off the device and remove the battery, it should be on the sticker showing the device serial number.
Once you find that, you can head over to this link and look for the right image for your device:
I'm assuming that since you're from 4.0.4, you just need to flash the update zip. If you're device is rooted, chances are you have ClockworkMod installed. If so, maybe you should just consider putting in a custom ROM. Flashing it should be much faster. I'd be glad to help you if you can give more info on your variant, current software state (version, rooted/not rooted, etc).
new hope
nightsky87 said:
First of all, what variant of the Nexus S do you have? If you turn off the device and remove the battery, it should be on the sticker showing the device serial number.
Once you find that, you can head over to this link and look for the right image for your device:
I'm assuming that since you're from 4.0.4, you just need to flash the update zip. If you're device is rooted, chances are you have ClockworkMod installed. If so, maybe you should just consider putting in a custom ROM. Flashing it should be much faster. I'd be glad to help you if you can give more info on your variant, current software state (version, rooted/not rooted, etc).
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Hello nightsky ( is that like, "nice guy",?) thanks for taking a look.
My phone is a Nexus S i9020, no suffix.
It is running Andriod 4.0.4 ICS. It is "rooted" and "unlocked".
I have Clockwork Mod v. Superuser v.3.1.3. and ROM Manager v.
I have tried over and over again without success to upgrade to JB 4.1.1 and I am getting sick and tired of this stupid game.
I would be happy to just stick with ICS 4.0.4, but every week, the phone tells me that an "update is available", and I have to dismiss the message every time I look at the phone! When I tried to apply the update It used to crash, requiring a battery-pull reset. Now I have CWM it takes over and says "failed to verify file signature", "install untrusted package?"
If I press on and install, it fails and the android is on its back with a red triangle on its belly.
If you look at the posts I have linked to, I have been on a steep learning curve regarding ROM flashing, and I understand the basic idea, its just that when I follow the instructions given on the forum, It doesn't happen that way for me and I suspect that there is something wrong with the file structure on my phone. That is why I have posted the link to my recovery log.
If you can help, please reply.
I have had a look at the "Random Phantasmogoria" site that you recommend, is it offering anything different than the Google developers site that I have downlooaded my image from?
another version!
PS I have just had a look at the Google Dev. site and there appears to be a new version of 4.1.1 called JRO03L.
My next attempt, I'll try that.
Factory images are not to be installed with ROM manager/recovery.
They are factory images that are installed with fastboot.
Your solution is a rather simple but may seem complex to you at first. If that makes sense.
First screw all those one click/ ROM manager crap.
Either download the SDK and get the platform tools add on ( quides are all the over the place). Or use one of those zips people make that include fastboot.exe and a driver or whatnot.
Boot the phone into the bootloader. Connect it to the PC. Open a command prompt in the directory with fastboot.exe and the factory images....
Type in fastboot devices. If your serial comes up just follow the commands in the quide. Re root if you want.
What you where attempting to do reminds me of kids in the arcades just smashing buttons and hoping something works
I am not going to right a guide m. There are stickies and somebody actually made a very noon friendly explanation the other day on here somewhere. Sorry don't know where at the moment.
If there is a specific part or something in particular you don't get let me / us know.
Moral of the story is a once a computer is set up with fastboot properly it is very simple.
jus to add on the post above. the instruction to install the factory images are on the same page where you downloaded the image in question.
and there is something to be wary of : flashing the factory image will WIPE the phone CLEAN (except what's on the usb storage o/c).
albundy2010 said:
Factory images are not to be installed with ROM manager/recovery.
They are factory images that are installed with fastboot.
Your solution is a rather simple but may seem complex to you at first. If that makes sense.
First screw all those one click/ ROM manager crap.
Either download the SDK and get the platform tools add on ( quides are all the over the place). Or use one of those zips people make that include fastboot.exe and a driver or whatnot.
Boot the phone into the bootloader. Connect it to the PC. Open a command prompt in the directory with fastboot.exe and the factory images....
Type in fastboot devices. If your serial comes up just follow the commands in the quide. Re root if you want.
What you where attempting to do reminds me of kids in the arcades just smashing buttons and hoping something works
I am not going to right a guide m. There are stickies and somebody actually made a very noon friendly explanation the other day on here somewhere. Sorry don't know where at the moment.
If there is a specific part or something in particular you don't get let me / us know.
Moral of the story is a once a computer is set up with fastboot properly it is very simple.
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Smashing buttons and hoping something works?
That's not very nice, or fair!
If you take the trouble to read my post, and the linked previous posts, you will see that I am trying my best to follow the instructions given on this forum, where I hoped to find knowledgeable professionals who contribute their valuable time free of charge to help noobs like me.
So far I have followed the instructions, only to get something other than the result described. This is why I am asking for your help to understand the recovery log, so that I can work out for myself what went wrong, and what I should change next time to get it right.
At this point in the journey I am still unsure about backup. I have "backed up" using the nexus root tool kit, which is a Nandroid back up, and I have "backed up" using ROM manager, but Titanium Back-Up does not recognise the backups and wants me to "back up" some more. After all this is over will I be able to clear out all the dross that my phone memory is accruing? Is there any point backing up Apps like "Google Earth" when I can easily download them from the Play Store after I have my new OS? etc... etc...
Anyway, I am going to try again, this time with the new JRO03L image, and this time I shall do it Command Line style instead of the "one click crap", as you recommend, my friend. I'll let you know how I get on.
i would like to mimic gremlin remover with heimdall, but i am unsure how gremlin remover works, so i would LOVE some more info on it
i understand that it is an odin executable
accoring to
2011 September Android 2.3.5 T959VUVKI1
2011 August Android 2.3.4 T959VUVKH2
2011 July Android 2.3.4 T959VUVKG4
2011 June Android 2.3.3 T959VUVKF1
2011 April Android 2.2 T959VUVKD1
2011 March Android 2.2 T959VUVKC1
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kj6 is 2.3.6
thomas.raines said:
Oh boy, it's so big because it includes EVERY stock partition on the phone. PIT, datafs, rootfs, kernel, cachefs, etc. I wish it could be slimmed down some, but when I tested it, I didn't get the same results.
I used DLCreator and an Odin3Execution from a Cappy ROM to create the 1-Click...
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So does Gremlin Remover flash KC1(pit, datafs, kernel, factoryfs, cachefs, etc.) firmware first?
then the app proceeds up the list? does it go through the different andriod versions? like skip KD1 because KC1 is already 2.2, just jump to 2.3.3?
that is a good start, but there must be an order to the way things are flashed. And EVERY stock ROM? 600mb now seems a bit small, with an avg. of 200mb per rom.
eollie said:
Yes heimdall does the same thing as the odin one click. And for that matter as regular odin. Heimdall is the open source version of odin. However heimdall is a bit more picky than odin is on the variables needed to work properly. Meaning sometimes heimdall will not flash something odin will. But heimdall works on almost all pc based operating systems.
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what paramaters might that be? partition?
Gremlin Remover is just a name thomas raines gave it. It is a one click package of odin. Which with some searching will tell you what it does.
I just cant grasp why you cant grasp that. Reading what thomasraines has posted explaining it was more than enough for everybody else. I mean it really cant be explained any better. It takes the packages he has pre-loaded and flashes them all in one click.
eollie said:
Gremlin Remover is just a name thomas raines gave it. It is a one click package of odin. Which with some searching will tell you what it does.
I just cant grasp why you cant grasp that. Reading what thomasraines has posted explaining it was more than enough for everybody else. I mean it really cant be explained any better. It takes the packages he has pre-loaded and flashes them all in one click.
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i would like to know specifically what firmware packages. and in what order, oldest to newest? it can be explained better if you read my question and understand what i am asking.
how is the gremlin remover.exe only 600mb IF it contains ALL various firmware version files, that is at least 7, 200mb stock roms. explain? redundant data?
ive searched, and provided the information i have come up with, and asked many times, yet i get the same answer:
"works like heimdall, but heimdall is open source, blah blah blah, BS."
COOL, i know that, and ive tried reading into heimdall, on their offical page, through this forum, not the information im looking for.
eollie, you posted of "variables" that heimdall doesn't like, but odin will tolerate, what are you talking about? partition parameters set up by the pit? the flash not following the partition? sizes of partition? i would like a COMPREHENSIVE ANSWER, if you want to post that i should know this info or what-not, DONT, just answer my question, this is the Q&A board.
It doesn't contain all the firmwares. Just one. Read the thread for it. All the info you want is in it. If you really want a "comprehensive" answer PM the creator of the program.
thomas.raines said:
1 Download to your computer, extract .zip, and open Gremlin Remover.exe (it is an Odin 1-Click I created with KG4 files with KJ1+voodoo Kernel and PIT, as well as the necessary drivers. If you do not have Odin already set up on your computer, use the drivers to do so now):
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Did you even read the first post in the gremlin remover thread? The above quote is taken from there. He does not ever say it uses every firmware it says it formats every PARTITION.
As for the variable I spoke of. Think about what all variable are in play when connecting your phone to your computer. Common sense thinking and deductions would give you your answer. But mostly these are things like usb ports and usb cables.
Gremlin Remover is a PROCESS not just the one click. If you are wanting to recreate the Gremlin Remover 1- Click package as a Heimdal 1-Click package, then you will have to extract /system, /data, recovery, /cache, kernel, pit, and modem images from your device yourself. Depending on what ROM you are using will determine the method in which you do so. Then you will have find the correct tools to package everything up as a 1-Click. I actually already have a Heimdal 1-Click built and working, but have been too involved in other projects to remember to upload and release it. Maybe I will do that this
However, everyone is correct. READ MY OP ON GREMLIN REMOVER! I have included all necessary information as to what ROM/kernel I used to create the 1-click.
Take heed in what you do here as you could hard brick your device. My advice would be to perform the UBM on your phone before you start messing with this. I speak from experience on this as I didn't perform the UBM mod and bricked my device. Which was my encouragement to go
oh,gremlin remover version is jumbled into the OP, sorry i missed it
anyways, ive made a hiemdall of my current rom(AtonX's 2.3.6, Blastoffv2, LightningZapv5) using
there are more paritions to copy than the few listed in the guide, how do i list the partitions on my device using adb?
this is to see the partitions available on the phone? using adb
cd proc
cat partitions
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so i would copy EVERY single partition by name? how do i figure out to what they are associated?
xakuvo said:
oh,gremlin remover version is jumbled into the OP, sorry i missed it
anyways, ive made a hiemdall of my current rom(AtonX's 2.3.6, Blastoffv2, LightningZapv5) using
there are more paritions to copy than the few listed in the guide, how do i list the partitions on my device using adb?
this is to see the partitions available on the phone? using adb
so i would copy EVERY single partition by name? how do i figure out to what they are associated?
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You don't want to mount/copy your partitions via adb to your computer because sometimes it doesn't read correctly. You want to use terminal on the phone.
Depending on what you are using, ie bml or mtd, depends on what/how you mount/copy them. For example, /system in mtd is /dev/block/mmcblk25 (if memory serves me correctly)...
I don't follow too many Roms or kernels on the sgs4 anymore because I have many of my own projects going on.
I can tell you, Google is your best tool and asset at this point. That's how I figured 90% of this stuff out...
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using xda app-developers app
Personally, I have my own recovery/fix methods which I am too lazy to explain and will take thousands of words, but if you want to use raines' gremlin remover, you have to have a reason. Gremlin remover isn't a toy or a happy method of swithing android versions. It is a re-virginator if i remember correctly. You shouldn't use it unless you have a specific problem.
and thomas, that's bml mounting I believe, not mtd. MTD is mtdblocksomenumber.
airfluip1 said:
Personally, I have my own recovery/fix methods which I am too lazy to explain and will take thousands of words, but if you want to use raines' gremlin remover, you have to have a reason. Gremlin remover isn't a toy or a happy method of swithing android versions. It is a re-virginator if i remember correctly. You shouldn't use it unless you have a specific problem.
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thomas.raines said:
The best way to minimize these pesky Gremlins is to:
Use Part 3 before flashing a new/different ROM (not an update of an existing ROM)
Always follow instructions to the letter
If you are confused, research and read
If you are still confused, ask
Never restore system data, especially from a different ROM
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pesky gremlins
im bad at reading "to the letter"
specific UBM guide you followed? or the generalized UMB by AdamOutler:
i cant use the adb prompt?
terminal in the phone? eeww,
what if i just want to copy the contents of these partitions to my sd card?
could i use adb shell and copy them to sd card?
looking at heimdall, i only have 11 blocks labled/granted by heimdall to overwrite
could i read the .pit somehow? notepad is no good
If you're really this confused, what you are trying to do is way over your head. Take some time to learn how Linux works, down to the filesystem and boot-sequence level. Without that, you're looking at more trouble than you know, and won't get much sympathy.
Posted from my SGS4G, thanks to Team Acid development
jeffsf said:
If you're really this confused, what you are trying to do is way over your head. Take some time to learn how Linux works, down to the filesystem and boot-sequence level. Without that, you're looking at more trouble than you know, and won't get much sympathy.
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no MTD
AntonX's Barebone KJ6, blastoffv2 kernel. thinking about getting the modem out of Valhalla black... simple
Q&A bro
its why i ask, hoping to get an answer
could have typed an answer in the time you spent typing some NO-ANSWER response, what do you think i do in my downtime? constantly refresh page looking for an answer? i wish i could consider forums a consistent, reliable source, but they are only an intro to the means to get to the end, at best. xda is one of the most helpful forums, but like all forums, there are these "elitists". EX: so you spent years and thousands of dollars learning something, you have a great understanding of it, someone asks you a stupid question pertaining to your specialization, you consider your knowledge to be "too-good" for this noob, he must learn himself. but, you have a great understanding and could explain simply and thoroughly, but you dont, cuz you're "elite". :highfive:
i could shovel through some google pages, but i have a transmission to work on, RAID 5 setup to install/replace old RAID1&2, water-pump to replace, shifter assembly along w/ the cables on my bicycle, and a girlfriend to entertain(computers and cars really turn her off).
i understand most people are busy with their lives, so why waste both of our time with a response that has no information? obviously i have more to learn about lunix and android, this is the Q&A...?
my rant, tired of useless responses, google = #1 source
it doesn't seem like i could include any more than the 11 listed partition labels in heimdall
so i will just try find the 11, and rip them?
i'll try through phone terminal, and through adb terminal, both will be ripped to external sd card
is my plan bad?
i know the .pit has partition information, i would like like to know how to view it.
ls -lR /dev/block
gives lots of results
all of the paritions in the dev/block?
cd proc
cat partitions
2nd page of this thread, and im the only one who posts code, and yet im asking...
is there a better cmd line that i can use to retrieve the available partitions?
thomas.raines said:
You don't want to mount/copy your partitions via adb to your computer because sometimes it doesn't read correctly. You want to use terminal on the phone.
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what do you mean?
BTW: i flashed the heimdall one-click i made. worked like a charm. was i just lucky, considering i used adb terminal to copy phone partitions to the sd card? i dont understand the problem, is it the adb cmd or the actual transferring of blocks from phone to computer?
Look people are trying to help you and when they offer help you come back with a question that has been answered. Now you are saying you dont have the time to use search/google to find the answers and expect people to repeat or find them for you. No. There isnt one person that has responded to you that get paid as tech support for xda. We do this because we want to help people avoid making bad mistakes and enjoy android. The number one rule of xda is Search before posting. Number one rule. Yet you just stated you have better thing to do than search.
Everything you have asked can be answered by taking the time to read and comprehend what is being said. Yes this is the Q&A section but it is not the hold somebodies hand because they are too lazy to do something on their own. If you are worried you will break something maybe you should reconsider doing any modding. Or accept its possible to break and it will be your responsibility to fix if you do.
eollie said:
Or accept its possible to break and it will be your responsibility to fix if you do.
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YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES. if there is a cliff and i choose to jump off, is it the cliffs fault for being there? or mine for jumping?
no answers here...more feelings...
so i asked a stupid question that was answered in the OP, whops, my bad, SORRY.
who said my phone was not my responsibility?
i didn't say i didn't/dont search, it is implied that i have... i only stated i have a busy schedule, and i was also pointing out that ALL of us probably do.
telling me in in over my head? naw, just answer
no personal opinions please, i posted my opinion/rant/feelings, enjoy it? NO
maybe i should post this in the stupid question thread... im SO STUPID
advancing further into my attempt to assemble something like gremlin remover in heimdall.
how about posting some code to list the parition map? bet it would take less time than posting personal feelings
i thought it was mostly driver/OS issues which are the "variables" between heimdall and odin
thomas mentioned something of adb not reading partitions right on the computer from the phone, is this part of the "variables"? because of the cables or port? or is it the android debug bridge itself, reads data on phone wrong, which then sends to computer? or does it get messed in the transfer process? adb reads correctly, transfers correctly, jumbled somehow through cable/port(DOUBTFUL). i dont know too much about hardware, but i dont see how usb cables can differ other than usb 1.0/2.0/3.0, voltage through cable is limited...i can grasp how the usb ports can differentiate; motherboard ports, extension ports?
You don't need "shovel through some google pages" for this. It has already been explained what the Gremlin Remover does in this thread. To repeat, it flashes each of the appropriate partitions with a "known-good" version of firmware or software as appropriate.
You have also been pointed to Heimdall, which will let you examine the pit in a human-readable form. The pit clearly calls out what partition holds what content for the Samsung partitioning.
There is a reasonable assumption here that people take the time to get the background skills required to perform the task at hand. Since you claim to be in the process of "RAID 5 setup to install/replace old RAID1&2," you should know enough about Linux to extract zip files, examine partitions on a device, and know the difference between image- and file-based backups and restores. All the device-specific information you have asked for in your previous posts have been provided. Your new request for modems has also been indirectly answered.
You shouldn't have an expectation that a request to achieve a goal, for which there is already a proven method available to you, will be spoon-fed to you, especially since what you are asking to do can easily brick your phone, or brick the phone of any other reader of this forum. There is a pre-packaged Gremlin Remover that achieves the goal, has been tested by many, and is reasonably robust against user error. There are modems available for flashing, if you take the time to find them, either here in the forum, or in the files that I hope you have already downloaded.
If you don't understand why there are so many mounted partitions for a running Android phone, you should look carefully at them and the answer should be clear.
# mount
Oh wait, you already tried that. Here's a hint, if you still need one
tmpfs /mnt/asec tmpfs rw,relatime,mode=755,gid=1000 0 0
/dev/block/vold/179:1 /mnt/sdcard vfat rw,dirsync,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,uid=1000,gid=1015,fmask=0702,dmask=0702,allow_utime=0020,codepage=cp437,iocharset=iso8859-1,shortname=mixed,utf8,errors=remount-ro 0 0
/dev/block/vold/179:1 /mnt/secure/asec vfat rw,dirsync,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,uid=1000,gid=1015,fmask=0702,dmask=0702,allow_utime=0020,codepage=cp437,iocharset=iso8859-1,shortname=mixed,utf8,errors=remount-ro 0 0
tmpfs /mnt/sdcard/.android_secure tmpfs ro,relatime,size=0k,mode=000 0 0
If the concept that a question gets answered in an appropriate way, and that you can't demand an answer isn't making sense to you, think of it as someone who thinks they have a "transmission to work on" and when they open the cover, they are completely puzzled. God knows, the sports car sites I used to frequent didn't go through a step-by-step teardown, refurbishment, and rebuild when someone asked "how do I rebuild a Lotus Elan gearbox?" You probably would have gotten something more along the lines of, "Get the original factory manual" or "Just ship it to Gear Works in Hayward."
---------- Post added at 11:08 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:48 AM ----------
xakuvo said:
how about posting some code to list the parition map?
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How about
i guess i need to clarify my actual QUESTIONS, and im not demanding they be answered, im asking that feeling be left out of posts
it doesn't seem like i could include any more than the 11 listed partition labels in heimdall so i will just try find the 11, and rip them? this is based on my personal extracted .pit
the .pit i extracted from my phone has partition data, which i can see in heimdall, yes, but the number it gives me per partition, how do i associate that with the data output i get from the adb cmds
which cmd terminal is most appropriate for partition information, phone or adb? why?
which code(s) would be most appropriate to VIEW/LIST the necessary partitions to pull?
xakuvo said:
i guess i need to clarify my actual QUESTIONS, and im not demanding they be answered, im asking that feeling be left out of posts
it doesn't seem like i could include any more than the 11 listed partition labels in heimdall so i will just try find the 11, and rip them? this is based on my personal extracted .pit
the .pit i extracted from my phone has partition data, which i can see in heimdall, yes, but the number it gives me per partition, how do i associate that with the data output i get from the adb cmds
which cmd terminal is most appropriate for partition information, phone or adb? why?
which code(s) would be most appropriate to VIEW/LIST the necessary partitions to pull?
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I will answer all your questions when I have more time (this weekend). Being a single father (yes in married but my wife and I live in 2 separate states) of 2 teenage girls with a long career in the army dictates that my time as a dev, auto mechanic, and race car driver is limited. I have given you the necessary tools to begin your project, but it will take some "leg"work from you. If there is something you are just not getting, I will be more than happy to help you when time allows me. But I can tell you, that there are 3 pages that can be found in Google that will answer most of your questions. All you have to search for is "how to make an Odin backup". In each guide, they explain how to dump your images into 1 file; however, the partitions they list are not for the sgs4g and you must figure out which ones you need. Those partitions vary per kernel/Rom type. However, with the code you listed above, you already know how to list the partitions, and a simple Google search will tell you what is contained on that partition. I have not posted any code for you because in on my phone replying to you and that feature isn't available to me. I'm not trying to be "elite" or whatever else you chose to insult me and the others in this forum. And to be honest, I nor anyone else should help you any longer if you are going to get that attitude with us. So, I and my team mates send you a great Team Fah-Q!
Now, if you would like for me to tell you all the secrets, then I suggest you hit that donate button and enter an extremely generous donation... or chill the hell out, help yourself a bit and be patient until I have a bit more time.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using xda app-developers app
A rough description of how I solved this specific problem can be found here:
Also, you don't need the huge system dump to fix this!
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Hey everyone.
TL;DR: I quite desperately need an image (or a tarball) of a working /system partition from an ASUS MeMO Pad 7 HD (MD173x) for the recovery of a soft-bricked unit I have here. Apparently there's none available anywhere. Any help would be very much appreciated.
I have an ASUS MeMO Pad 7 HD here (ME173x) that got soft-bricked by an improper installation of Chainfire3D [not by me]. The device won't finish booting up, but it gives me shell/root access to the entire system through ADB, so it's salvageable. I have a serious problem, though: while I have access to the entire system, I have no images to restore it from - absolutely nothing!
I've tried looking for any manual updates or SD-card-based recovery images on the ASUS website, but only found something for the regular MeMO Pad. I've tried that option still, but the pad ignores it, so probably incompatible. For the MeMO Pad 7 HD, ASUS have no images at all - just user manuals and the source code! I suppose that's the catch to its otherwise cheap price, and I'll spare you my opinions about that.
When it comes to the boot loader, there are 3 options that it offers: normal boot, FASTBOOT or Recovery (which is anything but: it just pops a dead Android icon with "NO COMMAND" underneath it - not particularly helpful). Can't do a whole lot with that, I suppose.
So yeah... My options, as I see them, are to either beg somebody else with a MeMO Pad 7 HD for their /system partition (either a dd dump, tar.gz archive of all the files within, or a CWM recovery file perhaps), in hopes that they are rooted and need little to no guidance on obtaining that data. Failing that, I may have to beg the guys behind Chainfire3D to perhaps give me a list of all the files they introduce into the system and modify, and try to undo those changes manually, and if there's anyone here that reads this and can help me with any of those options, I'll be forever grateful to them.
I assume contacting ASUS themselves about this is a waste of time, since I highly doubt that they'll take this well from a warranty perspective, nor do I think they will be keen to provide me with any recovery images or be useful/helpful in any "non-generic" way...
Anyway, here's my problem, so if anyone has any ideas on getting this solved, I'm all ears [or in this case - eyes].
-- Ice
P.S. Please spare me the lectures about backing up, rooting, bricking, "being careful", etc. This isn't my device - I'm not the one who bricked it. I'm the person people hand these devices to when they've screwed up...
I have a rooted Memo Pad. Can I somehow save an full image of it and share with you?
Gesendet von meinem ME173X mit Tapatalk 2
GermanGigaDepp said:
I have a rooted Memo Pad. Can I somehow save an full image of it and share with you?
Gesendet von meinem ME173X mit Tapatalk 2
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Many thanks for your response.
You can make a tarball (tar.gz archive) of /system by using the built-in tools. Assuming you have at least a gigabyte of free space in internal memory, here's what you can do:
Get a Terminal Emulator application (if you don't have one):
Tell the pad to archive /system files:
Run the Terminal app
Type the following commands:
tar czvf /sdcard/system.tar.gz /system
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Locate and upload the system.tar.gz file to Dropbox or some other place that allows you to upload large files and post a link to it - either here or in private.
Now I've noticed that such a file can take around 700MB, which is quite a bit. If that becomes a problem, you can try getting a smaller archive by picking just the more important folders within /system. In that case, this is how your tar command will look instead:
tar czvf /sdcard/system-partial.tar.gz /system/bin /system/etc /system/lib /system/vendor /system/build.prop
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Again, many thanks for wanting to do this!
P.S. What these commands do is essentially "zipping up" the contents of the /system folder into am archive file. You can do this with a root-capable file explorer, but it's just easier to do it through the command line, because we all know what exactly to expect from these commands...
P.P.S. To remove that system.tar.gz file through the terminal, type rm /sdcard/system.tar.gz
IceDrake said:
Many thanks for your response.
You can make a tarball (tar.gz archive) of /system by using the built-in tools. Assuming you have at least a gigabyte of free space in internal memory, here's what you can do:
Get a Terminal Emulator application (if you don't have one):
Tell the pad to archive /system files:
Run the Terminal app
Type the following commands:
Locate and upload the system.tar.gz file to Dropbox or some other place that allows you to upload large files and post a link to it - either here or in private.
Now I've noticed that such a file can take around 700MB, which is quite a bit. If that becomes a problem, you can try getting a smaller archive by picking just the more important folders within /system. In that case, this is how your tar command will look instead:
Again, many thanks for wanting to do this!
P.S. What these commands do is essentially "zipping up" the contents of the /system folder into am archive file. You can do this with a root-capable file explorer, but it's just easier to do it through the command line, because we all know what exactly to expect from these commands...
P.P.S. To remove that system.tar.gz file through the terminal, type rm /sdcard/system.tar.gz
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I get a invalid option -- z error.
Followed all the step, I did.
EDIT : Scratch that, I used this code instead.
#tar -cvf /sdcard/system.tar /system
Wait while I upload the dump.
---------- Post added at 08:20 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:30 AM ----------
here's the link to the dump
btw, I've renamed some APKs as bak, since there is no option to disable some of those apps.
I've removed the link to the file. PM me if anyone wants it.
So I guess my help is not needed anymore.
If you still need my help just ask me, I will do it.
Thank you both.
I will grab the file once I get access permission (click the blue SHARE button in GDrive and change the visibility to "Those with the link" or add ice3715 at gmail com to it) and will hopefully be able to continue bringing this thing back to life. If I'll stumble over anything else, I will certainly know whom to rely on.
Very much appreciated!
IceDrake said:
Thank you both.
I will grab the file once I get access permission (click the blue SHARE button in GDrive and change the visibility to "Those with the link" or add ice3715 at gmail com to it) and will hopefully be able to continue bringing this thing back to life. If I'll stumble over anything else, I will certainly know whom to rely on.
Very much appreciated!
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Alrighty. Already added your email address. Pls check
Sent from my ME173X using xda app-developers app
ericmaxman said:
Alrighty. Already added your email address. Pls check
Sent from my ME173X using xda app-developers app
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Checked and done downloading. :good:
Alrighty then!
Thanks to the image provided, I've managed to get the device to finish its boot sequence: when comparing the files of the two, I found a shell script at /system/lib/ that basically gave me instructions on how to uninstall CF3D.
The files it overwrote were:
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The backups of the originals were stored as:
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Restoring these files and changing the permissions as specified in brought the device back to life. The OS was somewhat unstable (appcrashes and spontaneous reboots), but a few reboots, updates and dalvik-cache wipes later, it seemed to have stabilized on its own.
Again, many thanks to ericmaxman for providing the system image and GermanGigaDepp for being willing to do the same. You guys are awesome!
Lesson of the week: When rooting your device (or even before that), always back up your entire system! (or at least your entire /system) It is not guaranteed that the manufacturer will offer any recovery images for it or help you in any way, and if you mess up, you'll get stuck just like me!
tar cvf /sdcard/system-backup.tar /system
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IceDrake said:
Alrighty then!
Thanks to the image provided, I've managed to get the device to finish its boot sequence: when comparing the files of the two, I found a shell script at /system/lib/ that basically gave me instructions on how to uninstall CF3D.
The files it overwrote were:
The backups of the originals were stored as:
Restoring these files and changing the permissions as specified in brought the device back to life. The OS was somewhat unstable (appcrashes and spontaneous reboots), but a few reboots, updates and dalvik-cache wipes later, it seemed to have stabilized on its own.
Again, many thanks to ericmaxman for providing the system image and GermanGigaDepp for being willing to do the same. You guys are awesome!
Lesson of the week: When rooting your device (or even before that), always back up your entire system! (or at least your entire /system) It is not guaranteed that the manufacturer will offer any recovery images for it or help you in any way, and if you mess up, you'll get stuck just like me!
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Good to hear that you managed to get yours fixed. :thumbup:
Sent from my ME173X using xda app-developers app
Desperate for help (Asus MeMo Pad 7 HD)
Hi everyone (may be IceDrake can help!)
I am new into the forum. I have a dead new Asus ME173X.
I have the same problem like IceDrake (Chainfire3D problem!). I am desperate for help getting "MeMO Pad 7 HD for their /system partition" like IceDrake AND PLEASE STEP BY STEP help bringing my new MemO Pad 7 into life again.
Much appreciate any help I can get.
IceDrake said:
Hey everyone.
TL;DR: I quite desperately need an image (or a tarball) of a working /system partition from an ASUS MeMO Pad 7 HD (MD173x) for the recovery of a soft-bricked unit I have here. Apparently there's none available anywhere. Any help would be very much appreciated.
I have an ASUS MeMO Pad 7 HD here (ME173x) that got soft-bricked by an improper installation of Chainfire3D [not by me]. The device won't finish booting up, but it gives me shell/root access to the entire system through ADB, so it's salvageable. I have a serious problem, though: while I have access to the entire system, I have no images to restore it from - absolutely nothing!
I've tried looking for any manual updates or SD-card-based recovery images on the ASUS website, but only found something for the regular MeMO Pad. I've tried that option still, but the pad ignores it, so probably incompatible. For the MeMO Pad 7 HD, ASUS have no images at all - just user manuals and the source code! I suppose that's the catch to its otherwise cheap price, and I'll spare you my opinions about that.
When it comes to the boot loader, there are 3 options that it offers: normal boot, FASTBOOT or Recovery (which is anything but: it just pops a dead Android icon with "NO COMMAND" underneath it - not particularly helpful). Can't do a whole lot with that, I suppose.
So yeah... My options, as I see them, are to either beg somebody else with a MeMO Pad 7 HD for their /system partition (either a dd dump, tar.gz archive of all the files within, or a CWM recovery file perhaps), in hopes that they are rooted and need little to no guidance on obtaining that data. Failing that, I may have to beg the guys behind Chainfire3D to perhaps give me a list of all the files they introduce into the system and modify, and try to undo those changes manually, and if there's anyone here that reads this and can help me with any of those options, I'll be forever grateful to them.
I assume contacting ASUS themselves about this is a waste of time, since I highly doubt that they'll take this well from a warranty perspective, nor do I think they will be keen to provide me with any recovery images or be useful/helpful in any "non-generic" way...
Anyway, here's my problem, so if anyone has any ideas on getting this solved, I'm all ears [or in this case - eyes].
-- Ice
P.S. Please spare me the lectures about backing up, rooting, bricking, "being careful", etc. This isn't my device - I'm not the one who bricked it. I'm the person people hand these devices to when they've screwed up...
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Help needed for newbie
Hello everyone,
I´m a newbie and need some help.
I installed Chainfire 3 D on my new Memo Pad HD 7 and it wont boot anymore. I think I need a system image!
I´m thankful for any help and advice. Where I can download the system image file? Is there somewhere a step by step guide for installing the system image file ?
Thank you
Tom Hell
TomHell said:
Hello everyone,
I´m a newbie and need some help.
I installed Chainfire 3 D on my new Memo Pad HD 7 and it wont boot anymore. I think I need a system image!
I´m thankful for any help and advice. Where I can download the system image file? Is there somewhere a step by step guide for installing the system image file ?
Thank you
Tom Hell
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I don't have my PC with me now...will grant u access to the file tomorrow evening
Sent from my ME173X using xda app-developers app
medhatfawzy said:
Hi everyone (may be IceDrake can help!)
I am new into the forum. I have a dead new Asus ME173X.
I have the same problem like IceDrake (Chainfire3D problem!). I am desperate for help getting "MeMO Pad 7 HD for their /system partition" like IceDrake AND PLEASE STEP BY STEP help bringing my new MemO Pad 7 into life again.
Much appreciate any help I can get.
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If you have the same problem as me, then you don't really need the /system partition. I needed it only to do some comparisons, and I found a CF3D uninstall script that way.
I'll tell you right away that unless you're OK with using the command line, ADB and Linux shell (adb shell), you should really try finding someone who is more familiar with these things, because "experimenting" with such a tablet may cost you dearly - ASUS offers no recovery for it whatsoever! Trying to recover it manually without knowing what you're doing there is a bad idea!
Also, the commands below may eventually become outdated, so instead of using those, see if you can cat /system/lib/ and do what it says instead (except for stop - don't type that in the shell )
To recover it from the problem I was having, you should gain access to the tablet over adb first:
Plug the tablet into your PC using a USB cable
Open Command Prompt: press WIN+R to pop up the Run dialog, then type cmd and press ENTER
Type adb shell into the command prompt.
If you don't have ADB installed, then Google about for some guides on how to get it installed first. This is one of them:
Once inside the shell, go root, remount the /system partition for writing and restore the backed up drivers by typing these (VERY slowly and carefully!):
mount -o rw -o remount /[email protected] /system
cat /system/lib/ > /system/lib/
chown 1000:1000 /system/lib/
chown system:system /system/lib/
chmod 644 /system/lib/
cat /system/lib/ > /system/lib/
chown 1000:1000 /system/lib/
chown system:system /system/lib/
chmod 644 /system/lib/
After that, the tablet should be able to boot as it did for me. Otherwise, you may want to type reboot and let it restart completely.
Hope this helps in some way. It didn't damage the device I was working with, but I can't possibly offer any guarantees about yours (especially if it isn't MeMO Pad 7 HD, or one with a different firmware).
P.S. For people asking for "system images", etc: please understand that it's not a recovery image or anything! You can't just flash it into the device and make it work! What I was asking for is a bunch of files to compare against - manually, so if you don't really know what you're doing, do try to find someone who does.
TomHell said:
Hello everyone,
I´m a newbie and need some help.
I installed Chainfire 3 D on my new Memo Pad HD 7 and it wont boot anymore. I think I need a system image!
I´m thankful for any help and advice. Where I can download the system image file? Is there somewhere a step by step guide for installing the system image file ?
Thank you
Tom Hell
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Okay, granted you access to the file already.
ericmaxman said:
Okay, granted you access to the file already.
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can I have permission to access it as well?
---------- Post added at 06:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:41 PM ----------
Icedrake can you upload or mirror ericmaxman's dump file, I would like to try this steps first as I'm still trying to downlod all nccessary files for the adb to work on my machine.
Hi iceDrake, I'm a noob and dont know anything about ADB, can you help I got the system.tar from Eric, but dont know what to do with it. I have the same issue as you. But I can seems to have my tab be recognize by my PC. I can still go to the recovery though
I killed my HD7 with my stupidity and chainfire
Hello IceDrake and everyone else who can help,
My HD7 wont boot it´s in a endless loop because of that the usb/adb driver cannot be installed. (adb shell is not possible - no connection with device)
Does this mean I can my save my device just with recovery or fastboot ?
Can i recover my HD7 with the system.tar file offered here in the forum? What have I to do ???
Thanks for any advice!
Tom Hell
chainfire suck on asus memo pad hd 7
You need adb to use the system.tar. I have the same problem as you. I tried fastboot but each time I try to use the recovery flash I'll get an error download Error please re-pluggin USB cable.
I have not choice than to send it to Asus service center. say if you do a factory reset and wipe cache, can they still know if you rooted your device?
Hello, I have a big problem, I rooted my memopad HD7 and later I removed some asus applications, I had some problems with my excahange account so I restored to factory, but now I am not able to install or update any app from play store, I get a 491 Error code, I also tried to install Amazon App Store but the download always fails, same with any other file that I try to download.
I have googled about 491 error code but the answer is always to wipe dalvik cache but i am not able to do so, as I have no recovery.
Ant suggestion? any chance to restore to factory defaults with some image file?
Edited: well, I managed to return it at the store where I bought it and get.another one later. What I have learned from this is that I would never root again until there is no way to recover the device, preferably CWM recovery.