[Q] OTA update on custom rom? - Motorola Atrix 2

I have supercharged V5 rom on my atrix 2 and recently i recieved a notice for an ICS OTA from at&t. I was tempted to just download it but wasn't sure since iw as on the rom, if it would brick the phone. I noticed people on the forums were going back to 2.3.5, then OTA to 2.3.6 and installing a ICS.zip from the sd card but wasn't sure what the damage would be if i did an OTA update straight from the custom rom.
SHould i follow the RSD steps or just update like it is.

Look at the stickies in the general forum man. We are recommending against the official OTA update right now. Read up.
To answer your question, it wouldn't even install since you're o on a custom ROM.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using xda premium

Yeah ...i get busy and dont have time to cycle thru endless threads sometimes i just need quick amswer.... ft work ft school and a baby is hard!
Sent from ricky's super charged ATRIX 2


[Q] Anything we need to do before the update rolls out?

My phone's currently rooted (running CM7 if that matters). Since the OTA update for Sprint is supposed to start rolling out this Monday, is there anything I need to do in order to receive the update?
Will I need to unroot?
Is there some manual way of checking for the update on custom ROMs?
infernosoft said:
My phone's currently rooted (running CM7 if that matters). Since the OTA update for Sprint is supposed to start rolling out this Monday, is there anything I need to do in order to receive the update?
Will I need to unroot?
Is there some manual way of checking for the update on custom ROMs?
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I have raised this question on two threads. I used Mikeyinid's rom for awhile and now have Oxygen rom and I have asked in both threads what would be done. People have told me that an update.zip would be released or the rom itself would be upgraded. Just keep your eye on your respective rom's thread and the developer should get everyone taken care of. As soon as the first member of this site gets the OTA, you know it will be posted and then applied to all the roms/kernels lol. We wont have to do anything but reboot to recovery and flash knowing these guys. I give it a few hours after it starts rolling out before they have it locked in lol
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA Premium App
That actually makes a lot of sense! Thanks for the answer!
Honestly most of the fixes are gonna be in the radio. Personally I don't even care about the 2.3.5 stuff or whatever else is included. I just want to flash the new radio the second its available and I will happily wait for ROMs to the be updated from that point on
yea, all i care about is the radio too....GB reminds me if vista, everytime they fix a problem, it changes...2.3 2.3.2 2.3.3 2.3.4 ..... 2.3.5? just fix my radio and send me 4.0 !
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA App

OTA Gingerbread update if rooted

Hey guys, any clarification to whether I can have the official Verizon update pushed to my phone if rooted?
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA App
Runn3rLogic said:
Hey guys, any clarification to whether I can have the official Verizon update pushed to my phone if rooted?
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA App
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You can try, depending on your ROM, but I seriously doubt anything you want to happen will come out of that. You might be stuck in a boot loop, it could brick it, it could just screw up all kinds of stuff. VERY bad idea in general. My advice:
Be patient.
im still running HTC Mecha.. I just used Revolutionary to root.. and still have everything running good on my stock ROM.
Runn3rLogic said:
im still running HTC Mecha.. I just used Revolutionary to root.. and still have everything running good on my stock ROM.
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Mecha is the HTC codename for the device, much like the EVO 4G is known as the Supersonic and the Incredible S/Incredible2 as the Vivo/Vivow, respectively.
just be patient. Usually a workable, root version will be released shortly before or after the OTA goes live. I would not except an OTA on a rooted phone. just keep an eye out on XDA.
Since you're rooted and stock the best thing to do is to wait until they release a version of it so you can install it via recovery like already mentioned. If you accept an OTA update while rooted bad things will most likely occur.
You will not he able to install an ota if your rooted. This is due to the custom recovery. When the update checks the recovery, it will fail.
Sent from my Sense 3.5 ThunderBolt courtesy of Team BAMF

Getting nexus S tomorrow, 2 questions.

I am getting i9023 nexus S tomorrow. I want to know 2 things,
1. Is ICS OTA available now or is it still "halted" by google?
2. If it is still not available I would like to have official 2.3.6 atleast. Is it complicated to manually upgrade to 2.3.6? Can you explain me a bit?
And secondly will I still get official OTA for ICS if I manually upgrade to 2.3.6?? A friend recently got the same phone and it had 2.3.3 out of the box so I am thinking mine will be same as well.
Btw I know you can manually have official ICS as well but I'll like to wait for it till google resumes the updates.
first , i don't know
second , yes , no compilcation , just in "about phone" there is "updated" , all automatic.
Option 3) root your phone and put whatever in the hell rom you want. Change daily....
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using xda premium
toddlmr said:
Option 3) root your phone and put whatever in the hell rom you want. Change daily....
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using xda premium
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This is my first android phone, I will eventually root and all that tinkering but initially I want to have a simple experience.
option 3 the best one. at the time you finally root your phone you will regret not have done it before
1. ICS OTA is available. I don't think Google ever officially halted it and I think the news just said it was in a few specific areas temporarily. I got my ICS update about 2 days after the news said it was halted. I have a Nexus S i9020 though. I don't know if ICS is available to all Nexus S versions yet.
2. It is pretty simple to upgrade to 2.3.6 manually. What you do is you have to find the URL of the official update that Google pushes out. Then you download it into your phone, reset it holding some buttons, choose the file and click ok. More detailed instructions are here
This link gives you instructions to go from 2.3.4 to 2.3.6. DO NOT use that file if you are on 2.3.3. You will need the 2.3.3 to 2.3.6 file. The instructions will be the same though.
Here is a compilation of all of the i9023 official updates. 2.3.3 to 2.3.6 is in there as well as 2.3.3 to 4.0.3.
motomeup said:
1. ICS OTA is available. I don't think Google ever officially halted it and I think the news just said it was in a few specific areas temporarily. I got my ICS update about 2 days after the news said it was halted. I have a Nexus S i9020 though. I don't know if ICS is available to all Nexus S versions yet.
2. It is pretty simple to upgrade to 2.3.6 manually. What you do is you have to find the URL of the official update that Google pushes out. Then you download it into your phone, reset it holding some buttons, choose the file and click ok. More detailed instructions are here
This link gives you instructions to go from 2.3.4 to 2.3.6. DO NOT use that file if you are on 2.3.3. You will need the 2.3.3 to 2.3.6 file. The instructions will be the same though.
Here is a compilation of all of the i9023 official updates. 2.3.3 to 2.3.6 is in there as well as 2.3.3 to 4.0.3.
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Thank you the first link shows how to flash which seems quite simple and the second thread has all the download files.
Btw can you tell me something about regional updates. Are they dependent on what country I am "in" or which country the phone was purchased from?
And can any i9023 owner comment on the status of ICS OTA?
Updates are based on the country the phone was purchased from.
Flashing official ROM doesnt void warranty right?
And how exactly does the phone "know" which country it belongs to? I mean arent nexus ROMS all global?
it looks the combination of SIM card and IP address (if available)
mainly the SIM card, it's how it chooses the phone language at first boot
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
Flashing the official ROM won't void warranty since it can be flashed via the stock bootloader. It is officially available for the i9023. Feel free to download the update from your ROM to 2.3.6, then 2.3.6 to ICS. If you experience issues in ICS, i'd recommend doing a data/factory reset and, if needed, flashing the OTA again. Just be sure to backup as much as possible (can't backup app data/settings/saves without root, sadly).
Also, you won't be able to downgrade back to 2.3.x after you've flashed ICS without rooting too.
First thing root your phone, and after make a passion about this, search in forum, read, and install what you like, what you think is great for you, be prepared, you have a lot of work afther rooting, belive me.
Good luck.
Just flash stock ics full rom.
If you are concerned with warranty, just flash the stock 4.0.3 from google. However if you want improve battery life, you can flash the leaked 4.0.4, though rooting is required, and may void your warranty.
Hi, I have a Nexus S I9023 too and i just bought it 2 weeks ago... also i am from india but that doesn't matter... now for your questions...
1. ICS is available officially from Google, it's just that some users were experiencing problems so yes they halted the OTA but still it is available through the manual update.. and for your info... Manual update is exactly just the same (100%) as an OTA. Google themselves say that...
2.I myself had 2.3.3 installed from factory and could not get the OTA update... but then i could do it to 2.3.6 with the help of this thread..
Go to this link... http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1445635
and go to Full Roms and choose the 2.3.6 rom and flash it.. throught the instructions ton that thread..and to tell you again it is another official way to update and google also supports it...
and you will get the ICS OTA even after manually updating... it's just a normal update.. and for your info.. first i was also scared about updating but i just did it and it worked and for ICS i have ICS on my phone right now and i did it the same way as 2.3.6 just download the 4.0 file and do it the same way...
I agree with option 3. But you will have read and test a lot (this is why we don't have iPhones!! ).
Once you root and flash...you will notice you won't stop doing it!! We have the best damn developers!!
toddlmr said:
Option 3) root your phone and put whatever in the hell rom you want. Change daily....
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using xda premium
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What a Superb Answer
---------- Post added at 07:37 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:30 AM ----------
saxena.siddhu said:
Hi, I have a Nexus S I9023 too and i just bought it 2 weeks ago... also i am from india but that doesn't matter... now for your questions...
1. ICS is available officially from Google, it's just that some users were experiencing problems so yes they halted the OTA but still it is available through the manual update.. and for your info... Manual update is exactly just the same (100%) as an OTA. Google themselves say that...
2.I myself had 2.3.3 installed from factory and could not get the OTA update... but then i could do it to 2.3.6 with the help of this thread..
Go to this link... http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1445635
and go to Full Roms and choose the 2.3.6 rom and flash it.. throught the instructions ton that thread..and to tell you again it is another official way to update and google also supports it...
and you will get the ICS OTA even after manually updating... it's just a normal update.. and for your info.. first i was also scared about updating but i just did it and it worked and for ICS i have ICS on my phone right now and i did it the same way as 2.3.6 just download the 4.0 file and do it the same way...
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@SAXXENA...................Ohhh Dude " FOR YOUR INFO" unlimited times.
He knows that what u said in total was actually for his Info only.
Thanks everyone just got my nexus. It's 2.3.3 and really happy with the out of box experience, super smooth.
As expected no OTA, now I am confused if I should update to 2.3.6 or 4.0.3.
I guess since this is my first android phone it seems appropriate I use GB for a while and perhaps get ICS when google resumes the OTA.
I updated to 2.3.6, quite a quick and painless procedure.
Can someone tell me if I can delete the zip file from the sd card now??
Yes you can.

[Q] US AT&T A2 soft bricked while OTA and another question

well to make it short i bought the atrix 2 from the US early when it came out and then i came to Dubai and all the annoying bloatware for AT&T have became more annoying by (NOT WORKING) when i was leaving i called them and they gave me the unlock code so im using the phone in Dubai, UAE and its working great, im on Victory Rom (Best rom ever) clean and elegant.
now i found there is official ICS firmware for UAE Retails and it has the same number as my phone MB865 so my question is: can i flash that firmware to my AT&T phone ? and incase that is not possible, if i want a clean ICS ROM (made from the official OTA update not the leak) where i can find it ? and lastly if all is not possible what is the cleanest quickest and best ROM and will it work if i update to OTA ICS ?
sorry for taking too long and Thanks in advance
that was what i wrote earlier but now i tried to do OTA and the phone stuck on the dual core technology screen so im thinking to Fxz but i dont know if i should do it for GB 2.3.6 or ICS ?
thanks a lot
Ne-oL said:
well to make it short i bought the atrix 2 from the US early when it came out and then i came to Dubai and all the annoying bloatware for AT&T have became more annoying by (NOT WORKING) when i was leaving i called them and they gave me the unlock code so im using the phone in Dubai, UAE and its working great, im on Victory Rom (Best rom ever) clean and elegant.
now i found there is official ICS firmware for UAE Retails and it has the same number as my phone MB865 so my question is: can i flash that firmware to my AT&T phone ? and incase that is not possible, if i want a clean ICS ROM (made from the official OTA update not the leak) where i can find it ? and lastly if all is not possible what is the cleanest quickest and best ROM and will it work if i update to OTA ICS ?
sorry for taking too long and Thanks in advance
that was what i wrote earlier but now i tried to do OTA and the phone stuck on the dual core technology screen so im thinking to Fxz but i dont know if i should do it for GB 2.3.6 or ICS ?
thanks a lot
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To be very honest with you and AFAIK no one had tried to fxz to ICS from GB.but in theory it should work.
But this is what I'll suggest fxz to 2.3.6 and try OTAing.it should take you to ICS directly.
Sent from my MB865 using xda premium
deveshmanish said:
To be very honest with you and AFAIK no one had tried to fxz to ICS from GB.but in theory it should work.
But this is what I'll suggest fxz to 2.3.6 and try OTAing.it should take you to ICS directly.
Sent from my MB865 using xda premium
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thanks but that only answers my last question, would you mind to read the second paragraph (sorry for the trouble) to see if you have any answers ?
Ne-oL said:
thanks but that only answers my last question, would you mind to read the second paragraph (sorry for the trouble) to see if you have any answers ?
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Ok so get this very clear if you phone it's AT&T one(it has AT&T written on the bottom) then you can't flash any other firmware.your only option is the AT&T firmware( from here).
And there are lots of ROMs that you can try.
StockyEd is pure OTA version of ICS.
Others are Numa, swifty trix ,scv7.Also we have CM10.
Sent from my MB865 using xda premium

[Q] 4.1.1 OTA trying to install, should I or shouldnt I

Hey everyone.....noob here...currently phone is ICS 4.0.4, rooted, unlocked, TB installed, CWM recovery installed, ohh and ota rootkeeper is installed as well, even though ive heard it doesnt work on our SGIII...did the debugfs route to do it as im not a brainiac....wish i was......everything else stock... Chicago area verizon OTA 4.1.1 is now popping up after every restart to update....i'm torn...whats to gain from JB update?...i know its goin to break my root....and if i let it update,what are the steps i need to take to let it OTA and what are my options as of today to rerroot and everything else ive done? Thanks xda....because of everyone here....i was able to get even this far.
Why not just flash one of the many jellybean ROMs that are posted on XDA? You'll keep the unlocked boot loader and root.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda app-developers app
OTA should i or not
weblexa said:
Why not just flash one of the many jellybean ROMs that are posted on XDA? You'll keep the unlocked boot loader and root.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda app-developers app
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thats 1 option i never thought of, i'll have to see if there is one where everything works and theres no problems with the install as long as i follow step by step...thanks
There are many that work. Just go to Verizon s3 android development and take your pick. You could stay stock or look at others with new features. Synergy and galaxymod both have multi window working. Beans 8 Is touch wiz based but has aosp features and looks. Clean rom is very stable and is basically stock with some performance enhancements.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda premium
As I was walking out of Verizon with my new GS3 last week it started to update. I found a good guide in the development section that let me root JB and unlock the bootloader. I was reading about it and while watching the video I just followed along. Painless and quick so I'm rooted and have my titanium back. I just moved over from a rooted original Droid.
Edit here is the link

