AOSP Android phone dialer - General Questions and Answers

For the life of me I never understood why speed dial and t9 were never incorporated into the stock Android phone dialer. Speed dial is a feature I have been using since back in my flip phone days. And even though stock Android is my preference, speed dial was one feature whose inclusion I always appreciated having on Motoblur and HTC Sense. Why in the world does stock Android not have speed dial and T9?
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I thought it did. Long tap 2-9, what does it do?
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gagdude said:
I thought it did. Long tap 2-9, what does it do?
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Not on stock Android. On skinned versions of it such as Motoblur, HTC Sense, and Touchwiz it's available, but not on the stock, unskinned version of it.
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tattedupboy said:
Not on stock Android. On skinned versions of it such as Motoblur, HTC Sense, and Touchwiz it's available, but not on the stock, unskinned version of it.
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Strange. I was on CM7.2 and it had that. I'm guessing its just a Cyanogenmod addon, then.
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gagdude said:
Strange. I was on CM7.2 and it had that. I'm guessing its just a Cyanogenmod addon, then.
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I remember it on CM7 also. But stock Android (not custom ROMs such as cyanogenmod or MIUI) is missing it.
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Best ICS ROM out?

Who had the most stable ICS rom out right now? I don't want drew's on screen button version but what are you guys opinion before I flash?
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Best is a mattet od preference and opinion
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Kwiboo by far. Not really an opinion. Most functional and has 20 times as many thread replies as anyone else.
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xsteven77x said:
Kwiboo by far. Not really an opinion. Most functional and has 20 times as many thread replies as anyone else.
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Where the hell did the thread go
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DirtyShroomz said:
Where the hell did the thread go
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Stickied to the top of the dev forum
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Koush's rom is treating me very well.
matt2053 said:
Stickied to the top of the dev forum
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Ah damn app lol
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Darrien13 said:
Who had the most stable ICS rom out right now? I don't want drew's on screen button version but what are you guys opinion before I flash?
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I'm using V2 on my i9020A and loving it. I flashed Koush's 1st rom too but it didn't have wifi 3g or SMS I also flashed koushs second release and everything except camcorder works but the SMS apk he added was off (the icon is too big) or maybe I should say that its bigger than the rest of the icons. All in all I'd say that V2 is the most stable. But Koush is a hell of a dev so I'd say his will be looking good in the next couple releases
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xsteven77x said:
Kwiboo by far. Not really an opinion. Most functional and has 20 times as many thread replies as anyone else.
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+ 1 to that.

Sleep mode animation

Is it possible to port the Tv off Animation when you put your phone into sleep mood if this has been done can i please have the link
Glorious overdose has it. At least the OP says it does. I personally haven't tried it.
Sent from my LG-P999 using xda premium
I have that Rom currently installed and it only does it when you turn the phone completely off
Shystep said:
I have that Rom currently installed and it only does it when you turn the phone completely off
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Oh, ok. Sorry. I wasn't sure. I don't have the Sidekick anymore, i gave it to the wife. I have never tried that ROM.
Sent from my LG-P999 using xda premium
Its fine
Cyanogenmod has the Animation effect is it possible to pull from that? since it's basically a Froyo Rom?
What's basically a Froyo ROM? CM only has that feature in Gingerbread.
Search "Screen off and Lock" in the Market. It has that feature plus other animations.
Sent from my LG-P999 using xda premium
I thought Cm7 was built off froyo
Shystep said:
I thought Cm7 was built off froyo
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CM 6 was built from AOSP Froyo 2.2+. CM 7 is based off AOSP Gingerbread 2.3+.
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dw9906 said:
CM 6 was built from AOSP Froyo 2.2+. CM 7 is based off AOSP Gingerbread 2.3+.
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Ahh ok well i was creepying around Cm7 forums and asked a dev if its possible to port cm7 to The sidekick
Also Cm6 is it possible for our phone?
Shystep said:
Ahh ok well i was creepying around Cm7 forums and asked a dev if its possible to port cm7 to The sidekick
Also Cm6 is it possible for our phone?
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Both are possible, just lacking a developer good enough to do it.
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Try this for the CRT Animations.
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Missing apps in the ota ics

My gf was exited to hear that ics was available for her skyrocket the other day. I pushed the leak a few months back for her.then the official yesterday. now my question is: where is the people app in the official update ? In the leak it was a better version of contacts. with Facebook, google + status updates next to the corresponding there a way to port this over?
I must say I'm extremely disappointed with this update. Visually nothing is different. Battery, signal etc all the same.
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Only the aosp versions get that. The official version has the crappy Samsung app.
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needshelp101 said:
My gf was exited to hear that ics was available for her skyrocket the other day. I pushed the leak a few months back for her.then the official yesterday. now my question is: where is the people app in the official update ? In the leak it was a better version of contacts. with Facebook, google + status updates next to the corresponding there a way to port this over?
I must say I'm extremely disappointed with this update. Visually nothing is different. Battery, signal etc all the same.
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because they went from touchwiz 4 to.... touchwiz 4. Exciting, I know.
Tell her to stop using official garbage and use one of the exceptional roms from our devs.
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dakpluto said:
because they went from touchwiz 4 to.... touchwiz 4. Exciting, I know.
Tell her to stop using official garbage and use one of the exceptional roms from our devs.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using Tapatalk 2
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Her quote " then have a exceptional ROM from the devs themed blue like ics is supposed to be. And i won't use the official garbage." If one of these exist with the official ota let me know. And not the leaked garbage
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Just use Nova Launcher
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Aokp is blue. Skyics is blue. CM9 is blue. All great roms there's more to choose from too ^~^
Sent from my SGH-I727
Edit: Sorry, misread. Skyics has the official ota as base.
Jhong209 said:
Aokp is blue. Skyics is blue. CM9 is blue. All great roms there's more to choose from too ^~^
Sent from my SGH-I727
Edit: Sorry, misread. Skyics has the official ota as base.
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Thank you I'll have to give them a shot. There weren't any screen shots of those Roms. Which is why i hadn't installed them yet. Now i will give it a try. Thanks again
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hey123 said:
Just use Nova Launcher
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She was more interested in the battery icons, signal being blue. Right now she's using apex.
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needshelp101 said:
Thank you I'll have to give them a shot. There weren't any screen shots of those Roms. Which is why i hadn't installed them yet. Now i will give it a try. Thanks again
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Cm9 and AOKP are both AOSP roms. That's why no screenshots, it's vanilla ICS. Just look at a galaxy nexus, that's what it looks like.
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Galaxy S3 (I9300-UK) w/ CM10 JB vs Galaxy nexus.

Hey guys,
First post here
Literally just flashed my S3 the other day to cm10 jelly bean ressurection remix the other day, and although its fast and what I'm after, it just doesn't feel as stable or, ERM how to put it...'authentic' as stock jelly bean on the nexus.
My dilemma is, I'm actually thinking of selling my S3 for galaxy nexus.
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I'm not sure what you mean by "authentic"...?
The S3 still has way better specs, and pair it with AOSP and its far better than a Galaxy Nexus
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Huge N00B question here,
What's 'AOSP'?
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Nath1492 said:
Huge N00B question here,
What's 'AOSP'?
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Android Open Source Project ^^
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wessyh0 said:
Android Open Source Project ^^
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Yup, basically all Nexii are AOSP and the only reason the S 3 is really "worse" is because of touchwiz and slower update (of course tw is a preference thing).
But all CM roms are AOSP so you pretty much have the nexus thing going on your S3
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Samsung Infuse 4G *Help*

Hello, I was wanting to know if there is any ICS roms with the actual TouchWiz UI for the infuse. I want full touchwiz(sms, status bar, phone & dialer, ect.)
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John_Minfuse said:
Hello, I was wanting to know if there is any ICS roms with the actual TouchWiz UI for the infuse. I want full touchwiz(sms, status bar, phone & dialer, ect.)
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yeah theyre all over the website
I found a JB one called Remics, gs3 rom im guessing? Whatre the other ones?
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John_Minfuse said:
I found a JB one called Remics, gs3 rom im guessing? Whatre the other ones?
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RemICS is one of the better known ROMs for Galaxy S phones, it's probably your best bet
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John_Minfuse said:
Hello, I was wanting to know if there is any ICS roms with the actual TouchWiz UI for the infuse. I want full touchwiz(sms, status bar, phone & dialer, ect.)
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Head over to the development section of your phone and u will find many different ROMs to choose from, including touchwiz
I couldn't find any Touchwiz ROMs. I'll probably go back to stock and in root.
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