Smart Rotator - Galaxy Note GT-N7000 Themes and Apps

Very great app. I hate Auto-Rotate mode because it always triggered at the wrong moment! It's really help me to customize my Android. I put fixed landscape mode for 90% of my normal and system apps (Apex Launcher, Opera Mobile, Polaris Office etc). Smart Rotator starts on device boot and always control your apps rotate mode. You can choose Auto-Rotate, Portrait Fixed or Landscape Fixed for separate apps. Smart Rotator completely changed my usual "portrait" use of Galaxy Note. Now I always hold my device at landscape mode and it become more comfortable to use. Watching videos, web browsing and maps are now extremely handy. I only left portrait mode for Astro Player and some games.
Download free at Market

I like Ultimate Rotation Control it allows me to set the orientation on the fly. Eg,often if I'm using the phone lying down in bed, I want to lock the orientation differently to if I'm sitting upright.
Also, you can set the orientation upside down so that the capacitative buttons are at the top and out of the way for some apps.


Gyrator2 (app) and TouchFlo3D: possible to disable landscape switching?

By default, Gyrator disables Manila/TouchFlo3D, but long story short, I hang my phone upside by the lanyard attachment near a window to get better reception. Thus, I have enabled orientation switching for TouchFlo. However, the TF3D UI is messed up (the tabs portion of it) when in landscape and reverse-landscape orientation. Maybe I have not explored the options/settings fully, but is it possible to disable specific orientation but allow other orientations (in this case, disable landscape, but allow allow reverse portrait) for a particular program?
If i understand the question correctly, you only need gyrator to switch between 2 orientations? In that case if you look at the orientation tab when you edit the event, you can uncheck specific orientations. For instance, if i wanted tomtom to only switch between default portrait and reverse landscape, i would add a new rule with tomtom as the application focus. Then i would move to the next tab (orientation) and check only portait and reverse landscape. Then I would check Rotate Screen in the events tab and apply. That will limit tomtom's rotation (or any other app) to only rotate when the phone is turned in one of the two orientations.
I hope that wasn't too confusing i almost got lost typing it. =)
I read the question again. You can just check portrait and reverse portrait and leave landscape/reverse landscape unchecked for the touchflo rule.
lacrossev, thanks for the detailed walkthough. You (and I) forgot about checking "orientation" in the popup menu when long-clicking the event as this was why my setting wasn't working.

force screen lock orientation for certain apps

I am using a tablet so it is not convenient to use some of the games and apps in portrait mode.I wish to force lock the screen orientation of certain apps only.Is there an app which have this feature?
standard android system would not let you do that

Toggle the orientation with a shortcut/toggler app?

Sometimes I'd need to quickly switch the global orientation to landscape and back. I hate auto-rotation as it's slow and often rotates unneededly with any phones I owned. The best solution would be a simple app/shortcut that would simply toggle the orientation between to states (eg. standing portrait-left landscape). I could then assign this app to hardware buttons, gestures or launchers.
I haven't found something like this until now - is there a way to do this now (Tasker task, Xposed module etc), or will I be able to write an app to do this - can the global orentation be changed programmatically?
Try this Ultimate Rotation Control = Here
Ultimate Rotation from Play Store is the best app doing this job

Need to view portrait app in landscape

Any ideas?
I've tried a few rotate widgets/apps, couple different driving mode overlays, Nova launcher, etc.
I want to use gopro app to turn/record but the home screen of the app requires you to log in, which cannot be seen in landscape view and no scroll function.

General Ready For desktop mode screen orientation (G100)

I have a monitor that i can rotate vertically (Dell UltraSharp 23 Monitor - U2312HM), but it does not have a built in screen orientation setting. Most operating systems have that though, but as far as i can tell, the desktop mode for this phone doesn't have that (desktop settings are very limited). It's weird how android has that option by default, but it's not added in the desktop mode. It seems that Motorola did not consider that some monitors can be rotated (or even the compact tablet like screens); vertical desktop has its uses and many apps are not optimized for being stretched out horizontally. It would also be nice if i could do the same in screen mirror mode - change the screen orientation only on the monitor, so the phone's vertical orientation could use more of the monitor's screen.
I would like to know if there is a workaround for this.

