I can toggle 4g from settings is that normal? - Verizon Samsung Galaxy S III

I was going through my CRW backups that I didn't rename and lost track of (70's greatest hits) And I stumbled upon one that was different than the rest. Under settings/more settings/mobile networks there was a network mode. In which you could toggle between 4g/3g and 3g only. See the attached pics, one is the networks mode backup and the other is the one I have on all my other backups. Any ideas?

Jugger naut said:
I was going through my CRW backups that I didn't rename and lost track of (70's greatest hits) And I stumbled upon one that was different than the rest. Under settings/more settings/mobile networks there was a network mode. In which you could toggle between 4g/3g and 3g only. See the attached pics, one is the networks mode backup and the other is the one I have on all my other backups. Any ideas?
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whats it say under settings/ about device

Thanks for the reply droidstyle I think you may be on to something.
After doing some probing I think it has something to do with the google wallet patch I installed and the edits I made in build prop. Google wallet was uninstalled at some point and I still have the lte/cdma option but as soon as I change the build prop back to sch-i535 & ds2vzw it goes back to the stock non adjustable options.
I tried reproducing it by reinstalling google wallet and rechanging my build prop but no dice. Very odd. I like being able to use a toggle insted of having to go through the phone info app. It would make a nice addition to a tw rom if it could be isolated.

The pic with the system select looks like the Sprint version
Wad.the build prop edited to be the sprints
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda premium

musclehead84 said:
The pic with the system select looks like the Sprint version
Wad.the build prop edited to be the sprints
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda premium
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It was ediited form
SCH-I535, d2vzw, d2vzw
ro.product.model=Galaxy Nexus
I have been trying all sorts of combinations but cant seem to get it to do it again. Its just odd that i deleted the Google wallet and it didn't get rid of the network mode but if I change any of the above build props it does? And if i change them back to the neus ones it does not put the network mode option back

Jugger naut said:
It was ediited form
SCH-I535, d2vzw, d2vzw
ro.product.model=Galaxy Nexus
I have been trying all sorts of combinations but cant seem to get it to do it again. Its just odd that i deleted the Google wallet and it didn't get rid of the network mode but if I change any of the above build props it does? And if i change them back to the neus ones it does not put the network mode option back
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Who knows


What is my preferred network type?

So I've been trying to tweak my signal, go into dialer *#*#4636#*#*. Go all the way down, under preferred network type says unknown. Click on box and options are, wcdma preferred, GSM only, wcdma only, GSM auto prl, wcdma auto prl, GSM/wcdma auto prl , evdo only and i think 2 more. One of wich is unknown. Phone is rooted, stock rom. Any ideas? Live in Colorado
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA App
yea i was wondering the same thing. my evo is/was always on CDMA auto PRL, my ns4g is either on WCDMA or unknown. i cant help but think this has a lot to do with reception issues
Edit: Also switched cdma roaming to home only not automatic, not sure if auto made it keep switching to unknown type. Waited a cuple minutes after turning 4G off and speed went back up, might have needed a minute to fully switch back to 3G. Been messing with preferred type, but to make it stay have to push home cause back button keeps resetting to unknown type. Check speedtest.net app, shows better speed, but when i use the 4G and then turn off speeds are worse again. But then again you'd think cause i get a low 4G that my 3G would be faster, not so.
hellcatt said:
yea i was wondering the same thing. my evo is/was always on CDMA auto PRL, my ns4g is either on WCDMA or unknown. i cant help but think this has a lot to do with reception issues
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hellcatt said:
yea i was wondering the same thing. my evo is/was always on CDMA auto PRL, my ns4g is either on WCDMA or unknown. i cant help but think this has a lot to do with reception issues
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The same here, the evo always is cdma auto but nexus keeps jumping to unknown
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
pierre1321 said:
Edit: Also switched cdma roaming to home only not automatic, not sure if auto made it keep switching to unknown type. Waited a cuple minutes after turning 4G off and speed went back up, might have needed a minute to fully switch back to 3G. Been messing with preferred type, but to make it stay have to push home cause back button keeps resetting to unknown type. Check speedtest.net app, shows better speed, but when i use the 4G and then turn off speeds are worse again. But then again you'd think cause i get a low 4G that my 3G would be faster, not so.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA App
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yea ive done all that and it always goes back to wcdma or unknown
Yeah, phone finally went back to unknown. There's that PRL update in this section, steps are for windows 7 , didn't work on my W/XP. Laptops in the shop so my options are limited.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA App
Yes, Evdo, interesting read. Will have to reread some stuff on ro.build
Came from an Evo 4g, so the methods for a better signal are different. Thanks for the info
bencozzy said:
ok new build.prop hack confirmed working on i9020t
how to set preferred network type (looking for this portion easy to find like right in the middle sticks out)
# Do not try to parse ro.build.description or .fingerprint
ro.build.description=soju-user 2.3.4 GRJ22 121341 release-keys
# end build properties
add the italic underlined code, without being in italic and underlined. and replace the x's with whatever you want to use:
EvDo only
CDMA only
CDMA auto (PRL)
GSM auto (PRL)
WCDMA only
GSM only
WCDMA preferred
here for copy and paste (just put your network in there!!!)
# Do not try to parse ro.build.description or .fingerprint
ro.build.description=soju-user 2.3.4 GRJ22 121341 release-keys
# end build properties
have fun and post some results. If something breaks blame the person that invented the internet cause it's not my fault and i cant be held responsible for you beleiving everything you read!!!
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1116884 some decent info in here the radios are for gsm only not the 4g though but you might find some useful stuff to play with. sprint is evdo right??
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Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA App
Ns4g, atlest mine doesn't allow me to enter the wimaxx menue. I do *#*#DATA#*#*, enter msl and lets me modify other stuff. Just not wimaxx, i click on it and it shows the msl box. Like i never entered it in the first place. I enter it again and it sends me back to the menue.is there another code or something?
bencozzy said:
ok read up on wimax sounds more like its very closely related to wifi maybe a wifi hack is needed??? dont have 4g other wise id probably find a work around for it??
look into build.prop fixes or hacks for other wimax devices might find something usable for the ns4g.
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Cool, ill ask in Q&A first. See if i can get some info on not being able to access wimaxx menue.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA App
Performed this edit in build.prop. Thanks for this. Changed my Nexus S 4G to CDMA auto (PRL)...
tailsthecat3 said:
Performed this edit in build.prop. Thanks for this. Changed my Nexus S 4G to CDMA auto (PRL)...
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Did you do it through adb or through a root explorer?
My type still switches to unknown, even though it show in build.prop
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA App
Well then it probably doesnt work to make the network type stick. I altered the file through root explorer. Reallllly wanna make my network type stick to cdma auto
Gothis from Build.prop thread-use *#*#4636#*#* to access network type, wait for signal to turn green, select network type then quickly go down to refresh and then update. These are next to the smsc box. So far it seems to be sticking, not sure about after reboot.
tailsthecat3 said:
Well then it probably doesnt work to make the network type stick. I altered the file through root explorer. Reallllly wanna make my network type stick to cdma auto
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tailsthecat3 said:
Performed this edit in build.prop. Thanks for this. Changed my Nexus S 4G to CDMA auto (PRL)...
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notice any difference?
pierre1321 said:
Gothis from Build.prop thread-use *#*#4636#*#* to access network type, wait for signal to turn green, select network type then quickly go down to refresh and then update. These are next to the smsc box. So far it seems to be sticking, not sure about after reboot.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA App
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This didnt seem to work for me.
hellcatt said:
notice any difference?
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These were my steps
1. Go t system and make a few copies of build.prop.
2.went into copies of build.prop, ( main build .prop runs in background so it would let me alter).then added witch ever type i wanted , (like me i did ro.product.rat=WCDMA preferred) .
3. Made sure i saved my new copy.
4. Then i copied and pasted my new building.prop over to system. (Says there is already one there, i overwrite original.
5. Get out of whichever explorer used. And restart phone.
6. Then went to *#*#4636#*#* to get to preferred network type, then i select the option i chose to put in build.prop. ( that way they are the same.
6. After selecting type quickly got to refresh and update ( near the smsc box near the bottom.
You should notice the update tab stay dark.
Before i messed with build.prop and added what i wanted it would still change back. Now it atleast stays till next reboot.
Don't know if that helps.....
tailsthecat3 said:
This didnt seem to work for me.
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Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA App
pierre1321 said:
These were my steps
1. Go t system and make a few copies of build.prop.
2.went into copies of build.prop, ( main build .prop runs in background so it would let me alter).then added witch ever type i wanted , (like me i did ro.product.rat=WCDMA preferred) .
3. Made sure i saved my new copy.
4. Then i copied and pasted my new building.prop over to system. (Says there is already one there, i overwrite original.
5. Get out of whichever explorer used. And restart phone.
6. Then went to *#*#4636#*#* to get to preferred network type, then i select the option i chose to put in build.prop. ( that way they are the same.
6. After selecting type quickly got to refresh and update ( near the smsc box near the bottom.
You should notice the update tab stay dark.
Before i messed with build.prop and added what i wanted it would still change back. Now it atleast stays till next reboot.
Don't know if that helps.....
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA App
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Didnt work. Switches back to WCDMA upon leaving the menu. Then shifts to unknown.
This phones radios need some serious updating...as well as some other problems.
Is yer rom odexed or deodexed, is it stock rom or different. I read somewhere that a deodexed rom allows a little more play as far as changing things, not sure though. It stays as long as you don't reboot after refresh and update, before it would reset regardless of reboot or not. Did you check build.prop in system folder to make sure it kept the add in? Mine wouldn't stay untill i copy and pasted over the original in system file, cause build.prop runs in the background. But there are so many things that work and won't work depending on yer rom and how it runs.
tailsthecat3 said:
Didnt work. Switches back to WCDMA upon leaving the menu. Then shifts to unknown.
This phones radios need some serious updating...as well as some other problems.
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pierre1321 said:
Is yer rom odexed or deodexed, is it stock rom or different. I read somewhere that a deodexed rom allows a little more play as far as changing things, not sure though. It stays as long as you don't reboot after refresh and update, before it would reset regardless of reboot or not. Did you check build.prop in system folder to make sure it kept the add in? Mine wouldn't stay untill i copy and pasted over the original in system file, cause build.prop runs in the background. But there are so many things that work and won't work depending on yer rom and how it runs.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA App
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stock rom. performed multiple variations of the steps that are assumed to work. nothing works as it always switches back to wcdma then unknown.
I have found that I make the wcdma change with *#*#4636#*#* the change shows. If i make shortcut in home screen for phone info the line still shoes gsm/cdma. I still have to change it there.

Disable or toggle 4G?

Some areas with spotty 4G are problematic for me, and I'd like to just force 3G. I've searched but can't find a reliable method that works (apparently an old version of a phone info app worked, but not the current version). I'm running the latest CleanRom btw.
Settings <More... <Mobile Networks <Network Mode <Uncheck LTE/CDMA/EvDo and check off CDMA/EvDo auto
cas239 said:
Settings <More... <Mobile Networks <Network Mode <Uncheck LTE/CDMA/EvDo and check off CDMA/EvDo auto
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That option is not there for me. I have global, lte/cdma, gsm/umts.
I haven't been on clean ROM or a touch wiz ROM in a while, but as I remember they have the option for toggles in the drop down status bar. Toggling 4g/lte will also disable 4g and only search for a 3g signal
Quick panel settings in Cleanrom doesn't seem to have an option to add a 4g toggle. I have power toggles, which has that option, but the toggle doesn't actually seem to work...
netter123 said:
Some areas with spotty 4G are problematic for me, and I'd like to just force 3G. I've searched but can't find a reliable method that works (apparently an old version of a phone info app worked, but not the current version). I'm running the latest CleanRom btw.
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I use an app called Phone Info by [email protected] Unfortunately it's no longer available on the Play Store but luckily someone posted the APK for it here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=36090884&postcount=14
I can confirm it works with stock rom and I'm currently on CM10.1 and it works with that as well. Once in the app go to Phone information then scroll down to Set Preferred Network Type and change it to CDMA auto. If you want 4G again just switch it back to LTE/CDMA auto.
Hope this works for you.
azndy said:
I use an app called Phone Info by [email protected] Unfortunately it's no longer available on the Play Store but luckily someone posted the APK for it here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=36090884&postcount=14
I can confirm it works with stock rom and I'm currently on CM10.1 and it works with that as well. Once in the app go to Phone information then scroll down to Set Preferred Network Type and change it to CDMA auto. If you want 4G again just switch it back to LTE/CDMA auto.
Hope this works for you.
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Did u even read what u quoted?
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
Well the new version of phone info is made by a different developer. The original version my [email protected] that is since removed from the app store works. If the apk that was posted doesn't work I can rip the apk off my phone when I get home tonight.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda premium
azndy said:
I use an app called Phone Info by [email protected] Unfortunately it's no longer available on the Play Store but luckily someone posted the APK for it here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=36090884&postcount=14
I can confirm it works with stock rom and I'm currently on CM10.1 and it works with that as well. Once in the app go to Phone information then scroll down to Set Preferred Network Type and change it to CDMA auto. If you want 4G again just switch it back to LTE/CDMA auto.
Hope this works for you.
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Thanks for the link to the old version of the app - looks like this is what I needed.
Okay, so after using the phone info app to turn off 4g, I haven't been able to get back 4g. I've tried turning it back on through the regular phone settings (rather than using the app, which is known not to work). Even in lte mode, 4g never returns. I also wiped cache and re flashed rpm/modem, but still stuck on 3g. Any ideas short of reverting to stock?
I'm having the same issue. I was able to use Phone info when running stock, but that's clearly not an option any more. Has anyone had success with any other apps? I used the RPM and modem suggested with CleanRom 6, not sure if that has anything to do with it. Flashed the RPM, then modem, then ROM.
Has any one tried to enable the hidden menu that has radio options?
This was in the gn2 forum but seems to work on the gs3.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
Toggle options, including what cas239 said, are for AOSP roms like Clockwork Mod, Pacman, and AOSPA. Touchwiz roms do not have this option directly, only with Phone Info App. Although it seems only the older version has this option.

Easy way to recover/restore APN settings?

I'm on eagles blood 4.0.4. One of the issues with ICS running on this device is that my APN settings are getting deleted about twice a week. So i have to go into my settings and manually add my settings into a new APN and save it in order to get my data back and working. I've tried to use the option of "restore default APN" but it doesn't work, I just get a pop message saying "restoring default APN settings" and it never goes away and nothing gets restored. Besides manually putting in the information into my APN settings, is there an easier way to get them back when the restore option is not working?
Pain-N-Panic said:
I'm on eagles blood 4.0.4. One of the issues with ICS running on this device is that my APN settings are getting deleted about twice a week. So i have to go into my settings and manually add my settings into a new APN and save it in order to get my data back and working. I've tried to use the option of "restore default APN" but it doesn't work, I just get a pop message saying "restoring default APN settings" and it never goes away and nothing gets restored. Besides manually putting in the information into my APN settings, is there an easier way to get them back when the restore option is not working?
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There is an app for that .
Also those that rename apn to save on data traffic can rewrite/restore properly.
-- The noob says:
This just in... my IQ has increased 50 points thanks to the g2x!
Something like this??
Sent from my LG-P999 using xda app-developers app
Lol yeah I saw that Mansa, there are a few apps that can save and supposedly restore APN settings. I'll give those a shot for sure.
Freak, I actually saw that thread a few days ago and wasn't sure if that would be the solution to my problem. I figured that "data drops" were just a loss in signal/connection strength over the data network, not a complete deletion of the T-Mobile US APN settings. However, after reading through the thread again it makes sense how the simple mobile APN's might be interfering with my T-Mobile US settings. I'll flash that asap and see if it helps the issue, along with saving my current settings with an APN-saving/restoring application.
As always, appreciate the responses!

Tethering broken (Sprint)

Hey guys,
I'm trying to get my n5 to tether and it just gives me an error as soon as I start the WiFi hotspot (stock). Any idea what could be causing this or now I could fix it?
Using 4.4.2, by the way...
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
Good to see you over here. Are you rooted yet? Cuz i think Sprint is blocking tethering unless you pay for it
sent from my HAMMERHEAD neXus
phishfi said:
Hey guys,
I'm trying to get my n5 to tether and it just gives me an error as soon as I start the WiFi hotspot (stock). Any idea what could be causing this or now I could fix it?
Using 4.4.2, by the way...
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
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Silly question, but if you're not rooted are you paying for the hotspot ability from Sprint?
Their really cracking down
sent from my HAMMERHEAD neXus
My tethering works although I had to hack it
Sent from my Nexus 5 using xda app-developers app
toreyjh said:
Silly question, but if you're not rooted are you paying for the hotspot ability from Sprint?
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I am rooted, so if there's some trick to try please do share. I believe I'm paying for the hotspot feature, although going through the change plan process doesn't seem to show that option anywhere (I just tried to find it to see whether or not it was already enabled but I can't find it anywhere on the Sprint site...).
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
phishfi said:
I am rooted, so if there's some trick to try please do share. I believe I'm paying for the hotspot feature, although going through the change plan process doesn't seem to show that option anywhere (I just tried to find it to see whether or not it was already enabled but I can't find it anywhere on the Sprint site...).
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
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I had tethering working on Sprint via this mod:
add a new entry to the "global" table called "tether_dun_required" with a value of 0 in the /data/data/com.android.providers.settings/databases/settings.db file. ​
Just updated to 4.4.2; re-rooted (via WugFresh toolkit) tried tethering and its not working anymore. Not sure if its related to the 4.4.2 or not.
Anyone have a fix?
phishfi said:
Hey guys,
I'm trying to get my n5 to tether and it just gives me an error as soon as I start the WiFi hotspot (stock). Any idea what could be causing this or now I could fix it?
Using 4.4.2, by the way...
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
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ralphkaz said:
I had tethering working on Sprint via this mod:
add a new entry to the "global" table called "tether_dun_required" with a value of 0 in the /data/data/com.android.providers.settings/databases/settings.db file. ​
Just updated to 4.4.2; re-rooted (via WugFresh toolkit) tried tethering and its not working anymore. Not sure if its related to the 4.4.2 or not.
Anyone have a fix?
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Had a similar situation. See my post here. Maybe it will help.
AGiLiT said:
Had a similar situation. See my post here. Maybe it will help.
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Thanks, appreciate the help. My issue is different however - the phone seems to start the tethering and I can connect to it through my tablet - but no data seems to flow... can't even run a speedtest on the tablet or load any webpage...
On the T-Mo side, I was afraid that we would lose the tethering with the latest 4.2.2 OTA - and initially, it looked that way. Speedtest would work on download side but "communications issues" on the upload side & unable to finish and show results .... Arrrrrgghhhh.
With two Nexus 5 on hand, it was easy to compare pre- and post- edits, hotspot & speed data, etc. along with comparing the entries in the above mentioned settings.db fields. First, save a coopy of the *.db just in case it is needed - then, added the tether_dun_required and value to 0 as a new entry/line, saved & exit. Reboot device for good measures, and sure enough, it connected by got re-directed to T-Mo's home page ... APN was set to IPv6
Change it to IPv4 and exit, restarted WiFi hotspot and it is good - fast speed and websites loading quickly, etc.
This may, or may not, help out those on Sprint's network - but, worth looking into ...
Letitride said:
Change it to IPv4 and exit, restarted WiFi hotspot and it is good - fast speed and websites loading quickly, etc.
This may, or may not, help out those on Sprint's network - but, worth looking into ...
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While on Sprint I don't see a way to even get into the IPv4 vs. 6 settings - no APN settings available in the mobile network settings menu...
ralphkaz said:
While on Sprint I don't see a way to even get into the IPv4 vs. 6 settings - no APN settings available in the mobile network settings menu...
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Use PDA-Net and Foxfi to tether to your computer or sprint.
Letitride said:
On the T-Mo side, I was afraid that we would lose the tethering with the latest 4.2.2 OTA - and initially, it looked that way. Speedtest would work on download side but "communications issues" on the upload side & unable to finish and show results .... Arrrrrgghhhh.
With two Nexus 5 on hand, it was easy to compare pre- and post- edits, hotspot & speed data, etc. along with comparing the entries in the above mentioned settings.db fields. First, save a coopy of the *.db just in case it is needed - then, added the tether_dun_required and value to 0 as a new entry/line, saved & exit. Reboot device for good measures, and sure enough, it connected by got re-directed to T-Mo's home page ... APN was set to IPv6
Change it to IPv4 and exit, restarted WiFi hotspot and it is good - fast speed and websites loading quickly, etc.
This may, or may not, help out those on Sprint's network - but, worth looking into ...
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Thanks. The APN settings options are not there on a Sprint phone; drove me crazy trying to duplicate the the posts of the T-Mobile trailblazers until I saw a screenshot and figured that out. :laugh:
adio01 said:
Use PDA-Net and Foxfi to tether to your computer or sprint.
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yep, i'm aware of those but would prefer to use the built in android tethering. anyone else able to get hotspot working on Sprint on 4.4.2 ?
ralphkaz said:
yep, i'm aware of those but would prefer to use the built in android tethering. anyone else able to get hotspot working on Sprint on 4.4.2 ?
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Yes; see my post here .
4.4.2 here, Sprint tethering still works for me after update.... Just tested it
Stock rooted, no custom ROM, no custom kernel just plain old stock with root and the settings.db edit
orthonovum said:
4.4.2 here, Sprint tethering still works for me after update.... Just tested it
Stock rooted, no custom ROM, no custom kernel just plain old stock with root and the settings.db edit
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Hmm, wonder what happened with my config then. I'm in the same boat - stock rooted only. maybe i will try removing the new line in settings.db are re-adding... Right now I can launch hotspot and connect to it from tablet/laptop but no data flows thru the pipe....
I lost my tether after the 4.4.2 update as well. I have a Sprint Nexus 5. My laptop and tablet were able to connect to the hotspot, but no data was coming across.
I looked at the settings.db file and could still see the "tether_dun_required" entry was definitely there. So I decided to replace the settings.db file with a copy I had from before the 4.4.2 update. Rebooted the phone, and magically, tether started working again.
I was curious though to see if I put the post-4.4.2 update settings.db file back, then would I lose my tether? So, once again, I replaced the settings.db file with the post-4.4.2 version, rebooted the phone, and magically, tether still was working! WTF!
The only thing interesting that I noticed during all of this is that every time I replaced the settings.db file on the phone, the corresponding settings.db-journal file would disappear. I don't know much about SQLite, but I wonder if the journal file had some transaction state with the "tether_dun_required" hack removed or not committed.
Anyway, hope this helps.

Sprint lte cyanogenmod fix found

New info, Here is how to get LTE to work for sprint users. (Now includes Virgin Mobile as well!)
THE FIX FOR VIRGIN MOBILE LTE IS AS FOLLOWS: INSTEAD OF CHANGING THE APN TO n.sprpre.ispsn, change it to n.ij.ispsn, and set bearer to LTE.
New information: if you want to undo the edit, just reset apns to default. Or you want to go to 3g.
1. Install desired rom, and gapps
2. If cm 12.1, just change the 1st sprint apn to "n.sprpre.ispsn, and set bearer to "LTE".
3. If other non working LTE cyanogenmod based rom, and it is lollipop based, (I haven't tested cm13), replace apns-conf in sytem, etc, from stock lollipop, set permissions to "0644", reboot to twrp, wipe data, cache, dalvik.
4. download "change apns" by annando from google play after rebooting and setting up.
5. Do step 2.
As far as i tested, this works on paranoid android as well, (if you replace the apns conf and set proper permissions), then change apn with the above mentioned app, after doing a data, cache, and dalvik cache in twrp.
Sorry for the edit, i just had to rewrite my steps, after discovering you only have to change 1 apn for this to work.
Oh yeah!!! That's awesome I will give this a try if you recommend it! So you have text, data and your calls all working? We have been so close on this, congrats man
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Sands207 said:
Oh yeah!!! That's awesome I will give this a try if you recommend it! So you have text, data and your calls all working? We have been so close on this, congrats man
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Thanks! Yep, I would definately recommend it! And yes, calls and text work without any issues. And I did test out speeds, to be sure it was really LTE, and im happy to say it really is! I still can't quite believe its working!
hydroman202 said:
Thanks! Yep, I would definately recommend it! And yes, calls and text work without any issues. And I did test out speeds, to be sure it was really LTE, and im happy to say it really is! I still can't quite believe its working!
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This is a major advancement what ROM are you currently using? I have had permission issues trying to edit some of the apn settings across different ROM's they either are not viewable or up until now I didn't know what custom values to enter in
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Sands207 said:
This is a major advancement what ROM are you currently using? I have had permission issues trying to edit some of the apn settings across different ROM's they either are not viewable or up until now I didn't know what custom values to enter in
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I am using cm 12.1. The December 30th build. And how I edited the apns was APN changer. As far as the values, all I did was change the 4th APN name to n.sprpre, and changed the bearer to LTE. and changed the 1st, 2nd, and 3 apns to LTE only as well. Have you tried it yet?
I'm on stock 5.1 right now, I have really decided yet but 12.1 will be my first stop and from there I'll use Apn backup and restore if I switch ROM's and see if it will work being on VM this should work correctly via piggyback on the spark network. I have alot of options for data on my stock ROM so I will see if it matches first. I'm going to back up and try tonight, I'll definitely report back and let you know.
Sent from my XT1526 using Tapatalk
While I haven't gone through your whole process, I tried looking for "APN Changer" in the play store. The closest thing I found was "Change APN" by Appando. With that, I still get the error message about APNs unavailable to the user when I try to save new APNs (I can't view current ones). Is there some other App that I'm missing, or is it that I haven't done the apns-conf swap yet? Could you please provide a link to the app you used?
Awesome work getting this thing up and running on LTE!
dandrumheller said:
While I haven't gone through your whole process, I tried looking for "APN Changer" in the play store. The closest thing I found was "Change APN" by Appando. With that, I still get the error message about APNs unavailable to the user when I try to save new APNs (I can't view current ones). Is there some other App that I'm missing, or is it that I haven't done the apns-conf swap yet? Could you please provide a link to the app you used?
Awesome work getting this thing up and running on LTE!
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I do apologize, it is called "Change APN", by appando. Sorry about that. I will update my original post so as not to confuse anybody else. And you only need to do the apns-conf switch if your not on cyanognemod 12.1. The only other rom ive tested this on is paranoid android, and i had to replace the apn in that one, set its permissions to 0644, and wipe data, cache, and dalvik in twrp. Then, after it booted, i did the apn name change.
hydroman202 said:
I do apologize, it is called "Change APN", by appando. Sorry about that. I will update my original post so as not to confuse anybody else. And you only need to do the apns-conf switch if your not on cyanognemod 12.1. The only other rom ive tested this on is paranoid android, and i had to replace the apn in that one, set its permissions to 0644, and wipe data, cache, and dalvik in twrp. Then, after it booted, i did the apn name change.
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OK thanks, at least I got the right app. I'm on CM13 (12/25 build that squid posted to fix the black screen) and this is what Change APN gives me.
Are you seeing something different?
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dandrumheller said:
OK thanks, at least I got the right app. I'm on CM13 (12/25 build that squid posted to fix the black screen) and this is what Change APN gives me.
Are you seeing something different?
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I am sorry to say, i saw the same thing in cm13. I have not been able to change the apns. Im not sure why they don't show up. The only roms i have tested this out on are cm 12.1, and paranoid android, both of which are 5.1xx based. I really wish i could be more help, but until someone finds a way to make the apns show up, i am in the same boat you are. I do apologize for wasting your time with this.
hydroman202 said:
I am sorry to say, i saw the same thing in cm13. I have not been able to change the apns. Im not sure why they don't show up. The only roms i have tested this out on are cm 12.1, and paranoid android, both of which are 5.1xx based. I really wish i could be more help, but until someone finds a way to make the apns show up, i am in the same boat you are. I do apologize for wasting your time with this.
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No waste of time at all. Just means I have a choice to make between ROMs. You're sharing valuable info, no need to apologize!
Edit: Tried flashing official CM12.1 to see what I could see - I get one APN, MetroPCS internet, showing, in Change APN. Any attempt to add more or edit reverts me to the APNs not editable for this user screen. Not sure what the cause of this is - may be related to the fact that I've never activated on Sprint? I dunno. Seems strange that my device isn't acting like others. Tough to try to troubleshoot as well, as I am literally in a zero service area at home for Sprint.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G920A using Tapatalk
@hydroman202 I tried last night and it didn't work for me. Looking back over stock some of my Apn info is slightly different so once I can get that info together I'll give it another shot but once the info matches up I'm almost sure I'll be good to go as well.
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Sands207 said:
@hydroman202 I tried last night and it didn't work for me. Looking back over stock some of my Apn info is slightly different so once I can get that info together I'll give it another shot but once the info matches up I'm almost sure I'll be good to go as well.
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Yeah, I don't own a virgin mobile variant unfortunately, so i had no way of knowing whether or not it would work for it. I only know this works on the sprint variant, sorry about that. Thanks for testing though!
For Virgin Mobile LTE replace the apns-conf.XML in Cyanogenmod with this https://drive.google.com/folder/d/0Bz99NuhE3XwmLW15TGtHbFNDWGc/edit And set permissions to 0644 and reboot. Then open APN changer from the play store, you might see metroPCS or another APN listed but just ignore it and select restore default APN's and reboot again for good measure. Finally open APN changer and select the first Sprint APN like @hydroman202 mentioned in the OP and enter n.ij.ispsn in the APN setting below where it says Sprint and then set the bearer to LTE and IMPORTANT make sure to save and reboot. On reboot LTE should be working for you!! I changed my APN name from Sprint to Virgin Mobile LTE after I finished and that worked OK. This is what the APN looks like if you get stuck or need to enter it manually
your carrier label in settings may still say Boost even after LTE is working, I haven't figured out how to change that in build.prop yet but you can use Xposed GravityBox to change the carrier displayed on your status bar & lockscreen to Virgin Mobile LTE. [emoji2] [emoji2] [emoji2]
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Sands207 said:
For Virgin Mobile LTE replace the apns-conf.XML in Cyanogenmod with this https://drive.google.com/folder/d/0Bz99NuhE3XwmLW15TGtHbFNDWGc/edit And set permissions to 0644 and reboot. Then open APN changer from the play store, you might see metroPCS or another APN listed but just ignore it and select restore default APN's and reboot again for good measure. Finally open APN changer and select the first Sprint APN like @hydroman202 mentioned in the OP and enter n.in.ispsn in the APN setting below where it says Sprint and then set the bearer to LTE and IMPORTANT make sure to save and reboot. On reboot LTE should be working for you!! I changed my APN name from Sprint to Virgin Mobile LTE after I finished and that worked OK. This is what the APN looks like if you get stuck or need to enter it manually
your carrier label in settings may still say Boost even after LTE is working, I haven't figured out how to change that in build.prop yet but you can use Xposed GravityBox to change the carrier displayed on your status bar & lockscreen to Virgin Mobile LTE. [emoji2] [emoji2] [emoji2]
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Your post says to change the apn to n.in.ispsn. correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't you mean n.ij.ispsn? I'm not the grammer police, but I thought you should know! Lol! (Good Lol)!
dandrumheller said:
No waste of time at all. Just means I have a choice to make between ROMs. You're sharing valuable info, no need to apologize!
Edit: Tried flashing official CM12.1 to see what I could see - I get one APN, MetroPCS internet, showing, in Change APN. Any attempt to add more or edit reverts me to the APNs not editable for this user screen. Not sure what the cause of this is - may be related to the fact that I've never activated on Sprint? I dunno. Seems strange that my device isn't acting like others. Tough to try to troubleshoot as well, as I am literally in a zero service area at home for Sprint.
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Did you switch the network mode to global or lte first? If that doesn't work, try to toggle between 3g and LTE first, and see if they show. If even that won't make it show, try to click reset the apns after switching it to global. Because if you don't, it will default to 3g, and the proper apns will not show. Also, make sure that it is set to ruin,sim under network settings. Just thought you should know
Also, I found it will automatically erase the APN if you try to change the values "310" and "120". I'm not sure why, its just strange like that.
I saw something in https://android.googlesource.com/device/samsung/toroplus/+/jb-dev/test-apns-conf_sprint.xml
maybe you can try adding the apn="n.sprpre.ispsn" or apn="n.ij.ispsn" in the correct section of your modified apns-conf.xml file so this will help you not needing to use the APN changer application.
Like this https://github.com/Motorola-Cyanoge...prebuilt/system/etc/cdma/virgin/apns-conf.xml but with the correct values.
scritch007 said:
I saw something in https://android.googlesource.com/device/samsung/toroplus/+/jb-dev/test-apns-conf_sprint.xml
maybe you can try adding the apn="n.sprpre.ispsn" or apn="n.ij.ispsn" in the correct section of your modified apns-conf.xml file so this will help you not needing to use the APN changer application.
Like this https://github.com/Motorola-Cyanoge...prebuilt/system/etc/cdma/virgin/apns-conf.xml but with the correct values.
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Thanks, I did a fresh install of CM 12.1 and used this template to make it work with the new values added, I just replaced the existing apns-conf with the new one and it worked straight away. The only this I haven't been able to figure out is outgoing MMS, I can receive pics but can't send them...normal sms and calls ingoing and outgoing work fine now @scritch007 @hydroman202
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I'm still using the same fix I have had since cm12 for boost and have zero issues with MMS ... (Except on cm13) works perfectly with CAF .9 though. So Boost users use the methods that I've previously posted and you'll be fine. We need to find a way to package the fixes for all 3 MNVOs and that way they can be pinned in the ops of the respective roms.
Sent from my aosp_surnia using Tapatalk
starkly_raving said:
I'm still using the same fix I have had since cm12 for boost and have zero issues with MMS ... (Except on cm13) works perfectly with CAF .9 though. So Boost users use the methods that I've previously posted and you'll be fine. We need to find a way to package the fixes for all 3 MNVOs and that way they can be pinned in the ops of the respective roms.
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This is the updated apns-conf for working VM LTE that I built from the template @scritch007 showed me https://drive.google.com/folder/d/0Bz99NuhE3XwmLW15TGtHbFNDWGc/edit everything works except sending pictures. I'll look into that I'm guessing it is also an APN hangup too. I have the info for the MMS APN but I'm not exactly sure all of it is right,I'll keep trying until I get it but that's what I can contribute for now
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