[Q] Will anyone share with me some unique iPhone 4s cover cases? - General Questions and Answers

Hey, i bought my iPhone 4s lately and really satisfy on it. Buy my experience tells me i should also buy one cover case for it. There are many in the markets but i want to find something cute and designed uniquely. So, can anyone share with me some? Thanks!

Might want to try the iPhone section.
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Case Mod?

After retrofitting my old tmobile sda with the nice new OS, I want to be using the phone more, but frankly the outside compared to the new OS is quite ugly. Has anyone ever modded the case of this phone to make it look better?
try yourself!
a guy owning typhoon actually spray painted his typhoon to a black-yellow combination with racing flag like vinyl
I too am ready to do that but wanna see someone do it first
Frankly speaking, I just dont wanna do it coz of being out of cash (cant buy a spare one for original case and then try on mine)

some quick Q's

I currently have Galaxy S that I bought a couple of weeks ago. Now I have been thinking about getting a WP7. At the moment the only phone that interests me is the Omnia7 because of the amoled screen, it's just amazing on the Galaxy S. Also the Omnia7 is metallic compared to the horrible plastic cheap feeling Galaxy S. Don't get me wrong, I love the GS but I honestly want to make the switch for a couple of reasons:
1. Xbox LIVE games, achievements on the go
2. The metallic feel of the Omnia7, Im so afraid that the GS will broke if I drop it by accident lol
is the Omnia7 worth getting? Is it supported anymore? Any updates coming to it? I know it will get Mango but anything after that? How much is the phones real value atm, so I don't get ripped off for paying too much for it? Under 200€? Over 200€? Under 250€?
Thanks in advance
Firstly if they're your only two reasons for getting a Windows Phone, then:
There are a few xbox live games, which in my opinion, are quite over priced. Hopefully as more people buy into the platform, the prices will drop.
The Omnia 7 does feel nice and sturdy, but the OS is a big jump just for the build quality.
However, if you're sold on Windows Phone itself for all of the other awesome stuff...
I have the Omnia and, yes, it's worth it. It will, as you say, get Mango. After that we, or at least I, don't know (as with all first gen devices). I think you can get it fairly cheap, but you should shop around. Maybe consider 2nd hand?
Well those aren't my only reasons to get WP7, I like the UI very much, the icons, the simple look of it I actually use the "UberMusic" app on my SGS that is almost an exact copy of the WP7 music player, I also have all my home screen icons like WP7, u know those white circles with the icon in them.
If you have hold the SGS in your hand, you will understand why I want the metallic case for the phone xd
I have looked some 2nd hand Omnia7's and they seem to go from 180-250€.. eBay uk has some but I'm not sure if they work here in Finland... Like if they are locked to a carrier etc
Thanks for your reply

Olloclip for Android?

whats up guys! so a friend of mine got an olloclip for his iphone and its awesome. yes, yes i said iphone. anyway, its an attachable lens for the iphone that lets you shoot pictures in fisheye, macro, and wide-angle. i know its a bit far fetched, but has anyone seen something similar for our skyrockets? i highly doubt it, but ive been googling everything and couldnt find any such thing
I haven't seen any clip on "Olloclip" style ones, but there are some alternatives discussed here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=760189&page=3
Hope that helps!
Indeed it's such a waste there wasn't any Olloclip brand dedicated to the Android devices given it's increasing popularity and adoption.
Apparently the Chinese market was fast enough to tap on it , to come up with lens specially for Samsung Galaxy s3 and Note II.
I had a tried on it, and it was well valued for the bang i paid for it.
Just google Camera-Licious and look for 4 in one Samsung Lens

Elevate Sports Armsleeve

The one and only thing that frustrates me about the Galaxy line is the lack of sports cases/bands that fit well, protect the phone and are comfortable. I've gone through a half dozen since the SGSII and they all sucked. And some were outright highway robbery for what they offered.
This Elevate Sleeve on Kickstarter looks like it has good potential. I'd back it, but the creator will only support bigger devices if he gets more than 25 requests. If anyone also thinks this could be the right sports case, head over and make a request for the SGSIV. There are other "sleeve" type cases, even a couple from Kickstarter, but they are just like the armbands, not real high quality, look cheap and still have that raggedy plastic face.
I was going to buy something similar from nike yesterday, but the last time I checked it out I didn't notice, it was for iphones/ipods.....I was seriously bummed.
Big thanks for posting this and getting my hope up a little bit!!
If I understood correctly, then they consider requests, not how many will actually going to buy this?? Everyone who even likes the idea....start emailing
The price is actually quite good too.....~10€ more expensive than the nike's long sleeves that were 50% off, but the elevate definitely seems alot nicer!!!
Just_s said:
The one and only thing that frustrates me about the Galaxy line is the lack of sports cases/bands that fit well, protect the phone and are comfortable. I've gone through a half dozen since the SGSII and they all sucked. And some were outright highway robbery for what they offered.
This Elevate Sleeve on Kickstarter looks like it has good potential. I'd back it, but the creator will only support bigger devices if he gets more than 25 requests. If anyone also thinks this could be the right sports case, head over and make a request for the SGSIV. There are other "sleeve" type cases, even a couple from Kickstarter, but they are just like the armbands, not real high quality, look cheap and still have that raggedy plastic face.
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Hope he didn't do too much so searching for that idea
warnette said:
Hope he didn't do too much so searching for that idea
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Yeah, as I mentioned above, there are several other sleeve-style cases, but none that don't suck. I'm guessing you haven't used the NIKE version, which doesn't fit an SGSIV with or without a case on it, nor is it comfortable. Also the NIKE sleeve has the same cheap plastic face and the phone sits on the underside of your forearm rather than the top (very uncomfortable position when running IMO.) Sadly, it is still the best of the cases I've tried, too bad it doesn't work with anything but an old iPhone I use as an iPod.
I'd wager that this or even this were as much an inspiration as the NIKE+ sleeve for the Elevate.
If your criteria for buying something is that it be an original idea, your place must be empty. We don't come across may truly original ideas in the world we live in today. I'll happily take an innovation on an existing product in lieu of an original/bleeding edge product if it gets the job done. If we didn't buy better versions of existing products, we wouldn't have iOS nor Android devices, now would we?
That said, the Elevate is an unproven product, not unlike the betas we all like to run here at XDA, so I am not touting it as the end-all-be-all in fitness cases. From the specs and the prototype, it certainly looks like an innovation over the NIKE version. I'm also not asking anyone else to back the product. I'm just hoping that some folks will head over and chime in for the S4 so that if I decide to back it, I will have a case to receive.
warnette said:
Hope he didn't do too much so searching for that idea
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That's exactly where there problem started, it's for the iphone...a tiny inferior phone.....a lot of useful stuff is produced for iphones/ipods only because they get to link their product with apple's name....but the rest of us have to suffer...
The approach on the materials is nice...shows that more consideration has gone into the product plus a possibility to get it for other phones as well....at least that seemed to be the idea behind this thread....
alliktaavo said:
That's exactly where there problem started, it's for the iphone...a tiny inferior phone.....a lot of useful stuff is produced for iphones/ipods only because they get to link their product with apple's name....but the rest of us have to suffer...
The approach on the materials is nice...shows that more consideration has gone into the product plus a possibility to get it for other phones as well....at least that seemed to be the idea behind this thread....
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And as of today, they only need 17 more requests to make this for the S4.
(Potential) Backers — Here's a quick update on the request count that we've gotten so far. Looks like S4 is our most popular so far. Not surprised. Just 17 more requests and we're adding it to the production list.
I put in my request yesterday! Hopefully we get enough for our S4's to be accommodated because this sleeve looks amazing! :good:
I've asked the maker to consider a semi universal sleeve for larger (not the largest, sorry Note folks) phones as this range is relatively similar in size.
Visual Comparison and SIze Specs
Found this kickstarter the other day and backed it. Seems to have a lot of potential if it'll fit the bigger phones (S3/S4)

We're the creators of ExoDrive. We would love to get your opinion!

We're the developers of ExoDrive. A range of cases that bring microSD expansion to a bunch of phones. We went live yesterday, you would have probably seen us on the front page of XDA-Developers, and on kickstarter. We would love to get you're opinions on it! :highfive:
Iphones first
Magicmole said:
We're the developers of ExoDrive. A range of cases that bring microSD expansion to a bunch of phones. We went live yesterday, you would have probably seen us on the front page of XDA-Developers, and on kickstarter. We would love to get you're opinions on it! :highfive:
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The concept is quite brilliant and if you managed to get it to the production line, it would be a hit. However the problem will be its inability to support all the phone models out on the market. You would have to mass produce it for a whole range and i dont think creating a case for every phone is viable. Even if you target only the bestsellers, you would still have a limited market.But i see some great use if you could develop it for the i phones.. (5 and 6) and then develop for android after you reap the profits.. iphone storage is really limiting....
You'd definitely have a market in creating cases for the nexus line I know I'd be in for buying one as soon as they're available as I've had a 64gb SD card just lying round since I got the Nexus 4 (8gb)!
a version for the s6/s6 edge and upcoming note 5 - ideally with some otterbox box type padding for drops, would make it a must have.

