[Q] I havent been able to enjoy my nexus for 2 months due to my mistake please help - General Questions and Answers

I have recently rooted my nexus s and installed custom roms. After a bit of playing around with different roms I ended up loosing all data connection.
I attempted to return my phone to stock using a thread on a forum but am now stuck with nexus 4g stock instead on nexus s stock?
Feel out of my depth and ergently need some calm advice and instructions.
My model is GT-19020 which has caused me much confussion as stock roms I find on the net are 19023 or i9020 or i9020A
I havent been able to enjoy my nexus for nearly 2 months due to my mistake.
I have also been informed that my radio could of been the wrong one during flashing and thats why I lost data?

Is your Phone still alive?
Didnt you make a Backup of your Phones Rom?
Simply search for Nexus S Stock Rom is that so Hard?
Ahh and its the wrong Forum-Section, you should have post that into Nexus S Forum Section

Sorry if I am in the rong place, I am very dyslexic and so simple instructions sometimes are very hard for me to read and understand.
I have tried returning to stock but am now on nexus 4g?
Got a bit lost along the way and definatly confused as to which stock baseband version I should seek out. If you could help shed a bit of light on my situation I would be really gratefull.
Yes did make a backup of my origional rom but accidently wiped it.
My problem probally sounds a bit silly which i apoligise for just got myself into a muddle. I rely on my phone for my net connection which has hapered my attempts at fixing this issue.
Sorry again for sounding like a twat.

As you said you have the gt-i9020 it seams to be closely to be the 9020t variant mentioned in that: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1572307 thread iwould say try the first rom mentioned there
Sent from my LT22i using xda app-developers app

how do i apply the image? I tried moving it to my phone then installing the zip through recovery but it failed. I am completly confused could you talk me through the process step by step?

No not really because i did not own a Nexus S, in my Country there is only the gt-I9023 Version to get and i did not want to get a bad screen...
But wait I see there is a good Tutorial in that Topic ive send to you and it is step by step...
you need the android SDK installed on your PC and if you follow the steps mentioned there it should be no Problem


[Q] HTC Inspire 4G - rooting help please!

First, please forgive my stupidity on a variety of levels as this is my first post and I recently came from the Jailbreaking scene of my iPhone 3GS but have very little knowledge in the Android area - which is why I came here.
I just purchased a used AT&T HTC Inspire 4G off eBay. I would like to root it and run the latest stable Ice Cream Sandwich custom ROM, and unlock if possible. Assuming it is running stock 2.3, I would like to root, unlock and flash a clean custom ROM onto it as soon as I receive it in the mail (2-3 days).
I HAVE searched online for tutorials, but have only found crappy, fuzzy, outdated Youtube videos by 12-year-olds, and therefore am not sure exactly what to do. So if I could get someone's professional guidance on how to root, unlock, flash, and what ROM to use, I will be eternally in your debt.
P.S. I'm not entirely new - I have flashed a number of Windows Mobile ROMs, done plenty of iOS hacking, flashed an Android tablet, and do plenty of dev-testing on my PSP.
- Stupid iPhone 3GS Jailbreaker/Android n00b
blydude said:
First, please forgive my stupidity on a variety of levels as this is my first post and I recently came from the Jailbreaking scene of my iPhone 3GS but have very little knowledge in the Android area - which is why I came here.
I just purchased a used AT&T HTC Inspire 4G off eBay. I would like to root it and run the latest stable Ice Cream Sandwich custom ROM, and unlock if possible. Assuming it is running stock 2.3, I would like to root, unlock and flash a clean custom ROM onto it as soon as I receive it in the mail (2-3 days).
I HAVE searched online for tutorials, but have only found crappy, fuzzy, outdated Youtube videos by 12-year-olds, and therefore am not sure exactly what to do. So if I could get someone's professional guidance on how to root, unlock, flash, and what ROM to use, I will be eternally in your debt.
P.S. I'm not entirely new - I have flashed a number of Windows Mobile ROMs, done plenty of iOS hacking, flashed an Android tablet, and do plenty of dev-testing on my PSP.
- Stupid iPhone 3GS Jailbreaker/Android n00b
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Hey, check out attn1's root kit! Got my Inspire rooted in about 5 mins
Link is here:
Also, there's an IRC channel that is listed in the thread if you need any help.
Donations are appreciated!
General premise is that you'll need to S-OFF (remove HTC NAND security), then root.
Removing the NAND is usually handled by an XTC Clip (hardware) or Revolutionary (software) method. Some others do exist, just look for the 'S-OFF' thread in the Inspire section to get you started.
Once that's complete, use either the rootkit mentioned above, or something like SuperOneClick to obtain actual root.
Good luck!
juzz86 said:
General premise is that you'll need to S-OFF (remove HTC NAND security), then root.
Removing the NAND is usually handled by an XTC Clip (hardware) or Revolutionary (software) method. Some others do exist, just look for the 'S-OFF' thread in the Inspire section to get you started.
Once that's complete, use either the rootkit mentioned above, or something like SuperOneClick to obtain actual root.
Good luck!
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If I'm not mistaken, I believe attn1's root kit does everything for you including S-Off..
Please correct me if I'm wrong.
rhodium9 said:
If I'm not mistaken, I believe attn1's root kit does everything for you including S-Off..
Please correct me if I'm wrong.
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I have no doubt your are right my friend , I was just providing a little insight on why there's more than one step involved. I also ran into rooting issues using the Vivid toolkit, which were fixed with SuperOneClick.
That said, definitely try the rootkit first. They're a killer starting point
Just make sure you read the effin manual. If you don't, you won't be able to root it with the hack kit. And you won't get ANY help with it if you don't read the manual.
Sent from my Inspire 4G using Tapatalk
Just got the Inspire 10 minutes ago, so I assume go ahead and use the root kit? Then what would be the best ROM for Ice Cream Sandwich to install? Again, I know how to use Google, just want to have an expert opinion on it... Thanks!
Edit: Just ran the rootkit, and flashed ICS 4.0.3 onto it... Booting now!
There are many great ROMs that exist within the forums. I prefer cynagonmod but of course your mileage may vary.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
I have reason to believe my phone is sufficiently bricked... I did follow the instructions in effin_manual, but something must have messed up. I can get to the boot menu (volume down+power) but anything beyond that crashes. Is there any way I can flash this back to stock and start over?
I found this, but the link is dead...
Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!
UPDATE: Flashed it back to stock 2.2. Before I do anything else, what is the most recent, stable UNLOCKABLE firmware available? Thanks so much!
blydude said:
I have reason to believe my phone is sufficiently bricked... I did follow the instructions in effin_manual, but something must have messed up. I can get to the boot menu (volume down+power) but anything beyond that crashes. Is there any way I can flash this back to stock and start over?
I found this, but the link is dead...
Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!
UPDATE: Flashed it back to stock 2.2. Before I do anything else, what is the most recent, stable UNLOCKABLE firmware available? Thanks so much!
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First, If you have read the effen manual you would have known what to do in you case.
If your phone was shipped with Gingerbread and you flashed a froyo RUU you are in trouble...make sure that your cell is working properly before trying to flash a custom rom or you will get jammed. By the way, brick means that your phone is useless and were not bricked....the Hack Kit works beautifully as long as you follow instructions. Also, make sure that you are S-OFF and Rooted before attempting to flash a custom rom....
The phone was shipped with Froyo, and I just restored it back to that.
I had ICS 4.0.3 flashed, but the unlock was not compatible with it and I got a nice little message from AT&T about that. They haven't started charging me yet, but I would like to do something about it before they do.
So can ICS be unlocked at all? Or what is the most recent firmware that can be unlocked?
blydude said:
I had ICS 4.0.3 flashed, but the unlock was not compatible with it and I got a nice little message from AT&T about that. They haven't started charging me yet, but I would like to do something about it before they do.
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Don't understand what you mean here. How is an unlock uncompatible ?Charging you for what exactly?
Sent from my Inspire 4G using XDA
I got a text from ATT this morning saying "Congratulations on your 4G smartphone! 4G data and message rates may apply." I checked online and it was still on my 200 MB iPhone plan, so hopefully it stays that way. My bad, just wanted to make sure it was unlocked.
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA
Not sure why you would want to unlock an att phone to use on att.people unlock it to use on other carriers like say T-Mobile.
As to the text,since the inspire is an att phone they will recognize it and will change your data plan accordingly. There really isn't a way around that. I don't remember their being a 200mb iPhone plan but its been a while. But it might be as easy as giving them a call and switching it over and keeping the same plane just named differently.
Sent from my Inspire 4G using XDA
blydude said:
I got a text from ATT this morning saying "Congratulations on your 4G smartphone! 4G data and message rates may apply." I checked online and it was still on my 200 MB iPhone plan, so hopefully it stays that way. My bad, just wanted to make sure it was unlocked.
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA
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Welcome to someone who has ATT and is just recalling his experience with it:
1) You can change your data plan up till the end of the billing cycle for that SAME cycle.
2) 200mb is the minimum data plan and you have to (in theory) be on a data plan to have a smartphone on their network.
Moving on to non-ATT stuff
3) You may want to do a little bit of reading and understand the difference between root and unlock.
4) I'll be nice and link a thread with that insight: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1076720
5) ... >.<
I got it working with my 200MB data plan and running Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0.3. Thanks for all the help!
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA
marsdta said:
Sent from my Inspire 4G using XDA
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Just wanted to say thank you for your Ace Hack Kit, very easy to do if you read it several times like your instructed to do...
Once again thank you for your work, a donation will be for coming once i get some extra fund....
juzz86 said:
General premise is that you'll need to S-OFF (remove HTC NAND security), then root.
Removing the NAND is usually handled by an XTC Clip (hardware) or Revolutionary (software) method. Some others do exist, just look for the 'S-OFF' thread in the Inspire section to get you started.
Once that's complete, use either the rootkit mentioned above, or something like SuperOneClick to obtain actual root.
Good luck!
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I want to root my inspire 4g and i dont find anything hetr or in youtube. I need a program to root that att1 treath is close,i nees help plz take me to the rigth place to root my phone.
sicario9 said:
I want to root my inspire 4g and i dont find anything hetr or in youtube. I need a program to root that att1 treath is close,i nees help plz take me to the rigth place to root my phone.
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Use the guide in my signature...it points you to attn1's site.

[Q] Tring to unroot LG G2X

I bought a LG G2X from someone and they failed to tell me the phone was rooted, I have no clue what to do with a rooted phone and honestly I don't care to have that access. Could someone please help me unroot this phone. I know enough about cell phones since I did sell them. When I got the phone it was in safe mode, I rebooted it and did a wipe of the phone and seen that it had superuser on it. I have all the information with the phone but not sure what to do so that I can update this device. PLEASE HELP! I can't afford to brick the phone at this moment since I have no clue what I'm doing. Thank you.
I'll tell you off the bat I do not know how to unroot this device. I will also tell you that this phone is worth its weight in sh*t if its not rooted. If you do a little reading around the stickies you'll see this phone is nearly impossible to hard brick. Most of the time a full wipe and reflash or nandroid save fixes the worst of issues. We have had some amazing developers create awesome software for this device that I think you would love to experience.
Sent from my LG-P999 using xda premium
Thank you, the only reason i want to unroot is since I can't update my phone it keeps turning off for no reason and sometimes it will take 15 minutes to place a call, I need to shut it off or do a battery pull all the time for the phone to function, thank you very very much for your info I greatly appreciate it I'm thinking it over or I need to figure out how to upgrade while rooted
Sent from my LG-P999 using xda app-developers app
When you say "upgrade" do you mean the software on the phone or upgrading to a new phone in general? If you do some searching you can find some stock unrooted roms that you can flash I believe. If I were you I would flash vanilla Cyanogen Mod 7. It is the most stable ROM for this device and offers wonderful customization options. The only thing that will not work is blue tooth calling. You can find the latest nightly build at get.cm. If you wish to make battery life better there are great developers for this device who have manufactured some awesome kernels that can be overclocked and undervolted. I'm currently running CM7 with Trinity's MAX 1500 kernel overclocked to 1.2mhz and undervolted across the board. I get amazing battery life and buttery smooth performance.
Use ROM for recovery nvflash method to return to stock. Then you can update either OTA or using the kdz method.
Edit: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1248644
[ROM] ROM for recovery G2X under the NVFLASH
The noob says:
In the absence of a valid argument, 2+1=3 may be used to explain why the g2x did not get the ICS update!
Un rooting LG G2
I am new to the whole rooting and Roms on android phones, but I need a bit of help, a friend of mine rooted my LG g2
And the phone was working fine for a couple of days until now. Right now the phone is not responding I can't get any texts or make phone calls it says error 16 . What can I do? Please help.
No idea, this is the t-mobile lg G2X forum. You have the LG G2. Here's a link to the correct forum:
Good luck.

[Q] Just Got My SGS3

Okay i just got a galaxy s3 because i have practically been on the fascinate my whole life, Flashed the life out of it and to this day its 100%. I want to root, and flash roms to my s3, but i have came across many threads and such and i really cant afford to ruin this phone, its like 3 days old lol. I am used to Odin, but that was the fascinate... I am on 4.1.2 and the Baseband version is I535VRBMF1 (what my phone was shipped with). Someone help me asap! i am very eager to make this phone sweet! its been out for awhile now so i suppose someone will know how to do this.
..P.s i have found bootloader unlock files for other 4.1.2, but i was about to start odin and realized it wasnt the same. Please get back with me asap.
kirkwoodlucas said:
Okay i just got a galaxy s3 because i have practically been on the fascinate my whole life, Flashed the life out of it and to this day its 100%. I want to root, and flash roms to my s3, but i have came across many threads and such and i really cant afford to ruin this phone, its like 3 days old lol. I am used to Odin, but that was the fascinate... I am on 4.1.2 and the Baseband version is I535VRBMF1 (what my phone was shipped with). Someone help me asap! i am very eager to make this phone sweet! its been out for awhile now so i suppose someone will know how to do this.
..P.s i have found bootloader unlock files for other 4.1.2, but i was about to start odin and realized it wasnt the same. Please get back with me asap.
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Read all the sticky threads in the development section before you do anything. You'll answer all your questions and learn more stuff unique to this phone.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
BadUsername said:
Read all the sticky threads in the development section before you do anything. You'll answer all your questions and learn more stuff unique to this phone.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
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i cant seem to find it or what im looking for.
kirkwoodlucas said:
i cant seem to find it or what im looking for.
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Read through imei backing up, casual root method, and how to root your galaxy s3 and more for generalized flashing methods. If you have any questions after reading through those feel free to ask.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
Your best way to root and unlock the bootloader is the Casual method. It roots, unlocks and even installs a recovery like CWM or TWRP. However read up a bit. It's always good to get somewhat knowledgeable before barreling into something.
Make sure to read and understand the "Comprehensive IMEI/EFS Backup" section (on the link that BadUsername provided). I've never had an issue with this but I read sob storied all the time about people who didn't back up and had issues.

[Q] [NEWBIE ALERT] How to get back to Stock Nexus 5 from CM11

So first of all i'm newbie in this kind of stuff and i'm sorry if my questions are dumb or anything like that lol
So earlier today i decided to install CM11 on my brand new Nexus 5 (no root, no unlocked bootloader) and i didn't like it. So i decided to get back to stock but i don't know how. After some really short googling i found this http://forum.xda-developers.com/google-nexus-5/general/tutorial-how-to-flash-factory-image-t2513701 and i wonder will this work? Or are there another foolproof way? I installed CM11 from the installer. Thanks!!
Yeah that method will work fine.

newbie w/ samsung galaxy s4 G

My rooted phone will not let me into my playstore, i think this could be do to rooting and then doing the android update, or maybe the freedom app i downloaded at one time. It also says I lost root. Anyways I was stupid and thought I new what I was doing and think I may have really screwed up my phone. Will flashing stock firmware fix this? think i have looked through the threads already and I think I have a good handle on this whole flashing stock firmware. My question is if I give you guys my build number/ phone info can you tell me what exact firmware I need to revert to stock? Build# VRUFNK4 for a SCHi545 samsung galaxy S4 G. Let me know please. Thanks!
Pretty sure you can work it out.
harmon_50wings said:
My rooted phone will not let me into my playstore, i think this could be do to rooting and then doing the android update, or maybe the freedom app i downloaded at one time. It also says I lost root. Anyways I was stupid and thought I new what I was doing and think I may have really screwed up my phone. Will flashing stock firmware fix this? think i have looked through the threads already and I think I have a good handle on this whole flashing stock firmware. My question is if I give you guys my build number/ phone info can you tell me what exact firmware I need to revert to stock? Build# VRUFNK4 for a SCHi545 samsung galaxy S4 G. Let me know please. Thanks!
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The best way to flash back to stock is using Heimdall one-click. Complete instructions are available at: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1470716

