Any idea why it is missing going from 3.6.5 to 3.6.6? Nothing about it in the change log.
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I believe for CNA you have to flash face unlock
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I'll have to keep looking.
I don't remember flashing anything other than MMS fis when I originally installed the ROM.
Edit: Found it on another thread. Re-Flashed Google Apps and it is working now.
Amaze209 said:
I believe for CNA you have to flash face unlock
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I never had a problem with anything until I flashed beans build 6. I did a clean install but ever since my phone has been freezing nonstop. I have to battery pull every time and it is getting frustrating. I went back to build 5 on a clean install and the same thing occurs. I even tried downloading my apps one by one from the play store instead of restoring from titanium and I still get this issue. Someone please give me some enlightenment I'm desperate!
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda app-developers app
1) What does a full wipe consist of in your case?
2) Freezing as in you can't do anything at all or freezing as in laggy? How long did you have Beans Build 5 and/or 6 installed?
3) did you have the AOSP Lockscreen installed via Aroma (when you first flash the rom)? if so, did you deselect ALL the TW options under Settings/Lockscreen?
4) Do you check the md5 before flashing build 5 or build 6? If not, what do they say when you check now?
AOSP lock screen was the culprit that required me to pull my battery. I have no problems with the tw lock screen on B6. Battery life, GPS, performance is great on B6.
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When you enable AOSP lock screen you must disable all other functions in the same settings menu. Everything must be off. I'm running it flawlessly after doing so.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda premium
This is what I mean.
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SlimSnoopOS said:
1) What does a full wipe consist of in your case?
2) Freezing as in you can't do anything at all or freezing as in laggy? How long did you have Beans Build 5 and/or 6 installed?
3) did you have the AOSP Lockscreen installed via Aroma (when you first flash the rom)? if so, did you deselect ALL the TW options under Settings/Lockscreen?
4) Do you check the md5 before flashing build 5 or build 6? If not, what do they say when you check now?
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Full wipe for me would be factory reset/system/cache/dalvic
It would freeze and I wouldn't be able to do anything so I had to battery pull
I had some settings turned on for touch wiz lock screen and I've turned them off since and I think that may have been the culprit. They were there as default however.
Also how would I go about checking md5
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Real_JESRadio said:
This is what I mean.
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Yeah did that still happening :/
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cvbcbcmv said:
When in doubt, restore to stock and do the rooting process again. Try backing up your SD, wiping it, and putting it back on too. Basically do some spring cleaning, you're phone's getting dusty! (I'm joking because these will probably work)
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How big of a pain is it going back to stock?
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It's easier than dealing with all of your issues.
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jlibis said:
Also how would I go about checking md5
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There are numerous methods:
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bobAbooE said:
It's easier than dealing with all of your issues.
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Typical XDA post....nice contribution
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cvbcbcmv said:
When in doubt, restore to stock and do the rooting process again. Try backing up your SD, wiping it, and putting it back on too. Basically do some spring cleaning, you're phone's getting dusty! (I'm joking because these will probably work)
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That's exactly what I did. Then switched to TW 4x5 launcher and also changed to CWM recovery (before re flashing ROM) and all my issues went away. Don't know if Nova was the issue or not but it works great now. Fast and smooth. Even running IMO lean kernel with no problems. Here's the quadrant score.
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jlibis said:
Typical XDA post....nice contribution
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Are you still having issues?
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Didn't realize Quadrant was so frowned upon around here. Sorry for posting. Have used other benchmarks and with B6 have achieved scores very close to the supposed reigning benchmark king that I will not mention lol. Either way, I'm very happy with the speed and smoothness of B6 now. Once B7 corrects the email issue and I'm assuming will be based on the official OTA release tomorrow I think I've found my daily driver. Great ROM.
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Real_JESRadio said:
Once B7 corrects the email issue and I'm assuming will be based on the official OTA release tomorrow I think I've found my daily driver. Great ROM.
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Build 6 is already based on the Verizon OTA coming out tomorrow.
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SlimSnoopOS said:
Build 6 is already based on the Verizon OTA coming out tomorrow.
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True. Unless there were a couple of final tweaks. Either way this is a great ROM.
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bobAbooE said:
Are you still having issues?
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Ran b5 today no issues....quite weird not sure I just hope I don't have to go back to stock. I got great battery life today around 20 hours with 3 on screen and 20 percent left. No freezing either I'm quite confused but not holding my breath
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Real_JESRadio said:
That's exactly what I did. Then switched to TW 4x5 launcher and also changed to CWM recovery (before re flashing ROM) and all my issues went away. Don't know if Nova was the issue or not but it works great now. Fast and smooth. Even running IMO lean kernel with no problems. Here's the quadrant score.
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I was using cwm and switched to twrp actually and I think that may have helped... There is no telling though. I would go back to cm10 but I have constant call issues with it even with late builds. Probably my phone being temperamental though. I am one that believes in doing clean installs though so I know my problems aren't from a so called dirty flash. I wish I could import my desktop layout into trebuchet because I always feel that it was the fasted launcher for me.
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jlibis said:
I was using cwm and switched to twrp actually and I think that may have helped... There is no telling though. I would go back to cm10 but I have constant call issues with it even with late builds. Probably my phone being temperamental though. I am one that believes in doing clean installs though so I know my problems aren't from a so called dirty flash. I wish I could import my desktop layout into trebuchet because I always feel that it was the fasted launcher for me.
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I don't know. Weird. I did flash another ROM between 5 and 6. That may have started my issues. Hoping Eclipse updates And gets 4.2 along with Google now. If so, I'll go back to that. Only non TW ROM I liked. Very fast and no issues with Eclipse 2.1 build 4.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
Real_JESRadio said:
I don't know. Weird. I did flash another ROM between 5 and 6. That may have started my issues. Hoping Eclipse updates And gets 4.2 along with Google now. If so, I'll go back to that. Only non TW ROM I liked. Very fast and no issues with Eclipse 2.1 build 4.
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I've flashed almost every ROM available and I always find that builds that are built off cm10 with more customizable options always give me issues for some reason. I was s strong believer in cm10 until I tried out beans with the new aosp options.
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I was wondering if I can install google now on Blaze 4.0.4 stock (I need it for tmobile wifi calling)?
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lcalin77 said:
I was wondering if I can install google now on Blaze 4.0.4 stock (I need it for tmobile wifi calling)?
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There is a custom ROM that has WiFi calling and has Google Now.. It is called Blaz3r.. its still ICS.
Sent from my Provisioned Galaxy S Blaze
Thanks I'll try it
Sent from my SGH-T769 using xda app-developers app
Also. If you don't want to try a ROM. You can flash Google Now.. Scroll down to find the link to Now..
Sent from my Provisioned Galaxy S Blaze
im_awesome_right? said:
There is a custom ROM that has WiFi calling and has Google Now.. It is called Blaz3r.. its still ICS.
Sent from my Provisioned Galaxy S Blaze
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Blaz3r and Tweaked both have WiFi calling. Tweaked also has custom kernel .
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are there any miracast roms out there so I can use my phone wireless stream my phone screen to TV.
AllShare is not an option my device is rooted and won't work
Sent from my SGH-T889 using xda app-developers app
xsessive said:
are there any miracast roms out there so I can use my phone wireless stream my phone screen to TV.
AllShare is not an option my device is rooted and won't work
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Have you tried triangle away to use allshare? I was able to use allashare dongle when rooted after that...but didn't keep the dongle since has to be directly connected to tv, through av receiver doesn't work.
Sent from my GT-N8013 using Tapatalk 4
yup tried it, those it have to be on a specific rom?
heres a vid i made about it
Sent from my SGH-T889 using xda app-developers app
Video doesn't play, says its private.
Sent from my GT-N8013 using Tapatalk 4
whoops try it again
Sent from my SGH-T889 using xda app-developers app
Triangle away may not work with custom recovery or custom kernel. I have heard mixed results with custom kernels and recoveries, I am running stock with root injected by mobile odin pro.
Sent from my GT-N8013 using Tapatalk 4
got the links for stock recovery and kernel?
Sent from my SGH-T889 using xda app-developers app
I don't. I used latest stock rom from and injected root during flash with mobile odin pro.
Sent from my GT-N8013 using Tapatalk 4
Alright then I'll see what I can find and let you guys know if it works thanks for all the help
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Wouldn't cyanogenmod work? I thought you just need to have jelly bean 4.2...right?
S.Phrenic said:
Wouldn't cyanogenmod work? I thought you just need to have jelly bean 4.2...right?
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It depends. Having CM JB 4.2 doesn't automatically means mirroring is available. I don't have CM on my note n8010 because I need S-pen support, but I have it on my Razr which is 4.3. No wireless display there.
Verizon Galaxy S3 SCH-I535 on android 4.3 cant get it to work with AT&T Straight Talk
I've tried everything putting it in global and putting it in gsm modes restarting hard resetting refreshing 4.3 stock and its just not working any ideas?
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You must Google the appropriate APNs and use those. Then reboot
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I javentobhave the apn set first?
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Thanks for the suggestion but it didn't work I tried the one from stbyop and a few I found on here and on android central that didn't help me. . And I dint want to flash the phone to straight talk
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