Has any one noticed that our car mode is diffferent than the international???? Any way their caf mode app can work on ours? We have sence clock widget with some apps as home car mode but international has gps with sense weather on bottom and you can swipe left and right to open more apps...
Hi...pretty upset here...
it took me forever to find and use the dock mode on the sensation by adding the link to the lock screen since you cant access the dock mode icon from anywear else.
but i just updated to 2.3.4 via tmobile, and after reboot the icon was removed from the lock screen, and now it doesnt show on the app list when you try to put it back.
i do know that dock mode is still ON the device since i can access it through googles car mode ( where i added it as a shortcut IN that program)
what gives.. i mean seriously do they hate home dock mode so much?
Odd. I just updated and still have a "Dock Mode" in my apps drawer.
hows that possible? unless your not stock rom? maybe i should have mentioned that.. im on stock tmobile rom. the ONLY way i can get to the dock app shortcut was to go to my lock screen set up, and add it to one of the 4 icons that can be placed on the lock screen. but after update not only was it auto removed from my lock screen, its not in the apps list when adding to my lock screen ( it was NEVER in my regular apps list)
i cant see that app any wear else... can you?
I think people are having the same problem with the phone quick launch. There is a thread about that issue.
I imagine they will have an update to fix this soon.
Yup. Same here on stock. Car Mode, Dock Simulator, Car Panel (euro sense 3)all show as options but no Dock Mode but it still launches for me automatically in the dock. Just use Car Mode to launch it. Has a nicer icon anyway.
my dock mode is gone also i can launch it from titanium back up and works fine
but it will not let me install from the back up
Did you check with Larry and Curly ?
I just recently installed GO Launcher Ex. Its smooth and nice, but there is one issue that I just discovered. If I toggle airplane mode with a widget from the Market (I've tried 2 different ones), going TO airplane mode seems fine, but every time I turn airplane mode OFF, everything turns on but I have no mobile connection (shows an x and no bars). I have to toggle airplane mode on/off again from Settings and all is fine.
I used to use the HTC airplane mode toggle widget with HTC Home screen and it worked as expected, but with another home launcher, there is no access to HTC's widgets So, I'm thinking its the 3rd party's widget's compatibility with the device?
Anyone else have this issue? Only thing I can think of is not using an airplane mode toggle widget or go back to HTC's Home launcher. But, I don't like HTC's bottom launcher. I guess I just want it all, don't I?
Very great app. I hate Auto-Rotate mode because it always triggered at the wrong moment! It's really help me to customize my Android. I put fixed landscape mode for 90% of my normal and system apps (Apex Launcher, Opera Mobile, Polaris Office etc). Smart Rotator starts on device boot and always control your apps rotate mode. You can choose Auto-Rotate, Portrait Fixed or Landscape Fixed for separate apps. Smart Rotator completely changed my usual "portrait" use of Galaxy Note. Now I always hold my device at landscape mode and it become more comfortable to use. Watching videos, web browsing and maps are now extremely handy. I only left portrait mode for Astro Player and some games.
Download free at Market
I like Ultimate Rotation Control it allows me to set the orientation on the fly. Eg,often if I'm using the phone lying down in bed, I want to lock the orientation differently to if I'm sitting upright.
Also, you can set the orientation upside down so that the capacitative buttons are at the top and out of the way for some apps.
does anybody know a navigation app which has a widget?
I would like to have a permanent view of actual gps position in a map widet. My plan is to show this widget on the homescreen of my android car navigation device (roadnavi S160, Kitkat 4.4.4). So if I switch on the device I can immediately see my position even without having specified a route.
Til now I did not find any navigation software that offers such a widget. I read about multiwindow module in xposed framework, but this seems to be not very stable.
Does anyone have a good idea, how to solve this?
I have a problem with display rotation, on Stock 8.0 i could lock in landscape rotation in apps (like browsers for example) via quicksettings toggle (tap once for auto rotate -> hold phone sideways (while browser open) -> tab toggle again, phone now locked in landscape mode. Ever since updating to 8.1 it wont stick to landscape mode, it will instantly go back to portrait orientation :/
Can anyone confirm if they can still use the quicksetting orientation toggle in the way i described above (anyone on 8.1)? Is it a unknown bug maybe?
I am not using stock kernel (due to magisk and safetynet) but testet it on two different kernels (currently on flash kernel).
Or does anyone know of a solution that does not require an additional app running/managing the rotation?
Edit: For anyone facing the same problem, i found a workaround. It's not perfect but has to do for now: Download "Tiles" from the Playstore (paid app), there one can add a toggle for rotation that toggles through all avaible orientations. It's still more annoying than a native toggle that sticks to landscape straigth away but at least it makes it possible to have an app stick to landscape orientation regardless of phone orientation.