Heres a modded linux script based on the defyroot script to unroot your defy
# execute as bash root_Defy.v2
# Following Bin4ry instructions
# Using exploit
# See for an explanation of the exploit
if [ ! -e $ADB ] ; then
echo "adb not found! Cannot continue." ;
exit 1 ;
chmod +x $ADB
if [ $(grep -ic 22b8 /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules) -eq 0 ] ; then
echo "SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}==\"22b8\", MODE=\"0666\"" >> /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules ;
if [ $($ADB devices | grep -c device$) -ne 1 ] ; then
echo "Too many devices attached: exiting!" ;
exit 1;
SERIALNO=`$ADB devices | grep device$ | cut -f1`
if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
echo "Found device $SERIALNO" ;
echo "Error searching device number!" ;
exit 1;
for file in rageagainstthecage su Superuser.apk ; do
echo -n "Pushing $file: " ;
$ADB -s $SERIALNO push $file /data/local/tmp/$file ;
echo "done" ;
#$ADB -s $SERIALNO push rageagainstthecage /data/local/tmp/rageagainstthecage
#$ADB -s $SERIALNO push su /data/local/tmp/su
#$ADB -s $SERIALNO push Superuser.apk /data/local/tmp/Superuser.apk
echo -n "Making rageagainstthecage executable and executing it: "
$ADB -s $SERIALNO shell chmod 755 /data/local/tmp/rageagainstthecage
$ADB -s $SERIALNO shell /data/local/tmp/rageagainstthecage
echo "done"
echo "Waiting 15 sec for phone adbd to restart before continuing"
sleep 15
echo -n "Remounting filesystem in read-write mode: "
$ADB -s $SERIALNO shell mount -o remount,rw -t ext3 /dev/block/mmcblk1p21 /system
echo "done"
echo -n "Removing su command: "
$ADB -s $SERIALNO shell rm /system/bin/su
echo "done"
echo -n "Removing Superuser apk: "
$ADB -s $SERIALNO shell rm /system/app/Superuser.apk
echo "done"
exit 0
added to linux tools, thanks!
By editing the original I could ensure that only what was created in the original, was altered, although in theory you should be able to strip or add anyfiles you want in the same way.
Works for sure on fedora 15 and opensuse11.4 and any the original script works on.
Hello all,
I really would appreciate some help rooting my AT&T Skyrocket. I have spent at least 7 hours trying to figure out this stuff. I have downloaded the super easy one click root thing and followed everything to a T as far as I can tell. It has been really painful learning all this stuff.
I clicked the debugging icon under development on the phone.
I read the read me file and put in the correct commands in terminal to initiate the file. I
The program actually starts running and this is what is on my terminal display..
Root for the Samsung Skyrocket
By Revolutionary
One Click Done by
Press any key to continue...Starting adb server
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
You need to enable usb debugging first
Go to settings > applications > development
* Running exploit...
error: device not found
error: device not found
error: device not found
deleting all yo ****
Wait for phone to reconnect...
It stops at the wait for phone to connect line and just sits there. I have left it there for ten minutes and nothing changed.
I would really appreciate any help that I could get.
Add these two lines after "echo wait for phone to reconnect"
$adb wait-for-device
$adb remount
Obviously open the file in text edit to edit these.
(thanks to @narkee for this)
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using XDA App
Thanks for the reply
Thank you for the reply.
I opened my file to put these in and it looks like I did put one of the lines in from some other source I found on the internet and the second line you mention is already in my file. Here is a copy of my script. Again, any help would be appreciated. Thank you
# Unix OS Sniffer and $adb setup by Firon
if [ $(uname -p) == 'powerpc' ]; then
echo "Sorry, this won't work on PowerPC machines."
exit 1
cd "$(dirname "$0")"
if [ -z $(which adb) ]; then
if [ "$platform" == 'Darwin' ]; then
mv adb.osx $adb > /dev/null 2>&1
chmod +x $adb
# End section, thanks Firon!
echo "Root for the Samsung Skyrocket"
echo "By Revolutionary"
echo "One Click Done by"
echo "Shabbypenguin"
read -n1 -s -p "Press any key to continue..."
echo -e "Starting adb server"
if [ -z $(which sudo 2>/dev/null) ]; then
$adb kill-server
sudo $adb kill-server
if [ -z $(which sudo 2>/dev/null) ]; then
$adb start-server
sudo $adb start-server
echo "You need to enable usb debugging first"
echo "Go to settings > applications > development"
sleep 2
echo "* Running exploit..."
$adb push zergRush /data/local/
$adb shell chmod 755 /data/local/zergRush
$adb shell /data/local/zergRush
echo "deleting all yo ****"
echo "Wait for phone to reconnect..."
$adb wait-for-device
$adb remount
$adb push rootsetup /data/local/tmp/rootsetup
$adb shell chmod 755 /data/local/tmp/rootsetup
$adb shell /data/local/tmp/rootsetup
$adb shell rm /data/local/tmp/rootsetup
$adb shell sync
echo "Copying files onto phone..."
$adb push su /system/xbin/su
$adb push Superuser.apk /system/app/Superuser.apk
$adb push busybox /system/xbin/busybox
$adb push remount /system/xbin/remount
echo "Setting permissions..."
$adb shell chmod 755 /system/xbin/busybox
$adb shell chmod 755 /system/xbin/remount
$adb shell chown /system/xbin/su
$adb shell chmod 4755 /system/xbin/su
$adb shell ln -s /system/xbin/su /system/bin/su
echo "Installing busybox..."
$adb shell /system/xbin/busybox --install -s /system/xbin
echo "Cleaning up files..."
sleep 5;
$adb shell rm /data/local/tmp/*
$adb shell rm /data/local/zergRush
$adb reboot
if [ -z $(which sudo 2>/dev/null) ]; then
$adb kill-server
sudo $adb kill-server
echo "All done!"
read -n1 -s -p "Press any key to exit the script."
UPDATE!! Original poster here. For whoever might stumble upon this in the future....I used the exact same method on my iMac as I had my Macbook and was able to root the phone right away. I don't know why the desktop worked but the laptop didn't but it did. Good luck to others that try to root. It was a painful learning curve considering I have never used any terminal commands before, but I could probably root this phone again in about five minutes.
That's odd but glad it worked! I've rooted on both and both worked fine for me. Hmmm
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using XDA App
Hi guys,
first of all, I'm noob on Android, plus I'm Italian, my english is not really good, I apologize for that.
I searched a lot, but I found nothing on this forum about this smartphone, nor on google.
I searched for Haipai X720D, ONE XC, HTC EVO 4G, any X720D related, but for various reasons nothing really satisfied me.. are they really compatible with my phone? Probably, but I doubt that. Benchmarks are quite different (build, brand, different antutu scores...).
So, just to let people know it is possible, "hey, it just worked! don't be afraid, I did that", I wrote this little guide.
1) I have Windows 8 Pro
If you have an older Windows release, it is possible you are going to have more trouble, as always.
2) Drivers -> You need to install "Android Composite ADB Interface"
For me it was a big problem, because you can't find any driver around, no real "Tianji" website to find some kind of support or update.
I was relying on this guide (HERE related to "unrevoked" tool, but I found out their modified drivers to be just crappy and I couldn't install due to some checksum problem they have. Still, this link is a good guide about "how to" install the right driver.
I hoped to find something on google with ID_Hardware "USB\VID_0BB4&PID_0C03&REV_0255&MI_01", but I didn't find anything to download, just a couple of "driver update" services who really had something, but pretended to install software on your PC.
Tired of wasting my time, I decided to try "driver identifier" website because they offer a free service for 1 day, just what I needed. (I don't know if I can post link here, so if you need it, just use google). It worked and now I've a ZIP ready to install just following instructions in "unrevoked" guide.
3) Root tool
Thanks to Bin4ry on xda-developers forum for his great script. You can find it on this thread: sorry guy, I can't write on your thread due to xda-developer policies, I hope you understand.
You need to choose method 1: Normal method.
This script allows you to rollback, so if something goes wrong, just launch tha batch again and select Rollback option.
But, you know, nothing is perfect, and his batch script is still a little :victory: crappy :victory: to work with this smartphone: You need to reboot your device a couple of times, but it doesnt wait for your device to resume, it just runs in timeout and because of that, it does a lot of crappy things.
You need to modify RUNME.BAT file like that:
@echo off
echo ======================================================================
echo = This script will root your Android phone with adb restore function =
echo = Script by Bin4ry (thanks to Goroh_kun and tkymgr for the idea) =
echo = Idea for Tablet S from Fi01_IS01 =
echo = (22.11.2012) v17 =
echo ======================================================================
echo Tianji === NORMAL mode
set nxt=0
set ric=0
echo Device type:
echo 1) Normal
echo 2) Special (for example: Sony Tablet S, Medion Lifetab)
echo x) Unroot
set /p type=Make a choice:
if %type% == 1 GOTO TEST
if %type% == 2 GOTO TABSMENU
if %type% == x GOTO UNROOT
echo Please Enter a valid number (1 to x)
echo Checking if i should run in Normal Mode or special Sony Mode
echo Please connect your device with USB-Debugging enabled now
stuff\adb.exe wait-for-device
stuff\adb.exe pull /system/app/Backup-Restore.apk . > NUL
stuff\adb.exe pull /system/bin/ric . > NUL
if EXIST ric (set ric=1) else (echo .)
if EXIST Backup-Restore.apk (GOTO XPS) else (echo .)
set /p unr=Really (y/n) ?
IF %unr% == n GOTO CHOICE
stuff\adb.exe push stuff\busybox /data/local/tmp/busybox
stuff\adb.exe shell "chmod 755 /data/local/tmp/busybox"
stuff\adb.exe shell "su -c '/data/local/tmp/busybox mount -o remount,rw /system'"
stuff\adb.exe shell "su -c 'rm /system/bin/su'"
stuff\adb.exe shell "su -c 'rm /system/app/Superuser.apk'"
echo Special mode:
echo 1) Root
echo 2) Rollback
set /p tabtype=Make a choice:
if %tabtype% == 1 GOTO TABS
if %tabtype% == 2 GOTO TABS_RB
echo Tablet S mode enabled!
echo Found Sony Backup-Restore.apk
echo LT26,LT22 etc. mode enabled!
del Backup-Restore.apk
if %ric% == 1 (del ric) else (echo .)
set NXT=1
echo Tablet S Roll Back
echo Please connect device with ADB-Debugging enabled now....
stuff\adb.exe wait-for-device
FOR /F "tokens=1 delims=" %%A in ('stuff\adb.exe shell "if [ -d /data/app- ]; then echo 1 ; else echo 0 ; fi"') do SET tabs_app=%%A
if %tabs_app% == 1 GOTO TABS_RB_1
if %tabs_app% == 0 GOTO TABS_RB_2
stuff\adb.exe shell "rm -r /data/data/*"
stuff\adb.exe restore stuff/tabletS.ab
echo Please look at your device and click "Restore my data"
stuff\adb.exe shell "while [ ! -d /data/data/ ] ; do echo 1; done" > NUL
echo 1st RESTORE OK, hit ENTER to continue.
stuff\adb.exe shell "rm -r /data/data/"
stuff\adb.exe restore stuff/tabletS.ab
echo Please look at your device and click "Restore my data"
stuff\adb.exe shell "while : ; do ln -s /data /data/data/; [ -f /data/file99 ] && exit; done" > NUL
stuff\adb.exe shell "rm -r /data/file99"
echo Achieved! hit ENTER to continue.
stuff\adb.exe shell "mv /data/system /data/system3"
stuff\adb.exe shell "mv /data/system- /data/system"
stuff\adb.exe shell "mv /data/app /data/app3"
stuff\adb.exe shell "mv /data/app- /data/app"
echo "Roll back compelted."
echo "Roll back failed. /data/app- not found."
echo Normal Mode enabled!
if %ric% == 1 (del ric) else (echo .)
stuff\adb.exe wait-for-device
IF %type% == 2 GOTO TABTRICK
echo Pushing busybox....
stuff\adb.exe push stuff/busybox /data/local/tmp/.
echo Pushing su binary ....
stuff\adb.exe push stuff/su /data/local/tmp/.
echo Pushing Superuser app
stuff\adb.exe push stuff/Superuser.apk /data/local/tmp/.
echo Making busybox runable ...
stuff\adb.exe shell chmod 755 /data/local/tmp/busybox
if %ric% == 1 (stuff\adb.exe push stuff/ric /data/local/tmp/ric) else (echo .)
stuff\adb.exe restore stuff/fakebackup.ab
echo Please look at your device and click RESTORE!
echo If all is successful i will tell you, if not this shell will run forever.
echo Running ...
stuff\adb.exe shell "while ! ln -s /data/local.prop /data/data/; do :; done" > NUL
echo Successful, going to reboot your device in 10 seconds!
ping -n 10 > NUL
stuff\adb.exe reboot
echo Waiting for device to show up again....
ping -n 10 > NUL
stuff\adb.exe wait-for-device
stuff\adb.exe install -s stuff/Term.apk
stuff\adb.exe push stuff/busybox /data/local/tmp/.
stuff\adb.exe push stuff/su /data/local/tmp/.
stuff\adb.exe push stuff/Superuser.apk /data/local/tmp/.
stuff\adb.exe push stuff/rootkittablet.tar.gz /data/local/tmp/rootkittablet.tar.gz
stuff\adb.exe shell "chmod 755 /data/local/tmp/busybox"
stuff\adb.exe shell "/data/local/tmp/busybox tar -C /data/local/tmp -x -v -f /data/local/tmp/rootkittablet.tar.gz"
stuff\adb.exe shell "chmod 644 /data/local/tmp/VpnFaker.apk"
stuff\adb.exe shell "touch -t 1346025600 /data/local/tmp/VpnFaker.apk"
stuff\adb.exe shell "chmod 755 /data/local/tmp/_su"
stuff\adb.exe shell "chmod 755 /data/local/tmp/su"
stuff\adb.exe shell "chmod 755 /data/local/tmp/"
stuff\adb.exe shell "chmod 755 /data/local/tmp/"
stuff\adb.exe shell "rm -r /data/data/*"
stuff\adb.exe restore stuff/tabletS.ab
echo Please look at your device and click "Restore my data"
stuff\adb.exe shell "while [ ! -d /data/data/ ] ; do echo 1; done" > NUL
ping -n 3 > NUL
echo 1st RESTORE OK, hit ENTER to continue.
stuff\adb.exe shell "rm -r /data/data/"
stuff\adb.exe restore stuff/tabletS.ab
echo Please look at your device and click "Restore my data"
stuff\adb.exe shell "while : ; do ln -s /data /data/data/; [ -f /data/file99 ] && exit; done" > NUL
stuff\adb.exe shell "rm -r /data/file99"
ping -n 3 > NUL
echo Achieved! hit ENTER to continue.
stuff\adb.exe shell "/data/local/tmp/busybox cp -r /data/system /data/system2"
stuff\adb.exe shell "/data/local/tmp/busybox find /data/system2 -type f -exec chmod 666 {} \;"
stuff\adb.exe shell "/data/local/tmp/busybox find /data/system2 -type d -exec chmod 777 {} \;"
stuff\adb.exe shell "mv /data/system /data/system-"
stuff\adb.exe shell "mv /data/system2 /data/system"
stuff\adb.exe shell "mv /data/app /data/app-"
stuff\adb.exe shell "mkdir /data/app"
stuff\adb.exe shell "mv /data/local/tmp/VpnFaker.apk /data/app"
stuff\adb.exe shell "/data/local/tmp/busybox sed -f /data/local/tmp/packages.xml.sed /data/system-/packages.xml > /data/system/packages.xml"
stuff\adb.exe shell "sync; sync; sync"
echo Need to reboot now!
stuff\adb.exe reboot
ping -n 3 > NUL
echo Waiting for device to come up again....
stuff\adb.exe wait-for-device
echo Unlock your device, a Terminal will show now, type this 2 lines, after each line press ENTER
echo /data/local/tmp/
echo /data/local/tmp/
echo after this is done press a key here in this shell to continue!
echo If the shell on your device does not show please re-start the process!
stuff\adb.exe shell "am start -n"
stuff\adb.exe push stuff/ /data/local/tmp/.
stuff\adb.exe shell "chmod 755 /data/local/tmp/"
stuff\adb.exe shell "/data/local/tmp/"
echo Almost complete! Reboot and cleanup.
stuff\adb.exe reboot
ping -n 3 > NUL
echo Waiting for device to come up again....
stuff\adb.exe wait-for-device
stuff\adb.exe shell "su -c 'rm -r /data/app2'"
stuff\adb.exe shell "su -c 'rm -r /data/system2'"
stuff\adb.exe shell "su -c 'rm -r /data/local/tmp/*'"
set %NXT%=0
echo Pushing fake Backup
stuff\adb.exe push stuff\RootMe.tar /data/local/tmp/RootMe.tar
stuff\adb.exe shell "mkdir /mnt/sdcard/.semc-fullbackup > /dev/null 2>&1"
echo Extracting fakebackup on device ...
stuff\adb.exe shell "cd /mnt/sdcard/.semc-fullbackup/; /data/local/tmp/busybox tar xf /data/local/tmp/RootMe.tar"
echo Watch now your device. Select the backup named RootMe and restore it!
stuff\adb.exe shell "am start com.sonyericsson.vendor.backuprestore/.ui.BackupActivity"
echo If all is successful i will tell you, if not this shell will run forever.
echo Running ......
stuff\adb.exe shell "while ! ln -s /data/local.prop /data/data/; do :; done" > NUL
echo Good, it worked! Now we are rebooting soon, please be patient!
ping -n 3 > NUL
stuff\adb.exe shell "rm -r /mnt/sdcard/.semc-fullbackup/RootMe"
stuff\adb.exe reboot
ping -n 10 > NUL
echo Waiting for device to come up again....
stuff\adb.exe wait-for-device
echo Going to copy files to it's place
stuff\adb.exe shell "/data/local/tmp/busybox mount -o remount,rw /system && /data/local/tmp/busybox mv /data/local/tmp/su /system/xbin/su && /data/local/tmp/busybox mv /data/local/tmp/Superuser.apk /system/app/Superuser.apk && /data/local/tmp/busybox cp /data/local/tmp/busybox /system/xbin/busybox && chown 0.0 /system/xbin/su && chmod 06755 /system/xbin/su && chmod 655 /system/app/Superuser.apk && chmod 755 /system/xbin/busybox && rm /data/local.prop && reboot"
echo Going to copy files to it's place
stuff\adb.exe shell "/data/local/tmp/busybox mount -o remount,rw /system && /data/local/tmp/busybox mv /data/local/tmp/ric /system/bin/ric && chmod 755 /system/bin/ric && /data/local/tmp/busybox mv /data/local/tmp/su /system/xbin/su && /data/local/tmp/busybox mv /data/local/tmp/Superuser.apk /system/app/Superuser.apk && /data/local/tmp/busybox cp /data/local/tmp/busybox /system/xbin/busybox && chown 0.0 /system/xbin/su && chmod 06755 /system/xbin/su && chmod 655 /system/app/Superuser.apk && chmod 755 /system/xbin/busybox && rm /data/local.prop && reboot"
echo You can close all open command-prompts now!
echo After reboot all is done! Have fun!
echo Bin4ry
5) Just did it!
Now you have only to download Root App Delete tool and remove all crappy chinese apps you'll never use. If it works, you did it! cheers!
Hope you enjoied this guide, I tried to be as simple as possible
Hey man !!! please make back up of your off software !!! i have brick my phone !!!!
PeBBa said:
Hey man !!! please make back up of your off software !!! i have brick my phone !!!!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
wait, what did you do?
did you try factory reset?
burstina - no man i put in ROM flash other firmware !
PeBBa said:
burstina - no man i put in ROM flash other firmware !
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
this is bad... I'm new on smartphone world, I'll tell you something once I'll make a succesfull firmware backup.
btw, I tried using nandroid backup, even if there is no correct patch for our device, I was just able to do something I still can't fully understand:
something like that... it is 1 Gb friend. Perhaps there is another way to do a backup for you, any idea?
2.163.712 .android_secure.vfat.tar
10.240 cache.ext4.tar
286.050.304 data.ext4.tar
256 nandroid.md5
473.817.088 sd-ext.vfat.tar
357.468.160 system.ext4.tar
Does lewa os support this phone ?
I'm enjoying lewa on zp100 and this tianji looks very similar in build.
with linux I used the provided by Bin4ry (no edit was needed)
Now that it's rooted I just need to find and flash a CWM recovery and then I'd start trying looking for lewa
Here are some guides about the recovery question: (how recovery.img is built) (unpack/repack system) (mtk related perl script to unpack/repack recovery - it works) (curious if I could open this page)
Do you think we can use cwm and rom from this one ?
I'm almost sure the difference between haipad and tianji is in screen size only
---------- Post added at 03:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:51 PM ----------
I found lewa for haipad x720d !!!
I've uploaded the full nandroid here!RI5QHS4C!eJ39DF-LaQEzQey_fFCwuA.
I'd like a cwm recovery and a firefox os rom for it
Also found this:
Tianji X720D
Hi suoko you had uploaded the full nandroid here -!RI5QHS4C!eJ39DF-LaQEzQey_fFCwuA[
Are all those files refer to Tianji X720D phone? Can we use it to flash the phone?
Install Mt657xRepartition_en.apk and choose 2.5gb to have a larger storage for apps
Inviato dal mio GT-I9300 con Tapatalk 2
some of it has mac address like 82:82:FF:bla:bla
this may occur some problems using wifi
but this is not a rom's problem,
It is default value of your phone
(why they made it like this?)
you can fix it simply using this script(attached)
run as root using bash on twrp shell or terminal emulator
echo "* created by djdisodo! *"
echo "Mounting filesystems..."
echo "generating mac address"
export MAC=$(dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1024 count=1 2>/dev/null | md5sum | sed 's/^\(..\)\(..\)\(..\)\(..\)\(..\)\(..\).*$/\1\2\3\4\5\6/')
echo "remounting /persist"
umount /persist
mount -t ext4 /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/persist /persist
echo "new mac address: " $MAC
echo "removing old mac address"
rm -f /persist/wlan_mac.bin
echo "writing new mac address"
echo $MAC | echo -n -e $(tr -d '[:space:]' | sed 's/../\\x&/g') >> /persist/wlan_mac.bin
for i in $(seq 0 17)
echo -n '\0' >> /persist/wlan_mac.bin
echo "changing permissions"
chmod 644 /persist/wlan_mac.bin
echo "unmounting partition"
umount /persist
echo "done!"
exit 0
I wanted to make it to flashable zip
but i couldn't
someone will do?
Hi all,
You may or may not already be familiar with it, but there was a very nice script created by Joseph Miller to install new factory images (with or without locking the device). What I would like to do is to see how much of the script can be migrated to work with Pixel 4/4 XL.
Based on your experience with updating your 4/4 XL, do you see anything in the deuce script for the Pixel 2 that would need to be revised for use on a Pixel 4?
I'm certainly willing to test on my own device and any feedback would be appreciated. (I am relatively new to the Pixel 4 XL but very familiar with the Pixel 2 XL.)
.sh version is below:
echo "Welcome to Deuces Flashing Script!"
echo "v5.0-Linux"
#to create a log, run: "script -c ./ logfile.log"
echo "Checking if Fastboot binary is accessible.."
if [ -f "fastboot" ];
echo "\033[32m fastboot binary exists in script directory.\033[0m"
echo "\033[33mfastboot binary does not exist in script directory\033[0m" >&2
command -v fastboot | ( read fb; echo "\033[33mFound $fb. Will try to use this.\033[0m" )
echo "Checking if Fastboot works correctly"
if $fb --version
echo "\033[32m fastboot returned a version, continuing..\033[0m"
echo "\033[31m fastboot not working correctly.\033[0m"
exit 1
echo "Checking if device is detected via Fastboot."
if [ -z $($fb devices -l) 2> /dev/null ]
echo "\033[31mDevice not detected in fastboot.\033[0m"
exit 1
echo "\033[32m Device detected!\033[0m"
echo "Insuring unzip package is installed and accessible"
if unzip 1> /dev/null
echo "\033[32m unzip detected!\033[0m"
echo "\033[31m unzip is not installed, or is not working correctly!\033[0m"
echo "\033[33mplease install via:\033[0m"
echo "\033[33msudo apt install unzip\033[0m"
echo "\033[33mor\033[0m"
echo "\033[33msudo yum install unzip\033[0m"
exit 1
zipcount="$(ls *.zip 2>/dev/null | wc -l)"
if [ "${zipcount}" -eq 1 ]
zipname="$(ls *.zip)"
echo ""
echo "\033[32mImage to flash: ${zipname}\033[0m"
elif [ "${zipcount}" -gt 1 ]
echo "\033[31m More than 1 zip!\033[0m"
echo "\033[31mPlease have only 1 zip file in the script folder.\033[0m"
zipnames="$(ls *.zip)"
echo "\033[33m${zipnames}\033[0m"
exit 1
echo "no zip files!"
exit 1
echo -n "Are you SURE you want to continue? (y/N) "
read answer1
if echo "$answer1" | grep -iq "^y" ;then
echo "\033[33mThis Tool will reformat partitions in your device!\033[0m"
echo "\033[33mIt will attempt to keep your user data!\033[0m"
echo "\033[33mData could be lost! - Use At Your Own Risk!\033[0m"
echo -n "Continue? (y/N) "
read answer2
if echo "$answer2" | grep -iq "^y" ;then
echo "Checking if bootloader is unlocked."
echo "Look at device to confirm if script is waiting..."
$fb flashing unlock
echo "There will be errors if already unlocked, ignore."
echo "Aborting..."
exit 1
echo "Aborting..."
exit 1
echo "extracting the main image zip..."
unzip -j -o ${zipname} -d _work/
echo "setting active partition slot to A"
$fb --set-active=a
echo "flashing bootloader & radio..."
$fb flash bootloader _work/bootloader*.img
rm -rf _work/bootloader*.img
$fb reboot-bootloader
sleep 5
$fb flash radio _work/radio*.img
rm -rf _work/radio*.img
$fb reboot-bootloader
echo "extracting secondary image zip..."
zipname2="$(ls _work/*.zip)"
unzip -j -o ${zipname2} -d _work/
mkdir _work/_ 2>/dev/null
mv _work/*_other.img _work/_/ 2>/dev/null
echo "setting active partition slot to B"
$fb --set-active=b
bimgs="$(ls _work/_/*.img)"
for bimg in $bimgs
part=$(ls _work/_/*_other.img | cut -d "_" -f3 | cut -d "/" -f2)
echo $part
$fb flash $part $bimg
rm -rf $bimg
rm -rf _work/_
echo "setting active partition slot to A"
$fb --set-active=a
aimgs=$(ls _work/*.img)
for aimg in $aimgs
part=$(echo $aimg | cut -d "/" -f2 | cut -d "." -f1)
echo $part
$fb flash $part $aimg
rm -rf $aimg
echo -n "\033[33mDo you want to format user data? (y/N) \033[0m"
read answer3
if echo "$answer3" | grep -iq "^y" ;then
echo "\033[33m!!!This will wipe all your data!!!\033[0m"
echo -n "\033[31mAre you SURE? (y/N) \033[0m"
read answer4
if echo "$answer4" | grep -iq "^y" ;then
echo "Formatting user data.."
$fb format userdata 2>/dev/null
$fb reboot-recovery 2>/dev/null
echo "\033[32mDone!\033[0m"
echo "\033[36mSkipped formatting userdata.\033[0m"
echo "\033[32mDone!\033[0m"
echo "\033[36mSkipped formatting userdata.\033[0m"
echo "\033[32mDone!\033[0m"
.bat version is here.
Note: I recommend placing the latest flashboot somewhere in your $PATH and running the script from within the unzipped factory image folder (where you have also unzipped the image zip).
Edit: Updated deuce script to v5.0 (thanks quorn23!)
Just a heads up, you're using an older version of the script, see original thread
I haven't tested it yet, but the 5.0 apparently works with A10 skimming through the last few pages in the thread. Once the Kernel is updated with the new sources (dez broke face unlock) i might have a look. What i probably would do is prepatch the boot image with magisk, besides that i would assume it's pretty straight forward, as it's AOSP.
Edit: as context, i'm coming from the pixel 2xl as well, i generally been using the Deuce script to update the 2 XL, if i recall correctly the only change i made was to adapt it to flash TWRP as well, which is currently not needed as not available for the 4 XL. (Devs wife is pregnant, so he's busy with more important personal life stuff currenty)
quorn23 said:
What i probably would do is prepatch the boot image with magisk, besides that i would assume it's pretty straight forward, as it's AOSP.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Out of habit, I've always re-added magisk manually, but you're right, this will require some additional dance steps without twrp. What i like about the original sh script is that the core dependency (for most scenarios) is a recent fastboot.