Can't find a proper internet radio stream player with custom playlist support - General Questions and Answers

Hello, is there actually any lightweight internet radio stream player that supports custom playlist streams? everything i have tried was garbage
this is what i have found:
- either it's fast with low ram usage and it has it's own playlist with zillion crap radios and no 'add new...' support
- either it has a single stream playback and you have to manually enter the url every time - example a mplayer port whick actually connected fast
- either it has what i want -lets me add my radios into a playlist and select them when i want- but it takes ages to connect from one radio to another or it clogs my device making it impossible to parallel browse the web, consuming tons of ram for it's bad written interface.
These are small examples of many, many apps that failed big time today
please if anyone knows something, anything, i'd be even willing to buy from the market if it's good and if it connects from one radio to another in less than 30 seconds - thing that i can do in 3 seconds on my computer, 5 seconds in the iheartradio app and 8 seconds on my old N70 device with coreplayer - imagine that.
Thank you in advance!

Could you tell me which device you have and what apps you tried ?

LG optimus one --- i don't see how that matters.
Like i said many apps, like 20 and the most popular ones. I can't really name them because they were uninstalled immediately.
There just isn't anything good.

oh yea, the winamp app crashes and forces me to close it every time i try to open a .pls or .m3u pc winamp generated playlist
also tried the shoutcast client app, it opens my pls but nothing happens

nvm, found mplayer v2 with playlist support and swapping radios in 3 sec
dunno why the good stuff never makes it to the market
thanks for the great support, xda-jerks


iPhone gets iheartradio for Clear Channel radio. What can WM users do?

Long time WM user that can appreciate the iPhone and iPod Touch ability to listen to ClearChannel radio stations "online". But I don't understand why Windows Mobile is being left out.
If we can watch YouTube videos, certainly we have the horsepower for radio. Does anyone else have this problem? Better yet, have a solution that works? Would love to get my local Sports Radio station on my Touch Cruise, but not even Skyfire works for me.
Well, still no luck. I found a website that tracks radio stations around the US and even internationally, but there is no link to Sports Radio 950 KJR ( and I can't find a link anywhere else but their own home page, which won't work with Opera or Skyfire.
Currently running one of c_s rom's, which doesn't come with IE. Thought maybe adding IE 6.1 would help, but haven't found a link yet. Anyone know how I can add that to an existing rom?
Off to do more searching, but pretty soon I suppose I should just break down and buy an iPod Touch.
from your Touch Cruise:
Works in pIE, Opera 8.65 and Opera Mini. Not sure if it needs pIE to actually open the radio station's link though, since it's built into the ROM on my Polaris.
I searched for your station 950 kjr and found it if it's located in Seattle (did not find it when I searched kjr 950 - go figure). However, never got it to connect. Immediately tried a ClearChannel station I listen to and it connected perfectly. Don't know if 950 kjr link is bad or if the station was not broadcasting. Perhaps, it was a blackout due to a game or something like that? Give it a try and see if you have better luck.
Tried to stream the station on my laptop via the website (NOT through and it did not work either. Looks like maybe they are having problems at the moment and hopefully it'll work when you try.
Good luck!
Still looking for pIE I can add to my current WM6 rom. The author didn't include pIE as part of the "image". I also tried your link, and in Opera I couldn't find any part of the KJR AM page I could "click" on. So I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong if not just using the wrong browser.
Not having ANY luck and not sure what else to try.
Wunder radio was supposed to come out on January 15th. It supposedly has 50,000 radio stations. I'm hoping clear channel will be part of that.
I can stream clear channel stations through IE on my PC but PIE says it can't do it. Opera Mobile gets close but won't actually play the music.
I can stream some stations that aren't clear channel using Opera, and I can stream NPR after downloading the .asx link and selecting it with TCPMP.
Can't help with how to get pIE on your phone since you are using a ROM without it. All I can tell you is I stream Clear Channel stations (all others too) by going to:
Then searching for the station. Once you find your station you can save it as a favorite and access it much easier.
On the front page of it says...
"Clear Channel Stream Announcement:
PDA users can now exclusively access Clear Channel live streams directly from the Mobile Stream Center! (Thanks Bret!). The streams and this announcement are not displayed on desktop PCs."
Clear Channel stations stream via Windows Media Player by default.
No jumping through hoops. Nothing needed that doesn't come built into Windows Mobile by default.
FYI, I am sitting here streaming/listening to your KJR 950 on my phone as I'm typing. Costas is interviewing Matt Cheney regarding drug testing in the NFL...
Good luck!
Okay, so I'm a dork. Had pIE installed and didn't know it, as it was only under the menu and nowhere else.
Started that up, found it's in mobile mode instead of "look like a PC mode" like I think Opera does, and finally saw the links like you mention! Thought I was home free until...
Had some funny language prompting me. Hit one side, and ended up with a save screen. The file saved made a .php file I think, and I can't figure out how to get Window Mobile's Media Player to open it. The other options all didn't seem to do much of anything, and Pocket Streamer on my phone didn't do a .php either!
I'll play some more, as I *think* I'm close... but I'm not there yet.
Got it!
Turned off automatic language detection in pIE, then when I went back to the link, it prompted me to save a .wma file that DOES stream in Windows Media Player. And I've saved the link as a Playlist as well!
Thanks for all the help!!!!
Glad you got something to work!
Just to clarify, the browser needs to be in mobile mode, otherwise the Clear Channel "WMP PDA only" links will not show up. I noticed when I click on a link for a station that streams via mp3, it saves a .pls file to the "My Device\My Documents" folder - but, it happens automatically. I am not prompted and don't have to approve the save. It just saves itself, then starts playing using the TCPMP player. I have not noticed any file - of any type - like that when I play a Clear Channel station. However, it's totally possible it may just save a file of some type somewhere that I have not come across. After clicking the Clear Channel "PDA Only" link, Windows Media Player opens automatically, the stream buffers and then plays. I have not come across any .wma streams to see how that kind works on my phone.
Clearchannel Streaming Utility for Windows Mobile Devices.. Works in IE.. Doesn't seem to work in Opera, though it may be the link I'm providing.. I may possibly work on this and see if I can get it to work in Opera.
This utility scans the website for the clearchannel stream.. It then gives you the then-current stream URL for that radio station. It should open the stream in Windows Media Player. (in IE.. Not with Opera)
BTW, the utility is not strictly for use on Windows Mobile, but not many other phones use mms URLs for streaming as far as I could tell. It does, however, stream on regular PCs running Windows or Linux (with a MMS stream media player).
if you want most uk radio stations use coreplayer or the htc stream app , head over to and choose your favorite radio , note down the url and you get perfect streaming eg for GWR Bristol its LBC is the same address but ends with LBC973MP3Low , if you have an ipod touch or an iphone you can download an app called radio which is poor in visuals but shows the url to the stations which you can type into your streaming app , or in pie head over to this has all the stations as well but in lower 64 quality
Clear Channel is now blocking from streaming their radio stations?
yup, stay tuned to see if they work it out
just came across this old post, appears to be worked out
Did we ever get this figured out? Most of the Local Stations I listen to are Clear Channel Stations....Do they just not care that there are probably many more WM users out here then Iphone users? Or did they make some sort of exclusive deal with Iphone? I was using the method for a while and then seems like they intentionally don't want WM users to have access to there online stream!
I just fired this email off to the Communications / Media Relations contact at ClearChannel
"To Whom it may concern,
I am just wondering why, it seems, that Clear Channel seems to have abandoned Millions of Windows Mobile users and Welcomed the "Trendy" but yet less used IPhone/Blackberry users? You have embraced and are Pushing the use of "IHeart Radio" on all your radio stations, Yet this program only works on IPhone's and I think Blackberry Phones, So us Window Mobile users are left "Swinging in the Breeze"!
Then when we find a way around your "Lack of Support" by using a website like and You slap us in the face again and shut down your stream to such websites....What Gives?
I am a loyal listener of at least two of your stations in the Cleveland Area, One FM and one AM station, and when I am not near a radio it would be really nice to be able to hear your show on my PDA, but I am forced to listen to other stations sub-standard programming because you at ClearChannel seem to have an "Issue" with Windows Mobile for some reason! I just read an online news report that stated that IPhone users have up'd your listener base by 15%....I think you will up it much more then that if you included support for Windows Mobile Users!
I apologise for the Rant if I have just missed something and am totally off base about your support for WM, If so please advise me of a program that you know of that does allow us access to your online programming.
If I have to keep going out and finding other Radio Stations that support WM online, then I might find programming that I like and abandon ClearChannel all together, after all why have loyalty to a company that has no loyalty to a large group of it's listeners!"
Well see if I get a response!
2+ months later... no response?
gkenny said:
2+ months later... no response?
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Yea...They responded, Life just got hectic for me and forgot to post their responce here....To sum it up they basically gave me a couple good strokes by saying that they are always looking to improve their product and that the Windows Mobile Platform would definately be in "Consideration" for future versions...blah....blah...blah!
Sorry I did not follow up sooner!
Never mind... Streamcenter works once again.
Good to know....I'll have to give it a try again!

Remote Controlling Foobar with HTC HD2

Hi. Hope that this is the correct place to post...
I have been playing this weekend with a Foobar plugin that allows web control.
The web interface that this plug-in creates is skin-able, and indeed somewhat predictably there are already a couple of i-phone themes available. I did get them working well with the HTC HD2.
However the graphics quality is not stellar when an i-phone designed interface is scaled up, so I started having a poke at the javascript code for myself... I am no coder by any means, so I have been adapting other peoples work noteably the IxoFith template at the above link...
So far I have a HTC music playeresque theme working, with the odd glitch here and there, I reckon that a talented javascript programmer could do a lot more a lot faster than I can, anyone up for it?
I will continue to fettle this and eventually will post my code at "Justblair's Audio and Electronics Pages" but if you are interested in seeing what damage a ham fisted amateur can do to some competently written code, either comment at my site or contact me through here and I can get it to you..
It is very scrappy at the moment, though functional. I tried to post images, but outside links are a no no for newbies here. Google my site name if you want a taster. Hopefully the mods will lift the restriction soon.
Off-topic, but another way:
GRemote works VERY well with WinAmp, allowing you to browse all your PC files on your HD2, and play or queue files/folders in WinAmp (even tho I hate WinAmp!). You can also launch any file in whatever app you choose, so I can browse all my movies in a very slinky, fast-scrolling manner on my HD2, and whichever one I click starts playing full-screen (e.g. VLC, GomPlayer etc), and a swipe on my phone then gives me Play/Pause, fast-forward, rewind, volume, next file, full-screen/windowed etc.
Just a suggestion if you like finding new ways to play your media
smeddy said:
Off-topic, but another way:
GRemote works VERY well with WinAmp, allowing you to browse all your PC files on your HD2, and play or queue files/folders in WinAmp (even tho I hate WinAmp!). You can also launch any file in whatever app you choose, so I can browse all my movies in a very slinky, fast-scrolling manner on my HD2, and whichever one I click starts playing full-screen (e.g. VLC, GomPlayer etc), and a swipe on my phone then gives me Play/Pause, fast-forward, rewind, volume, next file, full-screen/windowed etc.
Just a suggestion if you like finding new ways to play your media
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That's worth a look I am sure. I have tried the freebie version of G-remote which is of course a little limited. I did have a few crashes when using the free version of G-remote, kinda put me off spending on it.
I also happen to like foobar as it has the plug-ins needed to run it as an "audiophile" source, i.e. wasapi and native flac playback. I used winamp a while back and did not like it. I dare say it has improved since then.

[Q] The features you miss in the TF101 (compared to a notebook)

Hello Guys!
I am planning to get one of the Transformers (probably 32G+dock) and sell my notebook (will still have a desktop computer).
Now, I'm on a performance notebook (with piss-poor battery life), but I do not use it - only for web surfing, chat, watching movies, sending stuff & downloading - and maybe some games (1x a month LOL)
So my question is - what are the features you like or MISS in the Transformer compared to a notebook.
Thank you!
1) Proper browser with adblock.
2) Proper audio player (like Amarok/Clementine/Exaile etc.).
3) USB port for attaching keyboard (I don't have the dock).
Better task swapping(alt+tab) or windowed view.
Text selection. Android NEEDS a better text selection desperately.
Other than that it makes a pretty good laptop replacement for simple things. Using remote desktop to a windows machine, greatly improves #1, and moderately improves #2.
Magnesus said:
1) Proper browser with adblock.
2) Proper audio player (like Amarok/Clementine/Exaile etc.).
3) USB port for attaching keyboard (I don't have the dock).
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firefox is available in android, and you can add the adblock plugin.
also a system-wide adblock via apps.
i have no idea what you would qualify as a "proper" audio player. unless you're refering stictly to that list as "proper", the stock player is also a proper player, as well as plently you'd find in the market.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk
gottahavit said:
Better task swapping(alt+tab) or windowed view.
Text selection. Android NEEDS a better text selection desperately.
Other than that it makes a pretty good laptop replacement for simple things. Using remote desktop to a windows machine, greatly improves #1, and moderately improves #2.
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Alt+tab works with the keyboard dock.
Windowed view won't happen until there is a significant increase in system resources available to these devices. Everything currently runs in full screen because 1GB of RAM is just barely sufficient for most of the current apps, and Android devices don't use swap, which means apps get flushed out of memory if the system starts running low on RAM. Windowed apps would crash or degrade under the current Android memory management scheme, which was instated because phones and tablets are so starved for resources when compared to traditional desktops and laptops.
Text selection requires a long press because click and drag on a touchscreen handles panning. I'm not sure what else you're expecting from text selection when many apps allow you to modify the size of the selection to your heart's content. Those that don't integrate nicely with Android's built-in text selection are the fault of the developers.
Thank you for the replies.
Well, Just as finalhit said - firefox has a plugin, and AFAIK Dolphin Browser, too. And by the way, Ad-free is not working on these devices? Like on my rooted Desire?
Proper audio player - I saw the transformer in action and the stock player is great, also have purchased PowerAMP for my phone and the developer says, it'll work on HC 3.2, too. Will see.
Carrying on with Text Input ~
Android needs to be able to support Rich Text in Browser Email Apps (e.g. Yahoo) and also Copy/Paste text into an Email.
Copy/Paste works in Gmail but not in say Yahoo Mail.
What I miss most, is that the TF does not have a digital audio output via USB.
A notebook can simply be connected with a DAC by USB and I can listen to MP3s over my Hifi system ...
FrankRr said:
What I miss most, is that the TF does not have a digital audio output via USB.
A notebook can simply be connected with a DAC by USB and I can listen to MP3s over my Hifi system ...
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I'd like that too, I tried plugging my USB SoundBlaster in but nothing happened.
What I miss most is a decent productivity suite, WP & Spreadsheets. I am using the beta of SoftMaker Office & it will do the job when it's released, but at the moment it crashes a lot & isn't mainstream.
Printing isn't that easy either ....
1) Definitely better text selection/manipulation - it works, but it doesn't feel right
2) Right mouse button - yes, it has long press, but it's long press, meaning it's not very fast. Make the right track pad button function the same as long press, and it will feel almost like a notebook.
3) Better file manipulation/transfer speed. Copying and pasting/moving files is a pain and is very very slow. Astro works, but it's nothing compared to the ease of windows/linux.
Android has all the functions I want, a lot of them just don't feel natural, or are cumbersome to use.
I like my TF, but I think it can't replace a notebook, unless we can port windows 7 on it..
mikelt89 said:
I like my TF, but I think it can't replace a notebook, unless we can port windows 7 on it..
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Windows 8 might run on it, as it has arm support and the TF meets the minimum requirements that MS has released so far.
cottinghamm said:
What I miss most is a decent productivity suite, WP & Spreadsheets. I am using the beta of SoftMaker Office & it will do the job when it's released, but at the moment it crashes a lot & isn't mainstream.
Printing isn't that easy either ....
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Documents to Go works well (given the limitations of the input methods, screen size, etc.)
Printign is a major issue. There are paid apps that I hear do printing OK, but they require a server program to run on a computer already connected to the printer. I have yet to find one that works well with a networked printer (either shared through the native Windows functionality or a dedicated print server).
FrankRr said:
What I miss most, is that the TF does not have a digital audio output via USB.
A notebook can simply be connected with a DAC by USB and I can listen to MP3s over my Hifi system ...
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You can indirectly output to a DAC if you use the HDMI port. I have an Asus VH238H monitor that includes a SPDIF out, so I just hook up the Transformer via HDMI and have the monitor output the sound to my DAC.
For printing I use CloudPrint So far it works greatly (home & office) on my Desire - so that won't be a problem.
finalhit said:
firefox is available in android, and you can add the adblock plugin.
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Firefox for Android is very far from a proper browser (in my opinion, proper browser is for example Google Chrome and desktop Firefox) and it's adblock is far from it's desktop counterpart. Maybe the new version will be better. In my opinion actually Firefox is worst browser for Android (the best being Dolphin Pad).
i have no idea what you would qualify as a "proper" audio player. unless you're refering stictly to that list as "proper", the stock player is also a proper player, as well as plently you'd find in the market.
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Try using Amarok, Clementine, Exile or sth similar (or Foobar if you only have Windows, but it's quite bad looking). I tested most the music players in the market and none of them are even comparable. So I resigned from using Tranformer for listening to music and bought USB sound card for my laptop instead (without it the sound quality of my laptop was... well quite horrible ).
Amarok/Clementine/Exile have clear interface with your files or library on the left (you can use both) and a playlist on the right. You can add tracks to the playlist, remove them, shuffle them, star songs, generate playlists based on the stars, select to repeat a track or repeat the whole playlist, filter the library (for example - you type John and you get all John Williams albums listed), the playlist is created by drag and drop etc. Also they play all music formats (flac, mpc included). If you never used a music player like this - try them, they are really good.
Most (all of them?) players in android market are designed for playing one album at a time (no playlist), have interface more suited for phones than tablets and no ability to use folder view (some can but are regenerating the index every time I unmount my samba share - and it takes ages). If I'm wrong - and there is sth like Amarok on the Market - please tell, I'll buy it in a second.
Magnesus said:
Try using Amarok, Clementine, Exile or sth similar (or Foobar if you only have Windows, but it's quite bad looking). I tested most the music players in the market and none of them are even comparable. So I resigned from using Tranformer for listening to music and bought USB sound card for my laptop instead (without it the sound quality of my laptop was... well quite horrible ).
Amarok/Clementine/Exile have clear interface with your files or library on the left (you can use both) and a playlist on the right. You can add tracks to the playlist, remove them, shuffle them, star songs, generate playlists based on the stars, select to repeat a track or repeat the whole playlist, filter the library (for example - you type John and you get all John Williams albums listed), the playlist is created by drag and drop etc. Also they play all music formats (flac, mpc included). If you never used a music player like this - try them, they are really good.
Most (all of them?) players in android market are designed for playing one album at a time (no playlist), have interface more suited for phones than tablets and no ability to use folder view (some can but are regenerating the index every time I unmount my samba share - and it takes ages). If I'm wrong - and there is sth like Amarok on the Market - please tell, I'll buy it in a second.
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Just because the default Music player doesn't show the now playing and playlist views on the same page together doesn't mean you don't have such functionality. Remember what you're dealing with here; it's just a 10.1 inch screen. It doesn't take much to clutter the UI with a lot of menu options, especially when all the UI elements have to be doubled and tripled in size in order to be legible on the tiny screen.
Now, as far as the features of the default Music app, there's plenty to keep most listeners happy. Upon starting the app, in the upper left hand corner you have the ability to sort your music collection by New and recent, Albums, Artists, Songs, Playlists, and Genres. On the right, you can Search through all of your music, refining your results by the previously mentioned sort categories. Once you choose a specific artist, for instance, you can tap once on the "All songs" option to play all of the artist's selected music, or you can just select one album of theirs to play, either of these options taking you to a list of songs added to the queue. Long press will allow you to add the selected songs to the playlist of your choice. Once in the now playing queue, you can sort the songs by name or by album, or shuffle the whole thing. Then once you finally play a song, the now playing screen allows for toggling shuffle and advanced repeat functions just like what you're used to with other applications. The default player also supports mp3, ogg, and flac, and probably some other formats that I haven't tried yet. The only thing missing is the ability to "star" your music, which is a feature I always saw as pointless.
Seriously, why would you even bother with third party music apps at this point?
And what about the microSD slot on the tablet? I'm planning to get a 32GB A-DATA - will it work normally like with my Desire?
rtadams89 said:
Documents to Go works well (given the limitations of the input methods, screen size, etc.)
Printign is a major issue. There are paid apps that I hear do printing OK, but they require a server program to run on a computer already connected to the printer. I have yet to find one that works well with a networked printer (either shared through the native Windows functionality or a dedicated print server).
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printing works well for me, but yes, requires a server at this point -- free app:
I do use it as a laptop replacement. I find that 95% of the time I do not need to go back to my laptop; however, I do miss the ability to have more than one app on the screen at once (chatting and browsing at the same time is annoying). I also miss a full office program. I have tried DTG and polaris, and both work quite well by comparison to other office apps, but are not a replacement for MS Office or Libreoffice.
I also have a server in the basement for media serving running ESXi 4.1. I have 2 VMs on it: File/media server running ubuntu 11.04 and a windows VM for running various other things like video transcoding. I would not want to do either of those functions on an android tablet either.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk

Tips on making the best of 10GB of storage space when storing music

Tips on making the best of 10GB of storage space when storing music on the HTC One S.
What doesn't work:
1) Dropbox, Google Drive ..... you can store files there but finding and playing them is a bag of hurt because the players are so rudimentary and the music is not cataloged like it is for stock Android player and PowerAMP
2) An OTG USB cable and a 32, 64 or 128GB USB Flash Drive. HTC could have saved this phone for music collections if they had implemented this feature, but they didn't. The microUSB port on the One S doesn't provide power, so for mobile listening of music it really isn't as option even it you hack OTG into your kernel.
3) Wifi based systems. With a bit of effort you could probably get a working system when your phone on your own home network, but chances are you use your phone for music when you are away from home.
The Good News:
The HTC One S has really fast internal memory, a good memory controller and the USB I/O is very fast. If you have a decent computer file transfer very quickly to the phone.
The HTC One S has very good audio quality and a good output.
What You Need
1) Your music collection, most likely quite a bit larger than 10GB
2) Media Monkey Software for your PC computer ( Forget about the HTC Sync software
3) PowerAmp for Android or Stock Android Player (PowerAMP has lyric support and is quite well laid out)
The reason I picked Media Monkey is that it has great cataloging features and a very powerful and customizable file sync with Android devices. My HTC Ones S shows up as a Hero but all the sync functions work. ( I have used this program for years) I am sure most of the other popular player software would work too
What to Do
The nature of the beast is that you are choosing which music to leave behind. If your music isn't cataloged then you can't possibly do this efficiently. This takes a lot of time and is best done as you get new music. You need at least the rating filled in for each track. I also have mood and tempo which really adds to your options. If you don't want to catalog then this advice isn't going to help you so you may as well stop here.
1) Catalog your music in Media Monkey (or other player software)
2) Plug in your HTC One and set to Disk Mode ...... it should show up as a HTC Hero
3) Using Media Monkey, set up a new collection filtered with for tracks having 5 star rating
Presumably you would only want to transfer your best tracks
If you have a smallish collection this may reduce the number of files sufficiently to fit on the HTC One S (skip to 4)
4) Set up another Collection filtered for being added to your library less than 30 days ago
Presumably you would like to listen to your new music
5) Click on the HTC Hero node on the library and select sync options.
6) Select only the above 2 collections for sync
7) Chances are that there are still way too many files to fit into 9GB, so select the option to randomly sync files to your device matching the above filters leaving about 500-1000GB left unused OR just manually pick the artists and albums you want to sync.
8) Autosync the phone (takes about 2 minutes for me)
9) Autosync again once in a while to get a new random set
You could tell Media Monkey to compress the files as they are moved to the player, but this hugely increases the time required for the sync and you may loose album art and lyric support depending on which format you pick.
It is far from a idea solution but it works
Sirandar said:
Tips on making the best of 10GB of storage space when storing music on the HTC One S.
What doesn't work:
1) Dropbox, Google Drive ..... you can store files there but finding and playing them is a bag of hurt because the players are so rudimentary and the music is not cataloged like it is for stock Android player and PowerAMP
2) An OTG USB cable and a 32, 64 or 128GB USB Flash Drive. HTC could have saved this phone for music collections if they had implemented this feature, but they didn't. The microUSB port on the One S doesn't provide power, so for mobile listening of music it really isn't as option even it you hack OTG into your kernel.
3) Wifi based systems. With a bit of effort you could probably get a working system when your phone on your own home network, but chances are you use your phone for music when you are away from home.
The Good News:
The HTC One S has very good audio quality and a good output.
What You Need
1) Your music collection, most likely quite a bit larger than 10GB
2) Media Monkey Software for your PC computer ( Forget about the HTC Sync software
3) PowerAmp for Android or Stock Android Player (PowerAMP has lyric support and is quite well laid out)
The reason I picked Media Monkey is that it has great cataloging features and a very powerful and customizable file sync with Android devices. My HTC Ones S shows up as a Hero but all the sync functions work. ( I have used this program for years) I am sure most of the other popular player software would work too
What to Do
The nature of the beast is that you are choosing which music to leave behind. If your music isn't cataloged then you can't possibly do this efficiently. This takes a lot of time and is best done as you get new music. You need at least the rating filled in for each track. I also have mood and tempo which really adds to your options. If you don't want to catalog then this advice isn't going to help you so you may as well stop here.
1) Catalog your music in Media Monkey (or other player software)
2) Plug in your HTC One and set to Disk Mode ...... it should show up as a HTC Hero
3) Using Media Monkey, set up a new collection filtered with for tracks having 5 star rating
Presumably you would only want to transfer your best tracks
If you have a smallish collection this may reduce the number of files sufficiently to fit on the HTC One S (skip to 4)
4) Set up another Collection filtered for being added to your library less than 30 days ago
Presumably you would like to listen to your new music
5) Click on the HTC Hero node on the library and select sync options.
6) Select only the above 2 collections for sync
7) Chances are that there are still way too many files to fit into 9GB, so select the option to randomly sync files to your device matching the above filters leaving about 500-1000GB left unused OR just manually pick the artists and albums you want to sync.
8) Autosync the phone (takes about 2 minutes for me)
9) Autosync again once in a while to get a new random set
You could tell Media Monkey to compress the files as they are moved to the player, but this hugely increases the time required for the sync and you may loose album art and lyric support depending on which format you pick.
It is far from a idea solution but it works
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Orr you can sync your music to Google Play and stream from there. IF you have the 2GB plan I almost never go over that, plus it only streams it the first play and stays in your cache for replay later. Best Solution for me, at least for Music. After that I have plenty of room for everything else and file With Drop Box and Box and Google Drive.
I usually just convert my files to ~40kbit (VBR quality 0.25) HE-AACv2 files. Unless you really really concentrate, you'll be hard pressed finding any difference between these files and CD quality. And I've got about 6,000 songs in under 7 GB.
I use dbPowerAmp for the conversion, and the Nero AAC codec.
djsubtronic said:
I usually just convert my files to ~40kbit (VBR quality 0.25) HE-AACv2 files. Unless you really really concentrate, you'll be hard pressed finding any difference between these files and CD quality. And I've got about 6,000 songs in under 7 GB.
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Holy jeebus, 40kbit and you cannot tell the difference? Time for some decent headphones or a hearing check!
edscholl said:
Holy jeebus, 40kbit and you cannot tell the difference? Time for some decent headphones or a hearing check!
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Dude, have you even tried HE-AACv2? That codec is pretty legendary. Of course you can tell the difference but it's very barely noticeable. Try it yourself.
djsubtronic said:
Dude, have you even tried HE-AACv2? That codec is pretty legendary. Of course you can tell the difference but it's very barely noticeable. Try it yourself.
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Yup. Very f'in noticeably different at 40kbps.

[Q] Best Audiogalaxy replacement for music streaming

I've been using Audiogalaxy for a while, but that's dead now . I'm looking for a good free set of software that will replace it.
I want something that streams music from my computer, as opposed to the cloud, mainly because I do use Google Play Music a bit and it's tedious at updating tags and files. (Long story, known issue).
I've looked at subsonic, but am not a terribly huge fan, and they require a license on the server that they call a "donation". Looked at Tonido, but they also want money for you to "share" more than 2gb of music that you will be streaming from your own computer (right..... no thanks). Plex might work, but the UI is pretty terrible, and I've had poor results with the streaming when using it for videos.
Google Music would be excellent, but as I said, the sync is kind of lousy. I've got a large collection and I'm re-cataloging it, fixing tags, etc. AFAIK, I'd have to delete everything and re-upload it to get it to update.
I have a similar issue I have a little over 300 gig of music, their isn't a server out there that can allow me to put 300 gig in the cloud without me paying money I need something that I can stream right from my computer. Audiogalaxy was awesome! stupid move on their part
Using QuikIO as replacement for AudioGalaxy
I switched to QuikIO on my iPhone/iPad. It works fine for me on 3G/LTE and Wi-Fi. It needs a bit more enhancements for functionality for music but it also supports a lot more media type - video, photo, and document. I would recommend others to give it a try.
johnnylivingston said:
I switched to QuikIO on my iPhone/iPad. It works fine for me on 3G/LTE and Wi-Fi. It needs a bit more enhancements for functionality for music but it also supports a lot more media type - video, photo, and document. I would recommend others to give it a try.
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They don't have an android app yet
I found out about a media server app for pc called Serviio. It works really well to stream music, movies, and pictures over a mobile connection using 2 apps for android called ServiiGo and Serviidroid. Setup is pretty easy, try that out and good luck!
oh but unfortunately you can't scrobble to if thats something you are also looking to do.

