I've been trying and trying to find a way to change a way to change the way my MT4Gs handles mailto: links, but can't find the answer. I'd prefer to have these links open in my Yahoo account (I know...) instead of gmail. Even if I'm in my Yahoo mail and click on one of these links, it creates the new mail from my gmail account instead of the Yahoo account. The Yahoo account is set as the default mail account.
The links I'm referring look like this- mailto:[email protected]
Clear gmails defaults in applications
Sent from my DoubleShot Lite using Tapatalk 2
Thanks, that did the trick.
It took me a moment to decipher your directions. In case someone else stumbles upon this post looking for a solution to this problem, the steps are:
Settings > Applications > App Associations > Email address. Change it from gmail to mail.
no prob
I am using the default email software supplied with WM6 on my TMobile Wing to check my Gmail account. I didn't want to have an extra Java app installed just to check Gmail, as I am really low on program space.
I like how it works, except for one little thing - when I get my mail, it also downloads emails that I have SENT and puts them into my Inbox as if I had received it, or sent it to myself. How do I stop this? Is there any way to make the software stop downloading from the Sent folder on Gmail?
Are you using POP to access your gmail? In the POP settings on your gmail site you can create a filter to control which email is downloaded via POP, so you could probably create a filter which excludes sent email
Yep, POP3 access.
That sounds like just what I need. I'll check out the Gmail FAQ and see what I can find.
stuartm555 said:
Are you using POP to access your gmail? In the POP settings on your gmail site you can create a filter to control which email is downloaded via POP, so you could probably create a filter which excludes sent email
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Ok I didn't see anything to fix that in the Gmail settings or FAQ. Blah. I may just access it via the webpage. I liked having the poutlook do it though. Oh well.
Hmm use EMOZE
RVM said:
Ok I didn't see anything to fix that in the Gmail settings or FAQ. Blah. I may just access it via the webpage. I liked having the poutlook do it though. Oh well.
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You can easily create POP3 account in WM5 or WM6 and manually do send receive or you can setup intervals which pocket outlook will access your Gmail account. In fact in pocket outlook when you create new pop email account for Gmail the setting will be made automatically. You simply need to enter your email address and password
Anyhow before doing above you need to enable POP3 in Gmail Web.
acces your web gmail --> go to settings and enable the POP3 access. Under settings there is also a tab for email filtering in which you can define which mails should be forward to POP3
Furthermore If you wan to have push mail, you can apply for free http://mail2web.com account. It is free MS exchange service. Forward your Gmail's to your mail2web account and it will push it to your device. (it functions perfectly)
I think you guys are misunderstanding my problem.
I have it sending/receiving manually, and it works just fine.
The problem is if I send a message at home on my computer, then I get my Wing and access my mail, it downloads the message I sent from my sent folder onto my phone, as if it were in my inbox.
What exactly is "pushing" btw?
Noiro said:
Hmm use EMOZE
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RVM said:
What exactly is "pushing" btw?
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as I mentioned go to settings in your gmail web account there is the tab of filters. Then create a filter with your email
from : [email protected]
Pushmail is similar to blackberry email, email that comes to your inbox will be pushed (send) to your hand device. You save manualy checking your inbox.
That's what I did. I went into filters and there was no option to have it not allow the sent mail to be downloaded via a POP3 client. I may have missed something so I will go have another look.
Bulldog said:
as I mentioned go to settings in your gmail web account there is the tab of filters. Then create a filter with your email
from : [email protected]
Pushmail is similar to blackberry email, email that comes to your inbox will be pushed (send) to your hand device. You save manualy checking your inbox.
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Dear All,
I've downloaded and installed gmail apps on my trinity wm6 equipped.
application work fine for me.
I would just know if there is a way to :
a) let it permanently run on background
b) check new mail on x minutes
c) notify me of new mail
thank you very much
Anyone know how i can sync my yahoo mail account (yahoo mail app) to my phone ????
1. you can install the "Yahoo! Mail for Android" app from the Android Market (it's free). It works well and gives you full access to your contacts & folders, which I find very handy. You can move mails into your folders and they will sync with your main account.
2.you could create a mail account directly on your phone by running the app "Setup" and following the prompts or
3. Menu / Settings / Accounts & sync / Add account and follow the prompts.
For me no. 1 is best. Btw this is for a HTC Desire with standard ROM on V2.2,
Hope this helps. Cheers .....
I agree, the Yahoo Mail app works pretty good. The only downside is that even though it knows when you get new mail, it doesn't download it or update the folder views until you open that folder, so there's a lot of your time wasted while it refreshes the folder.
K9 mail surely works for Yahoo, as it does for any IMAP or POP provider.
Can someone upload or send a link to the latest Yahoo! Mail apk. I found version 1.0.1 online but it now tells me that I have to have a required update to v1.0.4. Unfortunately, my tablet doesn't have full market access (yet!). Thanks in advance.
khaytsus said:
K9 mail surely works for Yahoo, as it does for any IMAP or POP provider.
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+1 for K9, I have it fetching my Yahoo, Hotmail and doing Push for my multiple Gmail accounts. Does folder/labels too.
Sure, but it doesn't support the "push" part. You have to check the Yahoo mail manually. It sux big time, if ya ask me...
I've tried every possible setting (servers/ports/encryption) but you still have to check manually. *sigh*
I have an issue with the email application I'm hoping I can find a solution to with the great knowledge of XDA
I have multiple email accounts like I'm surevmany of you
One for work
One gmail
One yahoo
One for stuff that I think will spam me
One for stuff like forums and personal stuff like banking
The issue is if I use an app such as evernote and want to email it. Android uses the default email account and I can't change that unleashing changebthe default account in the email settings
I don't want a default account but android makes one regardless of if you choose it or don't choose it
May be a problem with Evernote not the email app. Whenever I want to email something form my phone it asks me if i wana use gmail or the email client. In either case I can select which address I wana send from.
I don't get that option grrrrrr
For instance I know its not evernote because if I Jolene my gallery choose to share a picture I get to s of options Bluetooth,email,Facebook,twitter,messaging and so on but if I choose email it automatically opens gmail.
What do you have that I dont?
Bump for a possible response
Why when composing an email from an app am I not allowed to choose my email address?
ill bump this for a hopeful response and add a second question
why am i not able to email the HD files i record with the email app?
I am 50 years old and have just got my first tablet so apologize if this is an obvious question/answer.
I am having a little difficulty with my email account.
I went to the email app and set up my Yahoo account. All the usual folders seem to be there eg: inbox, trash, sent etc & any folders I have set up but I can't find my contacts list - if I try to send an email I have to enter the address manually - it doesn't bring it up automatically after typing a couple of letters. This is very difficult as I don't remember peoples email addresses anyway. The only couple of addresses that do come up are friends on Skype, I don't have a Facebook account and don't have any intention of getting one either.
Any help would be gratefully appreciated.
You may better off creating a Gmail account and using the app from the Google play store.
You can signup here: https://accounts.google.com/SignUp?...s://mail.google.com/mail/<mpl=default&hl=en
You can download the Gmail app from here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/...1bGwsMSwxLDEsImNvbS5nb29nbGUuYW5kcm9pZC5nbSJd
The contacts from this account will show up on the app.
Also, Gmail is provided by Google free of charge. It works faster than Yahoo and is also safer. Android is heavily integrated with android because Google owns Android.
I hope this helps.
Hi, new to the forum so not sure if I have posted in the correct place.
I have a question about google and gmail accounts:
I have already signed up for a google account and use my existing email address from demon (broadband provider) as the user id. I then had a quick look on the Gmail web page and it says that if I sign up for a Gmail email address then this becomes my main Google user id and my old email address becomes my alternate email/user id. Now my question is, what is the advantage of having a GMail address to connect to Google compared to using my existing email address? Does this enable any features that I dont currently have? If I don't need a new email address (from Gmail) then do I need to even sign up for one?
Secondly if I do decide to sign up for a new Gmail email address, how do I access/retrieve my emails? Do I setup a new account in my Thunderbird email client and collect them there? Or do I have to sign in to my account on the Google gmail web page and view them there using a Gmail client or some other method?
Apologies for the simple sounding questions but I have only just started using a smart phone and am a bit overwhelmed with the technology side of things
Well I think by signing in with Gmail you can access all functionality of your android phone. Otherwise, you can't access Play store, Google Now, Gmail, etc. By using Gmail, your contact account on your phone will be synchronize with Gmail contact, which means you don't have to be afraid to lose your contact in case you accidentally erase them. And it's easier to transfer your contacts if you decide to change your phone.
To get your emails, you only have to open your Gmail application.
Just sign up, mate.
Sent from my HTC One X using xda app-developers app