My dad'll be getting an asus eee pad transformer soon, and I have a few questions about apps:
1. How much apps does the honeycomb market have? Are there a lot of good apps(fun games or useful tools)?
2. Will the transformer run android phone apps? And what will happen if I install an apk of a phone app on honeycomb
kuobob said:
My dad'll be getting an asus eee pad transformer soon, and I have a few questions about apps:
1. How much apps does the honeycomb market have? Are there a lot of good apps(fun games or useful tools)?
2. Will the transformer run android phone apps? And what will happen if I install an apk of a phone app on honeycomb
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This list has become the unofficially 'official' list of apps optimised for Honeycomb.
Basically though, most Android apps on the market will work on your tablet and they will automatically stretch to fit the screen though not always perfectly and the odd app won't install or work at all. However on a daily basis now developers are updating their apps to be either compatible with or optimsed for Honeycomb. Just got to be a little patient...
kuobob said:
My dad'll be getting an asus eee pad transformer soon, and I have a few questions about apps:
1. How much apps does the honeycomb market have? Are there a lot of good apps(fun games or useful tools)?
2. Will the transformer run android phone apps? And what will happen if I install an apk of a phone app on honeycomb
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1. Not sure, ~79 maybe 80 by now? That's counting the apps under the Featured Tablet Apps screen. A lot is stretching it, unless the stuff you decide you want ports from the phone to the tablet well, in which case yes there are lots to choose from.
2. It can and will. You will be able to access and install most of the Android Market (Froyo, Gingerbread etc.) stuff, it's still essentially 1 market you just get to see Tablet specific stuff in addition to the phone stuff whereas phones just see phone stuff. If you install an apk of a phone app on honeycomb it will either a. work perfectly, b. work but fit into a phone sized portion of the screen or c. force close (aka, not work at all). There's not much harm in trying. I'd advise you to stick with installing what's visible to the tablet in the Android Market, for now. I'm assuming there's some reason you can't see certain apps in the Tablet Android Market App and I'm confident there will be ports for them all soon enough.
Today the 21th in the Amazon Appstore the free-for-a-day game is Peggle! However, even just trying to see the info, or maybe read the reviews, or look at the screenshots rudely pops up the message Not Compatible... And downloading it from the appstore is of course out of the question.
First, change the title to say Peggle, not Pegger...
Secondly, I just got done playing a few levels on my Tab... With a little know how posts like this wouldn't be relevant... (Like the Plants vs. Zombies post... "OMG!! IT'S OUT BUT IT DOESN'T WORK FOR TAB!!" ... Or netflix... same deal)
The trick would obviously be to make the market think you are on a different device... Changing your build.prop is quite simple (assuming root is in place), and this is what you need to change in order for the market to not think your device is what it really is... Mine was "My Wall" for a while to download Peggle.
Than, just to be safe, fire up Chainfire 3D and load up the Tegra 2/Nvidia driver, runs smooth as butter...
It's not wise to change your build.prop to much because a lot of programs revolve around it (such as swype's configuration/save files)
ALWAYS back up ANYTHING you change in your root folder... copy the build.prop over to your sd card in a backup folder before changing it.
p.s. I'm not responsible nor liable for anything you do to your device because of what you read here... I'm just a conduit of information. I also will likely not help you with any "OMG MY TAB IS BRICKED" posts because of this... If you are brave enough to change anything in your root folder, than you should do your RESEARCH!
I've changed the title, what was I thinking? Anyway, I admit was hoping somebody knowledgeable would know a way to circumvent that message, and tell us.
I have found system/build.prop, but what property did you change in that file to change the model? I noticed a number of GT-P1000's Do all of them need to be changed? You changed it to "My Wall"? Does it need to be that, or is it anything but SGT?
I downloaded it onto my sgs2, and then just sent it via bluetooth to my tab. Works perfectly.(I do have amazon appstore installed on both my devices.)
You are on the right path, I changed the first 3 references (maybe 4) toward the beginning of the file. Please be sure you back the file up unchanged on your sd card. When you've downloaded the game I recommend going back to that original file.
You can change it to whatever you want.
Sent from my "better than an iPad" tab running Overcome Hermes.
stoney73 said:
I downloaded it onto my sgs2, and then just sent it via bluetooth to my tab. Works perfectly.(I do have amazon appstore installed on both my devices.)
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I want a sgs2 dangit! Tmobile is frustrating me.
Sent from my "better than an iPad" tab running Overcome Hermes.
Using the Amazon app store, I added the game on my Vibrant.
Then went to the tablet's Amazon app store and clicked on the install button.
It didnt complain about anything and installed fine.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using Tapatalk
ipnekgs said:
Using the Amazon app store, I added the game on my Vibrant.
Then went to the tablet's Amazon app store and clicked on the install button.
It didnt complain about anything and installed fine.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using Tapatalk
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Yup, there are various ways to trick it into working... I don't have a second device that supports it, so I just did it "the hard way" I suppose.
The initial check is right as you click download... so bypassing it on one device than downloading on another is logical... Kind of like the PSN store and multiple PS3's.
Paraphrasing my comments over at Amazon to add this forum's conversation...
I've got a Galaxy Tab (SCH-I800) and I was being told I can't use this with my Tab. What the hell?? How do you write a game that can't run on a Galaxy Tab?
Anyway, I "purchased" it on the web site using my laptop computer and the Amazon website, went back to the Tab and installed it from my available-to-download apps and it installed fine and it ran just fine.
I've played Peggle on my Xbox 360 and on my Nintendo DSi before as well, but this Android version feels a little sloppy (the opening dialog asking for username is blank, the music doesn't loop properly--it plays out and fades, then restarts--as if it's repeatedly playing an audio track that fades at the end). Otherwise, gameplay works great, zoom-in works great, etc. I don't understand why it's been blocked from installing on a bunch of systems that clearly are able to run it just fine. (another fellow with an Asus eee Transformer in another review had the exact same problem and suggested that way around the block that I described earlier.) Am I overlooking some detail as to why we're being denied this from these devices?
btyork, I'll keep that build.prop in mind, I have a feeling that may come in handy. It wasn't needed this time though, because the other-phone-trick worked beautifully. It worked just like ipnekgs described. I just installed the appstore on the wife's SGS, logged in with my account, and downloaded Peggle on it without a hitch. After that I switched back to my Tab, and Lo!, it was ready for installation on the SGT. Lovely!
I AM intrigued by stoney73's remark... Can you install an app on one phone and then send it by bluetooth to another one? Or just download the app instead of installing it? How does that work, does an installation from the appstore leave a file behind somewhere? I'd love to know where!
Thanks guys!
BTW, I'm not claiming it doesn't run on our beloved Tab, Amazon refuses to install it, claiming it's Not Compatible. In cases like this I always like to try it out myself, to see if the claim is true, as often it isn't. Chuzzle for instance definitely has graphical problems, but perseverance paid off with Peggle, as it runs beautifully, no problems at all so far (though I've played just a couple of levels). I wonder what possesed Amazon to refuse us even to download it. I've haven't seen that one before, and I've downloaded quite a few apps.
'Buying' it from the website and then installing it from 'my apps' on the tab worked here.
It may not be fully compatible with a stock galaxy tab.. I have had zero problem with it running on my tab using overcome hermes and chainfire 3D using the nvidia driver...
Sent from my "better than an iPad" tab running Overcome Hermes.
beestee said:
'Buying' it from the website and then installing it from 'my apps' on the tab worked here.
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Same for me, played quite a few levels with no issues. I have the Alpha HC ROM installed on my SGT
Maybe it's an error. My Tab is rooted, but apart from that it's stock: not flashed, no Chainfire3D, just stock JMK, but Peggle seems to work flawlessly.
It works perfectly fine on the Tab. I have played a couple hours of it with no problem.
I did have to "buy" it from my Nexus One, but then I was able to install it on my Tab right from the Amazon app. The download took forever.
ableeker said:
BTW, I'm not claiming it doesn't run on our beloved Tab, Amazon refuses to install it, claiming it's Not Compatible. In cases like this I always like to try it out myself, to see if the claim is true, as often it isn't. Chuzzle for instance definitely has graphical problems, but perseverance paid off with Peggle, as it runs beautifully, no problems at all so far (though I've played just a couple of levels). I wonder what possesed Amazon to refuse us even to download it. I've haven't seen that one before, and I've downloaded quite a few apps.
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The same has happened with a few android market apps, which then require the workaround, and end up working perfectly.
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA Premium App
ended up finding a download link somewhere, can't remember where now.
completed adventure mode and never had a single problem.
like PvZ though, it's a big install (not so much on the SGT though)
Not sure if this link has been posted before. It seems to work fairly well and it's free.
Extract from howettl's original post:
TexTab is an SMS app for Android tablets. It allows you to connect your Android 2.1+ tablet to your Android 2.1+ phone over Bluetooth and send/receive SMS messages on your tablet as if you were sending them from your phone. I've been working on this app for some time now and I feel that it is ready for public beta testing. I encourage everybody to download and install the app on both your phone and tablet, and please provide feedback here.
App Features: - Honeycomb optimized, though not required - Push menu button to connect devices via bluetooth, with option to select a device to automatically connect to in settings - Conversation threads use your Google contact information to display contact info - Widget with button to enable/disable service, and displays connection information.
edit.... after working well initially I'm now having problems connecting (an issue that the dev is aware of). Hopefully this problem will be fixed soon because the app looks promising.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
ooh will try tonight i was looking for something like this last night..
Working on my transformer.. with desire HD... wifi option would be better though as wifi always on with both devices
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk
Workjng so far with CM7 Nexus 1 and TF.
I can send message from TF but doesn't seems to get them on the TF .
Edit: App force closed with incoming message, that's why i don't get incoming on the tf.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk
installed fine, would pair with my inspire 4g but won't connect fully awesome idea, hard to inplement with every phone I imagine. I'm currently running a cynogenmod rom but may try this later with another rom.
Working silky smooth on my TF and my XT720 2.2
Couldn't find a way to close the program stayed active. Is there a way to logout without going to applications and stopping it. Oh and the desire HD is running cm 7 latest build
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk
Iced27 said:
Working silky smooth on my TF and my XT720 2.2
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You using the stock ROM on the TF?
Mine work fine for outgoing message but as soon as an incoming message arrive it force close
I'm running Prime 1.5
duncan_mccloud said:
Couldn't find a way to close the program stayed active. Is there a way to logout without going to applications and stopping it. Oh and the desire HD is running cm 7 latest build
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk
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If you use the widget, there's a button to turn it on and off
Running this with my Galaxy S 4g. A bit of connection issues, but I already like it more than syncsms since there is no dropbox to deal with.
I have been downloading a few games that ask for additional downloads of a few megs. If i delete them, do the extra bits downloaded also go or do i have to find it and delete it myself?
On Honeycomb, they are deleted automatically.
Usually. If not, well, /mnt/sdcard/SomeOldGame is a clue it wasn't made right.
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk
It doesn't look like it has access to the Play Store so I was wondering if I could root it and put a custom ROM on it with access to the Play Store. Here is the link:
Anyone know?
GameGuru41 said:
It doesn't look like it has access to the Play Store so I was wondering if I could root it and put a custom ROM on it with access to the Play Store. Here is the link:
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GameGuru41 said:
Anyone know?
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Anyone please?
Ematic Genesis
GameGuru41 said:
Anyone please?
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I'm sorry guys, been looking awhile myself, and I don't think it's a popular enough machine for any devs to actually bother working on it. I'd like to find a way to get GAPPS on it myself, but I'm not sure that's gonna happen.
ScornSorrow said:
I'm sorry guys, been looking awhile myself, and I don't think it's a popular enough machine for any devs to actually bother working on it. I'd like to find a way to get GAPPS on it myself, but I'm not sure that's gonna happen.
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I am confused as I thought that all 'Android 4.0' devices were automatically supported by the Google Play Store through the 'CHROME' web browser that is part of 4.0?
For less than $60 shipped as of today.. I may buy one as a replacement self printed book of my movie disc collection .. as my cost for the ink, paper & time for my now growing 200+ page listing book (the replacement ink cartridges alone cost me $30 each time I print.)
Update >
I went ahead and ordered one just to see.. I read where I could side load "Google Play" in another forum... And if not that most of the apps that I use come from Amazon Market which is to also work.. will report what I find out.. yea I could wait.. but since is seems that WalMart might be offering two different models on "Black Friday" I said why wait in line and find out it is their other model that has worse ratings..
I ordered 5 of them for the grandchildren, specs look good, 1.2 ghz processor, ICS, 7" screen, good deal for $60. I've downloaded older version .apk files for play store on Chinese tablets and installed fine.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
I just received this device from "Wal-Mart" and over all with only an hour of use I must say I am a bit worried about the power supply as it is very hot to the touch and I am afraid of leaving it plugged in for the six hour time it would take to fully charge, since the power adapter is only 5volts I wonder if there is a USB power cable that will fit this device?
Also missing from the package were the "Headphones & Protective Sleeve" that was listed on the OEM's web site.
It does have Flash 11.1 (if I remember correctly) installed!
The first time I tried to use the web browser it took me to the "Amazon" and downloaded there store. (there seems to be a bit of screen sizing issue for the stores command box?)
It played the first episode of "BLOOD AND CHROME" from 'YouTube' with out a single hick-up.
More as I learn more... the main reason I purchased is to install the end user created plug-in for DVDProfiler for Android to store my DISC movie collection on... as currently if I print out a book, due to the size of my collection it costs me in Ink-Jet ink alone over $70.00...
DVD2955 said:
I just received this device from "Wal-Mart" and over all with only an hour of use I must say I am a bit worried about the power supply as it is very hot to the touch and I am afraid of leaving it plugged in for the six hour time it would take to fully charge, since the power adapter is only 5volts I wonder if there is a USB power cable that will fit this device?
Also missing from the package were the "Headphones & Protective Sleeve" that was listed on the OEM's web site.
It does have Flash 11.1 (if I remember correctly) installed!
The first time I tried to use the web browser it took me to the "Amazon" and downloaded there store. (there seems to be a bit of screen sizing issue for the stores command box?)
It played the first episode of "BLOOD AND CHROME" from 'YouTube' with out a single hick-up.
More as I learn more... the main reason I purchased is to install the end user created plug-in for DVDProfiler for Android to store my DISC movie collection on... as currently if I print out a book, due to the size of my collection it costs me in Ink-Jet ink alone over $70.00...
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So far for a $59 device I am really impressed... all but one .apk that I have loaded runs with out issue... the one giving me an issue is.. I have yet to find a version of 'Google Play Store' that will load and run... Store starts loading then when I get to what seems to be the users agreement I get a "Stopped Running Error"!?
The '''Headphones & Protective Sleeve''' are being sold as a separate item by WalMart for $6.00.
Since it uses a separate charging port you can charge and use.. unlike my Dell Streak-7 which will not charge and use if plugged into a power source.
The battery under heavy use tonight lasted 4.5 hours... before the device would not allow me to use it.
The free movie service "CRACKLE" works.
I am using a rubber tipped 'tablet styles' on the tablet.
Google Play
friendlybiker said:
I ordered 5 of them for the grandchildren, specs look good, 1.2 ghz processor, ICS, 7" screen, good deal for $60. I've downloaded older version .apk files for play store on Chinese tablets and installed fine.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
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Can you point the way to the version of "Google Play" that worked for you?
---------- Post added at 10:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:18 PM ----------
Can anybody confirm that the power cable has the following connector:
: USB To Barrel Power Connector Size (Type: H, OD: 3.40mm, ID: 1.30mm) :
Try this..
GameGuru41 said:
It doesn't look like it has access to the Play Store so I was wondering if I could root it and put a custom ROM on it with access to the Play Store. Here is the link:
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I understand that following will work with any 'ematic' tablet running Android 4.0.x or higher
How to root 'Eglide'
Got working google play om my genesis today....finally!
Followed directions
Irecieved an error [RPC:S-5:AEC-0] when I tried at first, then went to settings-accounts and deleted my google account. Opened Play, followed prompts, added existing user...Viola
None of my sideloaded apps show up in My Apps, but searching for them and updating caused them to show up.
jrcroucher said:
Got working google play om my genesis today....finally!
Followed directions
Irecieved an error [RPC:S-5:AEC-0] when I tried at first, then went to settings-accounts and deleted my google account. Opened Play, followed prompts, added existing user...Viola
None of my sideloaded apps show up in My Apps, but searching for them and updating caused them to show up.
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The process you linked to is for not only loading the 'GAPPS' but also to "ROOT" the device.
I really don't want to do a full 'GAPPS' install and know that "PLAY STORE" can be loaded with out the "ROOT"ing on some devices running older version of Android 3.x.x.. as I use to have a "Pandigital Novel" w/2.01 and a person that know more about Android OS than I do went into the 'APK' and removed the unneeded files and edited one file and recombined the 'APK' so that it could be side loaded and install "STORE", the trick with it was you would install with todays date, then change the system date/time back at least 12 hours, reboot and connect to the store and log off then reboot and reset the clock to the correct time and go to the store all all worked just fine...
If I was going to ROOT this device I would move all the pre-installed APPs so that they could be uninstalled to free up system memory..
While I have not "OPENED" the case yet does anybody know if the base memory can be expanded??.. Many tablets use MICRO SD cards for their system memory and all you have to do is to open the case and up grade the SD card.. but a few others the memory is soldered on the mainboard of the tablet.
Rooting and getting google play on Ematic Genesis without messing with Roms
jrcroucher said:
Got working google play om my genesis today....finally!
Followed directions
Irecieved an error [RPC:S-5:AEC-0] when I tried at first, then went to settings-accounts and deleted my google account. Opened Play, followed prompts, added existing user...Viola
None of my sideloaded apps show up in My Apps, but searching for them and updating caused them to show up.
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Woohoo! This worked on my genesis. I did not have to search for a Rom that allowed all buttons or wifi to work. The play store is installed. allows me to get all apps and I couldn't be happier.
Now off to start writing apps with all the knowledge I have taken in Modding chinese tablets! LOL
Nook Tablet (CM9)
Mach Speed Trio Stealth 7c (speed4.04_1.0.3)
Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 (rooted(no mods yet)
Nook Color (CM7)
Ematic Genesis (rooted with play store stock rom)
DVD2955 said:
Since it uses a separate charging port you can charge and use.. unlike my Dell Streak-7 which will not charge and use if plugged into a power source.
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Actually, I gotta correct you on that. I just plugged this tablet in (I bought 2 for my kids for birthdays earlier this month) to my cell charger, and it charges just fine. For that matter, it also charges from a USB port on my netbook.... or even from the micro USB port on my Xoom when a USB/microUSB adapter is used. I found that last bit to be a bit odd, but hey, it works lol
Sent from my Xoom using xda app-developers app
If you had not already found out ... did you know that you could recharge using only the USB port!
---------- Post added at 10:22 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:18 AM ----------
jrcroucher said:
Got working google play om my genesis today....finally!
Followed directions
Irecieved an error [RPC:S-5:AEC-0] when I tried at first, then went to settings-accounts and deleted my google account. Opened Play, followed prompts, added existing user...Viola
None of my sideloaded apps show up in My Apps, but searching for them and updating caused them to show up.
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I have tried following the instructions from your posting and I am lost... and I have rooted other Android devices on an older 32bit Vista computer but ABD could not find my device on my current 64bit Windows 7 system.
FYI.. After spending most of Thanksgiving on this project... I finally got my device Root'ed ...and a 'Gapps Package' pushed onto my device.
I used the universal package for 4.0.x from
DVD2955 said:
FYI.. After spending most of Thanksgiving on this project... I finally got my device Root'ed ...and a 'Gapps Package' pushed onto my device.
I used the universal package for 4.0.x from
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His did you get root? From what I could tell of the links above, they are only for installing gapps... which I managed to get pushed and installed to one of these that I bought...
Sent from my rooted Xoom running CM10 using the xda-developers app
DVD2955 said:
FYI.. After spending most of Thanksgiving on this project... I finally got my device Root'ed ...and a 'Gapps Package' pushed onto my device.
I used the universal package for 4.0.x from
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Yeah, man... Don't just tell us you got it done, tell us how you did it...
kildennyn said:
Yeah, man... Don't just tell us you got it done, tell us how you did it...
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I was planning on creating a whole HOW TO but got sick Friday PM and have not been near a computer till just now.. as soon as I get "BACK ON MY FEET" I will try writing something up.
Update: The following is for your information I can not be held liable if you "Brick" your tablet as this worked for me, but try at your own risk!!
Read this page: Universal Root
Use this utility: Root_with_Restore
Then download the GAPPS from the above link and extract and find the folder "SYSTEM"
Open a dos command prompt window.
Now connect your tablet via USB and be sure that you have it set for USB DEBUGGING in the system / development
Go to the folder where you extracted the download "Root_with_Restore" go to the folder 'STUFF' and from the command box type " adb device " you should see your tablet connected.
Run the "BAT" file from "Root_with_Restore" [I do not remember for sure but I know that "Other" did not work so I choose the option above it.]
Then find where you extracted the GAPPS system folder and type: adb push <if needed type in the full drive+folder listing>system /system : now wait.. you should see allot of screen messages. till you get a message saying complete.
Unplug the USB cable and turn off your tablet.
Turn on your tablet... this may take longer than in the past.. but you should have a working "GOOGLE PLAY STORE" once your system comes up.
Please post back if this works for you or if I need to try to expand the instructions.
I am sure that some real DOS/Android programmer could make a single .ZIP and .BAT file to take care of everything more cleanly.