Can someone port Xperia S ROM? - Samsung Galaxy S Blaze 4G

I think Xperia S UI is very beautiful. Hopefully, someone can port it to our Galaxy S Blaze 4G.

Diffrent manufactures. I believe this will be QUITE a mission..
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Don't take my word for it but i think i read somewhere that you can only port with devices with similar CPU...
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S Blaze 4g

HTCLeoSence3.X said:
Diffrent manufactures. I believe this will be QUITE a mission..
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Ive done it from motorola and htc to sammy its a hell of a mission lol
LiveFaster said:
Don't take my word for it but i think i read somewhere that you can only port with devices with similar CPU...
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S Blaze 4g
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Yep this is correct though with an aosp kernel it can be done
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Maybe I have to buy an unlocked Sony Xperia S from eBay.

tthaz777 said:
I think Xperia S UI is very beautiful. Hopefully, someone can port it to our Galaxy S Blaze 4G.
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The Xperia Go Launcher theme is the probably the fastest and the closest way for now...

overheadsmash50 said:
The Xperia Go Launcher theme is the probably the fastest and the closest way for now...
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I need a Xperia S ROM, not just a theme. Thanks anyway.

tthaz777 said:
I need a Xperia S ROM, not just a theme. Thanks anyway.
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If you "need" it then do it yourself bro no need for that response the guy was giving you an alternative.
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erikmm said:
If you "need" it then do it yourself bro no need for that response the guy was giving you an alternative.
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Please show me how to do that, Erik. :laugh:

tthaz777 said:
Please show me how to do that, Erik. :laugh:
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Lol I said I'll write a guide for people to get started with rom development when I get some free time
But I was just saying if someone offers help or in this case an alternative a reply like that is kind of bad. But that's my opinion
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erikmm said:
Lol I said I'll write a guide for people to get started with rom development when I get some free time
But I was just saying if someone offers help or in this case an alternative a reply like that is kind of bad. But that's my opinion
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I didn't mean like that. Thanks Erik.

tthaz777 said:
I didn't mean like that. Thanks Erik.
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Oh OK lol my bad then
Back to business then lol
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Congratulations Skyrocketeer's!

I'd like to congratulate our American counterparts for officially receiving ICS! Have fun!
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denenatse said:
I'd like to congratulate our American counterparts for officially receiving ICS! Have fun!
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better late than never, but cant wait for jb port
soon enough, I've bean looking around, not to many good ones yet
Sent from my Rogers SGH-I727R using my XDA Premium app
i717 also got ICS today too.
Good for them, ics all around! I remember waiting for 2.1 on my X10
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BaconStep said:
i717 also got ICS today too.
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Galaxy note
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moneyover said:
Galaxy note
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denenatse said:
soon enough, I've bean looking around, not to many good ones yet
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I see what you did there. :laugh:
t.j. Bender said:
i see what you did there. :laugh:
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hes hinting at jellybean everybody go make threads nao
denenatse said:
soon enough, I've bean looking around, not to many good ones yet
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beans are not ripe enough yet
I shall take what I need! *takes UCLF6 modem drivers* :good:
vincom said:
beans are not ripe enough yet
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True. We'll wait till we see a Samsung mobile version, even know the tablet and phone supposed to be utilizing the same software configuration, we'll see a better product once the SIII or similar receives it.
Sent from my Rogers SGH-I727R using my XDA Premium app
ok so does anyone have any official opinions on the official ics, I would only assume that the leaks and modded roms are still significantly better
I like it, but the only thing that bothered me was the stock Swype was popping up and down as i typed. It really isn't that different from the non stock ones, it has a reboot function, expandable status bar,(not everything that i wanted) and it is smooth. No real need to try others, just root and delete and add what you want. And freeze Swype, and install the new beta.
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[REQUEST] Crysis21 Sensation Rom 3.5 Port

Would anyone be able to port this to the SGS2 skyrocket? I do not have the time or knowledge to do so.
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No one?
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aalar2 said:
No one?
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Well, what phone is this ROM originally for?
When requesting for a ROM to be ported, it's probably helpful to developers to post a link to the ROM you're talking about.
I did a quick Google search, I'm guessing this is the one that you're talking about.
It's for the Galaxy SII i9100.
orionl said:
When requesting for a ROM to be ported, it's probably helpful to developers to post a link to the ROM you're talking about.
I did a quick Google search, I'm guessing this is the one that you're talking about.
It's for the Galaxy SII i9100.
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Yeah sorry that would have helped I guess. That is the correct rom that I'm referring to.
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I'll give it a shot later
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Any news on this? Thank you all!
any knews??
aalar2 said:
any knews??
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Wow! Demanding much?
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aalar2 said:
any knews??
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Slow down... I'm pretty sure there is rule about not asking for ETA's on ROM's. Give the guy some time, I'm sure he will post when he has something.
If it were easy to port HTC ROMs to a Samsung phone our dev section would probably be full of them
Sent from my SGH-I727 using Tapatalk 2
Go to the link I posted for the actual ROM. sensation is just a name, it's built for and runs on the international SGS2. Not an HTC phone.
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Close thread
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Xperia Arc S Rom Q&A

Thank you Erikmm for this awesome rom port!!
What is the best way to regain root access
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anoymonos said:
What is the best way to regain root access
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Oh look the Q&A section god it was so hard to find lol anyways to answer the screenshot question I've been having issues with the phone lately I dropped it and it's been acting up so I'm trying to finish all the ports I have started before it completely dies lol so if someone can get me screenies and up them to and send me links I'd appreciate it
If helped don't be afraid to hit the thanks button it doesn't bite lol
mierkat09 said:
How else because UMS is broken
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Flash the superuser cwm flashable?
If helped don't be afraid to hit the thanks button it doesn't bite lol
anoymonos said:
What is the best way to regain root access
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SOC is not the easiest way. lol This is:
Just wipe cache/dalvik and flash it in recovery.
The language has no Chinese?
Congrats Erik!!!
Lol gotta post it erikmm it can be said you are the Michael Jordan of porting you are good at what you do keep it up. And Thanks!
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HolyGhostBoy1 said:
Lol gotta post it erikmm it can be said you are the Michael Jordan of porting you are good at what you do keep it up. And Thanks!
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Lol thanks...and you guys should see my sgs4g folder in my desktop lol
If helped don't be afraid to hit the thanks button it doesn't bite lol
Great work erik
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This looks very promising. Are you still actively developing this or is anybody else working on it? What are the chances of this actually reaching stable milestone? I sure hope so, bored with all the look-alike ICS builds.
ReelFiles said:
This looks very promising. Are you still actively developing this or is anybody else working on it? What are the chances of this actually reaching stable milestone? I sure hope so, bored with all the look-alike ICS builds.
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He doesn't even have a working sgs4g right now if you'd like to help feel free to donate to his fund so he can buy one. Even a small amount helps
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pisherthefisher said:
He doesn't even have a working sgs4g right now if you'd like to help feel free to donate to his fund so he can buy one. Even a small amount helps
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Ok gotcha. Doubt anybody would buy an sgs4g at this point though.
ReelFiles said:
Ok gotcha. Doubt anybody would buy an sgs4g at this point though.
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He would, probably because he's interested in developing for it, and he is looking for a sgs4g right now. Also, it is pretty cheap compared to other devices, around $100 used on ebay
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Any progress on the data?
Viper Xperia
Using Rush Kernel (which the guy who made VX 5 uses!) and I'm having a lot of trouble with the Camera (both the 3d and normal). When I try to use the normal it flashes to take the picture and then says Error and starts the camera again. Help?
Uh... for which phone? You've posted in the Galaxy S 4G (SGH-T959V) forum.

aokp official thread

i've been looking for the official dev thread for aokp milestone 1 for crespo but dont see one.
was one ever opened? did people just give up on crespo? kindly advise.
It's in general I'm pretty sure
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Or just follow their official website. Google is your friend.
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apatal said:
Or just follow their official website. Google is your friend.
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wow.. its like asking for water and being handed a hat... irreverent guy.
dpeeps74 said:
It's in general I'm pretty sure
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found it thanks guy.
Krayvon said:
wow.. its like asking for water and being handed a hat... irreverent guy.
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Gee, i was only trying to help. If you think i was wrong, at least i wasn't rude. I now know more than to offer help to geniuses here. Cheers.
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Yeah all you had to do was type 4 letters in Google
Sent from my Nexus S using xda app-developers app

So hello fellow Blazers ;)

Thanks to an amazing deal from Trevor, an ex blaze owner, I now have a blaze again he sold it to me for $40 shipped! Lol too awesome from him and now I can get back to doing **** for you guys first off imma flash tweaked and make a theme for it and put it in the themes and app section where themes go and where "Roms" with apks from others work and a theme go that is if dwitherell lets me make a theme for him :
Well I'm back guys that is all lol
Sent from my SCH-I605 using xda premium
that's great! i just wonder it would be awesome if we can have lewa rom for the blaze! love your work!
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junkypong said:
that's great! i just wonder it would be awesome if we can have lewa rom for the blaze! love your work!
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Of course I actually have it in my external hdd ported but it had my cm7 bugs :/
Sent from my SCH-I605 using xda premium
can't JB be ported?
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junkypong said:
can't JB be ported?
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There's a jb lewa? Ill look into it
Sent from my SCH-I605 using xda premium
Of Course! Right when I get a new Phone, is when you get another blaze and start where you left off! just jk i forgot I'm the one who sent it to you lol. thanks for all ur hard work and giving me something to flash before ICS. would've gone crazy if i had no choice but to stick with stock.
trevor7428 said:
Of Course! Right when I get a new Phone, is when you get another blaze and start where you left off! just jk i forgot I'm the one who sent it to you lol. thanks for all ur hard work and giving me something to flash before ICS. would've gone crazy if i had no choice but to stick with stock.
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thanks for the awesome dev phone bro! everyone hit the thanks button for trevor if it wasn't for him i couldn't afford a blaze for at least two more months so if u enjoy my work thanks trevor!
erikmm said:
...that is if dwitherell lets me make a theme for him that is all lol...
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This thread answered a very important question for me: is erikmm still here! I should be getting my second Blaze next week sometime. Going to have to get back into the habit of rooting and flashing!
rbeier1221 said:
This thread answered a very important question for me: is erikmm still here! I should be getting my second Blaze next week sometime. Going to have to get back into the habit of rooting and flashing!
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Nice to see your coming back! Hope everything turned out fine. The flashing process got a bit harder for the blaze, so much choices! Haha
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-T769
Thanks! Things worked out great...better job in the end. My only complaint is they gave me an iPhone.
Yes, I see that! My head is spinning digging through all the threads. lol
LiveFaster said:
Nice to see your coming back! Hope everything turned out fine. The flashing process got a bit harder for the blaze, so much choices! Haha
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Where are you? I thought you were coming back?
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aanonymoushuman said:
Where are you? I thought you were coming back?
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Me or rbeier?
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You! Make some cool for stuff for this phone(;
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