4g patch for Cyanogen Mod 9 - HTC Sensation

I've installed the new Cyanogen Mod 9 for the Sensation. I'm looking for the 4G data icon patch. I would like it to say 4G, not H.
Is this possible?



2.3.5 for non 4g Nexus

is there any reason for me to update to a 2.3.5 rom for a non 4g nexus? From what I am aware of, the update was mainly for the 4g, correct? Has anything been updated for the 3g version?

4G Rom

Is there any chance of a Moray like rom being made for the 3.2.2 4G updated Xoom?
I am particularly interested in the Zeus mod / Status Controls.

cyanogenmod rom ?

does anyone know if the mytouch 4g slide can run cyanogen mod ??? ive looked everywhere
syedquadri said:
does anyone know if the mytouch 4g slide can run cyanogen mod ??? ive looked everywhere
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
There is a CM7 alpha that has been kicking around for a couple months. It isn't perfect but it is CM.
Sent from my RubiX CubeD Extreme MT4GS using Tapatalk
Check the sticky it has cm link in it or check the dev section for cm7 alpha
sent from my ice cream sandwhich MT4GS
Yes. Yes, it can run CyanogenMod.
syedquadri said:
does anyone know if the mytouch 4g slide can run cyanogen mod ??? ive looked everywhere
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
the alpha cm7 was made by kornyone and he is actually part of the cyanogenmod dev team
technically an unofficial port, but you'd never know

[Q] Cant Turn Wi-Fi On after flashing

i cant seem to turn my wi fi on after flashing my MyTouch4G Slide with ROM CyanogenMod 9 Alpha 6 and WildchildIcE v0.9 Beta
AOKP Build 39 merged with CM9 android 4.0.4 for the Mytouch 4G Slide neither ROM allows me to turn it on

[Q] Will Nexus Sense 4G rom work on the Nexus S?

I know there was a port but there is no link for sense 2.1. Will it work? Just yes or no, if no please say why.
No, NS4G roms won't work on the NS. It won't even flash.
Sent from my EVO 4G LTE

