Xperia Arc S Rom Q&A - Samsung Galaxy S (4G Model)

Thank you Erikmm for this awesome rom port!!

What is the best way to regain root access
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anoymonos said:
What is the best way to regain root access
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Oh look the Q&A section god it was so hard to find lol anyways to answer the screenshot question I've been having issues with the phone lately I dropped it and it's been acting up so I'm trying to finish all the ports I have started before it completely dies lol so if someone can get me screenies and up them to and send me links I'd appreciate it
If helped don't be afraid to hit the thanks button it doesn't bite lol

mierkat09 said:
How else because UMS is broken
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Flash the superuser cwm flashable?
If helped don't be afraid to hit the thanks button it doesn't bite lol

anoymonos said:
What is the best way to regain root access
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SOC is not the easiest way. lol This is:
Just wipe cache/dalvik and flash it in recovery.

The language has no Chinese?

Congrats Erik!!!

Lol gotta post it erikmm it can be said you are the Michael Jordan of porting you are good at what you do keep it up. And Thanks!
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HolyGhostBoy1 said:
Lol gotta post it erikmm it can be said you are the Michael Jordan of porting you are good at what you do keep it up. And Thanks!
Sent from my SGH-T959V using xda premium
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Lol thanks...and you guys should see my sgs4g folder in my desktop lol
If helped don't be afraid to hit the thanks button it doesn't bite lol

Great work erik
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This looks very promising. Are you still actively developing this or is anybody else working on it? What are the chances of this actually reaching stable milestone? I sure hope so, bored with all the look-alike ICS builds.

ReelFiles said:
This looks very promising. Are you still actively developing this or is anybody else working on it? What are the chances of this actually reaching stable milestone? I sure hope so, bored with all the look-alike ICS builds.
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He doesn't even have a working sgs4g right now if you'd like to help feel free to donate to his fund so he can buy one. Even a small amount helps
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pisherthefisher said:
He doesn't even have a working sgs4g right now if you'd like to help feel free to donate to his fund so he can buy one. Even a small amount helps
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Ok gotcha. Doubt anybody would buy an sgs4g at this point though.

ReelFiles said:
Ok gotcha. Doubt anybody would buy an sgs4g at this point though.
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He would, probably because he's interested in developing for it, and he is looking for a sgs4g right now. Also, it is pretty cheap compared to other devices, around $100 used on ebay
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Any progress on the data?

Viper Xperia
Using Rush Kernel (which the guy who made VX 5 uses!) and I'm having a lot of trouble with the Camera (both the 3d and normal). When I try to use the normal it flashes to take the picture and then says Error and starts the camera again. Help?

Uh... for which phone? You've posted in the Galaxy S 4G (SGH-T959V) forum.


[Q] Help with general development

I would like to start helping with development. I'm getting pretty good with messing around with android. I work for T-Mobile and I've had android since the G1.
I'd like to start contributing to the family.
So my question is pretty open. Where should I start for learning about android development? Any advice and help would be appreciated.
Sent from my SGH-T959V using XDA Premium App
Perhaps I should ask in a general forum. Maybe this isn't the correct place to ask.
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stevekixs said:
I would like to start helping with development. I'm getting pretty good with messing around with android. I work for T-Mobile and I've had android since the G1.
I'd like to start contributing to the family.
So my question is pretty open. Where should I start for learning about android development? Any advice and help would be appreciated.
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What would I need to do if I was to trade this sgs4g for a LG g2x? Trading with a friend not at the store.would we just swap sim cards or what? Reason I'm asking is cause u said u work 4 T-Mobile. Just want to know what I would need to do to put it on my plan and give him mine. Any help is appreciated.
Sent from my SGH-T959V using XDA Premium App
You can swap Sims. That's all you need to do. However the warranty will be under him still. If you have insurance, it will cover the G2x. But you wont have the warranty.
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...back on topic...:-D Dude, im interested as well. Ive done a couple of mods, but nothing really of substance.
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stevekixs said:
You can swap Sims. That's all you need to do. However the warranty will be under him still. If you have insurance, it will cover the G2x. But you wont have the warranty.
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Thank you. Not sure if im gonna trade but wanted to make sure it would work if I did. Again thanks.
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[Guide] Learning To Theme: Putting the tools to use pt. 1
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robbbbit said:
[Guide] Learning To Theme: Putting the tools to use pt. 1
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I'm also going to look into putting together roms
Sent from my SGH-T959V using XDA Premium App
i need to learn about this too, if you find some guide for making roms please post it here
found something to make roms:
what type of rom are you trying to make? if you need any help let me know and ill see what i can do
rickyc19 said:
found something to make roms:
what type of rom are you trying to make? if you need any help let me know and ill see what i can do
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I'm starting as of today to make the first ROM for the sgs4g. Others might be ahead of me... ( I hope!)
What if we got together and rocked it out?
more to come...
well i could try to learn and i could help out, but i have school so be aware that i wont be available 24/7, also i was wondering what you are trying to make? If you need any help just pm me and ill see what i can do
robbbbit said:
I'm starting as of today to make the first ROM for the sgs4g. Others might be ahead of me... ( I hope!)
What if we got together and rocked it out?
more to come...
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I would love to help somehow, I have the time. Even if it's only testing...If you need help Im your guy!
anti-up said:
I would love to help somehow, I have the time. Even if it's only testing...If you need help Im your guy!
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Will need testers tomorrow. Attempting to port.
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robbbbit said:
Will need testers tomorrow. Attempting to port.
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Hope it all works out. I would like to see more for this device. Would contribute but I don't have fulltime access to a computer.
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robbbbit said:
Will need testers tomorrow. Attempting to port.
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Great! Looking forward to it
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robbbbit said:
[Guide] Learning To Theme: Putting the tools to use pt. 1
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This guide is for another mobile operating system -- not Android.
stevekixs said:
I would like to start helping with development. I'm getting pretty good with messing around with android. I work for T-Mobile and I've had android since the G1.
I'd like to start contributing to the family.
So my question is pretty open. Where should I start for learning about android development? Any advice and help would be appreciated.
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@stevekixs, I am with you... I'm looking to help anyone who is currently on this path. I keep reading how we need more devs for the SGS4G. If you find a project which is needing help, let me know, please.
[email protected] said:
This guide is for another mobile operating system -- not Android.
@stevekixs, I am with you... I'm looking to help anyone who is currently on this path. I keep reading how we need more devs for the SGS4G. If you find a project which is needing help, let me know, please.
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Check your link, gecko. Its written for the epic 4g. Android, last time i checked. I had another link posted for roms and it was for something else. If i find it ill change it. Werd? Werd.
Sent from my SGH-T959V using XDA Premium App
My bad... I got the links confused... I clicked on a link and was sent to a page about a Windows Mobile device...
I apologize for the mistake.
[email protected] said:
My bad... I got the links confused... I clicked on a link and was sent to a page about a Windows Mobile device...
I apologize for the mistake.
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Its all pot gravy, son. :-D
Sent from my SGH-T959V using XDA Premium App

Attn new dev team

Lets keep this thread clean and to the point...
In your response please let me know if you want to:
Make Themes
Make apps
For builders please submit a working cm7 that you complied and made yourself. This must be done via PM or emailed. Or any other work with building or porting roms
For Testers please list the skills you have to test and help identify bugs in new roms.
Theme makers please submit a theme you have made via PM including the rom that the theme was made for.
App makes please submit you app in apk format via PM.
You know I want to be a builder. I'll get a cm7 when I get a chance to start one soon.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I997 using XDA App
Is this required because I have 3 themes for gtgs rom and am currently making one for miui its posted in themes
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LG_iiNsTiiNcT said:
Is this required because I have 3 themes for gtgs rom and am currently making one for miui its posted in themes
Sent from my SGH-I997 using XDA App
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What were trying to do is gather every themer, tester, and developer, or person who is seriously interested in doing so. It's ultimately your choice but it would help us gather info regarding who's in or who's out.
I call dev. Im playing with the 2.3.5 leak and the new rom gsinfuse. Thanks for taking my idea of separation U!
I'm in I'll have to send my themes inlater I'm also looking into developing rom's as well.
P.s. rominator I didn't forget about u just being buisy I will send you that guide soon
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iStatiK said:
I call dev. Im playing with the 2.3.5 leak and the new rom gsinfuse. Thanks for taking my idea of separation U!
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Thanks for the idea! lol
is this only for cm7?
JordanElliott said:
is this only for cm7?
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No this is in general for the team. Compiling cm7 is proof that someone can help build.
Sent from my SGH-I997 using XDA Premium App
Im always down to test, i did my part for just about every rom/kernel i tried on my captivate. I was also trying to get into theming right before the screen went on my cappy. Ima see if i cant cook something up in the next few days. I'd love to be a part of this team, hopefully we'll have enough knowledge between us by the time at&t gb drops
Sent from my big ass Infuse
I don't mind testing, as long as it's not bootloaders or something that'll completely **** my phone over. ^^
I'll probably start dev'ing once I learn though, I've always wanted to do something like that.
Longcat14 said:
I don't mind testing, as long as it's not bootloaders or something that'll completely **** my phone over. ^^
I'll probably start dev'ing once I learn though, I've always wanted to do something like that.
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I'm gonna make a special ROM with special bootloaders just to permabrick your phone!
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Kevinr678 said:
I'm gonna make a special ROM with special bootloaders just to permabrick your phone!
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I will come to your house and ra- Well, I shouldn't explain what I'll do to you over the internet, I want it to be a surprise!
Anyways, I think I'd know how to remove them, in case someone DID try that.
Longcat14 said:
I will come to your house and ra- Well, I shouldn't explain what I'll do to you over the internet, I want it to be a surprise!
Anyways, I think I'd know how to remove them, in case someone DID try that.
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Well I like surprises
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Kevinr678 said:
Well I like surprises
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About the straightest thing I've heard all day
Kevinr678 said:
Well I like surprises
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That's what she said
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I997R using xda premium
Just a heads up. I know how to do everything wit userland now. Deodex, zipalign, PNG optimize, theme, you name it. I will be making a rom when att decides to get their head out of their asses and drop the official
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JordanElliott said:
That's what she said
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Pretty sure she said wrong hole. But who knows
So we gunman get this started or what.
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LG_iiNsTiiNcT said:
Pretty sure she said wrong hole. But who knows
So we gunman get this started or what.
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lmao!!! yes lets start
JordanElliott said:
That's what she said
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Indeed she did
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The purpose of this thread is for the Discussion and Q&A of JoyOS
Just to keep the DEV thread clean, and act as a centralized medium for all things related to JoyOS
Hopefully this makes things easier for erikmm, and the rest of the Blaze community.
Thx bro
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda app-developers app
i tried the joyOS rom when you first posted it and it was great cant wait for you to finish it up! Im looking forward to this rom once its worked through im pretty sure this will be my daily driver
woodzx67 said:
i tried the joyOS rom when you first posted it and it was great cant wait for you to finish it up! Im looking forward to this rom once its worked through im pretty sure this will be my daily driver
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Ill repost later tonight when I fix some back end stuff
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erikmm said:
Ill repost later tonight when I fix some back end stuff
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I'll be looking forward to it! Good luck and keep up the good work!
will donate to show my support
Because I need my phone for work I can't test these early builds, but I'll be keeping a close eye on this and CM7 (and anything else you happen to port over). Thanks for your hard work.
i was wondering if there has been any progress with this rom?
woodzx67 said:
i was wondering if there has been any progress with this rom?
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Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda app-developers app
The anticipation is killing me lol hope everything goes well and the bugs get fixed soon. Thanks for the hard work man its much appreciated
Sent from my SGH-T769
Would anyone have a screenshot available?
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chjema said:
Would anyone have a screenshot available?
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I'll re-flash rom and post soon. probably later tonight
Sent from my SGH-T769
ok rom is backup and should have it all working except cm7 bugs which is camera
My wife is an ex iPhone user and she just recently got a Blaze and I havnt installed joyos on her phone because she loves taking pictures but she offered to donate if you have PayPal can you pm a link to donate thank you
Sent from my HTC VLE_U using xda app-developers app
Is there a way to adjust the vibration and haptic feedback for this rom? I've played with the setting and can't seem to find anything, but wasn't sure if I was just overlooking it.
Edit: I found the settings to turn off the haptic feedback . I will continue to play with it to see if there is a way to adjust the vibration.
Has there been anymore progress with this rom? or is the issue with the camera holding it back from being finished?
woodzx67 said:
Has there been anymore progress with this rom? or is the issue with the camera holding it back from being finished?
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First rule of eta is you don't ask about eta....basically it is bad etiquette to ask on progress. These guys volunteer their time. If there is going to be an update he will post it.
Sent from my SGH-T769 using Tapatalk 2
Can't help eagerness man
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woodzx67 said:
Can't help eagerness man
Sent from my SGH-T769 using xda app-developers app
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Outside of the camera I believe everything is fully functional on this rom
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda app-developers app
I'm curious, what causes the camera issue?
Sent from my SGH-T769 using xda app-developers app

Jellybean for i9000 - anyone interested in porting?

Jellybean ported to i9000 - any thoughts from the super-rom-porters out there?
(Need I mention - Dont try to install the I9000 rom as is on a 4g?)
Most stuff supposedly works they say.
Sent from my SGH-T959V using xda premium
This is gonna get locked/deleted because there's some obscure post about Jellybean in the forum and all of a sudden there can only be one thread for each particular topic.
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adobrakic said:
This is gonna get locked/deleted because there's some obscure post about Jellybean in the forum and all of a sudden there can only be one thread for each particular topic.
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This thread is asking someone to port a specific i9000 rom of JB to this phone.
While some of the other threads on JB have been people asking the same question and then have users flame each other out when a dev(m4xm4n) gave a rough ETA of when he thinks his work will produce a jelly bean rom.
So maybe this thread stays open and maybe someone ports the rom but it's not the topic causing threads to be it's the users who start to think for other users and flame each other til mods have no choice but to close the thread and follow the rules we all agreed to when signing up for this site.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda app-developers app
Those battery icons look sweet
Sent from my SGH-T959V using xda premium
I'm not sure that as soon as the ETA mentioned we will already have the variety of ROMs to choose from or port from, as in ICS. We barely started enjoying ICS flavor and quite some time after ICS was live and kicking.
Sent from my SGH-T959V using xda premium
I've seen other JB ports for Vibrant where nothing much worked but this one for I9000 seems to have most of the stuff working. Might be worth looking into.
it will get here when it gets here
I can look into porting that rom though it won't be from source I think I can get it booting lol
If helped don't be afraid to hit the thanks button it doesn't bite lol
erikmm said:
I can look into porting that rom though it won't be from source I think I can get it booting lol
If helped don't be afraid to hit the thanks button it doesn't bite lol
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Oouuch! Charlie bit me
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Zombie138 said:
Oouuch! Charlie bit me
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That really hurt charlie..
Lol why'd u bite me Charlie
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So far it boots to animation then bootloops i got some ideas ill try tomorrow
If helped don't be afraid to hit the thanks button it doesn't bite lol
erikmm said:
So far it boots to animation then bootloops it got some ideas ill try tomorrow
If helped don't be afraid to hit the thanks button it doesn't bite lol
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You get the some jelly beans on this phone and you just might get a donation.
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gregcapps said:
You get the some jelly beans on this phone and you just might get a donation.
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He should get some donations anyways, he's ported about 50 trillion roms
brandonc0526 said:
He should get some donations anyways, he's ported about 50 trillion roms
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Lol I don't do it for donations,though they are welcomed lol, but for the experience and cmon if I could do it why not do it for everyone here to enjoy
If helped don't be afraid to hit the thanks button it doesn't bite lol
erikmm said:
Lol I don't do it for donations,though they are welcomed lol, but for the experience and cmon if I could do it why not do it for everyone here to enjoy
If helped don't be afraid to hit the thanks button it doesn't bite lol
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appreciate the hard work you put into roms. I still keep wanting to learn myself. Where is a good place to start.
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gregcapps said:
You get the some jelly beans on this phone and you just might get a donation.
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I'm adding you to the list of people who promised a donation
FBis251 said:
I'm adding you to the list of people who promised a donation
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Good remind me later.
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FBis251 said:
I'm adding you to the list of people who promised a donation
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So how long is that list anyway?
Sent from my SGH-T959V using XDA Premium HD app
1 so far. I'm kidding by the way. We usually see people promising donations but they never donate once they have what they said they'd donate for. The awesome donators are usually quiet about it. You know who you are

So hello fellow Blazers ;)

Thanks to an amazing deal from Trevor, an ex blaze owner, I now have a blaze again he sold it to me for $40 shipped! Lol too awesome from him and now I can get back to doing **** for you guys first off imma flash tweaked and make a theme for it and put it in the themes and app section where themes go and where "Roms" with apks from others work and a theme go that is if dwitherell lets me make a theme for him :
Well I'm back guys that is all lol
Sent from my SCH-I605 using xda premium
that's great! i just wonder it would be awesome if we can have lewa rom for the blaze! love your work!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-T769 using xda premium
junkypong said:
that's great! i just wonder it would be awesome if we can have lewa rom for the blaze! love your work!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-T769 using xda premium
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Of course I actually have it in my external hdd ported but it had my cm7 bugs :/
Sent from my SCH-I605 using xda premium
can't JB be ported?
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junkypong said:
can't JB be ported?
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There's a jb lewa? Ill look into it
Sent from my SCH-I605 using xda premium
Of Course! Right when I get a new Phone, is when you get another blaze and start where you left off! just jk i forgot I'm the one who sent it to you lol. thanks for all ur hard work and giving me something to flash before ICS. would've gone crazy if i had no choice but to stick with stock.
trevor7428 said:
Of Course! Right when I get a new Phone, is when you get another blaze and start where you left off! just jk i forgot I'm the one who sent it to you lol. thanks for all ur hard work and giving me something to flash before ICS. would've gone crazy if i had no choice but to stick with stock.
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thanks for the awesome dev phone bro! everyone hit the thanks button for trevor if it wasn't for him i couldn't afford a blaze for at least two more months so if u enjoy my work thanks trevor!
erikmm said:
...that is if dwitherell lets me make a theme for him that is all lol...
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This thread answered a very important question for me: is erikmm still here! I should be getting my second Blaze next week sometime. Going to have to get back into the habit of rooting and flashing!
rbeier1221 said:
This thread answered a very important question for me: is erikmm still here! I should be getting my second Blaze next week sometime. Going to have to get back into the habit of rooting and flashing!
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Nice to see your coming back! Hope everything turned out fine. The flashing process got a bit harder for the blaze, so much choices! Haha
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-T769
Thanks! Things worked out great...better job in the end. My only complaint is they gave me an iPhone.
Yes, I see that! My head is spinning digging through all the threads. lol
LiveFaster said:
Nice to see your coming back! Hope everything turned out fine. The flashing process got a bit harder for the blaze, so much choices! Haha
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-T769
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Where are you? I thought you were coming back?
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aanonymoushuman said:
Where are you? I thought you were coming back?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
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Me or rbeier?
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
You! Make some cool for stuff for this phone(;
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