Has anyone got the apk for the HTC notes widget? It's not available for my Sensation but is available for my Wildfire.
I backed up the notes APK from my wildfire and installed it on my sensation but needs to be resized.
I'm also looking for this widget.
It looks like it does exist:
but i don't know if that is the original HTC widget or an aftermarket addon?
here you great on my sensation.
thanks, it seems to be a little small though
is this the DHD version?
I think it's from the Evo dump.. It's a good size on my phone. How big did you want it, to take up the whole screen?
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using Tapatalk
well it does kinda take up the whole screen cos you can't put any other widgets on the same panel
it doesn't use the space that it takes up is what i meant
its like pushed up to the left corner instead of being central - or is that just me?
thanks for the apk though, better than waiting for HTC
its definately askew to the top left, it would be nice if it left the bottom row open...
whats neat about it tho is you can make a little post-it note animated flip book by swiping up or down
can anyone make it full screen?
Ive extracted the apk and put it into this rar.
I see HTC Notes widget in HTC Likes (on the end of list) but when I click "Install" it doesnt do anything...
elektrownik said:
I see HTC Notes widget in HTC Likes (on the end of list) but when I click "Install" it doesnt do anything...
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Same here... i noticed it isn't in the HTC Hub app...
nicky041192 said:
Same here... i noticed it isn't in the HTC Hub app...
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And it is version 2.5, last version which is in this topic is 1.5
And now it is released, you can download it from HTC hub...
elektrownik said:
And now it is released, you can download it from HTC hub...
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Ye!!! You can download in HTC Hub! Just press menu and refresch HTC Hub!
Its verry good widget!!
Thanks elektrownik
Ahh nice! But the widget could be a lot bigger...
Sent from my HTC Sensation Z710e
This just became available for me late last night. I kept getting the HTC icon saying more widgets were available but that was never true prior to last night. At any rate, I'm glad it is finally available.
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using XDA Premium App
I installed Revolution Hd Rom but i can not find this app in Hub or Likes. How can i install Htc Notes, widgets and evernote sync?
I can't find HTC Notes on HTC Hub or HTC Likes. Could anyone post it here?
I think I'm going to know the answer to this - but is there a way of disabling the 3D tilt effect on sense 3.0? Desire S non-root and stock.
Just to confirm, it's the effect on the homescreen when you tilt the phone that's bugging me, turns out I rarely hold my phone straight and it bugs me!
Thanks in advance.
Titling my phone (Stock, not rooted) does nothing when on the home screen
generationgav said:
I think I'm going to know the answer to this - but is there a way of disabling the 3D tilt effect on sense 3.0? Desire S non-root and stock.
Just to confirm, it's the effect on the homescreen when you tilt the phone that's bugging me, turns out I rarely hold my phone straight and it bugs me!
Thanks in advance.
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What ROM are you using? If it has rcmix tweaks then just go to settings>tweaks>display settings>enable 3d home and untick the checkbox. You're done.
Hope this helps
Beamed from my spaceship from somewhere near the Horsehead nebula using xda premium. .
enigmaamit said:
What ROM are you using? If it has rcmix tweaks then just go to settings>tweaks>display settings>enable 3d home and untick the checkbox. You're done.
Hope this helps
Beamed from my spaceship from somewhere near the Horsehead nebula using xda premium. .
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He says he's Stock
al89nut said:
He says he's Stock
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I'm sorry... morning blues. Didn't read the post carefully!!
I wonder how he got the tilt then!
Cheers guys - I hard reset my device today and that got rid of it! I RRUed my phone and then restored with MyBackup, I think restoring my settings between sense versions did it.
Sent from my HTC Desire S using XDA App
Settings > display > untick 3d box.
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olyloh6696 said:
Settings > display > untick 3d box.
Sent from my HTC Desire S using xda premium
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That setting doesn't exist on stock.
Ben Zero said:
That setting doesn't exist on stock.
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Exactly...!! That's why i was wondering how he got 3D tilt to work on his stock ROM without the RcMix tweaks!!!
I haven't had a single stock ROM with that feature!!
I haven't it too. It's curious. What version firmware you have?
I'm running 2.10.401.5 - as previously stated another hard reset got rid of it; it looks like the effect is built in, but HTC have just got rid of the option to enable it and mine enabled it somehow!
I have the same version as you. Interesting...
HTC Desire S - 3D tilt wrong on front screens
I have the same problem (3D tilt wrong on front screens) with my Desire S, after upgrade 2.3.5. and Sense 3.0 with stock rom.
Hello people,
I am Radu, a Romanian guy, I`ve recently brought HTC Desire S, I previously had Samsung Galaxy S, but I liked very much the Desire S so I pulled away the Galaxy S, I bought the HTC Desire S especially for HTC Sense 3.0 and android 2.3.5, you know... better UI ... and this things... more ram... i tought it was better than SGS.
So, here I am with HTC Desire S and Android 2.3 version, HTC Sense 2.1, very smooth, no lag between homescreen transition,verry hapy with this phone... BUT... I heard from internet, friends , that the new Android version 2.3.5 with HTC Sense 3.0 has arrived for Desire S, so I went with my phone, in vodafone center,left him there for the operators hands to update him... all great no problem they called me next day, told me that they`ve updated my phone to 2.3.5 and HTC Sense 3.0... so I went to pick up my phone... went home...BUT when I started using it and scrolling through User Interface, I found my phone very slow, and laggy !! so my question is : What can I do now to go back to sense 2.1 ?
I have read from this forum in HTC Desire S section about this lag... I`ve found that I`m not the only person who has lag...I`m a bit noob in HTC since I`ve had a Samsung Galaxy S ... for me they are different...SO ?
Is there a way to get back to sense 2.1 ? please... mine is laggy I don`t mean laggy in terms that apps are opening in 5 seconds ...they open normally BUT in homescreen the phone is LAGGY !! I want my Sense 2.1 BACK
Thank you guys . I hope you can help me guys ! Thanks again !!!
My hboot is 2.00.0002
go to service and tell them to reflash ur phone.if ur not s-off and no root we cant help u but if u have garantee go to servis again and tell them whats wrong...they will fix u r phone...they screwed somthing..sense 3.0 runs very smooth..3.5 too.
well thats the folks over at htc for you. cuz every sense 3 or 3.5 rom ive tried was never laggy at all, maybe a tad but not horrible
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
Have you tried a full factory reset now that you're on sense 3.0?
Swyped from my Desire S using XDA Premium
ben_pyett said:
Have you tried a full factory reset now that you're on sense 3.0?
Swyped from my Desire S using XDA Premium
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hello again guys, first of all, thanks to all for quick answers... i haven`t tried a full factory reset i am on sense 3.0... how can I do full factory reset ?
radu955 said:
hello again guys, first of all, thanks to all for quick answers... i haven`t tried a full factory reset i am on sense 3.0... how can I do full factory reset ?
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it should be in settings somewhere, or you could do it through recovery by powering off, the power on holding vol. down and power and select factory reset
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
stumpyz9 said:
it should be in settings somewhere, or you could do it through recovery by powering off, the power on holding vol. down and power and select factory reset
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
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but would this solve my problem ? as I said... i don`t have problems with opening apps... in games the phone is smooth I play games with no problem !!! but in homescreen is laggy !!! i think sense 3.0 causes this
a few options
1 - try a different launcher
2 - root your phone and over clock,
3 - try a task killer like advanced task manager and put the widget on your home screen so you can kill apps when it goes laggy
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
stumpyz9 said:
a few options
1 - try a different launcher
2 - root your phone and over clock,
3 - try a task killer like advanced task manager and put the widget on your home screen so you can kill apps when it goes laggy
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
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1. I`ve tried launcher pro plus , it works great but no htc sense widgets
2. how to root ? I don`t want to overlock it... if i don`t want to overclock... will root with no overclock do something??
3. I`ve tried a taskiller and not great results...can you recommend me a good taskiller ? I`ve tried Advanced Taskiller but I didn`t liked it ... i`ve heard that on market exists more... and better ones...but don`t know their names...
no rooting itselfbwont do much, but its not dangerous as long as you dont go above about 1.5ghz, and if you root and flash a custom rom like RCmix youll see a inprovement. and check the dev section to learn how to root, if you look, im pretty sure someone can walk you through the proccess. id help you but id be a bit dificult on mobile
i can help you in a bit when i get home if you like
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
stumpyz9 said:
a few options
1 - try a different launcher
2 - root your phone and over clock,
3 - try a task killer like advanced task manager and put the widget on your home screen so you can kill apps when it goes laggy
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
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sorry but none of these are valid options
1) why bother with new launcher sense 3 had Rosie and as you say you'll miss the whole Benefit of sense
2) over clocking - sense 3 and even sense 3.5 can both run without lag on less then default clock speeds so need to unnecessarily waste battery by over clocking
3) auto task killers shouldn't be used on GB, they actually will only have a negative impact on both your devices performance and battery
Again I'd recommend you try a full reset, this should be in settings-storage-factory data reset or as an option from the boot loader menu
Swyped from my Desire S using XDA Premium
ben_pyett said:
sorry but none of these are valid options
1) why bother with new launcher sense 3 had Rosie and as you say you'll miss the whole Benefit of sense
2) over clocking - sense 3 and even sense 3.5 can both run without lag on less then default clock speeds so need to unnecessarily waste battery by over clocking
3) auto task killers shouldn't be used on GB, they actually will only have a negative impact on both your devices performance and battery
Again I'd recommend you try a full reset, this should be in settings-storage-factory data reset or as an option from the boot loader menu
Swyped from my Desire S using XDA Premium
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UI is not smooth for me too ... i dont want too Root .. i love the 3d sense buh . its laggy on home screen Just switched to SAGA ..
i thnik my Stock rom is Australia Software NO: Sense: 3.0
Thought I'd share a little trick I found in the HTC Rezound forum... turns out you can easily peel off the Sense-style lock screen and leave your One X with clean-looking stock ICS lock. You simply need to rename /system/app/HtcLockScreen.apk to something else, reboot, and voila, Sense doesn't skin it. I renamed it using adb shell.
It doesn't work perfectly however... I've already found a couple bugs where incoming calls don't show up on the screen (only in the status bar), and if you use something like Google Music that is supposed to add controls to the lock screen, only a black background is shown. I'm sure these functions are supposed to be handled by the Sense Lock UI which is no longer there. Maybe somebody smarter than me can figure out how to fix, or maybe this is just a useless crippled hack.
Original Thread:
Too bad about the music on the locscreen though
Sense has always been able to do that
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iceman99393 said:
Sense has always been able to do that
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Sure, but there hasn't been any mention of it in the HOX forums, and this is the first phone with Sense4, which is why I linked to it here after finding this neat-o trick. That is all.
This is really cool, I'll definitely have to get around to trying it out sometime soon.
Thanks for sharing!
Sent from my HTC One X
antennae said:
Sure, but there hasn't been any mention of it in the HOX forums, and this is the first phone with Sense4, which is why I linked to it here after finding this neat-o trick. That is all.
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Probably because most people know the "trick". That's just my guess tho.
Sent from my HTC One X using xda app-developers app
Good this trick with with anything else? Like the dialer, calender, it launcher itself?
ethomas94 said:
Good this trick with with anything else? Like the dialer, calender, it launcher itself?
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Most likely not but I wonder
Sent from my HTC One XL
I noticed the post you linked to said the camera shortcut doesn't work for that device. It's nice that it works for ours
ethomas94 said:
Good this trick with with anything else? Like the dialer, calender, it launcher itself?
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I doubt it, most of HTC's other apps are complete replacements of stock, whereas the Sense lockscreen is really just a skin sitting on top of ICS.
So it makes sense why incoming calls, texts, etc. using HTC's stock apps don't show up on the ICS lockscreen (they want to be handled by HTC's skin)....but I'm not sure why Google Music won't show controls since it isn't an HTC app. Curious!
Nice tip! Thanks for the info!
I'm new here but I've been learning about custom roms and flashing them to my HTC One X from the amazing ViperXL Rom to CM10 and I was just wondering if anyone knows if its possible to flash Windows Phone 8 on an HTC One X...Maybe its not possible yet but i think the idea would be pretty neat to have it running or emulating on the device right? So anyone has any ideas or know about a developer who may have it on the works?
luisakanewt said:
I'm new here but I've been learning about custom roms and flashing them to my HTC One X from the amazing ViperXL Rom to CM10 and I was just wondering if anyone knows if its possible to flash Windows Phone 8 on an HTC One X...Maybe its not possible yet but i think the idea would be pretty neat to have it running or emulating on the device right? So anyone has any ideas or know about a developer who may have it on the works?
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As far as I am aware, the answer is no. The reason is due to the different hardware(no driver support) and the closed nature of Windows 7/8 it isn't possible to make the rom.
RajtheKing said:
As far as I am aware, the answer is no. The reason is due to the different hardware(no driver support) and the closed nature of Windows 7/8 it isn't possible to make the rom.
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And also BC of xda rules
Try launcher8. Its nice. A little slower than I like but the feel is awesome... For like a couple days
Sent from my HTC One XL using Tapatalk 2
InflatedTitan said:
And also BC of xda rules
Try launcher8. Its nice. A little slower than I like but the feel is awesome... For like a couple days
Sent from my HTC One XL using Tapatalk 2
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Hmmm i'll take a look at it maybe over time the update fixes the slow feel...but i didn't know there were XDA Rules on that...
Everyone is always talking about launcher 8, but launcher 7 is a highly polished windows phone launcher that's been around for a long time and has flawless performance. Also if you really like the look there are great lockscreen, keyboard, status bar, calculator, SMS, and dialer apps. I tried it for awhile and it was kind of cool. I can dig up the names of them if you want
Sent from my One X using xda app-developers app
or you could just buy a windows 8 phone
sropedia said:
Everyone is always talking about launcher 8, but launcher 7 is a highly polished windows phone launcher that's been around for a long time and has flawless performance. Also if you really like the look there are great lockscreen, keyboard, status bar, calculator, SMS, and dialer apps. I tried it for awhile and it was kind of cool. I can dig up the names of them if you want
Sent from my One X using xda app-developers app
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Sure! i would love to give it a try! Always fun to be customizing your phone :laugh:
CheesyNutz said:
or you could just buy a windows 8 phone
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...or you can just buy a different phone every time you want to try something new instead of coming on XDA, rooting your phone to install custom ROMs and wasting poor cheesy's precious time, lol.
As others have said I don't think it's possible but I also think that it would be cool to try. Can I just say that the first time I ever used Android it was on an old Windows Mobile 6.1 device, it ran like **** but at least it was an effort and it was a lot more fun than just buying a new phone.
CheesyNutz said:
or you could just buy a windows 8 phone
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I would love too! but its Kinda hard to get phones here since the Currency is 2 blz dollars :1 us dollar...but im good with my One X just that i would like to try out some other Operating Systems you know :fingers-crossed:
OK here you go:
"Launcher 7"
"thumb keyboard" with the built in wp7 theme+the awesome sound effect (got it free on Amazon app store)
"icon 7" for any icons the launcher doesn't come with
"wp7 dialer" for a dialer (obviously]
"wp7lock" for lock screen replacement (this one is really nice and polished
"windows phone notifications" for that little banner thingy at the top
"zplayer" for a zune like music player
"metro messaging" for SMS replacement
"status bar+ - custom bar" for status bar replacement
"seven+ wp7 calculator" for calculator replacement
"wp7contact" for contacts replacement
Sent from my One X using xda app-developers app
Dont try porting windows os is closed source and possible legal actions can be taken
sropedia said:
OK here you go:
"Launcher 7"
"thumb keyboard" with the built in wp7 theme+the awesome sound effect (got it free on Amazon app store)
"icon 7" for any icons the launcher doesn't come with
"wp7 dialer" for a dialer (obviously]
"wp7lock" for lock screen replacement (this one is really nice and polished
"windows phone notifications" for that little banner thingy at the top
"zplayer" for a zune like music player
"metro messaging" for SMS replacement
"status bar+ - custom bar" for status bar replacement
"seven+ wp7 calculator" for calculator replacement
"wp7contact" for contacts replacement
Sent from my One X using xda app-developers app
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Damn!!!!! Thanks So much for all this! i know you took time to do all of this and im very grateful! Thanks!! Will make use of this! :laugh:
luisakanewt said:
Damn!!!!! Thanks So much for all this! i know you took time to do all of this and im very grateful! Thanks!! Will make use of this! :laugh:
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No problemo
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