making the sidekick 4g an exclusively landscape phone- not avg questions - T-Mobile Sidekick 4G

what's up everyone, put smooth maximus on my sidekick about a week ago and it's been treating me great.
i've been interested in making the phone ONLY use landscape mode, which is possible through the "orientation control" app for our devices. only thing that annoys me about using this apk is that the lockscreen will still fall into portrait mode, and every time you slide the screen up to access the keyboard the screen 'reloads' itself.
i'm a little bit particular with the way my phone runs, and i'm wondering if there is any way to mod the phone to prevent it from reloading the screen when it slides open and whether it is possible to force the lockscreen into portrait.
thanks in advance for the help guys

theU1991 said:
what's up everyone, put smooth maximus on my sidekick about a week ago and it's been treating me great.
i've been interested in making the phone ONLY use landscape mode, which is possible through the "orientation control" app for our devices. only thing that annoys me about using this apk is that the lockscreen will still fall into portrait mode, and every time you slide the screen up to access the keyboard the screen 'reloads' itself.
i'm a little bit particular with the way my phone runs, and i'm wondering if there is any way to mod the phone to prevent it from reloading the screen when it slides open and whether it is possible to force the lockscreen into portrait.
thanks in advance for the help guys
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are you saying that it wont open in landscape even when your holding it that way?

no, it will open in landscape. but the lockscreen is never disabled from portrait mode, and whenever the screen is slid up (even when already in landscape mode) the screen will blink for a second and seemingly reload whatever i'm doing on the phone.

theU1991 said:
no, it will open in landscape. but the lockscreen is never disabled from portrait mode, and whenever the screen is slid up (even when already in landscape mode) the screen will blink for a second and seemingly reload whatever i'm doing on the phone.
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That's odd, iv never had that happen with the stock lockscreen, only with lockscreen replacement apps.
sent from my....WAIT THIS ISNT MY PHONE?

Go into settings and enable auto rotation after you have enabled landscape mode lock with Orientation Control.
That will resolve the issue.
This question has been answered previously. Try reading next time.

orange808 said:
Go into settings and enable auto rotation after you have enabled landscape mode lock with Orientation Control.
That will resolve the issue.
This question has been answered previously. Try reading next time.
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uhhhh, did you read my post? don't tell me to "try reading" when you don't have a grasp of what i'm asking. when did i say anything about not understanding how to use orientation control? i'm asking questions about the lockscreen and about the phone doing this reloading when the keyboard is opened. step off the high horse and learn to read before pompously telling others to...

U can't make it only landscape mode who would want that?
Sent from my SGH-T839 using XDA App

xtrem88 said:
U can't make it only landscape mode who would want that?
Sent from my SGH-T839 using XDA App
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well this phone was made to be nearly always used in landscape.

Android forces the phone the reload the screen resources with a hinge change. This cannot be changed. Additionally, this can be a source of memory leaks if you write quick and dirty code with globals...
I don't know of any version or mod of the Android OS that does not refresh the screen with a hinge change.
This refresh happens everytime you open and close your device. You only notice it on the lockscreen.

xtrem88 said:
U can't make it only landscape mode who would want that?
Sent from my SGH-T839 using XDA App
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ummmm....... me?

orange808 said:
Android forces the phone the reload the screen resources with a hinge change. This cannot be changed. Additionally, this can be a source of memory leaks if you write quick and dirty code with globals...
I don't know of any version or mod of the Android OS that does not refresh the screen with a hinge change.
This refresh happens everytime you open and close your device. You only notice it on the lockscreen.
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alright thanks for that info, wasn't sure if there was any code for it to prevent from doing this. guess i'll have to live with it. appreciate it!


Auto rotate to the left AND right

as of now, auto rotate for the JF updates and the droidsans app only allow us to rotate to the left.
is it at all possible to make it so the phone can be rotated to the right as well for us left handers? the blackberry storm has this feature and i thought it was pretty cool but im not sure if the g1 can support it.
I'd like to see something like that, too. Mostly because the phone won't stand on the left side on its own, but it will on the right.
yup, i like this idea
I'd quite like a way to lock (a toggle) the rotation too if at all possible, possibly from the menu, or maybe by pressing the camera button.
Use? When using at an angle such as laying in bed and you really want landscape mode without having the keyboard open. Also when you lay the g1 flat on a desk it can switch to portrait by accident.
darkflare said:
yup, i like this idea
I'd quite like a way to lock (a toggle) the rotation too if at all possible, possibly from the menu, or maybe by pressing the camera button.
Use? When using at an angle such as laying in bed and you really want landscape mode without having the keyboard open. Also when you lay the g1 flat on a desk it can switch to portrait by accident.
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that is an excellent suggestion!
erasedgod said:
I'd like to see something like that, too. Mostly because the phone won't stand on the left side on its own, but it will on the right.
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lol thanks for pointing this out. what a pos
yeah this would be a nice adition, but what i would like more is a keyboard over ride that forces the screen to landscape mode when he keyboard is open.
i would LOVE to see this happining on the G1 it would awesome !
i would like JF to see this and say what he thinks, and if its possible to do it, please do it =D
IIRC this isn't possible. When they originally unlocked the auto rotate feature it was stated that the os only had coordinates for 0 and 90 degrees. They would have to make extensive edits to the source to add 180 and 270 degrees for orientation. I know, that's a bummer dude.
Well I just found an app that rotates both ways... It's a game called "Wordzor Lite"
I'm pretty sure this shows that it CAN work but i have no idea how hard it would be to incorporate it into the home screen and such...
left-handed people are evil!
golferguy17 said:
Well I just found an app that rotates both ways... It's a game called "Wordzor Lite"
I'm pretty sure this shows that it CAN work but i have no idea how hard it would be to incorporate it into the home screen and such...
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No one is saying that it's not technically possible, we're just saying that the current state of autorotate is easy because Android is already set up to rotate when you open the keyboard, whereas there is nothing already in place for rotating the other direction.
erasedgod said:
I'd like to see something like that, too. Mostly because the phone won't stand on the left side on its own, but it will on the right.
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hey, you have made my day! i never realized that..
Hey guys. Not that I would ever want to take anything away from the amazing work of people like JesusFreke, and as someone who has never posted before...
Just to say that I am working on a slightly more stable auto-rotate patch for the kernel with exactly that feature of auto-rotate left. My intention is to make this selectable in three ways.
Right only
Left only
Both said:
Hey guys. Not that I would ever want to take anything away from the amazing work of people like JesusFreke, and as someone who has never posted before...
Just to say that I am working on a slightly more stable auto-rotate patch for the kernel with exactly that feature of auto-rotate left. My intention is to make this selectable in three ways.
Right only
Left only
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keep us updated
i know of several apps on the marketplace that already have this feature but would it be much different to get the whole OS to rotate?
...i'm guessing it would lol
Actually, its not so different. The bigest problem is stability. Trying to patch in a deliberate action for autorotate feature. Like people have said elsewhere it can be a little bit too sensitive. Should have first version available next week (unless I manage to brick it!)
Anything people want to chip in about autorotate whilst I'm patching it? I am not the worlds greatest programmer but I can usually get there.
I was just reading this thread and what came to mind was the Bubble app on the market. It does this but of course this is on a much smaller scale and not across the entire OS of the phone.
But the nice thing is that you can turn the phone end over end and the bubble rotates with it. Not sure if the Dev for that app is on here, or if you wanted to email him to see if he could provide a bit of insight to possibly assist.
right. i am still working hard on this. any suggestions as to what deliberate action you would like to force rotate? I have thought about an up/down flick then turn the direction you want.
the only problem with patching four-directional autorotate is that it creates interesting problems of when it is perfectly still, it still manages to rotate itself. ie, i left it still on the desk and it was happily rotating itself.
any suggestions from coders. also, is there a quicker way to compile than to recompile the whole stack? ie selective compiling?
cheers. said:
right. i am still working hard on this. any suggestions as to what deliberate action you would like to force rotate? I have thought about an up/down flick then turn the direction you want.
the only problem with patching four-directional autorotate is that it creates interesting problems of when it is perfectly still, it still manages to rotate itself. ie, i left it still on the desk and it was happily rotating itself.
any suggestions from coders. also, is there a quicker way to compile than to recompile the whole stack? ie selective compiling?
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instead of having a force rotate, can you implement a Lock Rotate instead?
That way you can rotate to the desired position, and lock it.
darkflare said:
instead of having a force rotate, can you implement a Lock Rotate instead?
That way you can rotate to the desired position, and lock it.
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or i could just do that! that would actually be a lot easier to code
I thought it might ~_^
How is the patch applied? if you need a tester give me a pm as i'd be interested in testing and providing feedback

How to setup/lock gNote to landscape mode?

So how can I lock gNote to landscape mode?
With Dell Streak I was used Orientation Lock Widget, with gNote it not work... :
(I use LauncherPro)
Also it would be nice to have the lock screen also in landscape mode...
Ok, I answer to myself. The Widget Locker solve the lock screen"problem".
I also calibrate the screen "upside down" so now the gNote stays landscape easily.
And yes, it´s not the best solution but it works...
I wanted to do some web browsing in landscape the other day while laying in bed and I decided to lock it in landscape, only to discover that it's impossible. I held the phone sideways, waited for the screen to rotate, pulled down the notification bar, and unticked the auto-rotate button. The screen quickly rotated back to portrait just before turning off auto-rotate! So I had to be careful of my orientation while I browsed the web.
I guess this is because they were too lazy to develop landscape homescreen functionality, so they tied up all loose ends that would lead to it.
I use orientation control. It works pretty well. You can also set it to go back to auto when you are done reading and the screen shuts off.
maxh said:
I wanted to do some web browsing in landscape the other day while laying in bed and I decided to lock it in landscape, only to discover that it's impossible. I held the phone sideways, waited for the screen to rotate, pulled down the notification bar, and unticked the auto-rotate button. The screen quickly rotated back to portrait just before turning off auto-rotate! So I had to be careful of my orientation while I browsed the web.
I guess this is because they were too lazy to develop landscape homescreen functionality, so they tied up all loose ends that would lead to it.
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Use maxthon browser.. its fast and smooth.. u can also lock it on landscape or portrait mode.. it asks u if u want to lock whenever the browser screen rotates..
mircury said:
I use orientation control. It works pretty well. You can also set it to go back to auto when you are done reading and the screen shuts off.
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Thank you very much! orientation control seems to work great! wohoo!
Does orientation control also let you put the homescreen into landscape?
I'm currently using dell streak and having landscape for a device this big is one of the best things about it.
I use nova launcher and it has an option in the settings
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
Rotation Locker works well, you can force "service" mode so it runs in the background and forces everything to landscape, and its free.
clarkk said:
Rotation Locker works well, you can force "service" mode so it runs in the background and forces everything to landscape, and its free.
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Even forces home screen to be landscape??
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA
I use this app called ROTATE.... works fine with G Note
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium

New and with a problem already...I think.

Hello, I'm new to this forum. I left the Blackberry (Bold 9900) world and jumped on board here. So far I LOVE my Mytouch 4g Slide!
I could have sworn that my "home" screen and "all apps" screen would rotate when I turned it sideways without having to slide my phone open. Now it doesn't. I first noticed it when I opened up my Netflix app. I turned the phone sideways to search for a movie and the screen would not rotate. It only rotated when the movie played.
Do your phones rotate on the home screen/all apps screen without sliding it open?
Please help, it's bugging the heck out of me.
Whoops I thanked you lol.
Some apps allow landscape mode, and some don't.
In addition, auto rotate allows your sensor to make the screen turn when it's on its side. Check the settings. (Settings > Display, I think). Hope this helps.
mine actually rotates when the keyboard is closed and doesn't when the keyboard is open, which is quite logical and the correct behaviour i think
Does your MT4GS do this too???
verne2k said:
mine actually rotates when the keyboard is closed and doesn't when the keyboard is open, which is quite logical and the correct behaviour i think
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That's strange. I wonder why that is. So yours rotates the home screen and "all apps" screen when turned sideways?
I am sure that my auto-rotate feature works because when I open certain apps, say, the Gallery where I have all my pictures stored, I can turn it sideways to the left or right and it will rotate accordingly.
It is only when I try to rotate the Home screen and All Apps screen that I could have sworn would rotate too.
Any help on getting this back the way it should would be greatly appreciated.
Doo Wop Mario
ekoee said:
Whoops I thanked you lol.
Some apps allow landscape mode, and some don't.
In addition, auto rotate allows your sensor to make the screen turn when it's on its side. Check the settings. (Settings > Display, I think). Hope this helps.
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I checked my Auto Rotate settings and they've always been on. I unchecked it and then rebooted and then checked it again and it still didn't work. Not sure why.
Nope, if you're on the stock ROM (As far as I remember, considering I haven't been on stock since the first ROM came out and I've refused to use the stock launcher anyways) orientation won't change on the "Home" screen unless you slide the keyboard open. Correct me if I'm wrong. Personally, I turn rotation off because it sometimes gets annoying. You could always try a different launcher though, I'm pretty sure ADW and Go Launcher rotate on any keyboard condition.
The app Orientation Control works well if you want your display to stay in a particular orientation all the time. Costs a buck or two in the market, and the main thing it messes up is the camera when you want to take a picture, but you can always switch it back to 'auto rotate' in those cases.
overhauling said:
Nope, if you're on the stock ROM (As far as I remember, considering I haven't been on stock since the first ROM came out and I've refused to use the stock launcher anyways) orientation won't change on the "Home" screen unless you slide the keyboard open. Correct me if I'm wrong. Personally, I turn rotation off because it sometimes gets annoying. You could always try a different launcher though, I'm pretty sure ADW and Go Launcher rotate on any keyboard condition.
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Yeah, I'm on stock ROM. I like the rotation feature for now, and was just wondering why it would work on some screens and not on others. I thought that was a default feature.
At least I know I'm not losing my mind. I really did believe it used to rotate the Home screen and All Apps screen without sliding it open.
I guess one thing I can try is going into a T-Mobile store and testing out their phone there to see if it rotates.
Thanks everyone!
doowopmario said:
Yeah, I'm on stock ROM. I like the rotation feature for now, and was just wondering why it would work on some screens and not on others. I thought that was a default feature.
At least I know I'm not losing my mind. I really did believe it used to rotate the Home screen and All Apps screen without sliding it open.
I guess one thing I can try is going into a T-Mobile store and testing out their phone there to see if it rotates.
Thanks everyone!
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Never did for me in the stock Sense launcher on the app drawer or home screens, unless sliding out the keyboard. I made a reference to that in the tv-out thread back when I first got the phone in august.
It works everywhere else, and you could just use another launcher to have it happen on those two screens.
I'd like to enable that functionality in Rosie - i'm not sure why it's like that and it's puzzled me for months.
I dunno, personally, I turn off auto rotation all the time. If I want to view anything in landscape, I just slide the keyboard open. Just my preference, though.
I really like a free app called auto rotate switch. It gives you a button in the status bar that you can click to turn on and off auto rotation. I've used it since my first android phone, but have never used it with this one.
Sent from my RubiX CubeD XtremE MT4GS using Tapatalk

[Q] Phone not going into landscape in dock

Hey guys, I bought the One X Hyperion dock for $19 on amazon, and every time i put my phone in it it stays in portrait and will not go into landscape mode. Has anyone else had this issue with this dock, or any other dock for that matter? Any ideas?
Thank you in advance.
punkydudey101 said:
Hey guys, I bought the One X Hyperion dock for $19 on amazon, and every time i put my phone in it it stays in portrait and will not go into landscape mode. Has anyone else had this issue with this dock, or any other dock for that matter? Any ideas?
Thank you in advance.
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Sense doesn't auto rotate your home screen unless you force it with an app like this
When you launch it, long press "Auto" and it will run a background service that forces things (everything) to auto rotate even if they REALLY don't want to.
stnguyen09 said:
Sense doesn't auto rotate your home screen unless you force it with an app like this
When you launch it, long press "Auto" and it will run a background service that forces things (everything) to auto rotate even if they REALLY don't want to.
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Stnguyen09 thank you for this, it seems to sorta work, I can get everything to go into landscape now in the dock except for the lockscreen. The lockscreen still stays in portrait view which sucks because that is the default screen my device goes to after it has been idle. Any ideas? Have you been able to force the lockscreen into landscape view while in a dock?
Thanks again

Always on Display Landscape Mode

I decided to open this thread due to the fact that the Galaxy s7 Edge Always on Display does not recognize/rotate in landscape mode when the screen is off.
For some it may not matter. For others it will. For me it matters.
Now I was able to achieve landscape mode on my Lockscreen
Adding these two lines to build.prop:
Also I achieved Landscape on my launcher with Nova Launcher, then in settings, look and feel I enabled auto rotate.
As for the always on Display I have not been able to find any information.
If anyone has any information on the subject it would be greatly appreciated.
Demonstration video below (YouTube):
Leonidas87 said:
I decided to open this thread due to the fact that the Galaxy s7 Edge Always on Display does not recognize/rotate in landscape mode when the screen is off.
For some it may not matter. For others it will. For me it matters.
Now I was able to achieve landscape mode on my Lockscreen
Adding these two lines to build.prop:
Also I achieved Landscape on my launcher with Nova Launcher, then in settings, look and feel I enabled auto rotate.
As for the always on Display I have not been able to find any information.
If anyone has any information on the subject it would be greatly appreciated.
Demonstration video below (YouTube):
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How can i activate auto rotation to landscape mode in touchwiz? Not only in a app
Skickat från min SM-G935F via Tapatalk
hasek82 said:
How can i activate auto rotation to landscape mode in touchwiz? Not only in a app
Skickat från min SM-G935F via Tapatalk
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Not sure just yet. This method does not work with touchwiz unfortunately.
At one point I could rotate my display in any direction (even upside down) and always on display, as well as touchwiz, would rotate. For some reason that no longer works. I guess a bug gave me what I wanted for a bit. The camera app can be used upside down and you can temporarily use the phone upside down after closing the camera app but it doesn't seem to effect Always On Diaplay. I want to use my phone as an alarm clock on a stand, preferably in landscape so this is a disappointment.
gdude2307 said:
At one point I could rotate my display in any direction (even upside down) and always on display, as well as touchwiz, would rotate. For some reason that no longer works. I guess a bug gave me what I wanted for a bit. The camera app can be used upside down and you can temporarily use the phone upside down after closing the camera app but it doesn't seem to effect Always On Diaplay. I want to use my phone as an alarm clock on a stand, preferably in landscape so this is a disappointment.
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I'm sure all in due time and if we all spread the word and gain interest we can make this happen. Just have to figure out the proper resources and direction to take to remedy the issue.
Would be nice if samsung just enabled rotation support for always on display and Lockscreen.
I'm using
For autorotate. Works for touchwiz and lockscreen.
Unfortunately not for Always on screen
kingchris said:
I'm using
For autorotate. Works for touchwiz and lockscreen.
Unfortunately not for Always on screen
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Haha I use to use that a long time ago. Really brings me back to see that app.
Leonidas87 said:
Haha I use to use that a long time ago. Really brings me back to see that app.
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Me too. Used this app in the past with my s3/s4 and my first mirrorlink radio
Under display turn Always on off and try turning on night clock I like it better than always on
the night clock is to dark at daylight
I've developed an android app for bringing Always On to all android devices with AMOLED screens. It's called "Always On: Ambient Clock" . And it does support landscape mode.
I can't post a link now since I have only 5 posts but you can search for it on Play Store.
Needs the ability for everything being displayed to move random after about a minute. For it to stay stationary is not good for the display.
Also it prevents the wave to wake feature from working on samsung devices.
Needs some work.
Leonidas87 said:
Needs the ability for everything being displayed to move random after about a minute. For it to stay stationary is not good for the display.
Also it prevents the wave to wake feature from working on samsung devices.
Needs some work.
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Hi, I just pushed an update for fixing burn-in issue.
I don't think it's possible to add the wave to unlock feature as the proximity sensor is used to detect if the device is in pocket or flipped.
Sent from my SM-N920C using XDA-Developers mobile app
Turki Alkhateeb said:
Hi, I just pushed an update for fixing burn-in issue.
I don't think it's possible to add the wave to unlock feature as the proximity sensor is used to detect if the device is in pocket or flipped.
Sent from my SM-N920C using XDA-Developers mobile app
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I think if you set a slight delay for in pocket detection may help. Or make it less sensitive, it goes black if I just hover my hand over the screen. Should be a delay or less chance of accidently enabling it.
Samsung has it on the s7 edge that you can have pocket detection and wave to wake.
Must be a way around it.
What is the font of the Samsung default clock?
Thanks in advance
Figured out a workaround.
I realize this post is almost a year old but I have discovered a workaround, at least for the Photo Frame option of the Always On Display. If you make a separate album in your photo gallery with your pictures ROTATED to landscape orientation, and then assign that specific album, it will work.
nice app - just installed it -anyone know if the battery usage / screen burnin issues on this are better / worse than the s8 always-on?
I really appreciate the landscape - hate in the middle of the night the night to see it sideways
Found a way if your rooted
Leonidas87 said:
I decided to open this thread due to the fact that the Galaxy s7 Edge Always on Display does not recognize/rotate in landscape mode when the screen is off.
For some it may not matter. For others it will. For me it matters.
Now I was able to achieve landscape mode on my Lockscreen
Adding these two lines to build.prop:
Also I achieved Landscape on my launcher with Nova Launcher, then in settings, look and feel I enabled auto rotate.
As for the always on Display I have not been able to find any information.
If anyone has any information on the subject it would be greatly appreciated.
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If you are rooted and have Xposed installer go ahead and get gravity box and enable lock screen rotation it should work it worked for me on my Galaxy S6

