Atrix 2 rom problems HELP! - Motorola Atrix 2

okay well i managed to get around to flashing the china retail rom to my atrix 2 in which i was told i would be able to root the phone,
well i got it to a point where it would stop crashing on boot and i went to enable usb debugging so i would be able to root the phone,
but like previous the phone crashes out, if anyone could help that would be great!
UPDATE: okay so i've come across something that could possibly be the reason why i can't root my phone, the system folder is set to r/o and i need to change it to r/w obviously to gain access to it, also i'm thinking the china retail rom is corrupt.

AFAIK rooting is what sets system to rw ...
Sent from my MB865 using xda app-developers app

Not in this case, it won't allow me to root because system is read only
Sent from my MB865 using xda app-developers app

kiwibro92 said:
Not in this case, it won't allow me to root because system is read only
Sent from my MB865 using xda app-developers app
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What process are you using to try and root? Links please.
Your filesystem is read only by default, having root is the only way you can get the filesystem read write, so your thought is incorrect. Getting root access is a hack to the system and usually the process involves gaining temp root access through a security hole in the system, then installing the su binary and the superuser.apk with that temp root access.
So again which process are you using, if you are on ICS there is only one process that works, and you can not use the old one from GB, as it does not work with ICS. I have also heard that the aisia retail version and the TW/HK versions have had some trouble rooting as well. You might go check on one of their forums, as we do not have too many ME865 asia retail users in here.

jimbridgman said:
What process are you using to try and root? Links please.
Your filesystem is read only by default, having root is the only way you can get the filesystem read write, so your thought is incorrect. Getting root access is a hack to the system and usually the process involves gaining temp root access through a security hole in the system, then installing the su binary and the superuser.apk with that temp root access.
So again which process are you using, if you are on ICS there is only one process that works, and you can not use the old one from GB, as it does not work with ICS. I have also heard that the aisia retail version and the TW/HK versions have had some trouble rooting as well. You might go check on one of their forums, as we do not have too many ME865 asia retail users in here.
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i dont have a link to this but i tried using the debugfs method and i know there is another method in the atrix 2 forum that i want to have a go at,
also i've tried a program called unlock root with no success, and yes indeed i am on ICS.
i've been able to flash to the south africa/uae retail, asia retail, china retail(quite glitchy, a few things crash) and hong kong/taiwan (which is what it was by default)

kiwibro92 said:
i dont have a link to this but i tried using the debugfs method and i know there is another method in the atrix 2 forum that i want to have a go at,
also i've tried a program called unlock root with no success, and yes indeed i am on ICS.
i've been able to flash to the south africa/uae retail, asia retail, china retail(quite glitchy, a few things crash) and hong kong/taiwan (which is what it was by default)
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Try my method, it is know to work pretty well. You will most likely need to make sure that adb will see your phone on the computer before starting, if not you will need to do a factory reset and most likely update the moto drivers.
Here is the link and the directions:
root using the zip, you will connect the phone to your computer and use the root.bat (unzip this folder to your desktop) for windows and for linux/mac.

jimbridgman said:
Try my method, it is know to work pretty well. You will most likely need to make sure that adb will see your phone on the computer before starting, if not you will need to do a factory reset and most likely update the moto drivers.
Here is the link and the directions:
root using the zip, you will connect the phone to your computer and use the root.bat (unzip this folder to your desktop) for windows and for linux/mac.
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HOORAY! it worked! haha.
thanks heaps, finally, time for the modding to begin!


permroot for S-off MyTouch 4G Slide

How i got perm root on my MT4GS (does not give S-off just permroot of an S-off device)
1)Start off with a fresh install of the TMO 1.28 ROM
2)Used temp root from Thanks TeamWin for the temproot method Here is thread for orgnial files)
open MT4GSROOT\ADB (on pc)
Make sure that you have USB debugging turned on (on phone) and drivers installed to PC
Run Fre3voMT4gS.bat (from MT4GSROOT\ADB)
3)check in ternimal ((on phone) need to install from market)) and see if you have root (I got permission denied)
4)ran superonclick with Gingerbreak exploit (thanks CLShortFuse for making this tool) (on pc) - S1C thread
open MT4GSROOT and click on Superoneclick.exe
change exploit to Gingerbreak
hit root
Installed busybox when asked by S1C
Run Su test and looked on phone and Superuser asked for permission
5)Tried opening a app that uses root (root explorer) and SU FC on me
6)go to market and make sure you had latest version Installed (i had an update I needed)
7)Update binary when opening SU for the first time
Allow the SU app SU priviliages (funny I know)
8)Open a root app (root explorer again) and SU asked for permission
Test for permroot
turned off fastboot
deleted a system/app file (in this case htcfmwidget and htcfmwidge.obex) -using the r/w option in root explorer
Rebooted phone and reopened root explorer and looked for removed files and they were not there
None of the tools that I included were made by me they were made by the people I thanked. I just wrote the script for the tools to work. go to their threads and thank them.
Disclaimer I am not responsible for breaking your phone, melting it, or anything that may happen when doing this. Remember this is your choice
I have been able to use Root explorer, Titanium backup, terminal emulator and was able to remove APKs from the system folder that I do not want.
This is awesome!
So how did you get s-off? Did it ship that way?
raycaster3 said:
So how did you get s-off? Did it ship that way?
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Mine was shipped s-off ordered online
Sent from my HTC Sensation Z710e using XDA App
crackeyes said:
Mine was shipped s-off ordered online
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That's awesome that we've acheived perm root already.
If you don't mind me asking, did you do the preorder process from t-mobile?
I am extremely interested in this, but I hate preorders
crackeyes said:
Mine was shipped s-off ordered online
Sent from my HTC Sensation Z710e using XDA App
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Killer. Mine is being shipped the 27th. I can't wait to give this a try. Now all we need is miui for this phone and we're all set! Haha
Sent from my demonSPEED Glacier
raycaster3 said:
Killer. Mine is being shipped the 27th. I can't wait to gibe this a try. Now all we need is miui for this phone and we're all set! Haha
Sent from my demonSPEED Glacier
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Oh no, I just realized he is probably talking about the DoubleShot.
For some reason I have a feeling that the delay for T-Mobile USA customers is due to HTC installing a S-On bootloader
poormanq45 said:
That's awesome that we've acheived perm root already.
If you don't mind me asking, did you do the preorder process from t-mobile?
I am extremely interested in this, but I hate preorders
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I didn't preorder I acquired at a meet and greet where they gave me place to get it
Sent from my HTC Sensation Z710e using XDA App
Please don't ask for ETA's people would start coming in MT4GS section soon It come's with stock 2.3.4 so all we need is a custom ROM & were fine . I will be creating a TouchWiz 4.0 ROM w/Sense w/ MIUI icon's .
raycaster3 said:
Killer. Mine is being shipped the 27th. I can't wait to give this a try. Now all we need is miui for this phone and we're all set! Haha
Sent from my demonSPEED Glacier
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No S-OFF on retail devices folks.
I cant get to get my computer to find it, is asking for the driver.... I try but I need the drivers it only appears as android phone on the management.
Update the driver comes on the original SD card, i swapped it which I didn't realized till now
Update 2: After finding the driver I still cant get root access.... anyone done it already?
waiting89 said:
I cant get to get my computer to find it, is asking for the driver.... I try but I need the drivers it only appears as android phone on the management.
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Install htc sync but make sure it is not running
Sent from my HTC Sensation Z710e using XDA App
I got it working and follow the step of rooting, but I still dont get any root access...
is it possible to extract the s-off boot-loader from a device with s-off already? My understanding of these procedures is rudimentary at best, but if my understanding is correct, the boot-loader is a specific partition on the device, if someone with an s-off device could copy that image to their computer or just a folder on their sd-card, it should be possible then to share that with others who could then write that image to their boot-loader partion using fastboot. or can you not use fastboot until s-off is achieved? i hate that i always forget these things once i have my device running the way i want it to.
shizenyasuya said:
is it possible to extract the s-off boot-loader from a device with s-off already? My understanding of these procedures is rudimentary at best, but if my understanding is correct, the boot-loader is a specific partition on the device, if someone with an s-off device could copy that image to their computer or just a folder on their sd-card, it should be possible then to share that with others who could then write that image to their boot-loader partion using fastboot. or can you not use fastboot until s-off is achieved? i hate that i always forget these things once i have my device running the way i want it to.
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The Stupid Noob wants to know...
What the heck is "S-off"??
shizenyasuya said:
is it possible to extract the s-off boot-loader from a device with s-off already? My understanding of these procedures is rudimentary at best, but if my understanding is correct, the boot-loader is a specific partition on the device, if someone with an s-off device could copy that image to their computer or just a folder on their sd-card, it should be possible then to share that with others who could then write that image to their boot-loader partion using fastboot. or can you not use fastboot until s-off is achieved? i hate that i always forget these things once i have my device running the way i want it to.
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In order to flash the s-off bootloader you would have to have a eng bootloader. to put that on you would need s-off dont you love loop 22
As for s-off it means you can flash what ever you want to your device and it will not check to see if HTC signed it and approved it for you
thanks for that works great!!!!!!!!! also mine is from a retail store same day it came out
is it possible to build a PG59IMG file and pack the S-Off hboot into there?? possibly use HexEdit to make sure the version numbers match so that the phone will think it's just a factory reset/update file??
DJAeroX26 said:
is it possible to build a PG59IMG file and pack the S-Off hboot into there?? possibly use HexEdit to make sure the version numbers match so that the phone will think it's just a factory reset/update file??
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I think just by making that one hexedit you instantly invalidate the sign on the the zip. Mainly because hashing the new file would give you a different result.
This mechanism actually prevents OTA updates from flashing if the file was changed due to (for example) corruption.
Not entirely sure but I think it's how it works.
That being said I was wondering what would happen if someone with an S-OFF hboot were to dump it and someone with S-ON would simply DD the right partition after achieving temp root.
On any normal computer that process would work. Wondering what secret HTC things happen under the hood though.
Akujin said:
I think just by making that one hexedit you instantly invalidate the sign on the the zip. Mainly because hashing the new file would give you a different result.
This mechanism actually prevents OTA updates from flashing if the file was changed due to (for example) corruption.
Not entirely sure but I think it's how it works.
That being said I was wondering what would happen if someone with an S-OFF hboot were to dump it and someone with S-ON would simply DD the right partition after achieving temp root.
On any normal computer that process would work. Wondering what secret HTC things happen under the hood though.
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There's only one way to find out.
Sent from a Western Union telegram.
Akujin said:
I think just by making that one hexedit you instantly invalidate the sign on the the zip. Mainly because hashing the new file would give you a different result.
This mechanism actually prevents OTA updates from flashing if the file was changed due to (for example) corruption.
Not entirely sure but I think it's how it works.
That being said I was wondering what would happen if someone with an S-OFF hboot were to dump it and someone with S-ON would simply DD the right partition after achieving temp root.
On any normal computer that process would work. Wondering what secret HTC things happen under the hood though.
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Oh ok. Thanks for clarifying that. I thought it would work because last time I did a warranty exchange, I had to return to stock but I had an ENG hboot and I was scared of bricking by using a factory image, so I took the factory image zip, unpacked it, "injected" the original hboot (which I hex edited to match the version number so that it'll take it as an update) and rezipped it and named it and yea I have a G2 but I want this phone :]
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App

Root Problem SuperOneClick

I've got a Skyrocket i727 and am stuck on the psneuter part when trying to root. I'm sorry for posting here since I'm sure the answers lie somewhere, but I've been researching since yesterday and haven't found it. I'm on a satellite internet connection that is pretttty slow.
Anyways, so I have the drivers installed, and then run SuperOneClick as Admin on windows 7. I click root and it runs until psneuter then appears to be stuck. It freezes there. When I close the black command screen that has opened it suggests I turn off debugging mode. When I try to close debugging mode it just stays at Waiting for Device...
So, what am I missing?
Thanks so much in advance.
SuperOneClick didn't work on mine because it had updated to 2.3.6 from 2.3.5...Which one do you have?
You need to use this method if your on android 2.3.6
My phone
I'm using Gingerbread.uckj2
android 2.3.5
ddxv said:
I'm using Gingerbread.uckj2
android 2.3.5
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Try this method. It worked better than any I've tried. Make sure you READ the OP. If you have any more questions let us know.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using xda premium
So, I've done some reading about CWM and am still not quite sure what it is. Does it replace my current setup? Do I lose my stuff?
Edit: for anyone else following this topic I found this info about cwm:
Is it possible to do this without having an external sd card?
Must have external SD. CWM is an aftermarket recovery that replaces your stock recovery. It allows you to flash roms, make nandroid backups restore nandroid backups ect.....
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using xda premium
ddxv said:
Is it possible to do this without having an external sd card?
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I had this issue over the weekend. Go out to samsungs site and find the kids drivers. In the superclick in the "exploit" switch to zergrush, click root. It should say do you want to install drivers, click yes and it shouldn't take more then 10 minutes.

[Q] Root in Linux?

Hi gang.
I recently ditched my Windows partition since I never use Windows anymore. I also went back to stock. It has been fine but I realized I want root for a few things.
My question is, is there a way to root 2.3.6 on Linux? Heimdall doesn't seem to be able to communicate with my device. Can't even grab a PIT. Obviously, not having Windows means no ODIN. And the one rooting method that did have a Linux script (zergrush over adb) didn't work.
I hope I'm missing something easy! If not I'm kinda hosed. I can't use ODIN to revert to 2.3.5 and I have no way of getting CWM on there.
carrett said:
Hi gang.
I recently ditched my Windows partition since I never use Windows anymore. I also went back to stock. It has been fine but I realized I want root for a few things.
My question is, is there a way to root 2.3.6 on Linux? Heimdall doesn't seem to be able to communicate with my device. Can't even grab a PIT. Obviously, not having Windows means no ODIN. And the one rooting method that did have a Linux script (zergrush over adb) didn't work.
I hope I'm missing something easy! If not I'm kinda hosed. I can't use ODIN to revert to 2.3.5 and I have no way of getting CWM on there.
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Just throwing an idea out there. I have not tried it so wait till a more experienced person confirms. I may be talking nonsense!! I don't want you to have a paperweight
Is it possible using adb to manually carry out all the steps in the updater script inside the superuser zip?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using XDA
rushi.1986 said:
Just throwing an idea out there. I have not tried it so wait till a more experienced person confirms. I may be talking nonsense!! I don't want you to have a paperweight
Is it possible using adb to manually carry out all the steps in the updater script inside the superuser zip?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using XDA
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Good thought. I tried it, and unfortunately after running zergRush I could not remount. This leads me to believe that zergRush doesn't work on 2.3.6 on our phone. Any other suggestions? I wish Heimdall+cwm would work. That's so easy! :-/
Oh well. I guess I'll bring my USB cable to another computer.

[HOW TO] Root Atrix 2 running on Android GB(2.3.6) / ICS(4.0.4).

This is a method to root Atrix 2 running on Android GB(2.3.6) / ICS(4.0.4).​
EDIT: Last updated on 26th July 2012
WHAT WORKS: Everything including the setting inside superuser which was not working in superuser 3.1
If you use this MOD, then please click on thanks button below.
I have updated this method to latest version of superuser 3.1.3 and su binary 3.1.1 for better compatibility with various Apps.
By following the below instructions you will be rooted in no time. If you have any questions feel free to ask.
Features added in superuser 3.1.3:
1.Temp unroot
2. Ota survival
3. Outdated binary Notification
1. Enable "USB debugging" in your phone settings
2. Download the attachment Named "Motofail Root (superuser 3.1.3, su binary 3.1.1).zip" to root Android GB(2.3.6)
or Attachment named "ICS_root(superuser 3.1.3 and su binary 3.1.1) .zip" to root Android ICS (4.0.4).
3. Uninstall your old Motorola drivers from PC and install these new drivers.
4. Connect your phone with original USB cable that came with your phone.
5. To root Android GB(2.3.6) click on "Click-To-Root.bat" in the attachment folder or
To root Android ICS(4.0.4) click on "Root.bat" in the attachment folder
6.Your phone will reboot 2-3 times don't remove the USB cable during this process
NOTE: If you are unable to Root even after following the above MOD then perform a Factory restore after OTA update and retry.
Can i root the ics with this?
And my phone is rooted,but can i re-root it?
atrix2 said:
Can i root the ics with this?
And my phone is rooted,but can i re-root it?
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Thanks for the new update.......
Sent from my GT-S6102 using Tapatalk 2
Please be aware that other A2 users have had issues with Superuser versions higher than 3.0.3.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda premium
jimbridgman said:
Please be aware that other A2 users have had issues with Superuser versions higher than 3.0.3.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda premium
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I haven't been having problems, but I always have been using the older motofail exploit then updating the binary from within the app.
lkrasner said:
I haven't been having problems, but I always have been using the older motofail exploit then updating the binary from within the app.
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I had the issue the other day, on stock 2.3.6, I also saw that alterdlikeness had a similar issue as well. It was updating past the 3.03 on both su and Superuser.
I had issues on my A2 with 3.1 only, and it would just FC and not work. I had to remove and basically re-root, and leave it at 3.0.1.
jimbridgman said:
I had the issue the other day, on stock 2.3.6, I also saw that alterdlikeness had a similar issue as well. It was updating past the 3.03 on both su and Superuser.
I had issues on my A2 with 3.1 only, and it would just FC and not work. I had to remove and basically re-root, and leave it at 3.0.1.
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hmm. good to know in case it ever happens to me. I guess I will know I am not alone.
I don't know about other variants but it is working on ATT ROM and I have also assisted the same method to one user in India on androidcentral who was on MEART ROM and it even worked for him.
prasannapmv said:
I don't know about other variants but it is working on ATT ROM and I have also assisted the same method to one user in India on androidcentral who was on MEART ROM and it even worked for him.
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You missed the point I was trying to make to those wanting to update thier binaries for su and superuser.... not new root exploits.
I just want everyone to know there are issues with 3.1... however today an update to 3.1.2 today has been proven to work for those having the issues that both alteredlikness and I have seen with FCs.
Sent from my MB865 using xda premium
On Stock 2.3.6 rooted. The new updates to the Superuser app allow you to update the binary and use the settings now.
Updating thread for superuser 3.1.2 now..
This method works as stated today I was trying to update my su binary but update was not getting successful so I unrooted and rooted back using this method now everything is updated and running smoothly.
About to root my girlfriends phone to eventually install Lithium.
Coming from a AT&T Galaxy S2 so things are a bit different here.
Should I use this method or Jimmy's from this thread?
After that what steps do I need to take to get CWM installed so I can backup and install a new ROM?
Thanks thanks!
seanpr123 said:
About to root my girlfriends phone to eventually install Lithium.
Coming from a AT&T Galaxy S2 so things are a bit different here.
Should I use this method or Jimmy's from this thread?
After that what steps do I need to take to get CWM installed so I can backup and install a new ROM?
Thanks thanks!
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I think they are the same, except this one has a more updated version of superuser - I think (someone correct me if I'm wrong).
I personally have always used the one in Jimmy's thread and just update the superuser app and binary (and, thanks for reminding me about that post - I never thanked him until today - and due credit to p3droid & JRW 28 of course).
As for CWM recovery, just install the A2 Bootstrap app after being rooted. Use the bootstrap app - top button, OK, bottom button to boot into recovery.
Good luck to you and your girl!
alteredlikeness said:
I think they are the same, except this one has a more updated version of superuser - I think (someone correct me if I'm wrong).
I personally have always used the one in Jimmy's thread and just update the superuser app and binary (and, thanks for reminding me about that post - I never thanked him until today - and due credit to p3droid & JRW 28 of course).
As for CWM recovery, just install the A2 Bootstrap app after being rooted. Use the bootstrap app - top button, OK, bottom button to boot into recovery.
Good luck to you and your girl!
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Boom, was one setup ahead of you and just finished all that. Currently backing up in CWM and waiting for a painfully slow download of Lithium and we should be jammin. Can't believe how easy it all was actually.
So I assume since this CWM is loaded from an app there's no way to boot into recovery should a bootloop or rom failure happen? Is that something people worry about?
Thanks for your response bud.
seanpr123 said:
Boom, was one setup ahead of you and just finished all that. Currently backing up in CWM and waiting for a painfully slow download of Lithium and we should be jammin. Can't believe how easy it all was actually.
So I assume since this CWM is loaded from an app there's no way to boot into recovery should a bootloop or rom failure happen? Is that something people worry about?
Thanks for your response bud.
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The cwm on boot feature may already be included in Lithium (edit: yes, it it included - just checked)... if not, you can set that up rather painlessly. And, yes, some of us do worry about that very much so..
Great thanks! worked perfectly for me on the ICS leak (non AT&T A2)
So I am on Atrix Xperia 4 rom and i was wondering if there is any way to re-root my phone to ICS and then flash the ics rom? I really havent seen anyone ask this yet but sorry if I am repeating anyones question.
matt_12tall said:
So I am on Atrix Xperia 4 rom and i was wondering if there is any way to re-root my phone to ICS and then flash the ics rom? I really havent seen anyone ask this yet but sorry if I am repeating anyones question.
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Are you on the ICS leak already? Are you on AT&T? If you are on the ICS leak and on AT&T there is a way to root it in the leak thread in the General section. I put the files back up today.
If not, I really am not sure, one of the guys on the other leaks might be able to help there.

[Q] Upgraded my unrooted Maxx to 4.4. Any way to root?

Pretty much all I want to do is root my Droid Maxx so I change the status bar icons to white. I held off on rooting since I figured the 4.4 update would change them, much like the Moto X's. But they're surprisingly still blue and now with the transparency it looks like an amateur half-Jelly Bean/half KitKat theme...
Is there any way I can root this phone now so I can install xposed or GravityBox or something? I apologize if this has been asked before.
ThorSkaagi said:
Pretty much all I want to do is root my Droid Maxx so I change the status bar icons to white. I held off on rooting since I figured the 4.4 update would change them, much like the Moto X's. But they're surprisingly still blue and now with the transparency it looks like an amateur half-Jelly Bean/half KitKat theme...
Is there any way I can root this phone now so I can install xposed or GravityBox or something? I apologize if this has been asked before.
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No, there's no way to root with 4.4 until an exploit is discovered. Moto X users have the ability to downgrade back to 4.2.2, root, and then update to 4.4 with SlapMyMoto. But I've been seeing those with Droids attempting the downgrade and having big I personally wouldn't attempt this until someone confirms it's relatively safe. You may be out of luck until an exploit is found.
tehcodeman said:
No, there's no way to root with 4.4 until an exploit is discovered. Moto X users have the ability to downgrade back to 4.2.2, root, and then update to 4.4 with SlapMyMoto. But I've been seeing those with Droids attempting the downgrade and having big I personally wouldn't attempt this until someone confirms it's relatively safe. You may be out of luck until an exploit is found.
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Correct, completely out of luck. My phone is unable to uninstall anything because I partially flashed 4.2.2 and there's no 4.4 FXZ yet.
tehcodeman said:
No, there's no way to root with 4.4 until an exploit is discovered. Moto X users have the ability to downgrade back to 4.2.2, root, and then update to 4.4 with SlapMyMoto. But I've been seeing those with Droids attempting the downgrade and having big I personally wouldn't attempt this until someone confirms it's relatively safe. You may be out of luck until an exploit is found.
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JCases's instructions for Rooting 4.4 with SlapMyMoto clearly state that you have to root prior to taking the 4.4 update as there is no way to downgrade.
So has anyone been able to upgrade their MAXX to Kit Kat and keep root? If so, can you post step-by-step instructions here? Even though the OP says it's good for rooted and unrooted versions, I want to make sure I can keep root.
chewybang said:
So has anyone been able to upgrade their MAXX to Kit Kat and keep root? If so, can you post step-by-step instructions here? Even though the OP says it's good for rooted and unrooted versions, I want to make sure I can keep root.
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Search next time. Make sure you thoroughly read ALL INSTRUCTIONS 5 TIMES or you will end up with a glorified paper weight like many others here. That being said. Im rooted on 4.4
BladeRunner said:
JCases's instructions for Rooting 4.4 with SlapMyMoto clearly state that you have to root prior to taking the 4.4 update as there is no way to downgrade.
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Technically, there not a current root method for 4.4 on the Droid series.
chewybang said:
So has anyone been able to upgrade their MAXX to Kit Kat and keep root? If so, can you post step-by-step instructions here? Even though the OP says it's good for rooted and unrooted versions, I want to make sure I can keep root.
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This is what I did and it worked fine
1) make sure you run the exploit for permanant write protection off I did it by installing stock recovery then ran the exploit since I was already rooted
2) I then did a full fxz of 4.2.2 after saving all my data like app backups and photos etc.
3) I then ran slap my moto which pushed the necessary files you will need once you take the update.
4) after slap my moto install the update which should be on your SD card.
5) run the rest of slap my moto adb shell commands toggle blue tooth then reboot and you are rooted.
A few things I noticed or had a problem with but it didn't matter but I will disclose so your but doesn't pucker up.
Make sure the update you down load is not zipped in another file. Meaning it is just the the one I downloaded was the zipped in a folder and the update failed. It still worked after I unzipped and put just the update on the SD card.
The rest of the way instructions are easy I ran each adb shell command a separate and waited for the phone to reboot. Guess what it doesn't reboot itself you have to manually reboot. I thought I rab the commands wrong so I did it 3 times till I said what the hell and just rebooted myself.
What I'm trying to get at is this is a very forgiving exploit. If you prepare your phone properly before hand. Once the initial slap my moto commands are run everything is in place unless you fxz. I rebooted 3 times after that do to the issue with the update not being unzipped out of the folder. I ran the adb shell 3 times and it didn't screw anything up.
One more thing I can't stress this enough I know I talked about the update being unzipped from the folder do not confuse that with unzipping the update. The update itself has to be zipped to work.
Step 1: Buy dev edition and install 4.4
Step 2: unlock bootloader
Step 3: flash twrp for 4.4
Step 4: boot into twrp. When you try to exit twrp it'll notice you're not rooted and ask you if you'd like root. Swipe accept for win.
Step 5: profit
Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk
bigv5150 said:
This is what I did and it worked fine
1) make sure you run the exploit for permanant write protection off I did it by installing stock recovery then ran the exploit since I was already rooted
2) I then did a full fxz of 4.2.2 after saving all my data like app backups and photos etc.
3) I then ran slap my moto which pushed the necessary files you will need once you take the update.
4) after slap my moto install the update which should be on your SD card.
5) run the rest of slap my moto adb shell commands toggle blue tooth then reboot and you are rooted.
A few things I noticed or had a problem with but it didn't matter but I will disclose so your but doesn't pucker up.
Make sure the update you down load is not zipped in another file. Meaning it is just the the one I downloaded was the zipped in a folder and the update failed. It still worked after I unzipped and put just the update on the SD card.
The rest of the way instructions are easy I ran each adb shell command a separate and waited for the phone to reboot. Guess what it doesn't reboot itself you have to manually reboot. I thought I rab the commands wrong so I did it 3 times till I said what the hell and just rebooted myself.
What I'm trying to get at is this is a very forgiving exploit. If you prepare your phone properly before hand. Once the initial slap my moto commands are run everything is in place unless you fxz. I rebooted 3 times after that do to the issue with the update not being unzipped out of the folder. I ran the adb shell 3 times and it didn't screw anything up.
One more thing I can't stress this enough I know I talked about the update being unzipped from the folder do not confuse that with unzipping the update. The update itself has to be zipped to work.
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Thanks so much for the detailed explanation. On my way to try it out. Wish me luck!
---------- Post added at 06:02 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:00 AM ----------
Topsnake said:
Search next time. Make sure you thoroughly read ALL INSTRUCTIONS 5 TIMES or you will end up with a glorified paper weight like many others here. That being said. Im rooted on 4.4
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Thank you sir, I always search. I just didn't search in the right place. I started in the General Thread and completely forgot about going to the Development thread after getting caught up with the posts in there.
arcanexvi said:
Step 1: Buy dev edition and install 4.4
Step 2: unlock bootloader
Step 3: flash twrp for 4.4
Step 4: boot into twrp. When you try to exit twrp it'll notice you're not rooted and ask you if you'd like root. Swipe accept for win.
Step 5: profit
Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk
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you used TWRP version twrp- Just making sure, I found that over on the moto x forums.
Yeah that'll work fine.
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Is there any way to do it on non Dev edition?
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jmills822 said:
Is there any way to do it on non Dev edition?
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If you are still on 4.4 (19.x.x), then follow the steps outlined by arcanexvi.
You will have to unlock bootloader by paying $25 for Sunshine app.
s_u_n said:
If you are still on 4.4 (19.x.x), then follow the steps outlined by arcanexvi.
You will have to unlock bootloader by paying $25 for Sunshine app.
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Does bl need to be unlocked to root?
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jmills822 said:
Does bl need to be unlocked to root?
Sent from my XT1080 using XDA Free mobile app
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No. But that is your only chance for unlocking boot loader.
So, go ahead and get that.

