Making your own mods - HD2 Windows Mobile 6.5 Themes and Apps

ok im sorry if this is posted i have been looking all day on XDA and other forums nothing so far. im trying to learn how to make my own mods im not looking for a step by step guide but more a point in the right direction to some of the programs that are used maybe the file names and types (i have my own image editing program) just looking for a little help i guess. i am trying to make my own slider right now if you have any useful tips or anything please help me out thanks in advance

So you are looking to modify the images? If so this is not so much a mod but a theme. Changing the graphics is one thing but to make an actual mod like Cookies HomeTab or MaxSense, takes modding the actual file structure and the writing of code.
So if you are looking to just modify the graphics and theme of the phone look into modifying manila graphics. You want a program like CFC_GUI. This will allow you to download the manila image files and see there size and upload your own. You will still need something like GIMP or Photoshop to make your own image into a png of the proper size. You can also use a program called Mode9 to resize the size of the image allowed in a certain spot or even it's location all together. There are other things you can do and this would be getting more into modifying manila.

thank you! yeah im more thinking about themes i will let the pros handle the heavy stuff i have photoshop and Jasc PSP so thanks this was a lot of help i will look for that program.

Here is a post that gives a pretty good description on how to edit the graphics.
Post of other thread



I've seen some really nice skins for various software on my Kaiser but I want to know how I can create them myself. Is there special software that's needed or is it as simple as just changing the color of an image? Also, how do I create them from scratch and get them to work correctly? Once a skin is done, how do I turn it into a .cab file? Any help would be really appreciated.
btw.......I have Photoshop CS3 Extended if that helps any.
Well, depends what kind of skin...
I did a very simple one for wisbar here:
See the files to understand how to change them.
Eh, I'm no professional photoshopper. All I did was open up the images that came with TouchFlo 2D and use Ctrl + U to do a Hue/Saturation change. If you know how to create Batches in Photoshop it saves A LOT of time because you can basically edit one image and have Photoshop make that change to however many other images you want.
Can anyone help me with a skin for this one:
I'd be extremely greatful.
Ok I have WinCE CAB Manager and 2 themes (here and here) that are mainly just the image files. How do I turn the themes in to .cab files that automatically store the files in the correct location on someone's ppc?

[REQ] Customize slider + icons

I want to customize the slider and icons of the home screen tabs by myself (in Photoshop)?
Where are the images of these stored and what registry keys do I need to change (if any)?
PS: I use JWMD for the start menu icons, is there a similar app for the home screen tab? - probably not
please guys, somebody help me with this.
i reformulated my request, i've been probably misunderstood - that would explain why nobody bothered to answer by now...
this is my last attempt to get your attention into this. I can't believe none of the people who know answered, is this such a big secret?
antaed said:
this is my last attempt to get your attention into this. I can't believe none of the people who know answered, is this such a big secret?
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Hi Antaed.
I'm surprised too that no one has replied to your question.
I think the problem is not so much that it is a big secret, but that it is very complicated and therefore difficult to reply to.
I've done a bit of work on changing icons myself, so I can probably explain to you what is involved and what you have to do. But you will need to decide for yourself whether you want to put in the effort...
The slider icons (and the slider itself) are .png images stored in manila files. So the first thing you will need to do is find out, for your version of Manila, which files contain the slider icons for your version.
The best way to find out which files you need to change is to 'unzip' an existing cab which changes the slider icons on your version of manila and read the setup.xml file to extract the names of the manila files in the cab.
Please note that there are 3 files for each slider icon!
Then you will need to extract the .png files from the manila files. I use CFC GUI (available on this forum) to extract the .png files.
Once you have the original .png files, you will see that the slider icons do not take up the whole 128x128 pixels of the file but are placed approximately in the top left corner of the .png file. This will be your guide as to how big to make your new icons and where to place the new icon within the 128x128 matrix.
Please note that there are two different positions depending on whether the image you are replacing is the standard position in the row of icons or the icon visible 'within' the slider (seen as you move the slider along the row of icons), which is slightly higher and to the left.
Once you have created your new .png files in the same format as the originals, you should then use CFC GUI again to replace the original image with your new ones in the appropriate manila file.
You can then either manually move your new manila files across to your device (not recommended) or create a cab file to install them (and uninstall them) in one go (highly recommended!).
I would advise (from experience) only doing a couple of icons first until you have the exact position for the icon with the file. The position should then be the same for every icon.
The slider itself is fortunately only one file and therefore a lot easier to change. Again the best way to find out which manila file you need to change for your version is to unzip a cab file that changes the slider on your version and read the setup.xml file.
Hope this helps... (Well, at least you got an answer!)
And "No", I do not know of an easier way of doing this!
Johnkst, thanks for your kind reply, I started to have doubts I'll get an answer to this .
About the procedure - yes, it's pretty challenging but I'll try .
First because it's kind of a new adventure for me and then because I feel I owe it to you now, as I don't want to leave your effort in vain .
If I'll succeed (and I don't see why not) you'll be the first to receive my work.
Thanks again and best regards,
Changing slider icons and the slider...
antaed said:
Johnkst, thanks for your kind reply, I started to have doubts I'll get an answer to this .
About the procedure - yes, it's pretty challenging but I'll try .
First because it's kind of a new adventure for me and then because I feel I owe it to you now, as I don't want to leave your effort in vain .
If I'll succeed (and I don't see why not) you'll be the first to receive my work.
Thanks again and best regards,
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That's the right attitude, Antaed...!
I don't know if it will help you, but I am attaching two cabs to this post. They are ones I made myself for my HD2, which uses Manila 2.5.1920. I THINK the same files are used for 1921, but I don't know for sure...
There might be some stuff in there that you do not need, but they might also be useful to help you identify the files you need to change.
One is for the clear slider on the main tabs (it also slightly changes the black '2nd level' slider), the other for the slider icons.
The slider icons it installs are those from Jaguaralani. Let me know once you have downloaded as I will remove them again. I know Jaguaralani does not want his/her theme split up and my posting a cab which installs only the slider icons probably goes against those wishes... - Done!
Good luck!
done, thanks.

How To Make This Video Tutorials!

O.k guys this thread will based on video tutorials,so you ask how to make something and ill make a video on showing how to make it.
This is going to be fun and very useful for those trying to learn and even for those who know and have got stuck on some parts. =) O.k guys I do know a lot of other things besides just graphics like editing the .xml and stuff but this is mainly graphic photo shop work.
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Thank you, bro....subscribed already. Great first tutorial. Thanks again!
How do you make a rom lol
Well these are going to be all graphic based,but once I am done getting my ubuntu setup I was thinking of making a few of those as well.
Wow cool manup - I have always been impressed on your work, can you show us how to do icons, I have learned by my self, but your an expert
creating icons from scratch is harder work,now you can edit icons or take two and make it your own. ill do a video on this in a sec.
manup456 said:
creating icons from scratch is harder work,now you can edit icons or take two and make it your own. ill do a video on this in a sec.
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By the way, it loos like your using photoshop right?
make a tutorial about oc and uv ing (the steps involved) can't seem to figure it out
Done check it the tutorial is up on my channel,I hope this is what you wanted.
Could you please make following tutorials: "how to edit notification text color" and "how to edit luncher2 appdraw selection"
Well the selection is more java code not really graphics at all and there is a colorchanger app that does that. And the white notification text is a statusbar.xml edit now the time on the bar Is in service.jar. I really dont mess with java at all,but the statusbar.xml I can prob do a guide but the program works better than spending time to hex edit. The progress bars as well is a .xml.
I think my next guide will be on adding guides and signing .9.png unless I get a request.
Bro and if you want a guide on editing that .xml ill do,but I wanted to stay more into the making themes and graphic part.
Thanks BRO! you rock homie!
np bro! ill try to keep them coming.
Hi manup456,
I want to request a tutorial on how to optimize graphics (icons, wallpaper..etc) for devices like the nexus one.
For example, if you use PS and save an image the normal way (jpeg, png,...) it comes out quite large compared to the original. Then there are options for coloring, transparency... all that's stuff.
Anyway, If you could show me how to save icons so that they are displayed well and still have small size, that would be awesome.
If you can do a vid on editing the progress horizontal xml will be cool
How did you get the dots on the bottom of the launcher (that represent the different screens) to be as clean as they are in NexDeep? I am trying to port it over to the newer 7 screen Launcher found here, but having some issues getting them to look as nice.
Well the dots on the modded launcher I made from scratch thats why there so clean.
I can do this will be the first video I do tomorrow.
Well to optimize a icon in cs4 you would save for web and devices and use png-28 that will optimize the icon,but threre are also programs that can optimize a icon even more.
Oh and checkout my new video I posted tomorrow ill have a few more.
manup456 said:
I think my next guide will be on adding guides and signing .9.png unless I get a request.
Bro and if you want a guide on editing that .xml ill do,but I wanted to stay more into the making themes and graphic part.
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You know this is one I need to learn, would greatly appreciate a video for editing .9.png images!

Theme Making? Does anyone want to actually explain how its done?

I would love to learn how to make themes; however, I can't find anything that remotely explains the process entirely. I'm seriously about to freak out (ya know, wanting to do that primal scream!) could these directions be so hard to find?
If there are magical threads I'm missing........and you post them......can you post the one that is thorough? Oh ya...sorry for the sarcasm......this is just so frustrating!
Glad you asked that question as I too also want to know the process of how to make a fully theme ;o)
You can start by downloading the programs to be able to see and edit the files you will be playing with. Mode9 Editor and CFC_GUI as well as others to see XML pages, etc,etc. AS to how to make a theme is all dependent on what type of theme you are looking to make. Are you looking to skin manila, titanium, SPB??????????
If you are looking to do manila then Mode9 is good for moving things around, changing how they function, and their look. If you are just going for look and simple use in manila I use CFC_GUI.
If you search you will find these programs. In their threads are directions on how to use each. Now I'm not going to get into specifics here because it's different for each type of GUI you want to use/skin. Needless to say a theme is just a series of images that create the over all look of said GUI.
So choose the GUI you want and start studying on that type. The info is out there you just need to narrow down the search perimeters.
and where to start when i want to create winmo themes (not manila) ?
As far as what? The menu bars? The curtains? As far as I know most of them are XML and png's.


Does anyone have a list of all the locations of image files for editing your own theme? I want to jump into the theming world.
Something just to get started.
riggsandroid said:
Does anyone have a list of all the locations of image files for editing your own theme? I want to jump into the theming world.
Something just to get started.
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not that i know of. Your gonna have to go through all the files and figure out what files go where. Sorry I know it sucks but at the same time its part of the learning process.
ya. download a theme and start seeing what icons and stuff they changed. That's the best way to get acquainted. Good luck! It's fun and addicting. Feel free to hit up cbarlan or myself if you have questions. We'd be more than happy to help! God bless!
Thanks guys. I'll download some themes and see what I find.
What software do you guys use? Gimp, Photoshop?
Thanks again. Also will try to compile a basic list as I go to help others.
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One piece of advice as you get into this...
Take note of the approximate filesize of whatever you are changing and try to save it in png-8 or png-24 with as few colors as possible.
I have made some taskbar icons and after the first couple sets it was weeks later that I realized the originals were less than 400bytes and the ones I made were like 1.5 to 2.5 KB!!! May not sound like much but it adds up.
PhotoShop's color replacement tool will save you hours!
Most of the stuff u r going to change will be in com.HTC.resources.all and also framework:-res .apk. not all of them but a lot. They will be in the "drawable" folders that are in the res folder. Hope that helps u start.

