Bluetooth Keyboard/Case - Galaxy Tab 8.9 Accessories

I have got a Bluetooth Keyboard/Case thing that I will never use. I was wondering if anyone on here was after one?. Perhaps someone has something to swap for it?. Or something else for the tab?.
I am not trying to sell it on here but if this is against forum rules then either remove the post or let me know and I'll remove it.
It is the same as this:


[Q] WTB Google IO Accessories

Hello, I know this is probably going to be a weird request here on XDA but anyways I was wondering if any of you had any accessories from Google IO. I'm basically just looking for the lanyard or anything else really so let me know if you are willing to sell anything. Thanks!
Bump! Just looking for anything from Google IO

[Q] Enhanced mini-USB (EMU) Replacementpart

After breaking my Usb-Port from my HTC_Kaiser, im now searching for this replacementpart to solder it myself.
Can anyone point me to a shop that sells this ? I cant find it on E-bay. I know that this is a known and discussed problem, but the problem is, that in most cases the links to the replacementparts arent accessible anymore.
Has anyone a partnumber or something like that ?
It really would be very nice, if someone can help me out.
i cant imagine, that this part isnt available
greetz from germany
Ok someone answerde my question in another tread.
here is the link to the E-bay-article:
and for those of you, that find this post months after the link is down:
this ist the name of the article on ebay:
so you have a searchterm...that was my problem, i searched fpr another searchterm.
thx, greetz

Tablet Talk Tasker plugin?

Anyone know of one? If not I wonder if someone could make one that would somehow auto connect the tablet to the phone. I have never developed anything so I have no idea how hard this would be, but if anyone knows of one or wants to develop one please let me know.
Anyone please? I bought some NFC tags and would love to use one to connect.
I am sorry, but I don't know of a plugin for that specific application. Just on a side note, if no one answers a post, it typically means that no one can help you or no one knows the answer. You are NOT being ingored, infact, quite the conterary. Im sorry I couldn't help, but if I run across something I will let you know!

[Q] Is their any way to transform BT to IR?

Hi, is their any kind of software\hardware to android, that can add my cellphone InfraRed?
Bluetooth and IR are totally different frequencies. You would need a piece of hardware that would hook up to your bluetooth to use IR.
To answer your question, I know of no hardware that does that, but it would be nice!
i know that their is something like that, bcause i remember that i've heard about it. i wanna know if someone familiar with it.
Could you probably give some more informations about what exactly you would like to achieve? Ok, it is clear in general you want to control "something" that only has ir. But it could be that there are already other projects for this specific device. I think currently your only chance is to find some smart guys in a microcontroller forum who likes this project. I am not aware of a consumer solution.

[Q] "Evil Operator Prank"

Okay, I've seen a site or two that offer this. I want to know HOW it's done and how I can do it like they do. Can someone who actually knows explain how this works?

