Alright. I work at a mall kiosk and get bored really quickly and enjoy listening to music. But with the g1 I can't play music through my g1. Well, I remembered that the iPhone (please don't stone me) had a glitch to where you could play your music through the bluetooth as long as there was an active call.
So what I did was call my voicemail, put it on hold, and opened up the music application. I found it worked for a bit, but soon got disconnected.
So my thoughts were... Can anyone exploit this and get it to work. I know a lot of people would enjoy being able to do this, and the whole disconnecting thing is a barrier we need to tear down (until cupcake). Any ideas?
That is quite interesting! haha...i have not run across this glich before although it would be quite useful!
Yeah. Temporarily I called my girlfriend, who has T-Mobile as well, and told her I was putting her on hold to listen to music lol. And so far, it works. Hopefully someone can come up with a solution until cupcake comes out. An official release at least. I'm dying without my music.
I think the "glitch" is the fact that the iphone and v1 android only support HFP(?) Bluetooth. Basically only the hands free calling profile unless you flash a v1.5 build (haykuro/dudes) you don't have AVDP (?) and AVRCP (?) profiles that are used for stero playback and playback cntrol. Please excuse me if i screwed up some of the profile abreviation i'm just working from memory.
this is why we have the haykuro builds...
with the haykuro builds u can use stereo bluetooth
My builds work with a2dp as well.
Well I haven't gotten around to buying a stereo bluetooth yet and wearing a stereo bluetooth during work seems very unprofessional. I am currently using a jawbone 2
Stereo Bluetooth is pretty much one of the main reasons i use a 1.5 build. This is the one i bought from newegg, Plantronics Voyager 855. Wireless music + BuddyRunner + my iarmband to hold my phone = great workout. =)
clashofhope said:
Well I haven't gotten around to buying a stereo bluetooth yet and wearing a stereo bluetooth during work seems very unprofessional. I am currently using a jawbone 2
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I have a Jawbone 2 as well, and while I LOVE the headset, I'm bummed that it doesn't support A2DP.
neonstorm said:
I have a Jawbone 2 as well, and while I LOVE the headset, I'm bummed that it doesn't support A2DP.
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Jawbone 2 is great. If they ever come out with jawbone 3 with a2dp, i'll be the first in line.
I might have posted in the wrong thread earlier but I couldnt find any way of trouble shooting my bluetooth headset. I have a plantronics discovery 925. I can play music while on a call but thats it. is there something im missing? i flashed the latest radio and i have had haykuro hr3 build and jf1.5 builds. everything else seems to work fine. can any of you help? thanks.
First off I'm not sure if this is the right forum for this and I also searched for the past few days and have had no luck finding anything much on this. Most stuff I come accross is talking about the phone having a built in fm transmitter that doesn't work - blah blah blah. So here goes, I'm now on Paul's Froyo ROM and for the first time decided to try using the phone for playing music in my car thru a wired fm transmitter and it was not good. I now have three fm transmitters (2 I bought and the final one my brother gave me his that he used to use in his car with no problems) all give me the same results which is it seems okay playing through parts of songs that don't have much bass but once bass starts to hit it gets all awful stattic sounding and the Stereo (ST) indicator on my radio blinks so somehow the sound quality goes all bad. I've narrowed it down to obviously being something with the phone somehow cause I've tried with iPhones and another MP3 player and they (FM transmitters) work perfectly. I've also tried it with IntersectRaven's and CM's kernels for Froyo to see if the kernels might make a difference and no luck. So my question is, is this a known issue with the N1 or is this an issue with Froyo and isn't the case with say CM, anyone with experience can shed some light? Was thinking to go back to CM but after seeing all the threads of the issues in doing so decided not to but if this is not the case with other ROMs then it would make me switch back until a official Cyanogenized Froyo is out. If this is the wrong forum then my apologies and Dev's plz move to correct forum.
Update: I've messed with it some more and have been able to get it to play fine with Pershoots kernel but I have to turn down the media volume to approximately 70%. So it seems to me that with the media volume up all the way it must be drawing too much power or something from the headphone jack to make the output all distorted. I haven't tried with IntersectRaven's kernel to say if I get the same result since I'm just happy the darn thing works now. I'll also do a post in the Develoment forum linking to this in case anyone there may want to investigate this issue.
Sounds to me like every experience I've ever had with every FM transmitter. They just don't transmit loudness or bass well. I don't think it's the phone, I think its the FM Transmitter technology.
edit: could just be the volume boost or something on the specific kernel (not even sure if the kernel's you are talking about have a volume boost) but that may increase the max volume out and cause the problem.
derfasaurus said:
Sounds to me like every experience I've ever had with every FM transmitter. They just don't transmit loudness or bass well. I don't think it's the phone, I think its the FM Transmitter technology.
edit: could just be the volume boost or something on the specific kernel (not even sure if the kernel's you are talking about have a volume boost) but that may increase the max volume out and cause the problem.
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yes exactly, try a vanilla kernel and see how that plays out... I am curious of your findings...
Kman Gymrat said:
First off I'm not sure if this is the right forum for this and I also searched for the past few days and have had no luck finding anything much on this. Most stuff I come accross is talking about the phone having a built in fm transmitter that doesn't work - blah blah blah. So here goes, I'm now on Paul's Froyo ROM and for the first time decided to try using the phone for playing music in my car thru a wired fm transmitter and it was not good. I now have three fm transmitters (2 I bought and the final one my brother gave me his that he used to use in his car with no problems) all give me the same results which is it seems okay playing through parts of songs that don't have much bass but once bass starts to hit it gets all awful stattic sounding and the Stereo (ST) indicator on my radio blinks so somehow the sound quality goes all bad. I've narrowed it down to obviously being something with the phone somehow cause I've tried with iPhones and another MP3 player and they (FM transmitters) work perfectly. I've also tried it with IntersectRaven's and CM's kernels for Froyo to see if the kernels might make a difference and no luck. So my question is, is this a known issue with the N1 or is this an issue with Froyo and isn't the case with say CM, anyone with experience can shed some light? Was thinking to go back to CM but after seeing all the threads of the issues in doing so decided not to but if this is not the case with other ROMs then it would make me switch back until a official Cyanogenized Froyo is out. If this is the wrong forum then my apologies and Dev's plz move to correct forum.
Update: I've messed with it some more and have been able to get it to play fine with Pershoots kernel but I have to turn down the media volume to approximately 70%. So it seems to me that with the media volume up all the way it must be drawing too much power or something from the headphone jack to make the output all distorted. I haven't tried with IntersectRaven's kernel to say if I get the same result since I'm just happy the darn thing works now. I'll also do a post in the Develoment forum linking to this in case anyone there may want to investigate this issue.
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what you are describing is quiet normal if you drive the input of the fm transmitter too hard. You even found out the solution; lower the volume.
Yeh, but the thing that was baffling me was that the iPhones I tried worked fine with volume blasted and so did a MP3 player and that was with 3 different FM transmitters. I originally thought it was the transmitter so that's why I ended up buying another one to try then asking my brother for his which I know he used to have running with no issues. But after thinking about it for a while and searching some more I found posts in the kernel threads about audio boost so that's what made me think to turn the volume on the phone down.
Would like to try a vanilla kernel if you can link me to where to find one that's compatible with Froyo.
And actually I think I'm using CM's Froyo kernel but from what I understand it has pretty much the same tweaks as Pershoot's. Also need to go back to IntersectRaven's and try again with the vol down a bit but I don't have enough battery life left to feel comfortable flashing it.
For the FM-transmitter that I use in my car it's actually stated in the manual that you should keep the volume at about 50% on the device as to not ruin the sound. So I guess this is quite normal and just means you have to adjust the volume on the car stereo a bit.
Kman Gymrat said:
Yeh, but the thing that was baffling me was that the iPhones I tried worked fine with volume blasted and so did a MP3 player and that was with 3 different FM transmitters. I originally thought it was the transmitter so that's why I ended up buying another one to try then asking my brother for his which I know he used to have running with no issues. But after thinking about it for a while and searching some more I found posts in the kernel threads about audio boost so that's what made me think to turn the volume on the phone down.
Would like to try a vanilla kernel if you can link me to where to find one that's compatible with Froyo.
And actually I think I'm using CM's Froyo kernel but from what I understand it has pretty much the same tweaks as Pershoot's. Also need to go back to IntersectRaven's and try again with the vol down a bit but I don't have enough battery life left to feel comfortable flashing it.
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All kernels are compatible with froyo, just go to the kernels thread and find a sock one
Hey guys,
I've just got droid charge last week and I like everything about it (only after rooting and installing Gummycharged), but there is one huge problem for me. Well, it might be 2, but one of them is slightly better with Gummycharged and voodoo lagfix.
Here's the issue - I love listening to music in my car through bluetooth and until recently I've been using my Ipod touch 4g and it has been working flawlessly and music quality was great. Now, once I got the Droid Charge, I've noticed 2 things - every minute or 2 the songs would skip (interrupt), and the sound quality was pretty terrible (mainly with the high end - sounded like tweeters were being overloaded).
Rooting the phone helped with skipping - it now happens once in 10 minutes or so, so that's acceptable, however the sound quality is still pretty horrible. I've looked around on these forums and people had similar issues with quality with their stock phones and most people suggest CyanogenMod. I'm not all that familiar with what different ROMs are available for Charge, but as far as I can tell this one isn't. Does anyone know if there is way to fix/configure the quality of bluetooth transmission on this phone? Is there any mod I can install? Anyone having similar issues?
Any help is much appreciated!
FuriousOne said:
Hey guys,
I've just got droid charge last week and I like everything about it (only after rooting and installing Gummycharged), but there is one huge problem for me. Well, it might be 2, but one of them is slightly better with Gummycharged and voodoo lagfix.
Here's the issue - I love listening to music in my car through bluetooth and until recently I've been using my Ipod touch 4g and it has been working flawlessly and music quality was great. Now, once I got the Droid Charge, I've noticed 2 things - every minute or 2 the songs would skip (interrupt), and the sound quality was pretty terrible (mainly with the high end - sounded like tweeters were being overloaded).
Rooting the phone helped with skipping - it now happens once in 10 minutes or so, so that's acceptable, however the sound quality is still pretty horrible. I've looked around on these forums and people had similar issues with quality with their stock phones and most people suggest CyanogenMod. I'm not all that familiar with what different ROMs are available for Charge, but as far as I can tell this one isn't. Does anyone know if there is way to fix/configure the quality of bluetooth transmission on this phone? Is there any mod I can install? Anyone having similar issues?
Any help is much appreciated!
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Have you looked at this thread? It's more about disconnections, but the fix they list might help you, too.
chadness said:
Have you looked at this thread? It's more about disconnections, but the fix they list might help you, too.
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Thanks, but the problem is more fundamental, I suppose. Looks like HTC and Samsung use some custom bluetooth code in their ROMs. Apparently it limits the bitpool value at 32, which makes the audio quality terrible over bluetooth. Surprisingly, everyone knows what the problem is but so far the only reported solution is the cyanogenmod.
Here's more about it:
Wow, nasty and long standing! Glad I didn't buy one of those headsets like I was going to. *sigh*
Hey guys,
I'm running GummyCharged 1.85 w/ the voodoo kernel (pbj) and also getting skips over bluetooth to my car stereo. It's seriously distracting and annoying. My Droid 2 worked flawlessly in this respect, but it seems like any time the Charge does any "thinking" it makes the BT audio skip.
Any hope of a fix for this?
My Charge is stock and I haven't had a chance to try the bluetooth audio streaming yet, but when I plug my phone into my car to listen to music through the aux jack it does the same thing, about once every song it skips. Seems odd. I'll try bluetooth today on my way to school and see what happens. You'd think with Bluetooth 3.0 on board the signal would be strong enough to stream decent quality music...
I can confirm this issue is there and in your face a lot. I tried it on the way to school (about a 40 minute ride), it skipped once or twice every few minutes, no big deal. The quality was acceptable for wireless transfer, nothing to write home about. Not a lot of low end, and just a hint of static and slightly over-boosted highs. However I tried it again on the way home once I realized I had forgotten my aux cable, and it skipped so often I just switched to FM. It was so annoying. I can confirm your suspicions that it seems to happen when the phone is trying to do something. Switching towers, background apps, turning on data and checking traffic with Google Maps really freaked it out, but it was fine once I was done. Kinda sucks for those who wish to use the feature regularly.
I have a droid charge, and the bluetooth streaming quality really sucks, like the OP pointed out, highs are really bad.
Tried with my friends iphone and it worked flawlessly.
CyanogenMod is still unavailable for the droid charge as far as I can tell.
Is there any other fix that anyone has found that will fix the bluetooth sound quality when streaming music?
Any help or places to look is appreciated.
i am about to upgrade to an android device and the big reason i may shy away from the infuse is because it doesnt seem to have A2DP for bluetooth. i listen to podcasts all night at work on BT headset.
so my question, is there any way to get A2DP on the Infuse, or is this a hardware issue? it seems like hardware to me, but i have my fingers crossed that this may be possible. or is there any way to get the podcasts to play on my BT headset without A2DP? i just want to avoid spending $50+ bucks on a new headset.
In stock configurations, A2DP is there. Not sure why you would think otherwise. Even CM7/MIUI have A2DP sort of working, it just skips like mad.
LinuxBozo said:
In stock configurations, A2DP is there. Not sure why you would think otherwise. Even CM7/MIUI have A2DP sort of working, it just skips like mad.
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so in this case is the infuse a better device than the HTC Inspire? since i can change just about anything as far as software goes, shouldnt i make my choice based on hardware specs?
Pardon if this has been answered already, I simply did not find my exact question answered.
I am using my unmodified Nexus 5 (not even rooted), with the latest KitKat (v.4.4.2 build KOT49H) with quite a few wired and wireless headsets and people always complain they cannot hear me. Eventually I got my hands on an old Samsung Galaxy S2 and tried my best bluetooth headset with it: Imagine my surprise, I could hear myself quite clearly even when I was talking really really softly, barely above a whisper. My headset is excellent. My phone is not.
My questions revolve around what to do about it.
Nothing in KitKat allows me to adjust the bluetooth microphone gain, nor does it let me use an equalizer on my microphone. I can adjust the volume of the headset, but this does not do anything to the microphone gain.
Question 1: am I the only person with this problem?
Question 2: what do you people do about it?
Question 3: are there any mods / custom ROMs out there that attempt to fix this problem? Google does not appear to be interested in doing so.
Thanks in advance!
Any ideas? I have tried re-pairing my bluetooth headset - no go. I have tried flashing custom ROMs and kernels - no go again. It seems to be a problem with the phone, but I have no idea how to fix it. And Google searches always return other people having this problem. Noone with solutions, though.
Using a wired headset results in even worse results, if that were at all possible.
Has anyone tried to replace the bluetooth stack or driver with something that works?
Yesterday I spent quite a few hours tinkering with my phone. I tried every last radio out there for the Nexus 5 and none had any effect on bluetooth microphone levels. Then I tried a few AOSP ROMs: CM11 and Omni. They turned out to be so closely related I might as well have just tried one. None had any effect on bluetooth microphone. Heck if CM11 doesn't do it, there really are no alternatives out there! I tried the FauxAudio tweak, even paid $2 to Faux, which successfully managed to do nothing: app didn't was written badly. Finally, I tried a bunch of volume boost tweaks. That worked, actually. That is, it boosted the wrong volume. Finally, in a moment of true and utter desperation, I opened an ADB shell and edited that mixer file by hand. I then discovered that microphone gain on bluetooth is not controlled there.
I tried all my wired headsets again: Etymotic HF3's microphone produces such an atrocious sound, if I am to rely on it I need to seriously consider becoming a mime. Then there were my Bose QC15 headphones with a remote cable for Android by some off-brand company: that was terrible, the cable is useless. Heck, not even mime lessons can help me there.
Eventually I chanced upon an old microphone cable for my QC15 headphones. Just microphone, no remote. Surprisingly, this one is loud and clear! That after being anything but loud or clear on my old cell phone. Interesting. Unfortunately, it's been out of production for a few years. My working theory is that Bose realized putting a decent microphone on expensive headphones gives people real value, makes them spend money, and that way lies madness. We can't have that, can we. So when that cable starts cutting, so does my use of this cell phone.
I am screwed.
In any case, I will stop bumping my own thread, you guys obviously don't know a solution or there would have been a lively conversation right now. And I am pretty sure there is a moderator or two frowning right now, possibly getting ready to throw an encyclopedia at me. My only hope is that Google is going to do something about that pesky Broadcom driver that doesn't work sometime before the mass exodus to the iPhone. And before my precious microphone cable stops working, or I will be leading the way for that exodus. It's a phone, damnit, if it doesn't work like one it's no good.
Hmmm.... it should be possible to wire a good lavalier mike on a cell phone cable... maybe I can get an op-amp from an old tape recorder to get decent amplification... When attaching a 9V battery on my headphone cable begins to look appealing, we really have a problem.
Yes, if nobody reply you is because no one can help u.
But for what it's worth, i had an Xperia Play for 2 years. Using an Motorola Bluetooth Headset H350 while driving and a MW600 Sony Ericsson Stereo Bluetooth Headset, both never had a problem.
Now from 2013 Christmas both headsets with my new N5: still never a problem and not noticing any low volume or mic. Sorry
same issue
Dany XP said:
Yes, if nobody reply you is because no one can help u.
But for what it's worth, i had an Xperia Play for 2 years. Using an Motorola Bluetooth Headset H350 while driving and a MW600 Sony Ericsson Stereo Bluetooth Headset, both never had a problem.
Now from 2013 Christmas both headsets with my new N5: still never a problem and not noticing any low volume or mic. Sorry
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i am having the same issue with my Nexus 5 in combination with my Logitech H800 Wireless headset (people can`t hear me).
Anybody who did find a solution for this?
pitchdown said:
i am having the same issue with my Nexus 5 in combination with my Logitech H800 Wireless headset (people can`t hear me).
Anybody who did find a solution for this?
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No solution. I tried everything, everything I could think of. I got FauxAudio to work eventually and that did nothing for Bluetooth performance (and it said it wouldn't, but I was desperate).
I returned a lot of high end bluetooth headsets over this issue. Eventually I came upon the Plantronics Voyager Legend. I would like to tell you this really expensive headset works fine, but no - microphone gain is still low, though this time around people can hear me okay. Not great, just okay. I am using that now. It's not perfect, it's far from perfect, but finally usable. Sort of. If I speak loudly.
For what it is worth, the ElementalX kernel improves Bluetooth stability on the N5 quite a bit. Microphone gain is still low, though. Another thing that sometimes helps a little is turning off the multimedia profile on the headset, though why THAT would make a difference is beyond me.
All we can do is wait, watch the Samsung Galaxy S5 get released and wonder if we should switch.
kangelov said:
No solution. I tried everything, everything I could think of. I got FauxAudio to work eventually and that did nothing for Bluetooth performance (and it said it wouldn't, but I was desperate).
I returned a lot of high end bluetooth headsets over this issue. Eventually I came upon the Plantronics Voyager Legend. I would like to tell you this really expensive headset works fine, but no - microphone gain is still low, though this time around people can hear me okay. Not great, just okay. I am using that now. It's not perfect, it's far from perfect, but finally usable. Sort of. If I speak loudly.
For what it is worth, the ElementalX kernel improves Bluetooth stability on the N5 quite a bit. Microphone gain is still low, though. Another thing that sometimes helps a little is turning off the multimedia profile on the headset, though why THAT would make a difference is beyond me.
All we can do is wait, watch the Samsung Galaxy S5 get released and wonder if we should switch.
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Somebody advised me to download the app "persist"
This is free from the playstore.
Can you try this and let me know this is working for you?
pitchdown said:
Somebody advised me to download the app "persist"
This is free from the playstore.
Can you try this and let me know this is working for you?
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This app controls the bluetooth volume, not the bluetooth gain. The bluetooth volume was never a problem.
kangelov said:
This app controls the bluetooth volume, not the bluetooth gain. The bluetooth volume was never a problem.
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i am having the problem with my Logitech H800 headset with the nexus 5.
So this is a android kitkiat 4.4 issue?
Or is this problem only on several Nexus 5-devices?
pitchdown said:
i am having the problem with my Logitech H800 headset with the nexus 5.
So this is a android kitkiat 4.4 issue?
Or is this problem only on several Nexus 5-devices?
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My guess is either the bluetooth baseband or the bluetooth kernel driver used in the N5 is flaky. This is why I think so:
Problem does not exist on my old Samsung Galaxy S2, including when it runs the same nightly of CM11, nor does it exist on my computer or my desk phone. All the headsets I've owned performed admirably there, so the headsets are not directly the cause. From what I've seen no ROM and no kernel out there seem to be making a difference as far as Bluetooth gain is concerned, the problem is persistently there and the same. Best I could tell it's just the N5 with a problem and it's just for the phone profile. I've tried the Bose headset (the worst performer headset with the N5 of the lot) on a colleague's N5 and his phone was just as bad with it as mine. I am not sure if it's a small batch of N5s having a problem, I don't own lots and lots of N5 phones to try on, but I doubt it: with anything digital things are usually all-or-nothing and the N5 has an off-the-shelf Bluetooth chip, which is not unique to the N5. My guess is it's the entire model, but having only tried on 2 N5 phones, this is no more than a guess.
From what I saw online, the entire Nexus line has poor Bluetooth performance, not just the 5, and Google changed the Bluetooth stack with KitKat besides possibly introducing more problems. If you have a non-Nexus phone, the manufacturer most certainly replaced the Bluetooth driver and radio with one of their own, so problem goes away, but the Nexus line does not enjoy such attention.
An interesting thing to try would be for someone to put the LG G2 Bluetooth driver on a N5 kernel and try it out. I don't have the time or the expertise to do that, but there are plenty of people who do. Assuming the G2 does not have problems with bluetooth gain, if the problem still persists it will tell us if it's the N5 baseband or hardware doing it, and noone can help us there if that's the case.
I have this problem too, using my Nexus5 with iphone headsets. Peoples told me in skype and hangouts, that they hear me bad...
Shiver2005 said:
I have this problem too, using my Nexus5 with iphone headsets. Peoples told me in skype and hangouts, that they hear me bad...
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That's a different problem. The wired headset problem is easily solvable with FauxAudio and a supported kernel.
This maybe realted to the changes Google made to the core Bluetooth stack as of Android 4.3+ I know they made adjustments for the BLE [low poer Bluetooth devices like pedometers and other senor type crap]. It is BEYOND me as to why Google keeps adding functionality ot the core Bluetooth stack when it is GLARINGLY OBVIOUS they have real problems with Bluetooth as a whole. WHY NOT fix the core issues so Bluetooth is much better at the basics before trying to add functionality or more complex?
I know they complained it would cost a bit for a different newer Bluetooth license but I mean in my personal experience with many different phones Bluetooth is SUPER flaky even at it's best in Android, and does not even work the same way across devices [I have used 3 different Jabra speakerphones on my bosses Galaxy 3 recently and they all worked to varying degrees even though they all use the same version of Bluetooth protocol], but my T989 [Galaxy 2 T-mobile], my parents G2s My bosses older Bionic, My fathers new Droid X, etc. all have random problems. You can usually find one device that works well with a certain phone/ROM, but that can change between ROM versions and devices so it is like you need to go and buy 1 of everything every time there is an update and go crazy finding the ONE that works [and as noted on page 1 with the gentleman using the same Platronics Voyager Platinum as I have it is a super expensive very nice device that worked BEAUTIFULLY in ICS, but now in 4.1 + you can not get more than 1 or 2 words across the mic unless you are YELLING at it like a crazy person on the SAME device].
So all that to say I think it is prolly related to changes Android made in 4.3+ flipped the Bluetooth operability on it's head.
Mic Volume OK with KitKat 4.4.4 and cheap "HB-800" headset
there've been no posts for a while so maybe the problem has gone away with the KitKat updates.
But anyway:-
I have a Nexus 5 and recently bought a cheap generic stereo earbud headset with mic from eBay .... $14.82 Ozzie including delivery to Western Australia.
I've actually asked the other party whether they can hear me (specifically "am I loud enough?") because I read this thread and have been assured that it's all good.
In fact it's a pity the sound quality at MY end isn't better, but that's probably the low quality ear buds rather than electronics / firmware reasons.
Of course, ymmv.
Here's the ebay item title in case anyone wants to look it up or I can pm the item number if it helps.
"Headphones Earphones with MIC 1st Stereo Bluetooth Hands-Free Wireless HV/HB-800"
No, the problem is still there. Reason there are no posts is that no one has a solution. Nothing has changed since March. I am somewhat controlling it with CM11 running on the ElementalX kernel. Without this kernel Bluetooth performance is unbearable. With it it is barely adequate.
It's funny that a cheap headset would work okay while multiple top-of-the-line everything-but-the-kitchen-sink models like the Plantronics Voyager Pro would still be having problems.
I was seriously considering getting the OnePlus One, the Nexus 6 and even the iPhone 6 hoping the issue would finally be fixed. It's ridiculous that a phone commonly accepted as the measuring stick of the Android world would be having problems with simple tasks like driving a bluetooth headset. *very disappointed*
Me too. Two days with my new N5 and when I use my Sony SBH20 people hear me bad... With my N4 no problem. Its annoying! Ive to speak with headset because Ive problems with my left arm and legs, I only have the right to hold the phone, I cant do anyhing more and when I walk I need that arm to hold my cane.
I dont see a real solution, I will have to return the N5