Hesitant to root - Transformer TF300T Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hello there... this is probably going to get laughed at by the more experienced users on the site, but what the hell, here it goes.
I've had a Droid 2, an HTC Thunderbolt, a Dell Streak 7 tablet, and now, my pretty new TF300 tablet. I've never rooted any of them (the Thunderbolt looks scary as f*** to root), mainly because I was scared. I want to unlock all the capabilities of my device, but the idea of bricking anything I have just scares the piss out of me.
I've heard people say that the Transformer (not necessarily the TF300, mind you) is fairly easier to root than other devices because ASUS provides you the software you need to root it. Well, to my surprise, that software was nowhere to be found when my tab showed up. So I guess it's up to me to seek out the details and do some hardcore tab rooting... but damn am I scared.
Bottom line: I'm verrry inexperienced at rooting things... I probably couldn't root my way out of a paper bag. I see the lingo people use in the topics where they talk about rooting their device, and I am just totally lost. I guess I'm looking for input from others who were new to rooting until they hit this device, or input from pros about how risky it is, the ease of the rooting process, a more in-depth explanation of the rooting process... anything. The more, the better. Anything anybody could say to help me nut up enough to root my device, I'm looking forward to hearing it.

All you have to do, if you're still on the OG firmware (.17), is find the app called Sparkyroot, open it, and follow the directions. There is no danger of a brick by using Sparkyroot.
Note that if you've updated to .26 or .29 firmware, you'll have to downgrade to root, which could potentially cause a brick. But really, as long as you can control your attention span and follow directions, you should be fine.
Check out this thread:

I'm a computer programmer and I rooted only because I wanted to remap the keys on the dock. If you are so hesitant, and don't have a good reason to root, maybe your tablet is just fine the way it is. If you don't have a good reason to root, but you have time to kill, and want to learn new things, then it may be a good thing to do.
As a first safe step, on your laptop you can just install the android sdk with platform-tools, install the usb driver for tf300t, and see if you see anything when you type "adb devices" in command prompt. Maybe doing this will give you a better idea on things that you'll need to do.

Honestly, I'd wait until you have a real need or reason to root. You say you want to "unlock all the capabilities" of your TF300. But what do you mean by that? Is there a specific app you want to run?
I rooted my phone because I wanted free WiFi tethering. I haven't rooted my TF300 because I haven't yet run into any increased functionaliy that I feel I really need or want.
Another thing to consider is that OTA updates can fail or brick a rooted device (or you may simply lose root). So if you want an OS update, you sometimes have to flash an older, un-rooted stock ROM on your device, then take the upgrade. A bit of a hassle. I expect that, since the TF300 is so new, we'll be seeing a few OTA's over the coming months. Until things settle down I, personally, am happy as is.

You're gonna think this is so stupid... but the reason I want to root is so I can run an app called GameCIH, which would help me cheat in a game. lol
In my own defense, the developers have made that game so difficult that your only real hope is to buy in-game currency for real money. Enough other people say, "Cheating is wrong, but in this case, it's pretty warranted."

Lol, you have piqued my curiosity. What game? And its stupid easy on .17. I did it about 4 hours after receiving. If you wish to waive your warranty, you can unlock, install CWR(clock work recovery), then flash the SU(super user) zip.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using XDA

The game is called Defender II from Droidhen. If you go to Play, you'll see a whole poop ton of one-stars, people complaining that the game basically became impossible after the last few updates.
Now, since I'm such a know-nothing when it comes to stuff like this, I don't feel bad asking: I saw that Asus released a bootloader thing for unlocking the TF300 today. Is unlocking different from rooting, and can I hack that game having just used the bootloader apk? I tried using the GameCIH app, but it told me my device wasn't rooted so I couldn't use it.
And to answer somebody's earlier question, I have provided my device with all the firmware updates supplied it over the air by Asus. Does the bootloader app I downloaded tonight make that any less problematic?

Here are my reasons to root:
- app backups/restore with saves (mostly games )
- tune settings (look at http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1641219)
- some apps require root access for more functionality (nova laucher, titanium backup)
- I'm a linux user so I like having god-like control over my system even if I don't use it offen
- and many more...
The only reason to not do this is loosing your warranty.
At this moment I have root only in my phone (Galaxy S II) but I'm also thinking about rooting my TF300T

Another good reason would be to overclock imo. I've seen threads on XDA where people are getting 1.5 or 1.6 from root/overclocking, which is +EV imo.

If you can follow directions, you should be ok. At some point, everyone roots for the first time. I had no clue about any of this either (and I'm still not the best, especially with adb commands on the comp) but once I rooted my first device, I found it to be pretty interesting and now I do it with anything I get.
I'd advise you to read the root threads thoroughly, you will see a lot of Q&A which will show you where people tend to get stuck in the process. You also might want to just use it as-is for a week or two and make sure you don't have any defects, since your warranty could be void, and you wouldn't want to find out about an unrelated problem later that you can't get fixed.

I'm extra hesitant because it sounds like the downgrade is more dangerous than anything else, and damn it, in every thread, they use so many technical terms that I don't understand...
Make sure the blob file is in there with ADB tools and *circus music playing in my head*

Haha, trust me, I know where you are coming from. Rooting may be a good place to start actually, if you truly screw it up I don't think they will be able to know that it's rooted and will still cover it (someone else can chime in here if I'm wrong). Unlocking, however, apparently sends them information and will void your warranty for sure.
The only way to learn it is to do it
Then again, if things are working well for you, leave it as-is, won't hurt anything to run it stock.

Yeah, if that's the case though, then I really wish I didn't unlock it... I thought it was like rooting but it did nothing for me except kill my warranty and OTA updates... so until I nut up enough to root it, I guess I'm stuck on .29. Not a bad update, mind you, but as they keep upping the tab, I'm going to be stuck in the stone age. That kind of sucks.

Can someone reply to this ASAP:
Does following the steps in that post allow for a much easier root than I would have had to do less than a week ago? It sounds like it's a cinch to install CWM onto the tab (which, by the way, I know zip-**** about), and then after that, it says to "flash" a file to achieve root.
And on a side note, what the Bejesus does it mean to flash a file?

If you are unlocked, then yes that's the best way to go. Just to confirm, when you boot up, it says "bootloader unlocked" in the top left?
Flashing a file means to install the .zip from CWM.

In the top left, it says "Device UnLocked" or something like that. It's not near me at the moment, but yeah, it definitely says the word unlocked when I boot her up.
And thank you for the clarification

Sack up, and Root it!
It's FUN!

I've flashed CWM onto my tab and I'm navigating it now, but I'm still unclear about how to root it.
The step says:
"After flashing CWM, you might also want root. It's easy, just flash the attached zip "
How! What?! Damn it! Can somebody detail what he means, or if I have to enter a specific command using my computerizer, what do I have to input? Because if I have to guess, I'll do it wrong, and this bastard will detonate in my arms.
Edit: I'm also in the process now of backing up my device. I don't know if rooting makes me wipe everything, so why the hell not. If I'm making a mistake doing this, then someone post back right away and I'll fling my tablet at the wall and hope for the best.
Edit: I did it! I'm rooted! I'm the smartest man alive! Nobody else needs to answer any questions I asked about this then

See, it ain't so bad. Pretty fun figuring this stuff out really. Now get to work rooting your phone and all your friends phones and tablets immediately
-T-mobile SGS2 Hercules

Tim 13 said:
I've flashed CWM onto my tab and I'm navigating it now, but I'm still unclear about how to root it.
The step says:
"After flashing CWM, you might also want root. It's easy, just flash the attached zip "
How! What?! Damn it! Can somebody detail what he means, or if I have to enter a specific command using my computerizer, what do I have to input? Because if I have to guess, I'll do it wrong, and this bastard will detonate in my arms.
Edit: I'm also in the process now of backing up my device. I don't know if rooting makes me wipe everything, so why the hell not. If I'm making a mistake doing this, then someone post back right away and I'll fling my tablet at the wall and hope for the best.
Edit: I did it! I'm rooted! I'm the smartest man alive! Nobody else needs to answer any questions I asked about this then
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Can anyone explain what flashing CWM is and how it's relevant to rooting? It has nothing to do with unlocking the tablet right?


G Tablet coming tomorrow...would like to get some things set straight. Thanks.

Hey all,
I'm getting my G Tablet tomorrow and I'd just like to get some things clarified.
I know, the first thing some will say is USE SEARCH! Well, I did - and that's actually why I just want to get some things straight before I go down the path of modifying the device software. See, reading it all has managed to confuse me more than help me get a definitive instruction set for forging ahead.
I'm seeing the update "****s on CWM" according to a user...and then a 'fix' for that. Than I see that Gapps causes FCs for some, while it works for others. So...yeah, a little back and forth on what to do and who's instructions to follow.
Alright, so first thing's first....Should I flash the Clockwork Mod that I'm seeing available - 0.8? or is there something else I should consider or that I've missed? or maybe wait for a newer version? Should I even flash CWM if I get the newest (and I WILL be getting the newest) S/W version? Are there any downsides at all to flashing CWM on there in terms of messing with OTA updates, etc?
I read this:
"All the ROMS use a standard firmware updater that can be used by non-technical users. Here is an explanation on how it works:...."
Sooo, does that mean I can live without CWM? If an update doesn't work for some reason, will I be able to fix it or overwrite it somehow if I can't get into the tablet at all from the tablet itself? I read something about going into APX mode and putting things on through Windows, is this an infallible method?
Second of all, I read the FAQ thoroughly (I think and hope) but I'm still not 100% on what Gapps to DL or how to put a working Android Market on there especially with this new S/W update. I've seen how to 'fix' the Market to see missing apps, but not how to actually install it on the G Tablet. I may have missed that post somewhere on here.
I'm also unclear if I should get Gapps or not at all, as I've read that some have FCs on there while others do not - so what's the general consensus in light of this update that was just released as of Dec. 21, 2010?
Ultimately, here is what I'd like from my GTab:
I'd like to run the new official Tapn'Tap released recently first and foremost.
I'd like to have the official/unofficial (w/e) Google Market.
I'd like to run Google Apps (Gtalk, Gmail, etc.).
IF I don't like Tapn'Tap, and this is a worse case scenario situation, as in if I HATE TnT - I'd like to have the option to slap something else on there and I'd like to make sure I don't brick my Tablet. Whether that means storing an original official TnT ROM or whatever.
Point me in the right direction please, especially considering things may have changed as of the new S/W update.
Thanks much and sorry for all the questions. I assure you I used search and I attempted to put it together on my own. It's been a long time since I've modded (G1 was the last time) and I don't do it often. Also, apologies if I posted this in the wrong section....I considered posting it in Dev. section but this one seemed better suited.
Thanks again, XDA rocks.
Neoprimal said:
Hey all,
I'm getting my G Tablet tomorrow and I'd just like to get some things clarified.
I know, the first thing some will say is USE SEARCH! Well, I did - and that's actually why I just want to get some things straight before I go down the path of modifying the device software. See, reading it all has managed to confuse me more than help me get a definitive instruction set for forging ahead.
I'm seeing the update "****s on CWM" according to a user...and then a 'fix' for that. Than I see that Gapps causes FCs for some, while it works for others. So...yeah, a little back and forth on what to do and who's instructions to follow.
Alright, so first thing's first....Should I flash the Clockwork Mod that I'm seeing available - 0.8? or is there something else I should consider or that I've missed? or maybe wait for a newer version? Should I even flash CWM if I get the newest (and I WILL be getting the newest) S/W version? Are there any downsides at all to flashing CWM on there in terms of messing with OTA updates, etc?
I read this:
"All the ROMS use a standard firmware updater that can be used by non-technical users. Here is an explanation on how it works:...."
Sooo, does that mean I can live without CWM? If an update doesn't work for some reason, will I be able to fix it or overwrite it somehow if I can't get into the tablet at all from the tablet itself? I read something about going into APX mode and putting things on through Windows, is this an infallible method?
Second of all, I read the FAQ thoroughly (I think and hope) but I'm still not 100% on what Gapps to DL or how to put a working Android Market on there especially with this new S/W update. I've seen how to 'fix' the Market to see missing apps, but not how to actually install it on the G Tablet. I may have missed that post somewhere on here.
I'm also unclear if I should get Gapps or not at all, as I've read that some have FCs on there while others do not - so what's the general consensus in light of this update that was just released as of Dec. 21, 2010?
Ultimately, here is what I'd like from my GTab:
I'd like to run the new official Tapn'Tap released recently first and foremost.
I'd like to have the official/unofficial (w/e) Google Market.
I'd like to run Google Apps (Gtalk, Gmail, etc.).
IF I don't like Tapn'Tap, and this is a worse case scenario situation, as in if I HATE TnT - I'd like to have the option to slap something else on there and I'd like to make sure I don't brick my Tablet. Whether that means storing an original official TnT ROM or whatever.
Point me in the right direction please, especially considering things may have changed as of the new S/W update.
Thanks much and sorry for all the questions. I assure you I used search and I attempted to put it together on my own. It's been a long time since I've modded (G1 was the last time) and I don't do it often. Also, apologies if I posted this in the wrong section....I considered posting it in Dev. section but this one seemed better suited.
Thanks again, XDA rocks.
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I don't know how much direction pointing I can do but here goes..
Clockwork mod in my opinion is a necessity. Version 0.8 is the best one for most people because of how it deals with the memory locations. Yes, you can do things without it. The update process is as simple as putting an update.zip file, and a recovery folder with a command file in it on an sdcard and holding the vol + button while hitting power. It is easy. Clockwork has a lot of little features though that make life easier. You can make a complete system backup with it. You can install updates, and new firmware with it. You can completely lock up your tablet and using clockwork and your backup be back in business in about 3-4 minutes. You can load new roms and if you hate them you can go back to your old working stuff in minutes. Yes, there are ways to make one of these tablets work again when they get stuck. I don't think anyone has actually bricked one. Some may think they have, but I doubt it.
Unless you are dead set on wanting the stock TnT interface the easiest way to get what you want is to load one of the roms. Yes, there are ways to get most of it without loading a new rom. Most everyone that has gone the I have to stay stock but want all the mods has eventually just loaded a rom. TnT3.0 is based on the latest stock stuff. It has the market, flash, etc. already in it. VegaN is what I use mostly but they are both stable and fast.
Before you flash something brand new that just came out I would read about it and see what others have to say about issues. It usually only takes about 30 minutes until you can tell if it is going to be good or not.
All of the roms for this tablet have there own little quirks. The stock has gotten better with each update but it still is not as good as the ones I named.
Finally.. This tablet is very easy to play with. It is pretty much unbrickable. Anything you can possibly break one of us has probably already broken before and fixed. There are some people that seem to have problems doing every little thing. Most don't. So I wouldn't let any of it scare you off because none of it is that hard.
With a little bit of searching almost everything you may want it to do can be done. I really love mine, and when I got it almost 2 months ago I hated it...
"Finally.. This tablet is very easy to play with. It is pretty much unbrickable. Anything you can possibly break one of us has probably already broken before and fixed. There are some people that seem to have problems doing every little thing. Most don't. So I wouldn't let any of it scare you off because none of it is that hard."
"Sigh" of relief. Then I'm not too worried. As I said I've dabbled in modifying my G1 and it is mostly cake. But I've just been seeing conflicting posts on whether cwm works with the newest official tnt release or not so I wasn't sure what to do.
Thanks for your advice. And when I said pointers, I meant like this as well as pointing me to any posts I may have missed on how to do whatever. Though I THINK I found most of them.
Neoprimal said:
"Finally.. This tablet is very easy to play with. It is pretty much unbrickable. Anything you can possibly break one of us has probably already broken before and fixed. There are some people that seem to have problems doing every little thing. Most don't. So I wouldn't let any of it scare you off because none of it is that hard."
"Sigh" of relief. Then I'm not too worried. As I said I've dabbled in modifying my G1 and it is mostly cake. But I've just been seeing conflicting posts on whether cwm works with the newest official tnt release or not so I wasn't sure what to do.
Thanks for your advice. And when I said pointers, I meant like this as well as pointing me to any posts I may have missed on how to do whatever. Though I THINK I found most of them.
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The new release overwrites clockwork. But it is not hard to put back. Always a good idea to copy the clockwork backups folder to your pc, or somewhere they won't be lost. The custom roms typically leave the recovery image alone and can be installed with or without clockwork by either extracting the zip contents for stock recovery, or installing it as is in clockwork.
Sprdtyf350 said:
Finally.. This tablet is very easy to play with. It is pretty much unbrickable.
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I can vouch for that. Erased system, boot, data and cache in preparation for a new ROM. Accidentally rebooted and couldn't get into recovery. Booted it into APX mode, flashed stock and was on my way.
I would just run ZRoot, then upload the TnTLite 3.0 recovery and update.zip and then do the recovery mode process. You should have a microsd handy just in case it doesn't work, but so far I haven't needed that.
This tablet is much easier to work with and very forgiving since VS never took the time to lock down the bootloader etc like Motorola did with my Droid X. You really shouldn't fear changing files out etc, provided you're getting a ROM from one of the people providing them here. If you can press and hold two buttons at once, you can make your gTab an awesome little tablet. It benchmarks about 1000 points higher than my Droid X on quadrant. Can't wait to see what these guys can do with Gingerbread.
Sprdtyf350 said:
The new release overwrites clockwork. But it is not hard to put back. Always a good idea to copy the clockwork backups folder to your pc, or somewhere they won't be lost. The custom roms typically leave the recovery image alone and can be installed with or without clockwork by either extracting the zip contents for stock recovery, or installing it as is in clockwork.
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It is also not hard to alter the update so that it does not overwrite clockwork.
Open update.zip
Find updater-script, Open in notepad++
Remove the line that references recovery.img
Flash update
hogasswild said:
I would just run ZRoot, then upload the TnTLite 3.0 recovery and update.zip and then do the recovery mode process. You should have a microsd handy just in case it doesn't work, but so far I haven't needed that.
This tablet is much easier to work with and very forgiving since VS never took the time to lock down the bootloader etc like Motorola did with my Droid X. You really shouldn't fear changing files out etc, provided you're getting a ROM from one of the people providing them here. If you can press and hold two buttons at once, you can make your gTab an awesome little tablet. It benchmarks about 1000 points higher than my Droid X on quadrant. Can't wait to see what these guys can do with Gingerbread.
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with the new update however does the z4root still work? i heard it may not anymore. just curious also since im hopefully getting mine on sat for xmas
rothnic said:
It is also not hard to alter the update so that it does not overwrite clockwork.
Open update.zip
Find updater-script, Open in notepad++
Remove the line that references recovery.img
Flash update
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Thanks for the info Rothnic! I had already flashed it before I figured out it removed Clockwork. Learning new stuff every day is good... Thanks..
dragonfly1113 said:
with the new update however does the z4root still work? i heard it may not anymore. just curious also since im hopefully getting mine on sat for xmas
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The very first time I rooted, I used ZRoot and installed 2.4.0. I didn't change anything and used the exact same process of simply copying over the 3.0.0 files over to the root directory of the internal memory and did the recovery procedure (vol+ and pwr keys). It worked like a charm.
hogasswild said:
The very first time I rooted, I used ZRoot and installed 2.4.0. I didn't change anything and used the exact same process of simply copying over the 3.0.0 files over to the root directory of the internal memory and did the recovery procedure (vol+ and pwr keys). It worked like a charm.
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Ok cool, thanks cant wait for my g tablet hopefully sat morning
I think you'll like it a lot. I also own an iPad. While they are similar they are also a little different. Merry Christmas!
hogasswild said:
I think you'll like it a lot. I also own an iPad. While they are similar they are also a little different. Merry Christmas!
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my mom has an ipad and my dad could only buy it while i was on my honeymoon bc he knew i wouldnt approve of an apple device in the house haha.
rothnic said:
It is also not hard to alter the update so that it does not overwrite clockwork.
Open update.zip
Find updater-script, Open in notepad++
Remove the line that references recovery.img
Flash update
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My device hasn't come yet (damn you FedEx!) but I'm eagerly awaiting it.
My plan:
Unbox, start it....do a factory reset from the getgo if it has enough juice.
Set it back up. Charge it to full. If whatever comes on it is as unbearable as I've seen in on Youtube - start modifications.
Will CWM install on it AFTER I do the update if it's available to me? I've seen that the update messes with it if it's already there - but noone's mentioned putting it on there after the fact. I may just go that route for simplicity sake.
Thanks for this!, and thank you all for chiming in with your experience. I feel much better about just getting my hands dirty in it all. I had wrote something to someone yesterday about jumping in and just doing it, but when it comes to dealing with it yourself it can be a daunting task - especially when it still has that new smell, lol. Anyway, thanks again. You guys really rock.
Will stop back later on after I've done my thing
I think they are both nice devices. There are trade off for both of them. I think the screen on the iPad is wonderful, where the gTab's is okay. But the gTab has a forward facing camera, you can print from it, and you can modify it fairly easily too.
Sprdtyf350 said:
Finally.. This tablet is very easy to play with. It is pretty much unbrickable.
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...famous last words...
Seriously though...trust the directions from the great devs like roebeet. Follow their instructions word for word. You can switch ROMs and then flash back if you want. No worries...
Off topic!
Well...disappointment! Fedex had my package out for delivery at 8am and at 8pm, they're not here. This is why I like UPS, they show up at my door on the day of delivery, no exceptions - they have shown up at almost 9pm before. The Archos 101 I got was sent out at 8am as well but got here at 1:30pm - I suppose that was before the holiday rush.
Checking the details of my tracking I'm seeing a "delivery exception" at 7:30pm (I guess it was time to get back to the facility so they can clock out by 8pm?) and upon calling them I get a somewhat stumbling but polite CS who tells me the delivery went out "late" - upon which I asked if 8am was considered late, especially from a distribution facility WITHIN the same zip code as I am, and all he could say was "Very sorry about this".
Aaaanyway....I guess it will be tomorrow before I can report my adventures.
Think I'll be able to get my $3.99 back from Amazon? I have Prime and with that the package would have come tomorrow anyway. Basically my $3.99 is wasted. Imagine if I didn't have Prime though? Whew.
ima_UNC_fan said:
...famous last words...
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If you can figure out how to brick it you will probably get an award.. It won't be a good award but probably one of those top ten dumb things people do awards. So far unless you plug the motherboard into a wall socket no one has bricked one. May think they have, but like I said before I doubt it..
And your right.. If it can be done, someone eventually will figure out how. And then we will all laugh at them.. At least I will
I finally got the G tablet tonight and...alright, don't flame me for this - but I don't see what all the complaints about the screen being horrendous or the device being molasses slow are about?
I don't know how people are trying to view it...but when looking at it or setting it on a stand to watch media, I'm not seeing any problem with the viewing angles. It's about the same as my laptop so I watch it the same way.
It's not even a 1/4 as slow as the stuff I've seen on Youtube or in some of the review videos I've seen around the net. I haven't gotten a single FC. Granted, I haven't put in a SD Card yet so maybe problems will start then?
I guess I should note, the very first thing I did was did a factory reset. Then I hooked it up to Wifi and got the 3053 update. I'm one of those who will be waiting for the 'official' update on the 24th.
I set up the time and date, restarted and everything works. I haven't installed flash yet (don't need it that much) and stuff that I DO want on there right now works fine (skype, pandora, fring, dropbox, evernote). I'm slowly figuring out a list of what I want/need from my Mytouch 4G to port to the VS GTab. Figure I don't really NEED Gtalk, Gmail on there because I have these on my phone AND PC - do I really want them making noises all around my home on 3 devices? I was concerned about getting the Google Apps on but now I'm finding I really don't need them. So it seems to me this will be a matter of learning to separate what I need on a tablet vs. my phone - I was of the mentality that I should just get whatever's on my phone on the tablet, this is something others apparently do as they seem to want everything that's on their phone, on their tablets as well.
I personally don't see the point in that. Had I had the Google Market, that would have escaped me as I'd have used Appbrain to just get my motherload of apps from the MT4G to the GTab. Not having it has slowed me, and now I get to re-evaluate before I do grab apps for it.
Now I just have to merge/convert my HTPC into a NAS device as well and find an app that will allow me to DLNA stream media from it and I'll be in mobile heaven.
I haven't had my wifi drop at all anywhere in my home and I've marched all over with it (I use full Wifi N, no G compat. so maybe my range is wider?). Tried email, etc. to replicate crashes and force closes but haven't so far. No surfing issues. I DID find that one app got 'stuck' being downloaded and I had to delete the file before the 'downloading' icon would go away, even after restart.
Maybe the trick to getting a workable GTab in the first place is to factory reset it before first use? Iunno. Things may change and issues may pop up the more I use it and as time passes - but so far, so good!
Again, I can't thank XDA enough for the advice and info. I've found and been given.
Sprdtyf350 said:
If you can figure out how to brick it you will probably get an award.. It won't be a good award but probably one of those top ten dumb things people do awards. So far unless you plug the motherboard into a wall socket no one has bricked one. May think they have, but like I said before I doubt it..
And your right.. If it can be done, someone eventually will figure out how. And then we will all laugh at them.. At least I will
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I figured it out. Accidentally hit one of the devkit nvflash .cabs and boom

Opinions on Rooting

OK I'm going to ask the million dollar question... Is rooting my Tab 7 Plus worth the risk? I understand it adds a lot of customization and more I'm sure. Is it worth the risk though? How likely am I to kill this thing/will bight me in the butt down the road.
Rooting your GT+ is totally harmless. What you do after you root your device may harm it. There are excellent applications that need root and that is why you want to do it. But at the same time if you are not sure of an application and give it root privileges, well is like giving a thief the key of your safe.
By the way, if you want to get rid of the root and are not too experienced, factory reset your device and the root is gone.
Zadeis said:
OK I'm going to ask the million dollar question... Is rooting my Tab 7 Plus worth the risk? I understand it adds a lot of customization and more I'm sure. Is it worth the risk though? How likely am I to kill this thing/will bight me in the butt down the road.
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That's a really difficult question to answer for anyone other than yourself. Rooting the tablet isn't as risky as modifying the engine in a car (which is a physical modification in most cases), but more risky than just installing (or uninstalling) an application.
Are you happy using the tablet as-is? If so, don't root it. Leave it alone. I honestly don't think a person SHOULD root the device just for the sake of rooting it.
If there's a specific reason why you want to, then go for it. However, learn as much as you can about what you are doing and what the risks are BEFORE you do it. Keep in mind that it's a slippery slope. First you root it, then you start installing recoveries, alternate firmware, different kernels, etc. It's VERY EASY to get caught up in all the tinkering. I can offer one bit of comfort: It's actually not that easy to completely brick a samsung device. As long as the bootloader is intact, you can always use ODIN to restore it to factory condition.
Good luck
Well thank you for the general knowledge. I think on it more and maybe throw a thought on here later after thinking on it more. I am happy with it as is but we'll see what happens as I am very new to the android environment. This is my first android based device I have ever owned/ used really.
The ONLY reason really pushing me to root it is the fact I have a GPS app on my TAB that doesn't install it's maps to the sd but actually to the main internal memory. That's irked me ever since I got it when I have a nice nearly empty 16GB SD card sitting inside my TAB.
Stupid question - is there a way to root the Samsung 7 yet revealed that doesn't involve a bootloader?
I would really hate to do anything that could mess up upgrading to ICS when it comes out, but I need to root to make the VPN do anything useful (like connect to our IPSec VPN with group authentication at work)
Right now I am stuck using VNC on my Samsung Epic 4G if I dont have my laptop handy and need to connect to my linux workspace. Needless to say, the experience using it on a cell phone is less than ideal.
All you have to do is flash a zip file using the existing recovery. All it does is add su. I don't know of any root that is simpler and safer than that.
IMO, rooting is a must and like the others have said, you need root to use backup apps and such. To me, it's a necessity.
vobguy said:
Stupid question - is there a way to root the Samsung 7 yet revealed that doesn't involve a bootloader?
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Rooting the SGT7+ does NOT touch the bootloader.

[Q] Is rooting worth it?

As my forum post would suggest, I have a tf300t, and I've found it to be increasingly slow lately.
I'm terrified of attempting a root only to brick my tablet as I have no previous experience, and am
poor af right now so I'd rather not take the chance.
Expanding on what I'm really wondering -- If I take the chance to root my tablet, will it essentially
open my eyes to a world completely unknown? Is it like a beer I'd want to freeze in the winter
and skate around on, then when spring comes, melt and drink it?
Unless you have the money to repair it, like maybe send it back to asus or buy a new mainboard for it, then go for it, but if not, DONT DO IT, lol. You might encounter problems and will spend countless hours reading **** that wont help. Just stay stock while its stable for now. Rooting will get you free apps, and oc gpu+cpu, thats about the main reason for rooting. Just do a factory reset if you have alota files and stuff.
snowpoke said:
As my forum post would suggest, I have a tf300t, and I've found it to be increasingly slow lately.
I'm terrified of attempting a root only to brick my tablet as I have no previous experience, and am
poor af right now so I'd rather not take the chance.
Expanding on what I'm really wondering -- If I take the chance to root my tablet, will it essentially
open my eyes to a world completely unknown? Is it like a beer I'd want to freeze in the winter
and skate around on, then when spring comes, melt and drink it?
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You could always use motochopper, so you can root your tf300 and not have to unlock the bootloader.
The few rooting apps that are really useful for me are Ad blocking apps, GMD gesture control, maybe GMD speed time when I feel like cheating on a game, Greenify, and Titanium Backup. They to look around the playstore and see if you have any apps that require root that you want. If you find some enough for you to root, then go for it. No need to root the device just for the heck of it. I think motochopper as mentioned above is a really good idea for only rooting without dealing with too much trouble. You shouldn't brick you device if you followed all the directions.
snowpoke said:
As my forum post would suggest, I have a tf300t, and I've found it to be increasingly slow lately.
I'm terrified of attempting a root only to brick my tablet as I have no previous experience, and am
poor af right now so I'd rather not take the chance.
Expanding on what I'm really wondering -- If I take the chance to root my tablet, will it essentially
open my eyes to a world completely unknown? Is it like a beer I'd want to freeze in the winter
and skate around on, then when spring comes, melt and drink it?
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Honestly it's kind of hard to brick your tablet while rooting, unless of course you do exactly what the big bold red print says not to do.
Rooting and unlocking is definitely worth the work, make sure you thoroughly read the stickies and posts before actually attempting anything. After you get through it all you then can flash roms like HYDRO or CROMI which are among the smoothest roms. But like I said read over everything learn about adb and flashboot, which bootloader is required for each recovery, and for the love of god make backups. :laugh:
Trust me at first it's a lot to get but it's so worth it :good:

[Q] Why Root the One plus one?

Hi all
i Just got my one plus one last week
it was amazing , it was snappy , the screen is gorgeous , and the CM is plain great , albeit many apps did find unresponding oddly enough
i've had many phones in the past that are not so great x10 mini , x8 , galaxy ace, galaxy nexus
all of which are miles away when compared to the one plus
and since they are so freaking lag i decided to root them and gave them root and changed their bootloader
but from one phone to the other all of them seems to die out in about 9 months after i root them , and i don;'t know what i did wrong , most of them are dead because i fried the motherboard or something
still why would you root the one plus when it's already so fast ? i am considering rooting mine but i am really scared i might kill it
First, rooting doesn't make it faster or slower. Also, it doesn't broke the phone neither now or in 12 month time.
Second, you need root for some in depth access on your phone, or some programs like Titanium Backup may require root to work.
Third, the rule of the thumb say, if you don't need it, don't do it!
greenify, adblock, titanium more than enough reasons to root.
I go by the old saying "If you have to ask, you'll never know"
Generally anyone who's asked me if they should root their phone, or install 3rd party firmware, my answer is no. It has to be something you want to do and something you're willing to accept the risk doing. I'm a flashaholic. I flash a new rom every few days, or update existing ROM i have. I'm never content with the status quo on my phone and devices and always play. I accept the risk of running into a situation where I go to make a call, watch a movie, or open a email and my phone locking up due to running bleeding edge untested code. Mind you I can always recover from bootloader and know how so I know I won't permanently screw a phone, just until I can flash a older rom, or recover with a PC. If you have to ask, it means you're not sure about what you're getting into. If you fall into this situation I would refrain from asking others and instead read around in the 1,000's of posts in this OnePlus forum and decide for yourself.
Not that being said, root is simple. It's a more of a "Set it and forget it" type of deal, at least until a OTA update arrives. Custom roms is where the aforementioned comes into play mostly. If you want to start getting into the Flashing world with Android its the place to start. Myself I read and read after I got my Galaxy S4, first real Android phone, and went straight to CyanogenMod with it. Skipped rooting.
WoodburyMan said:
Generally anyone who's asked me if they should root their phone, or install 3rd party firmware, my answer is no. It has to be something you want to do and something you're willing to accept the risk doing.
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He may not be aware of what can be accomplished with root access and find the profits interesting. He doesn't necessarily know if he wants to do if he doesn't know it exists/is possible.
I don't want to flame or anything, but since you've been around for almost 3 years, you should really know better.
Firstly, rooting does not fry your motherboard. Seriously, why would you think so?
The fact that your previous phones became slow after a short while is because you probably got them stuffed with bloatware and have not maintained your phone in a healthy way.
As to why you should root your phone,...
Well, most apps that help you maintain your phone and keep it as optimized as possible require root.
This kind of proves my previous point regarding the speed of your previous phones.
I would start reading some more and eventually you'll be able to answer your own question.
Good luck!
Well that's easy, if your not interested in using apps that need root access there's no use in rooting your device. It's nothing magic which will make your device fly or make a cup of coffee for you.
Why not?

Custom ROM for RCA 7 Voyager II?

First off, if there's already a thread on this, I apologize. I was not able to locate it.
I have an RCA 7 Voyager II tab. I was able to root it, but was wondering if there's a custom ROM for it. Does anybody know of one? Or can an existing one be used (CM, VenomROM, etc.)?
Hi, how the hell did you root it, please please is it a rct6773w22b android 5.0, I lost so much time trying to root it, Thanks :crying::crying::crying:
jada88 said:
Hi, how the hell did you root it, please please is it a rct6773w22b android 5.0, I lost so much time trying to root it, Thanks :crying::crying::crying:
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I used KingoRoot to root it. You can find it along with the directions. Hope that helps.
www DOT kingoapp DOT com
eich said:
I used KingoRoot to root it. You can find it along with the directions. Hope that helps.
www DOT kingoapp DOT com
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Thanks, I tried it many times all the possible way and niet, I know Kingo is the best but not here lol, I will retry it !!!! :fingers-crossed::fingers-crossed::fingers-crossed:
Are you sure Kingo works now? I last tried to root my nephews Voyager II last September and ended up bricking the device.
Yea that happened to my RCA Voyager II... Now im scowering the internet looking for a way to unbrick it, if anyone knows how i would appreciate it.
JG976 said:
Yea that happened to my RCA Voyager II... Now im scowering the internet looking for a way to unbrick it, if anyone knows how i would appreciate it.
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I wish I could help you my friend. I was lucky to be able to use the return policy from where I bought it. Best of luck to you.
Voyager 2 tablet Root yet? (android 5.0?)
Is there anybody looking into getting this thing rooted?
To provide a minor update over a year since the last post, I was just messing with one of these stupid things the other day. Doesn't seem anything has changed.
I got it rooted with KingRoot APK version, but I didn't realize it at the time. See, the Kingroot app itself even claimed the root process didn't succeed once it finished running. I had tired of screwing with the thing by then so I sat it aside. My wife picked it up to mess with it and asked "I thought you said you couldn't root it?" "Yeah, it didn't work." "So why did the Superuser thing just pop up for permissions?" Oh. Okay, I guess it *did* work. Unfortunately, it randomly rebooted on her about five minutes later and came back up without root again. Oh well. I tried for the heck of it to use Kingoroot PC once after this but it failed. After that, I tried unlocking the bootloader via a simple "fastboot oem unlock" command. To my amazement, it worked with no code required. I verified that it was indeed reporting back to fastboot as unlocked and then sent a reboot command.
...This was, apparently, the wrong thing do. It's as bricked as they get.
So now we can say this much:
1). It is possible to unlock the bootloader of this troublesome-to-root bastard of a tablet. Surely this should make the rooting process much easier.
2). You have a more-likely-than-not risk of destroying it at the same time, putting this stupid tablet out of its misery once and for all.
Oh yeah, one other weird thing I found while I was poking around on this thing - there's a system app called AutoReboot hiding on here. I expected it to do exactly what it promised to do, and it did. A screen with some Chinese text pops up, a countdown from 10 begins, and the device reboots. Fair enough, I guess. What I didn't expect was that this app will load at startup from here til forever from now on once you've ran it. The good news is that I eventually noticed there's a quick chance to cancel during the countdown, and I *think* I had it finally stopped from coming back again, but still, what the hell, RCA? What logical, good reason could there be for this app being there? And why does unlocking the bootloader (which I remind you is not locked by any code that would prevent you from doing this) cause the thing to respond by hard-bricking on reboot? (Ok, technically it might not be *hard* bricked, I haven't messed with it enough since then to say really... but it sure acts like it at least).
In short, eff this stupid tablet.
lugnut2099 said:
To provide a minor update over a year since the last post, I was just messing with one of these stupid things the other day. Doesn't seem anything has changed.
I got it rooted with KingRoot APK version, but I didn't realize it at the time. See, the Kingroot app itself even claimed the root process didn't succeed once it finished running. I had tired of screwing with the thing by then so I sat it aside. My wife picked it up to mess with it and asked "I thought you said you couldn't root it?" "Yeah, it didn't work." "So why did the Superuser thing just pop up for permissions?" Oh. Okay, I guess it *did* work. Unfortunately, it randomly rebooted on her about five minutes later and came back up without root again. Oh well. I tried for the heck of it to use Kingoroot PC once after this but it failed. After that, I tried unlocking the bootloader via a simple "fastboot oem unlock" command. To my amazement, it worked with no code required. I verified that it was indeed reporting back to fastboot as unlocked and then sent a reboot command.
...This was, apparently, the wrong thing do. It's as bricked as they get.
So now we can say this much:
1). It is possible to unlock the bootloader of this troublesome-to-root bastard of a tablet. Surely this should make the rooting process much easier.
2). You have a more-likely-than-not risk of destroying it at the same time, putting this stupid tablet out of its misery once and for all.
Oh yeah, one other weird thing I found while I was poking around on this thing - there's a system app called AutoReboot hiding on here. I expected it to do exactly what it promised to do, and it did. A screen with some Chinese text pops up, a countdown from 10 begins, and the device reboots. Fair enough, I guess. What I didn't expect was that this app will load at startup from here til forever from now on once you've ran it. The good news is that I eventually noticed there's a quick chance to cancel during the countdown, and I *think* I had it finally stopped from coming back again, but still, what the hell, RCA? What logical, good reason could there be for this app being there? And why does unlocking the bootloader (which I remind you is not locked by any code that would prevent you from doing this) cause the thing to respond by hard-bricking on reboot? (Ok, technically it might not be *hard* bricked, I haven't messed with it enough since then to say really... but it sure acts like it at least).
In short, eff this stupid tablet.
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I don't own this device, but if it has an unlockable bootloader like that, we can easily make a permanent root solution! Also, if it was bricked by unlocking bootloader (what happened, did it just not boot or something?) we can lock it again with fastboot oem lock. But hey, if it works to unlock it that easy, I'd like someone who can chat with me fast to pm me, I might be able to get something going. Preferably has skype for easy access.

