TERMINAL - Team EOS 3 *JELLYBEAN* Nightlies - Umts_everest - Xoom Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

can some1 tell me how to configure terminal in new eos , i have installed conntectbot busybox and terminal emulator. in connectbot i can use ssh - in terminal emulator not ... /system/xbin/sh: ssh: not found but in /system/xbin/ i have ssh path exported to export path=/system/xbin:$path .
And still nothink i try to reinstall busybox . but still the same . in eos 2 work like a charm.

Please post all questions in the Q & A section. Thanks! Thread moved.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2


[ROM] Stock Deodexed/Debloated EI22

jocalaROM is based on stock EI22. I occasionally use my phone (and Galaxy Tab) to remotely admin several Linux boxes, so this ROM contains the tools I need. If you would like to fork it for your own project, feel free.
CWM 5x
CIQ removed [hat tip to k0nane!]
bash shell [cyanogen7]
adb wireless
dropbear [ssh client/server]
/etc/terminfo [add nano or joe editors]
The ssh password is "password". Change it by editing the file /system/xbin/startdropbear
Now hosted by ROM Manager
Kernel sources
If you would like to donate, please send some bucks to XDA.
Parking Spot..
Should call it "AdminROM" or somethin
Cool idea for a rom, I'm sure some will find this very useful.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
rocket321 said:
Should call it "AdminROM" or somethin
Cool idea for a rom, I'm sure some will find this very useful.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
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Well, my initial idea was the EIEIO-ROM...but then the vodka wore off

[Q] need help

plz anybody tell me dat are there any types of bugs in amit bagarias cf root,uc kernel v8oc and non oc???
also i wnt to know same thing for xda bam kernel v8 and vurrut kernel???
actually i want something stable for my phone.........
Use universal root only if you want no bugs and you want stability.
Sent from my i9003 powered by Cyanogenmod 7
in the thread of universal cf root i have seen dis:---
"If you have just reinstalled the new PDA over the old version (that means if your ROM version is still the same e.g. XXKPQ), then the settings are not regenerated. You need to perform the following steps, in order for the new settings to be in effect:
adb shell
# sysrw ; rm -rf /system/cfroot/ ; sysro
# reboot"
what does dis mean i want to know dis bcause me is using xxkpq firmware.
I believe he means the older versions of the cf root, settings being tweaks etc
Sent from my i9003 powered by Cyanogenmod 7
it means dat i should just flash it and after dat it will require no other settings??????
Yup. The tweaks are optional. No need to activate them
Sent from my i9003 powered by Cyanogenmod 7

[DEV] How to build cm7 for galaxy y (GT-S5360) ! Ubuntu 32 bits !

Requirements :
OS linux Ubuntu 12.04 32bits
2Gb RAM with 3Gb swap or above
Processor dual core or above
120Gb Harddisk or above
Fast internet connection ( i have no this )
First download this file
Installer SDK and Build packages by squadzone modified for me
you will get installerBuildRomGalmin.sh , run this file via Terminal on Ubuntu!
chmod a+x ~/installerBuildpackages.sh
Create the Directories
You will need to set up some directories in your build environment.
To create them:
mkdir -p ~/bin
mkdir -p ~/android/system
Install the Repository
Enter the following to download make executable the "repo" binary:
curl https://dl-ssl.google.com/dl/googlesource/git-repo/repo > ~/bin/repo
chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
NOTE: You may need to reboot for these changes to take effect.
Now enter the following to initialize the repository:
cd ~/android/system/
repo init -u git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android.git -b gingerbread
repo sync -j16
Device repo !
clone its
choose branch master
put on device tree or replace totoro folder on device tree
Vender folder clone its
pu on vendor folder !
Download RomManager
NOTE: This only needs to be done when an update to RomManager is released. If you are-up-to date, you may skip to Building CyanogenMod.
Download RomManager which is needed by the build:
Configure Build & Compile
Now, the environment must be configured to build and the ROM compiled, from code, for the Galaxys2.
. build/envsetup.sh && brunch totoro
Notes :
based on tutorial for galaxy mini by squadzone
the device repo created for me ( add credits if you use its )
sorry bad english !
changelog :
-initial tutorial for cm7 galaxy y ( may need some modifications! )
reserved for more updates if necessary !
Thanks for this buddy :good:
OFF : Any news about CM9 ?
wow.. reserved sir whitexp.. long time no post? D
But this Cyanogen has the same bugs,right?
whitexp what about cm9 ? when will u continue xD
and great guide
This message is COPYRIGHTED to me and stolen from:My post
Cyanogen 7/9 only get developed again when the gpu driver become released
Awesome tutorial sir...
Just one question...if we still have GPU restrictions while compiling CM7/9/10, then what is the use of the tutorial? Is there any update I should be aware of?
I'm not at all disrespecting OP's efforts...I respect him...he is doing commendable job for this device..hat's off! this question is just out of curiosity!
everyone needs brodcom drivers,without it nothing is possible.
everyone needs brodcom drivers,without it nothing is possible.
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Well it's still possible to boot it, so yeah. It's a handy tutorial, LEARN to appreciate guys! That's the reason why SGY devs are leaving, 1 by 1, because of you people that whine! Thank them for the effort!
everyone needs brodcom drivers,without it nothing is possible.
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Without this kind of tutorial and with gpu drivers will you make cm7 for sgy????
Awesome tutorial sir!!
Tutotial is good.no doubt.I said drivers are a stumbling block.
Tutotial is good.no doubt.I said drivers are a stumbling block.
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Drivers will be here soon! I am gettin ready already!
Sent from my GT-S5360 using XDA
Mohamed.Anwar said:
Thanks for this buddy :good:
OFF : Any news about CM9 ?
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what gaming rom r using
Exellent tut buddy.:thumbup::thumbup:
sent while doin' some burnouts
hell_lock said:
Drivers will be here soon! I am gettin ready already!
Sent from my GT-S5360 using XDA
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broadcom will release their drivers or are you just joking around because i just installed windows again on my pc ...
cosminx13 said:
broadcom will release their drivers or are you just joking around because i just installed windows again on my pc ...
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A suggestion from me.you can use both os like dualboot.for info about this try google

[GUIDE] Compile CM from source, source basics & FAQ - Very detailed and noob friendly

[GUIDE] Compile CM from source, source basics & FAQ - Very detailed and noob friendly
Hey guys, I know there is already a tutorial about compiling CyanogenMod by sakindia123 but it requires basic Linux knowdlegde and he missed some things. I wrote this tutorial very detailed and simple.
This Guide have 4 parts:
1. How to compile CyanogenMod from source
2. Hardware Requirments and using SWAP memory
3. CyanogenMod source and device tree basics
4. FAQ
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Before we start, I would like to thank these guys:
sakindia123, derefas, lirokoa, cute_prince - for amazing work on CM7-10.1 and Kernel 3.0
Nihar G. and bhargz16 that never refused to help me
How to compile CyanogenMod from source​
Lets assume you are new in Linux world and you just installed a fresh Ubuntu installation.
I will use:
- Ubuntu 12.10 64bit
- CyanogenMod 10.1 (sakindia123 device tree) - because its newest, and currently WIP, so its exciting to get new bulid with something fixed before release!
- Kernel 3.0.16 for Pico (sakindia123 github tree)
Lets get it started.
1. Open the Terminal (Press CTRL+ALT+T).
2. Get rid of administrator permissions ****.
sudo su
then type your password you set up during Ubuntu installation (password will be invisible) and hit enter
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3. Download, install and setup Java:
add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
apt-get update
apt-get install oracle-java6-installer
apt-get install oracle-java6-set-default
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4. Install a needed packages:
apt-get install git-core gnupg flex bison gperf build-essential \
zip curl zlib1g-dev libc6-dev libncurses5-dev x11proto-core-dev \
libx11-dev libreadline6-dev libgl1-mesa-dev tofrodos python-markdown \
libxml2-utils xsltproc pngcrush gcc-multilib lib32z1 schedtool
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5. Download a Google Repo tool. Type these commands:
mkdir ~/bin
curl http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/git-repo-downloads/repo > ~/bin/repo
chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
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Click to collapse
6. Reboot your computer. (No need for sudo su after reboot)
If you are building for HTC Explorer
7. Initalize the CyanogenMod 10.1 repository (with included pico stuff):
mkdir -p ~/CM10.1/android/system
cd ~/CM10.1/android/system
repo init -u git://github.com/TeamPico/manifest -b cm-10.1
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8. Start source downloading (repository syncing):
repo sync
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9. Get Terminal Emulator prebulit APK:
cd ~/CM10.1/android/system/vendor/cm/
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
10. Start compiling bulid!
. build/envsetup.sh
brunch cm_pico-userdebug -jX
X is a number of your CPU cores + 1 or 2
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Your bulid will be located at /CM10.1/android/system/out as cm-10.1-year/month/date-UNOFFICIAL-pico.zip
If you are building for other devices
7. Initalize the CyanogenMod 10.1 repository:
mkdir -p ~/CM10.1/android/system
cd ~/CM10.1/android/system
repo init -u git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android.git -b cm-10.1
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8. Start source downloading (repository syncing):
repo sync
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Click to collapse
9. Get Terminal Emulator prebulit APK:
cd ~/CM10.1/android/system/vendor/cm/
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Click to collapse
How to get vendor, kernel, and device tree - search for developers github, its ofter mentioned on dev-thread or his xda profile..
manufacturer - htc, samsung,lge...
codename - device model codename (codename you can easily find on name of github repos of device tree,vendor and kernel)
Explorer - pico
Desire - bravo
Galaxy Mini - tass
Galaxy Mini 2 - jena
Nexus 4 - mako
For some devices, example some LGs it can be model number like LG Optimus Me - p350
10. Setup a vendor tree:
Download the vendor tree and extract proprietary folder inside <something>-master folder in archive to /CM10.1/android/system/vendor/manufacturer/codename (you need to manually create folders)
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11. Setup a device tree:
Download the device tree and extract files and folders inside <something>-master folder in archive to /CM10.1/android/system/device/manufacturer/codename (you will need to manually create folders)
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12. Setup a kernel source:
Download the kernel source and extract files and folders inside <something>-master folder in archive to /CM10.1/android/system/kernel/manufacturer/codename (you will need to manually create folders)
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13. If you are building for older device you will probably need to add display legacy support, as it's dropped in CM10.1:
Download the legacy display zip and extract files and folders inside android_hardware_qcom_display-legacy-cm-10.1 folder in archive to /CM10.1/android/system/hardware/qcom/display-legacy folder (you will need to manually create folder)
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14, If you are building qualcomm (msm) device, apply singleton.h patch
Type in Terminal:
cd ~/CM10.1/android/system/frameworks/native
git fetch http ://review.cyanogenmod.org/CyanogenMod/android_frameworks_native/refs/changes/69/30269/1 && git format-patch -1 --stdout FETCH_HEAD
(delete space between http and :
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15. Start compiling bulid!
. build/envsetup.sh
brunch cm_codename-userdebug -jX
X is a number of your CPU cores + 1 or 2
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Click to collapse
Your bulid will be located at /CM10.1/android/system/out as cm-10.1-year/month/date-UNOFFICIAL-codename.zip
If I missed something, feel free to report!
Hardware Requirments and using SWAP Memory​
Compiling uses alot of CPU power, but when you run out of RAM memory, you will get "Killed." error. No, you dont need to buy more RAM. You can use SWAP. Quickest and easiest way is to format USB drive to linux-swap and enable SWAP.
Less than 4GB of RAM - You will need SWAP
4GB - Just enough, but if you want to do something other on PC during compiling, its recommemend to make SWAP, just in case.
More than 4GB - You dont need SWAP.
1. Optionally, Copy your USB files to PC as a backup.
2. Go to GParted (preinstalled on Ubuntu)
3. Right-click on your USB drive -> Format -> linux-swap
4. Right-click on your USB drive -> Swap-on
5. Done!
After you are done right-click on your USB drive -> Swap-off, reformat your partition to FAT32 or NTFS and restore data you copied before (if you have any)
CyanogenMod Source and Device Tree basics​
Basic source folders:
/packages - apps
/frameworks - framework (UI look)
/kernel - kernel source folder when using inline kernel buliding (can be changed in BoardConfig.mk, and I'm going to explain that later in this post)
/device - device config
/hardware - drivers for display. audio etc...
What is BoardConfig?
It's a file where you setup pathes to files and enable/disable stuff, its very easy to understand - https://github.com/sakindia123/cm10.1_htc_pico/blob/master/BoardConfig.mk
How to use prebulit kernel:
1. Unpack boot.img using boot image tools (check sakindia123's compiling tutorial for step-by-step unpacking boot.img)
2. Rename zimage to 'kernel'
3. Put it in any folder u like you like (example: /prebulitkernel)
4. In BoardConfig.mk add this:
TARGET_PREBUILT_KERNEL := /prebulitkernel/kernel
and comment out these lines:
TARGET_KERNEL_SOURCE := kernel/htc/pico
TARGET_KERNEL_CONFIG := pico_defconfig
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5. Done!
How to remove ringtones, video editor, CM wallpapers from bulid:
1. Go to device/releasetools/extras.txt
2. Delete anything you don't want/doesn't need. So easy
Where are "bulid.prop tweaks"?
bulid.prop settings is located in device/system.prop
What is pico.mk?
In pico.mk (device/pico.mk) you can:
- define what libs (drivers) will be compiled (PRODUCT_PACKAGES)
- add prebulits (PRODUCT_COPY_FILES)
you add them in format: path-to-file-in-source: path-to file in compiled bulid (zip),
example: device/htc/pico/prebuilt/etc/media_codecs.xml:system/etc/media_codecs.xml
- change some usb settings (ADDITIONAL_DEFAULT_PROPERTIES)
- play with some "misc" settings (PRODUCT_PROPERTY_OVERRIDES)
- Set default resolution (PRODUCT_AAPT_CONFIG := ... and PRODUCT_AAPT_PREF_CONFIG := ...)
I'm not an expert, If I made some mistake, feel free to report, or tell if you have something interesting I can add!
Frequently asked questions​
Q: What's the repository size?
A: CM9 - 4.9GB
CM10 - 9.6GB
CM10.1 - cca. 16GB
Q: Can I compile any other ROM than CyanogenMod with this tutorial?
A: Yes, you will need to, of course, repo init other repo, and maybe change few things in device tree, and probably you can skip part with adding legacy display and patching singleton.
Q: I have "_____ command not found error."
A: Make sure you done all steps, are you in right directory, and did you downloaded all packages.
Q: I have "Killed." error during compiling.
A: Check if you met have enough RAM (read 2nd post of this thread)
Q: I have any other error during compiling
A: Post your problem on this thread
Re: [TUT][REMAKE] Compile CyanogenMod from source
Nice work bro...
Sent from my Nexus 7
Re: [TUT][REMAKE] Compile CyanogenMod from source - Very detailed and noob friendly
Great work bro, very helpfull! :thumbup:
Sent from my HTC Explorer A310e using xda app-developers app
Re: [TUT][REMAKE] Compile CyanogenMod from source - Very detailed and noob friendly
Cm10 will complile on 32 bit system?
Sent from my HTC Explorer A310e using xda app-developers app
Re: [TUT][REMAKE] Compile CyanogenMod from source - Very detailed and noob friendly
wmapt said:
Cm10 will complile on 32 bit system?
Sent from my HTC Explorer A310e using xda app-developers app
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no rom will compile on 32 bit system... you can only compile kernels on 32 bit systems..
Sent from my Nexus 7
Re: [TUT][REMAKE] Compile CyanogenMod from source - Very detailed and noob friendly
Awesome work bro. Glued to this thread. BTW ICS and higher require 64 bit right ?
Sent from my HTC Explorer A310e using xda app-developers app
Re: [TUT][REMAKE] Compile CyanogenMod from source - Very detailed and noob friendly
akshat.shenoy said:
Awesome work bro. Glued to this thread. BTW ICS and higher require 64 bit right ?
Sent from my HTC Explorer A310e using xda app-developers app
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Tnx. AFAIK Yes.
Sent from a chocolate cake.
Re: [TUT][REMAKE] Compile CyanogenMod from source - Very detailed and noob friendly
+1 brooo,
How much size of the stuffs like repository and other things u mention to download in various steps....based on that I can manage to download.....
Sent from my HTC Explorer A310e using xda premium
Re: [TUT][REMAKE] Compile CyanogenMod from source - Very detailed and noob friendly
galaxyfreak said:
Hey guys, I know there is already a tutorial about compiling CyanogenMod by sakindia123 but it requires basic Linux knowdlegde and he missed some things. I wrote this tutorial very detailed and simple.
Before we start, I would like to thank these guys:
sakindia123, derefas, lirokoa, cute_prince - for amazing work on CM7-10.1 and Kernel 3.0
Nihar G. and bhargz16 that never refused to help me
Lets assume you are new in Linux world and you just installed a fresh Ubuntu installation.
I will use:
- Ubuntu 12.10 64bit
- CyanogenMod 10.1 (sakindia123 device tree) - because its newest, and currently WIP, so its exciting to get new bulid with something fixed before release!
- Kernel 3.0.16 for Pico (sakindia123 github tree)
Lets get it started.
1. Open the Terminal (Unity Dash Search, just type terminal and hit enter)
2. Get rid of administrator permissions ****.
3. Install a needed packages:
4. Download a Google Repo tool. Type these commands:
5. Reboot your computer.
6. Initalize the CyanogenMod 10.1 repository:
7. Start source downloading (repository syncing):
9. Get Terminal Emulator prebulit APK:
10. Setup a vendor tree:
11. Setup a device tree:
12. Setup a kernel source:
13. Add display legacy support, as it's dropped in CM10.1:
14. Start compiling bulid!
Your bulid will be located at /android/out as cm-10.1-year/month/date-UNOFFICIAL-pico.zip
If I missed something, feel free to report!
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Plzz provide link to download Ubuntu n every single thing required to compile then it will be noon friendly
Sent from my HTC Explorer A310e using xda premium
Re: [TUT][REMAKE] Compile CyanogenMod from source - Very detailed and noob friendly
abhiparmar92 said:
+1 brooo,
How much size of the stuffs like repository and other things u mention to download in various steps....based on that I can manage to download.....
Sent from my HTC Explorer A310e using xda premium
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the sources all vary in size... Ics sources are generally limited anywhere upto 10gb.. Cm9 is 4. 9..
Cm10 onwards, the source sizes go upto 15 gb...
Sent from my Nexus 7
---------- Post added at 10:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:03 AM ----------
maxy! said:
Plzz provide link to download Ubuntu n every single thing required to compile then it will be noon friendly
Sent from my HTC Explorer A310e using xda premium
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Click to collapse
i dont think it was meant to be noob friendly..
But anyways, you can dowload ubuntu over ar ubuntu.com..
whichever version you download, just make sure its 64 bit..
Sent from my Nexus 7
Re: [TUT][REMAKE] Compile CyanogenMod from source - Very detailed and noob friendly
Really gr8 work bro !!!
Sent from my HTC Explorer A310e using xda premium
Re: [TUT][REMAKE] Compile CyanogenMod from source - Very detailed and noob friendly
bhargz16 said:
the sources all vary in size... Ics sources are generally limited anywhere upto 10gb.. Cm9 is 4. 9..
Cm10 onwards, the source sizes go upto 15 gb...
Sent from my Nexus 7
---------- Post added at 10:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:03 AM ----------
i dont think it was meant to be noob friendly..
But anyways, you can dowload ubuntu over ar ubuntu.com..
whichever version you download, just make sure its 64 bit..
Sent from my Nexus 7
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Not necessarily my friend i read somewhere 32 bit can also be used but will req a little more things to do the same job
Sent from my HTC Explorer A310e using xda premium
Re: [TUT][REMAKE] Compile CyanogenMod from source - Very detailed and noob friendly
immortal_yash said:
Not necessarily my friend i read somewhere 32 bit can also be used but will req a little more things to do the same job
Sent from my HTC Explorer A310e using xda premium
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but thats only for upto froyo.. For gb and above, 32 bit cant handle it..
Sent from my Nexus 7
Re: [TUT][REMAKE] Compile CyanogenMod from source - Very detailed and noob friendly
bhargz16 said:
but thats only for upto froyo.. For gb and above, 32 bit cant handle it..
Sent from my Nexus 7
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Dude i was building mini cm 9 on Ubuntu 11.10 32 bit and everything worked except when there was a motherboard failure
Sent from my HTC Explorer A310e using xda premium
Re: [TUT][REMAKE] Compile CyanogenMod from source - Very detailed and noob friendly
immortal_yash said:
Dude i was building mini cm 9 on Ubuntu 11.10 32 bit and everything worked except when there was a motherboard failure
Sent from my HTC Explorer A310e using xda premium
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hmmmm... Thats weird..
Coz google themselves recommend 64 bit for gb n above
Sent from my Nexus 7
Re: [TUT][REMAKE] Compile CyanogenMod from source - Very detailed and noob friendly
bhargz16 said:
hmmmm... Thats weird..
Coz google themselves recommend 64 bit for gb n above
Sent from my Nexus 7
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They recommend but we can use 32 bit as well just a little more downloading will be req
Sent from my HTC Explorer A310e using xda premium
Re: [TUT][REMAKE] Compile CyanogenMod from source - Very detailed and noob friendly
immortal_yash said:
They recommend but we can use 32 bit as well just a little more downloading will be req
Sent from my HTC Explorer A310e using xda premium
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i've never tried 32 for rom compiling..
Get that info here.. So op can add it..
Sent from my Nexus 7

[APP] [Linux x86/x64] LAFI (Linux Adb Fastboot Installer]

Hi there! This is my first thread on XDA
So, what is LAFI ?
In Linux, the installation of the adb and fastboot drivers is hard or take some times. And all new Linux Users have not many knowledge in Linux. So with this script you can install Adb+fastboot Drivers in 1 Sec ! Also now you can use Flashtool and adb commands without making hard things . You don't need to install SDK before.
Download and Extract the zip or clone the repo and go into the folder
Launch the installer script with terminal
All is done! you don't need to reboot your computer!
V1: Initial Release
V2: Added More Devices on Udev Rules
V3: Added Moreeeee Devices on Udev Rules
Tested On
Ubuntu 12.04 - Ubuntu 14.04 (Works on Linux Mint/Ubuntu Based OS Too)
Debian Wheezy
Debian Jessie
Kali Linux 2.0 and Rolling Version
Wiko Rainbow
Lenovo A600 Plus
Zenfone 5
You tell me
Download Links
If you like my works, please buy me a cup of coffee.
btw, sorry for my bad english
Lafi in action
archlinux support pls [emoji6]
Sent from my Redmi Note 2 using Tapatalk
acestars said:
archlinux support pls [emoji6]
Sent from my Redmi Note 2 using Tapatalk
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i never using archlinux before but, i'll try on next release
Nice . Really helpful , i think.
Sent from my E2303 using XDA Free mobile app
iambetmen said:
Hi there! This is my first thread on XDA
So, what is LAFI ?
In Linux, the installation of the adb and fastboot drivers is hard or take some times. And all new Linux Users have not many knowledge in Linux. So with this script you can install Adb+fastboot Drivers in 1 Sec ! Also now you can use Flashtool and adb commands without making hard things . You don't need to install SDK before.
Download and Extract the zip or clone the repo and go into the folder
Launch the installer script with terminal
All is done! you don't need to reboot your computer!
V1: Initial Release
V2: Added More Devices on Udev Rules
V3: Added Moreeeee Devices on Udev Rules
Tested On
Ubuntu 12.04 - Ubuntu 14.04 (Works on Linux Mint/Ubuntu Based OS Too)
Debian Wheezy
Debian Jessie
Kali Linux 2.0 and Rolling Version
Wiko Rainbow
Lenovo A600 Plus
Zenfone 5
You tell me
Download Links
If you like my works, please buy me a cup of coffee.
btw, sorry for my bad english
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Working well on Budgie thanks :good::good::good:
k1ks said:
Nice . Really helpful , i think.
Sent from my E2303 using XDA Free mobile app
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anttaz said:
Working well on Budgie thanks :good::good::good:
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it works on any ubuntu/debian family, thanks for testing my apps
Android one support!!
i've bought Mito A10 Impact (Android One Generation) and i tested with my LAFI script, and it works very well on any rom versions

