??browser brightness?? - Samsung Galaxy Tab Plus

hi i need a custom rom for P6200 that doesn't auto adjust brightness each time i open the stock browser! or some one can mod the default browser.apk with NO auto adjust brightness "feature"??
VERY ANNOYING feature auto-adjust brightness on stock browser!

same problem
(but i use Opera Mobile Browser )

Non credo si possa risolvere, la piattaforma tablet è così perfino con ICS. A differenza di Gingerbread non lo si può regolare. Sul mio Xoom ho perfino lo stock browser moddato da uno in gamba ma niente luminosità regolabile (altrimenti ti avrei copiato l'apk)
I don't think it could be fixed, Tablet platform is so did even in ICS. Can't set the browser brightness instead of Gingerbread.
I got a stock browser really moded by a smart guy on my Xoom... But even it has no set brightness
Sent from my Galaxy Note with DarkyROM 3.3

i just replace original samsung browser.apk (with fu#cked auto-brightness!) with stock original android honeycomb 3.2 .apk (1024x600) it works great tested by me and NO MORE browser auto-brightness "feature"
make a backup of the original files before start
**tested OK with my stock XXKL7 rom, i don't know if this procedure works with others**

Didn't work
Sent from my GT-P6210 using xda premium

Same issue it didn't work on mine either, followed exactly the way you mentioned on post 2
Sent from my GT-P6210 using xda premium

Dolphin browser, works great. Delete permissions on default browser.
Sent from my tofu plasma converter.

waking from the dead
i can see the last post is from oct 2011 but i just stumbled onto sth here that may look intersting to some.
if you kill the status bar then switch to the browser your brightness won't change
you can kill the status bar using HoneyBar or (as i do now) GMD GestureControl. both are paid apps on the market.

Check if power savings is enable on your device. If so, go to settings > power savings. There should be an option (I used galaxy S3 with JB 4.1) that reads 'change background color to save power in email and internet'. If you disable that, the auto-brightness setting on the stock browser SHOULD match exactly the auto-setting on the system, from then on.
EDIT: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1862104. my bad.


BenQ e72 and TouchFLO2D

Interfaccia TouchFlo2D "Manila" su BenQ e72 (Windows Mobile 6 Smartphone)
TouchFlo2D interface on BenQ e72 (Windows Mobile 6 Smartphone)
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
needed files here:
i'm seen that manila works over several smartphone with standard wm os, theni have tried to install on my new benq e72...
-installare tutto sul telefono
-install everything on the device memory
-installare 19700_96DPI.cab
-install 19700_96DPI.cab
-installare TouchFlo 2D All-QW Graphite.cab
-install TouchFlo 2D All-QW Graphite.cab
-installare Diamond Clock All.cab (nel caso che si voglia l'orologio in stile diamond invece che analagico)
-install Diamond Clock All.cab (if you would like the "diamond" style clock instead of the analg one
-riavviato il telofono copiate nella cartella /Windows i files
riavviate nuovamente
dopo qualche secondo che il device si è riavviato l'interfaccia si caricherà da sola
-restart the device and copy in /Windows these files
soft reset
after some seconds since the boot the interface TouchFLO autoruns
25Mb Memoria Telefono (128Mb ROM) dopo aver installato tutto ne restano circa 7MB
64Mb RAM
25Mb Free Memory (128 ROM) after the procedure remain 7Mb ca.
64Mb RAM
-15Mb di memoria richiesti
-required 15MB of free memory
-possibile incompatibilità della lingua (non verificato)
-possible incompatibility of the lenguages (not verified)
a-HTC Album è in cinese, si risolve copiando il file mui allegato
a-HTC Album is in chinese, fix it copying the .mui file
b-comm manager in cinese si risolve installando un qualsiasi "htc comm manager.cab" e disinstallandolo, questo dovrebbe ripristinare il comm manager di default
b-comm manager in chinese (to fix install a "htc comm manager.cab" then uninstall it, this could get you to the default one)
c-se non si copia il file xml per il meteo le città disponibili saranno quelle cinesi
c-to fix the weather panel copy the 0409 xml file for cities
-barra nera nella parte inferiore dello schermo
-black bar under the screen
-irregolarità nell'assegnazione dei comandi attribuiti alle softkeys
-errors in the link of the sofkeys
-premendo il tasto HOME si torna all'interfaccia normale ma dopo breve manila si ripristina in automatico (non so se considerarlo un bug, dopo tutto se la si vede come una funzione timer ha la sua utilità)
-pushing HOME key you get the Default Homescreen, but touchflo autoreload itself after some seconds
-impossibilità di digitare numeri con la tastiera senza prima accedere al modulo telefonico (si risolve premendo la cornetta verde oppure il softkey dedicato, che però rimanda a cprog.exe invece che cdial.exe)
-you cannot digit numbers on homescreen, to digit press green key or enter the telephone module (default phone points to cprog.exe instead of cdial.exe)
-assenza di GoogleMaps (da installare a parte)
-GoogleMaps is missing
-assenza di un cursore
-cursor is missing
a-una volta iniziato a scrivere nella barra di GoogleMaps "ci si blocca" si risolve premendo la cornetta verde e poi la rossa
a-errors in the tipebar of location panel
b-impossibilità di cliccare i pulsanti in varie schermate (nuovo messaggio, video ecc ecc...)
b-you cannot push some buttons i.e. video, new message etc.
-pannello ora/allarme non cliccabile
-you cannot click on the clock/alarm panel
-pannello internet assegnato di default a opera
-internet panel points to opera
-link youtube assegnato a CorePlayer
-youtube link points to CorePlayer
-assenza di HTC Audio Booster
-HTC Audio Booster is missing
-pannello settings
-errors on settings panel
a-sounds assente
a-sounds is missing
b-wallpaper imposta lo sfondo per la schermata normale non per manila
b-wallpaper set the default homescreen wallpaper not the touchflow wallpaper
c-collegamento All Settings assente
c-all settings link is missing
d-menu Bluetooth devices e Wireless Network non funzionante
d-menu Bluetooth devices end wireless network is missing
-launcher permette di scegliere solo i .lnk ai programmi resenti in /Windows/Start Menu e sottocartelle
-you can only select programs in launcher panel if they are linked in /Windows/Start Menu and subdirectories
-installare M2DC per personalizzazioni e migliorie varie
-install M2DC to customize and fix
-per il tema rosso sostituire la cartella Manilla2D dentro /Windows con quella allegata
-to get the red theme copy the Manilla2d folder to your device in /Windows, overwrite everything
-copiare i file nella cartella allegata extra files per modificare le immagini di sistema
-to modify system screens copy the file in the extra files folder
a-info.gif,ques.gif,volume.gif,yell.gif modificano i messaggi dialog
b-ms_mobile.gif modifica l'header nella schermata di composizione
c-CallAlert.png,cprogback.png,incoming_bg.png modificano le schermate di chiamata in uscita e in entrata
d-ms_splash modifica lo splash di windows mobile
-non sono responsabile se piantate, bloccate, danneggiate il vostro device
-i am NOT RESPONSABLE if you brick or damage your device
-ho riportato quello che per diverse volte ho fatto sul mio device (BenQ E72 con WM6Standard/Smartphone) ma non è detto che funzioni su altri (provate prima con un emulatore)
- i have reported the procedure i used on my smartphone, it isn't absolutly perfect and could doesn't work on others
-se decidete di installare il tutto tenete conto che potreste prepararvi a numerosi hard reset
-prepare yourself to several hardresets if you like to try this touchflo
-questa interfaccia non è indirizzata a questo tipo di device
-touchflo2d IS NOT PORPUSED for smartphone
-la lista dei bug come vedete è parecchio lunga
-the bugs list (as you see) is very very long
-excuse me for my english
Usando M2DC (Manila 2D customizer) potrete
Use M2DC to
-scegliere un'immagine che in parte copre la barra nera inferiore (l'immagine calza al cento della schermata ma i lati non li copre)
-select personal image (home rec section) it coul cover the bottom black bar
-reimpostare le softkeys del pannello Home
-reassign the softkeys on home pane
-scegliere quali tab vedere e quali no
-select the panels to show
-reimpostare il collegamento ad interner (per impostare iexplorer.exe)
-reassign the link to the browser
-scegliere il numero di caselle per il launcher
-select number of program incons in launcher panel
-ShadowMike (install file, install procedure)
-IOICN.COM.CN crew (install file)
-twolf (Themes)
-bombzhome (Red Theme)
-mpenguin1 (M2DC)
-all the people from ioi.cn.com, allshadow.com, xda-developer.com
-my brother (test)
-my smartphone
-every god around here
i have the same smartphone, do you have another mod or aplications for this mobile?
no, sorry.
tf2d is cool but really heavy...
but for apps you could look on google, or here in other forum, it runs almost all the apps for htc s710
the only i have some troube are SRS WOW and WM5Torage
but, have you an european version or the taiwanese one? if it is TW could you dump all for the homescreen with flash, facade and bottom bar?
A lil translation in order
nice post, ll try
-install everything on your phone
-install everything on the device memory
-install 19700_96DPI.cab
-install TouchFlo 2D All-QW Graphite.cab
-install TouchFlo 2D All-QW Graphite.cab
Diamond-Clock All.cab install (if you want the watch style diamond instead analagico)
Clock-install Diamond All.cab (if you would like the "diamond" style clock analgesia instead of the one
-restarting telofono copied to / Windows files
restart again
after a few seconds that the device has restarted the interface will load alone
-restart the device and copy to / Windows these files
soft reset
after some seconds since the boot the TouchFLO interface Autoruns
Phone Memory 25Mb (128Mb ROM) after they are installed all around 7MB
64Mb RAM
Free 25Mb Memory (ROM 128) after the procedure remain 7Mb approx.
64Mb RAM
-15Mb of memory required
-required 15MB of free memory
-possible incompatibility of the language (not verified)
-possible incompatibility of the lenguages (not verified)
a-HTC Album is in Chinese, is resolved by copying the mui file attachment
a-HTC Album is in chinese, fix it copying the. mui file
b-comm manager in China is resolved by installing any "htc comm manager.cab and uninstalling, this should restore the default comm manager
b-chinese comm manager (to install a fix "htc comm manager.cab" then uninstall it, this could get you to the default one)
c-if you do not copy the xml file for the weather towns available will be those Chinese
c-to fix the weather panel copy the xml file for 0409 cities
-black bar at the bottom of the screen
-black bar under the screen
-irregularities in the command attributed to softkeys
-errors in the link of the sofkeys
-pressing the HOME button to return to the normal but after a short manila restores automatically (I do not know whether to consider it a bug, after all, if it sees as a timer function has its usefulness)
HOME-pushing key you get the Default Homescreen, but touchflo autoreload itself after some seconds
-impossible to enter numbers with the keyboard without telephone access module (can be solved by pressing the green handset or the dedicated softkey, but leads to cprog.exe instead cdial.exe)
-you can not digit numbers on homescreen, to press digit green key or enter the telephone module (default points to cprog.exe phone instead of cdial.exe)
GoogleMaps-no (to be installed separately)
GoogleMaps is-missing
-lack of a cursor
-cursor is missing
a-once started to write in the bar GoogleMaps "hangs there" can be solved by pressing the green handset and then the red
a-tipebar errors in the location of the panel
b-impossible to click the buttons in various screens (new message, video etc etc ...)
b-you can not push some buttons i.e. video, etc new message.
panel-time / alarm is not clickable
-you can not click on the clock / alarm panel
Internet-panel assigned by default to work
-internet panel points to work
youtube-link assigned to CorePlayer
youtube-link points to CorePlayer
-no HTC Audio Booster
-HTC Audio Booster is missing
-panel settings
errors on-panel settings
a-sounds absent
a-sounds is missing
b-set wallpaper background for the screen is not normal for manila
b-wallpaper set the default wallpaper not the homescreen wallpaper touchflow
c-All Settings link absent
c-all settings link is missing
d-menu Bluetooth devices and Wireless Network Not Working
d-end menu Bluetooth devices wireless network is missing
-launcher allows you to choose only. lnk resent programs in / Windows / Start Menu and subfolders
-you can only select programs in the launcher panel if they are linked to / Windows / Start Menu and subdirectories
M2DC-install customizations and improvements to various
M2DC-install to fix and customize
to-red change the theme folder inside Manilla2D / Windows with the attached
-to get the red theme Manilla2d copy the folder to your device in / Windows, overwrite everything
-copy the files in the folder attached extra files to change the images of system
-screens to modify system files copy the extra files in the folder
a-info.gif, ques.gif, volume.gif, yell.gif change messages dialog
b-ms_mobile.gif change the header in the screen composition
c-CallAlert.png, cprogback.png, incoming_bg.png amend the screens called outgoing and incoming
d-ms_splash change the windows mobile splash
-are not liable if planted, blocked, damaged your device
-i am NOT RESPONSABLE if you brick or damage your device
-I reported that several times that I did on my device (BenQ E72 with WM6Standard/Smartphone) but will not necessarily work with others (first try with an emulator)
- I have reported the procedure i used on my smartphone, it is not perfect and could absolutly does not work on others
-if you decide to install everything that you could hold prepare numerous hard reset
-prepare yourself to several hardresets if you like to try this touchflo
-this interface is not addressed in this type of device
-touchflo2d IS NOT PORPUSED for smartphone
the list of bugs as you can see is quite long
the bugs-list (as you see) is very very long
-excuse me for my english
Using M2DC (Manila 2D CUSTOMIZER) can
Use M2DC to
-choose a picture that partly covers the black bar below (the image fits the screen entirely, but the sides do not cover)
-select personal image (home rec section) it coul cover the bottom black bar
-reset panel softkeys Home
-reassign the softkeys on home bread
tab-choose what to see and what not
-select the panels to show
-reset the connection to internet (to set IEXPLORER.EXE)
-reassign the link to the browser
-choose the number of boxes for the launcher
-select number of inconsistent program launcher in panel
-ShadowMike (install file, install procedure)
IOICN.COM.CN-crew (install file)
-bombzhome (Red Theme)
-mpenguin1 (M2DC)
-all the people from ioi.cn.com, allshadow.com, xda-developer.com
-my brother (test)
-my smartphone
-every god around here
> swap
thank you for the translation
i have noticed how bad i am in english lenguage... sorry to all the people reading
How kompatible.......
Only This BenQ???
Manila 2d customizer doesnt work on smartphone! I want to disable the HTC audio manager. How can i do that without using manila 2d customizer
You can actually disable the tab through xml file. It saves up some ram usage. Making it usable on my Benq e72...
This program i work for my ROM WinMoB 6.1 For I600.
Help??? I can't install this programs 19700_96DPI.cab and TouchFlo 2D All-QW Graphite.cab into my BenQ E72 device, it says "Installation was unsuccessful. The program or setting cannot be installed because it does not have sufficient system permissions". Why is that? Is there anyone can help me, please? Please?
app unlock your benq
i like this, but is there away i can change it to landscape?
znial said:
app unlock your benq
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
How can i unlock app my BenQ E72? Is there anyone know, please?
BenQ E72 Unlock App
brewhoxs said:
How can i unlock app my BenQ E72? Is there anyone know, please?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Nevermind, it takes too long to response! I'm already have it for my own self!
Here if somebody need it in the future!
i'm not at the pc, sorry...
but ty for the unlockers
It's alright Bro but thanks anyway!
Tried this Touchflo2d... unfortunately, the DPI change makes the signal strength (and all the icons on the top) appear to be black/white boxes... as in, they cannot be displayed with the smaller (or higher, depending on your definition) DPI.
I tried running Touchflo2d WITHOUT the DPI change, and the top part works fine, but the bottom part (where all the icons to select the page are) all appear scrambled together.
So unfortunately, while I would REALLY LOVE if this worked, it doesn't work properly at all.
And as people have mentioned, it has lots of bugs... the biggest being, for example, under the Settings tab, you cannot select "All Settings" using the left key...
Hopefully someone knows how to touch this up into a workable Touchflod2d... our BenQ E72s really deserve this!
Is this working on 320x240 like Samsung GT-C6625 Valencia? Please help!

[Rom] SuperEclair 8.6

Now both Magic and Dream 32B only
WIPE recommend from this version.
When you ask pin wait a few minutes doing nothing, then put pin, and set up.
You'll notice that it slows down when entering the desktop, and upgrading is because this and other accounts, once finished restart couple of hours and you will see how the rom starts to go smoothly, since it generates little by little dex which he is asking from the system.
** New in v8.8
- Optimized all the apk's png
- Now APNs are not activated from the beginning for those who do not have flat data rate, you have to go to SupSetup special options and the bottom there is an option to restore the apn, but beware! which then must make another step further, access settings, configuration lap top, mobile networks, APN, press menu and give it to restore default settings.
- Customer from Apps2sd now active settings, applications.
- Take a look at the new Spare Parts integrated settings.
- With video camera and fully functional
- You can activate and deactivate the JIT from SupSetup (on making this option takes a while to boot, since it generates again all dex), the truth do not see a big difference in JIT activated, but to taste the colors.
- New kernel-2.6.34 rev 20 Specifications for Eclair 2.1
- Multitouch in gallery, maps and browser
- Languages, English, Denmark, Italian, French, Catalan, Galician and Euskera, are beginning to deploy (not yet completely finished), future versions will go on running.
- Laucher pro & ADWLauuncher
- Adobe Reader
- Wireless Tether
- Improved management of root
- Better management of the battery
- New Market Management
- Now when you turn the APNs from supsetup automatically apply
- Management of cache memory of dreams, from.
- Set the mode launcher drawer 3D is very cool jejeje
- Development is disabled from SupSetup
- Gallery3D
- Black and White Theme selectable from SupSetup items in the folder of the sdcard jrosMetamorph
- Bug repaired Phone.apk
- Recompiled some libraries
- Added CPU Overclocker SupSetup max min 128000 576000 (required reboot)
- Solution to the Short Message
- Redesign of the images of the framework
When you change the subject to give him time to regenerate again the dex.
When installing the rom the SupSetup not appear on the market in downloads, simply make a supsetup search and update.
A detail, While setting up the Betterkeyboard you can write messages spoken with the icon is below the microphone.
- Google Apps integrated default
- Maps with GPS 04/02/1910
- Shazam
- AndroidVNC
- ApnDroid
- Battery Droid
- Ebuddy
- Facebook
- Supsetup V4.46
And some others more jijijijiji accelerations
Forgive my English is poor
http://www.wuala.com/superatmel/Superatmel/Android/Roms/Eclair 2.1/SuperEclair-8.8.zip
Removed the link to have applications for payment, posting 8.8 with a brief improvement.
Sorry coolbho3000
Hello superatmel
G1ForFun said:
Hello superatmel
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Hello men. Try the rom is really fast. Wipe recommend
hello superatmel the'm installing right now, welcome back
WOW HI!!!!!!!!!
http://www.wuala.com/superatmel/Superatmel/Android/Roms/Eclair 2.1/SuperEclair-8.6.zip
Me gusta tu ROM y tu esfuerzo pero el traducción es muy torpe...
En Google Translate, utiliza sencillo frases.... gentes puede entender con menos confusión.
Gracias, jcarrz1
P.S. espanol de high school
superatmel said:
Now both Magic and Dream 32B only
WIPE recommend from this version.
When you ask pin wait a few minutes doing nothing, then put pin, and set up.
You'll notice that it slows down when entering the desktop, and upgrading is because this and other accounts, once finished restart couple of hours and you will see how the rom starts to go smoothly, since it generates little by little dex which he is asking from the system.
** New in v8.6
- Optimized all the apk's png
- Now APNs are not activated from the beginning for those who do not have flat data rate, you have to go to SupSetup special options and the bottom there is an option to restore the apn, but beware! which then must make another step further, access settings, configuration lap top, mobile networks, APN, press menu and give it to restore default settings.
- Customer from Apps2sd now active settings, applications.
- Take a look at the new Spare Parts integrated settings.
- With video camera and fully functional
- You can activate and deactivate the JIT from SupSetup (on making this option takes a while to boot, since it generates again all dex), the truth do not see a big difference in JIT activated, but to taste the colors.
- New kernel-2.6.34 rev 20 Specifications for Eclair 2.1
- Multitouch in gallery, maps and browser
- Languages, English, Denmark, Italian, French, Catalan, Galician and Euskera, are beginning to deploy (not yet completely finished), future versions will go on running.
- Laucher pro
- Improved management of root
- Better management of the battery
- New Market Management
- Now when you turn the APNs from supsetup automatically apply
- Management of cache memory of dreams, from.
- Set the mode launcher drawer 3D is very cool jejeje
- Development is disabled from SupSetup
- Gallery3D
- Black and White Theme selectable from SupSetup items in the folder of the sdcard jrosMetamorph
- Bug repaired Phone.apk
- Added Spanish-language BetterKeyboard
- Added SetCpu for root
- Recompiled some libraries
- Added CPU Overclocker SupSetup max min 128000 576000 (required reboot)
- Solution to the Short Message
- Redesign of the images of the framework
When you change the subject to give him time to regenerate again the dex.
When installing the rom the SupSetup not appear on the market in downloads, simply make a supsetup search and update.
A detail, While setting up the Betterkeyboard you can write messages spoken with the icon is below the microphone.
- Google Apps integrated default
- Maps with GPS 04/02/1910
- Shazam
- AndroidVNC
- ApnDroid
- Battery Droid
- Ebuddy
- Facebook
- Supsetup V4.46
And some others more jijijijiji accelerations
Forgive my English is poor
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks so much for this, superatmel.
thanks a Lot [email protected]!!
always been fan of your work, I know this will be one of the fastes Eclair... for sure
Wow, looking forward to using this one!
Re: Rom SuperEclair 8.6
Been waiting for another [email protected] release.
Thank you
XDA Mobile
Hmm not loving the battery indicator a lot :U
is this the csdi guy?
his name sounds very familiar but i cannot put a topic on it?
asb123 said:
is this the csdi guy?
his name sounds very familiar but i cannot put a topic on it?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yeah same guy.
sahid1haha said:
Yeah same guy.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
i take it then that this rom is not based on cyanogen right?
asb123 said:
i take it then that this rom is not based on cyanogen right?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Almost positive it is, It has spare parts integrated exactly like CM 5.0.8
muy bueno esta Rom ,gracias
asta luego
Trés bien cette Rom,merci et a bientot
Good work,congrulation by me
Hmm... Anybody tested to see if this is faster or more stable than Speedteams-Eclair rom?
i love the included root explorer app and also the better keyboard
Anyone tried it yet?
If I remember correctly, XxKolohexX did some modding of another of [email protected] and made it the best eclair at its time. Hope this is as great as expected. Im in an airport right now, so cant flash. Anyone have any reviews of it yet?

[ROM] SuperEclair "Limited Edition" Evo 2 (825Mhz) by Lfd

SuperEclair this "Limited Edition" I have taken at source, its performance is excellent in the line of SuperEclair by Lfd , it works very hard, "that most of the script uses Cyanogen Superatmel the doy las gracias por su trabajo más perfecto that: geek:
1) Nandroid
2) FullWipe
3) Flash
and Enjoy!
Swap: 32MB (minimum)
Ext: 512mb (ext2, 3.4)
Faxt32 ........
In After you install your active AFN (AFN Restaurar list) in "Opciones especiales" in SupSetup4 Apps2SD and then under Settings / Applications and re-boot and selects your APN settings in network.
********************************************* ***********************************
********************************************* ***********************************
[21/07] Full Wipe
[ROM] SuperEclair "Limited Edition" Evo 2 by Lfd:
Querty (XDA):
As you please re-look totally your ROM.
Everything is fully adjustable black / white theme, colors, windows clock, battery, ect, ect.
You just :
Switch Black / White theme in Metamorph (re-boot)
Enable and disable the JIT in SupSetup (re-boot)
Min max overclock SupSetup 128000/576000Mhz in SupSetup
Managing the cache in Spares Part
Managing Swap in SupSetup (re-boot)
Setting the color Spares Part Settings (Re-boot)
Camera fully functional
Set the mode 3D Pro Launcher
Min max overclock Setcpu 128000/729000Mhz
I recall that this ROM has some type of upper-memory management "Aggressive cache " and which is erased each time you restart.
thème by Me
Oc 825Mhz
System Info Widget
ADW.0.7.Eclair (Andersweb)
LauncherPro (3D mode)
Edit the build.prop (Home in French, AZERTY,Qwerty Keyboard)
Edit the Sup.conf (Swap Enabled)
Edit the configsup.cf
Fonts (T5-Celadon)
Optimization Framework, Apps, setting
Widget Supply (CM5.0.8)
Massive reduction in weight very light
Adobe Reader
Wireless Tether
Gross Maps
All that allowed me to lighten
Read the Change Log for more details.
********************************************* ***********************************
Think about creating your file setcpu.txt the root of the SD with the following values (245000,383000,528000,576000,595200,614400,633600,652800,672000,710000,729000) [/ quote]
: Mrgreen:
I accept no liability for damage to your G1 after a Overclocking.
CREDIT GOES TO Dumfuq, Kush and Pershoot (825Mhz overclock Max: twisted
Change log :
A little gift before I go on holiday lol
See you after.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
so this is basically the evo rom for the g1 or a evo themed rom? edit nevermind lmao
My Friend crodgers79
will answer you in my absence, holidays lol
He knows very well that Rom.
Asta luego
Sound interesting, Will try out soon
FLash it..
nice ROM.. the QWERTY version French.. i just went to language settings and put it in ENlgish (united states) love the rom customizatioon tho that you can do yourself on this rom.
My hearty endorsement!
lefeudedieu said:
My Friend crodgers79
will answer you in my absence, holidays lol
He knows very well that Rom.
Asta luego
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I just wanted to say that this is an excellent ROM, by-far the best Eclair ROM that I've tried and it's based on the ROM "SuperEclair 8.8" by [email protected] and enhanced greatly by Lfd.
This particular version is just great! Fast, well-themed and everything just works, no FCs whatsoever if you install it after a fresh, full wipe. I run it on my G1 and the best thing about it is that I can install it, let it do it's thing and then invoke Apps2SD and start loading about 35 apps and since it's Eclair (_not_ Froyo) Apps2SD uses my ext partition so I can load practically all the apps I want without seeing a huge hit to internal memory! Every single Froyo ROM I tried got down to 10Mb or less after I began loading apps and yes, I know there are work-arounds, but, sorry, I'm just not up to doing all that manual manipulation just to try to get Froyo to support more than 20 apps!
Again, I know all of the hoopola is surrounding Froyo but this ROM just works right-out-of-the-box, no patches, scripts, load-this-then-flash-that, no ADB, no searching through 80 pages of a thread trying to find a fix, it just works and it's really fast! I run it with Launcher Pro Beta running 7 screens all loaded-down with widgets and it's still pretty responsive!
If you want to tweak it, download Swapper 2 from Market and install that app (you can figure out what type and size of swap partition works best for you (I'm not going to suggest anything because each one of us seems to have an opinion on this!) along with Autokiller (set Autokiller to 'Aggressive') and just follow the same tweaks found in Chromatic's 4.0's thread:
Spare Parts Setup (find it under "Settings" menu in Lfd's ROM)
Go to: Settings>Spare parts
Window animations: Fast
Transition animations: Fast
SetCPU Recommended Settings
Max 576MHz
Min 245/128
Scaling ALWAYS on demand
Setup Profiles for charging and sleeping:
Max: 528
Min: 245
If you use the ADW Launcher then follow Chromatic's tweaks as-follows:
Go into Settings>ADW Settings
Change "Desktop scrolling speed" value to 0-177. (0 is what Chromatic uses and is silly fast!)
Desktop Overshoot set to "50"
I also recommend Under UI settings:
Checking, Closing dockbar
Checking, Tint AB
Checking, Hide AllApps Bg
Checking, Hide AB Bg
Checking, Hide Icon labels
Highlight Press Color: FF000000
Highlight Focus Color: FF696969
Un-Check, Scrollable widget support (unless you are using some of the new scrollable widgets like what the Pure line is doing)
That's about all I've got - Lfd is great, he does well to respond and is genuinely interested in getting feedback. Again, I suggest you try this ROM, it's my Daily Driver!
Regards to all,
Chris R.
MY 3G not working for some reason
speed and eveything esle is sick.
I'll try this later today, thank you.
same here. i like the rom, but there's no data connection. not even edge
jlaholton said:
same here. i like the rom, but there's no data connection. not even edge
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Did you do this,
In After you install your active AFN (AFN Restaurar list) in "Opciones especiales" in SupSetup4 Apps2SD and then under Settings / Applications and re-boot and selects your APN settings in network.
vroomr4 said:
Did you do this,
In After you install your active AFN (AFN Restaurar list) in "Opciones especiales" in SupSetup4 Apps2SD and then under Settings / Applications and re-boot and selects your APN settings in network.
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doing that now let see if it works..
this is the sickest Eclair rom out to me. Donut speed on a Eclair
got it ty so much
flash this and fall in love with it, especially with the font
I tweaked this ROM to fit my own needs
what I did, replace items and delete items in the rom itself
Replaced blue battery with standard green icon
Replaced ADW with version 1.0.1
Replaced android keyboard with droid x keyboard
Replaced the font, with standard android fonts
Replaced the APN list, so now it automatically detects network settings. No tweaking
Replaced the background, with the regular super eclair one (black chalkboard/ white android)
Removed several apps, geniewidget, theme morph app, free memory widget and a few others that I've never used and don't need.
if you want to try it the way I like it, lmk I'll upload it and post a link.
HTCMDA said:
I tweaked this ROM to fit my own needs
what I did, replace items and delete items in the rom itself
Replaced blue battery with standard green icon
Replaced ADW with version 1.0.1
Replaced android keyboard with droid x keyboard
Replaced the font, with standard android fonts
Replaced the APN list, so now it automatically detects network settings. No tweaking
Replaced the background, with the regular super eclair one (black chalkboard/ white android)
Removed several apps, geniewidget, theme morph app, free memory widget and a few others that I've never used and don't need.
if you want to try it the way I like it, lmk I'll upload it and post a link.
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Could you post a link to your rom?
I'm sexy. You know it.
d_khosa12 said:
Could you post a link to your rom?
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HTCMDA said:
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I trierd to flash this but it loops (for me altleast) on the boot screen.
chrisgto4 said:
I trierd to flash this but it loops (for me altleast) on the boot screen.
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Click to collapse
I have a G1... Dunno anything about mt3g's
but it works just fine for my phone.
HTCMDA said:
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Click to collapse
link dead is there a mirror
puppetcarl said:
link dead is there a mirror
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Click to collapse
Link works fine

[ROM] ShadowMOD-BR v0.3a (hybrid telus/retailbr -motorola crap -bugs +speed)

Hello All!
I've started a little "rom project" after using the excelent EclairMOD by 89luca89 to better suite my needs and probably from other Brazilian users, therefore, here follows my ROM.
It's based on the Telus Canada ROM (SHOLS_U2_03.11.0) with configurations from the RETAIL-BR ROM (SHLA_U2_03.05.0), without any carrier customization and brought to as much vanilla as possible with additional overclock/undervolting modifications and other "necessary" mods, like memhack, JIT and so on.
I've put up a page on the project to centralize the information, including a full tutorial on how to flash vunerable recovery sbf and so on in Portuguese for those interested. The page is located at: http://shadowmodbr.posterous.com/
ShadowMOD-BR v0.3a
MOD based on TELUS Canada ROM (SHOLS_U2_03.11.0) with modifications for Brazilian networks based on RETAIL-BR ROM (SHLA_U2_03.05.0).
######## ATTENTION ########
1) It is necessary to apply a vunerable recovery SBF (vr.sbf) to install this ROM.
2) This ROM should be applied with G.O.T. OpenRecovery using the nandroid restore option. Not tested with others.
3) As all ROMs, do a factory reset/complete wipe before installation.
######## ATTENTION ########
Changelog (v0.3a):
** deleted /system/etc/motorola/com.android.browser/operatorhomepage.mkitso (removed telus as start page)
** added /system/etc/motorola/com.android.browser/settings.mkitso (configure motorola as start page)
** added /system/etc/motorola/com.motorola.EasyPrefix/ (not used, replaced in case someone reinstall)
** added /system/etc/motorola/com.android.phone/channel_database.mkitso (set default brazilian channels)
** added /system/etc/motorola/com.motorola.providers.settings/settings.mkitso (sms retries, interval, etc)
** replaced /system/etc/motorola/com.android.browser/database/bookmarks.xml (remove telus bookmarks)
** replaced /system/etc/motorola/com.motorola.android.providers.settings/
** replaced /system/etc/motorola/com.motorola.dock/dock_setting.mkitso (not used, replaced in case someone reinstall)
** replaced /system/etc/motorola/com.motorola.providers.messaging/mms_config.mkitso (removed limits)
** replaced /system/etc/motorola/com.motorola.widget.weather.accuweather/weather_setting.mkitso (not used, replaced in case someone reinstall)
** replaced /system/etc/motorola/comm_drv/mmins_cust_emergency_number.cfg (add brazilian emergency numbers)
** replaced /system/etc/motorola/comm_drv/mmins_telephony.cfg
** replaced /system/etc/location.cfg (use motorola servers for a-gps fix instead of telus)
** replaced /system/etc/bluez/main.conf (configured default bluetooth name to A853 Milestone)
** replaced /system/etc/motorola/com.android.providers.settings/secure.mkitso (default enable gps location and data roaming)
** changed /system/etc/motorola/com.motorola.android.fota/flex.mkitso to disable further OTA config (not used, edited in case someone accidentally reinstall)
** changed /system/etc/motorola/com.android.providers.settings/system.mkitso
- date format to brazil standard (dd-MM-yyyy)
- set to get automatic time from network
- set default time format to 24hs
- increase default screen timeout to 60s
Changelog (v0.3):
This TELUS release fixes (release notes from Motorola):
- Improved Stability: Prevents the phone from random power cycling (turning off and on), and minimizes force closes in certain applications.
- Alarm Improvements: Resolves issues with alarm functionality.
- Music Player Functionality: Eliminates accidental starting of music.
- Audio Quality Enhancements: Eliminates instances of choppy audio experienced by some users.
- PIN Lock Improvements: Allows users more flexibility in setting the PIN Lock timer when using Exchange email.
- Flight Mode Enhancement: Ensures phone service is restored after leaving airplane mode.
- "My Location" Improvements: Resolves the issue of Google Maps failing to find "My Location" when "Use Wireless Network" is enabled without using GPS.
ShadowMOD-BR v0.3 modifications:
- All applications have been zipaligned to decrease memory usage and speedup access.
- Installed superuser utilities v2.3.6.1.
- Installed Memhack patch increase available storage space on internal ram.
- Installed JIT compiler to increase applications speed.
- Installed Busybox at /system/xbin.
- Baseband configuration from RETAIL-BR.
- Conservative governor as default scheduler to help with battery life. The interactive governor is also loaded in case you want to use it (with SetCPU).
- Overclock frequencies set to 125/250/500/750*/1000MHz and "safely" undervolted at 30/35/45/56/62 using module v1.4.2.
- Added Android Scribble 2.0 bootanimation by GLa'DOS and 5noc, modified by me to match Milestone resolution and with a higher framerate.
- bprop: Wi-Fi rescan speed set to 60s instead of 15s to help decrease battery usage.
- bprop: Increased dalvikvm heapsize from 24mb to 36mb.
- dprop: OTA updates turned off.
- dprop: Google DNS addresses included in order to fix some connectivity issues that happens on 2.1.
- bprop: Changed model/brand to look like a RETAIL-BR A853.
- bprop: Default language changed from English/Canada to English/United States.
- bprop: Changed usb mode default from 0 to 2 (USB storage as default).
- bprop: Changed default ringtone to Red_Beats.ogg (Brazilian default).
- dprop: Changed default timezone to America/Sao_Paulo.
- dprop: Enabled SMS char conversion for Latin America.
- dprop: Disables rtsp_nat.
- dprop: Removed the reference of TELUS as default carrier.
- apnsconf: Changed APNs to match Brazilian defaults for auto configuration.
- voicemailsconf: Changed voicemail numbers to match Brazilian defaults for auto configuration.
Applications removed:
- AlarmClock
- Facebook
- HelpCenter
- MediaGallery
- MotAccuWeatherWidget
- MotoCAL
- MotoGAL
- Motonav
- PersonalPortal
- Stk
- VideoPlayerMoto
- VSuiteApp
- WorldClockWidget
Applications replaced:
- MotoCarDock: using CarDock from N1/Froyo.
- Dock: using DeskDock from N1/Froyo.
- Music: using Music 1.6 from CM (new player and great widget).
- Browser: using RETAIL-BR version (for bookmarks/start page, etc).
Applications added:
- GenieWidget: time widget and news/weather from N1/Froyo.
- IM: MSN/AIM/Yahoo messenger from T-Mobile G1 that integrates with contact list.
- wireless.tether: Bluetooth and Wi-Fi tethering.
- VoiceDial: add voice recognition on some apps (just to prevent FC of some apps).
- VoiceSearch: add voice recognition on some apps (just to prevent FC of some apps).
There's also additional patches/updates at the download section of my webpage for further overclock/governor/launcher modification as follows to by applied with G.O.T. OpenRecovery "Apply Update" option:
Replace Launcher:
- LauncherPro
- ADW.Launcher
- Stock launcher
Change overclock:
- 125/1000, low voltage [default]
- 250/1000, low voltage
- 125/800
- 250/800
- Remove overclock [original]
Change governor:
- Conservative [default]
- Interactive
- Remove custom governor [original]
For those who want the ROM in another language (including PT-BR) I suggest using MoreLocale 2.
Everything is at my homepage, but exclusively in portuguese ATM.
Hope you guys enjoy it! Been great so far for me!
Muito obrigado!!!
Ainda não decidi se app2sd é bom ou ruim. Qual tua opinião sobre isso?
Pessoalmente eu tive mais problemas com o app2sd do que solução, por isso que decidi nao incluir na ROM.
Wow, flashed here, working smoothly.
Great work man, keep it up.
I've decided to use the Telus Canada ROM as a base for the project because its newer and with fewer bugs. The configurations/customization however are still for the Brazilian networks and have been extracted from the RETAIL-BR ROM.
It's necessary to do a full wipe before the installation of this version because a lot has changed. I suggest using Titanium Backup to backup your apps/config and SMSBackup+ to backup your SMS.
Have fun!
edgardcastro said:
I've decided to use the Telus Canada ROM as a base for the project because its newer and with fewer bugs. The configurations/customization however are still for the Brazilian networks and have been extracted from the RETAIL-BR ROM.
It's necessary to do a full wipe before the installation of this version because a lot has changed. I suggest using Titanium Backup to backup your apps/config and SMSBackup+ to backup your SMS.
Have fun!
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I am getting some reboots with your rom, maybe this will fix it?
But let me ask you something, can I reinstall the stock 'despertador'?
Keep it up!
romuloarpini said:
I am getting some reboots with your rom, maybe this will fix it?
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Probably. On v0.2 I've used more agressive undervolt settings which may lead to this ocassional reboots. On v0.3 I've returned to a more conservative undervolting.
romuloarpini said:
But let me ask you something, can I reinstall the stock 'despertador'?
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Click to collapse
Surely can. I will make the original available as a update.zip. You do however have an Alarm Clock installed. Just enter at the "Clock" application and it's there.
Thanks for your quick reply, man.
I will give it a try then.
I m having some problems with youtube on this rom... it sometimes go out of sync, but usually it crashers while loading up and the phone reboots.
Could you please test youtube via wifi on 0.3 to see if it´s working well? Because Im still stuck at 0.2.
Thanks in advance.
Tenho tido diversos reboots com a 3A. está com Over de125x800.
Hello there, I've tried your ROM for some time and liked the speed but had problems with some games (air control lite would just go back to the homescreen), I think you should release a version without overclock and undervolting or as an optional...
For those having problems with reboots, try to use a HIGHER minimum speed overclock. Some handsets doesn't seem to handle 125mhz very well. Get the 250x1000 or the 250x800 patch on my webpage.
You can also remove the overclock/undervolting/governor with additional patches that is also available on my webpage.
Those patches are to be applied using GOT OpenRecovery "apply update" option.
In the homepage of developer has been release updates for that. The links is in the first post.
I have no more problems after apply 800mhz clock.
New "hotfix" release to further remove Telus customization and fix some a-gps issues.
I've also included some additional links on the first post for those wanting to replace overclock/governor and so on!

[BUG] Adaptive Icons Not supported

Hello all,
I have a Mate 9 (L29) device and I have Action Launcher https://play.google.com/store/apps/...launcher.playstore&referrer=actionlaunchercom
After upgrading the device to EMUI8 (Android Oreo 8.0) I successfully managed to see adaptive icons on my device by selecting the right option in the launcher, but recently (a couple of months) those icons were no longer showing (only round version),
Since I thought it was a Launcher problem, I contacted them, but no good results were found, so I decided to explore further this issue and installed Nova Launcher https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.teslacoilsw.launcher&hl=en and bought the prime version.
Surprisely (not so much positively) adaptive icons were not working with this launcher too.
So I decided to use the simplest and most basic app to test adaptive icons: an open source test app done by a googler:
If you go to "releases" and install the APK, you will see that the icons are not visible at all! (the system does not give the icons to the app!), so there should be a bug...
I tried with my girlfriends Honor 10 (EMUI 8.1) and again, no adaptive icons! So the bug is general EMUI and not only a Mate 9 one!
I wrote to the support (in english) and I got an answer in Italian, asking for details. When they understood my question, this was the answer (copy&paste):
La informiamo che la segnalazione fatta da lei che non sono più supportate le icone adattive, non viene valutata come un bug del firmware ma è una caratteristica della nuova versione di firmware.
Translate with whatever you want, but they are saying that Adaptive Icons are NO LONGER supported, and it's not a firmware bug, but a FEATURE of the new version.
So, what? Adaptive Icons is an ANDROID feature, that is already implemented and removing it is not a feature!
Can somebody test on their devices, and help me on tell huawei how much I think this is a stupid answer? I got my phone as a Nexus 6P replacement, but that was far better than Mate 9....
Yep, same thing with my Huawei p10 (emui 8.0.0). Doesn't make sense and it's quite frustrating. Especially being an Android dev and not being able to test adaptive icons on my own device.
Maybe they just don't want to bother making their emui icons adaptive... And decided to remove all adaptive icons altogether. Very disappointing since even custom launchers are not working properly now.

