[Q] Download Unwalsh tool - Windows Phone 7 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

blog.*walshie.*me is down and I want to try to run the unwalsh tool to go around the 80180048 error.
Does anybody know where I can get the Unwalsh tool? It is the x86 version, the file called WPST_x86_2.zip.
Or is there another thing that I could try?


Problems Downloading the SDK - Sprint Evo Shift

So I'm attempting to root my Evo Shift.
Before that, I need to download and Install both HTC Sync (Already Installed) and the SDK.
But The SDK won't install after I downloaded it. It says I need the Java SE Development Kit (JDK). I downloaded the JDK off of this page:
I tried the first one. Same thing, didn't let me install the SDK when I tried again. Then I tried the last one. Same thing again. I already have JRE. I just need the JDK. The JDK got properly installed, but it still didn't let me go through with installed the SDK.
Does anyone know what I can possibly do?
Are there ways around this?
I got enough replies on my post for someone to tell me something.
Someone HAS to know the solution to this problem.
I read that if you just click back and then next again it will work. Tried that and I failed.
SOO many things I have tried.
I went back on the SDK download website and downloaded the .zip file instead of the .exe file. I extracted it but don't know where to go from there.
Is there another where of rooting my phone without SDK?

[Q] Using revolutionary with Ubuntu

Anyone running Ubuntu via VMWare and not able to run the program? I've tried everything and it won't open nor find it when trying to use Terminal; it says:
tar (child): revolutionary-0.3-pre7.tgz: Cannot open: No such file or directory
tar (child): Error is not recoverable: exiting now
tar: Child returned status 2
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Anyone know what that means? I'm a rookie in Linux but I'm not computer illiterate. I've tried both Windows XP and 7 and I'm also stuck at step 3 where it can't communicate with the device. Someone please have an answer. Thanks.
boii wond3r x3 said:
Anyone running Ubuntu via VMWare and not able to run the program? I've tried everything and it won't open nor find it when trying to use Terminal; it says:
Anyone know what that means? I'm a rookie in Linux but I'm not computer illiterate. I've tried both Windows XP and 7 and I'm also stuck at step 3 where it can't communicate with the device. Someone please have an answer. Thanks.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Here you go.
Use search next time.
[GUIDE][JULY/30/2011] S-OFF under Linux/Ubuntu
Yeah. Did that. Didn't work. That's why I'm asking if anyone else has the same issue and has found another work-around.
Having the very same issue. Does anyone have a solution?
same here using Ubuntu 12.04 to root and s-off a stock 2.2.2 HTC Desire, going to read the post above (even if I'm not sure it'll work...)
edit: seems to work under console ( sudo ./revolutionary )
PASSED!!! :good:

can someone post a working odin link?

Softbricked my s3 by not unlocking bootloader. I can't find any odin that'll open on my PC. When i open it it says "this application has failed to start becaue tmax.dll was not found.
If that still gives you that problem then its your computer not Odin. Google for that dll, sometimes you'll be able to figure out what driver or program it was supposed to come with. ie DirectX or something then you can just install that and should have the .dll.

[Q] heimdall.exe system error

Running windows 7 64bit home premium. Trying to open heimdall.exe and get the error- "The program can't starte because MSVCP110.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.
Installed c++ redistributive for 64 bit system, no luck. Tried to reinstall and chose repair installation. Restarted after each attempt. Searched for the .dll and found it was still not installed on my computer. Tried to manually download and copy to the System32 file and SysWOW 64 folders. Tried running regsvr32 from cmd prompt but get error that it failed to load.
Have been searching for a solution but everything I have come across was either a different issue or was resolved in one of the steps above. Any info or suggestions is greatly appreciated.
Since re-installing doesn't work, you can try finding a copy of that dll file online and putting it in C:\WINDOWS\System32. It may be that your copy has a problem.
I'm a linux user and needed to flash samsung galaxy mini 2.
I tried heimdall and heimdall-frontend, but neither worked for me.
I now run a virtual machine with windows to run odin3..
Could it be that heimdall is not compatible with my phone?
have a same problem, tested on two PC
I know it is an OLD!! post, but searching the error brings this one up first..
If installed vcredist_x64 try to ALSO install vcredist_x86.
Worked for me with the MSVCP110.dll missing Error!
Probably the .dll is only in the x86 library.

Need tizan app to Test

Does anyone have a tizen app in .dpk so I can test and try to find a way to sideload.
With the SDK kit are we able to load .dpk files?

