[Q] I want to make an app but have no experience... - General Questions and Answers

I'm not entirely sure where I should start. I want to make a camera application which adds an image of an object to a photo being taken. I enjoy flashing ROMs and what not but as far as developing goes I'm clueless. Where should I start? Are there any trustworthy websites that can teach me the basics?

First and foremost requirement is a basic knowledge of JAVA i guess without the knowledge of JAVA its really difficult to develop apps for android....
Next is Android SDK and an IDE... My personal recomendation is Eclipse(with ADT plugin).
There is a wonderful book for android development ..more info www(dot)dummies(dot)com
I guess that book is enough to give a kick start to android development

go to developers.android.com
It is by far the best resource or learning android.

Have you done any programming before? Learning to develop for Android is no different than learning a new programming language. In this case Java.
Start by creating a hello world app. developer(dot)android(dot)com/training/basics/firstapp/index.html
The Internet is definitely your #1 source. The SDK has be used by other people quite thoroughly so even by searching something as specific as "putting an overlay image on a camera picture" will probably yield many result.
Have fun!

but be patient learning programming is really hard for me at least ...im struggling with my first language (python) for 8 months now and i dont have any results...


I want to create an Android App, Help?

Does anyone in here have experience designing Android Apps?
I am very good with computers, very, very little programming experience, but I have an idea for an app that I would really like to create.
So how hard is the first app? I'm going to download the SDK today when i get home and do some reading and see what I can figure out..
I wish I could get someone I knew and trusted to help me out, but I'd be scared they'd try to steal my idea and cut me out of the loop...
If you have little coding knowledge then how do you expect to be able to code an application.
Agreed, if you have no programming experience then you've got no hope. Although Android apps are coded in Java (therefore a nice OO language which is fairly easy to learn) you still need experience imo.
Anyone can learn to program but it takes time and effort. Leave Android for the moment and learn Java first. A starting point would be here http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/getStarted/index.html
Once you're comfortable with Java, then move onto Android.
I also recommend you to read up on java, here's a good tutorial.
They use NetBeans instead of the famous and google supported Eclipse.
But you must first understand Java and programming in general.
im also interested in making an app, and have experience with java. is java the only language that you can use for android? how about jython, since my python is better than my java, it would be best to use that...
i guess i'll start by dl'ing the sdk lol
I think as long as you have an interest in it, and have some aptitude for coding, then you can learn basic programming for android pretty quickly.
I only had really basic programming knowledge, and I managed to get an Android app out - admittedly it's simple (calculation type app), but it's a starting point.
I would recommend having a look around the internet like code.google.com to check out some source code for programs similar to what you would like to write. Also the developers site http://developer.android.com/index.html has some good examples and guides - definitely worth reading.
I've been using appinventor.. I wish making a real app was this easy.. Of course it's just basic things that really nobody would buy, but it's neat to create apps without experience.

beginner at java/android

I know very little when it comes to programming. About the extent of my programming is getting a batch file to read from a list. So where do I start if I want to look into android programming? Should I pick up a beginning java book?
I have an idea for program, so I have a goal.
not sure if books are needed anymore really
soo many sites and forums just about general programming
and also spc about developing java for android
google should be much faster then using a real book
If you are getting started with android, one thing you will need for sure is the SDK, found here.
As far as learning it goes...google has a fairly good introduction on the platform, although I am not sure it is suited for someone new to programming. I can't really help you there, except point you to the google guide if you want to try anyway.

Android Development Traiing

Hi Guys,
I have been visiting this site for quite a while, mainly the development forum, but have not really contributed that much due to my lack of knowledge in Android Development.
I want to change this and am interested in taking a course to learn how to develop in the Android OS.
Is anybody aware of any courses I could take that are based solely online (ie, no classroom work needed)? Bearing in mind that I have no real programming knowledge to start with so will need an "A-Z" course. I am based in the UK so UK sites would be preferential.
I have done a Google search but to be honest there are so many different companies out there I was wondering if anyone had any first hand experiences?
You can teach yourself, find some textbooks (I won't tell you where) online and start reading, download eclipse and netbeans, do some reading about object-oriented programming and being learning the basics of java, start trying to develop applications in eclipse (you will need to download all of the appropriate SDK's, Java, Android, etc), there are plenty of starter posts called "How to program Android" etc. located on the various android forums on the net- I would suggest just jumping in and reading as much as you can. I did, I'm not a full-fledged developer, but I am now capable of programming applications and understanding source code. I need to get acquainted with GitHub now so I can actually begin working on open-source projects, and I have a ton of learning to do myself, but that will take you a long way from being a noob.
luna_c666 said:
You can teach yourself, find some textbooks (I won't tell you where) online and start reading, download eclipse and netbeans, do some reading about object-oriented programming and being learning the basics of java, start trying to develop applications in eclipse (you will need to download all of the appropriate SDK's, Java, Android, etc), there are plenty of starter posts called "How to program Android" etc. located on the various android forums on the net- I would suggest just jumping in and reading as much as you can. I did, I'm not a full-fledged developer, but I am now capable of programming applications and understanding source code. I need to get acquainted with GitHub now so I can actually begin working on open-source projects, and I have a ton of learning to do myself, but that will take you a long way from being a noob.
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Thanks for the advice. The problem with me taking it on myself is that...well...I wont do it! I have 9 or 10 Learn Linux books on my shelf and have read maybe three pages out of them.
This is why I was wondering if there was any online courses I could take, which would guide me through step by step from start to finish. I appreciate it may be more expensive this way but I feel it is the best way for me to learn
The toolset for creating Android apps while easy for a programmer to pick up, is probably not the best for first steps in programming IMHO but it can be done.
FWIW On the side of "Java" and "Android" sides, I would suggest picking up a copy of "Java in a nutshell". learning the concept of Model/View/Controller (MVC), and inhaling Google's website on Android development. Each will be useful at some point in your growth.
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Spidey01 said:
The toolset for creating Android apps while easy for a programmer to pick up, is probably not the best for first steps in programming IMHO but it can be done.
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Okay, so what do you think the best start to programming is? I really feel it is something I would love to learn. I realize it will be a big challenge...but I think I am up for it
Go for it!!!
I would recommend getting to know a bit of Java first. The Java Tutorials found on the Oracle website are an excellent place to start. I've been learning to program for Android for the past month or so, it's hard going, but very rewarding.
bendonahue said:
Okay, so what do you think the best start to programming is? I really feel it is something I would love to learn. I realize it will be a big challenge...but I think I am up for it
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Eh, for years I have debated between Assembly and shell script depending on the goal. Programming languages are only a slice if the craft.
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What are your thoughts on Eclipse Andriod game making tool is it easy to use or hard?

I was wondering what developers thought about using eclipse. Is it easy to use or is it not. When I look online most veteran programmers say its easy to pick up but when I tried it seem kind of tough. I read an articule about it here
The author seem to think it was tough but easy at same time which left me confused. What do you think?
I had very few problems getting set up to develop using Eclipse for Android Development.
Perhaps if you can give some details of the problems you are experiencing we could provide some guidance.
GingerBiscuit said:
I had very few problems getting set up to develop using Eclipse for Android Development.
Perhaps if you can give some details of the problems you are experiencing we could provide some guidance.
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Same idea here. Just give some examples where you feel stuck and maybe we could help.
I think it really depends on your programming background. If you dont know Java, no IDE in the world is going to be easy to learn, however, if you do know Java and can understand how android layout are defined, then Eclipse is easy and straightforward!
Basically I dont know Java programming and Iam used to using visual tools like level editors where you can just code on the object after you place it on the screen. Are there any level editor type tools for eclipse?
The reason why Android uses Java is because the original goals of android was to make a fast spreading, open source smartphone OS that seats Google as the default search engine. Java had/has the largest community of developers. Because Android uses Java, applications can reuse lots of already written Java code saving programmers tons of time that it would've taken to rewrite in whatever other language they would have chosen.
As for a beginner trying to make an Android app -- there's no way to get around the coding. It could be much, much harder. Java's really popular and well documented language with lots of books on it. Learning it would be easier than lots of other languages they could've used.

[Q] app dev question

hi guys.. im new here and all.. but, where do i start with app development? up to what part of java should i learn?
kevikevs244277 said:
hi guys.. im new here and all.. but, where do i start with app development? up to what part of java should i learn?
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Depending on how much knowledge you have of programming in general, you may be able to pick up Android development fairly quickly by simply googling for simple Android tutorials such as "how to create a button in Android", "how to play a sound in Android app", etc. If you do already have some programming experience, I would strongly suggest checking out a youtube channel by the name of 'TheNewBoston', which has a wide-range of video tutorials for Android & Java development alike.
If you have absolutely no programming experience, I would suggest at least playing around with Java for a month or two. Get yourself comfortable with variables, methods, and the different basic data-types. I believe that as long as you have a loose grasp on those aspects of Java development, then you shouldn't have *too* much trouble learning Java and Android synchronously.
Hope this helps a little bit.
jay613 said:
Depending on how much knowledge you have of programming in general, you may be able to pick up Android development fairly quickly by simply googling for simple Android tutorials such as "how to create a button in Android", "how to play a sound in Android app", etc. If you do already have some programming experience, I would strongly suggest checking out a youtube channel by the name of 'TheNewBoston', which has a wide-range of video tutorials for Android & Java development alike.
If you have absolutely no programming experience, I would suggest at least playing around with Java for a month or two. Get yourself comfortable with variables, methods, and the different basic data-types. I believe that as long as you have a loose grasp on those aspects of Java development, then you shouldn't have *too* much trouble learning Java and Android synchronously.
Hope this helps a little bit.
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thanks for the info..
actually, i have programming background in c++ and c#.. im just starting to learn java... should i "master" java first before i indulge to android?
kevikevs244277 said:
thanks for the info..
actually, i have programming background in c++ and c#.. im just starting to learn java... should i "master" java first before i indulge to android?
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Well, if you have a background in C++ and C# then you will be comfortable with Java, as theoretically its all same as all these comes under the OOP concept. So you don't need to 'master' Java by reading another 1000 pages Book. I guess C# and Java has many similarities when it comes to syntax and minor differences such as C# uses the keyword 'using' and Java uses 'import' to import or use those pre-defined classes that you can work on with.
I guess you can go directly into Android app development if you have any Tutorials with you, and I bet you will understand the code. But, if you insist yourself you can do some Java examples just in case to get an idea about the language though, as its always good.
One difference: In Java we use getters and setters to access variables of other objects. Not difficult though.
If you already have a decent grasp of C++ and C#, then Java should come quickly. You'll need to be fairly proficient with Java to build any non-trivial app, but you can definitely learn it while also learning how to use the Android SDK. The two are not mutually exclusive.

