synergy rom, doesnt read my sd card - Verizon Samsung Galaxy S III

i just flashed the lastest synergy rom and now my 64gb exfat format isnt being read. anyone know whats wrong with it?


[Q] Can' Find Micro SD card on Xoom HC3.1 rooted - RESOLVED

I've flashed the HC 3.1 using CWM
I've flashed the
But somehow can't find the sdcard - slashmntslashsdcard still points to the internal memory.
Xoom Setting - Storage setting still only shows "Internal storage"
My setup is : android version 3.1
Kernel version android build atapa23
Build number HMJ37
Xoom model : Wifi
anybody can help ?
hjfritz said:
I've flashed the HC 3.1 using CWM
I've flashed the
But somehow can't find the sdcard - slashmntslashsdcard still points to the internal memory.
Xoom Setting - Storage setting still only shows "Internal storage"
My setup is : android version 3.1
Kernel version android build atapa23
Build number HMJ37
Xoom model : Wifi
anybody can help ?
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Rooting and/or updating to 3.1 does NOT get you a working SD card.
You will have to install a kernel (Tiamat 1.4.4) + a new boot image.
To avoid serious issues I suggest you thoroughly READ the instructions for installing the Kernel and the boot image.
Double check to ensure you are using the right kernel/boot image for your xoom (3g or not, etc). Flashing the wrong thing in the wrong place can brick your xoom.
Note that an .img file is NOT the same as a .zip file. Check your work before you press [Enter].
Good Luck.
Also once you do have the right files, the /sdcard will still be the internal memory. You will find the external memory card in /sdcard/external.
Thanks bwcorvus, the only thing I missed was were to look for the external sd card!
tbayne said:
Rooting and/or updating to 3.1 does NOT get you a working SD card.
You will have to install a kernel (Tiamat 1.4.4) + a new boot image.
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Ok I loaded a new boot image and loaded the Tiamat 1.4.4 following the Tiamat instructions
My kernel is now Tiamat_Xoom-v1.4.4-Full_Throttle
However still no joy to access the SD Card. /sdcard/external remains empty when i open it with rootexplorer. It should have the Tiamat kernal zip and on it because these are the files i put onto the sd card and flashed it with CMW.
Any idea what i did wrong ?
After you flash the kernal, you have to restart xoom again for it to read sd card at startup. T least when I did it I had to restart the device one more time.
ok it looks like a SD Card Problem compatibility problem.
I'm using a imation 32 GB card (i-Express 2 microSDHC) class 10
I tried a SD card 8GB from my HTC HD2 and it works.
Strange that I can do the kernal and boot image flash from the card but not read it later. The SD Card also works on my HD2
Live is a mystery
hjfritz said:
ok it looks like a SD Card Problem compatibility problem.
I'm using a imation 32 GB card (i-Express 2 microSDHC) class 10
I tried a SD card 8GB from my HTC HD2 and it works.
Strange that I can do the kernal and boot image flash from the card but not read it later. The SD Card also works on my HD2
Live is a mystery
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Try formatting the card in your hd2.
Sent From My Evo
update on my issue.
I found another thread with someone having a similar problem he used
Panasonic SD Formatter to reformat the SD Card. It resolved his
problem and indeed my problem. After reformatting it with the SD Formater 3.0
the memory card was finally recognised.
I did a erase and rewrite - takes an hour but was worth it.
I can now report that Imation 32GB SD card Class 10 is working on a Xoom with HC 3.1 and Kernal Tiamat 1.4.4
thanks to everyone
hjfritz said:
update on my issue.
I found another thread with someone having a similar problem he used
Panasonic SD Formatter to reformat the SD Card. It resolved his
problem and indeed my problem. After reformatting it with the SD Formater 3.0
the memory card was finally recognised.
I did a erase and rewrite - takes an hour but was worth it.
I can now report that Imation 32GB SD card Class 10 is working on a Xoom with HC 3.1 and Kernal Tiamat 1.4.4
thanks to everyone
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Maybe you could edit the title of your thread to say (RESOLVED) so others with that problem can see your solution.
hjfritz said:
update on my issue.
I found another thread with someone having a similar problem he used
Panasonic SD Formatter to reformat the SD Card. It resolved his
problem and indeed my problem. After reformatting it with the SD Formater 3.0
the memory card was finally recognised.
I did a erase and rewrite - takes an hour but was worth it.
I can now report that Imation 32GB SD card Class 10 is working on a Xoom with HC 3.1 and Kernal Tiamat 1.4.4
thanks to everyone
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I have just installed NTFS mounting from hellcat82, and SD mounting just work!

[Q] question about partitioning ns4g...

since the ns4g doesnt have a external sd card, can you still partition the internal sd card? if so can someone point in the direction of how to do it and what settings to set it at? and what are the benefits of it if there is. i am running the latest Miui rom as well. i do have cwm , so any help will be great.
thank you

LiquidSmooth Rom rc7 cant access SD?

ive installed liquidsmooth rom rc7 for verizon galaxy s3..everything is working except that when i try to play music it doesnt access my external sd card..when i look into gallery my pictures doesnt load..and there isnt a way for me to look my external sd files w.o use 3rd party app.
Make sure your card is formatted with FAT32. Most custom roms do not support exFat.
Sent from my SCH-I535
jhoutz said:
Make sure your card is formatted with FAT32. Most custom roms do not support exFat.
Sent from my SCH-I535
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my card is formmated with FAT32. still doesnt access and on the liquid smooth rom there isnt a way to format directly plug into the phone
MPanda said:
my card is formmated with FAT32. still doesnt access and on the liquid smooth rom there isnt a way to format directly plug into the phone
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Phone shows that its there but I can't access it or play songs..but I can access through script manager no solutions for this...I just might have to switch to a different rom
Your positive its formatted to fat32?
droidstyle said:
Your positive its formatted to fat32?
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Yes I'm very positive I have two micro SD cards...its weird cause it shows my videos in gallery but it doesn't show anything else there both formatted to fat32 it
MPanda said:
Yes I'm very positive I have two micro SD cards...its weird cause it shows my videos in gallery but it doesn't show anything else there both formatted to fat32 it
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i really like this rom..but it seems that im only the one facing this just going to flash to another rom..its been a 2weeks..i havent had a clue whats going to these situations..and i really appreciate everyone who posted in response to this..

Flashing rooms from ex sdcard using either twrp or cwm?

Hi everyone, I hope I can get an answer. I have searched and have not been able to resolve. How do flash roms from the ex sdcar? I see in both recoveries the option ex sdcard but when I click it it is blank. My Card is Fat32. Do I need it to changed to exfat to NTFS? If so will custom kernels read that now? I know in the past some kernels could read it. Any help or point in the right direction would be great. Thank
I have my sd card in fat32 and it sees my files fine what recovery are you using?
jwattt said:
I have my sd card in fat32 and it sees my files fine what recovery are you using?
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I am using TWRP version

Question ROM (10) Suzu AOSP stable on xperia x 5121 does not support my sd card?

My greetings to all,
I have a problem regarding the android 10 AOSP ROM on my xperia x (suzu).
I installed the ROM and everything is working fine if I can say it like that. Except my problem is the Sd card which is not supported. And he asks me to format it. What I did with a message which subsequently states that I can use my card now on the phone. Except that I still have nothing, not even a trace of the SD card in the file manager. Could you help me? I really like this ROM and would like to keep it. If there is a possible solution, please help me. I am attaching some screenshots to messages I got with the SD card. I also specify that to flash the ROM I have to send everything on the SD card and use TWRP to flash it. The SD card shows up well on my computer and the Oreo 8.0 Stock ROM on the phone itself. I have to format the SD card in Fat32, exFat, Ntfs but still nothing. I tell myself that maybe it is the ROM which does not accept the sd card. Ah yes I was going to forget, to flash the ROM, I used the kernel of android 9 pie and I don't have another SD card to check if it works or not with another. I also admit that I am not too good at handling. I just came across a tutorial here that I followed(rom-10-suzu-aosp-stable) . Thank you and sorry for taking so long.

