[Q] Samsung Galaxy S2 (Sprint SPH-D710) can only access cwm! - General Questions and Answers

How do I get my android back? Or, Can I?
This will become obvious, so here it is... I/Me = Noob. Thanks for the patience in advance.
I did a good month of research & playing around before, then finally installed ClockWorkMod & rooted my S2. Was up late trying to get something done on it & had just installed cwm. I choose the option within cwm to "backup" and let it run it's course, assumed (never, I know) this was done correctly & I was free to do what I love, customize - optimize - edit - etc. Well, apparently is was not done. I realized this last night and immediately scrambled (panicked) & may have made my matters so bad that I will be walking into the Sprint store with my tail, & ego, between my legs forking over some hard earned cash.
I formatted all files within "Mounts and Storage," cleared all "caches" and did a "wipe data/factory reset" - Basically did every option I could at least 2x's.
I did look for the back up - but it was not there (prior to all wipes)
I feel like I can get my phone back witch is stuck on the Samsung Galaxy S2 screen when on, and the battery pic when on charger. But, I need access to the external SD drive so I can install the files that I have on my CPU. I have researched this all day! Took off work today, and tomorrow seemingly. If this is a hopeless task, for the love of all things righteous, someone please put me out of my misery!
BTW - First post ever on any site. I am smart enough to know that when it comes to this stuff I cannot keep being hard headed and not asking for help. I just hope its not to late.

Thanks. Apparently l only the cool people are allowed to post and actually get a response. I am so glad I paid for this bull$hit. Middle finger at ya

If you can only access cwm them you should be able to download a ROM for your phone and flash it within CWM.
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using XDA App

Seriously? That's definitely a good attitude to hold when you don't receive help. Just get hostile with the people you are requesting help from! But I digress. Well, if you did indeed botch a backup somehow, it sounds like all you need to do is just flash another ROM or something and you should be golden. The backups are stored in your external SDcard for future reference though, under CWM -> Backup.

In response to the attitude... what else would you have me do when I need help, I ask, and I am ignored? Plus, my tactic worked, but, I digress.
In the days of emptiness with no help, I list cwm and now have real problem. I can still access default recovery mode, and a screen that says got to kies and do recovery mode. My main issue after several hours troubleshooting, is, I cannot get my phone to be recognized by any drive on my laptop. It will also not respond to being charged.
I have already replaced the dam phone, but I am not giving up on the seemingly fubarred one.
Without sarcasm, thank you for your response and attempted assistance. I do appreciate it, despite what you feel about any prior comments.


Thank You, On Behalf of the Neversayits

Thanks everyone for all our contributions may it be a question that helps someone else or a roms that makes our phone walk on water.
Today I was switching my battery (*ebay 2 for 10 with charger) and my phone was starting back up but wouldnt get past the samsung glowing s. I searched the forums to see if anyone else had complaind about that kind of freeze or stuck and couldn't find anything.
So after an internal battle of should I post this to general or question. I settled on question but decided let me just see if I can fix it myself. I had never used odin before mind you just the one click root and the mods in my sig.
So I odin3'd to basic JF6. Did the start Odin hold volume buttons and plug in method. (PS if you think your phone is getting slow it prob is cause man is a fresh odin nice and snappy.) Once in I looked at my files and low and behold I found out Odin doesn't erase your internal memory card.
3 months of letting my phone run 3am Titanium Backups paid off!!!
Always back up your APPS!!!!
But to run Titanium I would have to root again, well hell go big or go home so I decided to go Cognition v2.2 beta 5.5 cause hell it has root and Titanium baked in with a Froyo chaser. It installed over Odin stand alone first shot. and ran titanium and now its re-installing all my apps and their data, But Not system data!, lol.
The most annoying part of all of this has been clicking Install, and Done for every app. (I'm getting the paid version after this, I owe them, but does the paid version skip this process?)
So I just wanted to say thank you everyone for your contributions. I am one of the people who reads almost every post but doesnt say much. But I thought A thank you and a happy outcome story was needed for the captivate boards rather than these annoying Im returning this, it doesnt work, help me cause Im lazy to search posts.
sounds like your doing well with your cappy
ooh and to answer the question the full paid Titbu skips the dreaded install process. best paid for app i bought so far. I will note that i had to go into preferences and change the app processing mode. figured that out on my own so no biggie there

G Tablet coming tomorrow...would like to get some things set straight. Thanks.

Hey all,
I'm getting my G Tablet tomorrow and I'd just like to get some things clarified.
I know, the first thing some will say is USE SEARCH! Well, I did - and that's actually why I just want to get some things straight before I go down the path of modifying the device software. See, reading it all has managed to confuse me more than help me get a definitive instruction set for forging ahead.
I'm seeing the update "****s on CWM" according to a user...and then a 'fix' for that. Than I see that Gapps causes FCs for some, while it works for others. So...yeah, a little back and forth on what to do and who's instructions to follow.
Alright, so first thing's first....Should I flash the Clockwork Mod that I'm seeing available - 0.8? or is there something else I should consider or that I've missed? or maybe wait for a newer version? Should I even flash CWM if I get the newest (and I WILL be getting the newest) S/W version? Are there any downsides at all to flashing CWM on there in terms of messing with OTA updates, etc?
I read this:
"All the ROMS use a standard firmware updater that can be used by non-technical users. Here is an explanation on how it works:...."
Sooo, does that mean I can live without CWM? If an update doesn't work for some reason, will I be able to fix it or overwrite it somehow if I can't get into the tablet at all from the tablet itself? I read something about going into APX mode and putting things on through Windows, is this an infallible method?
Second of all, I read the FAQ thoroughly (I think and hope) but I'm still not 100% on what Gapps to DL or how to put a working Android Market on there especially with this new S/W update. I've seen how to 'fix' the Market to see missing apps, but not how to actually install it on the G Tablet. I may have missed that post somewhere on here.
I'm also unclear if I should get Gapps or not at all, as I've read that some have FCs on there while others do not - so what's the general consensus in light of this update that was just released as of Dec. 21, 2010?
Ultimately, here is what I'd like from my GTab:
I'd like to run the new official Tapn'Tap released recently first and foremost.
I'd like to have the official/unofficial (w/e) Google Market.
I'd like to run Google Apps (Gtalk, Gmail, etc.).
IF I don't like Tapn'Tap, and this is a worse case scenario situation, as in if I HATE TnT - I'd like to have the option to slap something else on there and I'd like to make sure I don't brick my Tablet. Whether that means storing an original official TnT ROM or whatever.
Point me in the right direction please, especially considering things may have changed as of the new S/W update.
Thanks much and sorry for all the questions. I assure you I used search and I attempted to put it together on my own. It's been a long time since I've modded (G1 was the last time) and I don't do it often. Also, apologies if I posted this in the wrong section....I considered posting it in Dev. section but this one seemed better suited.
Thanks again, XDA rocks.
Neoprimal said:
Hey all,
I'm getting my G Tablet tomorrow and I'd just like to get some things clarified.
I know, the first thing some will say is USE SEARCH! Well, I did - and that's actually why I just want to get some things straight before I go down the path of modifying the device software. See, reading it all has managed to confuse me more than help me get a definitive instruction set for forging ahead.
I'm seeing the update "****s on CWM" according to a user...and then a 'fix' for that. Than I see that Gapps causes FCs for some, while it works for others. So...yeah, a little back and forth on what to do and who's instructions to follow.
Alright, so first thing's first....Should I flash the Clockwork Mod that I'm seeing available - 0.8? or is there something else I should consider or that I've missed? or maybe wait for a newer version? Should I even flash CWM if I get the newest (and I WILL be getting the newest) S/W version? Are there any downsides at all to flashing CWM on there in terms of messing with OTA updates, etc?
I read this:
"All the ROMS use a standard firmware updater that can be used by non-technical users. Here is an explanation on how it works:...."
Sooo, does that mean I can live without CWM? If an update doesn't work for some reason, will I be able to fix it or overwrite it somehow if I can't get into the tablet at all from the tablet itself? I read something about going into APX mode and putting things on through Windows, is this an infallible method?
Second of all, I read the FAQ thoroughly (I think and hope) but I'm still not 100% on what Gapps to DL or how to put a working Android Market on there especially with this new S/W update. I've seen how to 'fix' the Market to see missing apps, but not how to actually install it on the G Tablet. I may have missed that post somewhere on here.
I'm also unclear if I should get Gapps or not at all, as I've read that some have FCs on there while others do not - so what's the general consensus in light of this update that was just released as of Dec. 21, 2010?
Ultimately, here is what I'd like from my GTab:
I'd like to run the new official Tapn'Tap released recently first and foremost.
I'd like to have the official/unofficial (w/e) Google Market.
I'd like to run Google Apps (Gtalk, Gmail, etc.).
IF I don't like Tapn'Tap, and this is a worse case scenario situation, as in if I HATE TnT - I'd like to have the option to slap something else on there and I'd like to make sure I don't brick my Tablet. Whether that means storing an original official TnT ROM or whatever.
Point me in the right direction please, especially considering things may have changed as of the new S/W update.
Thanks much and sorry for all the questions. I assure you I used search and I attempted to put it together on my own. It's been a long time since I've modded (G1 was the last time) and I don't do it often. Also, apologies if I posted this in the wrong section....I considered posting it in Dev. section but this one seemed better suited.
Thanks again, XDA rocks.
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I don't know how much direction pointing I can do but here goes..
Clockwork mod in my opinion is a necessity. Version 0.8 is the best one for most people because of how it deals with the memory locations. Yes, you can do things without it. The update process is as simple as putting an update.zip file, and a recovery folder with a command file in it on an sdcard and holding the vol + button while hitting power. It is easy. Clockwork has a lot of little features though that make life easier. You can make a complete system backup with it. You can install updates, and new firmware with it. You can completely lock up your tablet and using clockwork and your backup be back in business in about 3-4 minutes. You can load new roms and if you hate them you can go back to your old working stuff in minutes. Yes, there are ways to make one of these tablets work again when they get stuck. I don't think anyone has actually bricked one. Some may think they have, but I doubt it.
Unless you are dead set on wanting the stock TnT interface the easiest way to get what you want is to load one of the roms. Yes, there are ways to get most of it without loading a new rom. Most everyone that has gone the I have to stay stock but want all the mods has eventually just loaded a rom. TnT3.0 is based on the latest stock stuff. It has the market, flash, etc. already in it. VegaN is what I use mostly but they are both stable and fast.
Before you flash something brand new that just came out I would read about it and see what others have to say about issues. It usually only takes about 30 minutes until you can tell if it is going to be good or not.
All of the roms for this tablet have there own little quirks. The stock has gotten better with each update but it still is not as good as the ones I named.
Finally.. This tablet is very easy to play with. It is pretty much unbrickable. Anything you can possibly break one of us has probably already broken before and fixed. There are some people that seem to have problems doing every little thing. Most don't. So I wouldn't let any of it scare you off because none of it is that hard.
With a little bit of searching almost everything you may want it to do can be done. I really love mine, and when I got it almost 2 months ago I hated it...
"Finally.. This tablet is very easy to play with. It is pretty much unbrickable. Anything you can possibly break one of us has probably already broken before and fixed. There are some people that seem to have problems doing every little thing. Most don't. So I wouldn't let any of it scare you off because none of it is that hard."
"Sigh" of relief. Then I'm not too worried. As I said I've dabbled in modifying my G1 and it is mostly cake. But I've just been seeing conflicting posts on whether cwm works with the newest official tnt release or not so I wasn't sure what to do.
Thanks for your advice. And when I said pointers, I meant like this as well as pointing me to any posts I may have missed on how to do whatever. Though I THINK I found most of them.
Neoprimal said:
"Finally.. This tablet is very easy to play with. It is pretty much unbrickable. Anything you can possibly break one of us has probably already broken before and fixed. There are some people that seem to have problems doing every little thing. Most don't. So I wouldn't let any of it scare you off because none of it is that hard."
"Sigh" of relief. Then I'm not too worried. As I said I've dabbled in modifying my G1 and it is mostly cake. But I've just been seeing conflicting posts on whether cwm works with the newest official tnt release or not so I wasn't sure what to do.
Thanks for your advice. And when I said pointers, I meant like this as well as pointing me to any posts I may have missed on how to do whatever. Though I THINK I found most of them.
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The new release overwrites clockwork. But it is not hard to put back. Always a good idea to copy the clockwork backups folder to your pc, or somewhere they won't be lost. The custom roms typically leave the recovery image alone and can be installed with or without clockwork by either extracting the zip contents for stock recovery, or installing it as is in clockwork.
Sprdtyf350 said:
Finally.. This tablet is very easy to play with. It is pretty much unbrickable.
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I can vouch for that. Erased system, boot, data and cache in preparation for a new ROM. Accidentally rebooted and couldn't get into recovery. Booted it into APX mode, flashed stock and was on my way.
I would just run ZRoot, then upload the TnTLite 3.0 recovery and update.zip and then do the recovery mode process. You should have a microsd handy just in case it doesn't work, but so far I haven't needed that.
This tablet is much easier to work with and very forgiving since VS never took the time to lock down the bootloader etc like Motorola did with my Droid X. You really shouldn't fear changing files out etc, provided you're getting a ROM from one of the people providing them here. If you can press and hold two buttons at once, you can make your gTab an awesome little tablet. It benchmarks about 1000 points higher than my Droid X on quadrant. Can't wait to see what these guys can do with Gingerbread.
Sprdtyf350 said:
The new release overwrites clockwork. But it is not hard to put back. Always a good idea to copy the clockwork backups folder to your pc, or somewhere they won't be lost. The custom roms typically leave the recovery image alone and can be installed with or without clockwork by either extracting the zip contents for stock recovery, or installing it as is in clockwork.
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It is also not hard to alter the update so that it does not overwrite clockwork.
Open update.zip
Find updater-script, Open in notepad++
Remove the line that references recovery.img
Flash update
hogasswild said:
I would just run ZRoot, then upload the TnTLite 3.0 recovery and update.zip and then do the recovery mode process. You should have a microsd handy just in case it doesn't work, but so far I haven't needed that.
This tablet is much easier to work with and very forgiving since VS never took the time to lock down the bootloader etc like Motorola did with my Droid X. You really shouldn't fear changing files out etc, provided you're getting a ROM from one of the people providing them here. If you can press and hold two buttons at once, you can make your gTab an awesome little tablet. It benchmarks about 1000 points higher than my Droid X on quadrant. Can't wait to see what these guys can do with Gingerbread.
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with the new update however does the z4root still work? i heard it may not anymore. just curious also since im hopefully getting mine on sat for xmas
rothnic said:
It is also not hard to alter the update so that it does not overwrite clockwork.
Open update.zip
Find updater-script, Open in notepad++
Remove the line that references recovery.img
Flash update
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Thanks for the info Rothnic! I had already flashed it before I figured out it removed Clockwork. Learning new stuff every day is good... Thanks..
dragonfly1113 said:
with the new update however does the z4root still work? i heard it may not anymore. just curious also since im hopefully getting mine on sat for xmas
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The very first time I rooted, I used ZRoot and installed 2.4.0. I didn't change anything and used the exact same process of simply copying over the 3.0.0 files over to the root directory of the internal memory and did the recovery procedure (vol+ and pwr keys). It worked like a charm.
hogasswild said:
The very first time I rooted, I used ZRoot and installed 2.4.0. I didn't change anything and used the exact same process of simply copying over the 3.0.0 files over to the root directory of the internal memory and did the recovery procedure (vol+ and pwr keys). It worked like a charm.
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Ok cool, thanks cant wait for my g tablet hopefully sat morning
I think you'll like it a lot. I also own an iPad. While they are similar they are also a little different. Merry Christmas!
hogasswild said:
I think you'll like it a lot. I also own an iPad. While they are similar they are also a little different. Merry Christmas!
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my mom has an ipad and my dad could only buy it while i was on my honeymoon bc he knew i wouldnt approve of an apple device in the house haha.
rothnic said:
It is also not hard to alter the update so that it does not overwrite clockwork.
Open update.zip
Find updater-script, Open in notepad++
Remove the line that references recovery.img
Flash update
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My device hasn't come yet (damn you FedEx!) but I'm eagerly awaiting it.
My plan:
Unbox, start it....do a factory reset from the getgo if it has enough juice.
Set it back up. Charge it to full. If whatever comes on it is as unbearable as I've seen in on Youtube - start modifications.
Will CWM install on it AFTER I do the update if it's available to me? I've seen that the update messes with it if it's already there - but noone's mentioned putting it on there after the fact. I may just go that route for simplicity sake.
Thanks for this!, and thank you all for chiming in with your experience. I feel much better about just getting my hands dirty in it all. I had wrote something to someone yesterday about jumping in and just doing it, but when it comes to dealing with it yourself it can be a daunting task - especially when it still has that new smell, lol. Anyway, thanks again. You guys really rock.
Will stop back later on after I've done my thing
I think they are both nice devices. There are trade off for both of them. I think the screen on the iPad is wonderful, where the gTab's is okay. But the gTab has a forward facing camera, you can print from it, and you can modify it fairly easily too.
Sprdtyf350 said:
Finally.. This tablet is very easy to play with. It is pretty much unbrickable.
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...famous last words...
Seriously though...trust the directions from the great devs like roebeet. Follow their instructions word for word. You can switch ROMs and then flash back if you want. No worries...
Off topic!
Well...disappointment! Fedex had my package out for delivery at 8am and at 8pm, they're not here. This is why I like UPS, they show up at my door on the day of delivery, no exceptions - they have shown up at almost 9pm before. The Archos 101 I got was sent out at 8am as well but got here at 1:30pm - I suppose that was before the holiday rush.
Checking the details of my tracking I'm seeing a "delivery exception" at 7:30pm (I guess it was time to get back to the facility so they can clock out by 8pm?) and upon calling them I get a somewhat stumbling but polite CS who tells me the delivery went out "late" - upon which I asked if 8am was considered late, especially from a distribution facility WITHIN the same zip code as I am, and all he could say was "Very sorry about this".
Aaaanyway....I guess it will be tomorrow before I can report my adventures.
Think I'll be able to get my $3.99 back from Amazon? I have Prime and with that the package would have come tomorrow anyway. Basically my $3.99 is wasted. Imagine if I didn't have Prime though? Whew.
ima_UNC_fan said:
...famous last words...
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If you can figure out how to brick it you will probably get an award.. It won't be a good award but probably one of those top ten dumb things people do awards. So far unless you plug the motherboard into a wall socket no one has bricked one. May think they have, but like I said before I doubt it..
And your right.. If it can be done, someone eventually will figure out how. And then we will all laugh at them.. At least I will
I finally got the G tablet tonight and...alright, don't flame me for this - but I don't see what all the complaints about the screen being horrendous or the device being molasses slow are about?
I don't know how people are trying to view it...but when looking at it or setting it on a stand to watch media, I'm not seeing any problem with the viewing angles. It's about the same as my laptop so I watch it the same way.
It's not even a 1/4 as slow as the stuff I've seen on Youtube or in some of the review videos I've seen around the net. I haven't gotten a single FC. Granted, I haven't put in a SD Card yet so maybe problems will start then?
I guess I should note, the very first thing I did was did a factory reset. Then I hooked it up to Wifi and got the 3053 update. I'm one of those who will be waiting for the 'official' update on the 24th.
I set up the time and date, restarted and everything works. I haven't installed flash yet (don't need it that much) and stuff that I DO want on there right now works fine (skype, pandora, fring, dropbox, evernote). I'm slowly figuring out a list of what I want/need from my Mytouch 4G to port to the VS GTab. Figure I don't really NEED Gtalk, Gmail on there because I have these on my phone AND PC - do I really want them making noises all around my home on 3 devices? I was concerned about getting the Google Apps on but now I'm finding I really don't need them. So it seems to me this will be a matter of learning to separate what I need on a tablet vs. my phone - I was of the mentality that I should just get whatever's on my phone on the tablet, this is something others apparently do as they seem to want everything that's on their phone, on their tablets as well.
I personally don't see the point in that. Had I had the Google Market, that would have escaped me as I'd have used Appbrain to just get my motherload of apps from the MT4G to the GTab. Not having it has slowed me, and now I get to re-evaluate before I do grab apps for it.
Now I just have to merge/convert my HTPC into a NAS device as well and find an app that will allow me to DLNA stream media from it and I'll be in mobile heaven.
I haven't had my wifi drop at all anywhere in my home and I've marched all over with it (I use full Wifi N, no G compat. so maybe my range is wider?). Tried email, etc. to replicate crashes and force closes but haven't so far. No surfing issues. I DID find that one app got 'stuck' being downloaded and I had to delete the file before the 'downloading' icon would go away, even after restart.
Maybe the trick to getting a workable GTab in the first place is to factory reset it before first use? Iunno. Things may change and issues may pop up the more I use it and as time passes - but so far, so good!
Again, I can't thank XDA enough for the advice and info. I've found and been given.
Sprdtyf350 said:
If you can figure out how to brick it you will probably get an award.. It won't be a good award but probably one of those top ten dumb things people do awards. So far unless you plug the motherboard into a wall socket no one has bricked one. May think they have, but like I said before I doubt it..
And your right.. If it can be done, someone eventually will figure out how. And then we will all laugh at them.. At least I will
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I figured it out. Accidentally hit one of the devkit nvflash .cabs and boom

[Q] com.Android.phone crashes after root Samsung Admire

Last week I rooted my primary phone, a Samsung Admire with Gingerbread 2.3.4. This was done only after successfully rooting my older LG Optimus T running Fryo. I had no trouble with either phone during the process. However, as of 2 days ago the Admire has had some troubles, namely that the phone function crashes when I press the send key. I get the error message stating “Sorry! The process com.android.phone has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again.” It will receive incoming calls but they cannot be answered and when I try, it crashes
I’ve spent much of the time since researching the problem to find the cause and it’s fix. In doing d\so I have read of multiple causes from screen resolution changes to attempted over clocking, which I have played with. I’ve read that there might be problems with the phones attempting to switch from 2g to 3g too rapidly, something this phone cannot do I believe.
I came to the conclusion, probably erroneously, that I needed to reset it back to factory and then reinstall apps and data out of the backup I made using Titanium Backup prior to the phones troubles. So I did so, doing the three button cocktail I’ve read about here on XDA Forums. After doing this, the problem persists. I’ve read some more becoming more baffled as I went along. So I tried to reroot the phone using one click root, and that was unsuccessful as well, no root. I then read that all I needed to do was to install Superuser from the Market. In attempting this I found my device was no longer recognized by Market and after going through their troubleshooting process it’s still unrecognized, Next I decided, also most likely erroneously to reset the phone again using the three button combo as before. This time I noticed at the bottom of the screen written in yellow, E: File is written: not updated
Also as a side note my phone currently says that there are 133MB available and after the reset(s) my bloat ware has not returned,
So that’s it. I seem to have deleted something that kills the phone app and prevents me from rooting. Other than those two things the phone is working well. However as it sits it’s merely a small Internet tablet with no phone capability. Can anyone help me out with this? And yes, I have read and read and read about it but clearly this is beyond my ability to fix on my own.
Hey, my skill level ranges between beginner and intermediate, but honestly in a situation like that I would odin back to stock. I have an epic 4g, so I have no idea what your download mode is or if you have one or if you have to use quick boot or fast boot? Its one of those. If **** ever hits the fan on me (Thank god it hasn't yet) I would odin to an old stock rom and root it and install a recovery and wipe and flash a ROM. Good luck I hope I helped and didn't sound like too much of a scrub.
Reached said:
Hey, my skill level ranges between beginner and intermediate, but honestly in a situation like that I would odin back to stock. I have an epic 4g, so I have no idea what your download mode is or if you have one or if you have to use quick boot or fast boot? Its one of those. If **** ever hits the fan on me (Thank god it hasn't yet) I would odin to an old stock rom and root it and install a recovery and wipe and flash a ROM. Good luck I hope I helped and didn't sound like too much of a scrub.
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I will research this Odin you mention as I have no clue as to what it is. Thanks, anyone else care to chime in?

Encryption Unsuccessful - Fixed

Due to the 10 post threshold I am unable to post in the "Samsung Captivate -
Captivate Android Development
[Guide] Encryption Unsuccessful - Reset Android [ICS Issue]" thread.
I have resolved this issue a couple months back.
So, due to the time that has gone by it is a little difficult to explain what I did.
Last night I reproduced the issue, but after a restore, I'm good as new.
So now I am compelled to post this here. Being a "noob" and like I said not able to completely remember what "exactly" was done to accomplish the fix.
I am willing to share any information you wish.
But in a nutshell, I flashed ( a ROM I can't remember at the moment, but I'm sure I will once I get down to it. at work and pressed for time, "lunch time" ) using Heimdall, then downloaded the rom "Imfinitum-blue-v1.1.0 to my external SD, ( using a 34 Gb SD card, seems that is the only card that I could use. From what I remember anyway. ) Mod version "aokp_galaxysmtd_milestone-4"
The kernel version currently being utilized on this device is "[email protected] #1.
Sorry for being so confusing, and vague, but I really wanted to get something out there. I see they are still working on a fix for this issue, I found this resolve before page 30, it's now at 57, and after recreating the issue and then resolving it after a restore.
So, ask any question you want and I will be happy to help.
Hope this helps.
Take care.
By "fixed" do you mean:
a) You have restored access to your INTERNAL sdcard?
b) You have used the emmc/sdcard swap method to use your external as the internal? (ie. your internal sdcard is still not useable)
It would help if you could mention whether your internal card is back in play. And esp. if you were able to access the data that was on there - ie. before you experienced the EU issue.
Or did using Heimdall wipe the internal sdcard - ie. yet you're now able to use the internal though?
Because this would save a lot of people's phones including mine, would be great if you post your steps so we can follow.
Take this with a grain of salt guys.
There is very little information in his post, which is his very first post. There is also no information about the process he used. I'm not sure what a 34gb SD card is. I believe the methods he alludes to have been tried by other members with no resolution.
I have a feeling he had a different issue or is just trying to get attention.
For all our sakes I hope I'm just rushing to judgement.
I guess what we want to know is, what have you done?
Say you just got the Enc Unsuccessful screen, turned off the phone and then what?
He's to shy to give anymore details.
Sent from my SGH-I897 using xda premium
yosup said:
By "fixed" do you mean:
a) You have restored access to your INTERNAL sdcard?
b) You have used the emmc/sdcard swap method to use your external as the internal? (ie. your internal sdcard is still not useable)
It would help if you could mention whether your internal card is back in play. And esp. if you were able to access the data that was on there - ie. before you experienced the EU issue.
Or did using Heimdall wipe the internal sdcard - ie. yet you're now able to use the internal though?
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I just duplicated the issue again, "no sdcard found"..etc... then using did a restore ("Semaphore CWM Recovery v5.5.0.4" by the way) restored the Captivate right back. After it boots I get "prepairing sdcard" then everything is back to normal.
Answer to "a." Yes, full access to both External and Internal drives. Also can mount and unmount all /system, /cache, /datadata, /sdcard, /data, /emmc.
Answer to "b." Sorry, can you elaborate on this. I'm just now sure what you mean by "swap"
You said: "It would help if you could mention whether your internal card is back in play. And esp. if you were able to access the data that was on there - ie. before you experienced the EU issue."
Now here it's difficult to say, I formatted and haphazardly (sorry, dumb I know!) flashed so many times attempting to get back control of this thing, I don't know. Google will restore my apps like before but I disabled this function. However it will detect application updates same 5 updated every time I restore it.
You said: "Or did using Heimdall wipe the internal sdcard - ie. yet you're now able to use the internal though?"
Damn!, I'm just not sure, I'm really sorry but I wish I would have THOUGHT of posting HERE before YESTERDAY!...
Now is there a log file I can send out? So people can see whats going on inside this thing. Like I said so much time has gone by, and once I was able to get the camera working and transfer apps to the external card, and all that I basically went numb and stopped messing around. And I would like to point out, that
"Encryption Unsuccessful" crap ( and knowing better, I DID press Restart by the way) started just a couple days before this thread started. So just to give you an example as to how long this frustration was. I became obsessed, I worked on this phone for most all my waking hours, and I'm sure some of you have, "dreamed" of possible fixes as well!.
If it wasn't for the 10 post threshold I could have been more help. I read every single post in this thread up to the point where I fixed the problem.
Had it all in my head at the time but when I found I couldn't post with-in the >>Encryption Unsuccessful<< thread?! I wasn't sure why.
I even started a separate identity ( Barney Fyfe ) thinking that would allow me to post something.
And from what I read at the time, I thought, rather understood it to mean that I was locked out by some Admin here... Or ?!
Sorry, really, I did not realize I had to get 10 or more posts >>here<<
You know I'm sure I can get details on pretty much exactly what I did. Right now I'm at work, so I'll need a little more time.
Wdustin1 said:
He's to shy to give anymore details.
Sent from my SGH-I897 using xda premium
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No just very busy. I just posted this yesterday!?
Wadda' ya want from me eh!?..............
swayjd said:
I guess what we want to know is, what have you done?
Say you just got the Enc Unsuccessful screen, turned off the phone and then what?
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Read my first reply.
I did so much to find a resolve, none of the suggestions I tried in the "Encryption Unsuccessful" thread worked at all by the way. didn't attempt EVERY suggestion, but a lot of them.
I'm going to attempt to get the horrifying memories back!
Oh, now here is an odd change in event, not sure if this is related or not but I just realized last night that the phone won't charge, using three different batteries, all fairly new, nor is it being recognized USB wise.
I have a couple other Captivates I'm now having to use to charge my batteries for this one.
It's like the micro usb is damaged?
I'm usually very careful on how I insert them, 4 different cables too. That all work with the other Captivate. It's bricked but does charge the battery.
It's a GT-19000.
Oh and I almost forgot!!
The Samsung Galaxy S SGH-897/Captivate I'm using is fairly new, the date code is " 1111 "
Red_81 said:
Take this with a grain of salt guys.
There is very little information in his post, which is his very first post. There is also no information about the process he used. I'm not sure what a 34gb SD card is. I believe the methods he alludes to have been tried by other members with no resolution.
I have a feeling he had a different issue or is just trying to get attention.
For all our sakes I hope I'm just rushing to judgement.
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RELAX! I'm not playing around.
It's comments like this that kept me from being more proactive in posting in the first place!
Good lord!!
See, now you could have waited at least another day before this flaming!
Losing interest in this now. I was trying to help.
- - - - - - - - -
Hey people, my name is Pat Doherty.
Because of this dork I'm about done. I Do not NEED this kind of thing. I got my own stresses to deal with these days. And don't need some immature nerd slamming my attempt at helping out here.
I can be reached if you put anything you want in front of patdoherty dot net.
my site patdoherty dot net.
You said:
"I'm not sure what a 34gb SD card is."
Really now!?
Are you serious!?
A SanDisk 32GB micro SD chip, "32gb" ( screen printed right on the chip ) = 32 gigabytes
Barney Fyfe said:
RELAX! I'm not playing around.
It's comments like this that kept me from being more proactive in posting in the first place!
Good lord!!
See, now you could have waited at least another day before this flaming!
Losing interest in this now. I was trying to help.
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but dude, you gave us nothing.
please as another noob could you post exact details of your discovery? like what you did to get the inscription unsuccesful to come up repeatably,and what did you do get your phone to access the internal memory? an what exactly did you flash to get it all to work
You brought up a fix to an issue that is getting very high attention right now. You were not able to tell people how to recreate the fix. People are looking for a scientific method (think repeatable steps) to fix this issue that is affecting quite a few people.
I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings. I've been watching the Encryption Unsuccessful thread for a very long time. I was stating only what I observed. There have been others who had suggested a similar fix, but it has not been repeatable.
You are a talented artist and obviously have alot going on. I hope for others' sake you can give them some steps to follow. If so, you may just be the "chosen one"
Barney Fyfe said:
It's comments like this that kept me from being more proactive in posting in the first place!
Losing interest in this now. I was trying to help.
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First of all, I'll commend you for sharing a positive outcome despite experiencing this dreaded issue. However, this is something being dicussed at the DEV thread level, which assumes a deeper level of detail than the average General or Q&A topic.
Serious people are giving serious consideration to the matter. Example, Woodrube is a well respected Vibrant / Transformer / Nook user, and he's invested a lot of time collaborating with Captivate users to pool our resources and build our knowledgebase here.
Whether you continue your participation is up to you. Hopefully your method will be a viable part of the discussion.
Barney Fyfe said:
I did so much to find a resolve, none of the suggestions I tried in the "Encryption Unsuccessful" thread worked at all by the way. didn't attempt EVERY suggestion, but a lot of them. I'm going to attempt to get the horrifying memories back!
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Barney Fyfe said:
You know I'm sure I can get details on pretty much exactly what I did. Right now I'm at work, so I'll need a little more time.
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Regardless how anxious we get, life always comes first. Take care of business. Just keep in mind that a lot of XDA veterans are putting their minds to this issue, and more details will help isolate the cause & effect. In general, details on your ROM, kernel, and any specifics would be helpful.
Barney Fyfe said:
I just duplicated the issue again, "no sdcard found"..etc
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By saying "duplicated the issue", we're all going to assume you encountered the "Encryption Unsuccessful" screen again. Do you recall any specific steps you took to "duplicate" this issue? Since you were able to duplicate it several times, people troubleshooting the issue will benefit to know how you induced the matter. The goal is to discover what actually triggers this. Then, we'll get closer to finding a resolution.
Were you using the phone at the time - ie. the EU randomly appeared? Did it just reboot on its own and result in a dimmed boot animation screen? After you hit "reset," did you simply go into recovery and perform a NANDROID restore? Was there anything specific you did after getting the EU screen? Battery pull, reboot into recovery, flash other roms or kernels, etc? Did you previously connect it to your PC using MTP?
Barney Fyfe said:
... then using did a restore ("Semaphore CWM Recovery v5.5.0.4" by the way) restored the Captivate right back. After it boots I get "prepairing sdcard" then everything is back to normal.
Yes, full access to both External and Internal drives. Also can mount and unmount all /system, /cache, /datadata, /sdcard, /data, /emmc.
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It seems you "resolved" your issue by simply doing a NANDROID restore via recovery. Was it really that simple? Or was there anything else (other roms or kernels flashed) prior to doing the restore.
If this is the case, then your experience starkly contrasts what most others have experienced - ie. no longer having access to the internal sdcard even in recovery (so a saved NANDROID backup wouldn't be accessible, etc).
Barney Fyfe said:
Answer to "b." Sorry, can you elaborate on this. I'm just now sure what you mean by "swap"
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The "swap" is the work around being used to swap emmc & sdcard in vold.fstab - ie. to then have the phone recognize the external sdcard as the internal (since the internal sdcard is no longer accessible for 99.9% of the others with this issue).
Barney Fyfe said:
Now here it's difficult to say, I formatted and haphazardly (sorry, dumb I know!) flashed so many times attempting to get back control of this thing, I don't know.
And I would like to point out, that "Encryption Unsuccessful" crap ( and knowing better, I DID press Restart by the way) started just a couple days before this thread started. So just to give you an example as to how long this frustration was. I became obsessed, I worked on this phone for most all my waking hours, and I'm sure some of you have, "dreamed" of possible fixes as well!.
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Everyone who's gone through this has experienced that same level of dread and anxiety. We can all relate.
Thanks for the nod my friend and I am still on the case but as you say life comes first.
There have been some developments in the SGSII threads that I'll post in the Dev thread.
Barney Fyfe said:
Due to the 10 post threshold I am unable to post in the "Samsung Captivate -
Captivate Android Development
[Guide] Encryption Unsuccessful - Reset Android [ICS Issue]" thread.
I have resolved this issue a couple months back.
So, due to the time that has gone by it is a little difficult to explain what I did.
Last night I reproduced the issue, but after a restore, I'm good as new.
So now I am compelled to post this here. Being a "noob" and like I said not able to completely remember what "exactly" was done to accomplish the fix.
I am willing to share any information you wish.
But in a nutshell, I flashed ( a ROM I can't remember at the moment, but I'm sure I will once I get down to it. at work and pressed for time, "lunch time" ) using Heimdall, then downloaded the rom "Imfinitum-blue-v1.1.0 to my external SD, ( using a 34 Gb SD card, seems that is the only card that I could use. From what I remember anyway. ) Mod version "aokp_galaxysmtd_milestone-4"
The kernel version currently being utilized on this device is "[email protected] #1.
Sorry for being so confusing, and vague, but I really wanted to get something out there. I see they are still working on a fix for this issue, I found this resolve before page 30, it's now at 57, and after recreating the issue and then resolving it after a restore.
So, ask any question you want and I will be happy to help.
Hope this helps.
Take care.
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thinks, I wanna try it on t959 with the EU bug.
USB problem
Hello, the same happens to me an hour ago. No charging no connection to computer but if the phone is powered off as soon as I connect the charger the phone boots up but no charge.
Captivate with CM9.
Barney Fyfe said:
Oh, now here is an odd change in event, not sure if this is related or not but I just realized last night that the phone won't charge, using three different batteries, all fairly new, nor is it being recognized USB wise.
I have a couple other Captivates I'm now having to use to charge my batteries for this one.
It's like the micro usb is damaged?
I'm usually very careful on how I insert them, 4 different cables too. That all work with the other Captivate. It's bricked but does charge the battery.
It's a GT-19000.
Oh and I almost forgot!!
The Samsung Galaxy S SGH-897/Captivate I'm using is fairly new, the date code is " 1111 "
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What the OP said seems more of luck.
B.S. ALERT!!!!
I cant believe i actually came back to this thread to waste my time again!!, reading a thread that is supposed to help fix a problem i am afflicted with, but is instead filled with A BUNCH OF [email protected]$%@# [email protected]#@#$T!!!!!
Dude, if want to help people you must understand that in order to do this you need to explain "exactly" what it is you are talking about. No one can trust your information based on your "belief" in it. Software is a very techinical thing, which means to explain it you need to speak in technical terms. If you cant do that, do some more reading. Otherwise you arent helping anyone but yourself....Thanks, but NoThanks.

[Q] Unkniwn issue rooting HTC Aria

Hi guys, I'm having a problem rooting an HTC Aria that I recently acquired, and I'm not sure how to search for my answer. I guess Ill try to explain what happen as best as I know, since some things happened so fast I have no idea exactly what happened. Its also worth mentioning that I have no experience rooting android phones, but I'm not an idiot, so please don't be afraid to help because you think Im gonna be waste of your time.
I used the tool unRevoked with Reflash to inflict the damage. Things seemed to be going great, in fact at one point it even said this was a triumph. Somewhere towards the very end, it looked as if it complained about not finding a file on the sd. It was so fast I couldn't read it because I was looking at the computer at that time. Im not surprised it didn't find the file it was looking for since I had no sd card installed. The tutorial/procedure that I read was very detailed, so detailed that he sometimes took a minute to make sure the reader knew to double click the file to open it, yet there was no mention of absolutely needing an sd card for it to work.
Now when I re-run reflash, when I get to the point where you have to choose HBoot USB, it wont ever let me pick it. It just forces me to pick Fastboot or one of the other ones, spits out several lines of green text that is way too fast to read, then gives you the option to pick HBoot again. It never leaves this menu now, not by way of reflash anyway. I can still unplug and reboot my phone , and operate it like normal, but reflash wont go past that recovery menu. I did a factory reset, that didn't help. I also picked recovery on that menu. I browsed the options, but Im afraid to make another move at this point without some input. If someone could please maybe tell me what happened and how to proceed I would be very grateful.
Thank you

