[Q] Anyone else getting a Peek device? - General Questions and Answers

I got an email yesterday saying my Peek device would ship in two days. Was wondering if there was anyone else out there getting one to hack on.

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I just got mine in the mail today. Not sure what to do with it yet. Looking up how to get the proper USB cables at the moment.

That's the cable. Took me forever to figure out where to get the type of cable he posted. I registered the ##peek channel on freenode if anyone wants to hop in.

Just got my peek and the cables for it. Not too sure what to do now.

I'm currently trying to get in touch with the original authors who got a working linux kernel. If I can get their code I might be able to start putting something together. Maybe a custom OS for learning OS development, or just porting a very basic version of Linux.


Bluetooth ever be fixed?

Greetings All,
I have asked this question in the HD2 forum and to no avail, it just got buried in the rest of the questions, so I decided to take a stab here.
All the HD2 roms that are out there (dont know about the rest of the phones and roms that come out), but the Bluetooth Mac Address in Nand roms and zip roms are still generic, if you have two HD2 phones they cant communicate and this is frustrating, and all the searching in the world has come up with nothing about a fix, or even a way to alter it just like we were able to with the wifi mac address.
Now as I also stated in the other forum, I actually found 1 Kernel that it DOES work on, but unfortunately its an SDCard Rom kernel, and its the ONLY kernel that worked even in the sd version of android. And not being a developer, I cant expand it, nor would I think I would know what I was looking for, but I would think the solution would be easy (again not a programmer) to port over to nand/zip roms.
Why isnt this being focused on? MODS if this is in the wrong forum please move, but being a general android forum I think its the best place to get some visual on this problem.
wow 101 views and not even a reply in 12 hours. Did I ask the ultimate question that has no answer?

[Q] [noob] Motorola (Droid 3) ROM creation

Hey guy, sorry for the post in the general forum, but I don't have enough posts to post in the Droid 3 section of the website. I've been following the threads in there for a couple months now, and I've rooted my Droid 3 and flashed quite a few different ROMs on there, but I was looking into creating my own, or at least starting with someone else's as a base.
I made sure to do a pretty thorough Google search before posting here, but most of the ROM creation guides I've found are pretty device specific. I was wondering if anyone would be willing to write a guide for creating/modding a ROM for the Droid 3, or at least give me some pointers on how to get started
(BTW, I'm a programmer with a bit of experience, but no Android dev experience whatsoever, just giving a point of reference).
Sorry, just noticed the thing about questions going into the Q&A section. This is more of a request than a question, but if a mod feels like it should be moved than feel free to do so. I'd do it myself, but I can't move the post (and since it's more of a request than a question, I'm not sure if I'm supposed to).
Please use the Q&A Forum for questions Thanks
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Bump, anyone?
i'm curious to know the same thing, but about the LG Vortex (a CDMA Optimus One Variant)

McSpammer's ROM servicing and Help thread

People tend to have problems with flashing their phone for the first time, so I decided that I would help people in my free time. This service is 100% free. You can donate if you would like but it is not necessary.
How does my ROM servicing work?
I can help you flash and ROM your phone over the internet using teamviewer. Teamviewer is a program which allows me to see and control your computer's monitor so I can walk you through the ROMing process.
(click this icon to read more about and download teamviewer)
Need help? Have questions? Ask away!
I enjoy helping people who have any questions or problems with their devices. I know my way around the captivate's software and can identify almost all problems and can help you fix them. so any questions, ask away!
About me
I am hoping to build up a positive reputation with this community after I left my last phone's development community. I have been working on my first ROM based on teamhacksung's ICS ROM and plan to release it by the end of March. I am also working on a custom OTG cable that with use the 3.5MM headphone jack to power external devices. My ICS ROM (which has not been named ^.^) will be made to use sztupy's ICS kernel that support USB OTG. I belive I have started off well in this community as my first post was stickied. I am hoping this thread will help clear the Captivate General section of the overflowing questions which have been posted in the wrong section. If you have anything helpful, feel free to post.

Adam outler "save some bricks"

I was looking into trying to make the uart reader that adamoutler made on this forum:
I wasn't really sure if he would reply seeing that im sure he gets tons of emails from people on these forums.My question is, are there schematics for how to build that uart reader on here?Has anyone else made something similar that they would like to share?Thanks
cadogan32 said:
I was looking into trying to make the uart reader that adamoutler made on this forum:
I wasn't really sure if he would reply seeing that im sure he gets tons of emails from people on these forums.My question is, are there schematics for how to build that uart reader on here?Has anyone else made something similar that they would like to share?Thanks
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Another thing...Is it possible to dump the contents of a movinand flash through this if a phone is in bootloader mode?
cadogan32 said:
Another thing...Is it possible to dump the contents of a movinand flash through this if a phone is in bootloader mode?
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I have a usb-uart with buspirate guide I've been working on for a little while.
I will post it soon. I was hoping to take a few more pictures... but I'll just have to add them later.
What phone/device do you have? That will help answer the movinand question.
This should have been asked in a Q&A forum.
It is the microsoft kin twom.I'm hoping one of these devices will be able to pull off some info as far as the bootloader and or system files.The phone is very locked down and running out of ideas for how to get into it.Can a mod move this too the right forum?Let me know when you get your project up,cause i definitley want to check it out.
bhundven said:
I have a usb-uart with buspirate guide I've been working on for a little while.
I will post it soon. I was hoping to take a few more pictures... but I'll just have to add them later.
What phone/device do you have? That will help answer the movinand question.
This should have been asked in a Q&A forum.
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I get that irritable sensation that you're being lazy, as it seem you haven't bothered to search the forum at all. Answers to all your questions can be answered by searching... Here is your phone specs. Although they don't mention what Tegra processor you have...
Here is your Google search string:
[URL="https://encrypted.google.com/search?num=100&hl=en&safe=off&q=UART+site%3Aforum.xda-developers.com&oq=UART+site%3Aforum.xda-developers.com&gs_l=serp.3...69372.77789.0.78005."]UART site:forum.xda-developers.com[/URL]
And YES this is QA post.
And YES you should change the title of your post!
(Or you gonna piss-off a whole bunch of people looking for "unbrickable" mod...)
Wow...Lazy? Really? lol.Believe me,i have been searching/reading the xda forums for awhile relating to usb to serial/nvflash/movinand chips/uart/bus pirate and everything that has to do with it.I know the complete specs of the phone and as far as which model tegra processor,it doesnt matter at the moment.The things i asked are that what couldnt be found from the hours i searched on xda developers and google by itself.Believe me i have searched.A random search link on xda about uart doesnt tell me much more than what i already know.
I asked if there were schematic for adam outler's design since it seems to work better than the others i have seen on here and other forums.I cant ask him directly since im sure he has a life too instead of going through tons of messages.The other things i asked couldnt be found on here or from a google search....so i thought this would be the place to ask.bhundven seems like the one that will help me out though.
Well you know best. But I always recommend the much easier to use FTDI USB serial cables/modules. However, the BusPirate is more versatile as it supports many more protocols and even JTAG to an extremely limited extent.
You need to figure out what voltage levels you need for that device. Usually with serial over USB, you need 3.3V, while for direct on-PCB UARTs you probably need 1.8V. But since you have your Tegra proc specs, that is no problem right?

[Completed] U-TAB7 from Union Suppy: Tablet supplied to people in prison

So one of my friends has a tablet that he got in prison and he was telling me that it has WiFI but its just disabled. I started telling him about the things I've done with android devices and told him I could take a look at it for him and see if I could maybe get a custom ROM on it or something. But man this thing sure seems locked down. Only has one physical button on it which is the power button so I havent even figured out if I can get it into the recovery. The only ports on it is a headphone jack, media output port (mini hdmi?), mini usb, and a DC power port. I mean just from looking at it I dont think there is much you can do but he did tell me that later iPads, the same ones, were given WiFi access. Besides that he told me people were getting in trouble because they were able to get porn on their tablets. So what Im wondering is there anything I can do to even attempt to get in this thing? Any way to get into recovery? Any tools for the PC I can use to get in? I was reading online and saw one person make a post, basically the same question I have, and one guy commented if he could get a ROM dump he could try playing around with that. Not even sure what a ROM dump is but is there a way to do that? Idk I've search all over the web and cant find any info. Maybe if I could find out if this tablet is the same hardware wise as another maybe that would be a good starting point? Idk what do you guys think?
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