Looking for a rom that allows moving apps to SDCard!?!?!?
Is there any way to use the apps I moved to sd on multiple roms? i want to be able to install a rom and use the files from the apps2sd when i reinstall my apps from titamium backup. I use DroidSail Super Apps2SD (root) to move my apps and Titanium Backup to resore my apps on a new rom .So everytime I install a new Rom and restore my apps and data using titanium , I have to move the apps to sd again and its taking up so much room on my sd card. Also If i do a nandbackup of each rom will the process still work as far as being able to just have one apps2sd folder ?
I have a VZ Galaxy S3 + 64 Gb SD, running JB 4.1.1 (CleanRom 5.0), I can't prevent non-system apps from autostarting, using any of my arsenal of tools (Autostarts, Android Tuner, LBE, etc.). I was hoping that I could move those autostarting apps to SD, because that should prevent those apps from autostarting. The tools that I have won't permit that on JB. I have some reservations using any of the apps that swap internal SDcard with ExtSDcard. But, is that my only recourse at this time?
Thank you in advance for your response.
DaGunn said:
I have a VZ Galaxy S3 + 64 Gb SD, running JB 4.1.1 (CleanRom 5.0), I can't prevent non-system apps from autostarting, using any of my arsenal of tools (Autostarts, Android Tuner, LBE, etc.). I was hoping that I could move those autostarting apps to SD, because that should prevent those apps from autostarting. The tools that I have won't permit that on JB. I have some reservations using any of the apps that swap internal SDcard with ExtSDcard. But, is that my only recourse at this time?
Thank you in advance for your response.
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To prevent non-system apps from auto-starting you can use an app such as Autorun Manager this allows you to disable whatever app you want to prevent from automatically starting up when the phone boots.
I was wondering: What is the reason when you flash a new kernel (BIOS) and ROM (OS) your apps can be still there?
Is it because the apps can be considered as portable programs - to use windows terminology - and anly some system folders are overwritten when flashing a new ROM?
when you install kernel, your apps will still untouched!
when you install new rom, your apps will be removed because this format the /system partition and wiping the data will remove your personal apps! but if you just made an update, I think your apps will will there.
As long as you dont wipe data or format system while installing a new rom then your apps will stay there but thats not recommended to prevent any bugs or issues that might happen to u.. Happy flashing
sent from my GT-i8150 cm10.1
I am using SOKP latest.
I don't for the life of me understand the way the AOSP roms I've used handle their storage. It's like they throw folders all over the place. I check both internal and external and just about every app puts folders on both as well as the root/data directory. It's so messy after doing a full clean install, installing apps, and trying to find where each app puts it's data. And the most frustrating thing is some apps suddenly change default directory and start storing data somewhere new! Keepsafe, for instance, put folders on both sd's and when I moved my backup keepsafe folder to the internal folder THAT IT JUST MADE, it didn't see them like it normally would in TW and instead switched to external and rebuilt a new file system there. When I moved the backups to the new one, it said "nope" and picked yet an entirely new location, which I can't find anywhere...
Short story
TL/DR: I want my AOSP rom to handle app data storage the same way it does in TW. I want apps to build their directories on the internal and not external.
We love to move from ROM to another ROM used to migrate all apps and data it will help you to backup it all.