Help in finding PNG - General Questions and Answers

I need help in editing png file.. If anybody knows where to find that part I want to make transparent, a big thanks...


slider selection graphic ?

ok I have made my own selection icon but dont know how to get it in there, whats the name of the manila file I need to replace ?
Its a .png now do I leave it that way or does it have to become a .cab file ?
How do I open up other cabs to see how they are structured ?
I have qikcab but that just makes them, how do I analyse others ?
Maybe you should have a look into this thread!

Making your own mods

ok im sorry if this is posted i have been looking all day on XDA and other forums nothing so far. im trying to learn how to make my own mods im not looking for a step by step guide but more a point in the right direction to some of the programs that are used maybe the file names and types (i have my own image editing program) just looking for a little help i guess. i am trying to make my own slider right now if you have any useful tips or anything please help me out thanks in advance
So you are looking to modify the images? If so this is not so much a mod but a theme. Changing the graphics is one thing but to make an actual mod like Cookies HomeTab or MaxSense, takes modding the actual file structure and the writing of code.
So if you are looking to just modify the graphics and theme of the phone look into modifying manila graphics. You want a program like CFC_GUI. This will allow you to download the manila image files and see there size and upload your own. You will still need something like GIMP or Photoshop to make your own image into a png of the proper size. You can also use a program called Mode9 to resize the size of the image allowed in a certain spot or even it's location all together. There are other things you can do and this would be getting more into modifying manila.
thank you! yeah im more thinking about themes i will let the pros handle the heavy stuff i have photoshop and Jasc PSP so thanks this was a lot of help i will look for that program.
Here is a post that gives a pretty good description on how to edit the graphics.
Post of other thread

XML Marker and Metamorph

I'm trying to make a battery meter for my rooted Inspire. I downloaded a battery meter to use as a guide template for mine. I have made all the icons and set up my folders exactly the same as the template. I opened the xml file and replaced all the fields with my own information so they are basically the same as the template. When I try to unzip and use it in metamorph, it says that it's not a valid theme file. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? I've never done this before so I'm trying to learn all I can. I'm not familiar with xml. Is it not ok to just copy the code and change the info? Thanks in advance.
Ok well I'm starting to see my problem isn't editing the xml tags...but the last part of the code, where it's asking for the .apk you're editing and the path. How do I find that information?

[Q] Some help with making themes?

Let me preface this by saying I am a noob at theming, but wanted to give it a whack. I did some research and asked questions and made some progress until I hit a brick wall. I am on a stock based ROM and that makes a big difference.
So I pulled the framework and sytemui apk's. I de-compiled these and made made the changes I wanted and that's when the ish hit the fan. Apparently there is no way to re-compile the stock ASUS apk's.
So now how to I go about making these changes if I can not re-compile the apk's? Is there a work around or do I need to change the files in another way? Can I change the regular png files or do I need to use the .9 png files? Any help or pointers is appreciated. I am still learning this stuff. I learned how to batch change colors which helped immensely.

[Q] How to Change the Size Of Locksceen?

Hi Does anyone know how to change the size of the Locksceen I would like to make it full screen but I can not figure out what I need to modify the XML file .... Can anyone give me a hand? Thank you

