Hello Everybody,
I’m new member since i cannot post in developer section I’m placing my post here.
I don't know if only my phone has this issue. Since first version of SynergyRom my Verizon Visual Mail is not working. It's crashing all the time.
I removed it and tried to download it again from Google store. But the app is not showing something like this phone is not supported.
I tried to push it manually but it did not work again. I have this issue on all version of SynergyRom. I tried to wipe everything completely, but it did not help. On all other Rom's Verizon Visual Mail is working fine. Please let me know if somebody knows how to fix it until then i have to use Google Voice. Also the version 1.7 has bug with Bluetooth headset. I can listen the music, but i can not pick up or transfer phone calls.
gorgid said:
Hello Everybody,
I’m new member since i cannot post in developer section I’m placing my post here.
I don't know if only my phone has this issue. Since first version of SynergyRom my Verizon Visual Mail is not working. It's crashing all the time.
I removed it and tried to download it again from Google store. But the app is not showing something like this phone is not supported.
I tried to push it manually but it did not work again. I have this issue on all version of SynergyRom. I tried to wipe everything completely, but it did not help. On all other Rom's Verizon Visual Mail is working fine. Please let me know if somebody knows how to fix it until then i have to use Google Voice. Also the version 1.7 has bug with Bluetooth headset. I can listen the music, but i can not pick up or transfer phone calls.
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Did you try the nightly build? I'm on R50 it came out today and it fixes the BT issue. If you plan on installing make sure you unlock your bootloader. If you have not done that there is app called Ez unlock in the play store.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda app-developers app
Have u tried to download the visual vm ap and put it in the app folder changes the permissions to rw--r-- and restart the same I have it on all builds of syn and works fine
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda app-developers app
Have u tried to download the visual vm ap and put it in the app folder changes the permissions to rw--r-- and restart the same I have it on all builds of syn and works fine
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda app-developers app
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I did not ( rw-r), but i will try it.
Have u tried to download the visual vm ap and put it in the app folder changes the permissions to rw--r-- and restart the same I have it on all builds of syn and works fine
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I believe this is the only easy you will get it to work.
Whynot use google voice? Its free and does the same thing and more. It'll text you a transcript of your voicemails too
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
No problems downloading the new build this morning. Check out that download speed up top, compared to the SD card write on the bottom.
I use VVM from Verizion it works no problem, you have to copy the .APK file to the system/app folder, chage permissions to RW-R--R--, then just go to home page and click you apps button and log on.
Works every time, just keep a copy of the original Verizon Visual Voicemail, APK in a folder if you flash nightlies alot, you will have to re-flash and change permissions when you do a clean flash.
At least this is what I do.
I have been trying to get VVM to work on an AOSP rom (Evervolv) and came across a fix that Duvalbmarley posted. I had to take one extra step to get it to work by sending the "[email protected]" message from the voice mail application. For those of you that want to try it, here is a step by step for what I did, similar to Marley's post... all credit to Marley!
1. Copy a VVM apk to your SD card. Make sure you use an apk and not a zip file from a Sense rom. I have attached the apk that I pulled from the zip file that worked for me.
2. Have a Sense rom and AOSP. I have been running both Myn and Evervolv so I have them both. You can either flash them fresh or install them from a nand backup.
3. Using the Sense rom, make sure your VVM is working. I think it's helpful to send yourself a message from another phone to confirm it's working.
4. Once verified, run a Titanium Backup of the voice mail application. Since VVM is pre-installed in most (all?) sense ROMs, Titanium Backup will only backup the data.
5. Either nand backup or flash your AOSP rom. Whichever you do, make sure you don't have a copy of VVM already installed.
6. Find VVM apk on your sd card and install it using a program like "File Manager" or "Astro" file manager.
7. Got to Titanium Backup and restore Voice Mail. It should give you the "restore data" only.
8. Open up VVM. If you didn't delete your test email, you should see it in your voice mail list.
9. (This step may not be necessary for everyone, but I had to do it.) In the VVM program menu, compose a short message (couple seconds) and in the "to" box type "[email protected]" and choose send.
10. Leave another voice mail for yourself from another phone and confirm that it works!
You will continue to get the "9016" text message, but you should be able to eliminate that by running an alternative messaging app like Handcent and blacklisting that number. Make sure you turn off notifications in the stock messaging app, or the 9016 will continue to show up.
Worked perfect on the latest CM7 nightly
Has anyone gotten sprint visual voicemail working without the titanium back up step? Can we get it working without re flashing a previous rom and backing up the vmm data then flashing again the cm7 rom? Thanks
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cemian said:
Has anyone gotten sprint visual voicemail working without the titanium back up step? Can we get it working without re flashing a previous rom and backing up the vmm data then flashing again the cm7 rom? Thanks
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
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I found that after you do it once it works for future rom updates if you don't wipe full.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
sw33t! It worked thank you! PS, I will thank you when I get to a computer!
I got it working on MIUI without the TB step
Just installed it and it worked
Trying this with the newest MIUI....
Damn, I got excited for a second.
The TB method doesn't work for me =\
Rippley05 said:
Damn, I got excited for a second.
The TB method doesn't work for me =\
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Works on MIUI
jhoffy22 said:
Works on MIUI
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Yea, it worked on cm6 as well... cm7 is a whole new ballgame.
work perfect !!! CM 7 RC1 Thanks!!!
Thanks for this, I missed this when I switched to Cyanogenmod from Sense. On CM 6.1.2 all I had to do was install it & it instantly grabbed my messages. I had data already backed up but didn't restore it. I'll thank you properly when I get on a computer.
Your welcome! Glad it worked!
Big thanks to you. worked on my CM7 wimax build 11.
thank you. Worked on CM7
thanks for the instructions!!! Now my voicemail work perfect in CM7 Build 8
I constantly get a data error message. It won't even allow me to send the activation message. It files it under the undelievered category.
this worked like a charm, thanks!!
I was having the mandatory update problem, and then getting a general failure. I suspect that when another update comes out, i may have to go through the process again. But I was reading another thread about needing the sprint installer apk to make the voicemail update work. I dont know. But mine works perfectly for now!
Anyone using Visidon Applock- face recongnition locking app on their charge. I had a Nexus S 4g and it worked great, but because of signal issues, I went back to Verizon. Went with the Charge. I have rooted the charge and am running gingerbread, but the apps market will not let me download this program. I think current version is 1.5 and should work just fine on my Charge...if I can get the download. What you do is take a picture of your face. Then you can use it to unlock either the phone, or apps on the phone by showing the phone your face. Works great.
Anyone able to provide me with the apk ver 1.5? I found and downloaded ver 1.1 but it is missing a signature file.
There is a market fix in one of the sections here, after you install and run it, it will show up in the market. I have the file but am at work right now and can't seem to find the thread for it. When I get home I will upload the file for you if you havn't found the market fix. I have already installed fix on my phone and looked in the market for this file and it is there and works with this phone.
bcrider83 said:
There is a market fix in one of the sections here, after you install and run it, it will show up in the market. I have the file but am at work right now and can't seem to find the thread for it. When I get home I will upload the file for you if you havn't found the market fix. I have already installed fix on my phone and looked in the market for this file and it is there and works with this phone.
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I will look for the market fix...not sure what I am looking for...but I will search. Thanks for the reply. And yes, the market fix would be the best solution...as it will allow me to download other GB apps.
Thanks Again,
I think I found it. Is it called build.prop.
You have to edit the file to make it look like a Nexus S....which makes sense to me...because that is what I had before and it worked.
wetwaterdog said:
I think I found it. Is it called build.prop.
You have to edit the file to make it look like a Nexus S....which makes sense to me...because that is what I had before and it worked.
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no, the file I am talking about does it all automatically, you have to install this app, run the fix from in the app, restart from w/in the app, then when it powers on you can erase the app if you want to. This will enable all apps in the marketplace.
bcrider83 said:
no, the file I am talking about does it all automatically, you have to install this app, run the fix from in the app, restart from w/in the app, then when it powers on you can erase the app if you want to. This will enable all apps in the marketplace.
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Thanks...but too late....LOL....
I found the file build.prop which I would guess is the manual way to adjust what your fix does. I went into root explorer and renamed the original file to old...then like a dumb ass...turned off the phone before I had pushed the new file to the system folder. Anyway...I just re-flashed GBE....no big deal. and will take a look at your "fix" now.
Thanks Again.
lesson...don't drink and work on your charge...it's a bad combination.
Thanks for this post I have heard about thia app and never.put much into it, I stumbled upon this and bam! Up and running, thanks allall
Sent from my SCH-I510 using XDA Premium App
This is what I found and what I ended up doing. Download the file and then replace build.prop in /system folder.
I did install your fix.apk...got an error on download via qr....but got the file and used adb to install. Not sure which one worked....
just un- installed your fix.apk. then tried to install visidon again....all worked well. So I am pretty sure this manual mod is the same. Yours is much easier.
Works great!
GummyCharged 1.5
thanks for the fix .apk.
worked perfect on my 2.3.4 gummy charge.
thanks for the fix .apk.
worked perfect on my 2.3.4 gummy charge.
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No problem, happy to help. I would give credit to the person who created the app, but I can't find the thread anymore.
Sent from my SCH-I510 using XDA Premium App
wetwaterdog said:
Anyone using Visidon Applock- face recongnition locking app on their charge. I had a Nexus S 4g and it worked great, but because of signal issues, I went back to Verizon. Went with the Charge. I have rooted the charge and am running gingerbread, but the apps market will not let me download this program. I think current version is 1.5 and should work just fine on my Charge...if I can get the download. What you do is take a picture of your face. Then you can use it to unlock either the phone, or apps on the phone by showing the phone your face. Works great.
Anyone able to provide me with the apk ver 1.5? I found and downloaded ver 1.1 but it is missing a signature file.
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This app is awesome, best thing to keep my roommates off my facebook status, can wait till google+ takes off
Ok, I have tried using the stock Infuse email app, the Gmail app, and Maildroid. Each one has the same issue:
When I try and send an attachment any bigger than about 800k it will not send. It just sits in the OUTBOX.
Now, if I am somewhere where I can enable WIFI and connect then it will send. If I am using cellular data connection (H+/4G) it will not send.
I am not exactly sure what the size cutoff is - I'm sure that I have tried to send a PDF that showed as 800k on the device and it would not send. So I am sure anything over 800k is going to get stuck in the old OUTBOX.
The phone has not been rooted and is using the stock ROM. It has had the latest ATT update.
I have searched everywhere I can think of but cannot find any answers.
I'm beginning to think I am the only person with this issue because I am guessing others would have mentioned it by now.
Does anyone know anything about this? Thanks in advance for any help!
I noticed that also when I first bought my phone one of the reasons it was rooted and rommed in just a few hours I think its an att restriction I just sent a 15mb video with 3g to make sure it would work
Sent from my SGH-I997 using xda premium
I send 5+ mb attachments routinely over k9 mail and gmail with no issues. Sometimes gmail delays them, but sends them through.
I rooted and flashed the Infuse with the MIUI rom and it works. Sending attachments over 800k now works without a hitch.
Does anyone know how to get the original stock ATT Infuse email app working on the MIUI 12/31 rom?
The am not fond of the email app that is already installed with MIUI.
Thanks for any help!
Sent from my SGH-I997 using XDA App
troutt256 said:
I rooted and flashed the Infuse with the MIUI rom and it works. Sending attachments over 800k now works without a hitch.
Does anyone know how to get the original stock ATT Infuse email app working on the MIUI 12/31 rom?
The am not fond of the email app that is already installed with MIUI.
Thanks for any help!
Sent from my SGH-I997 using XDA App
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I think this is it...pulled it from stock.
if it doesnt run, you have to copy and paste into system/app or use abd to push it.
You can also change the OP title to [SOLVED]
and thanked those who helped you
Can't install it
I moved it to system/app and tried to install (device is rooted, ES File Explorer with system write enabled) but it wouldn't install.
Maybe I am doing something incorrectly, but I am not sure what that could be.
Thanks for the help though. Any ideas?
troutt256 said:
I moved it to system/app and tried to install (device is rooted, ES File Explorer with system write enabled) but it wouldn't install.
Maybe I am doing something incorrectly, but I am not sure what that could be.
Thanks for the help though. Any ideas?
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You can try pushing it into the system pak with abd.
Or you can also change the permission of the pak once you have copied it using root explorer, our a similar root tool.
Here is a helpful link.
Hi I'm new here so it will only let me post in this area for now instead of the actual rom post...
I installed the rom last night and everything looked great!
I'm on wi-fi at home so I didn't notice any data connection problems. As soon as I left the realm of wi-fi I ran into a data connection problem while the browser sill worked as we as sms and phone calls the 4g and signal strength icons in the status bar never turned blue and any app I had that relied on data signal came back with a data connection error i.e. my accuweather and wellsfargo apps. I'm on the original ics leak from July from here.
Any help...
PS I did search the original thread for related issues didn't find any.
freakshow999 said:
I installed the rom last night and everything looked great!
I'm on wi-fi at home so I didn't notice any data connection problems. As soon as I left the realm of wi-fi I ran into a data connection problem while the browser sill worked as we as sms and phone calls the 4g and signal strength icons in the status bar never turned blue and any app I had that relied on data signal came back with a data connection error i.e. my accuweather and wellsfargo apps. I'm on the original ics leak from July from here.
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i guess your "network type" is in Automatic
turn that to either 3G or 2G you'll get your data connection back ..... i tried & got it.
Look over your APN settings.
Try to just reboot your phone. Worked for me. Sometimes when you boot into a custom ROM its necessary to perform a reboot after the cache finishes building.
Sent from my MB865 using xda premium
Axis_Drummer said:
Try to just reboot your phone. Worked for me. Sometimes when you boot into a custom ROM its necessary to perform a reboot after the cache finishes building.
Sent from my MB865 using xda premium
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I tried rebooting a couple of times still had the same problem. Definitely not an apn issue as data still works for sms and chrome. As far as I know there is no toggle on the atrix 2 for 2/3g to 4g this may have changed in ics but there wasn't one on gb. Even the custom stuff I had wouldn't do it. I will double check on that.
This sucks because i really like the rom otherwise no fuss no muss just the stuff I want.
Make sure background data is on, and that you're Google account is signed in. I had problems with my account when I first upgraded to ICS. I resigned in and it worked fine.
Sent from my MB865 running CM10
Scottyfer said:
Make sure background data is on, and that you're Google account is signed in. I had problems with my account when I first upgraded to ICS. I resigned in and it worked fine.
Sent from my MB865 running CM10
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Background data has been on as well as my google account. Everything works fine on ics it was just this particular rom.
The apps I was getting errors in are wells fargo and actuweather. Both got network errors and my 4g and signal strength never changed from gray to blue indicating full connection.
freakshow999 said:
Background data has been on as well as my google account. Everything works fine on ics it was just this particular rom.
The apps I was getting errors in are wells fargo and actuweather. Both got network errors and my 4g and signal strength never changed from gray to blue indicating full connection.
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I would try a clean install and see if that works.
Sent from my MB865 running CM10
Scottyfer said:
I would try a clean install and see if that works.
Sent from my MB865 running CM10
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Rom was installed on a clean ics install (the July release from here recomended as the only one to use by the devs)
Guess I'll try it again to see if I can get it to work...
Ok reinstalled everything seems to be working fine. Error was human, mine... accidently had clicked on something and didn't realize it.
I even have the wifi hot spot working too. So I'm pretty stoked.
I swear I'm not a newb I'm on many other android forums just hadn't bothered messing with my phone for about eight months.
Thanks for all your replies!
Stock Browser
I like the Shogun ROM, but want Chrome browser gone. I uninstall, move the stock ICS Browser from SCV7 to my sd card to install, and it will not install. Just says App not Installed, nothing more specific. A poster in the development section addresses this by suggesting the APK be moved into system/apps folder, then a restart prior to installing. I have tried this as well to no avail. Not sure how many posts I lack to be able to post in the development section, but for now this is as close as I can get. I hope that this is an appropriate place for such a post.
Good question Jerry as I too would like the stock browser. It actually seems faster than chrome to me.
I'll upload the titanium backup of the browser tomorrow..you can restore it and see if that works
Sent from my MB865 using xda app-developers app
ICS Stock Browser
Many thanks to devilhunter47
Another question...
I'm having issues with the apex launcher not opening the proper apps etc. Is there anyway to go back to the stock ics launcher also?
OK I've got solutions for both of my issues.
Before you download the files read carfully:
Download files to your PC then copy to your SD card.
Use ES File Manager (free in the app store) to copy or one of the files (whichever you prefer) to the System/App folder. You must go to settings in ES and make sure you have view system files etc. check so you can see the actual folder. ES defaults to opening up the SD card just click the up arrow and it will take you to the system folder. You may have to restart ES after changing the permissions in order for you to see the system folder.
Do Not try to install the apk's it doesn't work that way.
Browser.apk - 1.79 MB
MotoAtLauncher.apk - 11.31 KB
If this helps please thank me!
MdnMsGuy said:
Many thanks to devilhunter47
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extract the archive and put the files in sdcard\titaniumbackup folder..then go to titanium backup and restore..better to restore the app only rather than app+data
Many thanks to devilhunter47, and to freakshow999.
Sent from my MB865 using xda app-developers app
Many thanks to devilhunter47, and to freakshow999.
Sent from my MB865 using xda app-developers app
glad to know you solved related problems
So I have a rooted GS3 running stock 4.1.2 and I flashed one of those inverted Google play store apps using twrp. Then when I rebooted my device for another reason and went into the play store, it said no connection even though my WiFi and 4g are both fine. I uninstalled all updates to the app, but then the play store would crash even when running in the background. So I found the latest version of the play store I could online, which was which isn't the most recent. But now I still have the same no connection problem. Any solutions? I've also tried clearing data and cache from the app
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda app-developers app
ThePatelBros said:
So I have a rooted GS3 running stock 4.1.2 and I flashed one of those inverted Google play store apps using twrp. Then when I rebooted my device for another reason and went into the play store, it said no connection even though my WiFi and 4g are both fine. I uninstalled all updates to the app, but then the play store would crash even when running in the background. So I found the latest version of the play store I could online, which was which isn't the most recent. But now I still have the same no connection problem. Any solutions? I've also tried clearing data and cache from the app
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Have you tried Google Play Store 4.1.10 yet?
ThePatelBros said:
So I have a rooted GS3 running stock 4.1.2 and I flashed one of those inverted Google play store apps using twrp. Then when I rebooted my device for another reason and went into the play store, it said no connection even though my WiFi and 4g are both fine. I uninstalled all updates to the app, but then the play store would crash even when running in the background. So I found the latest version of the play store I could online, which was which isn't the most recent. But now I still have the same no connection problem. Any solutions? I've also tried clearing data and cache from the app
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This happened to me to me once, I fixed it by restoring a backup. I couldn't really figure out what was causing it. I know I messed it up by clearing data on system framework. But I have no idea how that messed it up.
You could just flash a custom rom and that will fix the issue. The problem is that the playstore is being updated constantly. Any Inverted playstore I have running ends up getting automatically updated to the most recent release anyways, so I just kind of gave up theming it. You probably installed an old version of playstore. The playstore must have some automatic connection protocol that enables it to automatically update without permission, and an old playstore might not allow that connection.
You might just be able to completely delete the playstore from your phone to install a recent one, but I have no idea if that would work. Someone has to know how to fix this without a restore or flashing a new rom.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
today also on CM 10.1 4.2.2 Nightly 01.06
BadUsername said:
This happened to me to me once, I fixed it by restoring a backup. I couldn't really figure out what was causing it. I know I messed it up by clearing data on system framework. But I have no idea how that messed it up.
You could just flash a custom rom and that will fix the issue. The problem is that the playstore is being updated constantly. Any Inverted playstore I have running ends up getting automatically updated to the most recent release anyways, so I just kind of gave up theming it. You probably installed an old version of playstore. The playstore must have some automatic connection protocol that enables it to automatically update without permission, and an old playstore might not allow that connection.
You might just be able to completely delete the playstore from your phone to install a recent one, but I have no idea if that would work. Someone has to know how to fix this without a restore or flashing a new rom.
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Also in my case. Tried cache from safestrap, restore with Titanium. I mention that I have been "playing" yesterday with gps.conf. But today morning it worked.
PS: In my case it was because Adway Host. After delete the blacklist from hosts it fix without restart.
If work to anybody else, please hit thanks
I am happy now. Wish you all
DarkMenace said:
Have you tried Google Play Store 4.1.10 yet?
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I just did. Same problem
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BadUsername said:
This happened to me to me once, I fixed it by restoring a backup. I couldn't really figure out what was causing it. I know I messed it up by clearing data on system framework. But I have no idea how that messed it up.
You could just flash a custom rom and that will fix the issue. The problem is that the playstore is being updated constantly. Any Inverted playstore I have running ends up getting automatically updated to the most recent release anyways, so I just kind of gave up theming it. You probably installed an old version of playstore. The playstore must have some automatic connection protocol that enables it to automatically update without permission, and an old playstore might not allow that connection.
You might just be able to completely delete the playstore from your phone to install a recent one, but I have no idea if that would work. Someone has to know how to fix this without a restore or flashing a new rom.
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So pretty much I should just do a Titanium Backup for all my apps except the Play Store, install the custom ROM, then restore the data for all my apps and hope the Play Store works?
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ThePatelBros said:
So pretty much I should just do a Titanium Backup for all my apps except the Play Store, install the custom ROM, then restore the data for all my apps and hope the Play Store works?
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That will work for sure, just have to find a custom rom you like. Your play store won't restore even if it's backed up through titanium. It's a good idea to have titanium anyway.
Never restore system data, only restore user apps + data. That's known to cause problems after a restore.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
BadUsername said:
That will work for sure, just have to find a custom rom you like. Your play store won't restore even if it's backed up through titanium. It's a good idea to have titanium anyway.
Never restore system data, only restore user apps + data. That's known to cause problems after a restore.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
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Okay I'm about to back up my apps and Ill find a ROM later today
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ThePatelBros said:
Okay I'm about to back up my apps and Ill find a ROM later today
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda app-developers app
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Are you new to flashing roms? Just make sure you do all the proper steps first.
Nandroid and unlock bootloader first.
factory reset, wipe cache and Dalvik cache, format system, then flash rom.
Follow the instructions on the roms page and you're good to go.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
BadUsername said:
Are you new to flashing roms? Just make sure you do all the proper steps first.
Nandroid and unlock bootloader first.
factory reset, wipe cache and Dalvik cache, format system, then flash rom.
Follow the instructions on the roms page and you're good to go.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
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I've flashed a few roms before. Its just a matter of which one I'll flash
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda app-developers app
BadUsername said:
Are you new to flashing roms? Just make sure you do all the proper steps first.
Nandroid and unlock bootloader first.
factory reset, wipe cache and Dalvik cache, format system, then flash rom.
Follow the instructions on the roms page and you're good to go.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
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I'm now at the point where Google Drive and Google+ keep crashing too. I'm realizing this is a problem with all the google apps, so what would happen if I just flashed a gapps zip file for 4.1.2 via TWRP? would that work since this seems to be a problem within all the apps by google? im running the latest ota, the MD3 build.
ThePatelBros said:
I'm now at the point where Google Drive and Google+ keep crashing too. I'm realizing this is a problem with all the google apps, so what would happen if I just flashed a gapps zip file for 4.1.2 via TWRP? would that work since this seems to be a problem within all the apps by google? im running the latest ota, the MD3 build.
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That is very strange, give it a shot, flashing a gapps package might work. I do think it's a problem with the Google apps though, so your play store is working right? I think all you need now is let the play store auto update. Maybe there's a way to force it. That should allow the rest of your apps to work.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
Yup. Play store worked after that, but I went ahead and still flashed a custom rom
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda app-developers app
ThePatelBros said:
Yup. Play store worked after that, but I went ahead and still flashed a custom rom
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Sounds like you're close to getting things back to normal, let me know If you get everything working.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
BadUsername said:
Sounds like you're close to getting things back to normal, let me know If you get everything working.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
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Yup everything's fine now. No crashes at all and everything works. Thanks for your help btw
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda app-developers app
so if anybody having this problem again
i get mine fixed by doing this :
1. Open any file explorer that have root access
2. Search for a folder named "system" and then look for a folder that says "etc"
3. Inside "etc" folder search for a file that says "host" . edit that text using any text editor
4. Delete everything in the host file
5. Save
I ended up fixing it by flashing another rom, using titanium backup to copy the play store. and then reflashed back to the original rom I was using and then restored with copy of the play store i previously had.
Jordan~Kurniawan said:
so if anybody having this problem again
i get mine fixed by doing this :
1. Open any file explorer that have root access
2. Search for a folder named "system" and then look for a folder that says "etc"
3. Inside "etc" folder search for a file that says "host" . edit that text using any text editor
4. Delete everything in the host file
5. Save
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The host file is read-only, I can't modify it.
I too have the same issue and cannot edit the file due to read-only permissions.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda app-developers app