[Q] Help! Not up rom ics for LG Optimus 3D P920 - LG Optimus 3D

Google translate:
I use the LG Optimus 3D P920.
I can not up the rom, wipe cache davil, wipe cache partition, wipe data / factory reset => install zip from sdcard ...... Go to the installation to be a piece of it complete. Restart the stand at the LG screen. I have tried many times but failed.
I tried the rom of xbsall, p-Vlad, xafalo.
Feeling of having to use google translate.

What android version are you running?
Sent from my P920 using ICS 4.0.4 by XBSA

TMProduct1onZ said:
What android version are you running?
Sent from my P920 using ICS 4.0.4 by XBSA
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Thanks you !
My P920 3D:
+ Android version: 2.3.5
+ Baseband version: L6260_MODEM_SIC_01.1042.00
+ Kernel version:
+ Build number: GRJ90
+ Software version: LGP920-V20c-APR-25-2012

dotiep0402 said:
Thanks you !
My P920 3D:
+ Android version: 2.3.5
+ Baseband version: L6260_MODEM_SIC_01.1042.00
+ Kernel version:
+ Build number: GRJ90
+ Software version: LGP920-V20c-APR-25-2012
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You have to install the XBSA rom before with XBSA method.. Why you noobs don't like to read all threads before to put hands on your smartphone?

Pesach85 said:
You have to install the XBSA rom before with XBSA method.. Why you noobs don't like to read all threads before to put hands on your smartphone?
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I tried rom of xbsall but also not successful.

dotiep0402 said:
I tried rom of xbsall but also not successful.
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You tried but have you red the thread?
The roms are two:
- one is the stock SU760 ported by XBSA to flash with lgflashtool
- the second is the custom XBSA 2.1a to install through recovery which is similar to Darkroom (the darkroom has just some more features)
The main thing to know (that you should read on thread) is: at the moment you can't install ANY custom rom if before you don't install the stock SU760.

Pesach85 said:
You tried but have you red the thread?
The rom are two:
- one is the stock SU760 ported by XBSA to flash with lgflashtool
- the second is the custom XBSA 2.1a to install through recovery which is similar to Darkroom (the darkroom has just some more features)
The main thing to know (that you should read on thread) is: at the moment you can't install ANY custom rom if before you don't install the stock SU760.
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Thank you very much!
Where should I start from?
Let me read again. I use google tranlate.
My English a little weak.

TMProduct1onZ said:
If you are not afraid of Flashing and ready to take the Risk:
-Read this Guide several Times 'till you REALLY understand EVERYTHING
-download/install all Files that are attached
-download XBSA404_AP.bin from HERE
-flash it via LG FlashTool 1.2 (1.1 is also ok..)
I hope i could help
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Sent from my P920 using ICS 4.0.4 by XBSA

Great !
I succeeded!
Thank you very much, all!


[Q] Upgreade custom 2.3.4 to 4.0.4

Hello Guys,
I've got a few questions about upgreading my custom 2.3.4 to ICS.
Atm I'm using custom rom Cranium 3.1 based on XXKPH, with kernel [email protected] #1.
What should I do now, to get ICS on my SL.
1. Changing on stock rom ? If yes, then which one?
2. What with kernel ?
It doesnt maatters that which rom r u currently on but be on latest gb rom with cf root to be on safer side.
Then download cm9 zip from the respective thread then follow the instructions to install it on that thread.
Keep in mind its not completely bug free but still it is quite usable.
Sent from my GT-I9003 using xda app-developers app
gruceqq said:
Hello Guys,
I've got a few questions about upgreading my custom 2.3.4 to ICS.
Atm I'm using custom rom Cranium 3.1 based on XXKPH, with kernel [email protected] #1.
What should I do now, to get ICS on my SL.
1. Changing on stock rom ? If yes, then which one?
2. What with kernel ?
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1. No need to change to stock rom if you just want to switch to ics, of your phone is rooted and had clock work mod, then you just need to flash any custom ics rom like remics, cm9 etc.
Then you can even change the kernel to vurrut or arindam or dhiru etc.
Firstly to consider, you're on kph. to have a stable base band, either flash kpq or kpu.
Follow this order
Xxkpe>xxkpu/kpq>root with bagaria.tar> ics rom> kernel(optional).
Search among the stickies on android development.
Press thanks if helped


I am using Promethius V1.5 21E ROM with Promethius Kernel V-Ex+.zip.
When I go to settings > about phone, it shows
Baseband Version L6260_MODEM_SIC_01.1042.00
Kernel Version
Build number PromethiusProject v1.5 21E
Software version LGP920+V21e-Apr-19-2012
When I use GetRIL, it shows
RIL LGP920+V21e-Apr-19-2012
Baseband LGP920AT-00-V20c-ESA- (rest not visible)
Now my question is
what is my actual baseband version? Is is 21E as I have Promethius V1.5 21E ROM, and is shown by the Software version in "about phone"
or is it V20C as shown by GetRIL?
I want to be on 21E. how do i now go about doing this?
Please help.
schubeir said:
I am using Promethius V1.5 21E ROM with Promethius Kernel V-Ex+.zip.
When I go to settings > about phone, it shows
Baseband Version L6260_MODEM_SIC_01.1042.00
Kernel Version
Build number PromethiusProject v1.5 21E
Software version LGP920+V21e-Apr-19-2012
When I use GetRIL, it shows
RIL LGP920+V21e-Apr-19-2012
Baseband LGP920AT-00-V20c-ESA- (rest not visible)
Now my question is
what is my actual baseband version? Is is 21E as I have Promethius V1.5 21E ROM, and is shown by the Software version in "about phone"
or is it V20C as shown by GetRIL?
I want to be on 21E. how do i now go about doing this?
Please help.
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you flash 21e kdz?
if yes you are 21e bb
if you flashed .bin
chances are you are on previous bb of what ever kdz you flashed last
defcomg said:
you flash 21e kdz?
if yes you are 21e bb
if you flashed .bin
chances are you are on previous bb of what ever kdz you flashed last
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No, I did not flash 21e kdz or .bin
I rooted and flashed ROM DNA_GB 3.3.3 based on the new V21E. then tried 2 other ROMS, had network missing .. then went on to Promethius. Still on Promethius, but have been successful with Acura 3d Max rom, ThiaizO3D rom. reverted back to promethius. Now this issue was discovered. I have absolutely no problems with the phone though, everything is fine. but i would love to change over to 21e if it can be done without hassle.
Can you please advise?
yeh you need to find the thread for updating via kdz, and update your firmware to v21e. at the moment what you have ,from the looks of things, is firmware v20c + a rom based on v21e, this is why you get no reception.
so find the thread + dl v21e rom--then root--then install ROM DNA_GB 3.3.3 again..cool

How to change kernel of v21e?

I flashed v21e following "
( i do not know how to post without showing the link ), and my kernel changed from version to
I think that because of that i have no network connection (sometimes i have it, sometimes no)
I tried different kernels, like promethius rom 1.5, promethius kernel v1.4.5.1+, xbsa_V21e_gb_ics, NovAndroid2.1
All of them show kernel
I found titankernel_v0.4.2_v21d_09-04-2012 in a german site, tried to flash but it locked my phone
Now i am back to promethius, and i have network connection only at the street, never in buildings.
What should i do?
I had the same problem. I can't open your link at the moment but I flashed 21e fls and bin using smart flash tool and had no signal or wifi. I used blue kernel and it worked.
I flashed 21e kdz with xbsall's help and it worked. Now I'm running xbsa rom with Prometheus 1.5+ kernel and its excellent.
Sent from my LG-P920 using xda app-developers app
What ROM are you using?
Try using BlueKernel.
Flashed bluekernel, over V20c and now i had no GC for more than 2 days
OptimusTM said:
What ROM are you using?
Try using BlueKernel.
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[Q] ICS ROM XBSA v5.2 : Button led blinking on booting

I have search in this forum and googling it about my problem [ not big problem actually ], but not yet found proper thread or answer.
After flashing ROM version V5.2 and try to boot from recovery, i got my button key now blinking while booting.
But after booting complete is normal.
Currently use V5.2 with baseband 18A, and it works normal in my O3D device.
Button is also working normal, except search and back button is mixed function.
Do you guys ever has similar blinking led? is it absolutelly normal,
or just i have not yet found some issues in my device...
thank you for any feedback ( if there is any link for fixing search/back button improvement, it'll be better )..
mine is blinking too while booting, think it is normal.
if you want normal buttons, you should install a kernel with 4 button support. then back and search isn't switched.
blinking = normal
4 keys fix: flash this Kernel but read the Instructions carefully!!
ps you dont have to use exactly that kernel but its the one i use/like
Sent from my LG-SU760 using xda premium
thanks to both of you guys...
if blinking is normal then i'll not mind about it..
and for link about kernel, i'll go and start to read it..
thanks for link..
TMProduct1onZ said:
blinking = normal
4 keys fix: flash this Kernel but read the Instructions carefully!!
ps you dont have to use exactly that kernel but its the one i use/like
Sent from my LG-SU760 using xda premium
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Sorry to bump up on little bit dumb question i am about to ask but, Whats the Kernel do to your phone? what is it? why i need it?
maybe need for unlock (flash) the bootloader...
bensmokie said:
Sorry to bump up on little bit dumb question i am about to ask but, Whats the Kernel do to your phone? what is it? why i need it?
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“… the kernel is the main component of most computer operating systems; it is a bridge between applications and the actual data processing done at the hardware level.”
Read more about it Here
Sent from my P920 using XBSA ICS V5
TMProduct1onZ said:
“… the kernel is the main component of most computer operating systems; it is a bridge between applications and the actual data processing done at the hardware level.”
Read more about it Here
Sent from my P920 using XBSA ICS V5
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Thanks a lot mate.as i as i understood i can flash only the kernel right? or it does have to be with the ICS. i mean like the ICS V5 of Xbsall has kernel 3.0.1 on it, isn't it? but i think it doesn't the over clock ....
bensmokie said:
Thanks a lot mate.as i as i understood i can flash only the kernel right? or it does have to be with the ICS. i mean like the ICS V5 of Xbsall has kernel 3.0.1 on it, isn't it? but i think it doesn't the over clock ....
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You are already on ICS, so you can flash only the kernel.
schubeir said:
You are already on ICS, so you can flash only the kernel.
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Thanks , Can you please advise me for a great kernel....
bensmokie said:
Thanks , Can you please advise me for a great kernel....
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My favorite: Kernel
or this one: Kernel
Sent from my P920 using XBSA ICS V5
TMProduct1onZ said:
My favorite: Kernel
or this one: Kernel
Sent from my P920 using XBSA ICS V5
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It says here that i have to flash wkparks Modified Bootloaders From Here > http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=1971014
Flashed Dexter_nlb's Recovery, Either TWRP Or CWM (I Use CWM) From Here > http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=1978543
as far as understand we already those done steps in order to get rooted , because without them my Ics will not rooted correct me if i am wrong but in order to get your device rooted you have to flash them both ain't that right? i mean you have flash Dexter_nlb's Recovery and wkparks Modified Bootloaders to root your ics right?
bensmokie said:
It says here that i have to flash wkparks Modified Bootloaders From Here > http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=1971014
Flashed Dexter_nlb's Recovery, Either TWRP Or CWM (I Use CWM) From Here > http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=1978543
as far as understand we already those done steps in order to get rooted , because without them my Ics will not rooted correct me if i am wrong but in order to get your device rooted you have to flash them both ain't that right? i mean you have flash Dexter_nlb's Recovery and wkparks Modified Bootloaders to root your ics right?
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i didnt flash dexters recovery to root my phone :/
however, if you flashed dexters recovery then you have everything you need and you can flash a custom kernel
Sent from my P920 using XBSA ICS V5
TMProduct1onZ said:
i didnt flash dexters recovery to root my phone :/
however, if you flashed dexters recovery then you have everything you need and you can flash a custom kernel
Sent from my P920 using XBSA ICS V5
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Well i flashed it but nothing change my Kernel still the same 3.0.21 as it was.maybe i didn't wipe cashe or something.
I flashed Dexters recovery in order to get TWRP work on my phone.
bensmokie said:
Well i flashed it but nothing change my Kernel still the same 3.0.21 as it was.maybe i didn't wipe cashe or something.
I flashed Dexters recovery in order to get TWRP work on my phone.
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If the flash process had no errors then you successfully flashed a custom kernel all custom kernels for ics are 3.0.21 but with some tweaks and mods
Sometimes devs change kernel version to say something else, but not always...
Download No-Frills CPU to see what your min/max frequencies are
Sent from my P920 using XBSA ICS V5
TMProduct1onZ said:
If the flash process had no errors then you successfully flashed a custom kernel all custom kernels for ics are 3.0.21 but with some tweaks and mods
Sometimes devs change kernel version to say something else, but not always...
Download No-Frills CPU to see what your min/max frequencies are
Sent from my P920 using XBSA ICS V5
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Here is mine,
mine gives me possibility to 1.3GHz on Max and Min clock Freq, will it harm my device if i move to 1.3GHz all of it? because i changed it to 1.3 GHz to both of them at Max and min...
bensmokie said:
Here is mine,
mine gives me possibility to 1.3GHz on Max and Min clock Freq, will it harm my device if i move to 1.3GHz all of it? because i changed it to 1.3 GHz to both of them at Max and min...
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i guess you flashed iodaks kernel..
No it wont really harm your phone but it will drain more battery.
And its not really smart to keep the min @1,3ghz.. make it min 300mhz and max 1,3ghz iodak made his kernel so, that it raise to max freq. every time you touch the display, so theres no need to make min freq 1,3ghz.
Edit: oh and choose for governor Hotplug and for i/o sheduler sio (best combination if you ask me..)
Sent from my P920 using XBSA ICS V5
Thanks a lot mate you been help full I can feel my phone really speeding up now.
Once again thank u
Sent from my LG-SU760 using xda app-developers app
bensmokie said:
Thanks a lot mate you been help full I can feel my phone really speeding up now.
Once again thank u
Sent from my LG-SU760 using xda app-developers app
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Glad i could help :good:
have fun!
Sent from my P920 using XBSA ICS V5
hi bensmokie , TMProduct1onZ..
as in my 1st post, i've xbsall ICS now..
and read many post for fixing 4-keys (changing kernel )..
by yesterday, i found this tools... here
my question is :
1. can i use it directly to flash kernel to fix 4 keys? the kernel is based on iodak's kernel.
2. i've read iodaks kernel zipped format. but it should need to install wkpark bootloader
3. i can boot into recovery mode, could i install iodak zipped kernel directly from recovery mode, without doing #2 step?

LG Phoenix?

What roms have you guys gotten running on the lg phoenix/ P505 with the joban kernel
thugnastie said:
What roms have you guys gotten running on the lg phoenix/ P505 with the joban kernel
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About your question, i got running on my lg thrive, which is identical in hardware to the lg phoenix; gingersnap, gingerdx, gtr, cyanogen mod 7.2,, only that ones...
Currently joban's kernel is only supported in gingerbread, even in those roms is kind of unstable...
Now, we have a new kernel from the great developer DJnoXd, it supports Ice Cream Sandwich, and Jellybean... But if you are only interested in Gingerbread, tell me and i will pm you a better method to get roms
DJnoXd kernel will work on GB also. Arjen has a kernel that will work on GB too.
joban kernel is old base band... so any p500 rom that is obb will work.
savagephoenix said:
DJnoXd kernel will work on GB also. Arjen has a kernel that will work on GB too.
joban kernel is old base band... so any p500 rom that is obb will work.
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can you give me the link to the rom and kernel your useing
Do I flash the rom then the kernel right after or do I flash the rom, boot up the phone then go back into recovery to flash the kernel
Just figured out djnoxd kernel no good for gb. Found in original development here on xda
Arjens is found at androidcentral under Phoenix / thrive thread
Sorry no links .. on phone.
Flash rom. Reboot recovery. Flash kernel. Recamend full boot. Then flash gapps. But can flash gapps after kernel
iirc I just read the new kernel runs on the p500/505/509, I don't know which one is the phoenix tho
Sent from my LG-P500 using xda app-developers app
i believe that to be the new 3.0 kernel
so no one could give me links
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1587209 DJNoXD ICS and 4.1.x
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2144790 3.0 kernel by androidarmv6 team maybe ICS primarily for 4.1.x & 4.2.x
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2140930 sweetnsour i think still in beta, primarily for ICS, may work on JB
http://forums.androidcentral.com/t-...gerbread-cm-2-6-35-kernel-thrive-phoenix.html Arjens GB kernel
dont be lazy. do read the OP and make sure you know what your doing.

