Possible to remove lockscreen clock/date? (CM10/Apex) - Verizon Samsung Galaxy S III

Hi. I have a Verizon Galaxy S3. I rooted/flashed with CM10 nightlies and apex launcher.
I use Widgetlocker to make a custom lockscreen. However, I have a PIN security thing that shows up to protect my phone. So when I swipe to unlock in Widgetlocker, it goes to the default "PIN" lockscreen. This is fine because it looks great, except one problem: the default pin-prompt lockscreen has that ridiculous default clock which was the whole reason I installed widgetlocker in the first place. I want to remove that clock.
I've uploaded a picture here
i (dot) imgur (dot) com (slash) 5wWai.png
^sorry bout that I'm a new member so I can't post links. I assure you it's not spam.
I want to remove that.
Is this possible?


[Q]-iPhone LockScreen For my GALAXY5!

i juste was modding my Android Homescreen and i got an idea about:
ScreenSuite iPhone Lock+ Transparent Background = will show the widgets placed in the HOMEscreen here's some Pics:
dOWNLOAD TheM please!!!
i got this look, but i wish i have an iPhone Lock without any APP that is not Compatible with APP Launcher PRO , s00w any ideas??
PS: i have GOTO Lockscreen (nice but not Exellent 4 me),
Lockbot (i bought the latest 1.10.1 and he crashed my phone so i used the code for FACTORY DATA RESET!
Lock 2.0 (i like the Default Theme but is bigger than my Resolution i have:
Thanks For Advance!
Wait, so do you want a lockscreen that is like apple's? Or did you make one and you want people to download? I couldn't understand half your post because it was in broken murdered english. If you want a lockscreen, try widget locker.


I downloaded the Inspired Ace rom which I love and has increased my battery life like I didn't think was possible. My question is the lockscreen. How do I change the sense screen to the standard froyo or gingerbread type that slides left to right and allows you to change ringer on/off?
Widget locker. That's what I use.
You can remove or rename htclockscreen.apk and it should show up automatically. Not 100% sure one the apk name but I think I am remembering close.
Located in /system/app
note: if you use the above process (deleting the apk) your alarm will not work.
Widgetlocker looks pretty cool, I think I might have to check that out.
Widget locker is the best. You can make multiple unlock bars, widgets on the lock screen, change the lock bar style, etc. Absolutely worth the cost.
I guess my question is how do you use the add ons in the rom. It has the option while downloading to enable the htc lockscreen but I want to use the stock froyo slider that I'm guessing it also has. How do I change the lockscreen? I would post this in the rom forum but I can't yet because of my number of posts.
Sent from my Inspire 4G using XDA Premium App

Collapsible Widgets and Widgets on Lockscreen? Jelly Bean 4.2?

New to Android. Loved having essentially what I call 'collapsible widgets' on my old iPhone 4 on the lockscreen (jailbreak.) Essentially when text messages, emails, calendar event reminders, or even SportCenter updates came in, they would show up in a widget on the lockscreen (ala Intelliscreen X app) and you could do an action (like delete/clear the notification), or you could collapse the widget so that there was just a header like 'SMS Messages (3)' with 3 being the number of unread and you could uncollapse it to see the messages. The widgets would just always stack up together. If they didn't all fit, you could scroll down to see them. If all the info in a particular widget that was open didn't fit in the widget's window, you could scroll down to see the rest of the info. All this was done on the lockscreen.
Granted, I didn't have any sensitive information to worry about people seeing. But you could choose, just like Android what shows up and what doesn't.
In running Jelly Bean 4.1 with Sense+ (4.5) on the HTC One X+, I found I had to install WidgetLock to get control of the widgets on the lockscreen. I'm using Pure Calander Widget Agenda and the widget stays the same size no matter if there are no events listed or 20 events. Sort of a waste of lockscreen space.
Is collapsible and/or scrolling widgets just something that is extremely rare for some reason? It looks like maybe the stock Sense 'Productivity' Lock Screen Theme sort of does this (from looking at it - but I've been using WidgetLock from the beginning). The problem with the HTC Sense is the configurability of the lockscreen isn't as flexible as I would like. I wish I could control which apps are in the dock on the lockscreen and how many there are (add app icons to lock screen) and how transparent the widget showing the info is. I hate the big clock too but want the productivity widget (the clock is always on the right in the notification bar - no need to waste space redisplaying it larger - my eyes are fine!)
Also, on Jelly Bean 4.2, I think I read you can add widgets to the lock screen. So does JB 4.2 essentially defeat the purpose of Widget Lock. I love that Widget Lock lets you go from a 4x4 grid to 5x6 (or whatever you want) so I can have 6 docked apps on the lockscreen and there isn't such big spaces between everything. I hope so as I can see the HTC Sense lockscreen sometimes come on for a moment before it gets replaced by Widget Lock. Makes me feel like I have a bit of a hokey setup to get what I want.
iOS had this same issue. But in 5 they greatly improved the lockscreen functionality. Then iOS finally introduced repeating notification settings. That's the next thing Android needs. But that's another subject. Still love JB 4.1. Does the job. Nothing's perfect.
Yes HTC does not allow you to change it's lockscreen. Much like on an iPhone, you would need to root and install custom apps (or apps like widgetlocker) to get the functionality you are looking for.
That said, this is the General forum for the HTC One XL. You would be looking for Q&A and also the OneX+ forums here
Please keep all question related threads in Q&A only. Thank you.
Thread Moved.
"If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice"
Sent from my Galaxy Note (i717), using XDA Premium.

[Q] How to lock the widgets on the Android's lockscreen?

I have Android 4.3 on Sony Xperia Z1 Compact.
On my lockscreen I have three widgets. I noticed that, when the phone is in the pocket for example, sometimes the widgets are moved around, or removed, or activated... I'd like to find a way to block / lock the widgets in the lockscreen, like that they couldn't be removed or moved around until I uncheck a box or something. So the first widget is that one, the second is that one, and the third is that one, and if I want to change the order or remove then I need to unlock/unblock my settings.
FYI I have a pattern to unlock the phone.
I haven't been able to find this option. Any idea ?

Go Locker default lockscreen!?!

Hello, I tried posting this in the question section but I for some reason had insufficient access.
I've just installed Cyanogenmod 11 (Nightly Build) from my carbon ROM and I've installed Go Launcher Ex. Unfortunately, It requires a million other apps and it's making me want to throw my phone at the wall.
I am using the default lockscreen that the GoLocker comes with as I find all the other ones on the store absolutely awful looking and terribly made however, on the default launcher you swipe right and it brings up a page where you can change the settings of the theme, wallpaper, security, weather, settings and a clean option. Then underneath that part there is a load of app icons there and I have no way of changing which apps are there at all!! Sometimes I unlock my screen and there are 3 apps there, then when I go back to it afterwards, it's completely filled up!?!? They're really frustrating me!! If you take a look at the attachment I have, it's just a picture of what I'm talking about as I'm unable to post links or images.
The other thing that Is really bothering me is the icons such as the Themes, wallpaper, security, weather, settings and clean. They all serve not really much purpose apart from the weather one which I installed ANOTHER Go Launcher app and bought it which is a weather app and when I tap the weather icon, It just takes me to the stupid settings page for the weather options?!?!?
SO FRUSTRATING!! Any help would be saving me SO MUCH!

