Hot while tethering - Verizon Samsung Galaxy S III

I had my phone charging while also tethering. I left it for a while and them came back and it said the battery temp was 48 °C. How bad is that for the phone, and is there a way to prevent it from getting so hot next time?
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omgi0wn said:
I had my phone charging while also tethering. I left it for a while and them came back and it said the battery temp was 48 °C. How bad is that for the phone, and is there a way to prevent it from getting so hot next time?
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Pretty much by not using it while it is charging. You are charging the phone and also tethering with it, that will make your battery heat up. I do not know the battery tolerances for heat so I don't have any advice for that but common sense dictates that if you don't do it for a long time and often, you are fine.


How hot is hot for the Tbolt?

Hey just wondering what should the average temp be for my phone. I'm running bamf 4.4.2 kernel at 1.47 max and 245 min. I'm around 99.8 degrees Fahrenheit. Is that normal?
Yes high is around 130. I usually hit 115 when charging and using a lot of data.
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miketoasty said:
Yes high is around 130. I usually hit 115 when charging and using a lot of data.
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Holy crap! And I thought it was getting hot. Man you get it up there. I have nothing to gripe about. Lol. Thanks for the info.
The phone feels hot but these parts were built to work in extreme temps. All of my phones have always gotten hot. Even my Apple products way back when would heat up quickly.
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miketoasty said:
Yes high is around 130. I usually hit 115 when charging and using a lot of data.
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That may be so, but I doubt that's a good thing. After trying a bunch of different kernels, I settled on one where my battery seldom gets above 100F even under load while charging. Heat is the enemy of electronics.
m1mgd00 said:
That may be so, but I doubt that's a good thing. After trying a bunch of different kernels, I settled on one where my battery seldom gets above 100F even under load while charging. Heat is the enemy of electronics.
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My phone usually stays around 90 when charging usually data is what throws it up.
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Mine got up to 125F (and drained the battery) searching for / trying to hold onto a weak 4G signal when I was sitting in a meeting. In addition to flashing a new kernel and the new radio, I now turn off data if I'm heading into a meeting (which I suppose is better meeting etiquette, anyway).
I once hit 124F and got an overheat condition. This happened while charging the battery in the car dock on a sunny day for more than an hour. That's with the stock ROM and previous radio. Haven't tried charging the TB in the car dock on a sunny day for more than an hour yet with BAMF 1.5 NTE with the 4.4.2 kernel. On idle, I noticed that with the new ROM and radio, the battery is a mere 75F. The stock ROM and previous radio on idle went as low as 90F.
My high is 47-48c. Has been up there a few tines. If it stays there too long it locks up. I then have to perform a battery pull.
if its hot enough to make the phone act up (laggy, locking up) then its too hot.
charging while wireless tethering while having the cpu cranked up can get a phone too hot in about 10 minutes.

[Q] battery overheating question

hey all, maybe its just my paranoid self, but i just want to be sure;
i was charging my phone, and at the same time, i was playing slice it. suddenly i realized that the back of the phone was getting really hot, and i checked the temperature. it was about 45c, and i was gettin freaked out, so i took the batttery and put in the fridge for like 10 seconds, before realizing that was a stupid mistake. after about 5 minutes, it cooled back down to 30.5c. i believe that perhaps the battery was around 45c for about a minute or so.
I was just wondering, do you think my battery life will suffer from my idiotic antics? Im a bit worried that itll have a significant impact, even if it was for a few minutes? Did i 'burn' out some of the lithium ion cells?
much help appreciated!
thanks alot!
Just curious, does only your battery get warm, or does the top half of the phone (above the battery) got hot too?
Phone only overheated when I had bluetooth and wifi running while charging
Sent from my LG-P999 using XDA Premium App
its just the back of the phone where the battery is located
Mine did the exact same thing last night with fruit ninja of all things. I also put my whole phone in the fridge for one minute and it dropped the battery temp from 45c to 38c. The battery condition also said "overheated" instead of "good" which it has said since then.
Sent from my T-Mobile G2x using XDA App
UCFJake said:
Mine did the exact same thing last night with fruit ninja of all things. I also put my whole phone in the fridge for one minute and it dropped the battery temp from 45c to 38c. The battery condition also said "overheated" instead of "good" which it has said since then.
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nice to know that im not the only one :]
Can anyone answer my question about if the short amount of overheating damaged my battery?
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Mine got to 53c while doing absolutely nothing, any idea what causes this?
ⓣⓞ ⓜⓐⓝⓨ ⓡⓤⓝⓝⓘⓝⓖ ⓐⓟⓟⓢ. ⓜⓘⓝⓔ ⓓⓞⓔⓢ ⓣⓗⓔ ⓢⓐⓜⓔⓣⓗⓘⓝⓖ ⓑⓤⓣ ⓗⓐⓢⓝ'ⓣ ⓡⓔⓑⓞⓞⓣⓔⓓ ⓞⓡ ⓢⓗⓤⓣⓓⓞⓦⓝ.
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kayway27 said:
Can anyone answer my question about if the short amount of overheating damaged my battery?
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I don't think anyone really knows and begging for an answer is a quick way to get flamed.
I know that if you were to rapidly cool metal or another material in that same manner, it would crack. I don't know if that same issue would apply to batteries. I definitely wouldn't put anything overheated directly into a frozen environment like that.
hiko36 said:
I don't think anyone really knows and begging for an answer is a quick way to get flamed.
I know that if you were to rapidly cool metal or another material in that same manner, it would crack. I don't know if that same issue would apply to batteries. I definitely wouldn't put anything overheated directly into a frozen environment like that.
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+1 not a great idea, just take battery out and let it sit
Sent from my LG-P999 using XDA App
Mine had the same problem. Whenever i put it on charge it would heat up within minutes and then upon unplugging it would cool down. I read somewhere in the forum to discharge completely and then recharge to full. I did that and its been 1 week since that and no problems with overheating and battery life is also improved. My battery`s health is still GOOD i checked using * # * # 4 6 3 6 # * # *
Hope this helps.
I undervolted the cpu. Overheating almoat stopped. I swapped battery and has been better since. Usually running two quadrants i would start feeling it get hotter and hotter. On new battery i run four an don't notice any major change.
G2x with CM7 and trinity kernel
out of the blue overheating
My phone was awesome...but now it overheats....??
I am going to try and undervolt and see if that helps my problems but my phone just goes crazy hot when it's asleep and idk what to do, even w/ a new warranty phone, and i could tell it's new cause it still had the green tap by the buttons and stuff...the old one got crazy hot, but only after cm7 build33....and this was also after i changed the recovery to 3101 ext4 supported one....can a recovery affect your roms (overheat it) i would't think so, it only loads on command idk how it would....hmmmmm my vibrant would be a dead cold 28-29c when on idle/sleep but w/ this phone it just gets hot and is about 37-43 when doing nothing.....i'm going to try the undervolt thing w/ cm7 latest build and faux123's kernel 0.1.1 and try to undervolt it, i'll search thru that thread for good undervolting starting points...and play w/ that......idk i'm just confused why it is just now happening and not before, i had it on launch day and no problems till last week....i'm lost..

Infuse battery extremely hot???

I've been using it for ten minutes on the charger and for some reason the screen brigntness was low. So I went to the settings and it says "to avoid overheating maximum brightness has been reduced".. and my temperature is 47 degrees now. Anyone elses phone getting hot?
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This used to happen with my Samsung Vibrant 4g... i believe you could burn the phone if it continues, it might be a factory issue.
Same here, charging on the wall charger with screen off, it hit 47c and won't go to max brightness.
I've also jist noticed after 50% the charging time decreases significantly. I went from 50% to 90% in 45 min
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Mine got hot and I lost all service. It was up to about 93% charge and it just lost all cellular service. I had it rooted but didnt carrier unlock it. Got a replacement phone this morning and Im leaving it alone to see how it does while charging. With the long charge times this could be an issue. Not everyone can let a device set and not mess with it for 3-4 hours, lol I know I cant.
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Technically I don't think you are supposed to be using your phone while on the charger... This happens to all phones just some heat up faster than others.... My old ATT Startac did that, SE W900, Captivate, and this one.
It really kills the life of the battery too as well. Nature of the beast....
big99gt said:
Mine got hot and I lost all service. It was up to about 93% charge and it just lost all cellular service. I had it rooted but didnt carrier unlock it. Got a replacement phone this morning and Im leaving it alone to see how it does while charging. With the long charge times this could be an issue. Not everyone can let a device set and not mess with it for 3-4 hours, lol I know I cant.
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How is it working now
DVA4890 said:
How is it working now
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Had to get a new one but so far so good, 95 degrees F while charging.
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Just an update, charged past 50% on the new phone and its picking up speed and charging much faster. Temp is steady at 87F. Seems like I really just had a bad unit because the other phone got up to 116F just charging with the screen off.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I997 using XDA App

132 Degrees?

Wow this is a new high. I was talking on the phone with headphones in, set it down on the table, started playing words with friends and hanging with friends simultaneously over 4g, and I noticed that the SCREEN felt hot. At this point I started to download a thermometer app. After playing another round of hanging, my headphones made beeping noises and the phone went from 5 bars 4g to no service. So I checked my thermometer app and it said 55 Celsius, which I then googled to be 132 Fahrenheit!!
Is this dangerous for the internals? I think the software killed the radio because of this. I put the phone in the freezer for 30 seconds and it came out at 50 degrees and the radio worked fine again.
Yes. While the system internals may be able to handle this temperature (although it's probably close to max), it's pretty dangerous to the battery and can ruin it.
Sent from my Droid Charge running Infinity Beta
kvswim said:
Yes. While the system internals may be able to handle this temperature (although it's probably close to max), it's pretty dangerous to the battery and can ruin it.
Sent from my Droid Charge running Infinity Beta
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Yeah i think my battery is draining significantly faster today. Could that have caused it?
Sent from my HUMBLE by Danalo1979 using XDA App
JihadSquad said:
Yeah i think my battery is draining significantly faster today. Could that have caused it?
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if it does this frequently its usually the sign of a defective or dying battery or possibly bad phone... they should be able to give you a new battery or set you up with a replacement no problem, I think its a common issue from what I've heard in the VZ stores near me
blazing through on my 4G Droid Charge
I ordered this from tiger direct and i can't really go two Weeks without my phone so no giving it back. Also this phone works perfectly besides this one incident and the GPS, so i would rather not get a replacement that has data dropping, for example
Sent from my HUMBLE by Danalo1979 using XDA App

Skyrocket Battery - Charging Tips

I am receiving a new phone battery in the mail for my i727 since my old one won't last at all.
Do you guys have any tips for me on how to charge my battery so that I keep my charge for the longest time possible without damaging or ruining the battery in any way?
markrayski9 said:
I am receiving a new phone battery in the mail for my i727 since my old one won't last at all.
Do you guys have any tips for me on how to charge my battery so that I keep my charge for the longest time possible without damaging or ruining the battery in any way?
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Define 'won't last at all'? How much time do you get on the battery now? It rarely has anything to do with charging, unless you use some crappy charger that blasts high amperage current at it. Battery drain is almost always because of either a wakelock preventing deep sleep, or an app running in the background chewing up CPU, and thus battery. For me there were 3 culprits, 1) some chargers (specifically Apple compatible ones) cause a wakelock on 'vm_bus_present'. If you see this, reboot after charging to clear it and get a different charger. 2) Corrupt media data that causes the media scanning process to continually spin CPU. Clear data and cache for the media app. 3) Bluetooth crashes, and the you get a 'bluesleep' wakelock. Reboot until Bluetooth stops crashing, usually for me it only takes one.
CPU Spy and Better Battery Stats are your friends. See the Battery pinned topic, this is covered in much more detail there.
I'm not sure it matters about my old one.
I just need to know how to charge my new one. Everyone talks about how they charge their battery, and I want to hear how.
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markrayski9 said:
I'm not sure it matters about my old one.
I just need to know how to charge my new one. Everyone talks about how they charge their battery, and I want to hear how.
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I plug in my phone at night, and I unplug it in the morning. I don't think it gets any more complicated than that.
markrayski9 said:
I'm not sure it matters about my old one.
I just need to know how to charge my new one. Everyone talks about how they charge their battery, and I want to hear how.
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You plug it in and when it says battery full you unplug the cord.
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 4
Nothing mysterious about charging a phone. Seems like there were some complex charging rituals way back when but they have since been proven BS. That being said, If you normally run your phone down by mid day because you play with it all morning no fancy charging ritual is going to help you.

